package org.jgroups.blocks; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.protocols.FRAG; import org.jgroups.protocols.FRAG2; import org.jgroups.protocols.TP; import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol; import org.jgroups.util.RpcStats; import org.jgroups.util.Rsp; import org.jgroups.util.RspList; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import; /** * A collection of tests to test the RpcDispatcher. * * NOTE on processing return values: * * The method RspDispatcher.callRemoteMethods(...) returns an RspList, containing one Rsp * object for each group member receiving the RPC call. Rsp.getValue() returns the * value returned by the RPC call from the corresponding member. Rsp.getValue() may * contain several classes of values, depending on what happened during the call: * * (i) a value of the expected return data type, if the RPC call completed successfully * (ii) null, if the RPC call timed out before the value could be returned * (iii) an object of type java.lang.Throwable, if an exception (e.g. lava.lang.OutOfMemoryException) * was raised during the processing of the call * * It is wise to check for such cases when processing RpcDispatcher calls. * * This also applies to the return value of callRemoteMethod(...). * * @author Bela Ban */ @Test(groups=Global.FUNCTIONAL,singleThreaded=true) public class RpcDispatcherTest { protected RpcDispatcher da, db, dc; protected JChannel a, b, c; protected static final String GROUP="RpcDispatcherTest"; // specify return values sizes which should work correctly with a 64Mb heap final static int[] SIZES={10000, 20000, 40000, 80000, 100000, 200000, 400000, 800000, 1000000, 2000000, 5000000}; // timeout (in secs) for large value tests final static int LARGE_VALUE_TIMEOUT = 60; @BeforeMethod protected void setUp() throws Exception { a=createChannel("A"); da=new RpcDispatcher(a, new ServerObject(1)); a.connect(GROUP); b=createChannel("B"); db=new RpcDispatcher(b, new ServerObject(2)); b.connect(GROUP); c=createChannel("C"); dc=new RpcDispatcher(c, new ServerObject(3)); c.connect(GROUP); Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameView(10000, 1000, a, b, c); System.out.println("A=" + a.getView() + "\nB=" + b.getView() + "\nC=" + c.getView()); } @AfterMethod protected void tearDown() throws Exception { Util.close(dc, db, da, c, b, a); } public void testEmptyConstructor() throws Exception { RpcDispatcher d1=new RpcDispatcher(), d2=new RpcDispatcher(); JChannel d=null, e=null; try { d=createChannel("D"); e=createChannel("E"); d1.setChannel(d); d2.setChannel(e); d1.setServerObject(new ServerObject(1)); d2.setServerObject(new ServerObject(2)); d1.start(); d2.start(); d.connect("RpcDispatcherTest-DifferentGroup"); e.connect("RpcDispatcherTest-DifferentGroup"); Util.sleep(500); View view=e.getView(); System.out.println("view channel 2= " + view); view=d.getView(); System.out.println("view channel 1= " + view); assert view.size() == 2; RspList<Integer> rsps=d1.callRemoteMethods(null, "foo", null, null, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); System.out.println("rsps:\n" + rsps); assert rsps.size() == 2; for(Rsp<Integer> rsp: rsps.values()) { assert rsp.wasReceived(); assert !rsp.wasSuspected(); assert rsp.getValue() != null; } Object server_object=new Object() { public long foobar() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } }; d1.setServerObject(server_object); d2.setServerObject(server_object); rsps=d2.callRemoteMethods(null, "foobar", null, null, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); System.out.println("rsps:\n" + rsps); assert rsps.size() == 2; for(Rsp rsp: rsps.values()) { assert rsp.wasReceived(); assert !rsp.wasSuspected(); assert rsp.getValue() != null; } } finally { d2.stop(); d1.stop(); Util.close(e, d); } } public void testException() throws Exception { RspList<Object> rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(null, "throwException", null, null, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); rsps.values().forEach(System.out::println); for(Rsp<Object> rsp: rsps.values()) assert rsp.getException() != null && rsp.getValue() == null; } public void testExceptionAsReturnValue() throws Exception { RspList<Object> rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(null, "returnException", null, null, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); rsps.values().forEach(System.out::println); for(Rsp<Object> rsp: rsps.values()) assert rsp.getException() == null && rsp.getValue() != null && rsp.getValue() instanceof Throwable; } public void testUnicastInvocation() throws Exception { RequestOptions