package; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcoreFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.openMap1.mapper.actions.MakeITSMappingsAction; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.XSDStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.FileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.GenUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.WorkBenchUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.AssocEndMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.AssocMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.AttributeDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.ElementDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.GlobalMappingParameters; import com.openMap1.mapper.ImportMappingSet; import com.openMap1.mapper.MappedStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.MapperFactory; import com.openMap1.mapper.NodeDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.NodeMappingSet; import com.openMap1.mapper.ObjMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.ParameterClass; import com.openMap1.mapper.ParameterClassValue; import com.openMap1.mapper.PropMapping; /** * Class to read a V3 RMIM, and all the CMETs it references directly or indirectly, from * their MIF files. * * @author robert * */ public class RMIMReader { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // instance variables //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private boolean tracing = false; public boolean tracing() {return tracing;} // to support file dialogues private IWorkbenchPart targetPart; // name of the wrapper class that implements mappings for the V3 XML ITS public static String V3JavaMappingClass = "com.openMap1.mapper.converters.V3_XML_ITS"; // name of the wrapper class that converts internal to external CDA form, and back public static String CDAWrapperClass = "com.openMap1.mapper.converters.CDAConverter"; /** * @return true if reading a MIF file from the NHS MIM */ public boolean isNHSMIF() {return isNHSMIF;} private boolean isNHSMIF = false; // will be reset if NHS features are spotted, as below /* NHS MIF file names look like 'COCD_TP147013UK03-BloodPressureRef' and have 13 characters before 'UK' * or POCD_RM010011GB01_NonCodedCDADocument.mif with 13 characters before 'GB' */ private boolean isNHSMIFName(String mifFileRoot) { String realmName = mifFileRoot.substring(13); return ((realmName.startsWith("UK"))|(realmName.startsWith("GB"))); } // the root of the TemplateConfig file for NHS MIF files private Element NHSConfigRoot; private Element rootElement; private String mifFilePath; private String mifFolderPath; // the root of the top MIF file name is now used as the name of the ecore model public String mifFileRoot() {return mifFileRoot;} private String mifFileRoot; private EPackage topPackage; public EPackage topPackage() {return topPackage;} private EPackage dataTypePackage; public EPackage dataTypePackage() {return dataTypePackage;} public V3DataTypeHandler v3DataTypeHandler() {return v3DataTypeHandler;} private V3DataTypeHandler v3DataTypeHandler; public V3RMIM topRMIM() {return topRMIM;} private V3RMIM topRMIM; public String rmimName() {return topRMIM.rmimId();} private Hashtable<String,String> CMETFileNames = new Hashtable<String,String>(); private Hashtable<String,String> CMETEntryClasses = new Hashtable<String,String>(); private String projectName; private IFolder v3RMIMsFolder; public static String DATATYPE_PACKAGE_NAME = "datatypes"; private boolean makeDataTypeMappings = true; public static String VOCABULARYNAMESPACEURI = "urn:hl7-org:v3/voc"; public static String VOCABULARYNAMESPACEPREFIX = "voc"; public static String CDAPREFIX = "cda"; private boolean CMETIndexRead = false; // true if the index of CMETs has been read, so it know where CMETs are public boolean CMETIndexRead() {return CMETIndexRead;} /** three-letter codes and long names for domains in the NHS template config file */ public Hashtable<String,String> NHSDomains() {return NHSDomains;} private Hashtable<String,String> NHSDomains = new Hashtable<String,String>(); /** * First key = mapping set name ( = type name). * Second key = concatenated class name and package name * Integer = 1, 2, etc to make the next allocated subset 's1', 's2', etc. */ private Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,Integer>> subsetTable = new Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,Integer>>(); /** * * @return record of the CMETs in which one class occurs * key class name; value = Vector of CMET names */ public Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> classOccurrences() {return classOccurrences;}; private Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> classOccurrences; /** * @return classes referenced in an association but not defined. * key = class name; value = an RMIM in which the problem was detected */ public Hashtable<String,String> missingClasses() {return missingClasses;} private Hashtable<String,String> missingClasses; /** * @return data types used but not defined in the data types MIF. * key = data type name; value = an RMIM in which the problem was detected */ public Hashtable<String,String> missingDataTypes() {return missingDataTypes;} private Hashtable<String,String> missingDataTypes; /** * @return CMETs referenced but not found in a MIF file * key = CMET name; value = an RMIM in which the problem was detected */ public Hashtable<String,String> missingCMETs() {return missingCMETs;} private Hashtable<String,String> missingCMETs; /** * @return CMETs which are already being read and analysed, to avoid * reading any CMET more than once. * key = CMET name; value = "1" */ public Hashtable<String,String> startedCMETs() {return startedCMETs;} private Hashtable<String,String> startedCMETs; /** * CMETs that have been read and analysed. * key = CMET name; value = RMIM analysis class instance */ public Hashtable<String,V3RMIM> referencedCMETs() {return referencedCMETs;} private Hashtable<String,V3RMIM> referencedCMETs; /** * @param CMETName a referenced CMET * @return the V3RMIM which analyses it */ public V3RMIM getReferencedCMET(String CMETName) {return referencedCMETs.get(CMETName);} /** * V3 data types which are represented in the Ecore model as EAttributes, * rather than as associations (EReferences) to the data type class * [0] = V3 type name, [1] = Ecore data type name */ private static String[][] EcoreTypes = {{"ST","EString"},{"INT","EInt"}}; /** * @param V3DataType the name of a V3 data type * @return if the V3 data type is to be represented in the Ecore model as * an EAttribute of some Ecore type, return the name of that type; * otherwise return null */ public static String EcoreDataTypeName(String V3DataType) { String ecoreType = null; for (int i = 0; i < EcoreTypes.length; i++) { String[] typePair = EcoreTypes[i]; if (typePair[0].equals(V3DataType)) ecoreType = typePair[1]; } return ecoreType; } /** * @param dataTypeName the name of an Ecore data type * @return the meta object for that type */ public static EDataType getEcoreDataType(String dataTypeName) { if (dataTypeName.equals("EString")) return EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEString(); if (dataTypeName.equals("EInt")) return EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEInt(); if (dataTypeName.equals("EBigDecimal"))return EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEBigDecimal(); return