/* * SphericalPolarCoordinates.java * * Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Alexei Drummond, Andrew Rambaut and Marc Suchard * * This file is part of BEAST. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership and licensing. * * BEAST is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * BEAST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with BEAST; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package dr.geo.math; import dr.evolution.continuous.Contrastable; public class SphericalPolarCoordinates implements Contrastable { /** * Create spherical polar coordinates from the given vector */ public SphericalPolarCoordinates(Vector3D v) { this(v, v.modulus()); } /** * Create spherical polar coordinates from the given vector */ public SphericalPolarCoordinates(Vector3D v, double newRadius) { radius = v.modulus(); theta = Math.acos(v.getZ()/radius); phi = Math.atan(v.getY()/v.getX()); if (v.getY() < 0) phi += Math.PI; radius = newRadius; } /** * Create spherical polar coordinates from given latitude and longitude */ public SphericalPolarCoordinates(double latitude, double longitude) { this(latitude,longitude,VOLUMETRIC_RADIUS_OF_EARTH); } public SphericalPolarCoordinates(double latitude, double longitude, double radius) { this.radius = radius; theta = (90.0-latitude)*Math.PI/180.0; if (longitude < 0) longitude += 360; phi = longitude * Math.PI/180; } public Vector3D getCartesianCoordinates() { double x = radius * Math.sin(theta) * Math.cos(phi); double y = radius * Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(phi); double z = radius * Math.cos(theta); return new Vector3D(x, y, z); } /** * @return the latitude of these spherical polar coordinates in degrees. */ public double getLatitude() { return 90 - (theta * 180.0 / Math.PI); } /** * @return the longitude of these spherical polar coordinates in degrees. */ public double getLongitude() { double degrees = phi * 180.0 / Math.PI; if (degrees > 180.0) { degrees -= 360; } return degrees; } /** * @return the angle (along the great circle) between this position and the given position. */ public double angle(SphericalPolarCoordinates B) { Vector3D v1 = getCartesianCoordinates().normalized(); Vector3D v2 = B.getCartesianCoordinates().normalized(); double sinAngle = v1.cross(v2).modulus(); double cosAngle = v1.dot(v2); double angle = Math.atan2(sinAngle, cosAngle); return angle; } /** * @return the great circle distance between this position and the given position. */ public double distance(SphericalPolarCoordinates B) { return angle(B) * radius; } /** * @return the mid point of the two positions. */ public static SphericalPolarCoordinates getMidpoint(SphericalPolarCoordinates A, SphericalPolarCoordinates B) { return interpolate(A, B, 0.5); } /** * alpha = 0 implies returning A, alpha = 1 implies returning B * @return a point between the two positions. */ public static SphericalPolarCoordinates interpolate(SphericalPolarCoordinates A, SphericalPolarCoordinates B, double alpha) { Vector3D from = A.getCartesianCoordinates().normalized(); Vector3D to = B.getCartesianCoordinates().normalized(); double cosang = from.dot(to); if (cosang < 0) { cosang = -cosang; to.negate(); System.out.println("Argg"); } double fracFrom, fracTo; if (cosang > (0.999995) ) { // small angle limit fracFrom = alpha; fracTo = 1.0-alpha; } else { // normal case double ang = Math.acos( cosang ); fracFrom = Math.sin( alpha * ang); fracTo = Math.sin( (1.0-alpha) * ang ); } Vector3D inbetween = from.mul(fracFrom).add(to.mul(fracTo)).normalized(); return new SphericalPolarCoordinates(inbetween, A.getRadius()); } public double getRadius() { return radius; } public String toString() { return toLatLongString(); //return "polarCoordinates[theta="+theta+", phi=" + phi + ", r=" + radius + "]"; } public String toLatLongString() { double lat1 = getLatitude(); double long1 = getLongitude(); String latSuffix = " N"; if (lat1 < 0) { lat1 = -lat1; latSuffix = " S"; } String longSuffix = " E"; if (long1 < 0) { long1 = -long1; longSuffix = " W"; } return lat1 + latSuffix + ", " + long1 + longSuffix; } public static void main(String[] args) { double latitude1 = 66.0; double longitude1 = -174.0; double latitude2 = 64.0; double longitude2 = -142.0; SphericalPolarCoordinates p1 = new SphericalPolarCoordinates(latitude1, longitude1); SphericalPolarCoordinates p2 = new SphericalPolarCoordinates(latitude2, longitude2); SphericalPolarCoordinates p1a = new SphericalPolarCoordinates(p1.getCartesianCoordinates()); SphericalPolarCoordinates p2a = new SphericalPolarCoordinates(p2.getCartesianCoordinates()); System.out.println("point1="+p1.toLatLongString()); System.out.println("point2="+p2.toLatLongString()); System.out.println("point1_test="+p1a.toLatLongString()); System.out.println("point2_test="+p2a.toLatLongString()); System.out.println("distance=" + p1.distance(p2) + " kilometres"); System.out.println("midpoint=" + getMidpoint(p1, p2).toLatLongString()); } //************************************************************************ // Contrastable interface //************************************************************************ public double getDifference(Contrastable spc) { if (spc instanceof SphericalPolarCoordinates) { return distance((SphericalPolarCoordinates)spc); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a spherical polar coordinate"); } public Contrastable getWeightedMean(double weight1, Contrastable spc1, double weight2, Contrastable spc2) { double alpha = weight1 / (weight1 + weight2); if (spc1 instanceof SphericalPolarCoordinates && spc2 instanceof SphericalPolarCoordinates) { return interpolate((SphericalPolarCoordinates)spc1, (SphericalPolarCoordinates)spc2, alpha); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a spherical polar coordinate"); } //************************************************************************ // Private members //************************************************************************ // angle off of north pole (0 to pi) private double theta = 0.0; // angle east of greenwich (0 to 2*pi) private double phi = 0.0; // radius private double radius = 1.0; private static double VOLUMETRIC_RADIUS_OF_EARTH = 6371.0; }