opts=RequestOptions.SYNC().timeout(2000); Void result=da.callRemoteMethod(b.getAddress(), "bar", null, null, opts); assert result == null; Integer res=da.callRemoteMethod(b.getAddress(), "foo", null, null, opts); assert res != null && res == 2; } public void testUnicastInvocationWithTimeout() throws Exception { RequestOptions opts=RequestOptions.SYNC().timeout(1000); Method meth=ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("sleep", long.class); long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); try { da.callRemoteMethod(b.getAddress(), new MethodCall(meth, 5000), opts); assert false: "should have thrown a TimeoutException"; } catch(TimeoutException ex) { long time=System.currentTimeMillis()-start; System.out.printf("received %s as expected; call took ~%d ms\n", ex, time); } } public void testUnicastInvocationWithFutureAndTimeout() throws Exception { RequestOptions opts=RequestOptions.SYNC().timeout(6000); Method meth=ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("sleep", long.class); CompletableFuture<Long> future; long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); future=da.callRemoteMethodWithFuture(b.getAddress(), new MethodCall(meth, 5000), opts); try { future.get(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assert false : "should have thrown a TimeoutException"; } catch(TimeoutException ex) { long time=System.currentTimeMillis()-start; System.out.printf("received %s as expected; call took ~%d ms\n", ex, time); } } public void testUnicastInvocationWithFuture() throws Exception { RequestOptions opts=RequestOptions.SYNC().timeout(2000).flags(Message.Flag.OOB); MethodCall call=new MethodCall("bar", null, null); CompletableFuture<Void> future=da.callRemoteMethodWithFuture(b.getAddress(), call, opts); Void result=future.get(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assert result == null; call=new MethodCall("foo", null, null); CompletableFuture<Integer> fut=da.callRemoteMethodWithFuture(b.getAddress(), call, opts); Integer res=fut.get(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assert res != null && res == 2; Method meth=ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("sleep", long.class); try { CompletableFuture<Long> f=da.callRemoteMethodWithFuture(b.getAddress(), new MethodCall(meth, 5000), opts); f.get(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assert false: "should have thrown a TimeoutException"; } catch(TimeoutException ex) { System.out.printf("received %s as expected\n", ex); } try { meth=ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("throwException"); call=new MethodCall(meth); CompletableFuture<Object> f=da.callRemoteMethodWithFuture(b.getAddress(), call, opts); f.get(); assert false : "should have thrown ExecutionException"; } catch(ExecutionException ex) { System.out.printf("received %s as expected\n", ex); assert ex.getCause() instanceof Exception; } } public void testUnicastException() { try { da.callRemoteMethod(b.getAddress(), "throwException", null, null, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); } catch(Throwable throwable) { System.out.println("received exception (as expected)"); } } public void testUnicastExceptionNested() { try { da.callRemoteMethod(b.getAddress(), "throwExceptionNested", null, null, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); } catch(Throwable throwable) { System.out.printf("received exception (as expected): %s\n", throwable); assert throwable instanceof IllegalArgumentException; assert throwable.getCause() instanceof NullPointerException; } } public void testAsyncUnicast() throws Exception { MethodCall call=new MethodCall(ServerObject.class.getMethod("foo")); Integer result=da.callRemoteMethod(b.getAddress(), call, RequestOptions.ASYNC()); assert result == null; } public void testAsyncUnicastWithFuture() throws Exception { MethodCall call=new MethodCall(ServerObject.class.getMethod("throwException")); Future<Object> future=da.callRemoteMethodWithFuture(b.getAddress(), call, RequestOptions.ASYNC()); assert future == null; } public void testUnicastExceptionWithFuture() { try { MethodCall call=new MethodCall(ServerObject.class.getMethod("throwException")); Future<Object> future=da.callRemoteMethodWithFuture(b.getAddress(), call, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); Object val=future.get(); assert val == null; assert false : " should not get here"; } catch(Throwable throwable) { System.out.println("received exception (as expected): " + throwable); } } public void testUnicastExceptionAsReturnValue() throws Exception { Object rsp=da.callRemoteMethod(b.getAddress(), "returnException", null, null, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); System.out.println("rsp = " + rsp); assert rsp != null && rsp instanceof Throwable; } public void testUnicastExceptionAsReturnValueWithFuture() throws Exception { MethodCall call=new MethodCall(ServerObject.class.getMethod("returnException")); Future<Object> future=da.callRemoteMethodWithFuture(b.getAddress(), call, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); Object val=future.get(); assert val instanceof Exception; } public void testMulticastInvocationWithMethodLookup() throws Exception { MethodCall call=new MethodCall((short)6, 3, 4); // ServerObject.add() Stream.of(da,db,dc).forEach(d -> d.setMethodLookup(id -> ServerObject.methods[id])); RspList<Integer> rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(null, call, RequestOptions.SYNC()); System.out.printf("rsps:\n%s\n", rsps); assert rsps != null; assert rsps.size() == 3; for(Rsp<Integer> rsp: rsps.values()) assert rsp.getValue() != null && rsp.getValue().equals(7); } public void testMulticastInvocationWithTimeout() throws Exception { RequestOptions opts=RequestOptions.SYNC().timeout(1000); Method meth=ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("sleep", long.class); long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); RspList<Long> rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(null, new MethodCall(meth, 5000), opts); long time=System.currentTimeMillis()-start; System.out.printf("responses:\n%s\ncall took ~%d ms\n", rsps, time); rsps.values().stream().allMatch(rsp -> !rsp.wasReceived()); } public void testMulticastInvocationWithFutureAndTimeout() throws Exception { RequestOptions opts=RequestOptions.SYNC().timeout(1000); Method meth=ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("sleep", long.class); CompletableFuture<RspList<Long>> future=da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(null, new MethodCall(meth, 5000), opts); RspList<Long> rsps=future.get(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); System.out.printf("rsps:\n%s\n", rsps); assert rsps != null; assert !rsps.values().stream().anyMatch(Rsp::wasReceived); } /** * Test the response filter mechanism which can be used to filter responses received with * a call to RpcDispatcher. * * The test filters requests based on the id of the server object they were received * from, and only accept responses from servers with id > 1. * * The expected behaviour is that the response from server 1 is rejected, but the responses * from servers 2 and 3 are accepted. * */ public void testResponseFilter() throws Exception { RequestOptions options=new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 10000, false, new RspFilter() { int num=0; public boolean isAcceptable(Object response, Address sender) { boolean retval=(Integer)response > 1; if(retval) num++; return retval; } public boolean needMoreResponses() { return num < 2; } }); RspList rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(null, "foo", null, null, options); System.out.println("responses are:\n" + rsps); assert rsps.size() == 3 : "there should be three response values"; assert rsps.numReceived() == 2 : "number of responses received should be 2"; } /** Test a unicast blocking RPC with a stupid response filter which never terminates */ public void testResponseFilterWithUnicast() throws Exception { RequestOptions options=RequestOptions.SYNC().timeout(5000).rspFilter( new RspFilter() { public boolean isAcceptable(Object response, Address sender) {return false;} public boolean needMoreResponses() {return true;} }); Object retval=da.callRemoteMethod(b.getAddress(), "bar", null, null, options); System.out.println("retval = " + retval); assert retval == null; } /** * Tests an incorrect response filter which always returns false for isAcceptable() and true for needsMoreResponses(). * The call should return anyway after having received all responses, even if none of them was accepted by the * filter. */ public void testNonTerminatingResponseFilter() throws Exception { RequestOptions options=new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 10000, false, new RspFilter() { public boolean isAcceptable(Object response, Address sender) { return false; } public boolean needMoreResponses() {return true;} }); RspList rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(null, "foo", null, null, options); System.out.println("responses are:\n" + rsps); Util.assertEquals("there should be three response values", 3, rsps.size()); Util.assertEquals("number of responses received should be 3", 0, rsps.numReceived()); } /** * Runs with response mode of GET_FIRST and the response filter accepts only the last