package org.jgroups.util; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.Message; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedOperation; import org.jgroups.protocols.TP; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.function.IntFunction; import; /** * {@link org.jgroups.stack.MessageProcessingPolicy} which processes <em>regular</em> messages and message batches by * assigning a max of 1 thread per message from the same sender. So if we have sender A, B, C and D, we'll have no more * than 4 threads handling regular unicasts and 4 threads handling regular multicasts.<p> * See <a href="">JGRP-2143</a> for details. * @author Bela Ban * @since 4.0 */ public class MaxOneThreadPerSender extends SubmitToThreadPool { protected final MessageTable mcasts=new MessageTable(); protected final MessageTable ucasts=new MessageTable(); protected int max_buffer_size; protected boolean resize=true; @ManagedOperation(description="Dumps unicast and multicast tables") public String dump() { return String.format("\nmcasts:\n%s\nucasts:\n%s", mcasts, ucasts); } public void reset() {;; } public void init(TP transport) { super.init(transport); max_buffer_size=tp.getMessageProcessingMaxBufferSize(); resize=max_buffer_size == 0; } public void destroy() { mcasts.clear(); ucasts.clear(); } public void loopback(Message msg, boolean oob, boolean internal) { if(oob || internal) { super.loopback(msg, oob, internal); return; } MessageTable table=msg.dest() == null? mcasts : ucasts; table.process(msg, true); } public void process(Message msg, boolean oob, boolean internal) { if(oob || internal) { super.process(msg, oob, internal); return; } MessageTable table=msg.dest() == null? mcasts : ucasts; table.process(msg, false); } public void process(MessageBatch batch, boolean oob, boolean internal) { if(oob || internal) { super.process(batch, oob, internal); return; } MessageTable table=batch.dest() == null? mcasts : ucasts; table.process(batch); } public void viewChange(List<Address> members) { mcasts.viewChange(members); ucasts.viewChange(members); } protected class MessageTable { protected final ConcurrentMap<Address,Entry> map=new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public MessageTable() { } protected Entry get(final Address dest, final Address sender) { Entry entry=map.get(sender); if(entry == null) { IntFunction<MessageBatch> creator_func=cap -> new MessageBatch(cap).dest(dest) .clusterName(tp.getClusterNameAscii()). sender(sender).multicast(dest == null); Entry tmp=map.putIfAbsent(sender, entry=new Entry(creator_func)); if(tmp != null) entry=tmp; } return entry; } protected void clear() {map.clear();} protected void process(Message msg, boolean loopback) { Address dest=msg.dest(), sender=msg.src(); get(dest, sender).process(msg, loopback); } protected void process(MessageBatch batch) { Address dest=batch.dest(), sender=batch.sender(); get(dest, sender).process(batch); } protected void viewChange(List<Address> mbrs) { map.keySet().retainAll(mbrs); } public String toString() { return map.entrySet().stream().collect(StringBuilder::new, (sb,e) -> sb.append(e).append("\n"), (a,b) -> {}).toString(); } } protected class Entry { protected final Lock lock=new ReentrantLock(); protected boolean running; // if true, a thread is delivering a message batch to the application protected MessageBatch batch; // used to queue messages protected IntFunction<MessageBatch> batch_creator; // creates a batch protected final LongAdder submitted_msgs=new LongAdder(); protected final LongAdder submitted_batches=new LongAdder(); protected final LongAdder queued_msgs=new LongAdder(); protected final LongAdder queued_batches=new LongAdder(); protected Entry(IntFunction<MessageBatch> creator) { batch_creator=creator; batch=batch_creator.apply(max_buffer_size > 0? max_buffer_size : 16); // initial capacity } public Entry reset() { Stream.of(submitted_msgs, submitted_batches, queued_msgs, queued_batches).forEach(LongAdder::reset); return this; } protected void process(Message msg, boolean loopback) { if(!allowedToSubmitToThreadPool(msg)) return; // running is true, we didn't queue msg and need to submit a task to the thread pool submit(msg, loopback); } protected void process(MessageBatch batch) { if(!allowedToSubmitToThreadPool(batch)) return; // running is true, we didn't queue msg and need to submit a task to the thread pool submit(batch); } protected void submit(Message msg, boolean loopback) { // running is true, we didn't queue msg and need to submit a task to the thread pool try { submitted_msgs.increment(); BatchHandlerLoop handler=new BatchHandlerLoop(batch_creator.apply(16).add(msg), this, loopback); if(!tp.submitToThreadPool(handler, false)) setRunning(false); } catch(Throwable t) { setRunning(false); } } protected void submit(MessageBatch mb) { try { submitted_batches.increment(); BatchHandlerLoop handler=new BatchHandlerLoop(batch_creator.apply(mb.size()).add(mb), this, false); if(!tp.submitToThreadPool(handler, false)) setRunning(false); } catch(Throwable t) { setRunning(false); } } /** * Either allows access to submit a task to the thread pool for delivery to the application, or queues the * message * @param msg the message * @return true if the message can be submitted to the thread pool, or false (msg was queued) */ protected boolean allowedToSubmitToThreadPool(Message msg) { lock.lock(); try { if(!running) return running=true; // the caller can submit a new BatchHandlerLoop task to the thread pool this.batch.add(msg, resize); queued_msgs.increment(); return false; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } protected boolean allowedToSubmitToThreadPool(MessageBatch msg_batch) { lock.lock(); try { if(!running) return running=true; // the caller can submit a new BatchHandlerLoop task to the thread pool this.batch.add(msg_batch, resize); queued_batches.increment(); return false; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** Called by {@link BatchHandlerLoop}. Atomically transfer messages from the entry's batch to this batch and * returns true if messages were transferred. If not, sets running to false and returns false. In the latter * case, the handler must terminate (or else, we could have multiple handler running). * @param msg_batch the batch to which messages from this.batch should be transferred to. */ protected boolean workAvailable(final MessageBatch msg_batch) { lock.lock(); try { int num_msgs=msg_batch.transferFrom(this.batch, true); return num_msgs > 0 || (running=false); } catch(Throwable t) { return running=false; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } protected void setRunning(boolean flag) { lock.lock(); try { running=flag; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } // unsynchronized on batch but who cares public String toString() { return String.format("batch size=%d queued msgs=%d queued batches=%d submitted msgs=%d submitted batches=%d", batch.size(), queued_msgs.sum(), queued_batches.sum(), submitted_msgs.sum(), submitted_batches.sum()); } } protected class BatchHandlerLoop extends BatchHandler { protected final Entry entry; protected final boolean loopback; public BatchHandlerLoop(MessageBatch batch, Entry entry, boolean loopback) { super(batch); this.entry=entry; this.loopback=loopback; } public void run() { do { try {; } catch(Throwable t) { log.error("failed processing batch", t); } } while(entry.workAvailable(this.batch)); // transfers msgs from entry.batch --> this.batch // worker termination: workAvailable() already set running=false } @Override protected void passBatchUp() { tp.passBatchUp(batch, !loopback, !loopback); } } }