package com.openMap1.mapper.util; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcoreFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMLResource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceFactoryImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEMap; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EMap; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.NamespaceSet; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.NamespaceException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.Xpth; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.XpthException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.ClassSet; import com.openMap1.mapper.reader.objectRep; import com.openMap1.mapper.reader.objectToken; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.MappableAssociation; import com.openMap1.mapper.AssocEndMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.AssocMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.AttributeDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.ClassDetails; import com.openMap1.mapper.ConversionArgument; import com.openMap1.mapper.ElementDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.FixedPropertyValue; import com.openMap1.mapper.GlobalMappingParameters; import com.openMap1.mapper.MappedStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.MapperFactory; import com.openMap1.mapper.Mapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.MaxMult; import com.openMap1.mapper.MinMult; import com.openMap1.mapper.NodeDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.NodeMappingSet; import com.openMap1.mapper.ObjMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.ParameterClass; import com.openMap1.mapper.PropMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.PropertyConversion; import com.openMap1.mapper.ValueCondition; /** * A collection of utilities to act on the EMF mapper model, * all static. * @author robert * */ public class ModelUtil { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // General utilities for EObjects, Mapped Structures and Ecore models //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param node any node in the model tree * @return the root node of the tree. * For a mapper model, this should be a MappedStructure. */ public static EObject getModelRoot(EObject node) { return node.eResource().getContents().get(0); } /** * @param node any node in the model tree * @return the top MappedStructure node. */ public static MappedStructure getMappedStructure(EObject node) { return (MappedStructure)node.eResource().getContents().get(0); } public static EPackage getClassModelRoot(EObject node) { EPackage classModelRoot = null; EObject root = getModelRoot(node); if (root instanceof MappedStructure) try { MappedStructure ms = (MappedStructure)root; classModelRoot = ms.getClassModelRoot(); } catch (MapperException ex) {} return classModelRoot; } /** * * @param parent * @param name * @return */ public static ElementDef getChildElementDef(ElementDef parent, String name) { ElementDef child = null; for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = parent.getChildElements().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ElementDef next =; if ((next.getName() != null) && (next.getName().equals(name))) child = next; } return child; } /** * * @param parent * @param path * @return */ public static ElementDef getDescendantElementDef(ElementDef parent, String path) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path, "."); ElementDef next = parent; while ((st.hasMoreTokens()) && (next != null)) { String step = st.nextToken(); next = getChildElementDef(next,step); } return next; } /** * @param node any node in the model tree * @return the global mapping parameters */ public static GlobalMappingParameters getGlobalMappingParameters (EObject node) { MappedStructure ms = (MappedStructure) getModelRoot(node); return ms.getMappingParameters(); } /** * @param node any node in the model tree * @return the global mapping parameters */ public static NamespaceSet getGlobalNamespaceSet (EObject node) throws NamespaceException { MappedStructure ms = (MappedStructure) getModelRoot(node); if (ms.getMappingParameters() != null) return new NamespaceSet(ms.getMappingParameters()); else return new NamespaceSet(); } /** * @param root root of some subtree of a EMF model EObject tree * @param theClass an EMF model EClass * @return a List of all objects of that class or a subclass under the root */ public static List<EObject> getEObjectsUnder(EObject root, EClass theClass) { Vector<EObject> instances = new Vector<EObject>(); addInstancesUnder(instances, root, theClass); return instances; } private static void addInstancesUnder(Vector<EObject> instances, EObject root, EClass theClass) { if (theClass.isSuperTypeOf(root.eClass())) {instances.add(root);} for (Iterator<EObject> it = root.eContents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {addInstancesUnder(instances,,theClass);} } /** * * @param eo an EObject * @return the path of containment association names from the root of the ECore * instance to this object */ public static String pathFromRoot(EObject eo) { String path = ""; if (eo == null) return path; EObject container = eo.eContainer(); if (container == null) return path; else { EClass thisClass = eo.eClass(); EClass containerClass = container.eClass(); for (Iterator<EReference> ir = containerClass.getEAllReferences().iterator();ir.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; EClassifier reffed = ref.getEType(); if ((reffed instanceof EClass) && (((EClass)reffed)).isSuperTypeOf(thisClass)) path = pathFromRoot(container) + "/" + ref.getName(); } } return path; } /** * * @param subClass * @param superClass * @return true if subclass is a subclass of superclass, or the same class */ public static boolean isSubClass(EClass subClass, EClass superClass) { if (subClass.equals(superClass)) return true; for (Iterator<EClass> it = subClass.getEAllSuperTypes().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClass superC =; if (superC.equals(superClass)) return true; } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mappings //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param m a property mapping or association end mapping or object mapping * @return the object mapping of the class and subset involved * (there should be exactly one; throws a MappingException if there is more than one, * or less than one, or if the mapping is an association mapping) */ public static ObjMapping getObjectMapping(Mapping m) throws MapperException { if (m instanceof AssocMapping) {throw new MapperException("Association mappings do not define a class and subset");} ObjMapping om = getObjectMapping(getModelRoot(m),m.getClassSet()); if (om == null) throw new MapperException("Found no object mapping with class '" + m.getMappedClass() + "' and subset '" + m.getSubset() + "'"); return om; } /** * * @param eo any object in a mapping model tree - typically the root, * but *not* the target object mapping itself * @param cs the required class and subset * @return an object mapping in the subtree below the chosen node, * with the required class and subset, or null if there are none; * throw a MapperException if there is more than one */ public static ObjMapping getObjectMapping(EObject eo, ClassSet cs) throws MapperException { ObjMapping fom = null; int found = 0; for (Iterator<EObject> it = eo.eAllContents(); it.hasNext();) { EObject nex =; if (nex instanceof ObjMapping) { ObjMapping om = (ObjMapping)nex; if (cs.equals(om.getClassSet())) { fom = om; found++; } } } if (found > 1) throw new MapperException("There are " + found + " object mappings with class " + cs.stringForm()); return fom; } /** * * @param n any Node in the mapped structure * @return absolute path from the root to that node * @throws XpthException */ public static String getRootPath(NodeDef n) throws XpthException { return buildPathFrom(n,""); } /** * * @param n any Node in the mapped structure * @return absolute path from the root to that node * @throws XpthException */ public static Xpth getRootXpth(NodeDef n) throws XpthException { String XPathString = buildPathFrom(n,""); return new Xpth(getGlobalNamespaceSet(n),XPathString); } private static String buildPathFrom(NodeDef currentNode, String pathBelowNode) throws XpthException { String thisStep = ""; if (currentNode instanceof AttributeDef) thisStep = "/@" + currentNode.getName(); else if (currentNode instanceof ElementDef) thisStep = "/" + currentNode.getName(); String pathIncludingNode = thisStep + pathBelowNode; EObject parent = currentNode.eContainer(); if (parent instanceof MappedStructure) return pathIncludingNode; else if (parent instanceof NodeDef) {return buildPathFrom((NodeDef)parent,pathIncludingNode);} else throw new XpthException("Container of node '" + currentNode.getName() + "' is a " + parent.getClass().getName()); } /** * @param root the root of the mapped Structure * * @param rootPath an absolute definite path from the root of the mapped structure * @return the Node at the end of the path, or null if there is none * @throws MapperException if any step along the path leads to more than one child node * or if the path is not an absolute definite descending path */ public static NodeDef getNodeDef(MappedStructure root, Xpth rootPath) throws MapperException { NodeDef nd = null; if (rootPath.size() > 0) { nd = root.getRootElement(); if ((nd != null) && (nd.getName().equals(rootPath.nodeName(0)))) { if (rootPath.size() == 1) return nd; else for (int s = 1; s < rootPath.size(); s++) if ((nd != null) && (nd instanceof ElementDef)) { String stepName = rootPath.nodeName(s); boolean isSAttribute = rootPath.axis(s).equals("attribute"); nd = namedChildNode((ElementDef)nd,stepName,isSAttribute); } } } return nd; } /** * * @param parent a parent Element * @param name the name of a child element or attribute (beginning with '@') * @return the named child node, or null if there is none * @throws MapperException if there is more than one child of that name7u6 * */ public static NodeDef namedChildNode(ElementDef parent, String name, boolean isAttribute) throws MapperException { NodeDef nd = null; int found = 0; if (isAttribute) for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = parent.getAttributeDefs().