package org.jgroups.tests.byteman; import org.jboss.byteman.contrib.bmunit.BMNGRunner; import org.jboss.byteman.contrib.bmunit.BMScript; import org.jgroups.*; import org.jgroups.protocols.*; import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS; import org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack; import org.jgroups.util.Util; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.*; /** * Tests SEQUENCER with message sending while the coordinator crashes * (see individual tests for more detailed descriptions). * @author Bela Ban */ @Test(groups=Global.BYTEMAN,singleThreaded=true) public class SequencerFailoverTest extends BMNGRunner { JChannel a, b, c; // A is the coordinator static final String GROUP="SequencerFailoverTest"; static final int NUM_MSGS=50; static final String props="sequencer.xml"; @BeforeMethod void setUp() throws Exception { a=createChannel(props, "A", GROUP); b=createChannel(props, "B", GROUP); c=createChannel(props, "C", GROUP); Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameView(10000, 1000, a, b, c); } @AfterMethod void tearDown() throws Exception { Util.close(c, b, a); } /** * Tests that the ordering of messages is correct after a coordinator fails half-way through the sending of N msgs. * We have {A,B,C} initially, and B sending messages (forwarding to A). Then A crashes, and B becomes the coordinator. * Now B needs to broadcast the messages in the forward-table and then broadcast messages after that. */ public void testBroadcastSequenceSenderIsB() throws Exception { _testBroadcastSequence(b); } /** * Tests that the ordering of messages is correct after a coordinator fails half-way through the sending of N msgs. * We have {A,B,C} initially, and C sending messages (forwarding to A). Then A crashes, and C now needs to forward * the messages to B. */ public void testBroadcastSequenceSenderIsC() throws Exception { _testBroadcastSequence(c); } /** * Tests that resending of messages in the forward-queue on a view change and sending of new messages at the * same time doesn't lead to incorrect ordering (forward-queue messages need to be delivered before new msgs). * */ @BMScript(dir="scripts/SequencerFailoverTest", value="testResendingVersusNewMessages") public void testResendingVersusNewMessages() throws Exception { MyReceiver rb=new MyReceiver("B"), rc=new MyReceiver("C"); b.setReceiver(rb); c.setReceiver(rc); final int expected_msgs=5; Util.sleep(500); // Now kill A (the coordinator) System.out.print("-- killing A: "); Util.shutdown(a); System.out.println("done"); injectSuspectEvent(a.getAddress(), b, c); a=null; // Now send message 1 (it'll end up in the forward-queue) System.out.println("-- sending message 1"); Message msg=new Message(null, 1); c.send(msg); // Now wait for the view change, the sending of new messages 2-5 and the resending of 1, and make sure // 1 is delivered before 2-5 List<Integer> list_b=rb.getList(), list_c=rc.getList(); for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) { if(list_b.size() == expected_msgs && list_c.size() == expected_msgs) break; Util.sleep(1000); } System.out.println("\nB: " + list_b + "\nC: " + list_c); assert list_b.size() == expected_msgs : "expected " + expected_msgs + " msgs, but got " + list_b.size() + ": " +list_b; assert list_c.size() == expected_msgs : "expected " + expected_msgs + " msgs, but got " + list_c.size() + ": " +list_c; System.out.println("OK: both B and C have the expected number of messages (" + expected_msgs + ")"); assert list_b.equals(list_c); System.out.println("OK: B and C's messages are in the same order"); int seqno=1; for(int i=0; i < expected_msgs; i++) { Integer seqno_b=list_b.get(i); assert seqno_b == seqno : "expected " + seqno + " , but got " + seqno_b + " (B)"; Integer seqno_c=list_c.get(i); assert seqno_c == seqno : "expected " + seqno + " , but got " + seqno_c + " (C)"; seqno++; } System.out.println("OK: B and C's messages are in the correct order"); } /** * Tests the following scenario: * - The cluster is {A,B,C} * - Failure detection and merging protocols have been removed * - A is disabled (DISCARD drops all messages) and shut down * - We set threshold in SEQUENCER to 0 (permanent ack-mode) * - On C, 5 threads are sending messages 1 and 2 each (prefixed with the thread name) * - The first thread is looping trying to send its message 1. The threads are blocked trying to acquire send-lock * - We inject view {B,C} into B and C * - The flush on C waits until threads 2-4 on C have acquired send-lock, added their message 1 to forward-table * and dropped out of the for loop * - The threads are now all blocked trying to send message 2 * - The flush phase resends messages 1 from all 5 threads in the forward-queue, then unblocks the threads * - The 5 threads now send message 2 * - We need to assert that both B and C delivered the same messages in the same order, and that all 1 messages * were delivered before the 2 messages */ public void testFailoverWithMultipleThreadsSendingMessages() throws Exception { adjustConfiguration(a,b,c); // removes FD/FD_ALL and MERGE protocols final int num_senders=5; MyReceiver rb=new MyReceiver("B"), rc=new MyReceiver("C"); b.setReceiver(rb); c.setReceiver(rc); // insert DISCARD into A DISCARD discard=new