null; } /** * paths to '.ent' files which are the top templates to be applied to a CDA MIF */ // private Vector<String> topTemplatePaths; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor - reads the MIF file and makes the Ecore model //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param rootElement * @param mifFilePath * @param projectName * @param templateUsageRoot * @param useJavaMappings * @param targetPart * @throws MapperException */ public RMIMReader(Element rootElement, XSDStructure xsd, String mifFilePath, String projectName, Element templateUsageRoot, boolean useJavaMappings, IWorkbenchPart targetPart) throws MapperException { this.mifFilePath = mifFilePath; this.rootElement = rootElement; this.projectName = projectName; this.targetPart = targetPart; String mifFileName = FileUtil.getFileName(mifFilePath); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(mifFileName, "."); mifFileRoot = st.nextToken(); String ecoreFolderPath = "platform:/resource/" + projectName + "/ClassModel/"; String ecoreFilePath = ecoreFolderPath + mifFileRoot + ".ecore"; int folderLen = mifFilePath.length() - mifFileName.length() - 1; mifFolderPath = mifFilePath.substring(0, folderLen); boolean isCDA = isCDAMIFName(mifFilePath); if (isCDA && (templateUsageRoot == null)) throw new MapperException("A CDA MIF file can only be read in conjunction with a template usage file and some template files"); isNHSMIF = isNHSMIFName(mifFileRoot); if (isNHSMIF) trace("Reading NHS-style CDA"); topPackage = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage(); topPackage.setName(packageName(mifFilePath)); // ensure this class model will be viewed as an RMIM in the class model view ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(topPackage, "RMIM", "true"); startedCMETs = new Hashtable<String,String>(); referencedCMETs = new Hashtable<String,V3RMIM>(); classOccurrences = new Hashtable<String,Vector<String>>(); missingCMETs = new Hashtable<String,String>(); missingDataTypes = new Hashtable<String,String>(); missingClasses = new Hashtable<String,String>(); // check the MIF version is supported mifVersionString = rootElement.getAttribute("schemaVersion"); // NHS MIMs approximate to MIF 2.1 in some respects if (isNHSMIF() && (mifVersionString.equals(""))) mifVersionString = "2.1"; if (!GenUtil.inArray(mifVersionString, supportedMIFVersion)) throw new MapperException("MIF version '" + mifVersionString + "' is not supported."); trace("Assumed MIF Version: " + mifVersionString); // read CMET lookup table readCMETLookupTable(); trace("Read " + CMETFileNames.size() + " CMET file lookups"); // read entry class name conversions for NHS MIFs if (isNHSMIF()) { readEntryNameConversionFile(ecoreFolderPath); } // read data types boolean putElementsInV3Namespace = isCDA; if (isNHSMIF()) putElementsInV3Namespace = true; v3DataTypeHandler = new V3DataTypeHandler(this,projectName,putElementsInV3Namespace); dataTypePackage = v3DataTypeHandler.readDataTypeSchema(ecoreFilePath, makeDataTypeMappings); trace("Read " + dataTypePackage.getEClassifiers().size() + " data types"); // recursive descent, creating each CMET once only and storing it in referencedCMETs() String rmimTrail = ""; boolean isTopRMIM = true; topRMIM = new V3RMIM(this,rootElement,mifFilePath,rmimTrail,isTopRMIM); trace("Read " + referencedCMETs.size() + " CMETs"); // mark the entry class or choice of the top RMIM as the entry point for the whole model topRMIM.markEntryClass(); // second pass; ensure each CMET knows about the others it needs, as V3Name objects topRMIM.linkCMETs(); for (Enumeration<V3RMIM> en = referencedCMETs.elements(); en.hasMoreElements();) { V3RMIM cmet = en.nextElement(); cmet.linkCMETs(); } // third pass; read associations in all CMETs, and add infrastructure root attributes topRMIM.readAssociations(); topRMIM.addInfrastructureRootAttributes(); for (Enumeration<V3RMIM> en = referencedCMETs.elements(); en.hasMoreElements();) { V3RMIM cmet = en.nextElement(); cmet.readAssociations(); cmet.addInfrastructureRootAttributes(); } trace("Made associations and added infrastructure root attributes"); // record anything that could not be found writeProblems(); // note how many times each class name occurs boolean isFalse = false; if (isFalse) writeClassOccurrences(); // define the top classes for making mapping sets List<EClass> topClasses = topRMIM.getEntryV3Name().getAllEClasses(); // order EReferences in the Ecore model from the schema, if the user provides one if (xsd != null) orderFromSchema(topClasses,xsd); /* read the template files and use them to constrain the Ecore model; * but NHS CDAs are not done this way (templates are RMIMs; already read) */ if (isCDA && !isNHSMIF) { TemplateCollection templateCollection = new TemplateCollection(templateUsageRoot,this); templateCollection.readTemplateFiles(); templateCollection.resolveAllTemplates(); templateCollection.checkTemplateLevels(); // remake the Ecore model as the constrained model topPackage = templateCollection.makeConstrainedCDAECoreModel(ecoreFilePath); /* redefine the list of top classes to make mapping sets * (the list has only 1 class in it, ClinicalDocument) */ topClasses = templateCollection.topClasses(); trace("Constrained Ecore model"); } // annotate the entry class to show the NHS wrapper class, if necessary; and the top package if (isNHSMIF) { ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(topClasses.get(0), "wrapperClass", MakeITSMappingsAction.NHSV3WrapperClass); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(topPackage, "isNHSMIF", "true"); } checkClassesInPackages(); /* for NHS MIFs, ensure there are no ActRelationship or Participation clones with more than one * Act or Role child classes */ if (isNHSMIF()) normaliseLinkClasses(); // make the Mapping Sets for RMIMs MIFStructure mifStructure = new MIFStructure(topClasses, topPackage, this); if (tracing && isFalse) writeMIFStructures(mifStructure); trace("Making mapping sets: " + mifStructure.allStructures().size()); makeRMIMMappingSets(ecoreFilePath,mifStructure,useJavaMappings,topClasses,isCDA); } /** * checking there are no associations to classes * not in a package */ private void checkClassesInPackages() { trace("Model package"); for (Iterator<EPackage> ip = topPackage.getESubpackages().iterator();ip.hasNext();) { EPackage subPack =; trace("Package " + subPack.getName() + ": " + subPack.getEClassifiers().size() + " classes"); Vector<EClass> classes = new Vector<EClass>(); for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = subPack.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) classes.add((EClass)next); } for (Iterator<EClass> it = classes.iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { EClass theClass = (EClass)next; for (Iterator<EReference> ir = theClass.getEAllReferences().iterator();ir.