package org.jgroups.blocks.cs; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.Global; import org.jgroups.Version; import org.jgroups.nio.Buffers; import org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress; import org.jgroups.util.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * An NIO based impl of {@link Connection} * @author Bela Ban * @since 3.6.5 */ public class NioConnection extends Connection { protected SocketChannel channel; // the channel to the peer protected SelectionKey key; protected final NioBaseServer server; protected final Buffers send_buf; // send messages via gathering writes protected boolean write_interest_set; // set when a send() didn't manage to send all data protected boolean copy_on_partial_write=true; protected int partial_writes; // number of partial writes (write which did not write all bytes) protected final Lock send_lock=new ReentrantLock(); // serialize send() // creates an array of 2: length buffer (for reading the length of the following data buffer) and data buffer // protected Buffers recv_buf=new Buffers(2).add(ByteBuffer.allocate(Global.INT_SIZE), null); protected Buffers recv_buf=new Buffers(4).add(ByteBuffer.allocate(cookie.length)); protected Reader reader=new Reader(); // manages the thread which receives messages protected long reader_idle_time=20000; // number of ms a reader can be idle (no msgs) until it terminates /** Creates a connection stub and binds it, use {@link #connect(Address)} to connect */ public NioConnection(Address peer_addr, NioBaseServer server) throws Exception { this.server=server; if(peer_addr == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameter peer_addr="+ peer_addr); this.peer_addr=peer_addr; send_buf=new Buffers(server.maxSendBuffers() *2); // space for actual bufs and length bufs!; channel.configureBlocking(false); setSocketParameters(channel.socket()); last_access=getTimestamp(); // last time a message was sent or received (ns) } public NioConnection(SocketChannel channel, NioBaseServer server) throws Exception {; this.server=server; setSocketParameters(; channel.configureBlocking(false); send_buf=new Buffers(server.maxSendBuffers() *2); // space for actual bufs and length bufs! this.peer_addr=server.usePeerConnections()? null /* read by first receive() */ : new IpAddress((InetSocketAddress)channel.getRemoteAddress()); last_access=getTimestamp(); // last time a message was sent or received (ns) } @Override public boolean isOpen() { return channel != null && channel.isOpen(); } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return channel != null && channel.isConnected(); } @Override public boolean isExpired(long now) { return server.connExpireTime() > 0 && now - last_access >= server.connExpireTime(); } protected void updateLastAccessed() { if(server.connExpireTime() > 0) last_access=getTimestamp(); } @Override public Address localAddress() { InetSocketAddress local_addr=null; if(channel != null) { try {local_addr=(InetSocketAddress)channel.getLocalAddress();} catch(IOException e) {} } return local_addr != null? new IpAddress(local_addr) : null; } public Address peerAddress() {return peer_addr;} public SelectionKey key() {return key;} public NioConnection key(SelectionKey k) {this.key=k; return this;} public NioConnection copyOnPartialWrite(boolean b) {this.copy_on_partial_write=b; return this;} public boolean copyOnPartialWrite() {return copy_on_partial_write;} public int numPartialWrites() {return partial_writes;} public long readerIdleTime() {return reader_idle_time;} public NioConnection readerIdleTime(long t) {this.reader_idle_time=t; return this;} public boolean readerRunning() {return this.reader.isRunning();} public synchronized void registerSelectionKey(int interest_ops) { if(key == null) return; key.interestOps(key.interestOps() | interest_ops); } public synchronized void clearSelectionKey(int interest_ops) { if(key == null) return; key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & ~interest_ops); } @Override public void connect(Address dest) throws Exception { connect(dest, server.usePeerConnections()); } protected void connect(Address dest, boolean send_local_addr) throws Exception { SocketAddress destAddr=new InetSocketAddress(((IpAddress)dest).getIpAddress(), ((IpAddress)dest).getPort()); try { if(!server.deferClientBinding()) InetSocketAddress(server.clientBindAddress(), server.clientBindPort())); if( != null && throw new IllegalStateException("socket's bind and connect address are the same: " + destAddr); this.key=server.register(channel, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT | SelectionKey.OP_READ, this); if(Util.connect(channel, destAddr) && channel.finishConnect()) { clearSelectionKey(SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT); } if(send_local_addr) sendLocalAddress(server.localAddress()); } catch(Exception