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { AttributeDef child =; if (child.getName().equals(name)) {nd = child; found++;} } else for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = parent.getChildElements().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ElementDef child =; if (child.getName().equals(name)) {nd = child; found++;} } if (found > 1) throw new MapperException("Found " + found + " child nodes with name '" + name + "' beneath Element '" + parent.getName() + "'"); return nd; } /** * * @param className qualfied name of a class, prefixed by the package name * @param node any node in the mapping set * @return class details, if they have been specified */ public static ClassDetails getClassDetailsX(String className, EObject node) { ClassDetails cd = null; for (Iterator<ClassDetails> it = getGlobalMappingParameters(node).getClassDetails().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ClassDetails next =; if (next.getQualifiedClassName().equals(className)) cd = next; } return cd; } /** * @param cs a class and subset * * @param propName a property name * @param node any node in the mapping set * @return all property mappings for the class, subset and property. * There can be more than one if the mappings are multiway - choice or redundant */ public static Vector<PropMapping> getPropertyMappings(ClassSet cs, String propName, EObject node) { Vector<PropMapping> pmv = new Vector<PropMapping>(); for (Iterator<EObject> it = getModelRoot(node).eAllContents();it.hasNext();) { EObject next =; if (next instanceof PropMapping) { PropMapping pm = (PropMapping)next; if ((pm.getClassSet().equals(cs)) && (pm.getMappedProperty().equals(propName))) {pmv.add(pm);} } } return pmv; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convenience methods for creating mappings //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * make a clone tree from the tree of ElementDefs and AttributeDefs toClone, * and add it to the children of ElementDef parent. (parent may be null) * Do not clone mappings or annotations. */ public static ElementDef cloneTree(ElementDef parent, ElementDef toClone) { ElementDef copyEl = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createElementDef(); copyEl.setName(toClone.getName()); copyEl.setDefaultValue(toClone.getDefaultValue()); copyEl.setDescription(toClone.getDescription()); copyEl.setMinMultiplicity(toClone.getMinMultiplicity()); copyEl.setMaxMultiplicity(toClone.getMaxMultiplicity()); copyEl.setFixedValue(toClone.getFixedValue()); copyEl.setType(toClone.getType()); // copy across all AttributeDefs for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = toClone.getAttributeDefs().iterator(); it.hasNext();) cloneAttributeDef(copyEl,; // recursively copy across ElementDef subtrees for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = toClone.getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();) cloneTree(copyEl,; if (parent != null) parent.getChildElements().add(copyEl); return copyEl; } /** * clone an attribute def (without mappings) and copy to a new parent ElementDef * @param parent * @param toClone * @return */ public static AttributeDef cloneAttributeDef(ElementDef parent, AttributeDef toClone) { AttributeDef copyAtt = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAttributeDef(); copyAtt.setName(toClone.getName()); copyAtt.setDefaultValue(toClone.getDefaultValue()); copyAtt.setDescription(toClone.getDescription()); copyAtt.setFixedValue(toClone.getFixedValue()); copyAtt.setMinMultiplicity(toClone.getMinMultiplicity()); copyAtt.setType(toClone.getType()); parent.getAttributeDefs().add(copyAtt); return copyAtt; } /** * return the Node Mapping set on a node; make * a new one if necessary */ public static NodeMappingSet getNodeMappingSet(NodeDef nd) { NodeMappingSet nms = nd.getNodeMappingSet(); if (nms == null) { nms = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createNodeMappingSet(); nd.setNodeMappingSet(nms); } return nms; } /** * add an ObjMapping to a set of mappings; set its clasc, package, and subset */ public static ObjMapping addObjMapping(NodeMappingSet nms, String className, String packageName, String subset) { ObjMapping om = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createObjMapping(); om.setMappedClass(className); om.setMappedPackage(packageName); om.setSubset(subset); nms.getObjectMappings().add(om); return om; } /** * add a property mapping, for a property of an object defined by an object mapping * @param nms * @param om * @param propName * @return */ public static PropMapping addPropMapping(NodeMappingSet nms,ObjMapping om, String propName) { PropMapping pm = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropMapping(); pm.setMappedClass(om.getMappedClass()); pm.setMappedPackage(om.getMappedPackage()); pm.setSubset(om.getSubset()); pm.setMappedProperty(propName); nms.getPropertyMappings().add(pm); return pm; } /** * add a ValueCondition to a Mapping; set the left path and right value * (test is '=' and there is no function applied) * @param om * @param path * @param value * @return the ValueCondition */ public static ValueCondition addValueCondition(Mapping m, String path, String value) { ValueCondition vc = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createValueCondition(); vc.setLeftPath(path); vc.setRightValue(value); m.getMappingConditions().add(vc); return vc; } /** * add a fixed property value to an ObjMapping; * set the property name and the value * @param om * @param property * @param value * @return the FixedPropertyValue */ public static FixedPropertyValue addFixedPropertyValue(ObjMapping om, String property, String value) { FixedPropertyValue fp = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createFixedPropertyValue(); fp.setMappedProperty(property); fp.setFixedValue(value); om.getFixedPropertyValues().add(fp); return fp; } /** * add a simple association mapping between two mapped classes, with no further mapping * conditions, and making the inner class dependent on the mapping. * The associaiton role name is on the inner end. * @param nms * @param om1 * @param om2 * @param roleName * @return the association mapping */ public static AssocMapping addSimpleAssocMapping(NodeMappingSet nms, ObjMapping om1, ObjMapping om2, String roleName) { AssocMapping am = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssocMapping(); // end 1 AssocEndMapping am1 = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssocEndMapping(); am1.setMappedClass(om1.getMappedClass()); am1.setMappedPackage(om1.getMappedPackage()); am1.setSubset(om1.getSubset()); am1.setMappedRole(""); am.setMappedEnd1(am1); // end 2 AssocEndMapping am2 = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssocEndMapping(); am2.setMappedClass(om2.getMappedClass()); am2.setMappedPackage(om2.getMappedPackage()); am2.setSubset(om2.getSubset()); am2.setMappedRole(roleName); am2.setRequiredForObject(true); am.setMappedEnd2(am2); nms.getAssociationMappings().add(am); return am; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convenience methods on an EMF ECore model //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param packageName name of a package in the ecore model * @param node any node in the mapped structure * @return the package object, or null if none found */ public static EPackage getEPackage(String packageName,EObject node) { EPackage thePackage = null; try { EPackage cmRoot = ((MappedStructure)getModelRoot(node)).getClassModelRoot(); if (cmRoot != null) thePackage = getPackageInPackage(cmRoot,packageName); } catch (MapperException ex) {GenUtil.surprise(ex, "ModelUtil.getEPackage");} return thePackage; } /** * recursive search through a package and its sub-packages for * a package of a given name * @param thePackage top package being searched * @param packageName name of the package sought * @return */ public static EPackage getPackageInPackage(EPackage thePackage,String packageName) { EPackage result = null; // null Package name can count as Package name "", because Ecore will only store null, not "" if ((thePackage.getName() == null) && (packageName == null)) result = thePackage; else if ((thePackage.getName() == null) && ("".equals(packageName))) result = thePackage; else if ((thePackage.getName() != null) && (thePackage.getName().equals(packageName))) result = thePackage; else for (Iterator<EPackage> it = thePackage.getESubpackages().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EPackage subPackage =; if (getPackageInPackage(subPackage,packageName) != null) result = getPackageInPackage(subPackage,packageName); } return result; } /** * * @param className a name * @param packageName the package the class is in * @param node any node in the mapping set tree * @return the EClass if it exists; or null if it does not */ public static EClass getEClass(String className,String packageName,EObject node) { EClass theClass = null; EPackage thePackage = getEPackage(packageName,node); if (thePackage != null) for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = thePackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if ((next instanceof EClass) && (next.getName().equals(className))) theClass = (EClass)next; } return theClass; } /** * * @param start an EClass * @param refName the name of an EReference * @return the EClass at the end of the EReference, if it exists; or null otherwise */ public static EClass getReferencedClass(EClass start, String refName) { EClass refClass = null; for (Iterator<EReference> ir = start.getEAllReferences().iterator();ir.