package org.jgroups.protocols; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.conf.ClassConfigurator; import org.jgroups.demos.KeyStoreGenerator; import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS; import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.NAKACK2; import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.NakAckHeader2; import org.jgroups.util.Buffer; import org.jgroups.util.ByteArrayDataOutputStream; import org.jgroups.util.MyReceiver; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; /** * Base class for tests {@link SYM_ENCRYPT_Test} and {@link ASYM_ENCRYPT_Test} * @author Bela Ban * @since 4.0 */ @Test(enabled=false) public abstract class EncryptTest { protected JChannel a,b,c,rogue; protected MyReceiver<Message> ra, rb, rc, r_rogue; protected String cluster_name; protected static final short GMS_ID; static { GMS_ID=ClassConfigurator.getProtocolId(GMS.class); } protected void init(String cluster_name) throws Exception { this.cluster_name=cluster_name; a=create("A").connect(cluster_name).setReceiver(ra=new MyReceiver<>().rawMsgs(true)); b=create("B").connect(cluster_name).setReceiver(rb=new MyReceiver<>().rawMsgs(true)); c=create("C").connect(cluster_name).setReceiver(rc=new MyReceiver<>().rawMsgs(true)); Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameView(10000, 500, a, b, c); rogue=createRogue("rogue").connect(cluster_name); Stream.of(a,b,c,rogue).forEach(ch -> System.out.printf("%s: %s\n", ch.getAddress(), ch.getView())); System.out.println(""); } @Test(enabled=false) protected void destroy() {Util.close(rogue, c, b, a);} protected abstract JChannel create(String name) throws Exception; /** Tests A,B or C sending messages and their reception by everyone in cluster {A,B,C} */ //@Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL,singleThreaded=true) public void testRegularMessageReception() throws Exception { a.send(null, "Hello from A"); b.send(null, "Hello from B"); c.send(null, "Hello from C"); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(ra.size() == 3 && rb.size() == 3 && rc.size() == 3) break; Util.sleep(500); } Stream.of(ra, rb, rc).map(MyReceiver::list).map(l -> -> (String)msg.getObject()) .collect(ArrayList::new, ArrayList::add, (x, y) -> {})).forEach(System.out::println); assertForEachReceiver(r -> r.size() == 3); } /** Same as above, but all message payloads are null */ public void testRegularMessageReceptionWithNullMessages() throws Exception { a.send(new Message(null)); b.send(new Message(null)); c.send(new Message(null)); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(ra.size() == 3 && rb.size() == 3 && rc.size() == 3) break; Util.sleep(500); } Stream.of(ra, rb, rc).map(MyReceiver::list).map(l -> -> (String)msg.getObject()) .collect(ArrayList::new, ArrayList::add, (x, y) -> {})).forEach(System.out::println); assertForEachReceiver(r -> r.size() == 3); assertForEachMessage(msg -> msg.getRawBuffer() == null); } /** Same as above, but all message payloads are empty (0-length String) */ public void testRegularMessageReceptionWithEmptyMessages() throws Exception { a.send(new Message(null).setBuffer(new byte[0])); b.send(new Message(null).setBuffer(new byte[0])); c.send(new Message(null).setBuffer(new byte[0])); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(ra.size() == 3 && rb.size() == 3 && rc.size() == 3) break; Util.sleep(500); } assertForEachReceiver(r -> r.size() == 3); assertForEachMessage(msg -> msg.getLength() == 0); assertForEachMessage(msg -> Arrays.equals(msg.getRawBuffer(), new byte[0])); } //@Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL,singleThreaded=true) public void testChecksum() throws Exception { Encrypt encrypt=a.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(Encrypt.class); byte[] buffer="Hello world".getBytes(); long checksum=encrypt.computeChecksum(buffer, 0, buffer.length); byte[] checksum_array=encrypt.encryptChecksum(checksum); long actual_checksum=encrypt.decryptChecksum(null, checksum_array, 0, checksum_array.length); assert checksum == actual_checksum : String.format("checksum: %d, actual: %d", checksum, actual_checksum); } /** A rogue member should not be able to join a cluster */ //@Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL,singleThreaded=true) public void testRogueMemberJoin() throws Exception { Util.close(rogue); rogue=new JChannel(Util.getTestStack()).name("rogue"); rogue.getProtocolStack().removeProtocol(Encrypt.class); GMS gms=rogue.