package org.jgroups.protocols.relay; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; import org.jgroups.protocols.relay.config.RelayConfig; import org.jgroups.stack.AddressGenerator; import org.jgroups.util.UUID; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * Maintains bridges and routing table. Does the routing of outgoing messages and dispatches incoming messages to * the right members.<p/> * A Relayer cannot be reused once it is stopped, but a new Relayer instance must be created. * @author Bela Ban * @since 3.2 */ public class Relayer { /** The routing table. Site IDs are the keys (e.g. "sfo", and list of routes are the values */ protected ConcurrentMap<String,List<Route>> routes=new ConcurrentHashMap<>(5); /** The bridges which are used to connect to different sites */ protected final Queue<Bridge> bridges=new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); protected final Log log; protected final RELAY2 relay; /** Flag set when stop() is called. Since a Relayer should not be used after stop() has been called, a new * instance needs to be created */ protected volatile boolean done; protected boolean stats; // Used to store messages for a site with status UNKNOWN. Messages will be flushed when the status changes to UP, or // a SITE-UNREACHABLE message will be sent to each member *once* when the status changes to DOWN // protected final ConcurrentMap<String,BlockingQueue<Message>> fwd_queue=new ConcurrentHashMap<String,BlockingQueue<Message>>(); // /** Map to store tasks which set the status of a site from UNKNOWN to DOWN. These are started when a site is // * set to UNKNOWN, but they need to be cancelled when the status goes from UNKNOWN back to UP <em>before</em> // * they kick in.*/ // protected final ConcurrentMap<Short,Future<?>> down_tasks=new ConcurrentHashMap<Short,Future<?>>(); // public Relayer(RELAY2 relay, Log log) { this.relay=relay; this.stats=relay.statsEnabled(); this.log=log; } public boolean done() {return done;} /** * Creates all bridges from site_config and connects them (joining the bridge clusters) * @param bridge_configs A list of bridge configurations * @param bridge_name The name of the local bridge channel, prefixed with '_'. * @param my_site_id The ID of this site * @throws Throwable */ public void start(List<RelayConfig.BridgeConfig> bridge_configs, String bridge_name, final String my_site_id) throws Throwable { if(done) { log.trace(relay.getLocalAddress() + ": will not start the Relayer as stop() has been called"); return; } try { for(RelayConfig.BridgeConfig bridge_config: bridge_configs) { Bridge bridge=new Bridge(bridge_config.createChannel(), bridge_config.getClusterName(), bridge_name, () -> new SiteUUID(UUID.randomUUID(), null, my_site_id)); bridges.add(bridge); } for(Bridge bridge: bridges) bridge.start(); } catch(Throwable t) { stop(); throw t; } finally { if(done) { log.trace(relay.getLocalAddress() + ": stop() was called while starting the relayer; stopping the relayer now"); stop(); } } } /** * Disconnects and destroys all bridges */ public void stop() { done=true; bridges.forEach(Bridge::stop); bridges.clear(); } public synchronized String printRoutes() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for(Map.Entry<String,List<Route>> entry: routes.entrySet()) { List<Route> list=entry.getValue(); if(list != null && !list.isEmpty()) sb.append(entry.getKey() + " --> ").append(Util.print(list)).append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } protected Route getRoute(String site) { return getRoute(site, null);} protected synchronized Route getRoute(String site, Address sender) { List<Route> list=routes.get(site); if(list == null) return null; if(list.size() == 1) return list.get(0); return relay.site_master_picker.pickRoute(site, list, sender); } protected List<String> getSiteNames() { return new ArrayList<>(routes.keySet()); } protected synchronized List<Route> getRoutes(String ... excluded_sites) { List<Route> retval=new ArrayList<>(routes.size()); for(List<Route> list: routes.values()) { for(Route route: list) { if(route != null && !isExcluded(route, excluded_sites)) { retval.add(route); break; } } } return retval; } protected View getBridgeView(String cluster_name) { if(cluster_name == null || bridges == null) return null; for(Bridge bridge: bridges) { if(Objects.equals(bridge.cluster_name, cluster_name)) return bridge.view; } return null; } protected static boolean isExcluded(Route route, String... excluded_sites) { if(excluded_sites == null) return false; String site=((SiteUUID)route.site_master).getSite(); for(String excluded_site: excluded_sites) if(site.equals(excluded_site)) return true; return false; } protected class Bridge extends ReceiverAdapter { protected JChannel channel; protected final String cluster_name; protected View view; protected Bridge(final JChannel ch, final String cluster_name, String channel_name, AddressGenerator addr_generator) throws Exception {; channel.setName(channel_name); channel.setReceiver(this); channel.addAddressGenerator(addr_generator); this.cluster_name=cluster_name; } protected void start() throws Exception { channel.connect(cluster_name);"%s: joined bridge cluster '%s'", channel.getAddress(), cluster_name); } protected void stop() {"%s: leaving bridge cluster '%s'", channel.getAddress(), channel.getClusterName()); Util.close(channel); } public void receive(Message msg) { RELAY2.Relay2Header hdr=msg.getHeader(relay.getId()); if(hdr == null) { log.warn("received a message without a relay header; discarding it"); return; } relay.handleRelayMessage(hdr, msg); } /** The view contains a list of SiteUUIDs. Adjust the routing table based on the SiteUUIDs UUID and site */ public void viewAccepted(View new_view) { this.view=new_view; log.trace("[Relayer " + channel.getAddress() + "] view: " + new_view); RouteStatusListener listener=relay.getRouteStatusListener(); Map<String,List<Address>> tmp=extract(new_view); Set<String> down=listener != null? new HashSet<>(routes.keySet()) : null; Set<String> up=listener != null? new HashSet<>() : null; if(listener != null) down.removeAll(tmp.keySet()); routes.keySet().retainAll(tmp.keySet()); // remove all sites which are not in the view for(Map.Entry<String,List<Address>> entry: tmp.entrySet()) { String key=entry.getKey(); List<Address> val=entry.getValue(); if(!routes.containsKey(key)) { routes.put(key, new ArrayList<>()); if(up != null) up.add(key); } List<Route> list=routes.get(key); // Remove routes not in the view anymore: for(Iterator<Route> it=list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Route; if(!val.contains(route.siteMaster())) it.remove(); } // Add routes that aren't yet in the routing table: -> !contains(list, addr)) .forEach(addr -> list.add(new Route(addr, channel, relay, log).stats(stats))); if(list.isEmpty()) { routes.remove(key); if(listener != null) { down.add(key); up.remove(key); } } } if(listener != null) { if(!down.isEmpty()) listener.sitesDown(down.toArray(new String[down.size()])); if(!up.isEmpty()) listener.sitesUp(up.toArray(new String[up.size()])); } } protected boolean contains(List<Route> routes, Address addr) { return -> route.siteMaster().equals(addr)); } /** Returns a map containing the site keys and addresses as values */ protected Map<String,List<Address>> extract(View view) { Map<String,List<Address>> map=new HashMap<>(view.size()); for(Address mbr: view) { SiteAddress member=(SiteAddress)mbr; String key=member.getSite(); List<Address> list=map.get(key); if(list == null) { list=new ArrayList<>(); map.put(key, list); } if(!list.contains(member)) list.add(member); } return map; } } }