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; EClassifier target = ref.getEType(); if (target == null) { theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().remove(ref); trace("Class " + theClass.getName() + " has association " + ref.getName() + " to a null class"); } else if (target.getEPackage() == null) { trace("Class " + theClass.getName() + " has association " + ref.getName() + " to class " + target.getName() + " which has no package."); // try to find a class of the required name in the package of the outer class EClassifier newTarget = subPack.getEClassifier(target.getName()); if (newTarget != null) { ref.setEType(newTarget); trace("recovered; found class '" + target.getName() + "' in package '" + subPack.getName() + "'"); } else { theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().remove(ref); trace("cannot recover; class '" + target.getName() + "' not found in package '" + subPack.getName() + "'"); } } } } } } } /** * diagnostic write of the ElementDefs in the MIF structure, and their sizes * @param mifStructure */ private void writeMIFStructures(MIFStructure mifStructure) { trace("MIF structures"); for (Enumeration<String> en = mifStructure.allStructures().keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String typeName = en.nextElement(); ElementDef elDef = mifStructure.allStructures().get(typeName); trace("Structure: " + typeName + "; element size: " + mifStructure.getElementSize(elDef)); } } /** * @param path full path to the MIF file * @return root of the file name followed by '_model', for use as an Ecore package name */ private String packageName(String path) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(FileUtil.getFileName(path),"."); return st.nextToken() + "_model"; } /** * read in the directory of CMETs and the data type definition file * @throws MapperException */ private void readCMETLookupTable() throws MapperException { if (isNHSMIF()) { readNHSTemplateConfigFile(); return; } String CMETFileName = null; // up to MIF 2.1, a fixed name for the CMET index file if ((mifVersionString.equals("2.0"))|(mifVersionString.equals("2.1"))) { CMETFileName = "cmetList.mif"; } // MIF 2.1.3 allows different names for the CMET index file if (mifVersionString.equals("2.1.3")) { // index to CMET files Element CMETFileElement = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(rootElement, "importedCommonModelElementPackage"); if (CMETFileElement != null) CMETFileName = mifFileName(CMETFileElement); // fallback which works for the May 2009 Ballot pack else CMETFileName ="DEFN=UV=IFC=1.8.3.coremif"; } if (CMETFileName != null) { // the CMET index file is in the same folder as all RMIMs String CMETPath = FileUtil.siblingFilePath(mifFilePath,CMETFileName); Element CMETFileRoot = XMLUtil.getRootElement(CMETPath); makeCMETIndex(CMETFileRoot); CMETIndexRead = true; } } /** * For NHS MIF files, read the appropriate version of TemplateConfig.xml */ private void readNHSTemplateConfigFile() throws MapperException { File mifFolder = new File(mifFolderPath); File[] mifFiles = mifFolder.listFiles(); if (mifFiles == null) throw new MapperException("No folder at '" + mifFolderPath + "'"); for (int f = 0; f < mifFiles.length; f++) { File mifFile = mifFiles[f]; String fileName = mifFile.getName(); if (fileName.endsWith("TemplateConfig.xml")) { NHSConfigRoot = XMLUtil.getRootElement(mifFile.getAbsolutePath()); // store domain codes from the template config file Element domainList = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(NHSConfigRoot, "DomainList"); if (domainList == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find domain list in template config file '" + fileName + "'"); Vector<Element> domainEls = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(domainList,"domain"); NHSDomains = new Hashtable<String,String>(); for (Iterator<Element> it = domainEls.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Element domainEl =; NHSDomains.put(domainEl.getAttribute("id"), XMLUtil.getText(domainEl)); } } } if (NHSConfigRoot == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find Template Config file"); trace("Found template config file"); } /** * find a given template file in the MIF folder. * This is a mif file whose name begins with the template name. * Sometimes in a template name like 'POCD_MT010006UK01' , one of 'MT' 'HD' or 'RM' * needs to be changed to one of the others to get a match. Write a warning if this happens. * @param templateName * @return * @throws MapperException */ public String getTemplateFilename(String templateName) throws MapperException { String[] name_sections = {"MT","RM", "HD"}; String fName = null; File mifFolder = new File(mifFolderPath); File[] mifFiles = mifFolder.listFiles(); if (mifFiles == null) throw new MapperException("No folder at '" + mifFolderPath + "'"); // try matching the file name with no change of 'MT' etc. for (int f = 0; f < mifFiles.length; f++) { String fileName = mifFiles[f].getName(); if (fileName.startsWith(templateName)) fName= fileName; } // try matching the file name with some change of 'MT' to 'RM' etc. for (int i = 0; i < name_sections.length;i++) if (fName == null) { String changedTemplateName = changeTemplateName(templateName,name_sections[i]); trace("Changing template name from '" + templateName + "' to '" + changedTemplateName); for (int f = 0; f < mifFiles.length; f++) { String fileName = mifFiles[f].getName(); if (fileName.startsWith(changedTemplateName)) fName= fileName; } } // still no match found - give up. if (fName == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find Template RMIM for '" + templateName + "'"); return fName; } /** * change a template name like 'POCD_MT010006UK01' to 'POCD_RM010006UK01'. * @param templateName e.g. 'POCD_MT010006UK01' * @param middleTwoChars e.g. 'RM' * @return e.g 'POCD_RM010006UK01' */ private String changeTemplateName(String templateName, String middleTwoChars) { String newName = templateName.substring(0,5) + middleTwoChars + templateName.substring(7,17); return newName; } /** * * @param constraintId an NHS constraint id such as 'NPFIT-000014#Role' * @param domainName a domain identifier such as 'HSC' * @param parentRMIM the identifier of the parent MIF, such as 'POCD_MT010002UK01' * @return a list of identifiers for RMIM templates, such as 'COCD_TP145018UK03' */ public Vector<String> getTemplateIds(String constraintId, String domainName, String parentRMIM) { System.out.println("Constraint " + constraintId + " domain " + domainName + " parent " + parentRMIM); Vector<String> ids = new Vector<String>(); Vector<Element> templateEls = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(NHSConfigRoot, "Template"); // find the <Template> element with the correct constraint for (Iterator<Element> it = templateEls.iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element tempEl =; if ((tempEl.getAttribute("id").equals(constraintId)) && (tempEl.getAttribute("status").equals("A"))) { Element parent = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(tempEl, "parentModel"); for (Iterator<Element> iu = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(parent, "domain").iterator();iu.hasNext();) { Element domain =; // find parent RMIM ids for this domain if (domain.getAttribute("id").equals(domainName)) { Vector<Element> pidEls = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(domain, "id"); // check that one of the parent ids matches the actual parent RMIM for (Iterator<Element> ie = pidEls.iterator(); ie.hasNext();) if (matchable(XMLUtil.getText(,(parentRMIM))) { Vector<Element> idEls = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(tempEl, "id"); // copy across the template RMIM ids for (Iterator<Element> ig = idEls.iterator(); ig.hasNext();) ids.add(XMLUtil.getText(; } } } } } System.out.println(GenUtil.singleString(ids)); return ids; } /** * * @param id1 an RMIM id, like 'POCD_MT010001UK01' * @param id2 another RMIM id, like 'POCD_RM010001UK01' * @return true if the two match except for the mismatch