response * @throws Exception */ public void testAcceptLastResponseFilter() throws Exception { RequestOptions options=new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_FIRST, 10000, false, new RspFilter() { int count=0; public boolean isAcceptable(Object response, Address sender) { return ++count >= 3; } public boolean needMoreResponses() {return count < 3;} }); RspList rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(null, "foo", null, null, options); System.out.println("responses are:\n" + rsps); Util.assertEquals("there should be three response values", 3, rsps.size()); Util.assertEquals("number of responses received should be 3", 1, rsps.numReceived()); } public void testFuture() throws Exception { MethodCall sleep=new MethodCall("sleep", new Object[]{5000L}, new Class[]{long.class}); CompletableFuture<RspList<Long>> future=da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(null, sleep, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000L, false, null)); assert !future.isDone(); assert !future.isCancelled(); RspList<Long> rsps=future.get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); long num_not_received=rsps.values().stream().filter(rsp -> !rsp.wasReceived()).count(); System.out.printf("rsps:\n%s\nnot received: %d\n", rsps, num_not_received); assert rsps.size() == 3; assert num_not_received == 3 : "none of the 3 requests should have received a response, rsps:\n" + rsps; assert future.isDone(); } public void testNotifyingFuture() throws Exception { MethodCall sleep=new MethodCall("sleep", new Object[]{1000L}, new Class[]{long.class}); CompletableFuture<RspList<Long>> future=da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(null, sleep, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000L)); assert !future.isDone(); assert !future.isCancelled(); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(future.isDone()) break; Util.sleep(1000); } assert future.isDone(); RspList<Long> result=future.get(1L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); System.out.println("result:\n" + result); assert result != null; assert result.size() == 3; assert future.isDone(); RspList<Long> result2=future.get(); System.out.println("result2:\n" + result2); assert result2 != null; assert result2.size() == 3; assert future.isDone(); } public void testNotifyingFutureWithDelayedListener() throws Exception { MethodCall sleep=new MethodCall("sleep", new Object[]{100L}, new Class[]{long.class}); CompletableFuture<RspList<Long>> future=da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(null, sleep, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL,5000L)); assert !future.isDone(); assert !future.isCancelled(); Util.sleep(2000); assert future.isDone(); RspList result=future.get(1L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); System.out.println("result:\n" + result); assert result != null; assert result.size() == 3; } /** * Invoke a call which sleeps for 5s 5 times. Since the sleep should be done in parallel (OOB msgs), all 5 futures * should be done in roughly 5s. JIRA: */ public void testMultipleFutures() throws Exception { final int NUM_CALLS=5, MAX_SLEEP=10000; // should be done in ~5s, make it 10 to be on the safe side MethodCall sleep=new MethodCall("sleep", new Object[]{5000L}, new Class[]{long.class}); List<Future<RspList<Long>>> futures=new ArrayList<>(); long target=System.currentTimeMillis() + MAX_SLEEP; // if we didn't use DONT_BUNDLE, all OOB msgs from the same sender in a batch would be delivered sequentially! RequestOptions options=new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 30000L) .flags(Message.Flag.OOB, Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE); for(int i=0; i < NUM_CALLS; i++) { Future<RspList<Long>> future=da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(null, sleep, options); futures.add(future); } List<Future<RspList<Long>>> rsps=new ArrayList<>(); while(!futures.isEmpty() && System.currentTimeMillis() < target) { for(Iterator<Future<RspList<Long>>> it=futures.