package org.jgroups.tests; import org.jgroups.Event; import org.jgroups.Global; import org.jgroups.JChannel; import org.jgroups.Message; import org.jgroups.blocks.ReplicatedHashMap; import org.jgroups.blocks.atomic.Counter; import org.jgroups.blocks.atomic.CounterService; import org.jgroups.fork.ForkChannel; import org.jgroups.fork.ForkProtocolStack; import org.jgroups.protocols.COUNTER; import org.jgroups.protocols.FORK; import org.jgroups.protocols.FRAG2; import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.STATE; import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol; import org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack; import org.jgroups.util.MyReceiver; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.List; /** * Tests {@link org.jgroups.fork.ForkChannel} * @author Bela Ban * @since 3.4 */ @Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL,singleThreaded=true) public class ForkChannelTest { protected JChannel a, b; protected ForkChannel fc1, fc2, fc3, fc4; protected static final String CLUSTER="ForkChannelTest"; protected Protocol[] protocols() {return Util.getTestStack(new STATE(), new FORK());} @BeforeMethod protected void setup() throws Exception { a=new JChannel(protocols()).name("A"); } @AfterMethod protected void destroy() { Util.close(fc4, fc3, fc2, fc1, a, b); } @Test public void testCreateForkIfAbsent() throws Exception { JChannel c = new JChannel(Util.getTestStack(new STATE())).name("C"); ForkChannel fc = new ForkChannel(c, "hijack-stack", "lead-hijacker", true, ProtocolStack.Position.ABOVE, FRAG2.class); assert fc.isOpen() && !fc.isConnected() && !fc.isClosed() : "state=" + fc.getState(); Util.close(fc, c); } public void testLifecycle() throws Exception { fc1=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc1"); assert fc1.isOpen() && !fc1.isConnected() && !fc1.isClosed() : "state=" + fc1.getState(); a.connect(CLUSTER); assert fc1.isOpen() && !fc1.isConnected() && !fc1.isClosed() : "state=" + fc1.getState(); fc1.connect("bla"); assert fc1.isOpen() && fc1.isConnected() && !fc1.isClosed() : "state=" + fc1.getState(); assert a.getAddress().equals(fc1.getAddress()); assert a.getClusterName().equals(fc1.getClusterName()); assert a.getView().equals(fc1.getView()); fc1.disconnect(); assert fc1.isOpen() && !fc1.isConnected() && !fc1.isClosed() : "state=" + fc1.getState(); fc1.connect("foobar"); assert fc1.isOpen() && fc1.isConnected() && !fc1.isClosed() : "state=" + fc1.getState(); Util.close(fc1); assert !fc1.isOpen() && !fc1.isConnected() && fc1.isClosed() : "state=" + fc1.getState(); try { fc1.connect("whocares"); assert false : "a closed fork channel cannot be reconnected"; } catch(Exception ex) { assert ex instanceof IllegalStateException; } assert !fc1.isOpen() && !fc1.isConnected() && fc1.isClosed() : "state=" + fc1.getState(); Util.close(a); assert !fc1.isOpen() && !fc1.isConnected() && fc1.isClosed() : "state=" + fc1.getState(); try { fc1.send(null, "hello"); assert false: "sending on a fork-channel with a disconnected main-channel should throw an exception"; } catch(Throwable t) { System.out.println("got an exception (as expected) sending on a fork-channel where the main-channel is disconnected: " + t); } } public void testIncorrectConnectSequence() throws Exception { fc1=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc1"); try { fc1.connect(CLUSTER); assert false : "Connecting a fork channel before the main channel should have thrown an exception"; } catch(Exception ex) { assert ex instanceof IllegalStateException : "expected IllegalStateException but got " + ex; } } public void testRefcount() throws Exception { FORK fork=a.