package org.jgroups.protocols; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.Event; import org.jgroups.Message; import org.jgroups.View; import org.jgroups.annotations.MBean; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute; import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedOperation; import org.jgroups.annotations.Property; import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol; import org.jgroups.util.AverageMinMax; import org.jgroups.util.FixedSizeBitSet; import org.jgroups.util.MessageBatch; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * Fragmentation protocol which uses less memory to store fragments than {@link FRAG2}.<br/> * When a message is fragmented, all fragments carry the size of the original message, their offset and * length with respect to the original message and a fragment ID (to identify the fragment).<br/> * When the first fragment is received, the full message is created and each fragment copies its data into the full * message at its offset and length. When all fragments have been received, the full message is passed up.<br/> * Only the first fragment carries the headers and dest and src addresses. When received, its src/dest addresses and * the headers will be set in the full message.<br/> * For details see * <br/> * Requirement: lossless delivery (e.g. NAKACK2 or UNICAST3). No requirement on ordering. Works for both unicast and * multicast messages.<br/> * * @author Bela Ban * @since 4.0 */ @MBean(description="Fragments messages larger than fragmentation size into smaller packets") public class FRAG3 extends Protocol { /* ----------------------------------------- Properties -------------------------------------------------- */ @Property(description="The max number of bytes in a message. Larger messages will be fragmented") protected int frag_size=60000; /* --------------------------------------------- Fields ------------------------------------------------------ */ /*the fragmentation list contains a fragmentation table per sender *this way it becomes easier to clean up if a sender (member) leaves or crashes */ protected final ConcurrentMap<Address,ConcurrentMap<Integer,FragEntry>> fragment_list=Util.createConcurrentMap(11); // Used to assign fragmentation-specific sequence IDs (monotonically increasing) protected final AtomicInteger curr_id=new AtomicInteger(1); protected final List<Address> members=new ArrayList<>(11); protected Address local_addr; @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of sent fragments") protected LongAdder num_frags_sent=new LongAdder(); @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of received fragments") protected LongAdder num_frags_received=new LongAdder(); protected final AverageMinMax avg_size_down=new AverageMinMax(); protected final AverageMinMax avg_size_up=new AverageMinMax(); public int getFragSize() {return frag_size;} public void setFragSize(int s) {frag_size=s;} public long getNumberOfSentFragments() {return num_frags_sent.sum();} public long getNumberOfReceivedFragments() {return num_frags_received.sum();} public int fragSize() {return frag_size;} public FRAG3 fragSize(int size) {frag_size=size; return this;} @ManagedAttribute(description="min/avg/max size (in bytes) for messages sent down that needed to be fragmented") public String getAvgSizeDown() {return avg_size_down.toString();} @ManagedAttribute(description="min/avg/max size (in bytes) of messages re-assembled from fragments") public String getAvgSizeUp() {return avg_size_up.toString();} protected int getNextId() {return curr_id.getAndIncrement();} public void init() throws Exception { super.init(); int old_frag_size=frag_size; if(frag_size <=0) throw new Exception("frag_size=" + old_frag_size + ", new frag_size=" + frag_size + ": new frag_size is invalid"); TP transport=getTransport(); if(transport != null) { int max_bundle_size=transport.getMaxBundleSize(); if(frag_size >= max_bundle_size) throw new IllegalArgumentException("frag_size (" + frag_size + ") has to be < TP.max_bundle_size (" + max_bundle_size + ")"); } Map<String,Object> info=new HashMap<>(1); info.put("frag_size", frag_size); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.CONFIG, info)); } public void resetStats() { super.resetStats(); num_frags_sent.reset(); num_frags_received.reset(); avg_size_down.clear(); avg_size_up.clear(); } /** * Fragment a packet if larger than frag_size (add a header). Otherwise just pass down. Only * add a header if fragmentation is needed ! */ public Object down(Event evt) { switch(evt.getType()) { case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: handleViewChange(evt.getArg()); break; case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS: local_addr=evt.getArg(); break; } return down_prot.down(evt); // Pass on to the layer below us } public Object down(Message msg) { int size=msg.getLength(); if(size > frag_size) { fragment(msg); // Fragment and pass down avg_size_down.add(size); return null; } return down_prot.down(msg); } /** * If event is a message, if it is fragmented, re-assemble fragments into big message and pass up the stack. */ public Object up(Event evt) { switch(evt.getType()) { case Event.VIEW_CHANGE: handleViewChange(evt.getArg()); break; } return up_prot.up(evt); // Pass up to the layer above us by default } public Object up(Message msg) { Frag3Header hdr=msg.getHeader(; if(hdr != null) { // needs to be defragmented Message assembled_msg=unfragment(msg, hdr); if(assembled_msg != null) { assembled_msg.setSrc(msg.getSrc()); // needed ? YES, because fragments have a null src !! up_prot.up(assembled_msg); avg_size_up.add(assembled_msg.length()); } return null; } return up_prot.up(msg); } public void up(MessageBatch batch) { for(Message msg: batch) { Frag3Header hdr=msg.getHeader(; if(hdr != null) { // needs to be defragmented Message assembled_msg=unfragment(msg,hdr); if(assembled_msg != null) { // the reassembled msg has to be add in the right place (, // and canot be added to the tail of the batch ! batch.replace(msg, assembled_msg); avg_size_up.add(assembled_msg.length()); } else batch.remove(msg); } } if(!batch.isEmpty()) up_prot.up(batch); } protected void handleViewChange(View view) { List<Address> new_mbrs=view.getMembers(); List<Address> left_mbrs=Util.determineLeftMembers(members, new_mbrs); members.clear(); members.addAll(new_mbrs); for(Address mbr: left_mbrs) { // the new view doesn't contain the sender, it must have left, hence we will clear its fragmentation tables fragment_list.remove(mbr); log.trace("%s: removed %s from fragmentation table", local_addr, mbr); } } @ManagedOperation(description="removes all fragments sent by mbr") public void clearFragmentsFor(Address mbr) { if(mbr == null) return; fragment_list.remove(mbr); log.trace("%s: removed %s from fragmentation table", local_addr, mbr); } @ManagedOperation(description="Removes all entries from the fragmentation table. " + "Dangerous: this might remove fragments that are still needed to assemble an entire message") public void clearAllFragments() { fragment_list.clear(); } /** Send all fragments as separate messages (with same ID !). Example: <pre> Given the generated ID is 2344, number of fragments=3, message {dst,src,buf} would be fragmented into: [2344,3,0]{dst,src,buf1}, [2344,3,1]{dst,src,buf2} and [2344,3,2]{dst,src,buf3} </pre> */ protected void fragment(Message msg) { try { byte[] buffer=msg.getRawBuffer(); int original_length=msg.getLength(); int num_frags=(int)Math.ceil(original_length /(double)frag_size); num_frags_sent.add(num_frags); if(log.isTraceEnabled()) { Address dest=msg.getDest(); log.trace("%s: fragmenting message to %s (size=%d) into %d fragment(s) [frag_size=%d]", local_addr, dest != null ? dest : "<all>", original_length, num_frags, frag_size); } int frag_id=getNextId(); // used as the common ID for all fragments of this message int total_size=original_length + msg.getOffset(); int offset=msg.getOffset(); int tmp_size=0, i=0; while(offset < total_size) { if(offset + frag_size <= total_size) tmp_size=frag_size; else tmp_size=total_size - offset; Frag3Header hdr=new Frag3Header(frag_id, i, num_frags, original_length, offset - msg.getOffset()); // at the receiver, offset needs to start at 0!! // don't copy the buffer, only src, dest and headers. Only copy the headers for the first fragment! Message frag_msg=msg.copy(false, i == 0).setBuffer(buffer, offset, tmp_size).putHeader(, hdr); down_prot.down(frag_msg); offset+=tmp_size; i++; } } catch(Exception e) { log.error(String.format("%s: fragmentation failure", local_addr), e); } } /** 1. Get all the fragment buffers 2. When all are received -> Assemble them into one big buffer 3. Read headers and byte buffer from big buffer 4. Set headers and buffer in msg 5. Return the message */ protected Message unfragment(Message msg, Frag3Header hdr) { Address sender=msg.getSrc(); Message assembled_msg=null; ConcurrentMap<Integer,FragEntry> frag_table=fragment_list.get(sender); if(frag_table == null) { frag_table=Util.createConcurrentMap(16, .075f, 16); ConcurrentMap<Integer,FragEntry> tmp=fragment_list.putIfAbsent(sender, frag_table); if(tmp != null) // value was already present frag_table=tmp; } num_frags_received.increment(); FragEntry entry=frag_table.get(; if(entry == null) { entry=new FragEntry(hdr.num_frags); FragEntry tmp=frag_table.putIfAbsent(, entry); if(tmp != null) entry=tmp; } if((assembled_msg=entry.set(msg, hdr)) != null) { frag_table.remove(; if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("%s: unfragmented message from %s (size=%d) from %d fragments", local_addr, sender, assembled_msg.getLength(), entry.num_frags); } return assembled_msg; } /** * Entry for a full message, received fragments are copied into buffer and set in the bitset of expected frags. * When complete, the buffer is set in the resulting message and the message returned. */ protected static class FragEntry { protected final Lock lock=new ReentrantLock(); // the message to be passed up; fragments write their payloads into the buffer at the correct offsets protected Message msg; protected byte[] buffer; protected final int num_frags; // number of expected fragments protected final FixedSizeBitSet received; /** * Creates a new entry * @param num_frags the number of fragments expected for this message */ protected FragEntry(int num_frags) { this.num_frags=num_frags; received=new FixedSizeBitSet(num_frags); } /** Adds a fragment to the full message */ public Message set(Message frag_msg, Frag3Header hdr) { lock.lock(); try { if(buffer == null) buffer=new byte[hdr.original_length]; if(hdr.frag_id == 0) { // the first fragment creates the message, copy the headers but not the buffer msg=frag_msg.copy(false); } if(received.set(hdr.frag_id)) { // if not yet added: copy the fragment's buffer into msg.buffer at the correct offset int frag_length=frag_msg.getLength(); int offset=hdr.offset; System.arraycopy(frag_msg.getRawBuffer(), frag_msg.getOffset(), buffer, offset, frag_length); if(isComplete()) return assembleMessage(); } return null; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** Returns true if this fragmentation is complete, ie all fragments have been received for this buffer */ protected boolean isComplete() { return received.cardinality() == num_frags; } /** * Assembles all the fragments into one buffer. Takes all Messages, and combines their buffers into one buffer. * @return the complete message in one buffer */ protected Message assembleMessage() { return msg.setBuffer(buffer); } public String toString() { StringBuilder ret=new StringBuilder(); ret.append("[tot_frags=").append(num_frags).append(", number_of_frags_recvd=").append(received.cardinality()).append(']'); return ret.toString(); } } }