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(GMS.class); gms.setMaxJoinAttempts(1); rogue.connect(cluster_name); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(a.getView().size() > 3) break; Util.sleep(500); } Arrays.asList(a,b,c).forEach(ch -> System.out.printf("%s: view is %s\n", ch.getAddress(), ch.getView())); Arrays.asList(a,b,c).forEach(ch -> { View view=ch.getView(); assert view.size() == 3 : "view should be {A,B,C}: " + view; }); } /** Test that A,B,C do NOT receive any message sent by a rogue node which is not member of {A,B,C} */ //@Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL,singleThreaded=true) public void testMessageSendingByRogue() throws Exception { rogue.send(null, "message from rogue"); // tests single messages Util.sleep(500); for(int i=1; i <= 100; i++) // tests message batches rogue.send(null, "msg #" + i + " from rogue"); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(ra.size() > 0 || rb.size() > 0 || rc.size() > 0) break; Util.sleep(500); } assert ra.size() == 0 : String.format("received msgs from non-member: '%s'; this should not be the case", print(ra.list())); assert rb.size() == 0 : String.format("received msgs from non-member: '%s'; this should not be the case", print(rb.list())); assert rc.size() == 0 : String.format("received msgs from non-member: '%s'; this should not be the case", print(rc.list())); } /** * R sends a message that has an encryption header and is encrypted with R's secret key (which of course is different * from the cluster members' shared key as R doesn't know it). The cluster members should drop R's message as they * shouldn't be able to decrypt it. */ //@Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL,singleThreaded=true) public void testMessageSendingByRogueUsingEncryption() throws Exception { SYM_ENCRYPT encrypt=new SYM_ENCRYPT().keystoreName("/tmp/ignored.keystore"); encrypt.encryptEntireMessage(true).signMessages(true); SecretKey secret_key=KeyStoreGenerator.createSecretKey(); Field secretKey=Util.getField(SYM_ENCRYPT.class, "secret_key"); secretKey.setAccessible(true); Util.setField(secretKey, encrypt, secret_key); encrypt.init(); short encrypt_id=ClassConfigurator.getProtocolId(SYM_ENCRYPT.class); EncryptHeader hdr=new EncryptHeader(EncryptHeader.ENCRYPT, encrypt.symVersion()); Message msg=new Message(null).putHeader(encrypt_id, hdr); byte[] buf="hello from rogue".getBytes(); byte[] encrypted_buf=encrypt.code(buf, 0, buf.length, false); msg.setBuffer(encrypted_buf); long checksum=encrypt.computeChecksum(encrypted_buf, 0, encrypted_buf.length); byte[] tmp=encrypt.encryptChecksum(checksum); hdr.signature(tmp); rogue.send(msg); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(ra.size() > 0 || rb.size() > 0 || rc.size() > 0) break; Util.sleep(500); } assert ra.size() == 0 : String.format("received msgs from non-member: '%s'; this should not be the case", print(ra.list())); assert rb.size() == 0 : String.format("received msgs from non-member: '%s'; this should not be the case", print(rb.list())); assert rc.size() == 0 : String.format("received msgs from non-member: '%s'; this should not be the case", print(rc.list())); } /** * Tests that the non-member does NOT receive messages from cluster {A,B,C}. The de-serialization of a message's * payload (encrypted with the secret key of the rogue non-member) will fail, so the message is never passed up * to the application. */ //@Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL,singleThreaded=true) public void testMessageReceptionByRogue() throws Exception { rogue.setReceiver(r_rogue=new MyReceiver().rawMsgs(true)); a.setReceiver(null); b.setReceiver(null); c.setReceiver(null); a.send(null, "Hello from A"); b.send(null, "Hello from B"); c.send(null, "Hello from C"); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { // retransmissions will add dupes to rogue as it doesn't have dupe elimination, so we could have more than // 3 messages! if(r_rogue.size() > 0) break; Util.sleep(500); } // the non-member may have received some cluster messages, if the encrypted messages coincidentally didn't // cause a deserialization exception, but it will not be able to read their contents: if(r_rogue.size() > 0) { System.out.printf("Rogue