package org.jgroups.util; import org.testng.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * Listener generating XML output suitable to be processed by JUnitReport. * Copied from TestNG ( and modified * * @author Bela Ban */ public class JUnitXMLReporter implements ITestListener, IConfigurationListener2 { protected String output_dir=null; protected static final String XML_DEF="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"; protected static final String CDATA="![CDATA["; protected static final String LT="<"; protected static final String GT=">"; protected static final String SYSTEM_OUT="system-out"; protected static final String SYSTEM_ERR="system-err"; protected static final String TESTS=""; protected static final String STDOUT="stdout.txt"; protected static final String STDERR="stderr.txt"; protected PrintStream old_stdout=System.out; protected PrintStream old_stderr=System.err; protected final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, DataOutputStream> tests=new ConcurrentHashMap<>(100); public static final InheritableThreadLocal<PrintStream> stdout=new InheritableThreadLocal<>(); public static final InheritableThreadLocal<PrintStream> stderr=new InheritableThreadLocal<>(); /** Invoked at the start of the test, before any of the classes in the test are run */ public void onStart(ITestContext context) { output_dir=context.getOutputDirectory(); // Uncomment to delete dir created by previous run of this testsuite File dir=new File(output_dir); if(dir.exists()) deleteContents(dir); try { System.setOut(new MyOutput(1)); System.setErr(new MyOutput(2)); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { } } /** Invoked after all test classes in this test have been run */ public void onFinish(ITestContext context) { try { tests.values().forEach(Util::close); tests.clear(); generateReports(); } catch(IOException e) { error(e.toString()); } finally { System.setOut(old_stdout); System.setErr(old_stderr); } } /* Invoked at the start of each test method in a test class */ public void onTestStart(ITestResult result) { setupStreams(result, true); } /** Invoked each time a test method succeeds */ public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult tr) { onTestCompleted(tr, "OK: ", old_stdout); } public void onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(ITestResult tr) { onTestCompleted(tr, "OK: ",old_stdout); } /** Invoked each time a test method fails */ public void onTestFailure(ITestResult tr) { onTestCompleted(tr, "FAIL: ",old_stderr); } /** Invoked each time a test method is skipped */ public void onTestSkipped(ITestResult tr) { onTestCompleted(tr, "SKIP: ",old_stderr); } public void beforeConfiguration(ITestResult tr) { setupStreams(tr, false); } public void onConfigurationSuccess(ITestResult tr) { closeStreams(); } public void onConfigurationFailure(ITestResult tr) { error("failed config: " + tr.getThrowable()); onTestCompleted(tr, "FAIL: ", old_stderr); } public void onConfigurationSkip(ITestResult tr) { closeStreams(); } protected void onTestCompleted(ITestResult tr, String message, PrintStream out) { Class<?> real_class=tr.getTestClass().getRealClass(); addTest(real_class,tr); print(out,message,real_class.getName(),getMethodName(tr)); closeStreams(); } protected void setupStreams(ITestResult result, boolean printMethodName) { String test_name=result.getTestClass().getName(); File dir=new File(output_dir + File.separator + test_name); if(!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs(); File _tests=new File(dir, TESTS), _stdout=new File(dir, STDOUT), _stderr=new File(dir, STDERR); try { Class<?> clazz=result.getTestClass().getRealClass(); if(!tests.containsKey(clazz)) { DataOutputStream output=new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_tests,true)); DataOutputStream tmp=tests.putIfAbsent(clazz, output); if(tmp != null) { Util.close(output); output=tmp; } } if(stdout.get() == null) stdout.set(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(_stdout, true))); if(stderr.get() == null) stderr.set(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(_stderr, true))); if(printMethodName) stdout.get().println("\n\n------------- " + getMethodName(result) + " -----------"); } catch(IOException e) { error(e.toString()); } } protected static void closeStreams() { Util.close(stdout.get()); stdout.set(null); Util.close(stderr.get()); stderr.set(null); } protected static void print(PrintStream out, String msg, String classname, String method_name) { out.println(msg + "[" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "] " + classname + "." + method_name + "()"); } protected void error(String msg) { old_stderr.println(msg); } protected void println(String msg) { old_stdout.println(msg); } protected void addTest(Class<?> clazz, ITestResult result) { try { TestCase test_case=new TestCase(result.getStatus(), clazz.getName(), getMethodName(result), result.getStartMillis(), result.getEndMillis()); switch(result.getStatus()) { case ITestResult.FAILURE: case ITestResult.SKIP: Throwable ex=result.getThrowable(); if(ex != null) { String failure_type=ex.getClass().getName(); String failure_msg=ex.getMessage(); String stack_trace=printException(ex); test_case.setFailure(failure_type, failure_msg, stack_trace); } else test_case.setFailure("exception", "SKIPPED", null); break; } synchronized(this) { // handle concurrent access by different threads, if test methods are run in parallel DataOutputStream output=tests.get(clazz); test_case.writeTo(output); } } catch(Exception e) { error(e.toString()); } } protected static String getMethodName(ITestResult tr) { String method_name=tr.getMethod().getMethodName(); Object[] params=tr.getParameters(); if(params != null && params.length > 0) { String tmp=null; if(params[0] instanceof Class<?