package org.jgroups.tests; import org.jgroups.Global; import org.jgroups.util.Bits; import org.jgroups.util.ByteArrayDataInputStream; import org.jgroups.util.ByteArrayDataOutputStream; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Tests {@link ByteArrayDataInputStream} and {@link ByteArrayDataOutputStream}. * @author Bela Ban * @since 3.5 */ @Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL) public class ByteArrayDataInputOutputStreamTest { public void testConstructors() throws Exception { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(32); byte[] tmp="hello world".getBytes(); out.writeInt(tmp.length); out.write(tmp); ByteBuffer input_buf=out.getByteBuffer(); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(input_buf); int length=in.readInt(); byte[] tmp2=new byte[length];, 0, tmp2.length); System.out.println("length=" + length + ", " + new String(tmp2)); assert length == tmp.length; assert Arrays.equals(tmp, tmp2); } public void testLimit() { byte[] buf=new byte[100]; buf[0]='B'; buf[1]='e'; buf[2]='l'; buf[3]='a'; ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf); assert in.position() == 0; assert in.limit() == buf.length; assert in.capacity() == buf.length; in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf, 0, 4); assert in.position() == 0; assert in.limit() == 4; assert in.capacity() == buf.length; byte tmp[]=new byte[4];, 0, tmp.length); assert "Bela".equals(new String(tmp)); } public void testOffsetAndLimit() { byte[] buf=new byte[100]; buf[10]='B'; buf[11]='e'; buf[12]='l'; buf[13]='a'; ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf, 10, 4); assert in.position() == 10; assert in.limit() == 14; assert in.capacity() == buf.length; byte tmp[]=new byte[4];, 0, tmp.length); assert "Bela".equals(new String(tmp)); } public void testReadBeyondLimit() { byte[] buf=new byte[100]; buf[10]='B'; buf[11]='e'; buf[12]='l'; buf[13]='a'; ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf, 10, 4); assert in.position() == 10; assert in.limit() == 14; assert in.capacity() == buf.length; byte tmp[]=new byte[5]; try { in.readFully(tmp, 0, tmp.length); assert false : " should have gotten an exception"; } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("caught exception as expected: " + ex); assert ex instanceof EOFException; } in.position(10); for(int i=0; i < 4; i++); assert == -1; } public void testPosition() { byte[] buf=new byte[100]; buf[10]='B'; buf[11]='e'; buf[12]='l'; buf[13]='a'; ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf, 10, 4); in.position(13); try { in.position(14); } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("caught exception as expected: " + ex); assert ex instanceof IndexOutOfBoundsException; } } public void testExpanding() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1); for(int i='A'; i < 'A' + 20; i++) out.write(i); assert out.position() == 20; byte[] buffer=new byte[20]; for(int i=0; i < 5; i++) out.write(buffer); assert out.position() == 120; } public void testExpanding2() { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1); out.write(new byte[]{'b', 'e', 'l', 'a'}); out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1); out.writeBoolean(true); out.writeBoolean(false); assert out.position() == 2; out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1); out.writeShort(22); out.writeShort(23); assert out.position() == 4; out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1); out.writeInt(23); out.writeInt(24); assert out.position() == 8; } public void testExpanding3() { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1024); out.writeInt(1); assert out.position() == 4; byte[] buf=new byte[1024]; out.write(buf); System.out.println("out=" + out); assert out.position() == 1028; buf=new byte[512]; out.write(buf); System.out.println("out = " + out); assert out.position() == 1028+512; } public void testSkipBytes() { byte[] buf={'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'}; ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf); assert in.position() == 0; int skipped=in.skipBytes(6); assert skipped == 6; assert in.position() == 6; skipped=in.skipBytes(0); assert skipped == 0; assert in.position() == 6; skipped=in.skipBytes(-1); assert skipped == 0; assert in.position() == 6; skipped=in.skipBytes(5); assert skipped == 5; assert in.position() == 11; in.position(6); skipped=in.skipBytes(20); assert skipped == 5; assert in.position() == 11; } public void testRead() { byte[] buf={'b', 'e', 'l', 'a'}; ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf); for(byte b: buf) assert b ==; assert -1 ==; in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf, 2, 2); assert == 'l'; assert == 'a'; assert -1 ==; ByteBuffer buffer=ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); System.out.println("buffer = " + buffer); } public void testReadFully() { byte[] name="Bela".getBytes(); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(name); byte[] buf=new byte[10]; int, 0, buf.length); assert read == 4; assert in.position() == 4; in.position(0); try { in.readFully(buf, 0, buf.length); assert false : "readFully() should have thrown an EOFException"; } catch(Exception eof_ex) { System.out.println("got exception as expected: " + eof_ex); assert eof_ex instanceof EOFException; } } public void testByte() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(Byte.MAX_VALUE * 2); for(short i=Byte.MIN_VALUE; i <= Byte.MAX_VALUE; i++) out.writeByte(i); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); for(short i=Byte.MIN_VALUE; i <= Byte.MAX_VALUE; i++) { byte read=in.readByte(); assert i == read; } } public void testUnsignedByte() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(20); byte[] bytes={-100, -50, 0, 1, 100, 127}; for(byte b: bytes) out.writeByte(b); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); for(byte b: bytes) { int tmp=in.readUnsignedByte(); assert tmp == (b & 0xff); } } public void testBoolean() throws