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; if ((ref.getName().equals(refName)) && (ref.getEType() instanceof EClass)) refClass = (EClass)ref.getEType(); } return refClass; } /** * * @param className a name * @param node any node in the mapping set tree * @return true if the name is the name of a class in the class model; * false if it is not, or if the class model does not exist */ public static boolean isInClassModel(String className,String packageName,EObject node) { return (getEClass(className, packageName, node) != null); } /** * * @param fromClass name of a class * @param rolename of an association * @param toClass name of a class * @param node any object in the mapped structure * @return true of there as an association from.role(to), inherited or not. */ public static boolean associationExists(String fromClass, String fromPackage, String role, String toClass, String toPackage,EObject node) { boolean exists = false; EClass from = getEClass(fromClass,fromPackage,node); EClass to = getEClass(toClass,toPackage,node); if ((from != null) && (to != null)) { for (Iterator<EReference> it = from.getEAllReferences().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; if ((ref.getName().equals(role)) && (ref.getEReferenceType().isSuperTypeOf(to))) exists = true; } } return exists; } /** * write out the values of all EAttributes and EReferences of an EObject * @param eo */ public static void writeAllFeatures(EObject eo) { EClass ec = eo.eClass(); System.out.println("Features of object of class " + ec.getName()); for (Iterator<EAttribute> it = ec.getEAllAttributes().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EAttribute ea =; Object val = eo.eGet(ea); String att = ("Attribute " + ea.getName()); if (val != null) {att = att + " (" + val.getClass().getName() + "): " + val.toString();} else {att = att + " (null)";} System.out.println(att); } for (Iterator<EReference> it = ec.getEAllReferences().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EReference er =; Object val = eo.eGet(er); String ref = ("Reference " + er.getName()); if (val == null) ref = ref + "(null)"; else { if (val instanceof EList<?>) ref = ref + "(" + ((EList<?>)val).size() + ")"; else {ref = ref + " (" + val.getClass().getName() + "): " + val.toString();} } System.out.println(ref); } System.out.println(""); } /** * clone an EAttribute * @param ea * @return */ public static EAttribute cloneEAttribute(EAttribute ea) { EAttribute theAtt = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAttribute(); theAtt.setName(ea.getName()); theAtt.setEType(ea.getEType()); theAtt.setLowerBound(ea.getLowerBound()); copyMifAnnotations(ea,theAtt); return theAtt; } /** * clone an EReference, giving it the same target class as the original * @param er * @return */ public static EReference cloneEReference(EReference er) { EReference theRef = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference(); theRef.setName(er.getName()); theRef.setEType(er.getEType()); theRef.setLowerBound(er.getLowerBound()); theRef.setUpperBound(er.getUpperBound()); theRef.setContainment(er.isContainment()); copyMifAnnotations(er,theRef); return theRef; } /** * clone an EClass, putting it in the same EPackage as the original, with a different name * @param ec * @return the cloned EClass */ public static EClass cloneEClass(EClass ec, String newName) { EClass theClass = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass(); theClass.setName(newName); ec.getEPackage().getEClassifiers().add(theClass); for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = ec.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature next =; if (next instanceof EAttribute) theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(cloneEAttribute((EAttribute)next)); if (next instanceof EReference) theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(cloneEReference((EReference)next)); } copyMifAnnotations(ec,theClass); return theClass; } /** * clone an EClass, putting it in the same EPackage as the original, with a different name * and not cloning any EAttributes or EReferences with names in a list * and no * @param ec * @return the cloned EClass */ public static EClass cloneEClassWithoutFeatures(EClass ec, String newName, Vector<String> featureNames) { EClass theClass = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass(); theClass.setName(newName); ec.getEPackage().getEClassifiers().add(theClass); for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = ec.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature next =; if (!GenUtil.inVector(next.getName(), featureNames)) { if (next instanceof EAttribute) theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(cloneEAttribute((EAttribute)next)); if (next instanceof EReference) theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(cloneEReference((EReference)next)); } } copyMifAnnotations(ec,theClass); return theClass; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mapped properties and pseudo-properties //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * get all properties of a class, direct or inherited * @param className * @param node * @return */ public static Vector<String> getProperties(String className, String packageName, EObject node) { Vector<String> propNames = new Vector<String>(); EClass cl = getEClass(className, packageName, node); if (cl != null) for (Iterator<EAttribute> iw = cl.getEAllAttributes().iterator();iw.hasNext();) propNames.add(; return propNames; } /** * get all properties and pseudo-properties of a class and subset * @param className * @param subset * @param node any node in the mapping set * @return */ public static Vector<String> getPropertiesAndPseudoProperties(String className, String packageName,String subset, EObject node) { Vector<String> props = getProperties(className,packageName,node); Vector<String> pProps = getPseudoProperties(className,subset,node); for (Iterator<String> it = pProps.iterator();it.hasNext();) props.add(; return props; } /** * * @param className * @param packageName * @param subset * @param propName * @param node any ode n the mapping set * @return true if the property is a property of the class, * or a pseudo-property of the class and subset */ public static boolean hasPropertyOrPseudoProperty (String className, String packageName, String subset, String propName, EObject node) { return GenUtil.inVector(propName, getPropertiesAndPseudoProperties(className,packageName,subset,node)); } /** * @param className * @param packageName * @param propName * @param node any ode n the mapping set * @return true if the property is a property of the class, */ public static boolean hasProperty (String className, String packageName,String propName, EObject node) { return GenUtil.inVector(propName, getProperties(className,packageName,node)); } /** * return a Hashtable of all pseudo-properties of any class * (things which are converted into real properties in the class model) * These are all the arguments of any 'in' conversions and * results of any 'out' conversions, sor all subset mappings * @param className qualfied name of the class * @param node any node in the mapping set * @return Hashtable of all pseudo-property names (key) and their mapping subsets (value) * The value is not much use, since the same pseudo-property may be used for several subsets * and only one will be recorded. */ public static Hashtable<String,String> getPseudoProperties(String className, NodeDef node) { MappedStructure ms = (MappedStructure) getModelRoot(node); // store pseudo-properties in a Hashtable to avoid duplicates and note the subsets Hashtable<String,String> ppSet = new Hashtable<String,String>(); if (ms.getMappingParameters() != null) for (Iterator<ClassDetails> it = ms.getMappingParameters().getClassDetails().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ClassDetails cd =; if (cd.getQualifiedClassName().equals(className)) { // find all results of 'out' conversions and arguments of 'in' conversions for the subset for (Iterator<PropertyConversion> iw = cd.getPropertyConversions().iterator();iw.hasNext();) { PropertyConversion pc =; if (pc.getSense().getLiteral().equals("out")) ppSet.put(pc.getResultSlot(),pc.getSubset()); else if (pc.getSense().getLiteral().equals("in")) for (Iterator<ConversionArgument> ix = pc.getConversionArguments().iterator();ix.hasNext();) {ppSet.put(,pc.getSubset());} } } } return ppSet; } /** * get names of all pseudo-properties of a given class and subset * @param className * @param subset * @param node any node in the mapped structure * @return */ public static Vector<String> getPseudoProperties(String className, String subset, EObject node) { MappedStructure ms = (MappedStructure) getModelRoot(node); Vector<String> ppNames = new Vector<String>(); if (ms.getMappingParameters() != null) for (Iterator<ClassDetails> it = ms.getMappingParameters().getClassDetails().