>) tmp=((Class<?>)params[0]).getSimpleName(); else if(params[0] != null) tmp=params[0].getClass().getSimpleName(); if(tmp != null) method_name=method_name + "-" + tmp; } return method_name; } /** Generate the XML report from all the test results */ protected void generateReports() throws IOException { File root_dir=new File(output_dir); if(!root_dir.exists()) throw new IOException(root_dir + " not found"); File[] subdirs=root_dir.listFiles(File::isDirectory); if(subdirs != null) { for(File dir: subdirs) { try { process(dir); } catch(Throwable e) { error(e.toString()); } } } } protected static void process(File dir) throws IOException { File file=new File(dir, TESTS); if(!file.exists()) throw new IOException(file + " not found"); List<TestCase> test_cases=new ArrayList<>(); DataInputStream input=new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); try { for(;;) { TestCase test_case=new TestCase(); try { test_case.readFrom(input); test_cases.add(test_case); } catch(Exception e) { break; } } } finally { Util.close(input); } if(test_cases.isEmpty()) return; Reader stdout_reader=null, stderr_reader=null; File tmp=new File(dir, STDOUT); if(tmp.exists() && tmp.length() > 0) stdout_reader=new FileReader(tmp); tmp=new File(dir, STDERR); if(tmp.exists() && tmp.length() > 0) stderr_reader=new FileReader(tmp); File parent=dir.getParentFile(); File xml_file=new File(parent, "TESTS-" + dir.getName() + "-" + parent.getName() + ".xml"); Writer out=new FileWriter(xml_file); String classname=dir.getName(); String suffix=parent.getName(); if(suffix != null && !suffix.isEmpty()) classname=classname + "-" + suffix; try { generateReport(out, classname, test_cases, stdout_reader, stderr_reader); } finally { Util.close(out, stdout_reader, stderr_reader); } } /** Generate the XML report from all the test results */ protected static void generateReport(Writer out, String classname, List<TestCase> results, Reader stdout, Reader stderr) throws IOException { int num_failures=getFailures(results); int num_skips=getSkips(results); int num_errors=getErrors(results); long total_time=getTotalTime(results); try { out.write(XML_DEF + "\n"); out.write("\n<testsuite " + "name=\"" + classname + "\" " + "tests=\"" + results.size() + "\" " + "failures=\"" + num_failures + "\" " + "errors=\"" + num_errors + "\" " + "skips=\"" + num_skips + "\" " + "time=\"" + (total_time / 1000.0) + "\">"); out.write("\n<properties>"); Properties props=System.getProperties(); for(Map.Entry<Object,Object> tmp: props.entrySet()) { out.write("\n <property name=\"" + tmp.getKey() + "\"" + " value=\"" + tmp.getValue() + "\"/>"); } out.write("\n</properties>\n"); for(TestCase result: results) { if(result == null) continue; try { writeTestCase(out,result); } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } if(stdout != null) writeOutput(1, stdout, out); if(stderr != null) writeOutput(2, stderr, out); } finally { out.write("\n</testsuite>\n"); } } protected static void writeTestCase(Writer out, TestCase result) throws IOException { long time=result.stop_time - result.start_time; // StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); out.write("\n <testcase classname=\"" + result.classname); out.write("\" name=\"" + + "\" time=\"" + (time / 1000.0) + "\">"); switch(result.status) { case ITestResult.FAILURE: String failure=writeFailure("failure", result.failure_type, result.failure_msg, result.stack_trace); if(failure != null) out.write(failure); break; case ITestResult.SKIP: failure=writeFailure("error", result.failure_type, result.failure_msg, result.stack_trace); if(failure != null) out.write(failure); break; } out.write("\n </testcase>\n"); } protected static void writeOutput(int type, Reader in, Writer out) throws IOException { out.write("\n<" + (type == 2? SYSTEM_ERR : SYSTEM_OUT) + "><" + CDATA + "\n"); copy(in, out); out.write("\n]]>"); out.write("\n</" + (type == 2? SYSTEM_ERR : SYSTEM_OUT) + ">"); } protected static String getStatus(TestCase tr) { switch(tr.status) { case ITestResult.SUCCESS: case ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE: return "OK"; case ITestResult.FAILURE: return "FAIL"; case ITestResult.SKIP: return "SKIP"; default: return "UNKNOWN"; } } protected static String writeFailure(String type, String failure_type, String failure_msg, String stack_trace) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\n <" + type + " type=\"").append(failure_type); sb.append("\" message=\"" + escape(failure_msg) + "\">"); if(stack_trace != null) sb.append(stack_trace); sb.append("\n </" + type + ">"); return sb.toString(); } protected static String printException(Throwable ex) throws IOException { if(ex == null) return null; StackTraceElement[] stack_trace=ex.getStackTrace(); StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\n<" + CDATA + "\n"); sb.append(ex.getClass().getName() + " \n"); for(int i=0;i < stack_trace.length;i++) { StackTraceElement frame=stack_trace[i]; sb.append("at " + frame.toString() + " \n"); } sb.append("\n]]>"); return