/* * RateIndicatorBF.java * * Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Alexei Drummond, Andrew Rambaut and Marc Suchard * * This file is part of BEAST. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership and licensing. * * BEAST is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * BEAST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with BEAST; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package dr.app.phylogeography.tools; import dr.app.tools.TimeSlicer; import dr.app.util.Arguments; import dr.util.HeapSort; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.output.Format; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * @author Philippe Lemey * @author Andrew Rambaut * @author Marc A. Suchard * @author Matthew Hall */ public class RateIndicatorBF { public static final String LOCATIONSFILE = "locationsfile"; public static final String HELP = "help"; public static final String BURNIN = "burnin"; public static final String KML = "kml"; public static final String PMEAN = "pmean"; public static final String POFFSET = "poffset"; public static final String ISTRING = "istring"; public static final String RSTRING = "rstring"; public static final String PSTRING = "pstring"; public static final String FSTRING = "fstring"; public static final String CSTRING = "cstring"; public static final String USTRING = "ustring"; public static final String LOWCOLOR = "lowcolor"; public static final String UPCOLOR = "upcolor"; public static final String CALCULATERATES = "calculaterates"; public static final String WIDTH = "width"; public static final String KMLFILE = "kmlfile"; public static final String BFCUTOFF = "bfcutoff"; public static final String ICUTOFF = "icutoff"; public static final String LOCATIONSTATES = "locationstates"; public static final String BWC = "bwc"; public static final String BWM = "bwm"; public static final String ALTITUDE = "altitude"; private double[] expectedRateIndicators; private boolean nonreversible = false; protected String[][] locations; // contains locations and their coordinates protected String[][] locationNames; // contains start and end locations for transitions protected double[][] longitudes; // contains start and end longitudes for transitions protected double[][] latitudes; // contains start and end latitudes for transitions protected String[][] supportedLocations; // contains start and end locations for transitions protected double[][] supportedLongitudes; // contains start and end longitudes for transitions protected double[][] supportedLatitudes; // contains start and end latitudes for transitions protected double[] supportedBFs; protected double[] supportedRateIndicators; protected double[] supportedActualRates; private double[] meanQMatrix; private boolean bayesFactor; private String inputFileName; private int burnin; private double cutoff; private double meanPoissonPrior; private int offsetPoissonPrior; private String rateIndicatorString; private String actualRateString; private String relativeRateString; private String clockRateString; private String frequencyString; private String unitString; private int generationCount; protected int stateCount; private int rateCount; protected boolean calculateRates; private int[][] columnNumberLookup; public static final String[] falseTrue = new String[] {"false","true"}; protected static PrintStream progressStream = System.out; private static final String commandName = "rateIndicatorBF"; public static void printUsage(Arguments arguments) { arguments.printUsage(commandName, "<input-file-name> [<output-file-name>]"); progressStream.println(); progressStream.println(" Example: " + commandName + " indicator.log rates.out"); progressStream.println(); } public RateIndicatorBF(String inputFileName, int burnin, String rateIndicatorString, int numberOfStates, String[][] locations, boolean bayesFactor, double cutoff, double meanPoissonPrior, int offsetPoissonPrior, String actualRateString, String relativeRateString, String frequencyString, String clockRateString, String unitString, boolean calculateRates) { //count the number of states in the RateIndicatorLog file generationCount = getGenerationCount(inputFileName); //find the first rateIndicator in the RateIndicatorLog file int firstRateIndicator = getFirstEntryOf(inputFileName, rateIndicatorString); //progressStream.println("first rateIndicator is at column "+firstRateIndicator); //count the rateIndicators in the RateIndicatorLog file rateCount = getNumberOfEntries(inputFileName, firstRateIndicator, rateIndicatorString); if (numberOfStates > 0) { stateCount = numberOfStates; progressStream.println("number of states provided = "+stateCount); } else { stateCount = locations.length; progressStream.println("number of states in coordinates file = "+stateCount); } this.inputFileName = inputFileName; this.burnin = burnin; this.bayesFactor = bayesFactor; this.cutoff = cutoff; this.meanPoissonPrior = meanPoissonPrior; this.offsetPoissonPrior = offsetPoissonPrior; this.rateIndicatorString = rateIndicatorString; this.actualRateString = actualRateString; this.relativeRateString = relativeRateString; this.clockRateString = clockRateString; this.frequencyString = frequencyString; this.unitString = unitString; this.calculateRates = calculateRates; if (rateCount != ((stateCount*(stateCount-1.0))/2.0)) { if (rateCount == (stateCount*(stateCount-1.0))) { progressStream.println("K*(K-1) rateIndicators, with K = "+ stateCount+". " + "So, nonreversible matrix!"); nonreversible = true; } else { System.err.println("the number of rateIndicators ("+rateCount+") does not match " + "(K*(K-1)/2) states ("+((stateCount*(stateCount-1.0))/2.0)+"; with K " + "= "+stateCount+")."); } } //The following just makes life easier... columnNumberLookup = new int[stateCount][stateCount]; int columnCount=0; for(int row=0; row<stateCount; row++){ for(int column=0; column<stateCount; column++){ if(row==column){ columnNumberLookup[row][column]=-1; } else if(row<column){ columnNumberLookup[row][column]=columnCount; columnCount++; } } } for(int column=0; column<stateCount; column++){ for(int row=0; row<stateCount; row++){ if(row>column){ columnNumberLookup[row][column]=columnCount; columnCount++; } } } // so now we know the dimension of the rateIndicator array if ((generationCount - burnin)< 10) { System.err.println("With burn-in = "+burnin+", there are only "+(generationCount - burnin)+" state(s) in " + "indicator log file??"); } double[][] rateIndicators = new double[((generationCount - 1)-burnin)][rateCount]; fill2DArray(inputFileName, rateIndicators, burnin, firstRateIndicator, rateCount); expectedRateIndicators = meanCol(rateIndicators); int ratesOfInterest = !nonreversible && calculateRates ? rateCount*2 : rateCount; //compile locations locationNames = new String [ratesOfInterest][2]; longitudes = new double [ratesOfInterest][2]; latitudes = new double [ratesOfInterest][2]; this.locations = locations; compileLocations(locations,locationNames,latitudes,longitudes); if(calculateRates){ double[][] QMatrices = getQMatrices(); meanQMatrix = meanCol(QMatrices); } supportedRateIndicators = getSupportedRateIndicators(); } //Diagonal entries in the Q matrices are omitted for obvious reasons. Note that if the frequencies are not equal //then the Q matrix is not symmetric even if the rates are. private double[][] getQMatrices() { int firstRateIndicator = getFirstEntryOf(inputFileName, rateIndicatorString); double[][] rateIndicators = new double[((generationCount - 1) - burnin)][rateCount]; fill2DArray(inputFileName, rateIndicators, burnin, firstRateIndicator, rateCount); boolean containsClockRate = hasEntryOf(inputFileName, clockRateString); double[] clockRates = new double[(generationCount - 1) - burnin]; int clockColumn = getFirstEntryOf(inputFileName, clockRateString); if (!containsClockRate) { progressStream.println("WARNING: No overall clock rate entry found. Rates will be given assuming one " + "transition (of any sort) per unit time; variation in clock rates will not be accounted for!"); Arrays.fill(clockRates, 1); } else { fill1DArray(inputFileName, clockRates, burnin, clockColumn); } //boolean to see it the rateLog contains productStatistics, if not, we make 'em ourselves boolean containsActualRates = hasEntryOf(inputFileName, actualRateString); double[][] actualRates = new double[((generationCount - 1) - burnin)][rateCount]; if (!containsActualRates) { // if there are no actualRate entries, we will look for the relative rates instead int firstRelativeRate = getFirstEntryOf(inputFileName, relativeRateString); fill2DArray(inputFileName, actualRates, burnin, firstRelativeRate, rateCount); for (int i = 0; i < actualRates.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < actualRates[i].length; j++) { actualRates[i][j] = actualRates[i][j] * rateIndicators[i][j]; } } } else { int firstActualRate = getFirstEntryOf(inputFileName, actualRateString); fill2DArray(inputFileName, actualRates, burnin, firstActualRate, rateCount); } //Double up the actual rate matrix for a nonreversible model - separate entries are needed for both directions if (!nonreversible) { double[][] tempActualRates = new double[((generationCount - 1) - burnin)][actualRates[0].length * 2]; for (int gen = 0; gen < (generationCount - 1) - burnin; gen++) { for (int col = 0; col < actualRates[0].length; col++) { tempActualRates[gen][col] = actualRates[gen][col]; tempActualRates[gen][actualRates[0].length + col] = actualRates[gen][col]; } } actualRates = tempActualRates; } boolean containsFrequencies = hasEntryOf(inputFileName, frequencyString); double[][] frequencies = new double[((generationCount - 1) - burnin)][stateCount]; if (!containsFrequencies) { progressStream.println("No state frequencies recorded; assuming all equal."); for (int i = 0; i < ((generationCount - 1) - burnin); i++) { Arrays.fill(frequencies[i], (1 / (double) stateCount)); } } else { int firstFrequency = getFirstEntryOf(inputFileName, frequencyString); fill2DArray(inputFileName, frequencies, burnin, firstFrequency, stateCount); } double[][] QMatrixEntries = new double[((generationCount - 1) - burnin)][nonreversible ? rateCount : rateCount * 2]; for (int generation = 0; generation < (generationCount - 1) - burnin; generation++) { double normalisationConstant = 0; for (int row = 0; row < stateCount; row++) { double rowSum = 0; for (int column = 0; column < stateCount; column++) { int dataColumn = columnNumberLookup[row][column]; if (dataColumn != -1) { double unnormalisedMatrixEntry = actualRates[generation][dataColumn] * frequencies[generation][column]; QMatrixEntries[generation][dataColumn] = unnormalisedMatrixEntry; rowSum += unnormalisedMatrixEntry; } } normalisationConstant += rowSum * frequencies[generation][row]; } //normalise to one transition per unit time and multiply by the clock rate for (int row = 0; row < stateCount; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < stateCount; column++) { int dataColumn = columnNumberLookup[row][column]; if (dataColumn != -1) { QMatrixEntries[generation][dataColumn] = QMatrixEntries[generation][dataColumn] * clockRates[generation] / normalisationConstant; } } } } return QMatrixEntries; } private double[] getSupportedRateIndicators(){ int indicatorCounter = 0; // If the indicators are symmetric but the frequencies aren't equal, you still need to retrieve rates in // both directions (if you're interested in the rates at all). So the array of rates needs to be doubled up. double[] expectedIndicatorsTemp; if(!nonreversible && calculateRates){ expectedIndicatorsTemp = new double[expectedRateIndicators.length*2]; for(int i=0; i< expectedRateIndicators.length; i++){ expectedIndicatorsTemp[i] = expectedRateIndicators[i]; expectedIndicatorsTemp[expectedRateIndicators.length+i] = expectedRateIndicators[i]; } } else { expectedIndicatorsTemp = expectedRateIndicators; } for (double indicator : expectedIndicatorsTemp) { if (!bayesFactor) { if (indicator > cutoff) { indicatorCounter++; } } else { if (indicator > getBayesFactorCutOff(cutoff, meanPoissonPrior, offsetPoissonPrior, stateCount, nonreversible)) { indicatorCounter++; } } } double[] supportedIndicators = new