package com.openMap1.mapper.views; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import com.openMap1.mapper.presentation.FileSaverWizard; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.EclipseFileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.XMLException; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog; import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** * Helper class for any tabular view whose contents may * need to be saved as XML or a csv file. * * @author robert * */ public class ViewSaver { private boolean tracing = false; private String wizardTitle; private String pageTitle; private SaveableView view; /** * Any saveable view must create one of these in order to save itself * @param view the view which creates this ViewSaver * @param wizardTitle title of the wizard which asks for a save file name * @param pageTitle title of the page which asks for a save file name (may be more detailed) */ public ViewSaver(SaveableView view, String wizardTitle, String pageTitle) { this.wizardTitle = wizardTitle; this.pageTitle = pageTitle; this.view = view; } /** * constructor for when you only need the DOM of the saved view, and you do not need * to save it in a separate file * @param view */ public ViewSaver(SaveableView view) { this.view = view; } /** * called to save the contents of a view - first asking the user for a destination file * The extension must be 'xml' to make an xml file, or 'csv' to make a comma-separated value file */ public void saveResults() { FileSaverWizard wizard = new FileSaverWizard(wizardTitle,pageTitle); wizard.init(PlatformUI.getWorkbench(), null); WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog(WorkBenchUtil.getShell(),wizard);; IFile viewSaveFile = wizard.getViewSaveFile(); if (viewSaveFile != null) try { String extension = viewSaveFile.getFileExtension(); if (extension == null) throw new MapperException("No file extension"); // csv (comma separated values, for Excel) else if (extension.equals("csv")) { writeViewContents(viewSaveFile,false); } else // any other extension is saved as an XML file { Document doc = XMLUtil.makeOutDoc(); // prepare the DOM Element root = resultDOM(doc); doc.appendChild(root); // write out the XML. true = with formatting EclipseFileUtil.writeOutputResource(doc, viewSaveFile, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); WorkBenchUtil.showMessage("Failed to write view contents" , ex.getMessage()); } } /** * @param doc XML Document used for creating Elements * @return Element tree describing the view contents */ public Element resultDOM(Document doc) { Vector<Vector<String>> sRes = sortedResults(); Element root = null; try{ // root of the document root = XMLUtil.newElement(doc, "ViewContents"); root.setAttribute("view",view.getTitle()); // view-specific header Element header = XMLUtil.newElement(doc, "HeaderInformation"); view.fillHeaderElement(doc, header); root.appendChild(header); // definition of column headers Element columns = XMLUtil.newElement(doc, "TableColumns"); root.appendChild(columns); for (Iterator<String> ic = view.columnHeaders().iterator();ic.hasNext();) columns.appendChild(XMLUtil.textElement(doc, "column", XMLUtil.legalTagName(; // rows of the view table Element content = XMLUtil.newElement(doc, "TableContent"); root.appendChild(content); for (Iterator <Vector<String>> ir = sRes.iterator(); ir.hasNext();) { Element rowEl = XMLUtil.newElement(doc, "row"); content.appendChild(rowEl); Vector<String> row =; for (int c = 0; c < row.size(); c++) { String tagName = XMLUtil.legalTagName(view.columnHeaders().get(c)); rowEl.appendChild(XMLUtil.textElement(doc, tagName, row.get(c))); } } } catch (XMLException ex) {System.out.println("Failed to construct view contents XML: " + ex.getMessage());} return root; } /** * Comma-separated value output of the contents of a view */ public void writeViewContents(IFile file, boolean createFile) throws MapperException { String separator = ","; Vector<Vector<String>> sRes = sortedResults(); String headerString = ""; for (Iterator<String> ic = view.columnHeaders().iterator();ic.hasNext();) { String header = noSeparators(,separator); headerString = headerString + header ; if (ic.hasNext())headerString = headerString + separator ; } if (createFile) { InputStream firstLine = EclipseFileUtil.textStream(headerString); try {file.create(firstLine, false, null);} catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException("Failed to create IFile: " + ex.getMessage());} } else EclipseFileUtil.appendLine(headerString, file); trace(headerString); for (Iterator <Vector<String>> ir = sRes.iterator();ir.hasNext();) { Vector<String> row =; String rowString = ""; for (Iterator<String> ic = row.iterator();ic.hasNext();) { String field =; String cell = noSeparators(field,separator); rowString = rowString + cell; if (ic.hasNext()) rowString = rowString + separator ; } EclipseFileUtil.appendLine(rowString, file); trace(rowString); } } /** * @param s any string * @param separator the character used to separate cells * @return s with separators replaced by spaces */ private String noSeparators(String s, String separator) { String res = ""; if (s != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s,separator); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { res = res + st.nextToken(); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) res = res + " "; } } else trace("null field when saving view"); return res; } /** * @return a Vector with one element for each row of the view, * in correct sort order. * The element for each row is a Vector * with a String for the contents of each cell */ public Vector<Vector<String>> sortedResults() { Vector<Vector<String>> sRes = new Vector<Vector<String>>(); int index = 0; boolean moreRows = true; while (moreRows) { Object row = view.tableViewer().getElementAt(index); index++; if (row != null) { Vector<String> rowVector = new Vector<String>(); for (int col = 0; col < view.columnHeaders().size(); col++) rowVector.add(view.labelProvider().getColumnText(row, col)); sRes.add(rowVector); } else moreRows = false; } return sRes; } private void trace(String s) {if (tracing) System.out.println(s);} }