package; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcoreFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.FileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.GenUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.WorkBenchUtil; /** * represents one V3 RMIM, which may be either a top RMIM or a CMET * * @author robert * */ public class V3RMIM { private String rmimId; // e.g. 'PORX_HD980030UV' public String rmimId() {return rmimId;} private String rmimTrail;// the trail of RMIM ids leading from the top RMIM to this one private RMIMReader rmimReader; private String path; private Element rootElement; private EPackage RMIMPackage; private Hashtable<String,V3Name> v3Names; public V3Name getV3Name(String name) {return v3Names.get(name);} /** * @return name of the entry class or choice */ public String entryClassName() { String name = entryClassNameInMIF; if (replacedEntryClassName != null) { name = replacedEntryClassName; } return name; } private String entryClassNameInMIF; // name of the entry class or choice private String replacedEntryClassName = null; private String expectedOriginalEntryClassName = null; public V3Name getEntryV3Name() { return v3Names.get(entryClassName()); } private boolean isTopRMIM; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructor //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param rmimReader the reader which is reading in the current MIF file * @param rootElement the root element of the current MIF file * @param path file path to the current MIF file * @param RMIMtrail names of CMETs from the root RMIM down to this RMIM/CMET * @param keepTopCnoice; if true, make an EClass object for the top Choice */ public V3RMIM(RMIMReader rmimReader, Element rootElement, String path, String rmimTrail, boolean isTopRMIM) throws MapperException { this.path = path; this.rootElement = rootElement; this.rmimReader = rmimReader; this.isTopRMIM = isTopRMIM; if (this.isTopRMIM) {} // seems not to be used v3Names = new Hashtable<String,V3Name>(); if (checkHeader(rmimTrail,isTopRMIM)) readClasses(); else throw new MapperException("Stopped creation of Ecore model"); } private boolean checkHeader(String rmimTrail, boolean isTopRMIM) throws MapperException { boolean checked = false; String uri = rootElement.getNamespaceURI(); boolean headerURIChecks = ((uri != null) && (uri.equals(rmimReader.mifNamespaceURI()))); // skip the URI check for NHS MIM (has MIF 2.0 URI; otherwise like MIF 2.1) if (rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) headerURIChecks = true; if (headerURIChecks) { if (!rootElement.getLocalName().equals("staticModel")) throw new MapperException ("Root element of file at " + path + " is not 'staticModel'"); if (!rootElement.getAttribute("representationKind").equals("flat")) throw new MapperException ("File at " + path + " is not a flat MIF file"); readPackageElement(); Element entryEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(rootElement,"entryPoint"); if ((entryEl == null) && (rmimReader.isNHSMIF())) entryEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(rootElement,"ownedEntryPoint"); if (entryEl == null) throw new MapperException ("File at " + path + " has no 'entryPoint' element"); String entryName = entryEl.getAttribute("name"); rmimId = entryEl.getAttribute("id"); /* the top RMIM should have an id; otherwise, ask the user if he is prepared * to use its name as an id */ if (isTopRMIM && (rmimId.equals(""))) { boolean confirm = WorkBenchUtil.askConfirm("RMIM has no id", "The chosen RMIM has no id on its entry point." + " Use its name '" + entryName + "' in stead, for the Ecore file name?"); if (!confirm) return false; else rmimId = entryName; } this.rmimTrail = rmimTrail + "/" + rmimId; RMIMPackage = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage(); RMIMPackage.setName(rmimId); entryClassNameInMIF = entryEl.getAttribute("className"); if (rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) { expectedOriginalEntryClassName = rmimReader.getOriginalNHSEntryClassName(rmimId); replacedEntryClassName = rmimReader.getAlteredNHSEntryClassName(rmimId); if ((expectedOriginalEntryClassName != null) && (!entryClassNameInMIF.equals(expectedOriginalEntryClassName)) ) throw new MapperException("Error in template entry names csv file: the entry class of template '" + rmimId + "' is '" + entryClassNameInMIF + "', not '" + expectedOriginalEntryClassName + "'"); } ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(RMIMPackage, "name", entryName); String description = getMIFAnnotation(entryEl); if (!description.equals("")) ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(RMIMPackage, "description", description); rmimReader.topPackage().getESubpackages().add(RMIMPackage); checked = true; } else throw new MapperException ("Root element of file at " + path + " is not in the MIF2 namespace"); return checked; } /** * @param el an Element in a MIF file * @return the text of a (highly nested) annotation on it, or "" * if the form of the annotation does not match the nested form */ private String getMIFAnnotation(Element el) { String description = ""; Element annotations = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(el, "annotations"); if (annotations != null) { Element documentation = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(annotations, "documentation"); if (documentation != null) { Element desc = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(documentation, "description"); if (desc != null) { Element text = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(desc, "text"); if (text != null) description = XMLUtil.getText(text); } } } return description; } /** * put an annotation on the entry class or choice of this RMIM, to say that it * is the entry class of the whole model */ public void markEntryClass() { if (getEntryV3Name() instanceof ConcreteClass) { EClass entryClass = ((ConcreteClass)getEntryV3Name()).eClass(); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(entryClass, "entry", "true"); } /* If the entry point is a choice, create an artificial EClass for it, and * give it EReferences to the classes the choice resolves to */ else if (getEntryV3Name() instanceof Choice) { EClass entryChoice = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass(); entryChoice.setName(getEntryV3Name().name()); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(entryChoice, "entry", "true"); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(entryChoice, "choice", "true"); RMIMPackage.getEClassifiers().add(entryChoice); // give the choice an unnamed association to each of the concrete classes it resolves to for (Iterator<EClass> it = ((Choice)getEntryV3Name()).getAllEClasses().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClass child =; EReference ref = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference(); ref.setName(""); ref.setEType(child); ref.setContainment(true); entryChoice.getEStructuralFeatures().add(ref); } } } private void readPackageElement() throws MapperException { /* Element packageEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(rootElement,"packageLocation"); if (packageEl == null) throw new MapperException ("File at " + path + " has no 'packageLocation' element"); String realmNamespace = packageEl.getAttribute("realmNamespace"); String artifact = packageEl.getAttribute("artifact"); String subSection = packageEl.getAttribute("subSection"); String domain = packageEl.getAttribute("domain"); String id = packageEl.getAttribute("id"); */ } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reading classes and properties, choices and CMETs //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void readClasses() throws MapperException { for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(rootElement,classElementName()).iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element contained =; Element classEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(contained, "class"); if (classEl != null) { // concrete classes boolean isConcrete = classEl.getAttribute("isAbstract").equals("false"); // temporary, to see where templates link in to NHS RMIMs if ((rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) && (classEl.getAttribute("name").startsWith("Template"))) isConcrete = true; if (isConcrete) { EClass theClass = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass(); String className = classEl.getAttribute("name"); // NHS templates may have concrete class names replaced if ((replacedEntryClassName != null) && (className.equals(entryClassNameInMIF))) className = replacedEntryClassName; recordClassOccurrence(className); theClass.setName(className); String RIMClassName = derivedValue(classEl,1,"className"); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(theClass,"RIM Class",RIMClassName); warnIfDuplicateClass(RMIMPackage,className,rmimId); RMIMPackage.getEClassifiers().add(theClass); addAttributes(theClass,classEl,RIMClassName); ConcreteClass conClass = new ConcreteClass(className,theClass); v3Names.put(className, conClass); // if the class may import NHS template RMIMs, mark its V3Name and read them if (rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) readNHSTemplateRMIMs(classEl, conClass); } // choice elements else if (classEl.getAttribute("isAbstract").equals("true")) { String choiceName = classEl.getAttribute("name"); // NHS templates may have choice class names replaced (no use case yet) if ((replacedEntryClassName != null) && (choiceName.equals(entryClassNameInMIF))) choiceName = replacedEntryClassName; Choice theChoice = new Choice(choiceName,this); v3Names.put(choiceName, theChoice); for (Iterator<Element> ic = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(classEl,choiceChildClassElementName()).iterator();ic.hasNext();) theChoice.addItem(; } } Element cmetEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(contained, "commonModelElementRef"); // store all referenced CMETs in the RMIMReader if (cmetEl != null) { String CMETName = cmetEl.getAttribute(cmetNameAttribute()); // only read any CMET once if (rmimReader.startedCMETs().get(CMETName) == null) { rmimReader.startedCMETs().put(CMETName, "1"); String CMETFileName = rmimReader.getCMETFilename(CMETName); String CMETFilePath = FileUtil.siblingFilePath(path, CMETFileName); Element CMETRoot = null; try {CMETRoot = XMLUtil.getRootElement(CMETFilePath);} catch (Exception ex) {CMETRoot = null;} if (CMETRoot != null) { boolean isTop = false; V3RMIM theCMET = new V3RMIM(rmimReader,CMETRoot,CMETFilePath,rmimTrail,isTop); rmimReader.referencedCMETs().put(CMETName, theCMET); } else if (CMETRoot == null) rmimReader.missingCMETs().put(CMETName, "1"); } } } // mark the entry class of the template (NHS MIFs only) if ((getEntryV3Name() instanceof ConcreteClass) && (rmimReader.isNHSMIF())) { EClass entryClass = ((ConcreteClass)getEntryV3Name()).eClass(); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(entryClass, "templateEntry", "true"); } //writeV3Names(); } /** * * @param thePackage * @param className * @param fromPackage */ private void warnIfDuplicateClass(EPackage thePackage, String className, String fromPackage) throws MapperException { EClass existingClass = (EClass)thePackage.getEClassifier(className); if (existingClass != null) { String message = "Duplicate class '" + className + "' from CMET '" + fromPackage + "' will be added to package '" + thePackage.getName() + "'." ; boolean carryOn = WorkBenchUtil.askConfirm("Warning", message + " Do you want to carry on?"); System.out.println(message); if (!carryOn) throw new MapperException("User cancelled because: " + message); } } /** * Look up the template RMIMs allowed by a constraint; mark the V3Name for the class * as being invoked by the class; and recurse to read in the template RMIMs * @param classEl * @param conClass */ private void readNHSTemplateRMIMs(Element classEl, ConcreteClass conClass) throws MapperException { //String cName =; String constraint = getNHSConstraint(classEl); if (constraint != null) { // record the templateIds allowed by the constraint; there should be some Vector<String> templateIds = new Vector<String>(); boolean idsFound = false; /* try all domains which are in the template config file, * and pick the first that has any template ids for the RMIM. */ for (Enumeration<String> en = rmimReader.NHSDomains().keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String domainId = en.nextElement(); if (templateIds.size() == 0) { idsFound = true; templateIds = rmimReader.getTemplateIds(constraint, domainId, rmimId); } } if (!idsFound) throw new MapperException("No suggested domain ids found in template config file"); if (templateIds. size() == 0) throw new MapperException("No template ids found in template config file for constraint '" + constraint + "' in any domain for RMIM '" + rmimId + "'"); conClass.setTemplateIds(templateIds); // read the template RMIMs for (Iterator<String> it = conClass.templateNames().iterator();it.hasNext();) { String templateName =; // only read any CMET once if (rmimReader.startedCMETs().get(templateName) == null) { rmimReader.startedCMETs().put(templateName, "1"); String CMETFileName = rmimReader.getTemplateFilename(templateName); String CMETFilePath = FileUtil.siblingFilePath(path, CMETFileName); Element CMETRoot = null; try {CMETRoot = XMLUtil.getRootElement(CMETFilePath);} catch (Exception ex) { CMETRoot = null; // the lack of the MIF file is noted later } if (CMETRoot != null) { boolean isTop = false; V3RMIM theCMET = new V3RMIM(rmimReader,CMETRoot,CMETFilePath,rmimTrail,isTop); rmimReader.referencedCMETs().put(templateName, theCMET); } else if (CMETRoot == null) rmimReader.missingCMETs().put(templateName, "1"); } // use the CMET, whether you have just made it or not V3RMIM theCMET = rmimReader.referencedCMETs().get(templateName); if (theCMET != null) { String CMETId = theCMET.rmimId; String cloneNameSuffix = theCMET.entryClassName(); conClass.addTemplateNameSuffix(templateName, cloneNameSuffix); conClass.addTemplateClone(templateName, templateCloneClass(conClass.eClass(),cloneNameSuffix,classEl,CMETId)); } } } } /** * * @param plainClass * @param cloneNameSuffix * @param classEl * @return a clone of a class, made from the same Element, but with a suffix after the class name * @throws MapperException */ private EClass templateCloneClass(EClass plainClass,String cloneNameSuffix, Element classEl, String CMETId) throws MapperException { EClass theClass = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass(); String className = plainClass.getName() + "_" + cloneNameSuffix; recordClassOccurrence(className); theClass.setName(className); String RIMClassName = derivedValue(classEl,1,"className"); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(theClass,"RIM Class",RIMClassName); warnIfDuplicateClass(RMIMPackage,className,CMETId); RMIMPackage.getEClassifiers().add(theClass); addAttributes(theClass,classEl,RIMClassName); return theClass; } /** * If a class is marked with an NHS constraint id in a MIF file, return the constraint id * @param classEl * @return */ private String getNHSConstraint(Element classEl) { String constraint = null; Element annot = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(classEl, "annotations"); if (annot != null) { Vector<Element> consEls = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(annot, "constraint"); for (Iterator<Element> it = consEls.iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element cons =; if (cons.getAttribute("name").equals("contentId")) { Element textEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(cons, "text"); Element para = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(textEl, "p"); if (para != null) constraint = XMLUtil.getText(para); } } } return constraint; } /** * add the attributes of an RMIM class, as EReferences to the data type class * @param theClass an RMIM class * @param classEl the 'class' element representing it in the MIF * @param RIMClassName the name of the RIM class this is a clone of * @throws MapperException */ private void addAttributes(EClass theClass,Element classEl,String RIMClassName) throws MapperException { for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(classEl, "attribute").iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element