/* Launch4j (http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/) Cross-platform Java application wrapper for creating Windows native executables. Copyright (c) 2004, 2015 Grzegorz Kowal All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Created on Apr 21, 2005 */ package net.sf.launch4j.config; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import net.sf.launch4j.binding.IValidatable; import net.sf.launch4j.binding.Validator; /** * @author Copyright (C) 2005 Grzegorz Kowal */ public class Jre implements IValidatable { // 1.x config properties_____________________________________________________________ public static final String PATH = "jrepath"; public static final String MIN_VERSION = "javamin"; public static final String MAX_VERSION = "javamax"; public static final String ARGS = "jvmArgs"; // __________________________________________________________________________________ public static final String VERSION_PATTERN = "(\\d\\.){2}\\d(_\\d+)?"; public static final String JDK_PREFERENCE_JRE_ONLY = "jreOnly"; public static final String JDK_PREFERENCE_PREFER_JRE = "preferJre"; public static final String JDK_PREFERENCE_PREFER_JDK = "preferJdk"; public static final String JDK_PREFERENCE_JDK_ONLY = "jdkOnly"; public static final String RUNTIME_BITS_64 = "64"; public static final String RUNTIME_BITS_64_AND_32 = "64/32"; public static final String RUNTIME_BITS_32_AND_64 = "32/64"; public static final String RUNTIME_BITS_32 = "32"; private static final String[] JDK_PREFERENCE_NAMES = new String[] { JDK_PREFERENCE_JRE_ONLY, JDK_PREFERENCE_PREFER_JRE, JDK_PREFERENCE_PREFER_JDK, JDK_PREFERENCE_JDK_ONLY }; private static final String[] RUNTIME_BITS_OPTIONS = new String[] { RUNTIME_BITS_64, RUNTIME_BITS_64_AND_32, RUNTIME_BITS_32_AND_64, RUNTIME_BITS_32 }; public static final int DEFAULT_JDK_PREFERENCE_INDEX = Arrays.asList(JDK_PREFERENCE_NAMES).indexOf(JDK_PREFERENCE_PREFER_JRE); public static final int DEFAULT_RUNTIME_BITS_INDEX = Arrays.asList(RUNTIME_BITS_OPTIONS).indexOf(RUNTIME_BITS_64_AND_32); private String path; private boolean bundledJre64Bit; private boolean bundledJreAsFallback; private String minVersion; private String maxVersion; private String jdkPreference; private String runtimeBits; private Integer initialHeapSize; private Integer initialHeapPercent; private Integer maxHeapSize; private Integer maxHeapPercent; private List<String> options; public void checkInvariants() { Validator.checkOptString(minVersion, 10, VERSION_PATTERN, "jre.minVersion", Messages.getString("Jre.min.version")); Validator.checkOptString(maxVersion, 10, VERSION_PATTERN, "jre.maxVersion", Messages.getString("Jre.max.version")); if (Validator.isEmpty(path)) { Validator.checkFalse(bundledJre64Bit, "jre.bundledJre64Bit", Messages.getString("Jre.bundled.64bit.invalid")); Validator.checkFalse(bundledJreAsFallback, "jre.bundledJreAsFallback", Messages.getString("Jre.bundled.fallback.invalid")); Validator.checkFalse(Validator.isEmpty(minVersion), "jre.minVersion", Messages.getString("Jre.specify.jre.min.version.or.path")); } else { Validator.checkString(path, Validator.MAX_PATH, "jre.path", Messages.getString("Jre.bundled.path")); } if (!Validator.isEmpty(maxVersion)) { Validator.checkFalse(Validator.isEmpty(minVersion), "jre.minVersion", Messages.getString("Jre.specify.min.version")); Validator.checkTrue(minVersion.compareTo(maxVersion) < 0, "jre.maxVersion", Messages.getString("Jre.max.greater.than.min")); } Validator.checkTrue(initialHeapSize == null || maxHeapSize != null, "jre.maxHeapSize", Messages.getString("Jre.initial.and.max.heap")); Validator.checkTrue(initialHeapSize == null || initialHeapSize.intValue() > 0, "jre.initialHeapSize", Messages.getString("Jre.initial.heap")); Validator.checkTrue(maxHeapSize == null || (maxHeapSize.intValue() >= ((initialHeapSize != null) ? initialHeapSize.intValue() : 1)), "jre.maxHeapSize", Messages.getString("Jre.max.heap")); Validator.checkTrue(initialHeapPercent == null || maxHeapPercent != null, "jre.maxHeapPercent", Messages.getString("Jre.initial.and.max.heap")); if (initialHeapPercent != null) { Validator.checkRange(initialHeapPercent.intValue(), 1, 100, "jre.initialHeapPercent", Messages.getString("Jre.initial.heap.percent")); } if (maxHeapPercent != null) { Validator.checkRange(maxHeapPercent.intValue(), initialHeapPercent != null ? initialHeapPercent.intValue() : 1, 100, "jre.maxHeapPercent", Messages.getString("Jre.max.heap.percent")); } Validator.checkIn(getJdkPreference(), JDK_PREFERENCE_NAMES, "jre.jdkPreference", Messages.getString("Jre.jdkPreference")); Validator.checkIn(getRuntimeBits(), RUNTIME_BITS_OPTIONS, "jre.runtimeBits", Messages.getString("Jre.runtimeBits")); Validator.checkOptStrings(options, Validator.MAX_ARGS, Validator.MAX_ARGS, "[^\"]*|([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\"[^\"]*)*", "jre.options", Messages.getString("Jre.jvm.options"), Messages.getString("Jre.jvm.options.unclosed.quotation")); // Quoted variable references: "[^%]*|([^%]*\"([^%]*%[^%]+%[^%]*)+\"[^%]*)*" Validator.checkOptStrings(options, Validator.MAX_ARGS, Validator.MAX_ARGS, "[^%]*|([^%]*([^%]*%[^%]+%[^%]*)+[^%]*)*", "jre.options", Messages.getString("Jre.jvm.options"), Messages.getString("Jre.jvm.options.variable")); } /** JVM options */ public List<String> getOptions() { return options; } public void setOptions(List<String> options) { this.options = options; } /** Max Java version (x.x.x) */ public String getMaxVersion() { return maxVersion; } public void setMaxVersion(String maxVersion) { this.maxVersion = maxVersion; } /** Min Java version (x.x.x) */ public String getMinVersion() { return minVersion; } public void setMinVersion(String minVersion) { this.minVersion = minVersion; } /** Preference for standalone JRE or JDK-private JRE */ public String getJdkPreference() { return Validator.isEmpty(jdkPreference) ? JDK_PREFERENCE_PREFER_JRE : jdkPreference; } public void setJdkPreference(String jdkPreference) { this.jdkPreference = jdkPreference; } /** Preference for standalone JRE or JDK-private JRE */ public int getJdkPreferenceIndex() { int x = Arrays.asList(JDK_PREFERENCE_NAMES).indexOf(getJdkPreference()); return x != -1 ? x : DEFAULT_JDK_PREFERENCE_INDEX; } public void setJdkPreferenceIndex(int x) { this.jdkPreference = JDK_PREFERENCE_NAMES[x]; } public String getRuntimeBits() { return Validator.isEmpty(runtimeBits) ? RUNTIME_BITS_64_AND_32 : runtimeBits; } public void setRuntimeBits(String runtimeBits) { this.runtimeBits = runtimeBits; } public int getRuntimeBitsIndex() { int x = Arrays.asList(RUNTIME_BITS_OPTIONS).indexOf(getRuntimeBits()); return x != -1 ? x : DEFAULT_RUNTIME_BITS_INDEX; } public void setRuntimeBitsIndex(int x) { this.runtimeBits = RUNTIME_BITS_OPTIONS[x]; } /** JRE path */ public String getPath() { return path; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; } public boolean getBundledJre64Bit() { return bundledJre64Bit; } public void setBundledJre64Bit(boolean bundledJre64Bit) { this.bundledJre64Bit = bundledJre64Bit; } public boolean getBundledJreAsFallback() { return bundledJreAsFallback; } public void setBundledJreAsFallback(boolean bundledJreAsFallback) { this.bundledJreAsFallback = bundledJreAsFallback; } /** Initial heap size in MB */ public Integer getInitialHeapSize() { return initialHeapSize; } public void setInitialHeapSize(Integer initialHeapSize) { this.initialHeapSize = getInteger(initialHeapSize); } /** Max heap size in MB */ public Integer getMaxHeapSize() { return maxHeapSize; } public void setMaxHeapSize(Integer maxHeapSize) { this.maxHeapSize = getInteger(maxHeapSize); } public Integer getInitialHeapPercent() { return initialHeapPercent; } public void setInitialHeapPercent(Integer initialHeapPercent) { this.initialHeapPercent = getInteger(initialHeapPercent); } public Integer getMaxHeapPercent() { return maxHeapPercent; } public void setMaxHeapPercent(Integer maxHeapPercent) { this.maxHeapPercent = getInteger(maxHeapPercent); } /** Convert 0 to null */ private Integer getInteger(Integer i) { return i != null && i.intValue() == 0 ? null : i; } }