package org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast; import org.jgroups.Constructable; import org.jgroups.Global; import org.jgroups.View; import org.jgroups.util.Digest; import org.jgroups.util.SizeStreamable; import; import; import java.util.function.Supplier; /** * Result of a JOIN request (sent by the GMS client). Instances of this class are immutable. */ public class JoinRsp implements SizeStreamable, Constructable<JoinRsp> { protected View view; protected Digest digest; protected String fail_reason; /** only set if JOIN failed, e.g. in AUTH */ protected static final byte VIEW_PRESENT = 1 << 0; protected static final byte DIGEST_PRESENT = 1 << 1; protected static final byte FAIL_REASON_PRESENT = 1 << 2; public JoinRsp() { } public JoinRsp(View v, Digest d) { view=v; digest=d; } public JoinRsp(String fail_reason) {this.fail_reason=fail_reason;} public Supplier<? extends JoinRsp> create() { return JoinRsp::new; } public View getView() {return view;} public Digest getDigest() {return digest;} public String getFailReason() {return fail_reason;} public JoinRsp setFailReason(String r) {fail_reason=r; return this;} public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { byte flags=0; if(view != null) flags|=VIEW_PRESENT; if(digest != null) flags|=DIGEST_PRESENT; if(fail_reason != null) flags|=FAIL_REASON_PRESENT; out.writeByte(flags); // 1. view if(view != null) view.writeTo(out); // 2. digest if(digest != null) digest.writeTo(out, false); // don't write the membership; it is already present in the view // 3. fail_reason if(fail_reason != null) out.writeUTF(fail_reason); } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { byte flags=in.readByte(); // 1. view if((flags & VIEW_PRESENT) == VIEW_PRESENT) { view=new View(); view.readFrom(in); } // 2. digest if((flags & DIGEST_PRESENT) == DIGEST_PRESENT) { digest=new Digest(view.getMembersRaw()); digest.readFrom(in, false); } // 3. fail_reason if((flags & FAIL_REASON_PRESENT) == FAIL_REASON_PRESENT) fail_reason=in.readUTF(); } public int serializedSize() { int retval=Global.BYTE_SIZE; // flags if(view != null) retval+=view.serializedSize(); if(digest != null) retval+=digest.serializedSize(false); if(fail_reason != null) retval+=fail_reason.length() +2; return retval; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); if(view != null) sb.append("view: ").append(view); if(digest != null) sb.append(", digest: ").append(digest); if(fail_reason != null) sb.append("fail reason: ").append(fail_reason); return sb.toString(); } }