package org.jgroups.util; import org.jgroups.annotations.GuardedBy; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; /** * Table for storing requests associated with monotonically increasing sequence numbers (seqnos).<p/> * Could be used for example in {@link org.jgroups.blocks.RequestCorrelator}. Grows and shrinks when needed. * Addition is always at the end, yielding monotonically increasing seqnos. Removal is done by nulling the element(s) * between low and high and advancing the low pointer whenever possible.<p/> * See <a href="">JGRP-1982</a> for details. * @author Bela Ban * @since 3.6.7 */ public class RequestTable<T> { protected T[] buffer; // the ring buffer protected long low; // pointing to the next element to be removed; low is always <= high protected long high; // pointing to the next element to be added; high is >= low protected int removes_till_compaction; // number of removes before attempt compaction (0 disables this) protected int num_removes; // current number of removes protected final Lock lock=new ReentrantLock(); // to synchronize modifications public interface Visitor<T> { boolean visit(T element); } public RequestTable(final int capacity) { this(capacity, 0, 0); } public RequestTable(final int capacity, long low, long high) { int len=Util.getNextHigherPowerOfTwo(capacity); this.buffer=(T[])new Object[len]; this.low=low; this.high=high; } public long low() {return low;} public long high() {return high;} public int capacity() {return buffer.length;} public int index(long seqno) {return (int)((seqno) & (capacity()-1));} public int removesTillCompaction() {return removes_till_compaction;} public RequestTable<T> removesTillCompaction(int rems) {this.removes_till_compaction=rems; return this;} /** * Adds a new element and returns the sequence number at which it was inserted. Advances the high * pointer and grows the buffer if needed. * @param element the element to be added. Must not be null or an exception will be thrown * @return the seqno at which element was added */ public long add(T element) { lock.lock(); try { long next=high+1; if(next - low > capacity()) _grow(next-low); int high_index=index(high); buffer[high_index]=element; return high++; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public T get(long seqno) { lock.lock(); try { int index=index(seqno); return buffer[index]; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Removes the element at the index matching seqno. If seqno == low, tries to advance low until a non-null element * is encountered, up to high * @param seqno * @return */ public T remove(long seqno) { lock.lock(); try { if(seqno < low || seqno > high) return null; int index=index(seqno); T retval=buffer[index]; if(retval != null && removes_till_compaction > 0) num_removes++; buffer[index]=null; if(seqno == low) advanceLow(); if(removes_till_compaction > 0 && num_removes >= removes_till_compaction) { _compact(); num_removes=0; } return retval; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Removes all elements in the stream. Calls the consumer (if not null) on non-null elements */ public RequestTable<T> removeMany(LongStream seqnos, Consumer<T> consumer) { if(seqnos == null) return this; AtomicBoolean advance=new AtomicBoolean(false); seqnos.forEach(seqno -> { T element=null; lock.lock(); try { if(seqno < low || seqno > high) return; int index=index(seqno); if((element=buffer[index]) != null && removes_till_compaction > 0) num_removes++; buffer[index]=null; if(seqno == low) advance.set(true); } finally { lock.unlock(); } if(consumer != null) consumer.accept(element); }); lock.lock(); try { if(advance.get()) advanceLow(); if(removes_till_compaction > 0 && num_removes >= removes_till_compaction) { _compact(); num_removes=0; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return this; } /** Removes all elements, compacts the buffer and sets low=high=0 */ public RequestTable<T> clear() {return clear(0);} public RequestTable<T> clear(long mark) { lock.lock(); try { low=high=mark; buffer=(T[])new Object[2]; return this; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public RequestTable<T> forEach(Visitor<T> visitor) { if(visitor == null) return null; lock.lock(); try { for(long i=low, num_iterations=0; i < high && num_iterations < buffer.length; i++, num_iterations++) { int index=index(i); T el=buffer[index]; if(!visitor.visit(el)) break; } return this; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Non-blocking alternative to {@link #forEach(Visitor)}: iteration is performed on the array that exists at the * time of this call. Changes to the underlying array will not be reflected in the iteration. * @param visitor the {@link Visitor}. */ public RequestTable<T> forEachNonBlocking(Visitor<T> visitor) { if(visitor == null) return null; T[] buf; long lo, hi; lock.lock(); try { buf=this.buffer; lo=this.low; hi=this.high; } finally { lock.unlock(); } for(long i=lo, num_iterations=0; i < hi && num_iterations < buf.length; i++, num_iterations++) { int index=index(i); T el=buf[index]; if(!visitor.visit(el)) break; } return this; } /** * Grows