of 'RM' and 'MT' */ private boolean matchable(String id1, String id2) { boolean match = false; try { String p1 = id1.substring(0,4); String p2 = id2.substring(0,4); String e1 = id1.substring(7); String e2 = id2.substring(7); match = ((p1.equals(p2)) && (e1.equals(e2))); } catch (Exception ex) {} return match; } /** * @param fileNameStart the start of the name of an NHS MIF file * @return the root element of the file * @throws MapperException */ protected Element getNHSMIFRoot(String fileNameStart) throws MapperException { Element root = null; File mifFolder = new File(mifFolderPath); File[] mifFiles = mifFolder.listFiles(); if (mifFiles == null) throw new MapperException("No folder at '" + mifFolderPath + "'"); for (int f = 0; f < mifFiles.length; f++) { File mifFile = mifFiles[f]; String fileName = mifFile.getName(); if (fileName.startsWith(fileNameStart)) { root = XMLUtil.getRootElement(mifFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } if (root == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find MIF file with name starting '" + fileNameStart + "'"); return root; } /* data types - I am now using the data type schema to define data type classes; but * retain the following code in case I need to check the version of the data types */ /* Element dataTypeFileElement = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(rootElement, "importedDatatypeModelPackage"); if (dataTypeFileElement == null) throw new MapperException("RMIM file has no 'importedDatatypeModelPackage' element"); String dataTypeFileName = mifFileName(dataTypeFileElement); // the data type MIF file is in the same folder as all RMIMs String dataTypeFilePath = FileUtil.siblingFilePath(path,dataTypeFileName); Element dataTypeFileRoot = XMLUtil.getRootElement(dataTypeFilePath); */ /** * @return the entry class for the whole RMIM - not used */ public EClass entryClass() throws MapperException { List<EClass> topClasses = topRMIM.getEntryV3Name().getAllEClasses(); if (topClasses.size() != 1) throw new MapperException("RMIM does not have one top class"); return topClasses.get(0); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // lookup from CMET names to CMET file names //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param CMETFileRoot the root element of the CMET defining file. * Set up the index from CMET names to CMET file names */ private void makeCMETIndex(Element CMETFileRoot) throws MapperException { CMETFileNames = new Hashtable<String,String>(); CMETEntryClasses = new Hashtable<String,String>(); if (!CMETFileRoot.getLocalName().equals("staticModelInterfacePackage")) throw new MapperException("CMET Index file does not have root element 'staticModelInterfacePackage'"); for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(CMETFileRoot, "commonModelElementDefinition").iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element el =; String CMETName = el.getAttribute("name"); Element child = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(el, "boundStaticModel"); if (child != null) { /* In 'COCT_HD010001UV01.mif', 'CO' = subSection, 'CT' = domain, * '010001' = id, 'UV' = realmNamespace, '01' = version. */ String CMETFileName = child.getAttribute("subSection") + child.getAttribute("domain") + "_HD" + child.getAttribute("id") + child.getAttribute("realmNamespace") + child.getAttribute("version") + ".mif"; CMETFileNames.put(CMETName, CMETFileName); } Element entry = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(el, "entryClass"); if (entry != null) { String entryClassName = entry.getAttribute("name"); CMETEntryClasses.put(CMETName,entryClassName); } } } /** * @param CMETName the name of a CMET * @return the name of the file it is defined in */ public String getCMETFilename(String CMETName) throws MapperException { if (!CMETIndexRead) throw new MapperException("RMIM file has no 'importedCommonModelElementPackage' element, so cannot look up CMET file names"); return CMETFileNames.get(CMETName); } /** * @param CMETName the name of a CMET * @return the name of its entry class */ public String getCMETEntryClassName(String CMETName) {return CMETEntryClasses.get(CMETName);} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // miscellaneous //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @return the prefix for the mif namespace used in the top RMIM file */ // private String prefix() {return rootElement.lookupPrefix(rootElement.getNamespaceURI()) + ":";} /** * * @param el and element defining the name of a common file - either * the data types file or the CMET name to file name conversion file * @return the file name */ private String mifFileName(Element el) { return (el.getAttribute("root") + "=" + el.getAttribute("realmNamespace") + "=" + el.getAttribute("artifact") + "=" + el.getAttribute("version") + ".coremif"); } /** * write out the Ecore package as a resource. */ public void writePackage(String filePath) throws MapperException { ModelUtil.savePackage(filePath, topPackage); } /** * For test purposes, write all problems detected to the system console */ private void writeProblems() { if (missingCMETs.size() > 0) writeMissingThings("Missing CMETS", missingCMETs, false); if (missingClasses.size() > 0) writeMissingThings("Missing Classes", missingClasses, true); if (missingDataTypes.size() > 0) writeMissingThings("Missing Data Types", missingDataTypes, true); } private void writeMissingThings(String title, Hashtable<String,String> missingThings, boolean writePlace) { System.out.println("\n" + title + ": " + missingThings.size()); for (Enumeration<String> en = missingThings.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String thing = en.nextElement(); String place = missingThings.get(thing); if (writePlace) System.out.println(thing + "\t" + place); else System.out.println(thing); } } /** * write out all classes which occur more than once, * listing the CMETs they occur in */ private void writeClassOccurrences() { System.out.println("\nClasses which occur more than once:"); int repeats = 0; for (Enumeration<String> en = classOccurrences.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String className = en.nextElement(); Vector<String> occs = classOccurrences.get(className); if (occs.size() > 1) { repeats++; String cmets = className + "(" + occs.size() + ") : \t"; for (int i = 0; i < occs.size(); i++) cmets = cmets + occs.get(i) + "\t"; System.out.println(cmets); } } System.out.println("\n" + repeats + " repeated classes"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Making V3-V3 Mapping sets for each RMIM //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * if useJavaMappings = false, make one V3 mapping set for every type definition in the MIF structure, except for those below a minimum * size (number of ElementDefs) * if useJavaMappings = true, just make one top Java mapping set for each entry class, which * invokes the Java mapping class for the V3 XML ITS */ private void makeRMIMMappingSets(String ecoreFilePath, MIFStructure mifStructure, boolean useJavaMappings, List<EClass> topClasses, boolean isCDA) throws MapperException { int mappingSetsMade = 0; IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); IProject project = root.getProject(projectName); IFolder mappingsFolder = project.getFolder("MappingSets"); v3RMIMsFolder = mappingsFolder.getFolder("V3RMIMs"); if (!v3RMIMsFolder.exists()) { try {v3RMIMsFolder.create(true, true, null);} // force, local, no