t) { close(); throw t; } } @Override public void start() throws Exception { ; // nothing to be done here } @Override public void send(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws Exception { send(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, offset, length)); } /** * Sends a message. If the previous write didn't complete, tries to complete it. If this still doesn't complete, * the message is dropped (needs to be retransmitted, e.g. by UNICAST3 or NAKACK2). * @param buf * @throws Exception */ @Override public void send(ByteBuffer buf) throws Exception { send(buf, true); } public void send() throws Exception { send_lock.lock(); try { boolean success=send_buf.write(channel); writeInterest(!success); if(success) updateLastAccessed(); if(!success) { if(copy_on_partial_write) send_buf.copy(); // copy data on partial write as subsequent writes might corrupt data ( partial_writes++; } } finally { send_lock.unlock(); } } /** Read the length first, then the actual data. This method is not reentrant and access must be synchronized */ public void receive() throws Exception { reader.receive(); } protected void send(ByteBuffer buf, boolean send_length) throws Exception { send_lock.lock(); try { // makeLengthBuffer() reuses the same pre-allocated buffer and copies it only if the write didn't complete if(send_length) send_buf.add(makeLengthBuffer(buf), buf); else send_buf.add(buf); boolean success=send_buf.write(channel); writeInterest(!success); if(success) updateLastAccessed(); if(!success) { if(copy_on_partial_write) send_buf.copy(); // copy data on partial write as subsequent writes might corrupt data ( partial_writes++; } } finally { send_lock.unlock(); } } protected boolean _receive(boolean update) throws Exception { ByteBuffer msg; Receiver receiver=server.receiver(); if(peer_addr == null && server.usePeerConnections() && (peer_addr=readPeerAddress()) != null) { recv_buf=new Buffers(2).add(ByteBuffer.allocate(Global.INT_SIZE), null); server.addConnection(peer_addr, this); return true; } if((msg=recv_buf.readLengthAndData(channel)) == null) return false; if(receiver != null) receiver.receive(peer_addr, msg); if(update) updateLastAccessed(); return true; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { send_lock.lock(); try { if(send_buf.remaining() > 0) { // try to flush send buffer if it still has pending data to send try {send();} catch(Throwable e) {} } Util.close(channel, reader); } finally { send_lock.unlock(); } } public String toString() { InetSocketAddress local=null, remote=null; try {local=channel != null? (InetSocketAddress)channel.getLocalAddress() : null;} catch(Throwable t) {} try {remote=channel != null? (InetSocketAddress)channel.getRemoteAddress() : null;} catch(Throwable t) {} String loc=local == null ? "n/a" : local.getHostString() + ":" + local.getPort(), rem=remote == null? "n/a" : remote.getHostString() + ":" + remote.getPort(); return String.format("<%s --> %s> (%d secs old) [%s] [recv_buf: %d, reader=%b]", loc, rem, TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(getTimestamp() - last_access, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS), status(), recv_buf.get(1) != null? recv_buf.get(1).capacity() : 0, readerRunning()); } protected String status() { if(channel == null) return "n/a"; if(isConnected()) return "connected"; if(channel.isConnectionPending()) return "connection pending"; if(isOpen()) return "open"; return "closed"; } protected long getTimestamp() { return server.timeService() != null? server.timeService().timestamp() : System.nanoTime(); } protected void writeInterest(boolean register) { if(register) { if(!write_interest_set) { write_interest_set=true; registerSelectionKey(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } } else { if(write_interest_set) { write_interest_set=false; clearSelectionKey(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } } } protected void setSocketParameters(Socket client_sock) throws SocketException { try { client_sock.setSendBufferSize(server.sendBufferSize()); } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) { server.log().error("%s: exception setting send buffer to %d bytes: %s", server.localAddress(), server.sendBufferSize(), ex); } try { client_sock.setReceiveBufferSize(server.receiveBufferSize()); } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) { server.log().error("%s: exception setting receive buffer to %d bytes: %s", server.localAddress(), server.receiveBufferSize(), ex); } client_sock.setKeepAlive(true); client_sock.setTcpNoDelay(server.tcpNodelay()); if(server.linger() > 0) client_sock.setSoLinger(true, server.linger()); else client_sock.setSoLinger(false, -1); } protected