double[indicatorCounter]; supportedBFs = new double[indicatorCounter]; supportedLocations = new String[indicatorCounter][2]; supportedLatitudes = new double[indicatorCounter][2]; supportedLongitudes = new double[indicatorCounter][2]; supportedActualRates = new double[indicatorCounter]; int[] indices = new int[expectedIndicatorsTemp.length]; HeapSort.sort(expectedIndicatorsTemp, indices); int fillCount = 0; for (int o = 0; o < expectedIndicatorsTemp.length; o++){ //we order rate indicators in decreasing order double indicator = expectedIndicatorsTemp[indices[expectedIndicatorsTemp.length - o - 1]]; double BF = getBayesFactor(indicator, meanPoissonPrior, stateCount, offsetPoissonPrior, nonreversible, 0); if (BF == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { BF = getBayesFactor(indicator, meanPoissonPrior, stateCount, offsetPoissonPrior, nonreversible, generationCount); } double threshold = (bayesFactor ? getBayesFactorCutOff(cutoff, meanPoissonPrior, offsetPoissonPrior, stateCount, nonreversible) : cutoff); if (indicator > threshold) { supportedIndicators[fillCount] = indicator; supportedBFs[fillCount] = BF; supportedLocations[fillCount][0] = locationNames[indices[(expectedIndicatorsTemp.length - o - 1)]][0]; supportedLocations[fillCount][1] = locationNames[indices[(expectedIndicatorsTemp.length - o - 1)]][1]; supportedLatitudes[fillCount][0] = latitudes[indices[(expectedIndicatorsTemp.length - o - 1)]][0]; supportedLatitudes[fillCount][1] = latitudes[indices[(expectedIndicatorsTemp.length - o - 1)]][1]; supportedLongitudes[fillCount][0] = longitudes[indices[(expectedIndicatorsTemp.length - o - 1)]][0]; supportedLongitudes[fillCount][1] = longitudes[indices[(expectedIndicatorsTemp.length - o - 1)]][1]; if(calculateRates){ supportedActualRates[fillCount] = meanQMatrix[indices[(expectedIndicatorsTemp.length - o - 1)]]; } fillCount ++; } } return supportedIndicators; } private void compileLocations(String[][] locations, String[][] locationNames, double[][] latitudes, double[][] longitudes){ //begin of new code int elementCounter = 0; int secondCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (stateCount - 1); i++) { secondCounter ++; for (int j = secondCounter; j < stateCount; j++) { if (locations != null) { locationNames[elementCounter][0] = locations[i][0]; longitudes[elementCounter][0] = Double.parseDouble(locations[i][2]); latitudes[elementCounter][0] = Double.parseDouble(locations[i][1]); locationNames[elementCounter][1] = locations[j][0]; longitudes[elementCounter][1] = Double.parseDouble(locations[j][2]); latitudes[elementCounter][1] = Double.parseDouble(locations[j][1]); } else { locationNames[elementCounter][0] = "location"+(i+1); longitudes[elementCounter][0] = Double.NaN; latitudes[elementCounter][0] = Double.NaN; locationNames[elementCounter][1] = "location"+(j+1); longitudes[elementCounter][1] = Double.NaN; latitudes[elementCounter][1] = Double.NaN; } elementCounter ++; } } // for nonreversible models, we keep on filling the arrays if (nonreversible||calculateRates) { for (int k = 0; k < elementCounter; k++) { locationNames[elementCounter + k][0] = locationNames[k][1]; longitudes[elementCounter + k][0] = longitudes[k][1]; latitudes[elementCounter + k][0] = latitudes[k][1]; locationNames[elementCounter + k][1] = locationNames[k][0]; longitudes[elementCounter + k][1] = longitudes[k][0]; latitudes[elementCounter + k][1] = latitudes[k][0]; } } } public void outputKML(String KMLoutputFile, String lowerLinkColor, String upperLinkColor, double branchWidthConstant, double branchWidthMultiplier, double altitudeFactor){ double divider = 100; PrintStream resultsStream = System.out; if (KMLoutputFile != null) { try { resultsStream = new PrintStream(new File(KMLoutputFile)); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error opening file: "+KMLoutputFile); System.exit(-1); } } Element rootElement = new Element("kml"); Element documentElement = new Element("Document"); Element folderElement = new Element("Folder"); Element documentNameElement = new Element("name"); documentNameElement.addContent(KMLoutputFile); documentElement.addContent(documentNameElement); List<Element> schema = new ArrayList<Element>(); Element locationSchema = new Element("Schema"); locationSchema.setAttribute("id", "Locations_Schema"); locationSchema.addContent(new Element("SimpleField") .setAttribute("name", "Name") .setAttribute("type", "string")); locationSchema.addContent(new Element("SimpleField") .setAttribute("name", "In") .setAttribute("type", "number")); locationSchema.addContent(new Element("SimpleField") .setAttribute("name", "Out") .setAttribute("type", "number")); locationSchema.addContent(new Element("SimpleField") .setAttribute("name", "Total") .setAttribute("type", "number")); Element ratesSchema = new Element("Schema"); ratesSchema.setAttribute("id", "Rates_Schema"); ratesSchema.addContent(new Element("SimpleField") .setAttribute("name", "Name") .setAttribute("type", "string")); ratesSchema.addContent(new Element("SimpleField") .setAttribute("name", "BF") .setAttribute("type", "double")); ratesSchema.addContent(new Element("SimpleField") .setAttribute("name", "Indicator") .setAttribute("type", "double")); if(calculateRates){ ratesSchema.addContent(new Element("SimpleField") .setAttribute("name", "meanRate") .setAttribute("type", "double")); } schema.add(ratesSchema); documentElement.addContent(schema); Element folderNameElement = new Element("name"); String cutoffString; if (bayesFactor) { cutoffString = "bayes factor"; } else { cutoffString = "indicator"; } folderNameElement.addContent("discrete rates with "+cutoffString+" larger than "+cutoff); folderElement.addContent(folderNameElement); double[] minMax = new double[2]; if (supportedRateIndicators.length > 0) { minMax[0] = supportedRateIndicators[supportedRateIndicators.length - 1]; minMax[1] = supportedRateIndicators[0]; } else { minMax[0] = minMax[1] = 0; System.err.println("No rate indicators above the specified cut-off!"); } // for (int p = 0; p < supportedRateIndicators.length; p++){ // addRateAndStyle(supportedRateIndicators[p], supportedLongitudes[p][0], supportedLatitudes[p][0], supportedLongitudes[p][1], supportedLatitudes[p][1], p+1, branchWidthConstant, branchWidthMultiplier, minMax, altitudeFactor, divider, lowerLinkColor, upperLinkColor, folderElement, documentElement); // } for (int p = 0; p < supportedRateIndicators.length; p++){ if(calculateRates){ addRateWithData(supportedRateIndicators[p], supportedBFs[p], supportedActualRates[p], supportedLocations[p][0], supportedLocations[p][1], supportedLongitudes[p][0], supportedLatitudes[p][0], supportedLongitudes[p][1], supportedLatitudes[p][1], p+1, folderElement); } else { addRateWithData(supportedRateIndicators[p], supportedBFs[p], supportedLocations[p][0], supportedLocations[p][1], supportedLongitudes[p][0], supportedLatitudes[p][0], supportedLongitudes[p][1], supportedLatitudes[p][1], p+1, folderElement); } } //add locations Element folder2Element = new Element("Folder"); Element folderName2Element = new Element("name"); folderName2Element.addContent("Locations"); folder2Element.addContent(folderName2Element); addLocations(folder2Element); documentElement.addContent(folder2Element); documentElement.addContent(folderElement); rootElement.addContent(documentElement); XMLOutputter xmlOutputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat().setTextMode(Format.TextMode.PRESERVE)); try { xmlOutputter.output(rootElement,resultsStream); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("IO Exception encountered: "+e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } } private void addLocations(Element folderElement){ for (String[] location : locations) { Element placemarkElement = new Element("Placemark"); Element placemarkNameElement = new Element("name"); placemarkNameElement.addContent(location[0]); placemarkElement.addContent(placemarkNameElement); int inCount = 0; int outCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < supportedRateIndicators.length; j++) { if (supportedLocations[j][0].equals(location[0])) { inCount++; } if (supportedLocations[j][1].equals(location[0])) { outCount++; } } int totalCount = inCount + outCount; Element data = new Element("ExtendedData"); Element schemaData = new Element("SchemaData"); schemaData.setAttribute("schemaUrl", "#Location_Schema"); schemaData.addContent(new Element("SimpleData").setAttribute("name", "Name").addContent(location[0])); schemaData.addContent(new Element("SimpleData").setAttribute("name", "In").addContent(Integer.toString(inCount))); schemaData.addContent(new Element("SimpleData").setAttribute("name", "Out").addContent(Integer.toString(outCount))); schemaData.addContent(new Element("SimpleData").setAttribute("name", "Total").addContent(Integer.toString(totalCount))); data.addContent(schemaData); placemarkElement.addContent(data); Element pointElement = new Element("Point"); Element altitude = new Element("altitudeMode"); altitude.addContent("relativeToGround"); pointElement.addContent(altitude); Element coordinates = new Element("coordinates"); coordinates.addContent(location[2] + "," + location[1] + ",0"); pointElement.addContent(coordinates); placemarkElement.addContent(pointElement); folderElement.addContent(placemarkElement); } } private void addRateAndStyle(double rateIndicator, double startLongitude, double startLatitude, double endLongitude, double endLatitude, int number, double branchWidthConstant, double branchWidthMultiplier, double[] minAndMaxRateIndicator, double altitudeFactor, double divider, String lowerLinkColor, String upperLinkColor, Element folderElement, Element documentElement) { String opacity = "FF"; double distance = (3958*Math.PI*Math.sqrt((endLatitude-startLatitude)*(endLatitude-startLatitude) +Math.cos(endLatitude/57.29578)*Math.cos(startLatitude/57.29578) *(endLongitude-startLongitude)*(endLongitude-startLongitude))/180); double maxAltitude = distance*altitudeFactor; double latitudeDifference = endLatitude - startLatitude; double longitudeDifference = endLongitude - startLongitude; boolean longitudeBreak = false; //if we go through the 180 if (endLongitude*startLongitude < 0) { double trialDistance = 0; if (endLongitude < 0) { trialDistance += (endLongitude + 180); trialDistance += (180 - startLongitude); //System.out.println(parentLongitude+"\t"+longitude+"\t"+trialDistance+"\t"+longitudeDifference); } else { trialDistance += (startLongitude + 180); trialDistance += (180 - endLongitude); //System.out.println(parentLongitude+"\t"+longitude+"\t"+trialDistance+"\t"+longitudeDifference); } if (trialDistance < Math.abs(longitudeDifference)) { longitudeDifference = trialDistance; longitudeBreak = true; //System.out.println("BREAK!"+longitudeDifference); } } Element styleElement = new Element("Style"); styleElement.setAttribute("id","rate"+number+"_style"); Element lineStyle = new Element("LineStyle"); Element width = new Element("width"); width.addContent(Double.toString(branchWidthConstant+branchWidthMultiplier*rateIndicator)); Element color = new Element("color"); String colorString = TimeSlicer.getKMLColor(rateIndicator,minAndMaxRateIndicator,lowerLinkColor,upperLinkColor); color.addContent(opacity+colorString); lineStyle.addContent(width); lineStyle.addContent(color); styleElement.addContent(lineStyle); documentElement.addContent(styleElement); double currentLongitude1 = 0; //we need this if we go through the 180 double currentLongitude2 = 0; //we need this if we go through the 180 for (int a = 0; a < divider; a ++) { Element placemarkElement = new Element("Placemark"); Element placemarkNameElement = new Element("name"); String name = "rate"+number+"_part"+(a+1); placemarkNameElement.addContent(name); placemarkElement.addContent(placemarkNameElement); Element placemarkStyleElement = new Element("styleUrl"); placemarkStyleElement.addContent("#rate"+number+"_style"); placemarkElement.addContent(placemarkStyleElement); Element lineStringElement = new Element("LineString"); Element altitudeMode = new Element("altitudeMode"); altitudeMode.addContent("relativeToGround"); lineStringElement.addContent(altitudeMode); Element tessellate = new Element("tessellate"); tessellate.addContent("1"); lineStringElement.addContent(tessellate); Element coordinatesElement = new Element("coordinates"); StringBuffer coordinatesStartBuffer = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer coordinatesEndBuffer = new StringBuffer(); if (longitudeBreak) { if (startLongitude > 0) { currentLongitude1 = startLongitude+a*(longitudeDifference/divider); if (currentLongitude1 < 180) { coordinatesStartBuffer.append(currentLongitude1+","); //System.out.println("1 currentLongitude1 < 180\t"+currentLongitude1+"\t"+longitude); } else { coordinatesStartBuffer.append((-180-(180-currentLongitude1))+","); //System.out.println("2 currentLongitude1 > 180\t"+currentLongitude1+"\t"+(-180-(180-currentLongitude1))+"\t"+longitude); } } else { currentLongitude1 = startLongitude-a*(longitudeDifference/divider); if (currentLongitude1 > (-180)) { coordinatesStartBuffer.append(currentLongitude1+","); //System.out.println("currentLongitude1 > -180\t"+currentLongitude1+"\t"+longitude); } else { coordinatesStartBuffer.append((180+(currentLongitude1+180))+","); //System.out.println("currentLongitude1 > -180\t"+(180+(currentLongitude1+180))+"\t"+longitude); } } } else { coordinatesStartBuffer.append((startLongitude+a*(longitudeDifference/divider))+","); } coordinatesStartBuffer.append((startLatitude+a*(latitudeDifference/divider))+"," +(maxAltitude*Math.sin(Math.acos(1 - a*(1.0/(divider/2.0)))))); if (longitudeBreak) { if (startLongitude > 0) { currentLongitude2 = startLongitude+(a+1)*(longitudeDifference/divider); if (currentLongitude2 < 180) { coordinatesEndBuffer.append((currentLongitude2)+","); } else { coordinatesEndBuffer.append((-180-(180-currentLongitude2))+","); } } else { currentLongitude2 = startLongitude-(a+1)*(longitudeDifference/divider); if (currentLongitude2 > (-180)) { coordinatesEndBuffer.append(currentLongitude2+","); } else { coordinatesEndBuffer.append((180+(currentLongitude2+180))+","); } } } else { coordinatesEndBuffer.append((startLongitude+(a+1)*(longitudeDifference/divider))+","); } coordinatesEndBuffer.append((startLatitude+(a+1)*(latitudeDifference/divider))+"," +(maxAltitude*Math.sin(Math.acos(1 - (a+1)*(1.0/(divider/2.0)))))); coordinatesElement.addContent(coordinatesStartBuffer.toString()); coordinatesElement.addContent(" "); coordinatesElement.addContent(coordinatesEndBuffer.toString()); lineStringElement.addContent(coordinatesElement); placemarkElement.addContent(lineStringElement); folderElement.addContent(placemarkElement); } } private Element addRateWithData(double rateIndicator, double BF, String fromLocation, String toLocation, double startLongitude, double startLatitude, double endLongitude, double endLatitude, int number, Element folderElement) { Element placemarkElement = new Element("Placemark"); Element placemarkNameElement = new Element("name"); String name = "rate"+number; placemarkNameElement.addContent(name); placemarkElement.addContent(placemarkNameElement); Element data = new Element("ExtendedData"); Element schemaData = new Element("SchemaData"); schemaData.setAttribute("schemaUrl", "#Rate_Schema"); schemaData.addContent(new Element("SimpleData").setAttribute("name", "Name").addContent(name)); schemaData.addContent(new Element("SimpleData").setAttribute("name", "From").addContent(fromLocation)); schemaData.addContent(new Element("SimpleData").setAttribute("name", "To").addContent(toLocation)); schemaData.addContent(new Element("SimpleData").setAttribute("name", "BF").addContent(Double.toString(BF))); schemaData.addContent(new Element("SimpleData").setAttribute("name", "Indicator").addContent(Double.toString(rateIndicator))); data.addContent(schemaData); placemarkElement.addContent(data); Element lineStringElement = new Element("LineString"); Element altitudeMode = new Element("altitudeMode"); altitudeMode.addContent("clampToGround"); lineStringElement.addContent(altitudeMode); Element tessellate = new Element("tessellate"); tessellate.addContent("1"); lineStringElement.addContent(tessellate); Element coordinatesElement = new Element("coordinates"); coordinatesElement.addContent(startLongitude + "," + startLatitude + " " + endLongitude + "," + endLatitude); lineStringElement.addContent(coordinatesElement); placemarkElement.addContent(lineStringElement); folderElement.addContent(placemarkElement); return placemarkElement; } // the actual rate version of this method private Element addRateWithData(double rateIndicator, double BF, double actualRate, String fromLocation, String toLocation, double startLongitude, double startLatitude, double endLongitude, double endLatitude, int number, Element folderElement) { Element placemarkElement = addRateWithData(rateIndicator, BF, fromLocation, toLocation, startLongitude, startLatitude, endLongitude, endLatitude, number, folderElement); Element data = placemarkElement.getChild("ExtendedData"); Element schemaData = data.getChild("SchemaData"); schemaData.addContent(new Element("SimpleData").setAttribute("name", "meanRate").addContent(Double.toString(actualRate))); return placemarkElement; } public void outputTextFile(String outFileName) { // double[] minMax = new double[2]; // minMax[0] = supportedRateIndicators[0]; // minMax[1] = supportedRateIndicators[supportedRateIndicators.length - 1]; try { PrintWriter outFile; if (outFileName != null) { outFile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outFileName), true); } else { outFile = new PrintWriter(System.out); } //sort expected rateIndicator if (bayesFactor) { outFile.println("Indicator cutoff (for BF = "+cutoff+") = "+getBayesFactorCutOff(cutoff, meanPoissonPrior, offsetPoissonPrior, stateCount, nonreversible)); } else { outFile.println("Indicator cutoff = "+cutoff); } outFile.println("mean Poisson Prior = "+meanPoissonPrior); outFile.println("Poisson Prior offset = "+offsetPoissonPrior); for (int o = 0; o < supportedRateIndicators.length; o++){ outFile.print( "I="+supportedRateIndicators[o]+"\tBF"); double BF = getBayesFactor(supportedRateIndicators[o], meanPoissonPrior, stateCount, offsetPoissonPrior, nonreversible, 