package org.jgroups.tests; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.protocols.TP; import org.jgroups.util.MessageBatch; import org.jgroups.util.Promise; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; /** * Tests unicast and multicast messages to self (loopback of transport protocol) * @author Richard Achmatowicz 12 May 2008 * @author Bela Ban Dec 31 2003 */ @Test(groups=Global.STACK_DEPENDENT,singleThreaded=true) public class LoopbackTest extends ChannelTestBase { protected JChannel channel; @BeforeMethod protected void setUp() throws Exception {channel=createChannel(true, 1).name("A");} @AfterMethod protected void tearDown() throws Exception {Util.close(channel);} /** * Tests that when UNICAST messages are sent to self, the following conditions hold: * (i) no messages touch the network * (ii) all messages are correctly received */ public void testUnicastMsgsWithLoopback() throws Exception { sendMessagesWithLoopback(true); } /** * Tests that when MULTICAST messages are sent to self, the following conditions hold: * (i) no messages touch the network * (ii) all messages are correctly received */ public void testMulticastMsgsWithLoopback() throws Exception { sendMessagesWithLoopback(false); } protected void sendMessagesWithLoopback(boolean unicast) throws Exception { final long TIMEOUT = 60_0000; final int NUM=1000; long num_msgs_sent_before = 0; long num_msgs_sent_after = 0; Promise<Boolean> promise = new Promise<>() ; MyReceiver receiver = new MyReceiver(NUM, promise) ; channel.setReceiver(receiver) ; channel.connect("UnicastLoopbackTest") ; int largest_thread_pool_size=channel.getProtocolStack().getTransport().getThreadPoolSizeLargest(); num_msgs_sent_before = getNumMessagesSentViaNetwork(channel) ; // send NUM messages to dest Address dest=unicast? channel.getAddress() : null; for(int i=1; i <= NUM; i++) { channel.send(new Message(dest, i)); if(i % 100 == 0) System.out.printf("-- [%s] sent %d\n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), i); } num_msgs_sent_after = getNumMessagesSentViaNetwork(channel) ; System.out.printf("\nlargest pool size before: %d after: %d\n", largest_thread_pool_size, largest_thread_pool_size=channel.getProtocolStack().getTransport().getThreadPoolSizeLargest()); // when sending msgs to self, messages should not touch the network System.out.println("num msgs before: " + num_msgs_sent_before + ", num msgs after: " + num_msgs_sent_after); assert num_msgs_sent_before <= num_msgs_sent_after; if(unicast) assert num_msgs_sent_after < NUM/10; else assert num_msgs_sent_after <= NUM; // max of NUM single messages; probably some batches were sent try { // wait for all messages to be received promise.getResultWithTimeout(TIMEOUT) ; } catch(TimeoutException te) { // timeout exception occurred"Test timed out before all messages were received; received " + receiver.getNumMsgsReceived()) ; } } /** * Returns the number of messages sent across the network. * * @param ch * @return the number of messages sent across the network * @throws Exception */ private static long getNumMessagesSentViaNetwork(JChannel ch) throws Exception { TP transport = ch.getProtocolStack().getTransport(); if (transport == null) throw new Exception("transport layer is not present - check default stack configuration") ; return transport.getNumMessagesSent(); } /** * A receiver which waits for all messages to be received and * then sets a promise. */ private static class MyReceiver extends ReceiverAdapter { private final int numExpected ; private int numReceived; private final Promise<Boolean> p ; public MyReceiver(int numExpected, Promise<Boolean> p) { this.numExpected = numExpected ; this.numReceived = 0 ; this.p = p ; } // when we receive a Message, we update the count of messages received public void receive(Message msg) { Integer num=msg.getObject(); numReceived++; if(num != null && num % 100 == 0) System.out.printf("-- [%s] received %d\n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), num); // if we have received NUM messages, set the result if (numReceived >= numExpected) p.setResult(Boolean.TRUE) ; } public void receive(MessageBatch batch) { int size=batch.size(); numReceived+=size; // System.out.printf("received batch of %d msgs, total: %d\n", size, numReceived); for(Message msg: batch) { Integer num=msg != null? msg.getObject() : null; if(num != null && num % 100 == 0) System.out.printf("-- [%s] received %d\n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), num); } if(numReceived >= numExpected) p.setResult(Boolean.TRUE); } public int getNumMsgsReceived() { return numReceived ; } } }