package org.jgroups.stack; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.PhysicalAddress; import org.jgroups.annotations.GuardedBy; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory; import org.jgroups.util.TimeScheduler; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Consumer; /** * Manages a list of RouterStubs (e.g. health checking, reconnecting etc. * @author Vladimir Blagojevic * @author Bela Ban */ public class RouterStubManager implements Runnable, RouterStub.CloseListener { @GuardedBy("reconnectorLock") protected final ConcurrentMap<RouterStub,Future<?>> futures=new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // List of currently connected RouterStubs protected volatile List<RouterStub> stubs; // List of destinations that the reconnect task needs to create and connect protected volatile Set<Target> reconnect_list; protected final Protocol owner; protected final TimeScheduler timer; protected final String cluster_name; protected final Address local_addr; protected final String logical_name; protected final PhysicalAddress phys_addr; protected final long interval; // reconnect interval (ms) protected boolean use_nio=true; // whether to use RouterStubTcp or RouterStubNio protected Future<?> reconnector_task; protected final Log log; public RouterStubManager(Protocol owner, String cluster_name, Address local_addr, String logical_name, PhysicalAddress phys_addr, long interval) { this.owner = owner; this.stubs = new ArrayList<>(); this.reconnect_list=new HashSet<>(); this.log = LogFactory.getLog(owner.getClass()); this.timer = owner.getTransport().getTimer(); this.cluster_name=cluster_name; this.local_addr=local_addr; this.logical_name=logical_name; this.phys_addr=phys_addr; this.interval = interval; } public static RouterStubManager emptyGossipClientStubManager(Protocol p) { return new RouterStubManager(p,null,null,null, null,0L); } public RouterStubManager useNio(boolean flag) {use_nio=flag; return this;} /** * Applies action to all RouterStubs that are connected * @param action */ public void forEach(Consumer<RouterStub> action) {; } /** * Applies action to a randomly picked RouterStub that's connected * @param action */ public void forAny(Consumer<RouterStub> action) { while(!stubs.isEmpty()) { RouterStub stub=Util.pickRandomElement(stubs); if(stub != null && stub.isConnected()) { action.accept(stub); return; } } } public RouterStub createAndRegisterStub(IpAddress local, IpAddress router_addr) { RouterStub stub=new RouterStub(local, router_addr, use_nio, this); RouterStub old_stub=unregisterStub(router_addr); if(old_stub != null) old_stub.destroy(); add(stub); return stub; } public RouterStub unregisterStub(IpAddress router_addr) { RouterStub stub=find(router_addr); if(stub != null) remove(stub); return stub; } public void connectStubs() { for(RouterStub stub : stubs) { try { if(!stub.isConnected()) stub.connect(cluster_name, local_addr, logical_name, phys_addr); } catch (Throwable e) { moveStubToReconnects(stub); } } } public void disconnectStubs() { stopReconnector(); for(RouterStub stub : stubs) { try { stub.disconnect(cluster_name, local_addr); } catch (Throwable e) { } } } public void destroyStubs() { stopReconnector(); stubs.forEach(RouterStub::destroy); stubs.clear(); } public String printStubs() { return Util.printListWithDelimiter(stubs, ", "); } public String printReconnectList() { return Util.printListWithDelimiter(reconnect_list, ", "); } public String print() { return String.format("Stubs: %s\nReconnect list: %s", printStubs(), printReconnectList()); } public void run() { // try to create new RouterStubs for all elements in targets. when successful, remove target while(!reconnect_list.isEmpty()) { for(Iterator<Target> it=reconnect_list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Target; if(reconnect(target)) it.remove(); } } } @Override public void closed(RouterStub stub) { moveStubToReconnects(stub); } protected boolean reconnect(Target target) { RouterStub stub=new RouterStub(target.bind_addr, target.router_addr, this.use_nio, this).receiver(target.receiver); if(!add(stub)) return false; try { stub.connect(this.cluster_name, this.local_addr, this.logical_name, this.phys_addr); log.debug("re-established connection to %s successfully for group=%s and address=%s", stub.remote(), this.cluster_name, this.local_addr); return true; } catch(Throwable t) { remove(stub); return false; } } protected void moveStubToReconnects(RouterStub stub) { if(stub == null) return; remove(stub); if(add(new Target(stub.local(), stub.remote(), stub.receiver()))) { log.debug("connection to %s closed, trying to re-establish connection", stub.remote()); startReconnector(); } } protected boolean add(RouterStub stub) { if(stub == null) return false; List<RouterStub> new_stubs=new ArrayList<>(stubs); boolean retval=!new_stubs.contains(stub) && new_stubs.add(stub); this.stubs=new_stubs; return retval; } protected boolean add(Target target) { if(target == null) return false; Set<Target> new_set=new HashSet<>(reconnect_list); if(new_set.add(target)) { this.reconnect_list=new_set; return true; } return false; } protected boolean remove(RouterStub stub) { if(stub == null) return false; stub.destroy(); List<RouterStub> new_stubs=new ArrayList<>(stubs); boolean retval=new_stubs.remove(stub); this.stubs=new_stubs; return retval; } protected boolean remove(Target target) { if(target == null) return false; Set<Target> new_set=new HashSet<>(reconnect_list); if(new_set.remove(target)) { this.reconnect_list=new_set; return true; } return false; } protected RouterStub find(IpAddress router_addr) { for(RouterStub stub: stubs) { IpAddress addr=stub.gossipRouterAddress(); if(Objects.equals(addr, router_addr)) return stub; } return null; } protected synchronized void startReconnector() { if(reconnector_task == null || reconnector_task.isDone()) reconnector_task=timer.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this, interval, interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } protected synchronized void stopReconnector() { if(reconnector_task != null) reconnector_task.cancel(true); } /*public void connectionStatusChange(RouterStub stub, RouterStub.ConnectionStatus newState) { switch(newState) { case CONNECTED: case DISCONNECTED: reconnector.remove(stub.gossipRouterAddress()); break; case CONNECTION_BROKEN: reconnector.add(stub.gossipRouterAddress(), stub.local()); break; default: break; }*/ /* if(newState == RouterStub.ConnectionStatus.CONNECTION_BROKEN) { stub.interrupt(); stub.destroy(); startReconnecting(stub); } else if (newState == RouterStub.ConnectionStatus.CONNECTED) { stopReconnecting(stub); } else if (newState == RouterStub.ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED) { // wait for disconnect ack; try { stub.join(interval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }*/ //} protected static class Target implements Comparator<Target>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected final IpAddress bind_addr, router_addr; protected final RouterStub.StubReceiver receiver; public Target(IpAddress bind_addr, IpAddress router_addr, RouterStub.StubReceiver receiver) { this.bind_addr=bind_addr; this.router_addr=router_addr; this.receiver=receiver; } @Override public int compare(Target o1, Target o2) { return o1.router_addr.compareTo(o2.router_addr); } public int hashCode() { return router_addr.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { return compare(this, (Target)obj) == 0; } public String toString() { return String.format("%s -> %s", bind_addr, router_addr); } } }