progress monitor catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException("Cannot make folder for data type mapping sets");} } for (Enumeration<String> en = mifStructure.allStructures().keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String typeName = en.nextElement(); ElementDef elementDef = mifStructure.allStructures().get(typeName); EClass theClass = mifStructure.getEClassForType(typeName); // if using Java mappings, make only (small) mapping sets for the top classes of the top RMIM if (useJavaMappings && (isTopClass(theClass,topClasses))) { makeMappingSetForRMIM(ecoreFilePath, mifStructure,typeName,elementDef,theClass,useJavaMappings,isCDA); } // if not using Java mappings, make mapping sets for all MIF structures else if (!useJavaMappings) { makeMappingSetForRMIM(ecoreFilePath, mifStructure,typeName,elementDef,theClass,useJavaMappings,isCDA); mappingSetsMade++; } } trace("Mapping sets made: " + mappingSetsMade); } /** * * @param theClass * @param topClasses * @return true if this class is oone of the top classes of the RMIM */ private boolean isTopClass(EClass theClass,List<EClass> topClasses) { boolean isTop = false; String cName = theClass.getName(); for (Iterator<EClass> ic = topClasses.iterator(); ic.hasNext();) if ( isTop = true; return isTop; } private void makeMappingSetForRMIM(String ecoreFilePath, MIFStructure mifStructure, String typeName,ElementDef elementDef,EClass topClass, boolean useJavaMappings, boolean isCDA) throws MapperException { // do not re-make a mapping set if it exists from a previous run and has not been deleted IFile existingMappingSet = v3RMIMsFolder.getFile(typeName + ".mapper"); if (!(existingMappingSet.exists())) { // (1) Make an empty mapping set in the 'V3RMIMs' folder of the MappingSets folder String mappingSetLocation = getRMIMMappingSetLocation(projectName,typeName); URI uri = URI.createURI(mappingSetLocation); Resource mappingSet = ModelUtil.makeNewMappingSet(uri); MappedStructure mappedStructure = (MappedStructure)mappingSet.getContents().get(0); mappedStructure.setUMLModelURL(ecoreFilePath); // (2) make the MIF structure the structure definition for the mapping set (with its namespaces) mappedStructure.setStructureURL(""); mappedStructure.setStructureDefinition(mifStructure); // (3) make the type name the top complex type for the schema mappedStructure.setTopElementType(typeName); ElementDef newStructure = mifStructure.typeStructure(typeName); mappedStructure.setRootElement(newStructure); // option to make only the top mapping set, which uses Java mappings to implement the V3 XML ITS if (useJavaMappings) { GlobalMappingParameters gmp = mappedStructure.getMappingParameters(); gmp.setMappingClass(V3JavaMappingClass); // apply the CDA wrapper class if necessary if (isCDA) gmp.setWrapperClass(CDAWrapperClass); else if (isNHSMIF()) gmp.setWrapperClass(MakeITSMappingsAction.NHSV3WrapperClass); } // option to make all mappings and a load of imported mapping sets else if (!useJavaMappings) { // (4) recursive descent of the structure tree, making all mappings newStructure.setExpanded(true); makeMappings(mifStructure,typeName,newStructure, topClass); // (5) add the correct parameter class to the top node EClass theClass = mifStructure.getEClassForType(typeName); addParameterClass(mappedStructure,theClass); } // (6) Save the mapping set ModelUtil.saveMappingSet(mappingSet); } } /** * @param typeName the name of the mapping set * @param elementDef a node in the mapped structure * @param mappedClass the class that is to be mapped to that node * @return the subset allocated to the mapped class * make all necessary mappings or imports on this node and its descendants */ private String makeMappings(MIFStructure mifStructure,String typeName,ElementDef elementDef, EClass mappedClass) { EPackage thePackage = mappedClass.getEPackage(); // make the object mapping for this class String subset = getSubset(typeName,mappedClass.getName(),thePackage.getName()); addObjectMapping(elementDef,thePackage,mappedClass.getName(),subset); // make all the property mappings for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = elementDef.getAttributeDefs().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { AttributeDef attDef =; addPropertyMapping(attDef,mappedClass,attDef.getName(),subset); } // make all object mappings to child classes, and the association mappings to them for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = elementDef.getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ElementDef childElement =; EReference ref = (EReference)mappedClass.getEStructuralFeature(childElement.getName()); EClass childClass = (EClass)ref.getEType(); String importURI = ""; /* if the child node is not expanded, it must either import a mapping set - * for an CMET or a data type; of if the CMET is too small to have a mapping set, not import it * but expand it in the structure */ if (!childElement.isExpanded()) { String childType = childElement.getType(); boolean dataTypeImport = childClass.getEPackage().getName().equals(DATATYPE_PACKAGE_NAME); // data types always trigger an import of the data type mapping set if (dataTypeImport) importURI = getDataTypeMappingSetLocation(projectName,childType); else if (!dataTypeImport) importURI = getRMIMMappingSetLocation(projectName,childType); } // recursive call to make the object mapping for the child class, and all its descendant mappings String childSubset = ""; childSubset = makeMappings(mifStructure,typeName,childElement,childClass); // make the association mapping to the child class addAssociationMapping(childElement,mappedClass,subset,childClass,childSubset); // if there is an import mapping set node to make, make it if (!importURI.equals("")) addImportMappingSet(childElement, importURI, childClass,childSubset); } return subset; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility methods for making mapping sets //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param projectName the project * @param typeName the RMIM complex type, which is also the mapping set name * location of an RMIM mapping set */ protected static String getRMIMMappingSetLocation(String projectName,String typeName) { return "platform:/resource/" + projectName + "/MappingSets/V3RMIMs/" + typeName + ".mapper"; } /** * @param projectName the project * @param typeName the data type name, which is also the mapping set name * @return location of a data type mapping set */ protected static String getDataTypeMappingSetLocation(String projectName,String typeName) { return "platform:/resource/" + projectName + "/MappingSets/V3DataTypes/" + typeName + ".mapper"; } /** * @param mappingSet name of the mapping set * @param className name of the class for which an object mapping is to be made * @param package the class is in * @return a new subset name, to avoid two or more object mappings to the same class * in the same mapping set, without different subsets. * The first subset allocated to each class is the default "" */ protected String getSubset(String mappingSet, String className, String packageName) { String subset = ""; Hashtable<String,Integer> subsetsForMappingSet = subsetTable.get(mappingSet); if (subsetsForMappingSet == null) subsetsForMappingSet = new Hashtable<String,Integer>(); String cpName = className + "$" + packageName; Integer subsetIndex = subsetsForMappingSet.get(cpName); if (subsetIndex == null) subsetIndex = new Integer(1); else { subset = "s" + subsetIndex.intValue(); subsetIndex = new Integer(subsetIndex.intValue() + 1); } subsetsForMappingSet.put(cpName, subsetIndex); subsetTable.put(mappingSet, subsetsForMappingSet); return subset; } /** * add an object mapping (with its nodeMappingSet) to an ElementDef * @param node an ElementDef in the mapped structure * @param className a class name */ protected static void addObjectMapping(ElementDef node,EPackage aPackage,String className, String subset) { NodeMappingSet nodeSet = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createNodeMappingSet(); node.setNodeMappingSet(nodeSet); ObjMapping om = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createObjMapping(); om.setMappedClass(className); om.setSubset(subset); om.setMappedPackage(aPackage.getName()); nodeSet.getObjectMappings().add(om); } /** * make a property mapping on a node * @param nodeDef an ElementDef or AttributeDef node on the mapped structure * @param aClass the class owning the property to be mapped * @param propertyName property to be mapped */ protected static void addPropertyMapping(NodeDef nodeDef, EClass aClass, String propertyName, String subset) { // add a NodeMappingSet to the ElementDef or AttributeDef, if it has not already got one NodeMappingSet nodeSet = nodeDef.getNodeMappingSet(); if (nodeSet == null) { nodeSet = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createNodeMappingSet(); nodeDef.setNodeMappingSet(nodeSet); } // add a property mapping to the NodeMappingSet PropMapping pm = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropMapping(); pm.setMappedClass(aClass.getName()); pm.setSubset(subset); pm.setMappedProperty(propertyName); pm.setMappedPackage(aClass.getEPackage().getName()); nodeSet.getPropertyMappings().add(pm); } /** * add an association mapping on a node, which already has a node mapping set. * The child class is mapped on the same node. * The association from the parent class (mapped to a higher node) is not navigable back to the parent * @param child the elementDef which the mapping will be on. Its node name is the association role name * @param parentClass the parent class * @param childClass the child class */ protected static void addAssociationMapping(ElementDef child, EClass parentClass, String parentSubset, EClass childClass, String childSubset) { NodeMappingSet nodeMappingSet = child.getNodeMappingSet(); // exists because there is an object mapping AssocMapping am = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssocMapping(); // the navigable end to the child class is end 2 of the association AssocEndMapping aem = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssocEndMapping(); aem.setMappedRole(child.getName()); aem.setMappedClass(childClass.getName()); aem.setSubset(childSubset); aem.setMappedPackage(childClass.getEPackage().getName()); aem.setRequiredForObject(true); am.setMappedEnd2(aem); // the non-navigable end to the parent class is end 1 of the association AssocEndMapping afm = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssocEndMapping(); afm.setMappedRole(""); afm.setMappedClass(parentClass.getName()); afm.setSubset(parentSubset); afm.setMappedPackage(parentClass.getEPackage().getName()); am.setMappedEnd1(afm); nodeMappingSet.getAssociationMappings().add(am); } /** * add an import mapping set to an ElementDef node * @param child the node to add the import on * @param mappingSetURI * @param rootClass */ protected static void addImportMappingSet(ElementDef child, String mappingSetURI, EClass rootClass, String subset) { ImportMappingSet importMappingSet = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createImportMappingSet(); importMappingSet.setMappingSetURI(mappingSetURI); child.setImportMappingSet(importMappingSet); ParameterClassValue parameterClassValue = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createParameterClassValue(); parameterClassValue.setParameterIndex(0); parameterClassValue.setMappedClass(rootClass.getName()); parameterClassValue.setMappedPackage(rootClass.getEPackage().getName()); parameterClassValue.setSubset(subset); importMappingSet.getParameterClassValues().add(parameterClassValue); } /** * add a parameter class on the head of a mapping set * @param mappedStructure * @param theClass */ protected static void addParameterClass(MappedStructure mappedStructure, EClass theClass) { ParameterClass parameterClass = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createParameterClass(); parameterClass.setClassName(theClass.getName()); parameterClass.setPackageName(theClass.getEPackage().getName()); parameterClass.setParameterIndex(0); mappedStructure.getParameterClasses().add(parameterClass); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // dealing with MIF versions //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * return one of the static constants MIF_2_0, MIF_2_1, or MIF_2_1_3 */ public int mifVersion() { int version = 0; for (int i = 0; i < supportedMIFVersion.length; i++) if ((mifVersionString != null) && (mifVersionString.equals(supportedMIFVersion[i]))) version = i+1; return version; } public static int MIF_2_0 = 1; public static int MIF_2_1 = 2; public static int MIF_2_1_3 = 3; public static int MIF_2_1_4 = 4; public static int MIF_2_1_5 = 5; public static int MIF_2_1_6 = 6; private String mifVersionString; /** * @return version of MIF in use. Currently supports "2.0","2.1","2.1.3 - 6"; */ public String mifVersionString() {return mifVersionString;} private String[] supportedMIFVersion = {"2.0","2.1","2.1.3","2.1.4","2.1.5","2.1.6"}; private static String[] mifNamespaceURI = {"urn:hl7-org:v3/mif", "urn:hl7-org:v3/mif2", "urn:hl7-org:v3/mif2", "urn:hl7-org:v3/mif2", "urn:hl7-org:v3/mif2", "urn:hl7-org:v3/mif2"}; /** * @return the MIF namespace URI appropriate to the version of MIF in use */ public String mifNamespaceURI() { String uri = ""; for (int i = 0; i < supportedMIFVersion.length; i++) if ((mifVersionString != null) && (mifVersionString.equals(supportedMIFVersion[i]))) uri = mifNamespaceURI[i]; return uri; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) and templates //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param mifFilePath path to a MIF file * @return true if it is the MIF for a CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) * which needs to be constrained by templates */ public static boolean isCDAMIFName(String mifFilePath) { String mifFileName = FileUtil.getFileName(mifFilePath); return ((mifFileName.startsWith("POCD_HD000040"))| (mifFileName.startsWith("POCD_MT000040"))| (mifFileName.startsWith("POCD_RM000040"))); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Order EReferences in the Ecore model from the schema, if the user provides one //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * currently this only operates if there is just one top class, to serve as a starting * point for descent of the schema */ private void orderFromSchema(List<EClass>topClasses,XSDStructure xsd) throws MapperException { if (topClasses.size() == 1) { EClass rootClass = topClasses.get(0); String rootName = rootClass.getName(); // check that the root class name is an allowed top element name for the structure if (!xsd.isTopElementName(rootName)) {showMessage("Cannot order elements","XML Schema does not allow root element name '" + rootName + "'");return;} // recursive descent of containment eReferences of the