attEl =; String attName = attEl.getAttribute("name"); Element typeEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(attEl, "type"); String typeName = getUnderScoreTypeName(typeEl); boolean groupingType = isGroupingType(typeName); if (groupingType) typeName = groupedType(typeName); String fixedValue = ""; // single fixed value, defined in various ways // for NHS MIF files, multiple fixed values defined in html for the tabular view Hashtable<String,String> htmlFixedValues = getHtmlFixedValues(attEl); if (!rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) { // can pick up fixed values from a <vocabulary> child of the <attribute> Element vocabularyEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(attEl, vocabularyElementName()); if (vocabularyEl != null) { // two ways of indicating a fixed value Element codeEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(vocabularyEl, "code"); if (codeEl != null) fixedValue = codeEl.getAttribute("code"); // as found in the May 2009 ballot pack Element valueSetEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(vocabularyEl, "valueSet"); if (valueSetEl != null) fixedValue = valueSetEl.getAttribute("rootCode"); } // particularly for the CDA MIF from Jiva, define a fixed value if there is exactly one <enumerationValue> child Vector<Element> values = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(attEl, "enumerationValue"); if (values.size() == 1) fixedValue = XMLUtil.getText(values.get(0)); } else if (rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) { fixedValue=attEl.getAttribute("fixedValue"); } // RIM structural attributes are attributes of the EClass in the Ecore model if (V3RIM.isRIMStructuralAttribute(RIMClassName, attName)) { EAttribute att = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAttribute(); att.setName(attName); att.setEType(getRIMEcoreDataType(attName)); if (attEl.getAttribute("minimumMultiplicity").equals("1")) att.setLowerBound(1); if (attEl.getAttribute("minimumMultiplicity").equals("0")) att.setLowerBound(0); if (!fixedValue.equals("")) ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(att, "fixed value", fixedValue); theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(att); } // Attributes which are not RIM structural attributes are associations to data type classes else { EClass dTypeClass = ModelUtil.getEClass(rmimReader.dataTypePackage(),typeName); /* if any data type cannot be found, replace it by the type 'ANY' * (e.g. GTS usually cannot be found; 'ANY' will allow you to use IVL_TS, etc. */ if (dTypeClass == null) { rmimReader.missingDataTypes().put(typeName, rmimId); dTypeClass = ModelUtil.getEClass(rmimReader.dataTypePackage(),"ANY"); } if (dTypeClass != null) // should now always be non-null { EReference ref = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference(); ref.setName(attName); ref.setEType(dTypeClass); ref.setContainment(true); if (!attEl.getAttribute("maximumMultiplicity").equals("1")) ref.setUpperBound(-1); if (groupingType) ref.setUpperBound(-1); if (attEl.getAttribute("minimumMultiplicity").equals("1")) ref.setLowerBound(1); if (attEl.getAttribute("minimumMultiplicity").equals("0")) ref.setLowerBound(0); /* if a fixed value is put on an EReference to a data type, we do not yet know * which attribute of the data type it refers to. For II in NHS template RMIMs , it is usually 'extension' * Use a different annotation key, and decide how to use it later */ if (!fixedValue.equals("")) ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(ref, "fixed att value", fixedValue); theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(ref); // add multiple fixed values of the data type class which have been found in html in the MIF file for (Enumeration<String> en = htmlFixedValues.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String dtAttName = en.nextElement(); // attribute of the data type class // fixed values along some associations are not to be captured from html String[] doNotCapture = {"contentId","templateId"}; if (!GenUtil.inArray(ref.getName(), doNotCapture)) { String fixedVal = htmlFixedValues.get(dtAttName); String key = "constraint:" + ref.getName() + "/@" + dtAttName; ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(theClass,key,fixedVal); } } } } } } /** * find fixed values in NHS MIFS, defined in html for the tabular view like: <li>The XML attribute <b>code </b>shall contain the value "<font color="#ff0000"><b>OA</b> </font>" </li> embedded inside an annotation element. * @param attEl * @return */ private Hashtable<String,String> getHtmlFixedValues(Element attEl) { Hashtable<String,String> htmlFixedValues = new Hashtable<String,String>(); Element annotations = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(attEl,"annotations"); if (annotations != null) { Element other = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(annotations, "otherAnnotation"); if (other != null) { Element text = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(other, "text"); if (text != null) { Element listHolder = text; // there can be 0, 1, or 2 nested <div> elements Element div1 = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(text, "div"); if (div1 != null) { listHolder = div1; Element div2 = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(div1, "div"); if (div2 != null) listHolder = div2; } Element ul = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(listHolder, "ul"); if (ul != null) { Vector<Element> vals = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(ul, "li"); for (Iterator<Element> it = vals.