0); if (BF == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { outFile.print(">"+getBayesFactor(supportedRateIndicators[o], meanPoissonPrior, stateCount, offsetPoissonPrior, nonreversible, generationCount)); } else { outFile.print("="+BF); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" : between ") .append(supportedLocations[o][0]); if (!Double.isNaN(supportedLongitudes[o][0])) { sb.append(" (long: ") .append(supportedLongitudes[o][0]) .append("; lat: ") .append(supportedLatitudes[o][0]) .append(")"); } sb.append(" and ") .append(supportedLocations[o][1]); if (!Double.isNaN(supportedLongitudes[o][1])) { sb.append(" (long: ") .append(supportedLongitudes[o][1]) .append("; lat: ") .append(supportedLatitudes[o][1]) .append(")"); } if(calculateRates){ sb.append(" with mean rate of transition ") .append(supportedActualRates[o]) .append(" per ") .append(unitString); } outFile.print(sb.toString()); outFile.println(); } outFile.close(); } catch(IOException io) { System.err.print("Error writing to file: " + outFileName); } } private static double getBayesFactor(double meanIndicator, double meanPoissonPrior, int numberOfLocations, int offset, boolean nonreversible, double generations) { double bayesFactor = 0; double priorProbabilityDenominator = 0; int numberOfRatesMultiplier = 2; priorProbabilityDenominator = meanPoissonPrior + offset; if (nonreversible) numberOfRatesMultiplier = 1; double priorProbability = priorProbabilityDenominator/((numberOfLocations*(numberOfLocations-1))/numberOfRatesMultiplier); double priorOdds = priorProbability/(1.0 - priorProbability); double posteriorProbability = meanIndicator; double posteriorOdds; if (generations > 0) { posteriorOdds = (posteriorProbability - (1/generations))/(1 - (posteriorProbability - (1/generations))); } else { posteriorOdds = posteriorProbability/(1 - posteriorProbability); } bayesFactor = posteriorOdds/priorOdds; return bayesFactor; } private static double getBayesFactorCutOff(double bayesFactor, double meanPoissonPrior, int offset, int numberOfLocations, boolean nonreversible) { double bayesFactorCutoff = 0; double posteriorOdds = 0; int numberOfRatesMultiplier = 2; if (nonreversible) numberOfRatesMultiplier = 1; double priorProbability = (meanPoissonPrior + offset)/((numberOfLocations*(numberOfLocations-1))/numberOfRatesMultiplier); double priorOdds = priorProbability/(1.0 - priorProbability); posteriorOdds = priorOdds*bayesFactor; bayesFactorCutoff = posteriorOdds/(1.0 + posteriorOdds); return bayesFactorCutoff; } private static double[] meanCol(double[][] x) { double[] returnArray = new double[x[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < x[0].length; i++) { double m = 0.0; int len = 0; for (int j = 0; j < x.length; j++) { m += x[j][i]; len += 1; } returnArray[i] = m / (double) len; } return returnArray; } private static void fill1DArray(String logFileName, double[] array, int burnin, int element){ try { BufferedReader arrayReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(logFileName)); String currentLine = arrayReader.readLine(); while (currentLine.startsWith("#")) { currentLine = arrayReader.readLine(); } // skip the headers in the rateIndicator file while (currentLine.startsWith("state")) { currentLine = arrayReader.readLine(); } double currentElement; int linesRead = 0; //skip burnin while (linesRead < burnin){ currentLine = arrayReader.readLine(); linesRead ++; } int rowCounter = 0; while (currentLine!= null && !arrayReader.equals("")) { int startCounter = 1; StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(currentLine); currentElement = Double.parseDouble(tokens.nextToken()); //skip until we encounter rateIndicators while (startCounter < element) { currentElement = Double.parseDouble(tokens.nextToken()); startCounter ++; } // read the value array[rowCounter] = currentElement; rowCounter ++; currentLine = arrayReader.readLine(); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error reading " + logFileName); System.exit(1); } } private static void fill2DArray(String logFileName, double[][] array, int burnin, int firstElement, int numberOfItems){ try { BufferedReader arrayReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(logFileName)); String currentLine = arrayReader.readLine(); while (currentLine.startsWith("#")) { currentLine = arrayReader.readLine(); } // skip the headers in the rateIndicator file while (currentLine.startsWith("state")) { currentLine = arrayReader.readLine(); } double currentElement; int linesRead = 0; //skip burnin while (linesRead < burnin){ currentLine = arrayReader.readLine(); linesRead ++; } int rowCounter = 0; while (currentLine!= null && !arrayReader.equals("")) { int columnCounter = 0; int startCounter = 1; int columnOfInterestCounter = 0; StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(currentLine); currentElement = Double.parseDouble(tokens.nextToken()); //skip until we encounter rateIndicators while (startCounter < firstElement) { currentElement = Double.parseDouble(tokens.nextToken()); startCounter ++; } // read all rateIndicators while (columnOfInterestCounter < numberOfItems) { array[rowCounter][columnCounter] = currentElement; columnCounter ++; columnOfInterestCounter ++; if (columnOfInterestCounter < numberOfItems) { currentElement = Double.parseDouble(tokens.nextToken()); } } rowCounter ++; currentLine = arrayReader.readLine(); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error reading " + logFileName); System.exit(1); } } private static int getNumberOfEntries(String file, int firstRateIndicator, String rateIndicatorString) { int numberOfRateIndicators = 0; try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String current3 = reader.readLine(); //skip comment lines while (current3.startsWith("#")) { current3 = reader.readLine(); } String rateIndicator = null; int startCounter = 1; StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(current3); rateIndicator = tokens.nextToken(); //find first rateIndicator.. while (startCounter < firstRateIndicator) { rateIndicator = tokens.nextToken(); startCounter ++; } // and continue counting from thereon while(rateIndicator.contains(rateIndicatorString)) { rateIndicator = tokens.nextToken(); numberOfRateIndicators ++; } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error reading " + file); System.exit(1); } return numberOfRateIndicators; } private static boolean hasEntryOf(String file, String entryString) { boolean hasEntry = false; try { BufferedReader reader2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String current2 = reader2.readLine(); //skip comment lines while (current2.startsWith("#")) { current2 = reader2.readLine(); } String parameter1 = null; StringTokenizer tokens1 = new StringTokenizer(current2); while(tokens1.hasMoreTokens()) { parameter1 = tokens1.nextToken(); if (parameter1.contains(entryString)) { hasEntry = true; } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error reading " + file); System.exit(1); } return hasEntry; } private static int getFirstEntryOf(String file, String entryString) { int firstRateIndicator = 1; try { BufferedReader reader2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String current2 = reader2.readLine(); //skip comment lines while (current2.startsWith("#")) { current2 = reader2.readLine(); } String parameter1 = null; StringTokenizer tokens1 = new StringTokenizer(current2); parameter1 = tokens1.nextToken(); while(!parameter1.contains(entryString)) { parameter1 = tokens1.nextToken(); firstRateIndicator ++; } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error reading " + file); System.exit(1); } return firstRateIndicator; } private static int getGenerationCount(String file) { int states = 0; try { BufferedReader reader1 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String current1 = reader1.readLine(); while (current1 != null && !reader1.equals("")) { while (current1.startsWith("#")) { current1 = reader1.readLine(); } current1 = reader1.readLine(); states++; } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error reading " + file); System.exit(1); } return states; } protected static int[] countLinesAndTokens(String coordinatesFileString){ int lineCounter = 0; int tokenCounter = 0; int[] container = new int[2]; try{ BufferedReader reader1 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(coordinatesFileString)); String current1 = reader1.readLine(); while (current1 != null && !reader1.equals("")) { lineCounter++; if (lineCounter == 1) { StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(current1); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { tokenCounter++; tokens.nextToken(); } } current1 = reader1.readLine(); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error reading " + coordinatesFileString); System.exit(1); } container[0] = lineCounter; container[1] = tokenCounter; return container; } protected static void readLocationsCoordinates(String coordinatesFileString, String[][] locationsAndCoordinates){ try { BufferedReader reader2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(coordinatesFileString)); String current2 = reader2.readLine(); int counter2 = 0; while (current2 != null && !reader2.equals("")) { StringTokenizer tokens2 = new StringTokenizer(current2); for (int i = 0; i < locationsAndCoordinates[0].length; i++) { locationsAndCoordinates[counter2][i] = tokens2.nextToken(); progressStream.print(locationsAndCoordinates[counter2][i]+"\t"); } progressStream.print("\r"); counter2 ++; current2 = reader2.readLine(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String inputFileName = null; String outputFileName = null; String locationsFileName = null; String[][] locations = null; boolean kml = false; boolean calculateRates = false; String lowerLinkColor = "FFFFFF"; //red: 0000FF green: 00FF00 magenta: FF00FF white: FFFFFF yellow: 00FFFF cyan: FFFF00 String upperLinkColor = "FF00FF"; String KMLoutputFile = "KMLrates.kml"; double branchWidthConstant = 2.5; double branchWidthMultiplier = 7.0; double altitudeFactor = 500; //Double width = 3.0; int burnin = -1; double meanPoissonPrior = 0.693; int offsetPoissonPrior = 0; int numberOfStates = 0; double cutoff = 3.0; boolean bayesFactor = true; // if false, we will use an indicator cut off value boolean rateSummary = false; String rateIndicatorString = "indicators"; String actualRateString = "actualRates"; String relativeRateString = "rates"; String frequencyString = "frequencies"; //this is for rate (dist/time) summaries String clockRateString = "clock.rate"; String unitString = "year"; Arguments arguments = new Arguments( new Arguments.Option[]{ new Arguments.IntegerOption(BURNIN, "the number of states to be considered as 'burn-in' " + "[default = 0]"), new Arguments.StringOption(LOCATIONSFILE,"coordinates file","a file with latitudes and " + "longitudes for each location (required for a kml output)"), //boolean for KML new Arguments.StringOption(KML, falseTrue, false, "generate a KML file including well-supported rates [default = false]"), new Arguments.StringOption(CALCULATERATES, falseTrue, false, "calculate the actual rates for well-supported transitions"), new Arguments.IntegerOption(LOCATIONSTATES,"the number of locations states used in the " + "analyses [requires a coordinates file if not provided]"), new Arguments.IntegerOption(POFFSET,"the offset of the (truncated) Poisson prior " + "[default=locations-1]"), new Arguments.RealOption(PMEAN,"the mean of the (truncated) Poisson prior " + "[default=0.693 (log2)]"), new Arguments.RealOption(BFCUTOFF,"the Bayes Factor values above which we consider rates to " + "be well supported [default=3.0]"), new Arguments.RealOption(ICUTOFF,"the indicator values above which we consider rates to be " + "well supported [default uses a Bayes factor cut off of 3.0]"), new Arguments.StringOption(ISTRING, "indicator_string", "prefix string used for outputting " + "the rate indicators in the log file [default = indicators]"), new Arguments.StringOption(RSTRING, "relativeRate_string", "prefix string used for " + "outputting the relative rates in the log file [default = rates]"), new Arguments.StringOption(FSTRING, "frequencies_string", "prefix