Ecore model, ordering them to match the schema ElementDef topElement = xsd.nameStructure(rootName); Hashtable<String,EClass> classNames = new Hashtable<String,EClass>(); orderEReferences(rootClass,topElement,xsd,classNames); } } /** * recursive descent of containment eReferences of the Ecore model, ordering them to match the schema * This method assumes that all EReferences in the Ecore model are containments. * @param theClass * @param theStructure */ private void orderEReferences(EClass theClass,ElementDef theElement, XSDStructure xsd, Hashtable<String,EClass> classNames) throws MapperException { String className = theClass.getName(); // avoid infinite recursion, if this class is already being done if (classNames.get(className) != null) return; // record that this class is being done, so as not to do it again recursively classNames.put(className,theClass); // expand the element definition if necessary ElementDef expanded= theElement; if ((!theElement.isExpanded()) && (theElement.getType() != null)) expanded = xsd.typeStructure(theElement.getType()); // set up a new empty EList of EAttributes and EReferences, and copy the EAttributes to it BasicEList<EStructuralFeature> newFeatures = allAttributes(theClass); // find the child elements in the correct order for the structure, and build up the new list of EReferences for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = expanded.getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ElementDef childEl =; // strip any namespace prefix from the child node name String refName= ""; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(childEl.getName(),":"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) refName= st.nextToken(); // ignore any lack of infrastructureRoot attributes for the moment if ((refName.equals("realmCode"))|(refName.equals("templateId"))|(refName.equals("typeId"))) {} // look for EReferences with the same name, or which had the same name before NHS template treatment else for (Iterator<EReference> ir = namedReferences(theClass, refName).iterator();ir.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; newFeatures.add(ref); // recursive step EClass childClass = (EClass)ref.getEType(); orderEReferences(childClass,childEl,xsd,classNames); } } // check that all EReferences from the class have been matched by element names in the schema; if not, add unmatched EReferences checkRefsMatched(theClass,newFeatures); // apply the new ordered list of EAttributes and EReferences to the class theClass.eSet(EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEClass_EStructuralFeatures(), newFeatures); } /** * check that every EReference in an EClass has been matched by an element name in the schema, * and included in the new list of structural features; if it has not, include it. * @param theClass * @param newFeatures * @throws MapperException if any EReference has not been matched */ private void checkRefsMatched(EClass theClass,BasicEList<EStructuralFeature> newFeatures) { for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> ig = theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); ig.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feat =; boolean found = false; for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = newFeatures.iterator();it.hasNext();) if ( found = true; if (!found) { trace("***Did not find feature '" + feat.getName() + "' of class '" + theClass.getName() + "' in the schema."); newFeatures.add(feat); } } } /** * @param theClass * @return a list of the EAttributes of the EClass */ private BasicEList<EStructuralFeature> allAttributes(EClass theClass) { BasicEList<EStructuralFeature> newFeatures = new BasicEList<EStructuralFeature>(); for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> ig = theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); ig.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feat =; if (feat instanceof EAttribute) newFeatures.add(feat); } return newFeatures; } /** * * @param theClass * @param refName * @return the one Ereference which has the required refName, or a Vector of all those * EReferences which had that name, before it was changed by NHS template treatment. */ private Vector<EReference> namedReferences(EClass theClass, String refName) { Vector<EReference> refs = new Vector<EReference>(); EStructuralFeature theFeature = theClass.getEStructuralFeature(refName); if ((theFeature != null) && (theFeature instanceof EReference)) refs.add((EReference)theFeature); else if (isNHSMIF()) for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature next =; if ((next instanceof EReference) && (refName.equals(ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(next, "NHSOriginalRole")))) refs.add((EReference)next); } if (refs.size() == 0) trace("Missing ref: " + theClass.getName() + "." + refName); return refs; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converting template entry class names, to avoid clashes in class names for NHS templates //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private Hashtable<String,String> alteredNHSEntryClassNames = new Hashtable<String,String>(); private Hashtable<String,String> originalNHSEntryClassNames = new Hashtable<String,String>(); private String entryNameConversionFileName = "TemplateEntryNames.csv"; private String entryConversionColumnNames = "Template,Entry_Name,Altered_Entry_Name"; /** * * @param ecoreFolderPath * @throws MapperException */ private void readEntryNameConversionFile(String ecoreFolderPath) throws MapperException { String relativeFilePath = ecoreFolderPath + entryNameConversionFileName; String filePath = FileUtil.absoluteLocation(relativeFilePath); try { Vector<String> fileLines = FileUtil.textLines(filePath); if (!entryConversionColumnNames.equals(fileLines.get(0))) throw new MapperException("Columns of template entry conversion csv file should be " + entryConversionColumnNames + " but are " + fileLines.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < fileLines.size(); i++) { String[] row = FileUtil.oldParseCSVLine(3, fileLines.get(i)); // template id => original expected entry class name originalNHSEntryClassNames.put(row[0], row[1]); // template id => altered entry class name alteredNHSEntryClassNames.put(row[0], row[2]); } } catch (Exception ex) {WorkBenchUtil.showMessage("Warning","Could not read template entry class name conversion file at " + filePath);} } /** * * @param templateId * @return an altered entry class name for the template, or null if there is no alteration */ public String getOriginalNHSEntryClassName(String templateId) {return originalNHSEntryClassNames.get(templateId);} /** * * @param templateId * @return an altered entry class name for the template, or null if there is no alteration */ public String getAlteredNHSEntryClassName(String templateId) {return alteredNHSEntryClassNames.get(templateId);} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Normalising Link Classes //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Used for NHS templated CDA models. * Link Classes are clones of ActRelationships and Participations. * In a 'normalised' Ecore model, each ActRelationship clone has only one Act clone child, linked to it by a 1..1 * association. Similarly Participations and Role clones. * In a non-normalised model, an ActRelationship clone may have more than on Act child (a choice), all with * multiplicity 0..1 and with different templateIds. * This