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Future<RspList<Long>>; if(future.isDone()) { it.remove(); rsps.add(future); } } Util.sleep(500); } System.out.println("\n" + rsps.size() + " responses:\n"); rsps.forEach(System.out::println); assert rsps.size() == NUM_CALLS; } public void testMultipleNotifyingFutures() throws Exception { MethodCall sleep=new MethodCall("sleep", new Object[]{100L}, new Class[]{long.class}); List<CompletableFuture<RspList<Long>>> listeners=new ArrayList<>(); RequestOptions options=new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 30000L); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { CompletableFuture<RspList<Long>> f=da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(null, sleep, options); listeners.add(f); } Util.sleep(1000); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { boolean all_done=true; for(CompletableFuture<RspList<Long>> listener: listeners) { boolean done=listener.isDone(); System.out.print(done? "+ " : "- "); if(!listener.isDone()) all_done=false; } if(all_done) break; Util.sleep(500); System.out.println(""); } for(CompletableFuture<RspList<Long>> listener: listeners) assert listener.isDone(); } public void testFutureCancel() throws Exception { MethodCall sleep=new MethodCall("sleep", new Object[]{1000L}, new Class[]{long.class}); Future<RspList<Long>> future=da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(null, sleep, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000L)); assert !future.isDone(); assert !future.isCancelled(); future.cancel(true); assert future.isDone(); assert future.isCancelled(); future=da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(null, sleep, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 0)); assert !future.isDone(); assert !future.isCancelled(); future.cancel(true); assert future.isDone(); assert future.isCancelled(); } /** * Test the ability of RpcDispatcher to handle large argument and return values * with multicast RPC calls. * * The test sends requests for return values (byte arrays) having increasing sizes, * which increase the processing time for requests as well as the amount of memory * required to process requests. * * The expected behaviour is that all RPC requests complete successfully. * */ public void testLargeReturnValue() throws Exception { setProps(a,b,c); for(int i=0; i < SIZES.length; i++) { _testLargeValue(SIZES[i]); } } /** * Tests a method call to {A,B,C} where C left *before* the call. */ public void testMethodInvocationToNonExistingMembers() throws Exception { final int timeout = 5 * 1000 ; // get the current membership, as seen by C View view=c.getView(); List<Address> members=view.getMembers(); System.out.println("list is " + members); // cause C to leave the group and close its channel System.out.println("closing c3"); c.close(); Util.sleep(1000); // make an RPC call using C's now outdated view of membership System.out.println("calling method foo() in " + members + " (view=" + b.getView() + ")"); RspList<Integer> rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(members, "foo", null, null, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, timeout)); // all responses System.out.println("responses:\n" + rsps); assert rsps.size() == 2; for(Map.Entry<Address,Rsp<Integer>> entry: rsps.entrySet()) { Rsp rsp=entry.getValue(); Util.assertTrue("response from " + entry.getKey() + " was received", rsp.wasReceived()); Util.assertFalse(rsp.wasSuspected()); } List<Address> mbrs=new ArrayList<>(members); mbrs.remove(b.getAddress()); System.out.println("calling method foo() in " + mbrs + " (view=" + b.getView() + ")"); rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(mbrs, "foo", null, null, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, timeout)); // all responses System.out.println("responses:\n" + rsps); assert rsps.size() == 1; for(Map.Entry<Address,Rsp<Integer>> entry: rsps.entrySet()) { Rsp rsp=entry.getValue(); Util.assertTrue("response from " + entry.getKey() + " was received", rsp.wasReceived()); Util.assertFalse(rsp.wasSuspected()); } rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(mbrs, "foo", null, null, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, timeout).transientFlags(Message.TransientFlag.DONT_LOOPBACK)); System.out.println("responses:\n" + rsps); assert rsps.isEmpty(); mbrs.clear(); rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(mbrs, "foo", null, null, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, timeout).transientFlags(Message.TransientFlag.DONT_LOOPBACK)); // all responses System.out.println("responses:\n" + rsps); assert rsps.isEmpty(); } /** * Test the ability of RpcDispatcher to handle large argument and return values * with unicast RPC calls. * * The test sends requests for return values (byte arrays) having increasing sizes, * which increase the processing time for requests as well as the amount of memory * required to process requests. * * The expected behaviour is that all RPC requests complete successfully. * */ public void testLargeReturnValueUnicastCall() throws Exception { setProps(a,b,c); for(int i=0; i < SIZES.length; i++) { _testLargeValueUnicastCall(a.getAddress(), SIZES[i]); } } public void testRpcStats() throws Exception { Method