string used for outputting " + "the state frequencies in the log file [default = frequencies]"), new Arguments.StringOption(PSTRING, "rate*indicator_string", "prefix string used for " + "outputting the product statistic for rates*indicators [default = actualRates]"), new Arguments.StringOption(CSTRING, "clock_rate_string", "string used for outputting " + "the overall clock rate in the log file [default = clock.rate]"), new Arguments.StringOption(USTRING, "units_string", "string describing the time unit" + "[default = year]"), new Arguments.StringOption(KMLFILE,"KML output file","KML output file name " + "[default=KMLrates.kml]"), new Arguments.StringOption(LOWCOLOR, "lower link strength color", "specifies an lower link " + "color for the links [default=FF00FF]"), new Arguments.StringOption(UPCOLOR, "upper link strength color", "specifies an upper link " + "color for the links [default=FFFF00]"), new Arguments.RealOption(BWC,"specifies the connection (rate) width constant [default=2.5]"), new Arguments.RealOption(BWM,"specifies the connection (rate) width multiplier [default=7.0]"), new Arguments.RealOption(ALTITUDE,"specifies the altitude factor for the connections (rate) " + "[default=500]"), //new Arguments.RealOption(WIDTH,"width for KML rates [default=3.0]"), }); try { arguments.parseArguments(args); } catch (Arguments.ArgumentException ae) { progressStream.println(ae); printUsage(arguments); System.exit(1); } if (arguments.hasOption(HELP)) { printUsage(arguments); System.exit(0); } // Make sense of arguments if (arguments.hasOption(BURNIN)) { burnin = arguments.getIntegerOption(BURNIN); } progressStream.println("Ignoring "+burnin+" states as burn-in"); if (arguments.hasOption(LOCATIONSTATES)) { numberOfStates = arguments.getIntegerOption(LOCATIONSTATES); } locationsFileName = arguments.getStringOption(LOCATIONSFILE); if (locationsFileName != null) { int counts[] = countLinesAndTokens(locationsFileName); //System.out.println(counts[0]+"\t"+counts[1]); //read in locations if (numberOfStates > 0) { if (numberOfStates != counts[0]) { System.err.println("number of states provided ("+numberOfStates+") does not match lines in coordinates file ("+counts[0]+") ??"); } } locations = new String[counts[0]][counts[1]]; readLocationsCoordinates(locationsFileName,locations); if (numberOfStates == 0) { numberOfStates = counts[0]; } } else { if (numberOfStates == 0) { System.err.println("no states provided, nor coordinates file ??"); } } String kmlBooleanString = arguments.getStringOption(KML); if (kmlBooleanString != null && kmlBooleanString.compareToIgnoreCase("true") == 0) { kml = true; if (locationsFileName == null) { System.err.println("you want a KML file without a coordinates file??"); } } String ratesBooleanString = arguments.getStringOption(CALCULATERATES); if (ratesBooleanString != null && ratesBooleanString.compareToIgnoreCase("true") == 0) { calculateRates = true; } String kmlFileName = arguments.getStringOption(KMLFILE); if (kmlFileName != null) { KMLoutputFile = kmlFileName; } if (arguments.hasOption(PMEAN)) { meanPoissonPrior = arguments.getRealOption(PMEAN); progressStream.println("Poisson prior with mean "+meanPoissonPrior); } else { progressStream.println("Poisson prior with mean "+meanPoissonPrior+" (default)"); } if (arguments.hasOption(POFFSET)) { offsetPoissonPrior = arguments.getIntegerOption(POFFSET); progressStream.println("Poisson offset = "+offsetPoissonPrior); } else { offsetPoissonPrior = numberOfStates - 1; progressStream.println("Poisson offset = "+offsetPoissonPrior+" (locations - 1)"); } if (arguments.hasOption(BFCUTOFF)) { cutoff = arguments.getRealOption(BFCUTOFF); } if (arguments.hasOption(ICUTOFF)) { cutoff = arguments.getRealOption(ICUTOFF); bayesFactor = false; } if (bayesFactor) { progressStream.println("Bayes factor cutoff = "+cutoff); } else { progressStream.println("indicator factor cutoff = "+cutoff); } if (arguments.hasOption(BWC)) { branchWidthConstant = arguments.getRealOption(BWC); } if (arguments.hasOption(BWM)) { branchWidthMultiplier = arguments.getRealOption(BWM); } if (arguments.hasOption(ALTITUDE)) { altitudeFactor = arguments.getRealOption(ALTITUDE); } String indicatorString = arguments.getStringOption(ISTRING); if (indicatorString != null) { rateIndicatorString = indicatorString; } String rateString = arguments.getStringOption(PSTRING); if (rateString != null) { actualRateString = rateString; } String freqString = arguments.getStringOption(FSTRING); if (freqString != null) { frequencyString = freqString; } String relRateString = arguments.getStringOption(RSTRING); if (relRateString != null) { relativeRateString = relRateString; } String clockString = arguments.getStringOption(CSTRING); if (clockString != null) { clockRateString = clockString; } String color1String = arguments.getStringOption(LOWCOLOR); if (color1String != null) { lowerLinkColor = color1String; if (locationsFileName == null) { System.err.print("color string but no coordinates file for KML output??"); } } String color2String = arguments.getStringOption(UPCOLOR); if (color2String != null) { upperLinkColor = color2String; if (locationsFileName == null) { System.err.print("color string but no coordinates file for KML output??"); } } final String[] args2 = arguments.getLeftoverArguments(); switch (args2.length) { case 0: printUsage(arguments); System.exit(1); case 2: outputFileName = args2[1]; // fall to case 1: inputFileName = args2[0]; break; default: { System.err.println("Unknown option: " + args2[2]); System.err.println(); printUsage(arguments); System.exit(1); } } RateIndicatorBF rateIndicatorBF = new RateIndicatorBF(inputFileName, burnin, rateIndicatorString, numberOfStates, locations, bayesFactor, cutoff, meanPoissonPrior, offsetPoissonPrior, actualRateString, relativeRateString, frequencyString, clockRateString, unitString, calculateRates); rateIndicatorBF.outputTextFile(outputFileName); if (kml) { rateIndicatorBF.outputKML(KMLoutputFile,lowerLinkColor,upperLinkColor, branchWidthConstant, branchWidthMultiplier, altitudeFactor); } System.exit(0); } }