sb.toString(); } protected static String escape(String message) { return message != null? message.replaceAll("<", LT).replaceAll(">", GT) : message; } public static long getTotalTime(Collection<TestCase> results) { long start=0, stop=0; for(TestCase result: results) { if(result == null) continue; long tmp_start=result.start_time, tmp_stop=result.stop_time; if(start == 0) start=tmp_start; else { start=Math.min(start, tmp_start); } if(stop == 0) stop=tmp_stop; else { stop=Math.max(stop, tmp_stop); } } return stop - start; } public static int getFailures(Collection<TestCase> results) { int retval=0; for(TestCase result: results) { if(result != null && result.status == ITestResult.FAILURE) retval++; } return retval; } public static int getErrors(Collection<TestCase> results) { int retval=0; for(TestCase result: results) { if(result != null && result.status != ITestResult.SUCCESS && result.status != ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE && result.status != ITestResult.FAILURE) retval++; } return retval; } public static int getSkips(Collection<TestCase> results) { int retval=0; for(TestCase result: results) { if(result != null && result.status == ITestResult.SKIP) retval++; } return retval; } /** Deletes all files and dirs in dir, but not dir itself */ protected static void deleteContents(File dir) { File[] contents=dir.listFiles(); if(contents != null) { for(File file: contents) { if(file.isDirectory()) { deleteContents(file); file.delete(); } else file.delete(); } } } /** Copies the contents of in into out */ protected static int copy(Reader in, Writer out) { int count=0; char[] buf=new char[1024]; while(true) { try { int, 0, buf.length); if(num == -1) break; out.write(buf, 0, num); count+=num; } catch(IOException e) { break; } } return count; } protected static class MyOutput extends PrintStream { private static final String TMPFILE_NAME; static { if (Util.checkForWindows()) { TMPFILE_NAME = System.getProperty("") + "\\" + "tmp.txt"; } else { TMPFILE_NAME = System.getProperty("") + "/" + "tmp.txt"; } } final int type; public MyOutput(int type) throws FileNotFoundException { super(TMPFILE_NAME); // dummy name this.type=type; if(type != 1 && type != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index has to be 1 or 2"); } public void write(final byte[] b) { String s = new String(b) ; append(s.trim(), false) ; } public void write(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) { String s = new String(b, off, len) ; append(s.trim(), false) ; } public void write(final int b) { append(String.valueOf(b), false) ; } public void flush() { append("", true); } public void println(String s) { append(s, true); } public void print(String s) { append(s, false); } public void print(Object obj) { if(obj != null) append(obj.toString(), false); else append("null", false); } public void println(Object obj) { if(obj != null) append(obj.toString(), true); else append("null", true); } protected synchronized void append(String x, boolean newline) { PrintStream tmp=type == 1? stdout.get() : stderr.get(); if(tmp == null) return; if(newline) tmp.println(x); else tmp.print(x); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { JUnitXMLReporter reporter=new JUnitXMLReporter(); reporter.output_dir="/home/bela/JGroups/tmp/test-results/xml/udp"; reporter.generateReports(); } public static class TestCase implements Streamable { protected int status; protected String classname; protected String name; protected long start_time; protected long stop_time; protected String failure_type; // null: no failure, class of the Throwable protected String failure_msg; // result of Throwable.getMessage() protected String stack_trace; public TestCase() { // needed for externalization } public TestCase(int status, String classname, String name, long start_time, long stop_time) { this.status=status; this.classname=classname;; this.start_time=start_time; this.stop_time=stop_time; } public void setFailure(String failure_type, String failure_msg, String stack_trace) { this.failure_type=failure_type; this.failure_msg=failure_msg; this.stack_trace=stack_trace; } public long getTime() {return stop_time-start_time;} public String toString() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append(statusToString(status)).append(" ").append(classname).append(".").append(name).append(" in ") .append(getTime()).append(" ms"); if(failure_type != null) sb.append("\n" + failure_type).append(" msg=" + failure_msg).append("\n").append(stack_trace); return sb.toString(); } protected static String statusToString(int status) { switch(status) { case ITestResult.SUCCESS: case ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE: return "OK"; case ITestResult.FAILURE: return "FAIL"; case ITestResult.SKIP: return "SKIP"; default: return "N/A"; } } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { out.writeInt(status); Bits.writeString(classname,out); Bits.writeString(name,out); out.writeLong(start_time); out.writeLong(stop_time); Bits.writeString(failure_type,out); Bits.writeString(failure_msg,out); Bits.writeString(stack_trace,out); } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { status=in.readInt(); classname=Bits.readString(in); name=Bits.readString(in); start_time=in.readLong(); stop_time=in.readLong(); failure_type=Bits.readString(in); failure_msg=Bits.readString(in); stack_trace=Bits.readString(in); } } }