/* * TransmissionDemographicModel.java * * Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Alexei Drummond, Andrew Rambaut and Marc Suchard * * This file is part of BEAST. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership and licensing. * * BEAST is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * BEAST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with BEAST; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package dr.evomodel.transmission; import dr.evolution.coalescent.ConstantPopulation; import dr.evolution.coalescent.DemographicFunction; import dr.evomodel.coalescent.DemographicModel; import dr.evoxml.util.XMLUnits; import dr.inference.model.Parameter; import dr.xml.*; /** * A demographic model for within patient evolution in a transmission history. * * @author Alexei Drummond * @author Andrew Rambaut * @version $Id: TransmissionDemographicModel.java,v 1.7 2005/05/24 20:25:58 rambaut Exp $ */ public class TransmissionDemographicModel extends DemographicModel { // // Public stuff // public static String TRANSMISSION_MODEL = "transmissionModel"; public static String CONSTANT = "constant"; public static String EXPONENTIAL = "exponential"; public static String LOGISTIC = "logistic"; public static String POPULATION_SIZE = "populationSize"; public static String ANCESTRAL_PROPORTION = "ancestralProportion"; public static String GROWTH_RATE = "growthRate"; public static String DOUBLING_TIME = "doublingTime"; /** * Construct demographic model with default settings */ public TransmissionDemographicModel(int model, Parameter N0Parameter, Parameter N1Parameter, Parameter growthRateParameter, Parameter doublingTimeParameter, Type units) { this(TRANSMISSION_MODEL, model, N0Parameter, N1Parameter, growthRateParameter, doublingTimeParameter, units); } /** * Construct demographic model with default settings */ public TransmissionDemographicModel(String name, int model, Parameter N0Parameter, Parameter N1Parameter, Parameter growthRateParameter, Parameter doublingTimeParameter, Type units) { super(name); this.model = model; if (model == 0) { hostDemographic = new ConstantPopulation(units); } else if (model == 1) { hostDemographic = new TransmissionExponentialGrowth(units); } else if (model == 2) { hostDemographic = new TransmissionLogisticGrowth(units); } if (N0Parameter != null) { this.N0Parameter = N0Parameter; addVariable(N0Parameter); N0Parameter.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0.0, 1)); } if (N1Parameter != null) { this.N1Parameter = N1Parameter; addVariable(N1Parameter); N1Parameter.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds(1.0, 0.0, 1)); } if (growthRateParameter != null) { this.growthRateParameter = growthRateParameter; addVariable(growthRateParameter); growthRateParameter.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0.0, 1)); } if (doublingTimeParameter != null) { this.doublingTimeParameter = doublingTimeParameter; addVariable(doublingTimeParameter); doublingTimeParameter.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0.0, 1)); } setUnits(units); } public DemographicFunction getDemographicFunction() { throw new RuntimeException("getDemographicFunction not used for TransmissionDemographicModel"); } protected int getIndexFromHost(int host) { return 0; } // Attempting to get the transmission model to be host-specific public DemographicFunction getDemographicFunction(double transmissionTime, double donorSize, int host) { final int index = getIndexFromHost(host); if (model == 0) { // constant double N0 = N0Parameter.getParameterValue(index); ((ConstantPopulation) hostDemographic).setN0(N0); } else if (model == 1) { // exponential double N1 = N1Parameter.getParameterValue(index); ((TransmissionDemographicFunction) hostDemographic).setTransmissionTime(transmissionTime); ((TransmissionDemographicFunction) hostDemographic).setDonorSize(donorSize); ((TransmissionDemographicFunction) hostDemographic).setBottleNeckProportion(N1); if (growthRateParameter != null) { double r = growthRateParameter.getParameterValue(index); ((TransmissionExponentialGrowth) hostDemographic).setGrowthRate(r); } else { double d = doublingTimeParameter.getParameterValue(index); ((TransmissionExponentialGrowth) hostDemographic).setDoublingTime(d); } } else if (model == 2) { // logistic ((TransmissionDemographicFunction) hostDemographic).setTransmissionTime(transmissionTime); ((TransmissionDemographicFunction) hostDemographic).setDonorSize(donorSize); double N0 = N0Parameter.getParameterValue(index); ((TransmissionLogisticGrowth) hostDemographic).setN0(N0); double N1 = N1Parameter.getParameterValue(index); ((TransmissionDemographicFunction) hostDemographic).setBottleNeckProportion(N1); if (growthRateParameter != null) { double r = growthRateParameter.getParameterValue(index); ((TransmissionLogisticGrowth) hostDemographic).setGrowthRate(r); } else { double d = doublingTimeParameter.getParameterValue(index); ((TransmissionLogisticGrowth) hostDemographic).setDoublingTime(d); } } return hostDemographic; } /** * Parses an element from an DOM document into a ExponentialGrowth. */ public static XMLObjectParser PARSER = new AbstractXMLObjectParser() { public String getParserName() { return TRANSMISSION_MODEL; } public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException { Type units = XMLUnits.Utils.getUnitsAttr(xo); int model = 0; Parameter N0Param = null; Parameter N1Param = null; Parameter rParam = null; Parameter dParam = null; if (xo.hasChildNamed(CONSTANT)) { XMLObject cxo = (XMLObject) xo.getChild(CONSTANT); N0Param = (Parameter) cxo.getElementFirstChild(POPULATION_SIZE); model = 0; } else if (xo.hasChildNamed(EXPONENTIAL)) { XMLObject cxo = (XMLObject) xo.getChild(EXPONENTIAL); N1Param = (Parameter) cxo.getElementFirstChild(ANCESTRAL_PROPORTION); if (cxo.hasChildNamed(GROWTH_RATE)) { rParam = (Parameter) cxo.getElementFirstChild(GROWTH_RATE); } else { dParam = (Parameter) cxo.getElementFirstChild(DOUBLING_TIME); } model = 1; } else if (xo.hasChildNamed(LOGISTIC)) { XMLObject cxo = (XMLObject) xo.getChild(LOGISTIC); N0Param = (Parameter) cxo.getElementFirstChild(POPULATION_SIZE); N1Param = (Parameter) cxo.getElementFirstChild(ANCESTRAL_PROPORTION); if (cxo.hasChildNamed(GROWTH_RATE)) { rParam = (Parameter) cxo.getElementFirstChild(GROWTH_RATE); } else { dParam = (Parameter) cxo.getElementFirstChild(DOUBLING_TIME); } model = 2; } return new TransmissionDemographicModel(model, N0Param, N1Param, rParam, dParam, units); } //************************************************************************ // AbstractXMLObjectParser implementation //************************************************************************ public String getParserDescription() { return "A SiteModel that has a gamma distributed rates across sites"; } public Class getReturnType() { return TransmissionDemographicModel.class; } public XMLSyntaxRule[] getSyntaxRules() { return rules; } private XMLSyntaxRule[] rules = new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ XMLUnits.UNITS_RULE, new XORRule( new ElementRule(CONSTANT, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ new ElementRule(POPULATION_SIZE, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{new ElementRule(Parameter.class)}, "This parameter represents the carrying capacity (maximum population size). " + "If the shape is very large then the current day population size will be very close to the carrying capacity."), } ), new XORRule( new ElementRule(EXPONENTIAL, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ new XORRule( new ElementRule(GROWTH_RATE, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{new ElementRule(Parameter.class)}, "This parameter determines the rate of growth during the exponential phase. See exponentialGrowth for details."), new ElementRule(DOUBLING_TIME, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{new ElementRule(Parameter.class)}, "This parameter determines the doubling time at peak growth rate.")), new ElementRule(ANCESTRAL_PROPORTION, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{new ElementRule(Parameter.class)}, "This parameter determines the populaation size at transmission.") } ), new ElementRule(LOGISTIC, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ new ElementRule(POPULATION_SIZE, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{new ElementRule(Parameter.class)}, "This parameter represents the carrying capacity (maximum population size). " + "If the shape is very large then the current day population size will be very close to the carrying capacity."), new XORRule( new ElementRule(GROWTH_RATE, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{new ElementRule(Parameter.class)}, "This parameter determines the rate of growth during the exponential phase. See exponentialGrowth for details."), new ElementRule(DOUBLING_TIME, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{new ElementRule(Parameter.class)}, "This parameter determines the doubling time at peak growth rate.")), new ElementRule(ANCESTRAL_PROPORTION, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{new ElementRule(Parameter.class)}, "This parameter determines the populaation size at transmission.") } ) ) ) }; }; private abstract class TransmissionDemographicFunction extends DemographicFunction.Abstract { public TransmissionDemographicFunction(Type units) { super(units); } public void setDonorSize(double donorSize) { this.donorSize = donorSize; } public void setTransmissionTime(double transmissionTime) { this.transmissionTime = transmissionTime; } public abstract void setBottleNeckProportion(double prop); protected double transmissionTime; protected double donorSize; } private class TransmissionExponentialGrowth extends TransmissionDemographicFunction { public TransmissionExponentialGrowth(Type units) { super(units); } public void setGrowthRate(double r) { this.r = r; } public void setDoublingTime(double doublingTime) { setGrowthRate(Math.log(2) / doublingTime); } public void setBottleNeckProportion(double prop) { this.N1 = prop * donorSize; } // Implementation of abstract methods public double getDemographic(double t) { return N1 * Math.exp(-r * (t - transmissionTime)); } public double getIntegral(double start, double finish) { double t1 = start - transmissionTime; double t2 = finish - transmissionTime; double integral = ((Math.exp(t2 * r) - 1.0) / N1 / r) - ((Math.exp(t1 * r) - 1.0) / N1 / r); return integral; } public double getIntensity(double t) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public double getInverseIntensity(double x) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public int getNumArguments() { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public String getArgumentName(int n) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public double getArgument(int n) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public void setArgument(int n, double value) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public double getLowerBound(int n) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public double getUpperBound(int n) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public DemographicFunction getCopy() { TransmissionExponentialGrowth t = new TransmissionExponentialGrowth(getUnits()); t.r = r; t.N1 = N1; t.transmissionTime = transmissionTime; t.donorSize = donorSize; return t; } private double r; private double N1; } private class TransmissionLogisticGrowth extends TransmissionDemographicFunction { public TransmissionLogisticGrowth(Type units) { super(units); } public void setGrowthRate(double r) { this.r = r; } public void setDoublingTime(double doublingTime) { setGrowthRate(Math.log(2) / doublingTime); } public void setBottleNeckProportion(double prop) { this.N1 = prop * donorSize; } public void setN0(double N0) { this.N0 = N0; } public double getN0() { return N0; } // Implementation of abstract methods public double getDemographic(double t) { double common = Math.exp(-r * (t - transmissionTime - (Math.log(1.0 / ((N0 / N1) - 1.0)) / r))); return (N0 * common) / (1.0 + common); } public double getIntegral(double start, double finish) { double g = finish - start; double t = start - transmissionTime - (Math.log(1.0 / ((N0 / N1) - 1.0)) / r); double eMinusRT = Math.exp(-r * t); double eMinusRG = Math.exp(-r * g); double integral = (g / N0) + ((1 - eMinusRG) / (N0 * eMinusRT * r * eMinusRG)); // double integral2 = getNumericalIntegral(start, finish); // if (Math.abs(integral - integral2) > 1E-8) { // System.err.println("Numerical integration failed: " + integral + " (truth=" + integral2 + ")"); // //throw new RuntimeException("Numerical integration failed: " + integral + " (truth=" + integral2 + ")"); // } return integral; } public double getIntensity(double t) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public double getInverseIntensity(double x) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public int getNumArguments() { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public String getArgumentName(int n) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public double getArgument(int n) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public void setArgument(int n, double value) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public double getLowerBound(int n) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public double getUpperBound(int n) { throw new RuntimeException("Function not used"); } public DemographicFunction getCopy() { TransmissionLogisticGrowth t = new TransmissionLogisticGrowth(getUnits()); t.N0 = N0; t.r = r; t.N1 = N1; t.transmissionTime = transmissionTime; t.donorSize = donorSize; return t; } private double N0; private double r; private double N1; } // // protected stuff // Parameter N0Parameter = null; Parameter N1Parameter = null; Parameter growthRateParameter = null; Parameter doublingTimeParameter = null; DemographicFunction hostDemographic = null; int model = 0; }