meth=ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("foo"); List<Address> targets=Arrays.asList(b.getAddress(), c.getAddress()); RpcStats stats=da.rpcStats().extendedStats(true); // sync mcast with future da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(null, new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.SYNC()); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.multicasts(true) == 1; // async mcast with future da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(null, new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.ASYNC()); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.multicasts(false) == 1; // sync anycast with future da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(targets, new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.SYNC().anycasting(true)); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.anycasts(true) == 1; // async anycast with future da.callRemoteMethodsWithFuture(targets, new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.ASYNC().anycasting(true)); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.anycasts(false) == 1; // sync unicast with future da.callRemoteMethodWithFuture(b.getAddress(), new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.SYNC()); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.unicasts(true) == 1; // async unicast with future da.callRemoteMethodWithFuture(b.getAddress(), new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.ASYNC()); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.unicasts(false) == 1; // sync mcast da.callRemoteMethods(null, new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.SYNC()); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.multicasts(true) == 2; // async mcast da.callRemoteMethods(null, new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.ASYNC()); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.multicasts(false) == 2; // sync anycast da.callRemoteMethods(targets, new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.SYNC().anycasting(true)); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.anycasts(true) == 2; // async anycast da.callRemoteMethods(targets, new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.ASYNC().anycasting(true)); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.anycasts(false) == 2; // sync unicast da.callRemoteMethod(b.getAddress(), new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.SYNC()); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.unicasts(true) == 2; // async unicast da.callRemoteMethod(b.getAddress(), new MethodCall(meth), RequestOptions.ASYNC()); System.out.println("stats = " + stats); assert stats.unicasts(false) == 2; } protected static void setProps(JChannel... channels) { for(JChannel ch: channels) { Protocol prot=ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(FRAG2.class); if(prot != null) { ((FRAG2)prot).setFragSize(12000); } prot=ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(FRAG.class); if(prot != null) { ((FRAG)prot).setFragSize(12000); } prot=ch.getProtocolStack().getTransport(); if(prot != null) ((TP)prot).setMaxBundleSize(14000); } } protected JChannel createChannel(String name) throws Exception { return new JChannel(Util.getTestStack()).name(name); } /** * Helper method to perform a RPC call on server method "returnValue(int size)" for * all group members. * * The method checks that each returned value is non-null and has the correct size. * */ void _testLargeValue(int size) throws Exception { final long timeout = LARGE_VALUE_TIMEOUT * 1000 ; System.out.println("\ntesting with " + size + " bytes"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); RspList<Object> rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(null, "largeReturnValue", new Object[]{size}, new Class[]{int.class}, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, timeout)); long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("test took: " + (stopTime-startTime) + " ms"); System.out.println("rsps:"); assert rsps.size() == 3 : "there should be three responses to the RPC call but only " + rsps.size() + " were received: " + rsps; for(Map.Entry<Address,Rsp<Object>> entry: rsps.entrySet()) { // its possible that an exception was raised in processing Object obj = entry.getValue().getValue() ; // this should not happen assert !