package com.openMap1.mapper.converters; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.openMap1.mapper.ElementDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.MappedStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.MappingCondition; import com.openMap1.mapper.NodeMappingSet; import com.openMap1.mapper.ObjMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.ValueCondition; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.MapperWrapper; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.FileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.GenUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XSLOutputFile; import com.openMap1.mapper.writer.TemplateFilter; /** * abstract superclass of the two different NHS CDA wrapper transforms: * * (1) NHS_V3_Converter, for usual V3 with RMIMs * (2) NHS_CDA_Wire2, for wire format CDA * * Collects together what they have in common * * @author Robert * */ abstract public class NHS_CDA_Wrapper extends AbstractMapperWrapper implements MapperWrapper{ protected boolean tracing() {return false;} protected static String topClassName = "ClinicalDocument"; public static String NHSPREFIX = "npfitlc"; public static String NHSURI = "NPFIT:HL7:Localisation"; public static String CONTENTID_ROOT = "2.16.840.1.113883."; public static String TEMPLATEID_ROOT = "2.16.840.1.113883."; public static String[] IN_NHS_NAMESPACE = {"messageType","contentId","recipientRoleCode"}; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param ms set of mappings which uses this wrapper transform * @param spare spare argument, just in case.... */ public NHS_CDA_Wrapper(MappedStructure ms, Object spare) throws MapperException { super(ms,spare); } /** * @return the file extension of the outer document, with initial '*.' */ public String fileExtension() {return ("*.xml");} /** * @return the type of document transformed to and from; * see static constants in class AbstractMapperWrapper. */ public int transformType() {return AbstractMapperWrapper.XML_TYPE;} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // In-Wrapper Transform //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Document transformIn(Object CDARootObj) throws MapperException { // initialise for saving subtrees under <text> nodes keptSubtrees = new Hashtable<String,Element>(); keyIndex = 0; if (!(CDARootObj instanceof Element)) throw new MapperException("CDA root is not an Element"); Element CDARoot = (Element)CDARootObj; inResultDoc = XMLUtil.makeOutDoc(); String namespaceURI = CDARoot.getNamespaceURI(); if (namespaceURI == null) throw new MapperException("CDA root element has no namespace"); if (!namespaceURI.equals(CDAConverter.V3NAMESPACEURI)) throw new MapperException("CDA root element namespace '" + namespaceURI + "' is not the HL7 V3 namespace '" + CDAConverter.V3NAMESPACEURI + "'"); // do not change the top tag name, in case it is not 'ClinicalDocument' when simplifying CMETs String newTagName = CDARoot.getLocalName(); ElementDef topElementDef = ms().getRootElement(); Element constrainedRoot = constrainedElement(newTagName,CDARoot,topElementDef); inResultDoc.appendChild(constrainedRoot); return inResultDoc; } abstract Element constrainedElement(String newTagName, Element CDARoot,ElementDef topElementDef) throws MapperException; protected Element moveInElementOnly(String newTagName,Element cdaElement) { // keep elements in the same namespace (V3 or NPfIT) Element constrainedEl = inResultDoc.createElementNS(cdaElement.getNamespaceURI(), newTagName); // copy across all attributes to the constrained element, including namespace attributes for (int a = 0; a < cdaElement.getAttributes().getLength();a++) { Attr at = (Attr)cdaElement.getAttributes().item(a); constrainedEl.setAttribute(at.getName(), at.getValue()); } // add RIM structural attributes with constant values to name parts addRIMStructuralAttributes(constrainedEl); // if there are no child elements, copy any text content if (XMLUtil.childElements(cdaElement).size() == 0) { String text = XMLUtil.getText(cdaElement); if ((text != null) && (text.length() > 0)) constrainedEl.appendChild(inResultDoc.createTextNode(text)); } return constrainedEl; } /** * add RIM structural attributes with constant values to name parts * and