non-member received %d message(s), but it should not be able to read deserialize " + "the contents (this should throw exceptions below):\n", r_rogue.size()); r_rogue.list().forEach(msg -> { try { String payload=msg.getObject(); assert !payload.startsWith("Hello from"); } catch(Exception t) { System.out.printf("caught exception trying to de-serialize garbage payload into a string: %s\n", t); } }); } } /** * Tests the scenario where the non-member R captures a message from some cluster member in {A,B,C}, then * increments the NAKACK2 seqno and resends that message. The message must not be received by {A,B,C}; * it should be discarded. */ //@Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL,singleThreaded=true) public void testCapturingOfMessageByNonMemberAndResending() throws Exception { rogue.setReceiver(msg -> { System.out.printf("rogue: modifying and resending msg %s, hdrs: %s\n", msg, msg.printHeaders()); rogue.setReceiver(null); // to prevent recursive cycle try { short prot_id=ClassConfigurator.getProtocolId(NAKACK2.class); NakAckHeader2 hdr=msg.getHeader(prot_id); if(hdr != null) { long seqno=hdr.getSeqno(); Util.setField(Util.getField(NakAckHeader2.class, "seqno"), hdr, seqno+1); } else { System.out.printf("Rogue was not able to get the %s header, fabricating one with seqno=50\n", NAKACK2.class.getSimpleName()); NakAckHeader2 hdr2=NakAckHeader2.createMessageHeader(50); msg.putHeader(prot_id, hdr2); } rogue.send(msg); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); a.send(null, "Hello world from A"); // everybody in {A,B,C} should receive this message, but NOT the rogue's resent message for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(ra.size() > 1 || rb.size() > 1 || rc.size() > 1) break; // this should NOT happen Util.sleep(500); } Stream.of(ra, rb, rc).map(MyReceiver::list).map(l -> -> (String)msg.getObject()) .collect(ArrayList::new, ArrayList::add, (x, y) -> {})).forEach(System.out::println); assert ra.size() == 1 : String.format("received msgs from non-member: '%s'; this should not be the case", print(ra.list())); assert rb.size() == 1 : String.format("received msgs from non-member: '%s'; this should not be the case", print(rb.list())); assert rc.size() == 1 : String.format("received msgs from non-member: '%s'; this should not be the case", print(rc.list())); } /** * Tests the case where a non-member installs a new view {rogue,A,B,C}, making itself the coordinator and therefore * controlling admission of new members to the cluster etc... */ //@Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL,singleThreaded=true) public void testRogueViewInstallation() throws Exception { final Address rogue_addr=rogue.getAddress(); View rogue_view=View.create(rogue_addr, a.getView().getViewId().getId()+1, rogue_addr, a.getAddress(), b.getAddress(), c.getAddress()); Message view_change_msg=new Message().putHeader(GMS_ID, new GMS.GmsHeader(GMS.GmsHeader.VIEW)) .setBuffer(marshal(rogue_view)); rogue.send(view_change_msg); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(a.getView().size() > 3) break; Util.sleep(500); } Arrays.asList(a,b,c).forEach(ch -> { View view=ch.getView(); System.out.printf("%s: view is %s\n", ch.getAddress(), view); assert !view.containsMember(rogue_addr) : "view contains rogue member: " + view; }); } protected static JChannel createRogue(String name) throws Exception { return new JChannel(new SHARED_LOOPBACK()).name(name); } protected static Buffer marshal(final View view) throws Exception { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(Util.size(view)); out.writeShort(1); if(view != null) view.writeTo(out); return out.getBuffer(); } protected void assertForEachReceiver(Predicate<MyReceiver<Message>> predicate) { Stream.of(ra, rb, rc).forEach(receiver -> {assert predicate.test(receiver);}); } protected void assertForEachMessage(Predicate<Message> predicate) { Stream.of(ra, rb, rc) .map(MyReceiver::list) .flatMap(Collection::stream) .forEach(msg -> {assert predicate.test(msg);}); } protected static String print(List<Message> msgs) { return, (l,msg) -> l.add(msg.getObject()), (x, y) -> {}).toString(); } protected static String print(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder("encrypted string: "); for(int i=0; i < length; i++) { int ch=buf[offset+i]; sb.append(ch).append(' '); } return sb.toString(); } }