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ClassDetails cd =; if (cd.getQualifiedClassName().equals(className)) { // find all results of 'out' conversions and arguments of 'in' conversions for the subset for (Iterator<PropertyConversion> iw = cd.getPropertyConversions().iterator();iw.hasNext();) { PropertyConversion pc =; if (pc.getSubset().equals(subset)) { if (pc.getSense().getLiteral().equals("out")) ppNames.add(pc.getResultSlot()); else if (pc.getSense().getLiteral().equals("in")) for (Iterator<ConversionArgument> ix = pc.getConversionArguments().iterator();ix.hasNext();) {ppNames.add(;} } } } } return ppNames; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Paths in the mapped structure //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param node a Node in the Mapped structure * @param path an XPath * @return true if the XPath is a relative path, * and any 'parent' , 'child' or 'attribute' steps match the node names from the * start node */ public static boolean isRelativePath(NodeDef node, Xpth path) throws MapperException { boolean isRPath = false; try { if (!path.fromRoot()) // absolute paths fail { // 'stay here' is always a valid path if (path.axis(0).equals("self")) { if (path.nodeName(0).equals("node()"))isRPath = true; if (path.nodeName(0).equals(node.getName()))isRPath = true; } // ancestor step must be the only ascending step ('ancestor-or-self' is not yet allowed) else if (path.axis(0).equals("ancestor")) { EObject parent = node.eContainer(); while ((!isRPath) && (parent instanceof ElementDef)) // fail when you reach MappedStructure { // if an ancestor name matches, check the descent from that ancestor if (((ElementDef)parent).getName().equals(path.nodeName(0))) { // single-step ancestor paths are valid if (path.size() == 1) isRPath = true; // otherwise test the descending part else isRPath = isDescendingPath((ElementDef)parent, path.removeOuterStep()); } parent = parent.eContainer(); // keep trying ancestors } } // parent step: check the containing element name else if ((path.axis(0).equals("parent")) && (node.eContainer() instanceof ElementDef)) { ElementDef parent = (ElementDef)node.eContainer(); // the node test 'node()' will match any node name if ((parent.getName().equals(path.nodeName(0)))| (path.nodeName(0).equals("node()"))) { if (path.size() == 1) isRPath = true; // no more steps to check else if (path.size() > 1) { // recursive check of remaining path isRPath = isRelativePath(parent,path.removeOuterStep()); } } } else if ((path.axis(0).equals("child")) && (node instanceof ElementDef)) { isRPath = isDescendingPath((ElementDef)node, path); } else if (path.axis(0).equals("attribute")) { if (node instanceof ElementDef) isRPath = (((ElementDef)node).getNamedAttribute(path.nodeName(0)) != null); } // other axes lead to failure } } catch (XpthException ex) {return false;} return isRPath; } /** * * @param node a Node in the Mapped structure * @param path an XPath */ public static boolean isDescendingPath(ElementDef node, Xpth path) throws MapperException { boolean isDPath = false; if ((path.axis(0).equals("descendant"))|(path.axis(0).equals("descendant-or-self"))) { isDPath = true; // there is not much checking you can do after a descendant step } else if (path.axis(0).equals("child")) { // find a matching child element name for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = node.getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ElementDef child =; /* the node name must match; child::node() is not allowed */ if (child.getName().equals(path.nodeName(0))) { if (path.size() == 1) isDPath = true; // no more steps to check else if (path.size() > 1) { // recursive step - check the remainder of the path against the child element isDPath = isDescendingPath(child,path.removeOuterStep()); } } } } // must match an attribute name else if ((path.axis(0).equals("attribute")) && (path.size() == 1)) { for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = node.getAttributeDefs().iterator();it.hasNext();) if ( isDPath = true; } return isDPath; } /** * * @param node a Node in the Mapped structure * @param path an XPath * @param mustbeUnique if true, the path must lead to at most one node * @param isNonOptional if true, the path must lead to at least one node * @return true if the XPath is a relative path, * every step has an 'ancestor', 'parent','attribute' or 'child' axis, * every node is named and matches the structure, and (when mustbeUnique is true) * if the path leads to at most one node. */ public static boolean isRelativeDefinitePath(NodeDef node, Xpth path, boolean mustBeUnique, boolean isNonOptional) { boolean isRDPath = false; try { /* indefinite paths (other than ancestor paths which are allowed) * are filtered out by their 'descendant' steps. */ if (!path.fromRoot()) { // 'stay here' is always a valid and unique path if (path.axis(0).equals("self")) { if (path.nodeName(0).equals("node()"))isRDPath = true; if (path.nodeName(0).equals(node.getName()))isRDPath = true; } // ancestor step must be the only ascending step ('ancestor-or-self' is not yet allowed) else if (path.axis(0).equals("ancestor")) { EObject parent = node.eContainer(); while ((!isRDPath) && (parent instanceof ElementDef)) // fail when you reach MappedStructure { // if an ancestor name matches, check the descent from that ancestor if (((ElementDef)parent).getName().equals(path.nodeName(0))) { // single-step ancestor paths are valid and unique if (path.size() == 1) isRDPath = true; // otherwise test the descending part else isRDPath = isDescendingRelativeDefinitePath ((ElementDef)parent, path.removeOuterStep(), mustBeUnique,isNonOptional); } parent = parent.eContainer(); } } // parent step: check the containing element name, but uniqueness is guaranteed for the step else if ((path.axis(0).equals("parent")) && (node.eContainer() instanceof ElementDef)) { ElementDef parent = (ElementDef)node.eContainer(); // the node test 'node()' will match any node name if ((parent.getName().equals(path.nodeName(0)))| (path.nodeName(0).equals("node()"))) { if (path.size() == 1) isRDPath = true; // no more steps to check else if (path.size() > 1) { // recursive check of remaining path isRDPath = isRelativeDefinitePath(parent,path.removeOuterStep(), mustBeUnique,isNonOptional); } } } else if ((path.axis(0).equals("child")) && (node instanceof ElementDef)) { isRDPath = isDescendingRelativeDefinitePath((ElementDef)node, path, mustBeUnique,isNonOptional); } else if (path.axis(0).equals("attribute")) { if (node instanceof ElementDef) isRDPath = (((ElementDef)node).getNamedAttribute(path.nodeName(0)) != null); } // other axes lead to failure } } catch (XpthException ex) {return false;} return isRDPath; } /** * * @param node a Node in the Mapped structure * @param path an XPath * @param mustbeUnique if true, the path must lead to at most one node * @param isNonOptional if true, the path must lead to at least one node * @return true if the XPath is a relative path, every step has the 'child' axis, * every node is named and matches the structure, and (if mustbeUnique = true) * the path leads to at most one node. */ public static boolean isDescendingRelativeDefinitePath(ElementDef node, Xpth path, boolean mustBeUnique, boolean isNonOptional) { boolean isDDPath = false; try { if ((path.definite()) && (!path.fromRoot())) { if (path.axis(0).equals("child")) { // find a matching child element name for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = node.getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ElementDef child =; /* the node name must match, and possibly uniqueness and/or non-optionality may be required */ if ((child.getName().equals(path.nodeName(0))) && ((!mustBeUnique)|(child.getMaxMultiplicity()== MaxMult.ONE)) && ((!isNonOptional)|(child.getMinMultiplicity()== MinMult.ONE))) { if (path.size() == 1) isDDPath = true; // no more steps to check else if (path.size() > 1) { // recursive step - check the remainder of the path against the child element isDDPath = isDescendingRelativeDefinitePath (child,path.removeOuterStep(),mustBeUnique,isNonOptional); } } } } // an attribute must be the last step in a path, and is unique; match the name else if ((path.axis(0).equals("attribute")) && (path.size() == 1)) { for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = node.getAttributeDefs().iterator();it.hasNext();) { AttributeDef ad =; if (ad.getName().equals(path.nodeName(0)) && ((!isNonOptional)|(ad.getMinMultiplicity()== MinMult.ONE))) isDDPath = true; } } // other axes, such as descendant, cause failure } } catch (XpthException ex) {return false;} return isDDPath; } /** * @param node any Element in the mapped structure * @param mustBeUnique * @return a Vector of all definite relative paths from a node. * If mustBeUnique is true, these can include only paths that lead to one node. * Steps have only 'child' or 'parent' axes. */ public static Vector<Xpth> getRelativeDefinitePaths(NodeDef node, boolean mustBeUnique) { Vector<Xpth> paths = new Vector<Xpth>(); try { // the 'stay here' path is allowed from any node paths.add(new Xpth(getGlobalNamespaceSet(node),".")); // find any descending paths from this node if (node instanceof ElementDef) { Vector<Xpth> dPaths = getDRDPaths((ElementDef)node, null, null, mustBeUnique); for (Iterator<Xpth> ix = dPaths.iterator();ix.hasNext();) paths.add(; } // climb parents, adding paths to them and their descendants Xpth nodePath = new Xpth(getGlobalNamespaceSet(node)); while (node.eContainer() instanceof ElementDef) // stops at the MappedStructure node { ElementDef parent = (ElementDef)node.eContainer(); Xpth parentPath = nodePath.addInnerStep("parent::" + parent.getName()); // exclude each node on the ascent, from the paths back down from its higher parents Vector<Xpth> pPaths = getDRDPaths(parent, parentPath, node, mustBeUnique); for (Iterator<Xpth> ix = pPaths.iterator();ix.hasNext();) paths.add(; node = parent; // to iterate up to ancestors nodePath = parentPath; // to keep building a multiple 'parent::' path } } catch (MapperException ex) {GenUtil.surprise(ex, "ModelUtil.getRelativeDefinitePaths");} return paths; } /** * get all descending definite relative paths from a node. * If mustBeUnique is true, these can include only paths that lead to one node. * Steps have only 'child' axes. */ public static Vector<Xpth> getDescendingRelativeDefinitePaths(ElementDef node, boolean mustBeUnique) { return getDRDPaths(node, null, null, mustBeUnique); } /* * recursive finding of all descending relative definite paths from a node, * adding them as inner steps to the path so far * (if it is non-null ;otherwise starting a new path) * If excludeChild is not null, do not include a path that goes back down to that child node. */ private static Vector<Xpth> getDRDPaths(ElementDef node, Xpth pathSoFar, NodeDef excludeChild, boolean mustBeUnique) { Vector<Xpth> paths = new Vector<Xpth>(); try { // if non-null, the path to this node is part of the result set if (pathSoFar != null) paths.add(pathSoFar); // at the start of the recursion, we need an empty path to build on else if (pathSoFar == null) pathSoFar = new Xpth(getGlobalNamespaceSet(node)); // recursion through child elements