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element li =; Vector<Element> bolds = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(li, "b"); // <font color="#ff0000"> identifies red text Vector<Element> reds = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(li, "font"); if ((bolds.size() > 0) && (reds.size() > 0)) { // attribute name is the first bold text in the lest element String attName = XMLUtil.getText(bolds.get(0)); // sometimes there is a final space which must be stripped off if (attName.endsWith(" ")) attName = attName.substring(0, attName.length()-1); // fixed values are bold inside the <font> element Element redBold = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(reds.get(0), "b"); String colour = reds.get(0).getAttribute("color"); if ((redBold != null) && (colour.equals("#ff0000"))) { String attValue = XMLUtil.getText(redBold); htmlFixedValues.put(attName,attValue); } } } } } } } return htmlFixedValues; } /** * * @param RIMStructuralAttributeName name of RIM Structural attribute * @return corresponding ECore data type. */ private EDataType getRIMEcoreDataType(String RIMStructuralAttributeName) { EDataType aType = EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEString(); // negationInd and other 'Ind' are boolean if (RIMStructuralAttributeName.endsWith("Ind")) aType = EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEBoolean(); return aType; } /** * * @param typeEl * @return a simple type name like 'II' or a type name like SET_II */ private String getUnderScoreTypeName(Element typeEl) { String fName = typeEl.getAttribute("name"); for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(typeEl, nestedTypeElementName()).iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element child =; fName = fName + "_" + child.getAttribute("name"); } return fName; } /** * @param typeName * @return true if this underscored type name is one of the grouping types, * that refers to multiple occurrences of the grouped type */ private boolean isGroupingType(String typeName) { boolean group = false; if (typeName.startsWith("LIST_")) group = true; if (typeName.startsWith("SET_")) group = true; if (typeName.startsWith("BAG_")) group = true; return group; } /** * @param typeName * @return any part of the name after the first '_'; or the whole name if there is no '_' */ private String groupedType(String typeName) { String type = typeName; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(typeName,"_"); if (st.countTokens() == 2) {st.nextToken(); type = st.nextToken();} return type; } /** * @param el an Element in a MIF file, which has child elements like * <mif:derivedFrom staticModelDerivationId="1" className="Role"/> * with different staticModelDerivationId values * @param id the integer value (here 1) in 'staticModelDerivationId="1" ' * @param attName the attribute name (here 'className') * @return the value of the attribute for the element with the given id (here 'Role') */ private String derivedValue(Element el, int id, String attName) { String dValue = null; for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(el,derivationElementName()).iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element derived =; if (derived.getAttribute("staticModelDerivationId").equals(new Integer(id).toString())) dValue = derived.getAttribute(attName); } return dValue; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reading associations - done in a second pass //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * ensure this RMIM knows about all its CMET references, as V3Name objects */ public void linkCMETs() { // for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(rootElement, classElementName()).iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element contained =; Element cmetEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(contained, "commonModelElementRef"); if (cmetEl != null) { String CMETName = cmetEl.getAttribute(cmetNameAttribute()); if (rmimReader.referencedCMETs().get(CMETName) != null) { V3RMIM theCMET = rmimReader.referencedCMETs().get(CMETName); v3Names.put(CMETName, new CMETReference(CMETName, theCMET)); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void writeV3Names() { System.out.println("V3Names in " + rmimId + " with entry class " + entryClassName()); for (Enumeration<V3Name> en = v3Names.elements();en.hasMoreElements();) { V3Name vn = en.nextElement(); System.out.println(vn.stringForm()); } } /** * read and store all the associations in this RMIM or CMET */ public void readAssociations() throws MapperException { trace("Doing associations for " + rmimId); // if (tracing()) writeV3Names(); for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(rootElement,associationElementName()).iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element assocEl =; Element traversable = getTraversableConnection(assocEl); String roleName = traversable.getAttribute("name"); boolean maxIs1 = true; String maxMult = traversable.getAttribute("maximumMultiplicity"); // all max multiplicity values like 2, 3 etc. or '*' are treated as infinity if (!maxMult.equals("1")) maxIs1 = false; boolean minIs1 = true; if (traversable.getAttribute("minimumMultiplicity").equals("0")) minIs1 = false; Element nonTraversable = getNonTraversableConnection(assocEl); String owningClassName = nonTraversable.getAttribute("participantClassName"); // deal with substitutions of entry class names for NHS CDA templates if ((owningClassName.equals(entryClassNameInMIF))&& (replacedEntryClassName != null)) owningClassName = replacedEntryClassName; //trace("Owning class: " + owningClassName + "; Role " + roleName); V3Name owner = getV3Name(owningClassName); // the owning V3Name might be a missing CMET List<ConcreteClass> owningClasses = new Vector<ConcreteClass>(); if (owner != null) owningClasses = owner.getAllConcreteClasses(); else rmimReader.missingClasses().put(owningClassName, rmimId); if (owningClasses.size() > 0) { String endV3Name = traversable.getAttribute("participantClassName"); System.out.println("Outer class: " + owningClassName + " inner: " + endV3Name); V3Name innerEnd = getV3Name(endV3Name); if (innerEnd == null) rmimReader.missingClasses().put(endV3Name, rmimId); else { // find the choiceItem elements at the next level List<Element> choiceEnds = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(traversable, choiceClassElementName()); // no choices; should resolve to one inner end class if (choiceEnds.size() == 0) { if (innerEnd.nItems() == 1) { ConcreteClass endClass = null; if (innerEnd.getAllConcreteClasses().size() == 1) endClass = innerEnd.getAllConcreteClasses().get(0); storeAssociations(owningClasses,roleName,endClass,minIs1,maxIs1); } else throw new MapperException("Association to " + + " has " + innerEnd.nItems() + " items"); } if (choiceEnds.size() > 0) handleChoiceEnds(innerEnd, choiceEnds, owningClasses,minIs1,maxIs1); } } } } /** * * @param choiceEnds * @param owningClasses * @param roleName * @param maxIs1 */ private void handleChoiceEnds(V3Name innerEnd, List<Element> choiceEnds, List<ConcreteClass> owningClasses, boolean minIs1, boolean maxIs1) throws MapperException { // for debugging @SuppressWarnings("unused") String owningClassName = ""; if (owningClasses.size() == 1) owningClassName = owningClasses.get(0).eClass().getName(); /* if there is only one choice, then the minimum multiplicity of the association may remain 1. * if there is more than one choice, they must all have min multiplicity 0. */ boolean trueMinIs1 = minIs1; if (choiceEnds.size() > 1) trueMinIs1 = false; for (Iterator<Element> ie = choiceEnds.iterator();ie.hasNext();) { Element choiceEnd =; String roleName = choiceEnd.getAttribute("traversalName"); String endClassName = choiceEnd.getAttribute("className"); V3Name endV3Name = innerEnd.getNamedChild(endClassName); if (endV3Name == null) {rmimReader.missingClasses().put(endClassName, rmimId);} // ignore choices with no choices (abstract classes like 'Template1' in NHS RMIMs) else if (endV3Name != null) { // find the choiceItem elements at the next level List<Element> nextChoiceEnds = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(choiceEnd, choiceClassElementName()); // no choices; should resolve to one inner end class if (nextChoiceEnds.size() == 0) { if (endV3Name.nItems() == 1) { ConcreteClass endClass = null; // in the next line, 'endV3Name' was 'innerEnd' and I don't understand how it could have worked if (endV3Name.getAllConcreteClasses().size() == 1) endClass = endV3Name.getAllConcreteClasses().get(0); storeAssociations(owningClasses,roleName,endClass,trueMinIs1,maxIs1); } else System.out.println("Number of inner choices is " + endV3Name.nItems() + " in association to " + endClassName + " from class " + owningClasses.get(0).name); } else if (nextChoiceEnds.size() > 0) {handleChoiceEnds(endV3Name, nextChoiceEnds, owningClasses,trueMinIs1,maxIs1); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private boolean emptyChoice(V3Name v3Name) { return (v3Name.getAllEClasses().size() == 0); } /** * store associations in the Ecore model of the RMIM, from one or more * outer (owning) classes to one inner class * @param owningClasses: Vector of EClasses at the outer end of the association * @param roleName association role name * @param endClass EClass at the inner end of the association * @param isInChoice true if this is inside a choice, so must have lowerBound = 0 */ private void storeAssociations( List<ConcreteClass> owningClasses,String roleName,ConcreteClass endClass, boolean minIs1, boolean maxIs1) throws MapperException { for (int i = 0; i < owningClasses.size();i++) { ConcreteClass owningConcreteClass = owningClasses.get(i); EClass owningClass = owningConcreteClass.eClass(); String owningClassName = owningClass.getName(); if (endClass == null) throw new MapperException("Null inner class when storing association from class " + owningClassName); String innerClassName = endClass.eClass().getName(); boolean outerHasTemplates = (owningConcreteClass.templateNames().size() > 0); boolean innerHasTemplates = (endClass.templateNames().size() > 0); if (outerHasTemplates && innerHasTemplates) throw new MapperException("Outer and inner class both have templates in association from class " + owningClassName + " to class " + innerClassName); // normal case for non-NHS RMIMs; neither outer or inner classes have template clones if (!outerHasTemplates && !innerHasTemplates) { EClass ownedClass = endClass.eClass(); addOneAssociation(owningClass,ownedClass, roleName, null, minIs1,maxIs1); } /* NHS RMIMs; case where the inner class has template clones. Make one association * from