package org.jgroups.protocols; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute; import org.jgroups.annotations.Property; import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol; import org.jgroups.util.*; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import; import; import; /** * Super class of symmetric ({@link SYM_ENCRYPT}) and asymmetric ({@link ASYM_ENCRYPT}) encryption protocols. * @author Bela Ban */ public abstract class Encrypt extends Protocol { protected static final String DEFAULT_SYM_ALGO="AES"; /* ----------------------------------------- Properties -------------------------------------------------- */ @Property(description="Cryptographic Service Provider") protected String provider; @Property(description="Cipher engine transformation for asymmetric algorithm. Default is RSA") protected String asym_algorithm="RSA"; @Property(description="Cipher engine transformation for symmetric algorithm. Default is AES") protected String sym_algorithm=DEFAULT_SYM_ALGO; @Property(description="Initial public/private key length. Default is 512") protected int asym_keylength=512; @Property(description="Initial key length for matching symmetric algorithm. Default is 128") protected int sym_keylength=128; @Property(description="Number of ciphers in the pool to parallelize encrypt and decrypt requests",writable=false) protected int cipher_pool_size=8; @Property(description="If true, the entire message (including payload and headers) is encrypted, else only the payload") protected boolean encrypt_entire_message=true; @Property(description="If true, all messages are digitally signed by adding an encrypted checksum of the encrypted " + "message to the header. Ignored if encrypt_entire_message is false") protected boolean sign_msgs=true; @Property(description="When sign_msgs is true, by default CRC32 is used to create the checksum. If use_adler is " + "true, Adler32 will be used") protected boolean use_adler; @Property(description="Max number of keys in key_map") protected int key_map_max_size=20; protected volatile Address local_addr; protected volatile View view; // Cipher pools used for encryption and decryption. Size is cipher_pool_size protected BlockingQueue<Cipher> encoding_ciphers, decoding_ciphers; // version filed for secret key protected volatile byte[] sym_version; // shared secret key to encrypt/decrypt messages protected volatile Key secret_key; // map to hold previous keys so we can decrypt some earlier messages if we need to protected Map<AsciiString,Cipher> key_map; public int asymKeylength() {return asym_keylength;} public <T extends Encrypt> T asymKeylength(int len) {this.asym_keylength=len; return (T)this;} public int symKeylength() {return sym_keylength;} public <T extends Encrypt> T symKeylength(int len) {this.sym_keylength=len; return (T)this;} public Key secretKey() {return secret_key;} public <T extends Encrypt> T secretKey(Key key) {this.secret_key=key; return (T)this;} public String symAlgorithm() {return sym_algorithm;} public <T extends Encrypt> T symAlgorithm(String alg) {this.sym_algorithm=alg; return (T)this;} public String asymAlgorithm() {return asym_algorithm;} public <T extends Encrypt> T asymAlgorithm(String alg) {this.asym_algorithm=alg; return (T)this;} public byte[] symVersion() {return sym_version;} public <T extends Encrypt> T symVersion(byte[] v) {this.sym_version=Arrays.copyOf(v, v.length); return (T)this;} public <T extends Encrypt> T localAddress(Address addr) {this.local_addr=addr; return (T)this;} public boolean encryptEntireMessage() {return encrypt_entire_message;} public <T extends Encrypt> T encryptEntireMessage(boolean b) {this.encrypt_entire_message=b; return (T)this;} public boolean signMessages() {return this.sign_msgs;} public <T extends Encrypt> T signMessages(boolean flag) {this.sign_msgs=flag; return (T)this;} public boolean adler() {return use_adler;} public <T extends Encrypt> T adler(boolean flag) {this.use_adler=flag; return (T)this;} @ManagedAttribute public String version() {return Util.byteArrayToHexString(sym_version);} public void init() throws Exception { int tmp=Util.getNextHigherPowerOfTwo(cipher_pool_size); if(tmp != cipher_pool_size) { log.warn("%s: setting cipher_pool_size (%d) to %d (power of 2) for faster modulo operation", local_addr, cipher_pool_size, tmp); cipher_pool_size=tmp; } key_map=new BoundedHashMap<>(key_map_max_size); encoding_ciphers=new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(cipher_pool_size); decoding_ciphers=new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(cipher_pool_size); initSymCiphers(sym_algorithm, secret_key); } public Object down(Event evt) { switch(evt.getType()) { case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: handleView(evt.getArg()); break; case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: local_addr=evt.getArg(); break; } return down_prot.down(evt); } public