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(FORK.class); Protocol prot=fork.get("stack"); assert prot == null; fc1=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc1"); prot=fork.get("stack"); assert prot != null; ForkProtocolStack fork_stack=(ForkProtocolStack)getProtStack(prot); int inits=fork_stack.getInits(); assert inits == 1 : "inits is " + inits + "(expected 1)"; fc2=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc2"); // uses the same fork stack "stack" inits=fork_stack.getInits(); assert inits == 2 : "inits is " + inits + "(expected 2)"; a.connect(CLUSTER); fc1.connect(CLUSTER); int connects=fork_stack.getConnects(); assert connects == 1 : "connects is " + connects + "(expected 1)"; fc1.connect(CLUSTER); // duplicate connect() connects=fork_stack.getConnects(); assert connects == 1 : "connects is " + connects + "(expected 1)"; fc2.connect(CLUSTER); connects=fork_stack.getConnects(); assert connects == 2 : "connects is " + connects + "(expected 2)"; fc2.disconnect(); fc2.disconnect(); // duplicate disconnect() ! connects=fork_stack.getConnects(); assert connects == 1 : "connects is " + connects + "(expected 1)"; Util.close(fc2); inits=fork_stack.getInits(); assert inits == 1 : "inits is " + inits + "(expected 1)"; Util.close(fc2); // duplicate close() inits=fork_stack.getInits(); assert inits == 1 : "inits is " + inits + "(expected 1)"; Util.close(fc1); connects=fork_stack.getConnects(); assert connects == 0 : "connects is " + connects + "(expected 0)"; inits=fork_stack.getInits(); assert inits == 0 : "inits is " + inits + "(expected 0)"; prot=fork.get("stack"); assert prot == null; } public void testRefcount2() throws Exception { Prot p1=new Prot("P1"), p2=new Prot("P2"); fc1=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc1", p1, p2); fc2=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc2"); // uses p1 and p2 from fc1 fc3=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc3"); // uses p1 and p2 from fc1 assert p1.inits == 1 && p2.inits == 1; FORK fork=a.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(FORK.class); Protocol prot=fork.get("stack"); ForkProtocolStack fork_stack=(ForkProtocolStack)getProtStack(prot); int inits=fork_stack.getInits(); assert inits == 3; a.connect(CLUSTER); fc1.connect(CLUSTER); int connects=fork_stack.getConnects(); assert connects == 1; assert p1.starts == 1 && p2.starts == 1; fc2.connect(CLUSTER); fc3.connect(CLUSTER); connects=fork_stack.getConnects(); assert connects == 3; assert p1.starts == 1 && p2.starts == 1; fc3.disconnect(); fc2.disconnect(); assert p1.starts == 1 && p2.starts == 1; assert p1.stops == 0 && p2.stops == 0; fc1.disconnect(); assert p1.starts == 1 && p2.starts == 1; assert p1.stops == 1 && p2.stops == 1; Util.close(fc3,fc2); assert p1.destroys == 0 && p2.destroys == 0; Util.close(fc1); assert p1.destroys == 1 && p2.destroys == 1; } public void testIncorrectLifecycle() throws Exception { fc1=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc1"); a.connect(CLUSTER); fc1.connect(CLUSTER); Util.close(fc1); try { fc1.connect(CLUSTER); assert false : "reconnecting a closed fork channel must throw an exception"; } catch(Exception ex) { assert ex instanceof IllegalStateException; System.out.println("got exception as expected: " + ex); } } /** Tests the case where we don't add any fork-stack specific protocols */ public void testNullForkStack() throws Exception { fc1=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc1"); fc2=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc2"); MyReceiver<Integer> r1=new MyReceiver<>(), r2=new MyReceiver<>(); fc1.setReceiver(r1); fc2.setReceiver(r2); a.connect(CLUSTER); fc1.connect("foo"); fc2.connect("bar"); for(int i=1; i <= 5; i++) { fc1.send(null, i); fc2.send(null, i+5); } List<Integer> l1=r1.list(), l2=r2.list(); for(int i=0; i < 20; i++) { if(l1.size() == 5 && l2.size() == 5) break; Util.sleep(500); } System.out.println("r1: " + r1.list() + ", r2: " + r2.list()); assert r1.size() == 5 && r2.size() == 5; for(int i=1; i <= 5; i++) assert r1.list().contains(i) && r2.list().contains(i+5); } /** * Tests CounterService on 2 different fork-channels, using the *same* fork-stack. This means the 2 counter * services will 'see' each other and the counters must have