Exception { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(2); out.writeBoolean(true); out.writeBoolean(false); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); assert in.readBoolean(); assert !in.readBoolean(); } public void testShort() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(Short.MAX_VALUE * 4 + 10); for(int i=Short.MIN_VALUE; i <= Short.MAX_VALUE; i++) out.writeShort(i); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); for(int i=Short.MIN_VALUE; i <= Short.MAX_VALUE; i++) { short read=in.readShort(); assert i == read; } } public void testUnsignedShort() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(20); out.writeShort(-22); out.writeShort(22); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); short num=in.readShort(); assert num == -22; num=in.readShort(); assert num == 22; in.position(0); int val=in.readUnsignedShort(); assert val == 65514; val=in.readUnsignedShort(); assert val == 22; } public void testChar() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1024); for(int i=0; i < 500; i++) { int ch='a' + i; out.writeChar(ch); } ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); for(int i=0; i < 500; i++) { char ch=in.readChar(); assert ch == 'a' + i; } } public void testInt() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1024); int[] numbers={Integer.MIN_VALUE, -322649, -500, 0, 1, 100, 322649, Integer.MAX_VALUE}; for(int i: numbers) out.writeInt(i); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); for(int i: numbers) { int num=in.readInt(); assert num == i; } } public void testLong() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1024); long[] numbers={Long.MIN_VALUE, -322649, -500, 0, 1, 100, 322649, Long.MAX_VALUE}; for(long i: numbers) out.writeLong(i); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); for(long i: numbers) { long num=in.readLong(); assert num == i; } } public void testCompressedLong() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1024); long[] numbers={Long.MIN_VALUE, -500, 0, 1, 100, Long.MAX_VALUE}; for(long i: numbers) Bits.writeLong(i, out); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); for(long i: numbers) { long num=Bits.readLong(in); assert num == i; } } public void testCompressedLongSequence() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1024); long[] numbers={0, 1, 100, 322649, Long.MAX_VALUE-1000}; for(long i: numbers) Bits.writeLongSequence(i, i + 100,out); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); for(long i: numbers) { long[] seq={0,0}; Bits.readLongSequence(in, seq, 0); assert Arrays.equals(seq, new long[]{i, i+100}); } } public void testFloat() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1024); float[] numbers={-322649.25f, 100.7531f, 0f, 1f, 2.75f, 3.1425f, 322649f, 322649.75f}; for(float i: numbers) out.writeFloat(i); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); for(float i: numbers) { float num=in.readFloat(); assert num == i; } } public void testDouble() throws IOException { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(1024); double[] numbers={-322649.25, 100.7531, 0.0, 1.5, 2.75, 3.1425, 322649, 322649.75}; for(double i: numbers) out.writeDouble(i); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); for(double i: numbers) { double num=in.readDouble(); assert num == i; } } public void testWriteBytes() { String name="Bela"; ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(2); out.writeBytes(name); assert out.position() == name.length(); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); byte[] tmp=new byte[name.length()]; int, 0, tmp.length); assert read == name.length(); assert name.equals(new String(tmp)); } public void testWriteChars() throws IOException { String name="Bela"; ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(2); out.writeChars(name); assert out.position() == name.length() * 2; ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); char[] tmp=new char[name.length()]; for(int i=0; i < name.length(); i++) tmp[i]=in.readChar(); assert name.equals(new String(tmp)); } public void testUTF() throws IOException { String name="Bela"; ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(2); out.writeUTF(name); assert out.position() == name.length() + 2; ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); String tmp=in.readUTF(); assert name.equals(tmp); } public void testUTFWithDoubleByteChar() throws IOException { String name="Bela\234"; ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(2); out.writeUTF(name); assert out.position() == Bits.sizeUTF(name); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); String tmp=in.readUTF(); assert name.equals(tmp); } public void testUTFWithDoubleByteChar2() throws IOException { String name="Bela\420"; ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(2); out.writeUTF(name); assert out.position() == Bits.sizeUTF(name); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); String tmp=in.readUTF(); assert name.equals(tmp); name=""; out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(2); out.writeUTF(name); assert out.position() == Bits.sizeUTF(name); in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); tmp=in.readUTF(); assert name.equals(tmp); name=null; out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(2); out.writeUTF(name); assert out.position() == Bits.sizeUTF(name); in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(out.buffer()); tmp=in.readUTF(); assert tmp == null; } public static void testReadLine() throws IOException { String str="Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres,\n\rquarum unam incolunt Belgae,\naliam Aquitani," + "\ntertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur"; byte[] buf=str.getBytes(); ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf); List<String> lines=new ArrayList<>(4); String line; while((line=in.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); lines.add(line); } assert lines.size() == 4; } }