package org.jgroups; /** * Event is a JGroups internal class used for inter-stack and intra-stack communication. * * @since 2.0 * @author Bela Ban */ public class Event { public static final int CONNECT = 2; // arg = cluster name (string) public static final int DISCONNECT = 4; // arg = member address (Address) public static final int VIEW_CHANGE = 6; // arg = View (or MergeView in case of merge) public static final int SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS = 8; // arg = Address public static final int SUSPECT = 9; // arg = Address of suspected member public static final int BLOCK = 10; // arg = null (used by FLUSH) public static final int FIND_MBRS = 11; // arg = List<Address> (can be null) -> Responses public static final int FIND_INITIAL_MBRS = 12; // arg = null -> Responses public static final int MERGE = 14; // arg = Map<Address,View> public static final int TMP_VIEW = 15; // arg = View public static final int BECOME_SERVER = 16; // sent when client has joined group public static final int GET_APPLSTATE = 17; // get state from appl (arg=StateTransferInfo) public static final int GET_STATE = 19; // arg = StateTransferInfo public static final int GET_STATE_OK = 20; // arg = StateTransferInfo public static final int STABLE = 30; // arg = long[] (stable seqnos for mbrs) public static final int GET_DIGEST = 39; // arg= address (or null) public static final int SET_DIGEST = 41; // arg = Digest public static final int OVERWRITE_DIGEST = 42; // arg = Digest public static final int UNSUSPECT = 51; // arg = Address (of unsuspected member) public static final int MERGE_DIGEST = 53; // arg = Digest public static final int CONFIG = 56; // arg = Map<String,Object> (config properties) public static final int SUSPEND_STABLE = 65; // arg = Long (max_suspend_time) public static final int RESUME_STABLE = 66; // arg = null public static final int SUSPEND = 68; // arg = List<Address> (used by FLUSH) public static final int RESUME = 70; // arg = null (used by FLUSH) public static final int STATE_TRANSFER_INPUTSTREAM = 71; // arg = InputStream public static final int STATE_TRANSFER_OUTPUTSTREAM = 72; // arg = OutputStream public static final int STATE_TRANSFER_INPUTSTREAM_CLOSED = 73; // arg = StateTransferResult public static final int UNBLOCK = 75; // arg = null (indicate end of flush round) public static final int CLOSE_BARRIER = 76; // arg = null public static final int OPEN_BARRIER = 77; // arg = null public static final int REBROADCAST = 78; // arg = Digest public static final int CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER = 80; // arg = cluster name (string) public static final int GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS = 87; // arg = Address --> PhysicalAddress public static final int GET_LOGICAL_PHYSICAL_MAPPINGS = 88; // arg = boolean --> Map<Address,PhysicalAddress> public static final int ADD_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS = 89; // arg = Tuple<Address,PhysicalAddress> --> boolean public static final int REMOVE_ADDRESS = 90; // arg = Address public static final int GET_LOCAL_ADDRESS = 91; // arg = null --> UUID (local_addr) public static final int CONNECT_USE_FLUSH = 92; public static final int CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER_USE_FLUSH = 93; public static final int SUSPEND_BUT_FAIL = 94; // used in FLUSH testing, no args public static final int LOCK = 95; // arg = LockInfo public static final int UNLOCK = 96; // arg = LockInfo public static final int UNLOCK_ALL = 97; // arg = null public static final int LOCK_AWAIT = 98; // arg = LockInfo public static final int LOCK_SIGNAL = 99; // arg = AwaitInfo public static final int IS_MERGE_IN_PROGRESS = 100; // returns true or false public static final int GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESSES = 102; // arg = null (returns all physical addresses) public static final int SITE_UNREACHABLE = 104; // arg = SiteMaster (RELAY2) public static final int FORWARD_TO_COORD = 105; // arg = Message public static final int PUNCH_HOLE = 106; // arg = Address (member) public static final int