package com.openMap1.mapper.fhir.server; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.mapping.MDLBase; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.GenUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; /** * class to convert a FHIR search of resource into a Mapper query language query * @author Robert * */ public class QueryConverter { // the FHIR servlet that received the query private FHIRServlet servlet; // the FHIR class model for the resource private EPackage classModel; // the server private String serverName; // the resource private String resourceName; // parameters of the FHIR search, got from the url private Map<String,String[]> params; /* searches supported for this resource, provided the database has the required mappings. * One search row has columns: server,resource,LHS,type,conditions */ private Vector<String[]> searches; // comparisons supported in FHIR queries private int EQUAL = 0; private int BEFORE = 1; //date before or number less than private int AFTER = 2; // date after or number greater than private int BEFORE_OR_EQUAL = 3; private int AFTER_OR_EQUAL = 4; // string values in the searches csv file saying which searches are supported for a resource private String[] fhirTests = {"equal","<",">","<=",">="}; public QueryConverter(FHIRServlet servlet, Map<String,String[]> params,String serverName, String resourceName) throws MapperException { this.servlet = servlet; this.params = params; this.serverName = serverName; this.resourceName = resourceName; searches = servlet.getSearches(serverName, resourceName); classModel = servlet.getMappedStructure(serverName, resourceName).getClassModelRoot(); writeParams(); } /** * * @return the object query needed to do the search * @throws MapperException */ public Vector<String> queryStrings() throws MapperException { // query just returns FHIR ids for eligible resources String query = "Select " + resourceName + ".fhir_id where "; // to store chained queries, and to track the variables to be replaced by fhir ids from chained queries in the main query Vector<String> chainedQueries = new Vector<String>(); // loop over conditions in the search for (Iterator<String> it = params.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { // if there is a chained query, it will return FHIR ids for referenced resources String chainedQuery = null; // LHS of FHIR search condition String fullParam =; // possible LHS include 'family:exact' and 'subject:Patient' and ''. The last two are reference searches. String refType = null; // the name of the referenced resource String refSearch = null; // for chained searches, the search LHS StringTokenizer paramParts = new StringTokenizer(fullParam,":"); String param = paramParts.nextToken(); // the part of the LHS before any ':' if (paramParts.hasMoreTokens()) { String type = paramParts.nextToken(); // the part of the LHS after the ':' // exact string search - keep full LHS with ':exact' if (type.equals("exact")) param = fullParam; /* typed reference search such as 'subject:Patient=23' or '' ; * use short LHS and remember the type. Chained reference searches are only supported when the reference type is defined explicitly */ else { StringTokenizer refParts = new StringTokenizer(type, "."); if (refParts.countTokens() > 2) throw new MapperException("Cannot yet handle double-chained searches"); refType = refParts.nextToken(); // type of resource which is referenced, e.g. 'Patient' if (refParts.hasMoreTokens()) // chained query { refSearch = refParts.nextToken(); // search type on the referenced resource, e.g 'name' chainedQuery = "Select " + refType + ".fhir_id where "; } } } // RHS of FHIR search condition String[] values = params.get(fullParam); if (values.length > 1) throw new MapperException("Multi-value conditions are not yet handled"); String value = values[0]; // check that the LHS is a supported search, and find the paths it requires String[] pathTypes = getSearchPathsAndType(param,searches); // add one or two conditions to the query on the main resource, except if they belong in a chained query if (chainedQuery == null) query = addConditionsToQuery(query, resourceName, param, refType, pathTypes, value); // when this condition is a chained query else if (chainedQuery != null) { String toReplace = "%" + chainedQueries.size(); // %0, %1, etc. for different chained queries on referenced resources // add a condition on the main query, whose RHS '%n' will be replaced by an id of the referenced resource query = addConditionsToQuery(query,resourceName, param, refType, pathTypes, toReplace); // find supported searches on the referenced resource Vector<String[]> refSearches = servlet.getSearches(serverName, refType); // find the paths required, and other parameters of the search on the referenced resource String[] refPathTypes = getSearchPathsAndType(refSearch,refSearches); // add one or two conditions to the query on the referenced resource chainedQuery = addConditionsToQuery(chainedQuery, refType, refSearch, null, refPathTypes, value); // remove the last " AND " from the chained query chainedQuery = chainedQuery.substring(0, chainedQuery.length() - 5); message("Chained object query: " + chainedQuery); // save the chained query chainedQueries.add(chainedQuery); } } // remove the last " AND " from the main query query = query.substring(0, query.length() - 5); message("Main resource object query: " + query); // if there were any chained queries, they come before the main query chainedQueries.add(query); return chainedQueries; } /** * * @param query the query to which one or more conditions are to be added * @param resourceName the resource being queried * @param param query LHS which defines paths in the resource * @param refType for reference search conditions, the type of the referenced resource * @param pathTypes array giving [paths, search type, allowed conditions, solo] * @param value RHS of the condition (or of two conditions, if it contains '|') * @throws MapperException */ private String addConditionsToQuery(String query, String resourceName, String param, String refType, String[] pathTypes, String value) throws MapperException { String newQuery = query; // unpack the array parameter String paths = pathTypes[0]; String searchType = pathTypes[1]; String fhirConditionString = pathTypes[2]; // token searches can have one or two values, separated by '|'; and only support equality tests on either StringTokenizer ss = new StringTokenizer(value,"|"); int valuesToTest = ss.countTokens(); // 1, or may be 2 for a token search . Then the 2 values are [system uri,value] // look at the beginning of the value to find out what the test is int FHIRTest = -1; if (value.startsWith(">")) FHIRTest = AFTER; else if (value.startsWith("<")) FHIRTest = BEFORE; else FHIRTest = EQUAL; // check that all paths needed for the