the outer class to each template clone, with a special role name */ else if (innerHasTemplates) { for (Iterator<String> it = endClass.templateNames().iterator();it.hasNext();) { String templateName =; EClass oneOwnedClass = endClass.getTemplateClone(templateName); // this role name is introduced by me, and the wrapper transform needs to remove it on the way out String oneRoleName = roleName + "_" + endClass.getTemplateNameSuffix(templateName); // if there is more than one template clone class (a choice) each one must have min multiplicity 0 boolean min1 = minIs1; if (endClass.templateNames().size() > 1) min1 = false; addOneAssociation(owningClass,oneOwnedClass, oneRoleName, roleName, min1,maxIs1); } } /* NHS RMIMs; case where the outer class has template clones. Make one * association from each of the template clones of the outer class to each of the the entry classes * of its template RMIM, with role name as in the NHS templated form */ else if (outerHasTemplates) for (Iterator<String> iu = owningConcreteClass.templateNames().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { String templateName =; V3RMIM templateRMIM = rmimReader.getReferencedCMET(templateName); if (templateRMIM == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find template RMIM '" + templateName + "'"); EClass oneOwnerClass = owningConcreteClass.getTemplateClone(templateName); if (oneOwnerClass == null) trace("No template clone class for template '" + templateName + "' of class " + owningClassName); else for (Iterator<EClass> ic = templateRMIM.getEntryV3Name().getAllEClasses().iterator();ic.hasNext();) { EClass oneOwnedClass =; /* tag name used in NHS templated form has a '.' in it; * I use it as an association role name to get the same tag name and so keep the wrapper transform simple */ String oneRoleName = templateName + "." + oneOwnedClass.getName(); addOneAssociation(oneOwnerClass,oneOwnedClass, oneRoleName, roleName, minIs1,maxIs1); } } } } /** * add one association to the ecore model - but ensure that there is only one EReference with * a given role name * @param owningClass * @param ownedClass * @param roleName * @param originalRoleName if NHS templates have changed the role name, * record the original name in an annotation * @param minIs1 * @param maxIs1 */ private void addOneAssociation(EClass owningClass, EClass ownedClass, String roleName,String originalRoleName,boolean minIs1,boolean maxIs1) { if (ModelUtil.getReferencedClass(owningClass, roleName) == null) { EReference ref = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference(); ref.setName(roleName); if (originalRoleName != null) ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(ref, "NHSOriginalRole", originalRoleName); ref.setEType(ownedClass); ref.setContainment(true); if (minIs1) ref.setLowerBound(1); else ref.setLowerBound(0); if (maxIs1) ref.setUpperBound(1); else ref.setUpperBound(-1); owningClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(ref); } else { String message = "Duplicate association '" + roleName + "' from class '" + owningClass.getName() + "' has not been stored."; WorkBenchUtil.showMessage("Warning", message); System.out.println(message); } } /** * record that a class with this name occurs in one or more CMETs * @param className */ private void recordClassOccurrence(String className) { Vector<String> occurrences = rmimReader.classOccurrences().get(className); if (occurrences == null) occurrences = new Vector<String>(); occurrences.add(rmimId); rmimReader.classOccurrences().put(className, occurrences); } /** * list the packages which a class has occurred in * @param className * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String packages(String className) { String packages = ""; Vector<String> occurrences = rmimReader.classOccurrences().get(className); if (occurrences != null) for (int i = 0; i < occurrences.size(); i++) packages = packages + occurrences.get(i) + " "; return packages; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // InfrastructureRoot attributes //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Add the four infrastructure root attributes to all classes in the RMIM. * This is done last to make them show last in the RMIM class view. */ public void addInfrastructureRootAttributes() { for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = RMIMPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier ec =; if (ec instanceof EClass) { EClass theClass = (EClass)ec; // nullFlavor is an attribute in the Ecore model EAttribute att = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAttribute(); att.setName("nullFlavor"); att.setEType(EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEString()); att.setLowerBound(0); theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(att); /* other InfrastructureRoot attributes which are associations to data type classes. * The NHS MIFs add typeId and templateId explicitly when they want them - don't add them again. */ if (!rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) { addRootAttribute(theClass,"realmCode","CS",true); addRootAttribute(theClass,"typeID","II",false); addRootAttribute(theClass,"templateId","II",true); } } } } /** * * @param theClass EClass to which the attribute is added * @param attName name of the infrastructure root attribute * @param typeName its data type name * @param canRepeat true if its multiplicity is unbounded */ private void