package com.openMap1.mapper.converters; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.MapperWrapper; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.StructureDefinition; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.FileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.ElementDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.MappedStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.MapperPackage; import com.openMap1.mapper.MinMult; /** * Wrapper class to convert HIPAA X12 messages into an XML form * convenient for mapping. * * @author robert * */ public class HIPAAConverter extends AbstractMapperWrapper implements MapperWrapper{ private StructureDefinition X12Structure; private ElementDef X12Root; private Element X12XMLRoot; private String rootName; protected boolean tracing() {return true;} private boolean writeLineContent = true; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructor //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public HIPAAConverter(MappedStructure mappedStructure, Object rootNameObj) throws MapperException { super(mappedStructure, rootNameObj); if (!(rootNameObj instanceof String)) throw new MapperException("Second argument of X12Converter constructor is not a String"); X12Structure = mappedStructure.getStructureDefinition(); rootName = (String)rootNameObj; X12Root = X12Structure.nameStructure(rootName); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Small methods in the MapperWrapper interface //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @return the type of document transformed to and from; * see static constants in class AbstractMapperWrapper. */ public int transformType() {return AbstractMapperWrapper.TEXT_TYPE;} /** * * @return the file extension of the outer document */ public String fileExtension() {return "*.txt";} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // making an X12 xml instance //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param X12BarFileObj input stream of the 'vertical bar' form message * @param rootName name of the root element; equals the message name * @return X12.XML Document * @throws MapperException if, for instance, the actual message structure * does not match the expected structure */ public Document transformIn(Object X12FileObj) throws MapperException { if (!(X12FileObj instanceof InputStream)) throw new MapperException("Input for making X12.xml instance is not an InputStream"); InputStream X12File = (InputStream)X12FileObj; inResultDoc = XMLUtil.makeOutDoc(); X12XMLRoot = XMLUtil.newElement(inResultDoc, rootName); inResultDoc.appendChild(X12XMLRoot); Vector<String> lines = removeEmptyLines(FileUtil.getLines(X12File)); ElementDef currentParent = X12Root; Element currentXMLParent = X12XMLRoot; for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { String line = lines.get(i); trace("\n" + line); Vector<ElementDef> possibles = possibleNodes(line); if (possibles.size() ==0) trace("Cannot match line " + line); else { // choose the best ElementDef to hold the line, depending on the current parent ElementDef chosen = chooseElement(currentParent, possibles); Element newXMLParent = writeElement(currentParent, chosen, currentXMLParent,line); currentParent = (ElementDef)chosen.eContainer(); currentXMLParent = newXMLParent; } } return inResultDoc; } /** * * @param currentParent ElementDef for the node the previous Element was written under * @param chosen ElementDef chosen to hold the new ElementDef * @param currentXMLParent XML Element the previous Element was written under * @return the new XML parent * @throws MapperException */ private Element writeElement(ElementDef currentParent,ElementDef chosen, Element currentXMLParent, String line) throws MapperException { Element newParent = null; Element newEl = XMLUtil.newElement(inResultDoc, chosen.getName()); if (writeLineContent) fillLine(chosen,newEl,line,true); /* if the chosen ElementDef is under the current parent, carry on growing that tree otherwise, go back up the tree to find the lowest ancestor */ while (!isAncestor(currentParent,chosen)) { currentParent = (ElementDef)currentParent.eContainer(); currentXMLParent = (Element)currentXMLParent.getParentNode(); } newParent = attachDescendant(currentParent,chosen,currentXMLParent,newEl); return newParent; } /** * Fill in the child elements that represent the content of a line in the X12 * @param chosen ElementDef corresponding to a line in the X12 * @param lineEl the Element to hold it * @param line the line text * @param writeProblems if true, write messages for any problems detected * @return false if any problem is detected */ private boolean fillLine(ElementDef chosen,Element lineEl,String line, boolean writeProblems) throws MapperException { boolean OK = true; int childNodes = chosen.getChildElements().size(); String[] fields = new String[childNodes]; // fill in the array of fields from the line int fieldNo = 0; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line,"*~",true); st.nextToken(); // strip off the first 'field' which is just the line name String lastToken = st.nextToken(); // strip off the first '*' while ((st.hasMoreTokens()) && OK) { String token = st.nextToken(); if (token.equals("*")) { fieldNo++; // overflow of the elements allowed for the line if (fieldNo > childNodes - 1) { OK = false; if (writeProblems) trace("Line '" + line + "' has more than " + childNodes + fields); } // two consecutive '*' mean an empty field else if(lastToken.equals("*")) fields[fieldNo] = ""; } else if (!