condition are mapped; token searches will need two paths if the RHS contains '|' StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(paths,"; "); int pathsDefined = st.countTokens(); // 2 for a token search [system, value], 1 for all other searches if ((pathsDefined > 1) && (!searchType.equals("token"))) throw new MapperException("Only one path for a non-token search"); // iterate over 1 or 2 paths, matching up with RHS values (from the other StringTokenizer ss) while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String path = st.nextToken(); // if there are 2 paths and only one value to test, use the second path (the value path, not the uri path) to test it if (pathsDefined > valuesToTest) path = st.nextToken(); // stops further iteration // for reference searches, servers.csv may optionally leave out the last ".reference" in the path if ((searchType.equals("reference")) && (!path.endsWith(".reference"))) path = path + ".reference"; // check that there is a chain of mappings, leading to a property mapping for this path checkMappings(resourceName,path,refType); // compose the condition for the Object query String rhsValue = ss.nextToken(); // when there are two values to test, these two StringTokenizers (st and ss) go in step String theTest = fhirTests[FHIRTest]; // for all tests except '=', strip a comparator such as '<' off the start of the RHS to test if (FHIRTest != EQUAL) rhsValue = rhsValue.substring(theTest.length()); // check that the FHIR search test is supported for the resource Vector<String> allowedFhirConditions = new Vector<String>(); StringTokenizer sf = new StringTokenizer(fhirConditionString,";"); while (sf.hasMoreTokens()) allowedFhirConditions.add(sf.nextToken()); if (!GenUtil.inVector(theTest, allowedFhirConditions)) throw new MapperException("FHIR search test '" + theTest + "' is not supported for resource " + resourceName + ", search on " + param); String condition = "="; if (searchType.equals("date")) { // date equality is a test of interval overlap, which can be done with 'startsWith' on the date String. if (FHIRTest == EQUAL) condition = "startsWith"; // date ranges are done by 'before' and 'after' tests on the date string if (FHIRTest == BEFORE) condition = "before"; if (FHIRTest == AFTER) condition = "after"; } // non-exact string search: the '=' test means 'contains', and ignores case if ((searchType.equals("string")) && (!param.endsWith(":exact")) && (FHIRTest == EQUAL)) condition = "contains"; // for reference searches, the '=' test condition is what we want; no change needed // add the condition to the object query. Paths begin with the resource class name. newQuery = newQuery + resourceName + "." + path + " " + condition + " '" + rhsValue + "' AND "; } return newQuery; } /** * * @param param * @param searches * @return * @throws MapperException */ private String[] getSearchPathsAndType(String param, Vector<String[]> searches) throws MapperException { // check that the LHS is a supported search, and find the paths it requires String paths = null; String searchType = null; String fhirConditionString = null; String solo = null; for (int i = 0; i < searches.size(); i++) { String[] searchRow = searches.get(i); String lhs = getValue(searchRow,"LHS"); if (param.equals(lhs)) { searchType = getValue(searchRow,"type"); paths = getValue(searchRow,"paths"); fhirConditionString = getValue(searchRow,"conditions"); solo = getValue(searchRow,"solo");; } } if (paths == null) throw new MapperException("Server " + servlet.serverName() + ", resource " + servlet.resourceName() + " does not support search '" + param + "'"); String[] result = new String[4]; result[0] = paths; result[1] = searchType; result[2] = fhirConditionString; result[3] = solo; return result; } /** * * @param searchRow * @param col * @return the value of a naemd column in a row of the searches table * @throws MapperException */ private String getValue(String[]searchRow, String col) throws MapperException { int cc = -1; for (int c =0 ; c < servlet.searchColHeaders().length;c++) if (col.equals(servlet.searchColHeaders()[c])) cc = c; if (cc == -1) throw new MapperException("Searches table has no column '" + col + "'"); return searchRow[cc]; } /** * check if the mappings of the database support the search * @param path the path , at the end of which there should be a property mapping * @param refType for types reference searches, the type expected (not checked against mappings yet; * could be checked if the 'reference' property mapping were annotated with the type of resource referred to) * @throws MapperException */ private void checkMappings(String resourceName,String path,String refType) throws MapperException { MDLBase mdl = servlet.getReader(servlet.serverName(), servlet.resourceName()); EClass current = getResourceClass(resourceName); StringTokenizer steps = new StringTokenizer(path,"."); while (steps.hasMoreTokens()) { String featName = steps.nextToken(); EStructuralFeature feat = current.getEStructuralFeature(featName); if (feat == null) throw new MapperException("No feature '" + featName + "' in search path " + path + " from resource class " + resourceName); String currentClassName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(current); // all steps except the last step are EReferences - check the association mapping exists if (steps.hasMoreTokens()) { EClass next = (EClass)((EReference)feat).getEType(); String nextClassName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(next); if (!mdl.representsAssociationRoleLocally(currentClassName, featName, nextClassName)) throw new MapperException("Database has no mapping for link '" + featName + "' in path " + path + " from resource class " + resourceName); current = next; } // the last step is an EAttribute else { if (!mdl.representsPropertyLocally(currentClassName, featName)) throw new MapperException("Database has no mapping for property '" + featName + "' via path " + path + " from resource class " + resourceName); } } } /** * * @param resourceName * @return * @throws MapperException */ private EClass getResourceClass(String resourceName) throws MapperException { EClass resourceClass = ModelUtil.getNamedClass(classModel, "resources." + resourceName); if (resourceClass == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find resource class for " + resourceName); return resourceClass; } /** * */ private void writeParams() { for (Iterator<String> it = params.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String param =; String[] values = params.get(param); String pVal = param; for (int i = 0; i < values.length;i++) pVal = pVal + "\t" + values[i]; message("Parameter and values: " + pVal); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // odds & sods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void message(String s) {servlet.message(s);} }