CLOSE_HOLE = 107; // arg = Address (member) public static final int GET_VIEW_FROM_COORD = 108; public static final int GET_PING_DATA = 109; // arg = cluster_name public static final int USER_DEFINED = 1000; // arg = <user def., e.g. evt type + data> public static final Event GET_DIGEST_EVT = new Event(Event.GET_DIGEST); public static final Event FIND_INITIAL_MBRS_EVT = new Event(Event.FIND_INITIAL_MBRS); public static final Event FIND_MBRS_EVT = new Event(Event.FIND_MBRS); private final int type; // type of event private final Object arg; // must be serializable if used for inter-stack communication public Event(int type) { this.type=type; this.arg=null; } public Event(int type, Object arg) { this.type=type; this.arg=arg; } public int type() {return type;} public int getType() {return type;} public <T extends Object> T arg() {return (T)arg;} public <T extends Object> T getArg() {return (T)arg;} public static String type2String(int t) { switch(t) { case CONNECT: return "CONNECT"; case DISCONNECT: return "DISCONNECT"; case VIEW_CHANGE: return "VIEW_CHANGE"; case SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: return "SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS"; case SUSPECT: return "SUSPECT"; case BLOCK: return "BLOCK"; case FIND_MBRS: return "FIND_MBRS"; case FIND_INITIAL_MBRS: return "FIND_INITIAL_MBRS"; case TMP_VIEW: return "TMP_VIEW"; case BECOME_SERVER: return "BECOME_SERVER"; case GET_APPLSTATE: return "GET_APPLSTATE"; case GET_STATE: return "GET_STATE"; case GET_STATE_OK: return "GET_STATE_OK"; case STABLE: return "STABLE"; case GET_DIGEST: return "GET_DIGEST"; case SET_DIGEST: return "SET_DIGEST"; case OVERWRITE_DIGEST: return "OVERWRITE_DIGEST"; case MERGE: return "MERGE"; case UNSUSPECT: return "UNSUSPECT"; case MERGE_DIGEST: return "MERGE_DIGEST"; case CONFIG: return "CONFIG"; case SUSPEND_STABLE: return "SUSPEND_STABLE"; case RESUME_STABLE: return "RESUME_STABLE"; case SUSPEND: return "SUSPEND"; case SUSPEND_BUT_FAIL: return "SUSPEND_BUT_FAIL"; case RESUME: return "RESUME"; case STATE_TRANSFER_INPUTSTREAM: return "STATE_TRANSFER_INPUTSTREAM"; case STATE_TRANSFER_OUTPUTSTREAM:return "STATE_TRANSFER_OUTPUTSTREAM"; case STATE_TRANSFER_INPUTSTREAM_CLOSED: return "STATE_TRANSFER_INPUTSTREAM_CLOSED"; case UNBLOCK: return "UNBLOCK"; case CLOSE_BARRIER: return "CLOSE_BARRIER"; case OPEN_BARRIER: return "OPEN_BARRIER"; case REBROADCAST: return "REBROADCAST"; case CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER: return "CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER"; case GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS: return "GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS"; case GET_LOGICAL_PHYSICAL_MAPPINGS: return "GET_LOGICAL_PHYSICAL_MAPPINGS"; case ADD_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS: return "ADD_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS"; case REMOVE_ADDRESS: return "REMOVE_ADDRESS"; case GET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: return "GET_LOCAL_ADDRESS"; case CONNECT_USE_FLUSH: return "CONNECT_USE_FLUSH"; case CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER_USE_FLUSH: return "CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER_USE_FLUSH"; case LOCK: return "LOCK"; case UNLOCK: return "UNLOCK"; case UNLOCK_ALL: return "UNLOCK_ALL"; case LOCK_AWAIT: return "LOCK_AWAIT"; case LOCK_SIGNAL: return "LOCK_SIGNAL"; case IS_MERGE_IN_PROGRESS: return "IS_MERGE_IN_PROGRESS"; case GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESSES: return "GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESSES"; case SITE_UNREACHABLE: return "SITE_UNREACHABLE"; case FORWARD_TO_COORD: return "FORWARD_TO_COORD"; case PUNCH_HOLE: return "PUNCH_HOLE"; case CLOSE_HOLE: return "CLOSE_HOLE"; case GET_VIEW_FROM_COORD: return "GET_VIEW_FROM_COORD"; case GET_PING_DATA: return "GET_PING_DATA"; case USER_DEFINED: return "USER_DEFINED"; default: return "UNDEFINED(" + t + ")"; } } public String toString() { StringBuilder ret=new StringBuilder(64); ret.append(type2String(type)).append(", arg=").append(arg); return ret.toString(); } }