the same value * @throws Exception */ public void testCounterService() throws Exception { a.connect(CLUSTER); fc1=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc1", false,ProtocolStack.Position.ABOVE, FORK.class, new COUNTER()); fc2=new ForkChannel(a, "stack", "fc2", false,ProtocolStack.Position.ABOVE, FORK.class, new COUNTER()); fc1.connect("foo"); fc2.connect("bar"); CounterService cs1=new CounterService(fc1), cs2=new CounterService(fc2); Counter c1=cs1.getOrCreateCounter("counter", 1), c2=cs2.getOrCreateCounter("counter", 1); System.out.println("counter1=" + c1 + ", counter2=" + c2); assert c1.get() == 1 && c2.get() == 1; c1.addAndGet(5); System.out.println("counter1=" + c1 + ", counter2=" + c2); assert c1.get() == 6 && c2.get() == 6; c2.compareAndSet(6, 10); System.out.println("counter1=" + c1 + ", counter2=" + c2); assert c1.get() == 10 && c2.get() == 10; } public void testStateTransfer() throws Exception { ReplicatedHashMap<String,Integer> rhm_a=new ReplicatedHashMap<>(a), rhm_b, rhm_fc1, rhm_fc2, rhm_fc3, rhm_fc4; a.connect("state-transfer"); fc1=createForkChannel(a, "stack1", "fc1"); rhm_fc1=new ReplicatedHashMap<>(fc1); fc2=createForkChannel(a, "stack2", "fc2"); rhm_fc2=new ReplicatedHashMap<>(fc2); addData(rhm_a, rhm_fc1, rhm_fc2); b=new JChannel(protocols()).name("B"); rhm_b=new ReplicatedHashMap<>(b); b.connect("state-transfer"); fc3=createForkChannel(b, "stack1", "fc1"); rhm_fc3=new ReplicatedHashMap<>(fc3); fc4=createForkChannel(b, "stack2", "fc2"); rhm_fc4=new ReplicatedHashMap<>(fc4); Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameView(10000, 500, a, b); b.getState(null, 10000); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(rhm_b.size() == rhm_a.size() && rhm_fc1.size() == rhm_fc3.size() && rhm_fc2.size() == rhm_fc4.size()) break; Util.sleep(1000); } System.out.printf("rhm_a: %s, rhm_b: %s\nrhm_fc1: %s, rhm_fc3: %s\nrhm_fc2: %s, rhm_fc4: %s\n", rhm_a, rhm_b, rhm_fc1, rhm_fc3, rhm_fc2, rhm_fc4); assert rhm_a.equals(rhm_b); assert rhm_fc1.equals(rhm_fc3); assert rhm_fc2.equals(rhm_fc4); } protected ForkChannel createForkChannel(JChannel main, String stack_name, String ch_name) throws Exception { ForkChannel fork_ch=new ForkChannel(main, stack_name, ch_name); fork_ch.connect(ch_name); return fork_ch; } protected void addData(ReplicatedHashMap<String,Integer> a, ReplicatedHashMap<String,Integer> b, ReplicatedHashMap<String,Integer> c) { if(a != null) { a.put("id", 322649); a.put("version", 45); } if(b != null) { b.put("major", 3); b.put("minor", 6); b.put("patch", 5); } if(c != null) { c.put("hobbies", 3); c.put("kids", 2); } } protected static ProtocolStack getProtStack(Protocol prot) { while(prot != null && !(prot instanceof ProtocolStack)) { prot=prot.getUpProtocol(); } return prot instanceof ProtocolStack? (ProtocolStack)prot : null; } /* protected Entry[] create(boolean main_ch, boolean fc1, boolean fc2) { Entry[] entry=new Entry[3]; return entry; } protected static class Entry { protected final JChannel ch; protected final ReplicatedHashMap<String,Integer> map; public Entry(JChannel ch, ReplicatedHashMap<String,Integer> map) {;; } }*/ protected static class Prot extends Protocol { protected final String myname; protected int inits, starts, stops, destroys; public Prot(String name) { this.myname=name; } public void init() throws Exception { super.init(); System.out.println(myname + ".init()"); inits++; } public void start() throws Exception { super.start(); System.out.println(myname + ".start()"); starts++; } public void stop() { super.stop(); System.out.println(myname + ".stop()"); stops++; } public void destroy() { super.destroy(); System.out.println(myname + ".destroy()"); destroys++; } public Object down(Event evt) { System.out.println(myname + ": down(): " + evt); return down_prot.down(evt); } public Object down(Message msg) { System.out.println(myname + ": down(): " + msg); return down_prot.down(msg); } public String toString() { return myname; } } }