package com.openMap1.mapper.query; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.RDBConnectException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.RDBReadException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.XMLException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.DBStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Class to extract data and metadata from a Relational database and express it * as if it were in an XML document, whose XPaths are of the form * '/database/TABLENAME/record/COLUMNNAME' * and to do so selectively, with the selection of records determined by a * set of SQL queries * */ public class RDBReader extends RDBToXMLBase { // SQL results from all queries (currently one query) created from an object model query private Vector<ResultSet> sqlResults; /* to avoid storing duplicate records in the XML subtree for any table; key = table name, value = a Hashtable<String,String> of record keys ( = string-concatenated field values) */ private Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String,String>> allRecordsStored; /** * @return maximum number of SQL result rows to be included in the XML DOM returned by one call of DOMFromSQL */ public int getPartitionSize() {return partitionSize;} public void setPartitionSize(int partitionSize) {this.partitionSize = partitionSize;} private int partitionSize = 200; // which one of the Vector of SQL result sets is currently being returned in the DOM private int currentSQLResultSet; // total number of SQL result rows from all SQL queries that have been put into DOMs so far private int SQLRowsConverted; /* when converting SQL rows into XML elements, stop whenever the number of rows converted * is a whole multiple of the partition size. */ private boolean partitionBoundary() {return ((SQLRowsConverted - partitionSize*(SQLRowsConverted/partitionSize)) == 0);} /** * @return true if all SQL result rows have been converted to XML, * so that all result sets have been exhausted */ public boolean convertedAllRows() {return (currentSQLResultSet > sqlResults.size() - 1);} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param DBStructure: a database that has been connected to, with metadata extractable * @param fileNameRoot filename before '.xml' or '.xsd' for output of data as XML * or structure as an XSD */ public RDBReader(DBStructure dbStructure, String fileNameRoot) {super(dbStructure,fileNameRoot);} /** * @param odbc jdbc connect string for a database that does not require username and password. * When odbc name is not known, use null for first argument * @param fileNameRoot filename before '.xml' or '.xsd' for output of data as XML * or structure as an XSD */ public RDBReader(String odbc,String fn) throws RDBConnectException {super(odbc,fn);} /** * Constructor for a database that requires user name and password * * @param connectString - the jdbc/odbc connect string for the DBMS * @param user - user name required by the DBMS * @param password - password required by the database * @param fileNameRoot filename before '.xml' or '.xsd' for output of data as XML * or structure as an XSD * * @exception RDBConnectException - if the database connection does not succeed * @exception RDBConnectException - if the MDL does not match the database */ public RDBReader(String connectString, String user, String password, String fileNameRoot) throws RDBConnectException {super(connectString, user, password, fileNameRoot);} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make an XML DOM from a set of SQL queries, all derived from the same object query //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * to be called before returning a sequence of DOMs from * @param queries - - to make a local copy of all the SQL result sets */ public void initiateQuery(Vector<SQLQuery> queries) throws MapperException { sqlResults = new Vector<ResultSet>(); // retrieve the data and store the ResultSets for subsequent calls to DOMFromSQL for (int i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++) { SQLQuery sql = queries.elementAt(i); String queryText = sql.stringForm(); // message("Query text: " + queryText); try{ Statement st = dbStructure.con().createStatement(); ResultSet r = st.executeQuery(queryText); sqlResults.add(r); } catch (SQLException ex) {throw new RDBReadException("retrieving records from query '" + sql.stringForm() + "' " + ex.getMessage());} } // initialise counters to track partitioning of SQL results currentSQLResultSet = 0; SQLRowsConverted = 0; } /** * set up the XML DOM with all table elements required to store answers to a set of queries * @param queries * @throws MapperException */ private void setUpTableElements(Vector<SQLQuery> queries) throws MapperException { XMLOutput = XMLUtil.makeOutDoc(); // add the top Element XMLRoot = XMLUtil.newElement(XMLOutput,"database"); XMLOutput.appendChild(XMLRoot); for (int i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++) { SQLQuery sql = queries.elementAt(i); // ensure there are table elements for all tables in the query for (Enumeration<String> it = sql.allTables().keys(); it.hasMoreElements();) { String table = it.nextElement(); /* add an element for the table if there is none already; and create an empty Hashtable<String,String> to keep track of records stored, to avoid duplicates */ if (XMLUtil.namedChildElements(XMLRoot,table).size() == 0) { Element elTable = XMLUtil.newElement(XMLOutput,table); XMLRoot.appendChild(elTable); } } } } /** * build up a DOM of relational data from results of running several queries, * in blocks of up to partitionSize rows. * This is called successively for each block. */ public Element DOMFromSQL(Vector<SQLQuery> queries) throws MapperException { // System.out.println("Getting rows from " + SQLRowsConverted); // need to set up table elements for each DOM setUpTableElements(queries); // reset the structure to avoid duplicate record rows in any table allRecordsStored = new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String,String>>(); /* remember which result set you were working through; the ResultSet remembers how far you have got through it. */ int firstResultSet = currentSQLResultSet; boolean doNextResultSet = true; for (int i = firstResultSet; i < queries.size(); i++) if (doNextResultSet) { try { ResultSet r = sqlResults.get(i); doNextResultSet = addToDOM(queries.get(i),r); if (doNextResultSet) currentSQLResultSet++; } catch (SQLException ex) {throw new MapperException("SQL Exception reading result row: " + ex.getMessage());} } return XMLRoot; } /** * Build up a DOM from the ResultSet of one query, in blocks of up to * partitionSize result rows */ private boolean addToDOM(SQLQuery sql, ResultSet r) throws MapperException, SQLException { boolean partitionBoundary = false; boolean more =; // iterate over rows in the ResultSet, until they are exhausted or you hit a partition boundary while ((more) && (!partitionBoundary)) { Vector<ResultCell> resRow = makeResultRow(sql, r); String row = writableRow(resRow); // add this row to the DOM - checking non-SQL tests and not making duplicates in tables boolean addable = sql.satisfies(resRow); message("Row addable? " + addable + ": " + row); if (addable) addRowToDOM(sql, resRow); // increment the number of SQL rows converted, and re-test whether this is a partition boundary SQLRowsConverted++; partitionBoundary = partitionBoundary(); // only step on through the resultSet if you have not hit a partition boundary if (!partitionBoundary) more =; } message("Result rows from SQL:" + SQLRowsConverted); // if you did not stop on a partition boundary, you completed this result set return !partitionBoundary; } /** * * @param sql * @param r * @return * @throws SQLException */ private Vector<ResultCell> makeResultRow(SQLQuery sql, ResultSet r) throws SQLException { /* Convert one row of the ResultSet into a Vector of resultCells */ // message("row of result set"); Vector<ResultCell> resRow = new Vector<ResultCell>(); int colIndex = 1; /* assume the order of this enumeration (the order of columns in the query, or the resultset) * is reproducible, between making the String form of the query (which used the same enumeration), * and getting results from the result set by column index below. */ for (Enumeration<String> en = sql.outputColumns().keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String key = en.nextElement(); // key is just 'table.column' String[] tabCol = (String[])sql.outputColumns().get(key); String colVal = r.getString(colIndex); if (dbStructure.isExcel()&&(colVal != null)) colVal = removePointZero(colVal); colIndex++; resRow.addElement(new ResultCell(tabCol[0],tabCol[1],colVal)); } return resRow; } /* Add to the DOM tree for one row of a ResultSet - expressed as a vector of result cells; only add it if it satisfies all the conditions of the SQL query - even those that could not be passed to the SQL. */ private boolean addRowToDOM(SQLQuery sql, Vector<ResultCell> resRow) throws MapperException { boolean success = false; // test all conditions, in case some of them could not be passed to the SQL if (sql.satisfies(resRow)) { success = true; // deal separately with each table represented in the row for (Enumeration<String> it = sql.allTables().keys(); it.hasMoreElements();) { String table = it.nextElement(); Vector<ResultCell> tableRow = resTableRow(resRow,table); if (tableRow.size() > 0) // test not necessary? { boolean storedInTable = storeIfNew(table,tableRow); message("Stored in table " + table + "? " + storedInTable); } } } return success; } // find the subset of a result row associated with a particular table private Vector<ResultCell> resTableRow(Vector<ResultCell> resRow, String table) { Vector<ResultCell> result = new Vector<ResultCell>(); for (int i = 0; i < resRow.size(); i++) { ResultCell rc = resRow.elementAt(i); if (rc.tableName.equals(table)) result.addElement(rc); } return result; } /* Store the portion of a result row for a given table under the DOM node for that table, if an identical row portion has not been stored there already. */ private boolean storeIfNew(String table, Vector<ResultCell> tableRow) throws RDBReadException { Hashtable<String,String> tableKeys = allRecordsStored.get(table); if (tableKeys == null) tableKeys = new Hashtable<String,String>(); // writeRow(tableRow); boolean stored = false; Vector<Element> tabElements = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(XMLRoot,table); // there should be just one of these if (tabElements.size() == 0) {throw new RDBReadException("RDB extract error: no element for table '" + table + "'");} else if (tabElements.size() > 1) {throw new RDBReadException("RDB extract error: " + tabElements.size() + " elements for table '" + table + "'");} else if (tabElements.size() == 1) try { Element tabEl = tabElements.elementAt(0); String key = valueKey(tableRow); // message("key: " + key); if (tableKeys.get(key) == null) { stored = true; tableKeys.put(key,"1"); // so this record will not be duplicated later allRecordsStored.put(table, tableKeys); Element record = XMLUtil.newElement(XMLOutput,"record"); tabEl.appendChild(record); // either order the column nodes under the <record> node as in the relational schema... if (orderColumnsAsSchema) { Vector<String> tableCols = dbStructure.tableColumns().get(table); for (int col = 0; col < tableCols.size(); col++) { String column = (String)tableCols.elementAt(col); ResultCell rc = findCellForColumn(tableRow,column); if (rc != null) writeResultCell(rc,record); } } // ... or order the column nodes under the <record> node as in the SQL query else for (int i = 0; i < tableRow.size(); i++) { ResultCell rc = tableRow.elementAt(i); writeResultCell(rc,record); } } } catch (Exception e) {throw new RDBReadException("Unidentified exception writing data from database to XML: " + e.getMessage());} // message("Stored: " + stored); return stored; } // append the text value of a column under a <record> node private void writeResultCell(ResultCell rc,Element record) throws XMLException { Element field = XMLUtil.textElement(XMLOutput,rc.columnName,rc.value); if (field != null) {record.appendChild(field);} else {throw new XMLException("Cannot write value '" + rc.value + "' in element '" + rc.columnName + "'");} } /* find the result cell for a named column, if it exists; otherwise return null. */ private ResultCell findCellForColumn(Vector<ResultCell> tableRow, String column) { ResultCell rc = null; for (int i = 0; i < tableRow.size(); i++) { ResultCell rt = tableRow.elementAt(i); if (column.equals(rt.columnName)) rc = rt; } return rc; } /* construct a key (which is almost guaranteed to be unique, but is not quite) from the field values in a table subset of a result row. */ private String valueKey(Vector<ResultCell> tableRow) { String res = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tableRow.size(); i++) { ResultCell rc = tableRow.elementAt(i); res = res + rc.value; // cell values would need to contain this obscure string to fake uniqueness res = res + "_|£"; } return res; } /** * When integer values are stored in Excel, it returns them with a final '.0'. Remove it. * (I should check that all preceding characters are numbers or '-', but do not yet do so) */ protected String removePointZero(String inVal) { String res = inVal; int len = inVal.length(); if ((len > 2) && (inVal.substring(len-2).equals(".0"))) {res = inVal.substring(0,len-2);} return res; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make an XML DOM for parts of the database //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void outputSchemaInformation(boolean createFiles, Hashtable<String, String> tables) throws MapperException { writeSQLFile(); XSDOutput = XMLUtil.makeOutDoc(); makeXSDDOM(tables,false); if (createFiles) { XMLUtil.writeOutput(XSDOutput, fileNameRoot() + ".xsd", true); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Diagnostics //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private String writableRow(Vector<ResultCell> tableRow) { String row = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tableRow.size();i++) { ResultCell cell = tableRow.get(i); if (i == 0) row = row + cell.tableName + " > "; row = row + cell.columnName + ":" + cell.value + " "; } return row; } }