addRootAttribute(EClass theClass, String attName, String typeName, boolean canRepeat) { EClass dTypeClass = ModelUtil.getEClass(rmimReader.dataTypePackage(),typeName); if (dTypeClass != null) { EReference ref = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference(); ref.setName(attName); ref.setEType(dTypeClass); ref.setContainment(true); if (canRepeat) ref.setUpperBound(-1); ref.setLowerBound(0); theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(ref); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // differences between MIF versions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private String cmetNameAttribute() { int version = rmimReader.mifVersion(); if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_0) return "name"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1) return "name"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_3) return "cmetName"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_4) return "cmetName"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_5) return "cmetName"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_6) return "cmetName"; return ""; } private String choiceClassElementName() { int version = rmimReader.mifVersion(); if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_0) return "participantClassSpecialization"; if (rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) return "participantClassSpecialization"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1) return "choiceItem"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_3) return "choiceItem"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_4) return "choiceItem"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_5) return "choiceItem"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_6) return "choiceItem"; return ""; } private String choiceChildClassElementName() { if (rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) return "specializationChild"; return "childClass"; } private String choiceClassNameAttribute() { if (rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) return "childClassName"; int version = rmimReader.mifVersion(); if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_0) return "className"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1) return "name"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_3) return "name"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_4) return "name"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_5) return "name"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_6) return "name"; return ""; } /** * @return inner tag name for compound types */ private String nestedTypeElementName() { if (rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) return "supplierBindingArgumentDatatype"; return "argumentDatatype"; } private String vocabularyElementName() { int version = rmimReader.mifVersion(); if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_0) return "supplierVocabulary"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1) return "supplierVocabulary"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_3) return "vocabulary"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_4) return "vocabulary"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_5) return "vocabulary"; if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1_6) return "vocabulary"; return ""; } private Element getTraversableConnection(Element assocEl) { int version = rmimReader.mifVersion(); Element traversable = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(assocEl, "traversableConnection"); // only MIF 2.1 has an intermediate <connections> element if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1) { Element connections = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(assocEl, "connections"); traversable = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(connections, "traversableConnection"); } return traversable; } private Element getNonTraversableConnection(Element assocEl) { int version = rmimReader.mifVersion(); Element nonTraversable = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(assocEl, "nonTraversableConnection"); // only MIF 2.1 has an intermediate <connections> element if (version == RMIMReader.MIF_2_1) { Element connections = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(assocEl, "connections"); nonTraversable = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(connections, "nonTraversableConnection"); } return nonTraversable; } private String classElementName() { String classElementName = "containedClass"; if (rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) classElementName = "ownedClass"; return classElementName; } private String associationElementName() { String associationElementName = "association"; if (rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) associationElementName = "ownedAssociation"; return associationElementName; } private String derivationElementName() { String derivationElementName= "derivedFrom"; if (rmimReader.isNHSMIF()) derivationElementName = "derivationSupplier"; return derivationElementName; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Trivia //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private boolean tracing() { return (rmimReader.tracing()); //return ((rmimId != null) && (rmimId.equals("COCD_TP146065UK02"))); } private void trace(String s) {if (tracing()) System.out.println(s);} }