Object down(Message msg) { try { if(secret_key == null) { log.trace("%s: discarded %s message to %s as secret key is null, hdrs: %s", local_addr, msg.dest() == null? "mcast" : "unicast", msg.dest(), msg.printHeaders()); return null; } encryptAndSend(msg); } catch(Exception e) { log.warn("%s: unable to send message down", local_addr, e); } return null; } public Object up(Event evt) { switch(evt.getType()) { case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: handleView(evt.getArg()); break; } return up_prot.up(evt); } public Object up(Message msg) { try { return handleUpMessage(msg); } catch(Exception e) { log.warn("%s: exception occurred decrypting message", local_addr, e); } return null; } public void up(MessageBatch batch) { Cipher cipher=null; try { if(secret_key == null) { log.trace("%s: discarded %s batch from %s as secret key is null", local_addr, batch.dest() == null? "mcast" : "unicast", batch.sender()); return; } BiConsumer<Message,MessageBatch> decrypter=new Decrypter(cipher=decoding_ciphers.take()); batch.forEach(decrypter); } catch(InterruptedException e) { log.error("%s: failed processing batch; discarding batch", local_addr, e); // we need to drop the batch if we for example have a failure fetching a cipher, or else other messages // in the batch might make it up the stack, bypassing decryption! This is not an issue because encryption // is below NAKACK2 or UNICAST3, so messages will get retransmitted return; } finally { if(cipher != null) decoding_ciphers.offer(cipher); } if(!batch.isEmpty()) up_prot.up(batch); } /** Initialises the ciphers for both encryption and decryption using the generated or supplied secret key */ protected synchronized void initSymCiphers(String algorithm, Key secret) throws Exception { if(secret == null) return; encoding_ciphers.clear(); decoding_ciphers.clear(); for(int i=0; i < cipher_pool_size; i++ ) { encoding_ciphers.offer(createCipher(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secret, algorithm)); decoding_ciphers.offer(createCipher(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secret, algorithm)); }; //set the version MessageDigest digest=MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); digest.reset(); digest.update(secret.getEncoded()); byte[] tmp=digest.digest(); sym_version=Arrays.copyOf(tmp, tmp.length); log.debug("%s: created %d symmetric ciphers with secret key (%d bytes)", local_addr, cipher_pool_size, sym_version.length); } protected Cipher createCipher(int mode, Key secret_key, String algorithm) throws Exception { Cipher cipher=provider != null && !provider.trim().isEmpty()? Cipher.getInstance(algorithm, provider) : Cipher.getInstance(algorithm); cipher.init(mode, secret_key); return cipher; } protected Object handleUpMessage(Message msg) throws Exception { EncryptHeader hdr=msg.getHeader(; if(hdr == null) { log.error("%s: received message without encrypt header from %s; dropping it", local_addr, msg.src()); return null; } switch(hdr.type()) { case EncryptHeader.ENCRYPT: return handleEncryptedMessage(msg); default: return handleUpEvent(msg,hdr); } } protected Object handleEncryptedMessage(Message msg) throws Exception { if(!process(msg)) return null; // try and decrypt the message - we need to copy msg as we modify its // buffer ( Message tmpMsg=decryptMessage(null, msg.copy()); // need to copy for possible xmits if(tmpMsg != null) return up_prot.up(tmpMsg); log.warn("%s: unrecognized cipher; discarding message from %s", local_addr, msg.src()); return null; } protected Object handleUpEvent(Message msg, EncryptHeader hdr) { return null; } /** Whether or not to process this received message */ protected boolean process(Message msg) {return true;} protected void handleView(View view) { this.view=view; } protected boolean inView(Address sender, String error_msg) { View curr_view=this.view; if(curr_view == null || curr_view.containsMember(sender)) return true; log.error(error_msg, sender, curr_view); return false; } protected Checksum createChecksummer() {return use_adler? new Adler32() : new CRC32();} /** Does the actual work for decrypting - if version does not match current cipher then tries the previous cipher */ protected Message decryptMessage(Cipher cipher, Message msg) throws Exception { EncryptHeader hdr=msg.getHeader(; if(!Arrays.equals(hdr.version(), sym_version)) { cipher=key_map.get(new AsciiString(hdr.version())); if(cipher == null) { handleUnknownVersion(); return null; } log.trace("%s: decrypting msg from %s using previous cipher version", local_addr, msg.src()); return _decrypt(cipher, msg, hdr); } return _decrypt(cipher, msg, hdr); } protected Message _decrypt(final Cipher cipher, Message msg, EncryptHeader hdr) throws Exception { byte[] decrypted_msg; if(!encrypt_entire_message && msg.getLength() == 0) return msg; if(encrypt_entire_message && sign_msgs) { byte[] signature=hdr.signature(); if(signature == null) { log.error("%s: dropped message from %s as the header did not have a checksum", local_addr, msg.src()); return null; } long msg_checksum=decryptChecksum(cipher, signature, 0, signature.length); long actual_checksum=computeChecksum(msg.getRawBuffer(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength()); if(actual_checksum != msg_checksum) { log.error("%s: dropped message from %s as the message's checksum (%d) did not match the computed checksum (%d)", local_addr, msg.src(), msg_checksum, actual_checksum); return null; } } if(cipher == null) decrypted_msg=code(msg.getRawBuffer(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength(), true); else decrypted_msg=cipher.doFinal(msg.getRawBuffer(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength()); if(!encrypt_entire_message) { msg.setBuffer(decrypted_msg); return msg; } Message ret=Util.streamableFromBuffer(Message.class,decrypted_msg,0,decrypted_msg.length); if(ret.getDest() == null) ret.setDest(msg.getDest()); if(ret.getSrc() == null) ret.setSrc(msg.getSrc()); return ret; } protected void encryptAndSend(Message msg) throws Exception { EncryptHeader hdr=new EncryptHeader(EncryptHeader.ENCRYPT, symVersion()); if(encrypt_entire_message) { if(msg.getSrc() == null) msg.setSrc(local_addr); Buffer serialized_msg=Util.streamableToBuffer(msg); byte[] encrypted_msg=code(serialized_msg.getBuf(),serialized_msg.getOffset(),serialized_msg.getLength(),false); if(sign_msgs) { long checksum=computeChecksum(encrypted_msg, 0, encrypted_msg.length); byte[] checksum_array=encryptChecksum(checksum); hdr.signature(checksum_array); } // exclude existing headers, they will be seen again when we decrypt and unmarshal the msg at the receiver Message tmp=msg.copy(false, false).setBuffer(encrypted_msg).putHeader(,hdr); down_prot.down(tmp); return; } // copy neeeded because same message (object) may be retransmitted -> prevent double encryption Message msgEncrypted=msg.copy(false).putHeader(, hdr); if(msg.getLength() > 0) msgEncrypted.setBuffer(code(msg.getRawBuffer(),msg.getOffset(),msg.getLength(),false)); else { // length is 0 byte[] payload=msg.getRawBuffer(); if(payload != null) // we don't encrypt empty buffers ( msgEncrypted.setBuffer(payload, msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength()); } down_prot.down(msgEncrypted); } protected byte[] code(byte[] buf, int offset, int length, boolean decode) throws Exception { BlockingQueue<Cipher> queue=decode? decoding_ciphers : encoding_ciphers; Cipher cipher=queue.take(); try { return cipher.doFinal(buf, offset, length); } finally { queue.offer(cipher); } } protected long computeChecksum(byte[] input, int offset, int length) { Checksum checksummer=createChecksummer(); checksummer.update(input, offset, length); return checksummer.getValue(); } protected byte[] encryptChecksum(long checksum) throws Exception { byte[] checksum_array=new byte[Global.LONG_SIZE]; Bits.writeLong(checksum, checksum_array, 0); return code(checksum_array, 0, checksum_array.length, false); } protected long decryptChecksum(final Cipher cipher, byte[] input, int offset, int length) throws Exception { byte[] decrypted_checksum; if(cipher == null) decrypted_checksum=code(input, offset, length, true); else decrypted_checksum=cipher.doFinal(input, offset, length); return Bits.readLong(decrypted_checksum, 0); } /* Get the algorithm name from "algorithm/mode/padding" taken from original ENCRYPT */ protected static String getAlgorithm(String s) { int index=s.indexOf('/'); return index == -1? s : s.substring(0, index); } /** Called when the version shipped in the header can't be found */ protected void handleUnknownVersion() {} /** Decrypts all messages in a batch, replacing encrypted messages in-place with their decrypted versions */ protected class Decrypter implements BiConsumer<Message,MessageBatch> { protected final Cipher cipher; public Decrypter(Cipher cipher) { this.cipher=cipher; } public void accept(Message msg, MessageBatch batch) { EncryptHeader hdr; if((hdr=msg.getHeader(id)) == null) { log.error("%s: received message without encrypt header from %s; dropping it", local_addr, batch.sender()); batch.remove(msg); // remove from batch to prevent passing the message further up as part of the batch return; } if(hdr.type() == EncryptHeader.ENCRYPT) { try { if(!process(msg)) { batch.remove(msg); return; } Message tmpMsg=decryptMessage(cipher, msg.copy()); // need to copy for possible xmits if(tmpMsg != null) batch.replace(msg, tmpMsg); else batch.remove(msg); } catch(Exception e) { log.error("%s: failed decrypting message from %s (offset=%d, length=%d, buf.length=%d): %s, headers are %s", local_addr, msg.getSrc(), msg.getOffset(), msg.getLength(), msg.getRawBuffer().length, e, msg.printHeaders()); batch.remove(msg); } } else { batch.remove(msg); // a control message will get handled by ENCRYPT and should not be passed up handleUpEvent(msg, hdr); } } } }