DISCARD(); discard.setLocalAddress(a.getAddress()); discard.setDiscardAll(true); ProtocolStack stack=a.getProtocolStack(); TP transport=stack.getTransport(); stack.insertProtocol(discard, ProtocolStack.Position.ABOVE, transport.getClass()); MySender[] senders=new MySender[num_senders]; for(int i=0; i < senders.length; i++) { senders[i]=new MySender((i+1) * 10, c); senders[i].start(); } Util.sleep(1000); System.out.println("Injecting SUSPECT(A) into B and C"); injectSuspectEvent(a.getAddress(), b,c); for(int i=0; i < 20; i++) { if(b.getView().size() == 2 && c.getView().size() == 2) break; Util.sleep(500); } System.out.println("B: " + b.getView() +"\nC: " + c.getView()); assert b.getView().size() == 2 && c.getView().size() == 2; for(MySender sender: senders) sender.join(30000); System.out.println("senders are done"); List<Integer> list_b=rb.getList(), list_c=rc.getList(); System.out.println("\nB: " + list_b + "\nC: " + list_c); assert list_b.size() == num_senders * 2 && list_c.size() == num_senders * 2; System.out.println("OK: both B and C have the expected number of messages (" + num_senders *2 + ")"); assert list_b.equals(list_c); System.out.println("OK: both list have the same ordering"); // check that the first messages (11, 21, 31, 41, 51) are in the first half of both lists List<Integer> expected_list=Arrays.asList(11, 21, 31, 41, 51); List<Integer> list_bb=new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0; i < num_senders; i++) list_bb.add(list_b.get(i)); Collections.sort(list_bb); System.out.println("Expected first half: " + expected_list + ", received: " + list_bb); assert expected_list.equals(list_bb); List<Integer> list_cc=new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0; i < num_senders; i++) list_cc.add(list_c.get(i)); Collections.sort(list_cc); System.out.println("Expected first half: " + expected_list + ", received: " + list_cc); assert expected_list.equals(list_cc); System.out.println("OK: first set of messages of all threads were delivered before second set of messages"); } /** * Tests that the ordering of messages is correct after a coordinator fails half-way through the sending of N msgs */ protected void _testBroadcastSequence(JChannel channel) throws Exception { MyReceiver rb=new MyReceiver("B"), rc=new MyReceiver("C"); b.setReceiver(rb); c.setReceiver(rc); new Thread() { public void run() { Util.sleep(3000); System.out.println("** killing A"); try { Util.shutdown(a); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("failed shutting down channel " + a.getAddress() + ", exception=" + e); } System.out.println("** A killed"); injectSuspectEvent(a.getAddress(), b, c); a=null; } }.start(); final Address sender=channel.getAddress(); for(int i=1; i <= NUM_MSGS; i++) { Util.sleep(300); channel.send(new Message(null, i)); System.out.print("[" + sender + "] -- messages sent: " + i + "/" + NUM_MSGS + "\r"); } System.out.println(""); View v2=b.getView(); View v3=c.getView(); System.out.println("B's view: " + v2 + "\nC's view: " + v3); assert v2.equals(v3); assert v2.size() == 2; for(int i=20000; i > 0; i-=1000) { if(rb.size() >= NUM_MSGS && rc.size() >= NUM_MSGS) break; Util.sleep(500); } List<Integer> list_b=rb.getList(), list_c=rc.getList(); System.out.println("\nB: " + list_b + "\nC: " + list_c); assert list_b.size() == NUM_MSGS && list_c.size() == NUM_MSGS; System.out.println("OK: both B and C have the expected number of messages (" + NUM_MSGS + ")"); assert list_b.equals(list_c); System.out.println("OK: B's and C's message are in the same order"); } /** Injects SUSPECT event(suspected_mbr) into channels */ protected static void injectSuspectEvent(Address suspected_mbr, JChannel ... channels) { Event evt=new Event(Event.SUSPECT, suspected_mbr); for(JChannel ch: channels) { GMS gms=(GMS)ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(GMS.class); if(gms != null) gms.up(evt); } } /** Removes FD, FD_ALL, MERGEX protocols, sets SEQUENCER.threshold=0 */ protected void adjustConfiguration(JChannel ... channels) { for(JChannel ch: channels) { ch.getProtocolStack().removeProtocol(FD_ALL.class,FD.class,MERGE3.class, VERIFY_SUSPECT.class); SEQUENCER seq=(SEQUENCER)ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(SEQUENCER.class); seq.setThreshold(0); // permanent ack-mode } } protected static class MyReceiver extends ReceiverAdapter { protected final List<Integer> list=new LinkedList<>(); protected final String name; public MyReceiver(String name) {; } public List<Integer> getList() {return list;} public int size() {return list.size();} public void receive(Message msg) { synchronized(list) { list.add((Integer)msg.getObject()); } } } protected static class MySender extends Thread { protected final int rank; protected final JChannel ch; public MySender(int rank, JChannel ch) { this.rank=rank;; setName("sender-" + rank); } public void run() { for(int i=1; i <=2; i++) { Message msg=new Message(null, (rank + i)); try { System.out.println("[" + rank + "]: sending msg " + (rank + i)); ch.send(msg); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } protected JChannel createChannel(final String props, final String name, final String cluster_name) throws Exception { JChannel retval=new JChannel(props); retval.setName(name); retval.connect(cluster_name); return retval; } }