for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = node.getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ElementDef child =; // to avoid paths which go up and then come back down to the same node boolean skipChild = ((excludeChild != null)&& (child.getName().equals(excludeChild.getName()))); // sometimes go only to unique child nodes if ((!skipChild) && ((!mustBeUnique)|(child.getMaxMultiplicity() == MaxMult.ONE))) { Xpth extended = pathSoFar.addInnerStep("child::" + child.getName()); Vector<Xpth> childPaths = getDRDPaths(child, extended, null, mustBeUnique); for (Iterator<Xpth> ix = childPaths.iterator();ix.hasNext();) paths.add(; } } // add paths for attributes for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = node.getAttributeDefs().iterator();it.hasNext();) { Xpth extended = pathSoFar.addInnerStep("attribute::" +; paths.add(extended); } } catch (MapperException ex) {GenUtil.surprise(ex, "ModelUtil.getDRDPaths");} return paths; } /** * * @param start a Node in the mapped structure * @param end another Node * @return true if the shortest cross path from the start node to the end node * can only result in one of the end node */ public static boolean uniqueTraverse(NodeDef start, NodeDef end) { boolean unique = true; // find the trail of all nodes up from the start node to the root of the mapped structure Vector<NodeDef> startAncestors = new Vector<NodeDef>(); EObject stanc = start; while (stanc instanceof NodeDef) { startAncestors.add((NodeDef)stanc); stanc = stanc.eContainer(); } /* check if the end node or any of its ancestors is in this trail, * failing if you encounter any multiple branch going up from the end */ boolean found = false; EObject eanc = end; while ((unique) && (!found) && (eanc instanceof NodeDef)) { // if this node is in the ancestors of the start node, succeed for (Iterator<NodeDef> it = startAncestors.iterator();it.hasNext();) if ( found = true; // otherwise, if this is a multiple child of its parent, fail if ((!found) && (eanc instanceof ElementDef) && (((ElementDef)eanc).getMaxMultiplicity() == MaxMult.UNBOUNDED)) unique = false; // try the parent node eanc = eanc.eContainer(); } return unique; } /** * * @param m any mapping * @return the Node of the mapped structure which contains it */ public static NodeDef mappingNode(Mapping m) { // Node/MappingSet/AssocMapping/AssocEndMapping if (m instanceof AssocEndMapping) return (NodeDef)(m.eContainer().eContainer().eContainer()); // Node/MappingSet/Any other type of mapping return (NodeDef)(m.eContainer().eContainer()); } /** * @param m any mapping * @return true if the shortest path to its object mapping leads to a unique node * @throws MapperException if there is no Object mapping */ public static boolean hasUniqueShortestPathToObjectMapping(Mapping m) throws MapperException { ObjMapping om = getObjectMapping(m); return uniqueTraverse(mappingNode(m),mappingNode(om)); } /** * follow the XPath path from the node. Return true if the min or max cardinality is one * (max if isMax = true; min if isMax = false) * Throw a Mapper Exception if the path is invalid, * or does not lead to nodes in the structure */ static private boolean cardinalityIsOne(NodeDef node, Xpth path, boolean isMax) throws MapperException { if (path.size() == 0) throw new MapperException("Cannot match empty path"); // 'self' step has min and max cardinality 1 if the node name matches if (path.axis(0).equals("self")) { if (path.nodeName(0).equals("node()")) return true; if (path.nodeName(0).equals(node.getName())) return true; throw new MapperException("'self' step expected node '" + path.nodeName(0) + "' but found node '" + node.getName() + "'"); } // 'parent' step does not alter min and max cardinality of the path else if (path.axis(0).equals("parent")) { EObject p = node.eContainer(); if ((p instanceof NodeDef) && (path.nodeName(0).equals(((NodeDef)p).getName()))) { if (path.size() == 1) return true; else return cardinalityIsOne((NodeDef)p,path.removeOuterStep(),isMax); } else throw new MapperException("Failed to match 'parent' step '" + path.nodeName(0) + "'"); } // 'ancestor' step does not alter min and max cardinality of the path else if (path.axis(0).equals("ancestor")) { boolean found = false; EObject p = node.eContainer(); //search up the tree to match the node name while ((p instanceof NodeDef) && (!found)) { NodeDef parent = (NodeDef)p; found = (path.nodeName(0).equals(parent.getName())); if (found) { if (path.size() == 1) return true; else return cardinalityIsOne(parent,path.removeOuterStep(),isMax); } p = p.eContainer(); } if (!found) throw new MapperException("Failed to match 'ancestor' step '" + path.nodeName(0) + "'"); } // 'child' step can alter min and max cardinality of the path else if (path.axis(0).equals("child")) { if (!(node instanceof ElementDef)) throw new MapperException("'child' step from Attribute"); for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = ((ElementDef)node).getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ElementDef child =; if (path.nodeName(0).equals(child.getName())) { if (isMax && (child.getMaxMultiplicity()== MaxMult.UNBOUNDED)) return false; else if (!isMax && (child.getMinMultiplicity()== MinMult.ZERO)) return false; else if (path.size() == 1) return true; else return cardinalityIsOne(child,path.removeOuterStep(),isMax); } } throw new MapperException("Failed to match 'child' step '" + path.nodeName(0) + "'"); } // 'attribute' step can alter min cardinality of the path else if (path.axis(0).equals("attribute")) { if (!(node instanceof ElementDef)) throw new MapperException("'attribute' step from Attribute"); for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = ((ElementDef)node).getAttributeDefs().iterator();it.hasNext();) { AttributeDef at =; if (path.nodeName(0).equals(at.getName())) { if (!isMax && (at.getMinMultiplicity()== MinMult.ZERO)) return false; else if (path.size() == 1) return true; else throw new MapperException("XPath cannot have steps after 'attribute' step"); } } throw new MapperException("Failed to match 'attribute' step '" + path.nodeName(0) + "'"); } // other axes in steps are not supported else throw new MapperException("Failed to match axis '" + path.axis(0) + "'"); return false; // to satisfy the compiler; but inaccessible } /** * @param node a node in the mapped structure * @param path a valid path from the node * @return the max cardinality of the path; 1 or -1 (means unbounded) * @throws MapperException if the path is invalid or does not lead to a node */ static public int getMaxCardinality(NodeDef node, Xpth path) throws MapperException { boolean isMax = true; if (cardinalityIsOne(node,path, isMax)) return 1; else return -1; } /** * @param node a node in the mapped structure * @param path a valid path from the node * @return the min cardinality of the path; 1 or 0 * @throws MapperException if the path is invalid or does not lead to a node */ static public int getMinCardinality(NodeDef node, Xpth path) throws MapperException { boolean isMax = false; if (cardinalityIsOne(node,path, isMax)) return 1; else return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unique identifiers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Return a Vector of vectors. Each one is a Vector of property names which together form a unique identifier for objects of the class - including those unique identifiers it inherits.*/ public static Vector<Vector<String>> uniqueIdentifiers(String className, EPackage classModel) { Vector<Vector<String>> res = new Vector<Vector<String>>(); if (classModel != null) { for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = classModel.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier ec =; if ((ec instanceof EClass) && (ec.getName().equals(className))) { EClass ecc = (EClass)ec; // find unique identifiers of the class itself addIdentifiersForClass(ecc,res); // find unique identifiers of any superclasses for (Iterator<EClass> ix = ecc.getEAllSuperTypes().iterator();ix.hasNext();) { EClass supC =; addIdentifiersForClass(supC,res); } } } } return res; } private static void addIdentifiersForClass(EClass supC, Vector<Vector<String>> res) { for (Iterator<EAnnotation> iz = supC.getEAnnotations().iterator();iz.hasNext();) { EAnnotation ea =; EMap<String,String> ed = ea.getDetails(); for (Iterator<String> ik = ed.keySet().iterator(); ik.hasNext();) { String key =; if (key.startsWith("identifier")) { String ident = ed.get(key); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ident,", "); Vector<String> idv = new Vector<String>(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) idv.add(st.nextToken()); res.add(idv); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // annotations //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static String mifNamespaceURI = "urn:hl7-org:v3/mif2"; public static String mifNamespaceURI() {return mifNamespaceURI;} private static String genModelURI = ""; public static String genModelURI() {return genModelURI;} /** * * @param toObj a Ecore model element to which an annotation is either to be added, * or extended with a new String key and value * @param key the key (new or possibly already existing) * @param value the new value for the key */ public static void addMIFAnnotation(EModelElement toObj, String key, String value) { EAnnotation ann = toObj.getEAnnotation(mifNamespaceURI); if (ann == null) { ann = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAnnotation(); ann.setSource(mifNamespaceURI); toObj.getEAnnotations().add(ann); } ann.getDetails().put(key, value); } /** * copy MIF annotations from one EObject to another * @param fromObj * @param toObj */ public static void copyMifAnnotations(EModelElement fromObj,EModelElement toObj) { copySomeAnnotations(fromObj, toObj, mifNamespaceURI); } /** * copy annotations with some namespace from one object to another * @param fromObj * @param toObj * @param namespaceURI */ public static void copySomeAnnotations(EModelElement fromObj,EModelElement toObj, String namespaceURI) { EAnnotation ann = fromObj.getEAnnotation(namespaceURI); if (ann != null) { EMap<String,String> details = ann.getDetails(); Hashtable<String,String> det = new Hashtable<String,String>(); for (Iterator<Entry<String,String>> it = details.iterator();it.hasNext();) { Entry<String,String> next =; det.put(next.getKey(), next.getValue()); } EAnnotation ann2 = toObj.getEAnnotation(namespaceURI); if (ann2 == null) { ann2 = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAnnotation(); ann2.setSource(namespaceURI); toObj.getEAnnotations().add(ann2); } for (Enumeration<String> en = det.