to names with no parts * @param el */ protected void addRIMStructuralAttributes(Element el) { String[] nameParts = {"name","prefix","given","family","suffix"}; String[] partTypes = {"","PFX","GIV","FAM","SFX"}; String tag = el.getLocalName(); if ((GenUtil.inArray(tag, nameParts)) && (XMLUtil.childElements(el).size() == 0)) { el.setAttribute("mediaType","text/plain"); el.setAttribute("representation","TXT"); for (int i = 0; i < nameParts.length;i++) if ((tag.equals(nameParts[i])) && (partTypes[i].length() > 0)) el.setAttribute("partType", partTypes[i]); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Out-Wrapper Transform //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Document transformOut(Element constrainedRoot) throws MapperException { outResultDoc = XMLUtil.makeOutDoc(); String namespaceURI = constrainedRoot.getNamespaceURI(); if (namespaceURI == null) throw new MapperException("CDA root element has no namespace"); if (!namespaceURI.equals(CDAConverter.V3NAMESPACEURI)) throw new MapperException("CDA root element namespace '" + namespaceURI + "' is not the HL7 V3 namespace '" + CDAConverter.V3NAMESPACEURI + "'"); // do not change the top tag name, in case it is not 'ClinicalDocument' when simplifying CMETs String newTagName = constrainedRoot.getLocalName(); ElementDef topElementDef = ms().getRootElement(); Element cdaRoot = outWrappedV3Element(newTagName,constrainedRoot,topElementDef); outResultDoc.appendChild(cdaRoot); return outResultDoc; } abstract Element outWrappedV3Element(String newTagName,Element constrainedElement,ElementDef topElementDef) throws MapperException; /** * * @param el an element in the message before out-wrapper transform * @return if the element has a 'templateId' grandchild beneath * a child node, the value of its 'extension' attribute. * If hasInWrappedNodeNames is true, the child node must have a * tag name like 'COCD_TP145022UK02.AssignedEntitySDS' with a template name before '.' * */ protected String instanceGrandChildTemplateIdExtension(Element el, boolean hasInWrappedNodeNames) { String extension = ""; for (Iterator<Element> ie = XMLUtil.childElements(el).iterator();ie.hasNext();) { Element child =; if ((!hasInWrappedNodeNames)|(isTemplateTag(child.getLocalName()))) { Element templateId = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(child, "templateId"); if (templateId != null) extension = templateId.getAttribute("extension"); } } return extension; } /** * * @param elDef an ElementDef node in a full mapping set * @return if it has an object mapping with path * like 'COCD_TP145022UK02.AssignedEntitySDS/templateId/@extension' * the value of the condition which fixes the extension attribute, * or if an object mapping requiring that value is on a parent or a child * Otherwise return "". */ protected String mappingGrandChildTemplateIdExtension(ElementDef elDef) { /* the mappings which define the template id are usually on this node (Participation or ActRelationship), * not on the child Act or Role */ String extension = getTemplateIdExtension(elDef,3,null); // sometimes the relevant mappings can be on the parent ElementDef; but the path must go down through this node if (extension.equals("")) { extension = getAncestorExtension(elDef,"",3); } // the relevant mappings can be on a child Act or Role, if the association has not been flattened if (extension.equals("")) for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = elDef.getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ElementDef child =; if (isTemplateTag(child.getName())) extension = getTemplateIdExtension(child,2,null); } return extension; } /** * recursive ascent of ancestor ElementDefs, looking for an object mapping fixed value to define the grandchild template * id of this node * @param elDef * @param path * @param length * @return */ private String getAncestorExtension(ElementDef elDef, String path, int length) { String extension = ""; String nextPath = elDef.getName() + "/" + path; int nextLength = length + 1; EObject outer = elDef.eContainer(); if (outer instanceof ElementDef) { ElementDef parent = (ElementDef)outer; extension = getTemplateIdExtension(parent,nextLength,nextPath); // if a node does not give a real extension, try its parent if (extension.equals("")) extension = getAncestorExtension(parent,nextPath,nextLength); } return extension; } /** * search all object mappings on a node for value conditions on templateId extensions, * with a given length of the value condition path. * If one is found, return the extension value * @param elDef an ElementDef with maybe some object mappings on it * @param pathLength an intyeger 3 or more * @param requiredFirstNode - if non-null, the first node on the path must be this * @return */ protected String getTemplateIdExtension(ElementDef elDef,int pathLength, String requiredFirstNode) { String extension = ""; NodeMappingSet nms = elDef.getNodeMappingSet(); if (nms != null) { // find the appropriate value condition on any object mapping for (Iterator<ObjMapping> it = nms.getObjectMappings().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ObjMapping om =; for (Iterator<MappingCondition> iu = om.getMappingConditions().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { MappingCondition mc =; String ext = getTemplateIdExtension(mc,pathLength,requiredFirstNode); if (!ext.equals("")) extension = ext; } } } return extension; } /** * find the value of the attribute 'extension' of a templateId node, * required for a value condition * on an object mapping, with a given path length of the condition path * @param mc * @param pathLength an integer 3 or more * @param requiredFirstNode - if non-null, the first node on the path must be this * @return */ private String getTemplateIdExtension(MappingCondition mc, int pathLength, String requiredFirstNode) { String extension = ""; if (mc instanceof ValueCondition) { // find a value condition with path ending like 'COCD_TP145201GB01.PatientRole/templateId/@extension' ValueCondition vc = (ValueCondition)mc; StringTokenizer path = new StringTokenizer(vc.getLeftPath(),"/"); if (path.countTokens() == pathLength) { if (pathLength == 2) { if ((path.nextToken().equals("templateId")) && (path.nextToken().equals("@extension"))) extension = vc.getRightValue(); } else if (pathLength > 2) { // strip off all except the last 3 steps for (int i = 0; i < pathLength - 3; i++) path.nextToken(); // check the last 3 steps of the path if ((isTemplateTag(path.nextToken())) && (path.nextToken().equals("templateId")) && (path.nextToken().equals("@extension"))) extension = vc.getRightValue(); } // if there is a condition on the first node of the path, and it fails, return "" if ((requiredFirstNode != null) && (!vc.getLeftPath().startsWith(requiredFirstNode))) extension = ""; } } return extension; } /** * @param tagName * @return true if the tag name starts with a template id, then a '.' * This test has now been disabled to return true always; some cases do not obey it, and * the other tests (looking for templateId/@extension) appear strict enough */ private boolean isTemplateTag(String tagName) { StringTokenizer childTag = new StringTokenizer(tagName,"."); @SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean strictTemplateTag = ((childTag.countTokens() == 2) && (childTag.nextToken().length() == "COCD_TP145022UK02".length())); return true; } /** * * @param theClass * @return true if the class is a class that has its templateId * on a grandchild node rather than a child node, and has a contentId child */ protected boolean renamableTag(Element el) { String type = el.getAttribute("typeCode"); return (type.length() > 0); } protected void giveContentIdChild(String ext,Element cdaEl, Element resultElement) { if ((ext != null) && (!ext.equals("")) && (renamableTag(resultElement)) && (XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(resultElement, "contentId") == null)) cdaEl.appendChild(contentIdElement(outResultDoc,ext)); } /** * * @param outDoc * @param extension * @return a contentId element in the NHS local namespace */ protected Element contentIdElement(Document outDoc, String extension) { Element contentIdEl = outDoc.createElementNS(NHSURI, NHSPREFIX + ":contentId"); contentIdEl.setAttribute("root", CONTENTID_ROOT); contentIdEl.setAttribute("extension", extension); return contentIdEl; } /** * * @param outDoc * @param extension * @return a templateId element in the V3 namespace */ protected Element templateIdElement(Document outDoc, String extension) { Element