package org.jgroups.protocols; import org.jgroups.Message; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; /** * This bundler adds all (unicast or multicast) messages to a queue until max size has been exceeded, but does send * messages immediately when no other messages are available. */ public class TransferQueueBundler extends BaseBundler implements Runnable { protected BlockingQueue<Message> queue; protected List<Message> remove_queue; protected volatile Thread bundler_thread; protected volatile boolean running=true; protected static final String THREAD_NAME="TQ-Bundler"; public TransferQueueBundler() { this.remove_queue=new ArrayList<>(16); } protected TransferQueueBundler(BlockingQueue<Message> queue) { this.queue=queue; this.remove_queue=new ArrayList<>(16); } public TransferQueueBundler(int capacity) { this(new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(assertPositive(capacity, "bundler capacity cannot be " + capacity))); } public Thread getThread() {return bundler_thread;} public int getBufferSize() {return queue.size();} public int removeQueueSize() {return remove_queue.size();} public TransferQueueBundler removeQueueSize(int size) {this.remove_queue=new ArrayList<>(size); return this;} public void init(TP transport) { super.init(transport); if(queue == null) queue=new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(assertPositive(transport.getBundlerCapacity(), "bundler capacity cannot be " + transport.getBundlerCapacity())); } public synchronized void start() { if(running) stop(); bundler_thread=transport.getThreadFactory().newThread(this, THREAD_NAME); running=true; bundler_thread.start(); } public synchronized void stop() { running=false; Thread tmp=bundler_thread; bundler_thread=null; if(tmp != null) { tmp.interrupt(); if(tmp.isAlive()) { try {tmp.join(500);} catch(InterruptedException e) {} } } queue.clear(); } public int size() { return super.size() + removeQueueSize() + getBufferSize(); } public void send(Message msg) throws Exception { if(running) queue.put(msg); } public void run() { while(running) { Message msg=null; try { if((msg=queue.take()) == null) continue; long size=msg.size(); if(count + size >= transport.getMaxBundleSize()) _sendBundledMessages(); _addMessage(msg, size); while(true) { remove_queue.clear(); int num_msgs=queue.drainTo(remove_queue); if(num_msgs <= 0) break; for(int i=0; i < remove_queue.size(); i++) { msg=remove_queue.get(i); size=msg.size(); if(count + size >= transport.getMaxBundleSize()) _sendBundledMessages(); _addMessage(msg, size); } } if(count > 0) _sendBundledMessages(); } catch(Throwable t) { } } } // This should not affect perf, as the lock is uncontended most of the time protected void _sendBundledMessages() { lock.lock(); try { sendBundledMessages(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } protected void _addMessage(Message msg, long size) { lock.lock(); try { addMessage(msg, size); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } protected static int assertPositive(int value, String message) { if(value <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); return value; } }