package org.jgroups.blocks.cs; import org.jgroups.Address; import org.jgroups.Version; import org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress; import org.jgroups.util.ThreadFactory; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import*; import*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * Blocking IO (BIO) connection. Starts 1 reader thread for the peer socket and blocks until data is available. * Calls {@link TcpServer#receive(Address,byte[],int,int)} when data has been received. * @author Bela Ban * @since 3.6.5 */ public class TcpConnection extends Connection { protected final Socket sock; // socket to/from peer (result of srv_sock.accept() or new Socket()) protected final ReentrantLock send_lock=new ReentrantLock(); // serialize send() protected DataOutputStream out; protected DataInputStream in; protected volatile Receiver receiver; protected final TcpBaseServer server; protected final AtomicInteger writers=new AtomicInteger(0); // to determine the last writer to flush /** Creates a connection stub and binds it, use {@link #connect(Address)} to connect */ public TcpConnection(Address peer_addr, TcpBaseServer server) throws Exception { this.server=server; if(peer_addr == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameter peer_addr="+ peer_addr); this.peer_addr=peer_addr; this.sock=server.socketFactory().createSocket("jgroups.tcp.sock"); setSocketParameters(sock); last_access=getTimestamp(); // last time a message was sent or received (ns) } public TcpConnection(Socket s, TcpServer server) throws Exception { this.sock=s; this.server=server; if(s == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parameter s=" + s); setSocketParameters(s); this.out=new DataOutputStream(createBufferedOutputStream(s.getOutputStream())); DataInputStream(createBufferedInputStream(s.getInputStream())); this.peer_addr=server.usePeerConnections()? readPeerAddress(s) : new IpAddress((InetSocketAddress)s.getRemoteSocketAddress()); last_access=getTimestamp(); // last time a message was sent or received (ns) } public Address localAddress() { InetSocketAddress local_addr=sock != null? (InetSocketAddress)sock.getLocalSocketAddress() : null; return local_addr != null? new IpAddress(local_addr) : null; } public Address peerAddress() { return peer_addr; } protected long getTimestamp() { return server.timeService() != null? server.timeService().timestamp() : System.nanoTime(); } protected String getSockAddress() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); if(sock != null) { sb.append(sock.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress()).append(':').append(sock.getLocalPort()); sb.append(" - ").append(sock.getInetAddress().getHostAddress()).append(':').append(sock.getPort()); } return sb.toString(); } protected void updateLastAccessed() { if(server.connExpireTime() > 0) last_access=getTimestamp(); } public void connect(Address dest) throws Exception { connect(dest, server.usePeerConnections()); } protected void connect(Address dest, boolean send_local_addr) throws Exception { SocketAddress destAddr=new InetSocketAddress(((IpAddress)dest).getIpAddress(), ((IpAddress)dest).getPort()); try { if(!server.defer_client_binding) this.sock.bind(new InetSocketAddress(server.client_bind_addr, server.client_bind_port)); if(this.sock.getLocalSocketAddress() != null && this.sock.getLocalSocketAddress().equals(destAddr)) throw new IllegalStateException("socket's bind and connect address are the same: " + destAddr); Util.connect(this.sock, destAddr, server.sock_conn_timeout); this.out=new DataOutputStream(createBufferedOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream())); DataInputStream(createBufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream())); if(send_local_addr) sendLocalAddress(server.localAddress()); } catch(Exception t) { Util.close(this.sock); throw t; } } public void start() { if(receiver != null) receiver.stop(); receiver=new Receiver(server.factory).start(); } /** * * @param data Guaranteed to be non null * @param offset * @param length */ public void send(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws Exception { if(out == null) return; writers.incrementAndGet(); send_lock.lock(); try { doSend(data, offset, length); updateLastAccessed(); } catch(InterruptedException iex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // set interrupt flag again } finally { if(writers.decrementAndGet() == 0) // only the last active writer thread calls flush() flush(); // won't throw an exception send_lock.unlock(); } } public void send(ByteBuffer buf) throws Exception { if(buf == null) return; int offset=buf.hasArray()? buf.arrayOffset() + buf.position() : buf.position(), len=buf.remaining(); if(!buf.isDirect()) send(buf.array(), offset, len); else { // by default use a copy; but of course implementers of Receiver can override this byte[] tmp=new byte[len]; buf.get(tmp, 0, len); send(tmp, 0, len); // will get copied again if send-queues are enabled } } protected void doSend(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws Exception { out.writeInt(length); // write the length of the data buffer first out.write(data,offset,length); } protected void flush() { try { out.flush(); } catch(Throwable t) { } } protected BufferedOutputStream createBufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out) { int