(obj instanceof Throwable) : "exception was raised in processing reasonably sized argument"; byte[] val=(byte[]) obj; assert val != null; System.out.println(val.length + " bytes from " + entry.getKey()); assert val.length == size : "return value does not match required size"; } } /** * Helper method to perform a RPC call on server method "returnValue(int size)" for * all group members. * * This method need to take into account that RPC calls can timeout with huge values, * and they can also trigger OOMEs. But if we are lucky, they can also return * reasonable values. * */ void _testHugeValue(int size) throws Exception { // 20 second timeout final long timeout = 20 * 1000 ; System.out.println("\ntesting with " + size + " bytes"); RspList<Object> rsps=da.callRemoteMethods(null, "largeReturnValue", new Object[]{size}, new Class[]{int.class}, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, timeout)); System.out.println("rsps:"); assert rsps != null; assert rsps.size() == 3 : "there should be three responses to the RPC call but only " + rsps.size() + " were received: " + rsps; // in checking the return values, we need to take account of timeouts (i.e. when // a null value is returned) and exceptions for(Map.Entry<Address,Rsp<Object>> entry: rsps.entrySet()) { Object obj = entry.getValue().getValue() ; // its possible that an exception was raised if (obj instanceof java.lang.Throwable) { Throwable t = (Throwable) obj ; System.out.println(t.toString() + " exception was raised processing argument from " + entry.getKey() + " -this is expected") ; continue ; } // its possible that the request timed out before the serve could reply if (obj == null) { System.out.println("request timed out processing argument from " + entry.getKey() + " - this is expected") ; continue ; } // if we reach here, we sould have a reasonable value byte[] val=(byte[]) obj; System.out.println(val.length + " bytes from " + entry.getKey()); assert val.length == size : "return value does not match required size"; } } /** * Helper method to perform a RPC call on server method "returnValue(int size)" for * an individual group member. * * The method checks that the returned value is non-null and has the correct size. * * @param dst the group member * @param size the size of the byte array to be returned */ void _testLargeValueUnicastCall(Address dst, int size) throws Exception { final long timeout = LARGE_VALUE_TIMEOUT * 1000 ; System.out.println("\ntesting unicast call with " + size + " bytes"); Util.assertNotNull(dst); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); byte[] val=da.callRemoteMethod(dst, "largeReturnValue", new Object[]{size}, new Class[]{int.class}, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, timeout)); long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("test took: " + (stopTime-startTime) + " ms"); // check value is not null, otherwise fail the test Util.assertNotNull("return value should be non-null", val); System.out.println("rsp: " + val.length + " bytes"); // returned value should have requested size Util.assertEquals("return value does not match requested size", size, val.length); } /** * This class serves as a server obect to turn requests into replies. * It is initialised with an integer id value. * * It implements two functions: * function foo() returns the id of the server * function largeReturnValue(int size) returns a byte array of size 'size' */ protected static class ServerObject { protected int i; protected static final Method[] methods; static { try { methods=new Method[] { ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("foo"), // index 0 ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("bar"), ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("sleep", long.class), ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("throwException"), ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("returnException"), ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("largeReturnValue", int.class), ServerObject.class.getDeclaredMethod("add", int.class, int.class) // index 6 }; } catch(NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public ServerObject(int i) { this.i=i; } public int foo() {return i;} public static void bar() {;} public static long sleep(long timeout) { long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); Util.sleep(timeout); return System.currentTimeMillis() - start; } public static void throwException() throws Exception { throw new Exception("booom"); } public static Exception returnException() { return new Exception("booom"); } public static byte[] largeReturnValue(int size) { return new byte[size]; } public static int add(int a, int b) {return a+b;} public static void throwExceptionNested() throws Exception { Exception ex=new IllegalArgumentException("illegal argument - see cause for details"); Exception cause=new NullPointerException("the arg was null!"); ex.initCause(cause); throw ex; } } }