method converts any non-normalised model to a normalised model, by: * (1) Splitting the association from the parent class to the link class, giving the split associations * names ending in '_A', '_B' and so on. * (2) Splitting the link classes, with the same name suffixes * (3) each link class has only one 1..1 association to an Act or Role clone. */ private void normaliseLinkClasses() throws MapperException { trace("Normalising split link classes"); // normalise link classes in all packages under the top package for (Iterator<EPackage> it = topPackage.getESubpackages().iterator();it.hasNext();) normaliseLinkClasses(; } /** * normalise all link classes within a package. * Assumes that the parent class is within the same package as the link class - throws an exception if not so * @param thePackage */ private void normaliseLinkClasses(EPackage thePackage) throws MapperException { String[] linkClass = {"ActRelationship","Participation"}; // make a temporary list of classes in the package as you will be modifying it Vector<EClassifier> allClasses = new Vector<EClassifier>(); for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = thePackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) allClasses.add(; for (Iterator<EClassifier> ix = allClasses.iterator();ix.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { EClass theClass = (EClass)next; String rimClass = ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(theClass, "RIM Class"); // link classes may be clones of ActRelationship or Participation for (int linkIndex = 0; linkIndex < 2; linkIndex++) { if ((rimClass != null) && (rimClass.equals(linkClass[linkIndex]))) { Vector<EReference> rimChildRefs = findRimChildRefs(theClass,linkIndex); // normalise any link class with associations to more than one RIM class if (rimChildRefs.size() > 1) normaliseOneLinkClass(theClass,rimChildRefs); } } } } } /** * * @param theClass an ActRelationship or Participatoin clone class * @param linkIndex 0 for ActRelationship, 1 for Role * @return a Vector of associations to child Act or Role clone classes */ private Vector<EReference> findRimChildRefs(EClass theClass,int linkIndex) { Vector<EReference> rimRefs = new Vector<EReference>(); for (Iterator<EReference> it = theClass.getEAllReferences().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; EClass target = (EClass)ref.getEType(); String targetRimClass = ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(target, "RIM Class"); if ((targetRimClass != null) && (GenUtil.inArray(targetRimClass, linkChildClass(linkIndex)))) rimRefs.add(ref); } return rimRefs; } /** * normalise one link class which has been found to have more than one association toa RIM child class * @param theClass * @param rimChildRefs */ private void normaliseOneLinkClass(EClass theClass,Vector<EReference> rimChildRefs) throws MapperException { EPackage thePackage = theClass.getEPackage(); int found = 0; // make a temporary list of classes in the package as you will be modifying it Vector<EClassifier> allClasses = new Vector<EClassifier>(); for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = thePackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) allClasses.add(; // find the parent class in the same package which has an association to the link class - throw an exception if not found for (Iterator<EClassifier> iy = allClasses.iterator();iy.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { EClass parentClass = (EClass)next; //make a temporary list of references , as you may modify the list Vector<EReference> refs = new Vector<EReference>(); for (Iterator<EReference> ix = parentClass.getEAllReferences().iterator();ix.hasNext();) refs.add(; for (Iterator<EReference> iu = refs.iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; EClass target = (EClass)ref.getEType(); if (target.getName().equals(theClass.getName())) { normaliseALinkClass(parentClass, ref,rimChildRefs); // the association has been replaced by two or more new ones - so remove it boolean linkRemoved = parentClass.getEStructuralFeatures().remove(ref); if (!linkRemoved) throw new MapperException("Failed to remove association to split link class " + ref.getName() + " from class " + parentClass.getName()); found++; } } } } if (found != 1) throw new MapperException("There is not one parent class of split link class '" + theClass.getName() + "' in the same package '" + thePackage.getName() + "'; there are " + found); // remove the old link class from the package boolean classRemoved = thePackage.getEClassifiers().remove(theClass); if (!classRemoved) throw new MapperException("Failed to remove split link class " +theClass.getName() + " from package " + thePackage.getName()); } /** * * @param parentClass * @param parentRef * @param rimChildRefs */ private void normaliseALinkClass(EClass parentClass,EReference parentRef, Vector<EReference> rimChildRefs) throws MapperException { trace("Normalising split link class " + parentRef.getEType().getName() + " in package " + parentClass.getEPackage().getName()); String[] suffixes = {"_A","_B","_C","_D","_E"}; // collect names of associations not to be cloned on the new link classes Vector<String> refNames = new Vector<String>(); for (Iterator<EReference> it = rimChildRefs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) refNames.add(; // make one new link class for each association from the old link class to a child int index = 0; for (Iterator<EReference> it = rimChildRefs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EReference childRef =; makeNewLinkClassAndRef(parentClass, parentRef, childRef,suffixes[index], refNames); index++; } } /** * * @param thePackage * @param parentClass * @param parentRef * @param childRef * @param index */ private void makeNewLinkClassAndRef(EClass parentClass, EReference parentRef, EReference childRef,String suffix,Vector<String> refNames) { // make the new link class, with no associations to child RIM classes EClass oldLinkClass = (EClass)parentRef.getEType(); String newClassName = oldLinkClass.getName() + suffix; EClass newLinkClass = ModelUtil.cloneEClassWithoutFeatures(oldLinkClass, newClassName, refNames); // add one association from the new link class to the correct child RIM class EReference newChildRef = ModelUtil.cloneEReference(childRef); newChildRef.setLowerBound(1); newLinkClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(newChildRef); // add a renamed association from the parent class to the new link class EReference newParentRef = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference(); newParentRef.setName(parentRef.getName() + suffix); newParentRef.setEType(newLinkClass); newParentRef.setLowerBound(parentRef.getLowerBound()); newParentRef.setUpperBound(parentRef.getUpperBound()); parentClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(newParentRef); } /** * * @param linkIndex 0 for ActRelationship, 1 for Participation * @return a list of possible child classes for the class above */ private String[] linkChildClass(int linkIndex) { if (linkIndex == 0) return ModelUtil.ActSubclasses; else return ModelUtil.RoleSubclasses; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Trivia //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void trace(String s) {if (tracing) System.out.println(s);} protected void showMessage(String title, String message) { MessageDialog.openInformation( targetPart.getSite().getShell(), title, message); } }