templateIdEl = outDoc.createElementNS(V3NAMESPACEURI, "templateId"); templateIdEl.setAttribute("root", TEMPLATEID_ROOT); templateIdEl.setAttribute("extension", extension); return templateIdEl; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XSLT versions of wrapper transforms, for inclusion in full XSLT transforms //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param xout XSLT output being made * @param templateFilter a filter on the templates, implemented by XSLGeneratorImpl * append the templates and variables to be included in the XSL * to do the full transformation, to apply the wrapper transform in the 'in' direction. * Templates must have mode = "inWrapper" * * This method works by reading a file which is a standalone XSL version * of the in-wrapper transform, removing the top template, * then adding all other templates and variables to the full XSLT. * * XSLGenerator provides a variable: <xsl:variable name="inWrapper_result"> <xsl:apply-templates mode="inWrapper" /> </xsl:variable> which replaces the top template: <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:apply-templates mode="inWrapper"/> </xsl:template> * of the standalone XSLT file * @throws MapperException */ public void addWrapperInTemplates(XSLOutputFile xout, TemplateFilter templateFilter, boolean addTemplatesFromFile) throws MapperException { // declare namespaces at the top of the xslt declareNamespaces(xout); // alter generated templates to pass through subtrees under text nodes unchanged passThroughTextSubtrees(xout,true); if (addTemplatesFromFile) { /* the standalone NHS wrapper in-transform should be in a file NHSInWrapper.xsl, * in a sub-folder of the same folder as the NHS mapper file. */ boolean isInWrapper = true; String xslLocation = templateFilter.getXSLLocation(wrapperXSLFileName(isInWrapper),isInWrapper); boolean removeStarterTemplate = true; addTemplatesFromFile(xout,xslLocation,removeStarterTemplate); } } /** * @param xout XSLT output being made * @param templateFilter a filter on the templates to be included, implemented by XSLGeneratorImpl * append the templates and variables to be included in the XSL * to do the full transformation, to apply the wrapper transform in the 'out' direction. * Templates must have mode = "outWrapper" * @throws MapperException */ public void addWrapperOutTemplates(XSLOutputFile xout, TemplateFilter templateFilter, boolean addTemplatesFromFile) throws MapperException { // declare namespaces at the top of the xslt declareNamespaces(xout); // alter generated templates to pass through subtrees under text nodes unchanged passThroughTextSubtrees(xout,false); if (addTemplatesFromFile) { /* the standalone NHS wrapper out-transform should be in a file NHSOutWrapper.xsl, * in a subfolder of the same folder as the mapper file. */ boolean isInWrapper = false; String xslLocation = templateFilter.getXSLLocation(wrapperXSLFileName(isInWrapper),isInWrapper); boolean removeStarterTemplate = true; addTemplatesFromFile(xout,xslLocation,removeStarterTemplate); } } /** * declare V3 and NHS namespaces at the top of an XSLT transform file * @param xout */ protected void declareNamespaces(XSLOutputFile xout) { xout.topOut().setAttribute("xmlns:" + NHSPREFIX, NHSURI); xout.topOut().setAttribute("xmlns:" + AbstractMapperWrapper.V3PREFIX, AbstractMapperWrapper.V3NAMESPACEURI); } /** * make a standalone wrapper XSLT file at the specified file location * @param xout an empty xsl output file which has been created, and will be written to a location * after the end of this call * @param isInWrapper - true if it is to be an in-wrapper transform, false for an out-wrapper transform */ public void makeHeaderForStandaloneWrapperXSLT(XSLOutputFile xout, boolean isInWrapper) throws MapperException { // declare namespaces at the top of the xslt declareNamespaces(xout); /* the standalone NHS wrapper out-transform should be in a file, * in the same folder as the mapper file. */ String xslLocation = FileUtil.getXSLLocation(wrapperXSLFileName(isInWrapper),ms()); boolean removeStarterTemplate= false; addTemplatesFromFile(xout,xslLocation,removeStarterTemplate); } abstract String wrapperXSLFileName(boolean isIn); protected void trace(String s) {if (tracing()) System.out.println(s);} }