package org.jgroups.stack; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.PhysicalAddress; import org.jgroups.annotations.GuardedBy; import org.jgroups.blocks.cs.*; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory; import org.jgroups.protocols.PingData; import org.jgroups.util.ByteArrayDataInputStream; import org.jgroups.util.ByteArrayDataOutputStream; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; /** * Client stub that talks to a remote GossipRouter via blocking or non-blocking TCP * @author Bela Ban */ public class RouterStub extends ReceiverAdapter implements Comparable<RouterStub>, ConnectionListener { public interface StubReceiver {void receive(GossipData data);} public interface MembersNotification {void members(List<PingData> mbrs);} public interface CloseListener {void closed(RouterStub stub);} protected BaseServer client; protected final IpAddress local; // bind address protected final IpAddress remote; // address of remote GossipRouter protected final boolean use_nio; protected StubReceiver receiver; // external consumer of data, e.g. TUNNEL protected CloseListener close_listener; protected static final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(RouterStub.class); // max number of ms to wait for socket establishment to GossipRouter protected int sock_conn_timeout=3000; protected boolean tcp_nodelay=true; // map to correlate GET_MBRS requests and responses protected final Map<String,List<MembersNotification>> get_members_map=new HashMap<>(); /** * Creates a stub to a remote GossipRouter * @param bind_addr The local address to bind to. If null, one will be picked * @param bind_port The local port. If 0, a random port will be used * @param router_host The address of the remote {@link GossipRouter} * @param router_port The port on which the remote GossipRouter is listening * @param use_nio Whether to use blocking or non-blocking IO * @param l The {@link org.jgroups.stack.RouterStub.CloseListener} */ public RouterStub(InetAddress bind_addr, int bind_port, InetAddress router_host, int router_port, boolean use_nio, CloseListener l) { local=new IpAddress(bind_addr, bind_port); this.remote=new IpAddress(router_host, router_port); this.use_nio=use_nio; this.close_listener=l; client=use_nio? new NioClient(bind_addr, bind_port, router_host, router_port) : new TcpClient(bind_addr, bind_port, router_host, router_port); client.addConnectionListener(this); client.receiver(this); client.socketConnectionTimeout(sock_conn_timeout).tcpNodelay(tcp_nodelay); } public RouterStub(IpAddress local, IpAddress remote, boolean use_nio, CloseListener l) { this.local=local; this.remote=remote; this.use_nio=use_nio; this.close_listener=l; client=use_nio? new NioClient(local, remote) : new TcpClient(local, remote); client.receiver(this); client.addConnectionListener(this); client.socketConnectionTimeout(sock_conn_timeout).tcpNodelay(tcp_nodelay); } public IpAddress local() {return local;} public IpAddress remote() {return remote;} public RouterStub receiver(StubReceiver r) {receiver=r; return this;} public StubReceiver receiver() {return receiver;} public boolean tcpNoDelay() {return tcp_nodelay;} public RouterStub tcpNoDelay(boolean tcp_nodelay) {this.tcp_nodelay=tcp_nodelay; return this;} public CloseListener connectionListener() {return close_listener;} public RouterStub connectionListener(CloseListener l) {this.close_listener=l; return this;} public int socketConnectionTimeout() {return sock_conn_timeout;} public RouterStub socketConnectionTimeout(int timeout) {this.sock_conn_timeout=timeout; return this;} public boolean useNio() {return use_nio;} public IpAddress gossipRouterAddress() {return remote;} public boolean isConnected() {return client != null && ((Client)client).isConnected();} public RouterStub set(String attr, Object val) { switch(attr) { case "tcp_nodelay": tcpNoDelay((Boolean)val); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute " + attr + " unknown"); } return this; } /** * Registers mbr with the GossipRouter under the given group, with the given logical name and physical address. * Establishes a connection to the GossipRouter and sends a CONNECT message. * @param group The group cluster) name under which to register the member * @param addr The address of the member * @param logical_name The logical name of the member * @param phys_addr The physical address of the member * @throws Exception Thrown when the registration failed */ public void connect(String group, Address addr, String logical_name, PhysicalAddress phys_addr) throws Exception { synchronized(this) { _doConnect(); } try { writeRequest(new