the array to at least new_capacity. This method is mainly used for testing and is not typically called * directly, but indirectly when adding elements and the underlying array has no space left. * @param new_capacity the new capacity of the underlying array. Will be rounded up to the nearest power of 2 value. * A value smaller than the current capacity is ignored. */ public RequestTable<T> grow(int new_capacity) { lock.lock(); try { _grow(new_capacity); return this; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Shrinks the underlying array to half its size _if_ the new array can hold all of the existing elements. * @return true if the compaction succeeded, or false if it failed (e.g. not enough space) */ public boolean compact() { lock.lock(); try { return _compact(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Checks if there is at least buffer.length/2 contiguous space in range [low+1 .. high-1] available */ public boolean contiguousSpaceAvailable() { lock.lock(); try { return _contiguousSpaceAvailable(buffer.length >> 1); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the number of non-null elements in range [low .. high-1] * @return */ public int size() { int retval=0; for(long i=low, num_iterations=0; i < high && num_iterations < buffer.length; i++, num_iterations++) { int index=index(i); if(buffer[index] != null) retval++; } return retval; } public String toString() { return String.format("low=%d high=%d cap=%d, %d element(s)", low, high, buffer.length, size()); } @GuardedBy("lock") protected void _grow(long new_capacity) { int new_cap=Util.getNextHigherPowerOfTwo((int)Math.max(buffer.length, new_capacity)); if(new_cap == buffer.length) return; _copy(new_cap); } /** * Shrinks the array to half of its current size if the current number of elements fit into half of the capacity. * @return true if the compaction succeeded, else false (e.g. when the current elements would not fit) */ @GuardedBy("lock") protected boolean _compact() { int new_cap=buffer.length >> 1; // needs to be a power of 2 for efficient modulo operation, e.g. for index() // boolean compactable=this.buffer.length > 0 && (size() <= new_cap || (contiguousSpaceAvailable=_contiguousSpaceAvailable(new_cap))); boolean compactable=this.buffer.length > 0 && high-low <= new_cap; if(!compactable) return false; // not enough space to shrink the buffer to half its size _copy(new_cap); return true; } public String dumpContents() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); lock.lock(); try { int new_cap=buffer.length >> 1; for(long i=low, num_iterations=0; i < high && num_iterations < buffer.length; i++, num_iterations++) { int index=index(i); T el=buffer[index]; if(el != null) { long hash=el.hashCode(); int small_idx=index(i, new_cap); sb.append(String.format("seqno %d: index: %d val: %d, index in %d-buffer: %d\n", i, index, hash, new_cap, small_idx)); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } return sb.toString(); } /** Copies elements from old into new array */ protected void _copy(int new_cap) { // copy elements from [low to high-1] into new indices in new array T[] new_buf=(T[])new Object[new_cap]; int new_len=new_buf.length; int old_len=this.buffer.length; for(long i=low, num_iterations=0; i < high && num_iterations < old_len; i++, num_iterations++) { int old_index=index(i, old_len); if(this.buffer[old_index] != null) { int new_index=index(i, new_len); new_buf[new_index]=this.buffer[old_index]; } } this.buffer=new_buf; } /** * Check if we have at least space_needed contiguous free slots available in range [low+1 .. high-1] * @param space_needed the number of contiguous free slots required to do compaction, usually half of the current * buffer size * @return true if a contiguous space was found, false otherwise */ @GuardedBy("lock") protected boolean _contiguousSpaceAvailable(int space_needed) { int num_slots_scanned=0; int size_of_contiguous_area=0; if(high-low-1 < space_needed) return false; for(long i=low+1; i < high; i++) { num_slots_scanned++; int index=index(i); if(this.buffer[index] == null) { if(++size_of_contiguous_area >= space_needed) return true; } else { size_of_contiguous_area=0; // we scanned more than half of the current array and found an occupied slot, so there is no chance of // finding space_needed contiguous free slots as we have less than half of the current array to scan if(num_slots_scanned > space_needed || high-i-1 < space_needed) return false; } } return false; } protected int highestContiguousSpaceAvailable() { int size_of_current_contiguous_area=0; int highest=0; for(long i=low+1; i < high; i++) { int index=index(i); if(this.buffer[index] == null) size_of_current_contiguous_area++; else { highest=Math.max(highest, size_of_current_contiguous_area); size_of_current_contiguous_area=0; } } return Math.max(highest, size_of_current_contiguous_area); } @GuardedBy("lock") protected void advanceLow() { while(low < high) { int index=index(low); if(buffer[index] != null) break; low++; } } protected static int index(long seqno, int length) {return (int)((seqno) & length-1);} }