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String key = en.nextElement(); ann2.getDetails().put(key, det.get(key)); } } } /** * * @param toObj * @param key * @param value */ public static void removeMIFAnnotation(EModelElement toObj, String key) { EAnnotation ann = toObj.getEAnnotation(mifNamespaceURI); if (ann != null) { EMap<String,String> details = ann.getDetails(); if (details.get(key) != null) { details.removeKey(key); if (details.size() == 0) toObj.getEAnnotations().remove(ann); } } } /** * copy an ECore annotation from one object to another - * maybe overwriting the values of existing annotations with the same * source and the same key * @param toObject * @param note */ public static void copyAnnotation(EModelElement toObject, EAnnotation note) { String source = note.getSource(); // if the target does not have an annotation with this source, make one EAnnotation existing = toObject.getEAnnotation(source); if (existing == null) { existing = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAnnotation(); existing.setSource(source); toObject.getEAnnotations().add(existing); } // transfer values for all keys, overwriting if values already exist for (Iterator<String> it = note.getDetails().keySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) { String key =; existing.getDetails().put(key, note.getDetails().get(key)); } } /** * @param toObj an Ecore model element * @param key the key to an annotation detail * @return the value for that key, or null if there is none */ public static String getMIFAnnotation(EModelElement toObj, String key) { String value = null; EAnnotation ann = toObj.getEAnnotation(mifNamespaceURI); if (ann != null) value = ann.getDetails().get(key); return value; } /** * * @param toObj an Ecore model element * @return the details of the MIF annotation */ public static EMap<String,String> getMIFAnnotationDetails(EModelElement toObj) { EMap<String,String> details = new BasicEMap<String,String>(); EAnnotation ann = toObj.getEAnnotation(mifNamespaceURI); if (ann != null) details = ann.getDetails(); return details; } /** * @param el an EModelObject in an ecore model * @param key the key of the annotation detail * @return one detail of an annotation to an EObject, by key */ public static String getEAnnotationDetail(EModelElement el, String key) { String detail = null; for (Iterator<EAnnotation> iz = el.getEAnnotations().iterator();iz.hasNext();) { EAnnotation ea =; if (detail == null) detail = ea.getDetails().get(key); } return detail; } /** * remove all EReferences from a class, leaving its EAttributes unchanged * @param theClass */ static public void removeEReferences(EClass theClass) { Vector<EAttribute> atts = new Vector<EAttribute>(); for (Iterator<EAttribute> ia = theClass.getEAttributes().iterator();ia.hasNext();) atts.add(; theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().clear(); for (Iterator<EAttribute> ia = atts.iterator();ia.hasNext();) theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(; } /** * @param node any node in the mapping set * @param className a class name * @return true if the class is one of the parameter classes of the mapping set * Appears not to be used */ public static boolean isParameterClassx(EObject node, String className) { boolean isPar = false; MappedStructure root= getMappedStructure(node); for (Iterator<ParameterClass> it = root.getParameterClasses().iterator(); it.hasNext();) if ( isPar = true; return isPar; } /** * the association name is now calculated automatically by * concatenating the association end names; or if they only differ * by a final '_1' and '_2', by removing the final '_1' and '_2' * @param role1 the role name of end 1 (the lexically first role name) * @param role2 the role name of end 2 (lexically last role name) * @return the association name */ public static String assocName(String r1, String r2) { String role1 = r1; String role2 = r2; // unexpected cases when either role is missing if (role1 == null) return role2; if (role2 == null) return role1; // if either role is non-navigable (role name ""), the association name is the other role name if (role1.equals(MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME)) return role2; if (role2.equals(MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME)) return role1; // reverse the roles if necessary, to ensure role1 is lexically first if (role1.compareTo(role2) > 0) { String r = role1; role1 = role2; role2 = r; } String assocName = role1 + "|" + role2; /* legacy case; for mapping sets which had association names but no role names, * give them role names starting with the association name, ending in '_1' and '_2' * and reconstruct the association name from them */ if ((role1.length() == role2.length()) && (role1.length() > 2) && (role1.endsWith("_1")) && (role2.endsWith("_2"))) { String t1 = role1.substring(0,role1.length() - 2); String t2 = role2.substring(0,role2.length() - 2); if (t1.equals(t2)) assocName = t2; } return assocName; } /** * from two association role names, return the role that will * point to end 1 under the association naming and end convention * @param r1 a role name * @param r2 the inverse association role name * @return the role which is lexically first */ public static String end1Role(String r1, String r2) { // if r2 is lexically first, return it String role1 = r1; if (r1.compareTo(r2) > 0) role1 = r2; /* if either r1 or r2 is non-navigable (nonexistent in the Ecore model, * the navigable role points to end 2 */ if (r2.equals(MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME)) role1 = r2; if (r1.equals(MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME)) role1 = r1; return role1; } /** * from two association role names, return the role that will * point to end 2 under the association naming and end convention * @param r1 a role name * @param r2 the inverse association role name * @return the role which is lexically last */ public static String end2Role(String r1, String r2) { // if r2 is lexically first, return r1 String role2 = r2; if (r1.compareTo(r2) > 0) role2 = r1; /* if either r1 or r2 is non-navigable (nonexistent in the Ecore model, * the non-navigable role points to end 1 */ if (r2.equals(MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME)) role2 = r1; if (r1.equals(MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME)) role2 = r2; return role2; } /** * @param className * @param packageName * @return class name preceded by the package name and '.', if the package name is not empty */ public static String getQualifiedClassName(String className,String packageName) { String qName = className; if ((packageName != null) && (!packageName.equals(""))) qName = packageName + "." + className; return qName; } /** * return an association name given only one role name, as in class1.role.class2. * The association name is the role name if the reference has no opposite. * @param class1 * @param role * @param class2 * @param node * @return the association name calculated automatically, or null if there is any problem */ public static String getAssociationName(String qualifiedClassName1,String role, String qualifiedClassName2, EObject node) { String class1 = getBareClassName(qualifiedClassName1); String packageName1 = getPackageName(qualifiedClassName1); String class2 = getBareClassName(qualifiedClassName2); String packageName2 = getPackageName(qualifiedClassName2); EPackage package1 = getEPackage(packageName1,node); EPackage package2 = getEPackage(packageName2,node); return getAssociationName(class1, package1, role, class2, package2); } /** * return an association name given only one role name, as in class1.role.class2. * The association name is the role name if the reference has no opposite. * @param class1 * @param role * @param class2 * @param node * @return the association name calculated automatically, or null if there is any problem */ public static String getAssociationName(String class1,EPackage package1, String role, String class2, EPackage package2) { String assocName = role; // remains so if there is no inverse or if it is non-navigable if (role.equals(MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME)) System.out.println("Cannot find an inverse role to '" + MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME + "' because there might be several"); String invRole = getInverseRole(class1, package1,role, class2, package2); if ((invRole != null)&& (!(invRole.equals(MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME)))) assocName = assocName(role,invRole); return assocName; } /** * @param qualifiedClassName1 the start class * @param role the role name to get to the target class * @param qualifiedClassName2 the target class * @param node any node in the mapped structure referring to the class model * @return the inverse role name, or null if there is any problem */ public static String getInverseRole(String qualifiedClassName1, String role, String qualifiedClassName2, EObject node) { String class1 = getBareClassName(qualifiedClassName1); String packageName1 = getPackageName(qualifiedClassName1); EPackage package1 = getEPackage(packageName1,node); String class2 = getBareClassName(qualifiedClassName2); String packageName2 = getPackageName(qualifiedClassName2); EPackage package2 = getEPackage(packageName2,node); return getInverseRole(class1, package1, role, class2, package2); } /** * @param class1 * @param package1 * @param role * @param class2 * @param package2 * @return */ public static String getInverseRole(String class1, EPackage package1, String role, String class2, EPackage package2) { String invRole = MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME; if ((package1 == null)|(package2 == null)) return invRole; EClass c1 = (EClass)package1.getEClassifier(class1); EClass c2 = (EClass)package2.getEClassifier(class2); if ((c1 == null)|(c2 == null)) return invRole; else if (!