(token.equals("~"))) fields[fieldNo] = token; lastToken = token; } // write Elements for the fields for (int f = 0; f < childNodes; f++) if (OK) { String field = fields[f]; ElementDef child = chosen.getChildElements().get(f); // if the field has content, write it in an Element if ((field != null) && (!field.equals(""))) { Element fieldEl = XMLUtil.textElement(inResultDoc, child.getName(),field); lineEl.appendChild(fieldEl); } // if the field has no content but it should have... else if (child.getMinMultiplicity() == MinMult.ONE) { OK = false; if (writeProblems) trace("Missing field " + (f+1) + " in line " + line); } } return OK; } /** * * @param ancestor the chosen ElementDef, to hold the new Element , is somewhere below this node * @param chosen will hold the new element * @param currentXMLParent XML element corresponding to ancestor * @param lineEl new XML element to be attached as a descendant * @return the parent XML element above the new element * @throws MapperException */ private Element attachDescendant(ElementDef ancestor,ElementDef chosen, Element currentXMLParent,Element lineEl) throws MapperException { // common case; line Element to be attached is a child (direct) if (getDistance(ancestor, chosen) == 1) { currentXMLParent.appendChild(lineEl); return currentXMLParent; } /* line Element is a more remote descendant; fill in the chain in between * and return its immediate parent */ else if (getDistance(ancestor, chosen) > 1) { ElementDef chosenParent = (ElementDef)chosen.eContainer(); Element parentEl = XMLUtil.newElement(inResultDoc, chosenParent.getName()); parentEl.appendChild(lineEl); /* ignore the return from the recursive call (reduced distance), * to return the direct parent of the element for the line */ attachDescendant(ancestor, chosenParent,currentXMLParent,parentEl); return parentEl; } else throw new MapperException("Unexpected case at " + ancestor.getName()); } /** * * @param currentParent the parent node that the last line was attached to * @param possibles ElementDefs which one might attach this line to * @return the best choice * @throws MapperException */ private ElementDef chooseElement(ElementDef currentParent, Vector<ElementDef> possibles) throws MapperException { ElementDef chosen = possibles.get(0); // if there is any choice.... if (possibles.size() > 0) { // heuristic; shortest distance from current parent int minDistance = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < possibles.size(); i++) { int distance = getDistance(currentParent, possibles.get(i)); if (distance < minDistance) { chosen = possibles.get(i); minDistance = distance; } } } return chosen; } /** * @param el1 * @param el2 * @return the number of steps in the traverse from el1 to el2 */ private int getDistance(ElementDef el1, ElementDef el2) throws MapperException { if (isAncestor(el1,el2)) return steps(el1,el2); else { EObject parent = el1.eContainer(); if (parent instanceof ElementDef) return (1 + getDistance((ElementDef)parent,el2)); //this should never happen else throw new MapperException("No traverse between nodes"); } } /** * * @param anc * @param desc * @return true if anc is an ancestor node of desc */ private boolean isAncestor(ElementDef anc, ElementDef desc) { if (anc.equals(desc)) return true; EObject parent = desc.eContainer(); if (parent instanceof ElementDef) return isAncestor(anc, (ElementDef)parent); return false; } /** * desc is known to be a descendant of anc * @param anc * @param desc * @return the number of steps between them */ private int steps(ElementDef anc, ElementDef desc) { if (anc.equals(desc)) return 0; else return (1 + steps(anc,(ElementDef)desc.eContainer())); } /** * Preferred tag names for X12 lines, depending on the qualfier that follows the line name */ private String[][] qualifierNodes = { {"N1","PR","N1_PayerIdentification"}, {"N1","PE","N1_PayeeIdentification"}, }; /** * @param start start of an X12 line * @param qualifier qualifier field which comes immediately after the start * @return preferred tag name for that start and qualifier, if there is one; or null */ private String getPreferredTagName(String start,String qualifier) { String preferred = null; for (int i = 0; i < qualifierNodes.length;i++) { String[] triple = qualifierNodes[i]; if ((triple[0].equals(start)) && (triple[1].equals(qualifier))) preferred = triple[2]; } return preferred; } /** * @param line a line in the X12 file * @return any nodes in the structure that could hold this line */ private Vector<ElementDef> possibleNodes(String line) { Vector<ElementDef> possibles = new Vector<ElementDef>(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line,"*"); String start = st.nextToken(); String qualifier = st.nextToken(); String preferredTag = getPreferredTagName(start,qualifier); for (Iterator<EObject> ie = ModelUtil.getEObjectsUnder(X12Root,MapperPackage.Literals.ELEMENT_DEF).iterator();ie.hasNext();) { ElementDef elDef = (ElementDef); StringTokenizer ut = new StringTokenizer(elDef.getName(),"_"); String tagStart = ut.nextToken(); if ((tagStart.equals(start)) && (isLineElement(elDef))) { /* If there is a preferred tag name for this X12 line with its * qualifier, only allow that one; otherwise keep all candidates */ if ((preferredTag == null)|| ((preferredTag != null) && (elDef.getName().equals(preferredTag)))) possibles.add(elDef); } } return possibles; } /** * @param el an ElementDef in the structure * @return true if this ElementDef corresponds to a line in the X12 message - * i.e. if it has children but its name does not end in 'Loop' */ private boolean isLineElement(ElementDef el) { return ((el.getChildElements().size() > 0) && (!(el.getName().endsWith("Loop")))); } /** * * @param lines lines read from an X12 file * @return the same with empty lines removed */ private Vector<String> removeEmptyLines(Vector<String> lines) { Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) if (lines.get(i).length() > 0) result.add(lines.get(i)); return result; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // making an X12 text instance //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param X12Root Root element of a X12.xml message or segment * @return String array of segment text */ public String[] transformOut(Element X12Root) throws MapperException { ArrayList<String> barForm = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] result = (String[])barForm.toArray(new String[barForm.size()]); return result; } }