GossipData(GossipType.REGISTER, group, addr, logical_name, phys_addr)); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.format("connection to %s failed: %s", group, ex)); } } public synchronized void connect() throws Exception { _doConnect(); } @GuardedBy("lock") protected void _doConnect() throws Exception { client.start(); } public void disconnect(String group, Address addr) throws Exception { writeRequest(new GossipData(GossipType.UNREGISTER, group, addr)); } public void destroy() { Util.close(client); } /** * Fetches a list of {@link PingData} from the GossipRouter, one for each member in the given group. This call * returns immediately and when the results are available, the * {@link org.jgroups.stack.RouterStub.MembersNotification#members(List)} callback will be invoked. * @param group The group for which we need members information * @param callback The callback to be invoked. */ public void getMembers(final String group, MembersNotification callback) throws Exception { if(callback == null) return; // if(!isConnected()) throw new Exception ("not connected"); synchronized(get_members_map) { List<MembersNotification> set=get_members_map.get(group); if(set == null) get_members_map.put(group, set=new ArrayList<>()); set.add(callback); } try { writeRequest(new GossipData(GossipType.GET_MBRS, group, null)); } catch(Exception ex) { removeResponse(group, callback); throw new Exception(String.format("connection to %s broken. Could not send %s request: %s", gossipRouterAddress(), GossipType.GET_MBRS, ex)); } } public void sendToAllMembers(String group, Address sender, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws Exception { sendToMember(group, null, sender, data, offset, length); // null destination represents mcast } public void sendToMember(String group, Address dest, Address sender, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws Exception { try { writeRequest(new GossipData(GossipType.MESSAGE, group, dest, data, offset, length).setSender(sender)); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new Exception(String.format("connection to %s broken. Could not send message to %s: %s", gossipRouterAddress(), dest, ex)); } } @Override public void receive(Address sender, byte[] buf, int offset, int length) { ByteArrayDataInputStream in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf, offset, length); GossipData data=new GossipData(); try { data.readFrom(in); switch(data.getType()) { case MESSAGE: case SUSPECT: if(receiver != null) receiver.receive(data); break; case GET_MBRS_RSP: notifyResponse(data.getGroup(), data.getPingData()); break; } } catch(Exception ex) { log.error(Util.getMessage("FailedReadingData"), ex); } } @Override public void receive(Address sender, ByteBuffer buf) { Util.bufferToArray(sender, buf, this); } public void receive(Address sender, DataInput in) throws Exception { GossipData data=new GossipData(); data.readFrom(in); switch(data.getType()) { case MESSAGE: case SUSPECT: if(receiver != null) receiver.receive(data); break; case GET_MBRS_RSP: notifyResponse(data.getGroup(), data.getPingData()); break; } } @Override public void connectionClosed(Connection conn, String reason) { if(close_listener != null) close_listener.closed(this); } @Override public void connectionEstablished(Connection conn) { } @Override public int compareTo(RouterStub o) { return remote.compareTo(o.remote); } public int hashCode() {return remote.hashCode();} public boolean equals(Object obj) { return compareTo((RouterStub)obj) == 0; } public String toString() { return String.format("RouterStub[localsocket=%s, router_host=%s]", client.localAddress(), remote); } protected synchronized void writeRequest(GossipData req) throws Exception { int size=req.serializedSize(); ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(size+5); req.writeTo(out); client.send(remote, out.buffer(), 0, out.position()); } protected void removeResponse(String group, MembersNotification notif) { synchronized(get_members_map) { List<MembersNotification> set=get_members_map.get(group); if(set == null || set.isEmpty()) { get_members_map.remove(group); return; } if(set.remove(notif) && set.isEmpty()) get_members_map.remove(group); } } protected void notifyResponse(String group, List<PingData> list) { if(group == null) return; if(list == null) list=Collections.emptyList(); synchronized(get_members_map) { List<MembersNotification> set=get_members_map.get(group); while(set != null && !set.isEmpty()) { try { MembersNotification rsp=set.remove(0); rsp.members(list); } catch(Throwable t) { log.error("failed notifying %s: %s", group, t); } } get_members_map.remove(group); } } }