package org.jgroups.util; import org.jgroups.Constructable; import org.jgroups.Global; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.function.Supplier; /** * A bitset of missing messages with a fixed size. The index (in the bit set) of a seqno is computed as seqno - offset. * @author Bela Ban * @since 3.1 */ public class SeqnoList extends FixedSizeBitSet implements SizeStreamable, Iterable<Long>, Constructable<SeqnoList> { protected long offset; // first seqno /** Only to be used by serialization */ public SeqnoList() { } /** * Creates a SeqnoList with a capacity for size elements. * @param size The max number of seqnos in the bitset * @param offset Lowest seqno. Used to compute the index of a given seqno into the bitset: seqno - offset */ public SeqnoList(int size, long offset) { super(size); this.offset=offset; } public Supplier<? extends SeqnoList> create() { return SeqnoList::new; } public SeqnoList(int size) { this(size, 0); } /** Adds a single seqno */ public SeqnoList add(long seqno) { super.set(index(seqno)); return this; } public SeqnoList add(long ... seqnos) { if(seqnos != null) for(long seqno: seqnos) add(seqno); return this; } /** Adds a seqno range */ public SeqnoList add(long from, long to) { super.set(index(from), index(to)); return this; } /** Removes all seqnos > seqno */ public void removeHigherThan(long max_seqno) { int from=index(max_seqno + 1), to=size-1; if(from <= to && from >= 0) super.clear(from, to); } /** Returns the last seqno, this should also be the highest seqno in the list as we're supposed to add seqnos * in order * @return */ public long getLast() { int index=previousSetBit(size - 1); return index == -1? -1 : seqno(index); } public int serializedSize() { return Global.INT_SIZE // number of words + (words.length+1) * Global.LONG_SIZE; // words + offset } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { out.writeInt(size); out.writeLong(offset); for(long word: words) out.writeLong(word); } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { size=in.readInt(); offset=in.readLong(); words=new long[wordIndex(size - 1) + 1]; for(int i=0; i < words.length; i++) words[i]=in.readLong(); } public int size() { return super.cardinality(); } public boolean isEmpty() {return cardinality() == 0;} public String toString() { if(isEmpty()) return "{}"; StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder("(").append(cardinality()).append("): {"); boolean first=true; int num=Util.MAX_LIST_PRINT_SIZE; for(int i=nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i=nextSetBit(i + 1)) { int endOfRun=nextClearBit(i); if(first) first=false; else sb.append(", "); if(endOfRun != -1 && endOfRun-1 != i) { sb.append(seqno(i)).append('-').append(seqno(endOfRun-1)); i=endOfRun; } else sb.append(seqno(i)); if(--num <= 0) { sb.append(", ... "); break; } } sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } public Iterator<Long> iterator() { return new SeqnoListIterator(); } protected int index(long seqno) {return (int)(seqno-offset);} protected long seqno(int index) {return offset + index;} protected class SeqnoListIterator implements Iterator<Long> { protected int index; public boolean hasNext() { return index < size && nextSetBit(index) != -1; } public Long next() { int next_index=nextSetBit(index); if(next_index == -1 || next_index >= size) throw new NoSuchElementException("index: " + next_index); index=next_index+1; return seqno(next_index); } public void remove() { // not supported } } }