package org.jgroups.protocols.rules; import org.jgroups.logging.Log; /** * A rule with a condition and (optional) action. When a rule is run, the condition is checked with {@link #eval()} and * - if true - the action is triggered with {@link #trigger()}. * @author Bela Ban * @since 3.3 */ public abstract class Rule implements Runnable { protected SUPERVISOR sv; // set when rule is installed protected Log log; // set when rule is installed public Rule supervisor(SUPERVISOR sv) {; return this;} public Rule log(Log log) {this.log=log; return this;} /** Returns the name of the rule. Should be unique if a rule needs to be uninstalled */ public abstract String name(); /** Describes what the rules does */ public abstract String description(); /** Called when rule is installed */ public void init() {} /** Called when rule is uninstalled */ public void destroy() {} /** Evaluates the condition. If true, the rule is triggered. If true, the next execution of {@link #condition()} * should return a non-null string */ public abstract boolean eval(); /** Returns a description of the condition that led to {@link #eval()} returning true */ public abstract String condition(); /** The action of the rule. Triggered if {@link #eval()} returned true */ public abstract void trigger() throws Throwable; public void run() { if(!eval()) return; try { String condition=condition(); if(condition == null) condition="executed rule " + name(); sv.addCondition(condition); if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(sv.getLocalAddress() + ": executing rule " + name()); trigger(); } catch(Throwable t) { log.error(sv.getLocalAddress() + ": failed executiong rule " + name(), t); } } }