(role.equals(MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME))) { for (Iterator<EReference> it = c1.getEAllReferences().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EReference er =; EClass c2s = er.getEReferenceType(); if ((er.getName()!= null) && (er.getName().equals(role)) && (c2s != null) && (c2s.isSuperTypeOf(c2))) { EReference inverse = er.getEOpposite(); if (inverse != null) // usual case { invRole= inverse.getName(); } else // no EOpposite; non-navigable role { invRole = MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME; } } } } else if (role.equals(MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME)) { System.out.println("Cannot yet get the name of the inverse role to '" + MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME + "'"); } return invRole; } /** * Extract a role name for end 0 or 1 from an association name, according to the automatic * naming of associations. But does not support the legacy asscoaition naming, * and in any case this method is not used - thus the wierd name * @param assocName * @param end01 * @return */ public static String roleNameX(String assocName, int end01) throws MapperException { if ((end01 < 0)|(end01 >1)) throw new MapperException ("Invalid end: " + end01); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(assocName,"|"); if (st.countTokens() == 2) // usual case { String[] role = new String[2]; role[0] = st.nextToken(); role[1] = st.nextToken(); // if role[0] is lexically after role[1], reverse ends if (role[0].compareTo(role[1]) > 0) return role[1-end01]; return role[end01]; } else if (st.countTokens() == 1) { /* this method used to add '_1' or '_2' to the end to support the legacy * convention or naming roles. Now it no longer does - it supports the new convention * that when one end is non-navigable, the association name is the navigable * role name, and the navigable role leads to end 1 of (1,2) i.e * to end 0 of (0,1). But since this method is not used, it all does not matter.*/ if (end01 == 0) return assocName; if (end01 == 1) return MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME; } else throw new MapperException ("Invalid association name: " + assocName); return ""; // to satisfy the compiler } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // handling nested packages and qualified class names //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * get a named class from the ECore class model * @param qualifiedClassName the class name, preceded by the package name and '.' if non-empty * @return */ public static EClass getNamedClass(EPackage topPackage, String qualifiedClassName) { String packageName = getPackageName(qualifiedClassName); EPackage thePackage = getNamedPackage(topPackage,packageName); String className = getBareClassName(qualifiedClassName); if (thePackage != null) return getEClass(thePackage, className); else return null; } /** * @param className * @return the named class */ public static EClass getEClass(EPackage thePackage, String className) { if (thePackage == null) return null; EClassifier ec = thePackage.getEClassifier(className); if ((ec != null) && (ec instanceof EClass)) return (EClass)ec; else return null; } /** * * @param theClass * @param attName the name of an EAttribute, which may be inherited * @return the EAttribute, or null if there is none of that name */ public static EAttribute getNamedAttribute(EClass theClass, String attName) { EAttribute att = null; for (Iterator<EAttribute> it = theClass.getEAllAttributes().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EAttribute a =; if (a.getName().equals(attName)) att = a; } return att; } /** * * @param topPackage * @param packageName name of the required package; must not be null * @return the top package or a sub-package within it with the required name; * null package name matches with "". */ public static EPackage getNamedPackage(EPackage topPackage, String packageName) { EPackage thePackage = null; if (packageName.equals(topPackage.getName())) thePackage = topPackage; if ((packageName.equals("")) && (topPackage.getName()== null)) thePackage = topPackage; for (Iterator<EPackage> it = topPackage.getESubpackages().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EPackage child =; if (thePackage == null) thePackage = getNamedPackage(child,packageName); } return thePackage; } /** * @param qualifiedClassName the class name, preceded by the package name and '.' if non-empty * @return the package name, or "" if there is none */ public static String getPackageName(String qualifiedClassName) { String packageName = ""; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(qualifiedClassName,"."); // if there are any full stops, return the string before the first if (st.countTokens() > 1) packageName = st.nextToken(); return packageName; } /** * @param qualifiedClassName the class name, preceded by the package name and '.' if non-empty * @return the package name, or "" if there is none */ public static String getBareClassName(String qualifiedClassName) { String cName = qualifiedClassName; String packageName = getPackageName(qualifiedClassName); // if there are any full stops, remove the package name and the first full stop if (!packageName.equals("")) cName = qualifiedClassName.substring(packageName.length() + 1); return cName; } /** * * @param theClass an EClass * @return the class name, preceded by the package name and '.' if nonempty */ public static String getQualifiedClassName(EClass theClass) { String qName = theClass.getName(); String packageName = theClass.getEPackage().getName(); if ((packageName != null) && (!packageName.equals(""))) qName = packageName + "." + qName; return qName; } /** * @param theClass an EClass * @return the outermost package, containing the class either directly * or in a sub-package * */ public static EPackage getTopPackage(EClass theClass) { EPackage direct = theClass.getEPackage(); while (direct.getESuperPackage() != null) direct = direct.getESuperPackage(); return direct; } /** * * @param pack a package * @return a Hashtable whose key = qualified class name * and value = a Vector of qualified class names of all classes that directly * contain that class by a containment relation */ public static Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> parentTable(EPackage pack) { Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> pTable = new Hashtable<String,Vector<String>>(); for (Iterator<EClass> it = getAllClasses(pack).iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EClass next =; String parentName = getQualifiedClassName(next); for (Iterator<EReference> ir = next.getEAllReferences().iterator();ir.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; if (ref.isContainment()) { EClassifier contained = ref.getEType(); if (contained instanceof EClass) { String childName = getQualifiedClassName((EClass)contained); Vector<String> parents = pTable.get(childName); if (parents == null) parents = new Vector<String>(); parents.add(parentName); pTable.put(childName, parents); } } } } return pTable; } /** * @param thePackage a package * @return a Vector of all classes in the package or its sub-packages to any depth */ public static Vector<EClass> getAllClasses(EPackage thePackage) { Vector<EClass> classes = new Vector<EClass>(); addClasses(classes,thePackage); return classes; } private static void addClasses(Vector<EClass> classes, EPackage thePackage) { for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = thePackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) classes.add((EClass)next); } for (Iterator<EPackage> it = thePackage.getESubpackages().iterator();it.hasNext();) addClasses(classes,; } /** * * @param qualifiedClassName the package name (if not null) and class name of some class * @param classModel the top package of the class model * @return a Vector of qualified names of all subclasses, including itself, in any package * @throws MapperException */ public static Vector<String> allSubclassNames(String qualifiedClassName, EPackage classModel) throws MapperException { EClass theClass = null; String className = null; String packageName = null; /* if the class name contains '.', there must be a non-null package; if not, * the first part of the class name would be taken as a package name. */ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(qualifiedClassName,"."); if (st.countTokens() == 1) className = st.nextToken(); else if (st.countTokens() > 1) { packageName = st.nextToken(); // before the first '.' className = qualifiedClassName.substring(packageName.length()+1); // after } if (packageName== null) theClass = (EClass)classModel.getEClassifier(className); else if (packageName.equals(classModel.getName())) theClass = (EClass)classModel.getEClassifier(className); else { EPackage thePackage = getNamedPackage(classModel,packageName); theClass = (EClass)thePackage.getEClassifier(className); } if (theClass == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find class " + qualifiedClassName); // find the names of all subclasses, including itself Vector<EClass> inheritors = getAllSubClasses(theClass); Vector<String> subclassNames = new Vector<String>(); for (Iterator<EClass> it = inheritors.iterator();it.hasNext();) subclassNames.add(getQualifiedClassName(; return subclassNames; } /** * * @param ec a class * @return a Vector of all classes which inherit from the class, * including the class itself */ public static Vector<EClass> getAllSubClasses(EClass ec) { Vector<EClass> inheritors = new Vector<EClass>(); EPackage ep = getTopPackage(ec); for (Iterator<EClass> it = getAllClasses(ep).iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EClass next =; // isSuperTypeOf includes the class itself if (ec.isSuperTypeOf(next)) inheritors.add(next); } return inheritors; } /** * * @param ec a class * @return a Vector of all concrete classes which inherit from the class, * including the class itself */ public static Vector<EClass> getAllConcreteSubClasses(EClass ec) { Vector<EClass> inheritors = new Vector<EClass>(); EPackage ep = getTopPackage(ec); for (Iterator<EClass> it = getAllClasses(ep).iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EClass next =; // isSuperTypeOf includes the class itself if ((ec.isSuperTypeOf(next)) && (!next.isAbstract())) inheritors.add(next); } return inheritors; } /** * * @param topPackage a package which may contain nested packages * @param bareClassName an unqualified class name (with no package name) * @return a list of all classes in the top package or its nested packages * which have the required bare class name */ public static List<EClass> getAllNamedClasses(EPackage topPackage, String bareClassName) { Vector<EClass> classes = new Vector<EClass>(); addNamedClasses(topPackage,bareClassName,classes); return classes; } /** * recursive descent of nested packages, looking for all classes with a given name * @param topPackage * @param bareClassName * @param classes */ private static void addNamedClasses(EPackage topPackage,String bareClassName,Vector<EClass> classes) { EClassifier named = topPackage.getEClassifier(bareClassName); if ((named != null) && (named instanceof EClass)) classes.add((EClass)named); for (Iterator<EPackage> it = topPackage.getESubpackages().iterator();it.hasNext();) addNamedClasses(,bareClassName,classes); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cloning EObjects //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param obj an object in the Mapper model * @return a clone of any EObject in the Mapper model, including all of its EAttributes * and recursively its contained EObjects if deep = true. Non-containment relations are not * yet supported. */ public static EObject EClone(EObject obj, boolean deep) { if (obj == null) return null; // clone the EObject EObject clone = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.create(obj.eClass()); // clone the values of all its EAttributes for (Iterator<EAttribute> it = obj.eClass().getEAllAttributes().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EAttribute att =; clone.eSet(att, obj.eGet(att)); } // for deep copy, clone all its containment EReferences, and their target EObjects if (deep) for (Iterator<EReference> it = obj.eClass().getEAllReferences().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; if (ref.isContainment()) { if (ref.getUpperBound() == 1) { Object target = obj.eGet(ref); if ((target != null) && (target instanceof EObject)) clone.eSet(ref, EClone((EObject)target,deep)); } else if (ref.getUpperBound() == -1) { Object targets = obj.eGet(ref); if ((targets != null) && (targets instanceof EList<?>)) { EList<EObject> cont = new BasicEList<EObject>(); EList<?> targetList = (EList<?>)targets; for (Iterator<?> iw = targetList.iterator();iw.hasNext();) { Object target =; if (target instanceof EObject) cont.add(EClone((EObject)target,deep)); } clone.eSet(ref,cont); } } } } return clone; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Making and saving Ecore models //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * write out an Ecore package as a resource. */ public static void savePackage(String filePath, EPackage topPackage) throws MapperException { URI instanceURI = URI.createURI(filePath); // create the resource that is to be filled with the model instance ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); // register the factory if (instanceURI != null) { String extension = ".ecore"; resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap(). put(extension, new XMIResourceFactoryImpl()); } Resource modelResource = resourceSet.createResource(instanceURI); // add the package to the resource modelResource.getContents().add(topPackage); // save the resource try {;} catch (IOException ex) {throw new MapperException("Failed to save EMF model resource: " + ex.getMessage());} } /** * create a model object * @param qualifiedClassName * @param classModel * @return */ public static EObject createModelObject(String qualifiedClassName, EPackage classModel) throws MapperException { String packageName = ModelUtil.getPackageName(qualifiedClassName); EPackage thePackage = ModelUtil.getNamedPackage(classModel, packageName); EClass theClass = ModelUtil.getNamedClass(classModel, qualifiedClassName); if (theClass != null) { if (!theClass.isAbstract()) return thePackage.getEFactoryInstance().create(theClass); else throw new MapperException("Abstract class " + qualifiedClassName); } else throw new MapperException("No EClass " + qualifiedClassName + " in package " + classModel.getNsPrefix()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Making and saving mapping sets //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * save a mapping set * @param resource a fully constructed mapping set * @throws MapperException */ public static MappedStructure saveNewMappingSet(String location) throws MapperException { try{ URI mappingSetURI = URI.createURI(location); Resource resource = makeNewMappingSet(mappingSetURI); // Save the contents of the resource to the file system. Map<Object, Object> options = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); options.put(XMLResource.OPTION_ENCODING, "UTF-8");; return (MappedStructure) resource.getContents().get(0); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException(ex.getMessage());} } /** * @param fileURI the URI where a mapping set is to be located * @return the mapping set resource (with no structure yet) */ public static Resource makeNewMappingSet(URI fileURI) { // Create a resource set and a resource for this file. ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); Resource resource = resourceSet.createResource(fileURI); // Add the initial model object to the contents. EObject rootObject = createInitialModel(); resource.getContents().add(rootObject); return resource; } /** * save a mapping set * @param resource a fully constructed mapping set * @throws MapperException */ public static void saveMappingSet(Resource resource) throws MapperException { try{ // Save the contents of the resource to the file system. Map<Object, Object> options = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); options.put(XMLResource.OPTION_ENCODING, "UTF-8");; } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException(ex.getMessage());} } /** * @return an initial empty mapping set */ public static MappedStructure createInitialModel() { MappedStructure rootObject = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createMappedStructure(); GlobalMappingParameters globalObject = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createGlobalMappingParameters(); rootObject.setMappingParameters(globalObject); return rootObject; } /** * @param reps a Vector of objectReps * @return the corresponding Vector of objectTokens */ public static Vector<objectToken> toTokens(Vector<objectRep> reps) { Vector<objectToken> toks = new Vector<objectToken>(); for (Iterator<objectRep> ir = reps.iterator(); ir.hasNext();) toks.add(; return toks; } /** * @param toks a Vector of objectTokens * @return the Vector cast to objectReps * @throws MapperException if any cannot be cast */ public static Vector<objectRep> toReps(Vector<objectToken> toks) throws MapperException { Vector<objectRep> reps = new Vector<objectRep>(); try { for (Iterator<objectToken> it = toks.iterator(); it.hasNext();) reps.add((objectRep); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException("objectToken is not an objectRep");} return reps; } /** * @param tok an objectToken * @return the token cast to an objectRep * @throws MapperException if it cannot be cast */ public static objectRep toRep(objectToken tok) throws MapperException { objectRep rep = null; try {rep = (objectRep)tok;} catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException("objectToken is not an objectRep");} return rep; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tracing //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void traceRefNames(EPackage thePackage, String className) { for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = thePackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if ((next.getName().equals(className)) && (next instanceof EClass)) traceRefNames((EClass)next); } } public static void traceRefNames(EClass theClass) { String refNames = ""; for (Iterator<EReference> it = theClass.getEReferences().iterator(); it.hasNext();) refNames = refNames + + " "; trace("Class " + theClass.getName() + " has associations " + refNames); } public static void traceAttNames(EClass theClass) { String refNames = ""; for (Iterator<EAttribute> it = theClass.getEAttributes().iterator(); it.hasNext();) refNames = refNames + + " "; trace("Class " + theClass.getName() + " has attributes " + refNames); } /** * RIM class structure */ public static String[] ActSubclasses = {"Act","Procedure","Observation","PatientEncounter","SubstanceAdministration","Organizer","Supply"}; public static String[] RoleSubclasses = {"Role"}; public static String addSuffixToFileName(String fullLocation,String suffix) throws MapperException { String result = null; String[] exts = {".mapper",".ecore"}; for (int i = 0; i < exts.length; i++) { if (fullLocation.endsWith(exts[i])) { int len = fullLocation.length() - exts[i].length(); result = fullLocation.substring(0,len) + "_" + suffix + exts[i]; } } if (result == null) throw new MapperException("Invalid file extension in location '" + fullLocation + "'"); return result; } private static void trace(String s) {System.out.println(s);} }