size=(server instanceof TcpServer)? ((TcpServer)server).getBufferedOutputStreamSize() : 0; return size == 0? new BufferedOutputStream(out) : new BufferedOutputStream(out, size); } protected BufferedInputStream createBufferedInputStream(InputStream in) { int size=(server instanceof TcpServer)? ((TcpServer)server).getBufferedInputStreamSize() : 0; return size == 0? new BufferedInputStream(in) : new BufferedInputStream(in, size); } protected void setSocketParameters(Socket client_sock) throws SocketException { try { client_sock.setSendBufferSize(server.send_buf_size); } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) { server.log.error("%s: exception setting send buffer to %d bytes: %s", server.local_addr, server.send_buf_size, ex); } try { client_sock.setReceiveBufferSize(server.recv_buf_size); } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) { server.log.error("%s: exception setting receive buffer to %d bytes: %s", server.local_addr, server.recv_buf_size, ex); } client_sock.setKeepAlive(true); client_sock.setTcpNoDelay(server.tcp_nodelay); if(server.linger > 0) client_sock.setSoLinger(true, server.linger); else client_sock.setSoLinger(false, -1); } /** * Send the cookie first, then the our port number. If the cookie * doesn't match the receiver's cookie, the receiver will reject the * connection and close it. */ protected void sendLocalAddress(Address local_addr) throws Exception { try { // write the cookie out.write(cookie, 0, cookie.length); // write the version out.writeShort(Version.version); out.writeShort(local_addr.serializedSize()); // address size local_addr.writeTo(out); out.flush(); // needed ? updateLastAccessed(); } catch(Exception ex) { server.socket_factory.close(this.sock); throw ex; } } /** * Reads the peer's address. First a cookie has to be sent which has to * match my own cookie, otherwise the connection will be refused */ protected Address readPeerAddress(Socket client_sock) throws Exception { int timeout=client_sock.getSoTimeout(); client_sock.setSoTimeout(server.peerAddressReadTimeout()); try { // read the cookie first byte[] input_cookie=new byte[cookie.length]; in.readFully(input_cookie, 0, input_cookie.length); if(!Arrays.equals(cookie, input_cookie)) throw new SocketException(String.format("%s: BaseServer.TcpConnection.readPeerAddress(): cookie sent by " + "%s:%d does not match own cookie; terminating connection", server.localAddress(), client_sock.getInetAddress(), client_sock.getPort())); // then read the version short version=in.readShort(); if(!Version.isBinaryCompatible(version)) throw new IOException("packet from " + client_sock.getInetAddress() + ":" + client_sock.getPort() + " has different version (" + Version.print(version) + ") from ours (" + Version.printVersion() + "); discarding it"); in.readShort(); // address length is only needed by NioConnection Address client_peer_addr=new IpAddress(); client_peer_addr.readFrom(in); updateLastAccessed(); return client_peer_addr; } finally { client_sock.setSoTimeout(timeout); } } protected class Receiver implements Runnable { protected final Thread recv; protected volatile boolean receiving=true; protected byte[] buffer; // no need to be volatile, only accessed by this thread public Receiver(ThreadFactory f) { recv=f.newThread(this,"Connection.Receiver [" + getSockAddress() + "]"); } public Receiver start() { receiving=true; recv.start(); return this; } public Receiver stop() { receiving=false; return this; } public boolean isRunning() {return receiving;} public boolean canRun() {return isRunning() && isConnected();} public int bufferSize() {return buffer != null? buffer.length : 0;} public void run() { Throwable t=null; while(canRun()) { try { int len=in.readInt(); // needed to read messages from TCP_NIO2 server.receive(peer_addr, in, len); updateLastAccessed(); } catch(OutOfMemoryError mem_ex) { t=mem_ex; break; // continue; } catch(IOException io_ex) { t=io_ex; break; } catch(Throwable e) { } } server.notifyConnectionClosed(TcpConnection.this, String.format("%s: %s", getClass().getSimpleName(), t != null? t.toString() : "n/a")); } } public String toString() { Socket tmp_sock=sock; if(tmp_sock == null) return "<null socket>"; InetAddress local=tmp_sock.getLocalAddress(), remote=tmp_sock.getInetAddress(); String local_str=local != null? Util.shortName(local) : "<null>"; String remote_str=remote != null? Util.shortName(remote) : "<null>"; return String.format("%s:%s --> %s:%s (%d secs old) [%s] [recv_buf=%d]", local_str, tmp_sock.getLocalPort(), remote_str, tmp_sock.getPort(), TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(getTimestamp() - last_access, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS), status(), receiver != null? receiver.bufferSize() : 0); } protected String status() { if(sock == null) return "n/a"; if(isConnected()) return "connected"; if(isOpen()) return "open"; return "closed"; } public boolean isExpired(long now) { return server.conn_expire_time > 0 && now - last_access >= server.conn_expire_time; } public boolean isConnected() { return sock != null && sock.isConnected(); } public boolean isOpen() { return sock != null && !sock.isClosed(); } public void close() throws IOException { send_lock.lock(); try { Util.close(out, in, sock); if(receiver != null) { receiver.stop(); receiver=null; } } finally { send_lock.unlock(); } } }