void sendLocalAddress(Address local_addr) throws Exception { try { int addr_size=local_addr.serializedSize(); int expected_size=cookie.length + Global.SHORT_SIZE*2 + addr_size; ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(expected_size +2); out.write(cookie, 0, cookie.length); out.writeShort(Version.version); out.writeShort(addr_size); // address size local_addr.writeTo(out); ByteBuffer buf=out.getByteBuffer(); send(buf, false); updateLastAccessed(); } catch(Exception ex) { close(); throw ex; } } protected Address readPeerAddress() throws Exception { while( { int current_position=recv_buf.position()-1; ByteBuffer buf=recv_buf.get(current_position); if(buf == null) return null; buf.flip(); switch(current_position) { case 0: // cookie byte[] cookie_buf=getBuffer(buf); if(!Arrays.equals(cookie, cookie_buf)) throw new IllegalStateException("BaseServer.NioConnection.readPeerAddress(): cookie read by " + server.localAddress() + " does not match own cookie; terminating connection"); recv_buf.add(ByteBuffer.allocate(Global.SHORT_SIZE)); break; case 1: // version short version=buf.getShort(); if(!Version.isBinaryCompatible(version)) throw new IOException("packet from " + channel.getRemoteAddress() + " has different version (" + Version.print(version) + ") from ours (" + Version.printVersion() + "); discarding it"); recv_buf.add(ByteBuffer.allocate(Global.SHORT_SIZE)); break; case 2: // length of address short addr_len=buf.getShort(); recv_buf.add(ByteBuffer.allocate(addr_len)); break; case 3: // address byte[] addr_buf=getBuffer(buf); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(addr_buf); IpAddress addr=new IpAddress(); addr.readFrom(in); return addr; default: throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("position %d is invalid", recv_buf.position())); } } return null; } protected static byte[] getBuffer(final ByteBuffer buf) { byte[] retval=new byte[buf.limit()]; buf.get(retval, buf.position(), buf.limit()); return retval; } protected static ByteBuffer makeLengthBuffer(ByteBuffer buf) { return (ByteBuffer)ByteBuffer.allocate(Global.INT_SIZE).putInt(buf.remaining()).clear(); } protected enum State {reading, waiting_to_terminate, done} protected class Reader implements Runnable, Closeable { protected final Lock lock=new ReentrantLock(); // to synchronize receive() and state transitions protected State state=State.done; protected volatile boolean data_available=true; protected final CondVar data_available_cond=new CondVar(); protected volatile Thread thread; protected volatile boolean running; protected void start() { running=true; thread=server.factory.newThread(this, String.format("NioConnection.Reader [%s]", peer_addr)); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); } protected void stop() { running=false; data_available=true; data_available_cond.signal(false); } public void close() throws IOException {stop();} public boolean isRunning() {Thread tmp=thread; return tmp != null && tmp.isAlive();} /** Called by the selector when data is ready to be read from the SocketChannel */ public void receive() { lock.lock(); try { data_available=true; // only a single receive() at a time, until OP_READ is registered again (by the reader thread) clear(SelectionKey.OP_READ); switch(state) { case reading: break; case waiting_to_terminate: data_available_cond.signal(false); // only 1 consumer break; case done: // make sure the selector doesn't wake up for our connection while the reader is reading msgs state=State.reading; start(); break; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public void run() { try { _run(); } finally { register(SelectionKey.OP_READ); } } protected void _run() { final Condition is_data_available=() -> data_available; while(running) { for(;;) { // try to receive as many msgs as possible, until no more msgs are ready or the conn is closed try { if(!_receive(false)) break; } catch(Throwable ex) { server.closeConnection(NioConnection.this, ex); state(State.done); return; } } updateLastAccessed(); // Transition to state waiting_to_terminate and wait for server.readerIdleTime() ms state(State.waiting_to_terminate); data_available=false; register(SelectionKey.OP_READ); // now we might get receive() calls again if(data_available_cond.waitFor(is_data_available, server.readerIdleTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) state(State.reading); else { state(State.done); return; } } } protected void register(int op) { try { registerSelectionKey(op); key.selector().wakeup(); // no-op if the selector is not blocked in select() } catch(Throwable t) { } } protected void clear(int op) { try { clearSelectionKey(op); } catch(Throwable t) { } } protected void state(State st) { lock.lock(); try {this.state=st;} finally {lock.unlock();} } } }