package com.openMap1.mapper.views; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Iterator; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerSorter; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn; import com.openMap1.mapper.query.CellContent; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.GenUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.SortableRow; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** * helper class used by any tabular view whose rows may need to be sorted. * @author robert * */ public class RowSorter extends ViewerSorter{ // comparators, visible to viewers public static Comparator<String> comparatorForType(int sortType) { Comparator<String> comp = null; if (sortType == SortableRow.STRING) comp = stringComparator; if (sortType == SortableRow.NUMBER) comp = numberComparator; return comp; } /** * alphabetic comparator for two Strings */ public static Comparator<String> stringComparator = new Comparator<String>(){ public int compare(String s1, String s2) {return (s1.compareTo(s2));} }; /** * Comparator for two strings that are to be compared as numbers. * Any String that cannot be interpreted as a number is taken as zero * for this comparison. */ public static Comparator<String> numberComparator = new Comparator<String>(){ public int compare(String s1, String s2) { int result = 0; double n1 = 0; double n2 = 0; try {n1 = new Double(s1).doubleValue();} catch (Exception ex) {} try {n2 = new Double(s2).doubleValue();} catch (Exception ex) {} if ((n1 - n2) > 0.0) result = 1; if ((n1 - n2) < 0.0) result = -1; return result; } }; protected TableViewer viewer; // sort and comparison information for all columns in the query result protected Vector<SortInfo> infos; // those columns that have been selected for comparison in the sort protected Vector<SortInfo> selectedSorters; public Vector<SortInfo> selectedSorters() {return selectedSorters;} protected int previousColumnSelected = -1; /* keep track of the SelectionAdapter given to each TableColumn, * so you can remove it before giving the column another one */ protected Hashtable<Integer,SelectionAdapter> selectionAdapters; protected SortableView sortView; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructor, and initialisation after any query //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public RowSorter(TableViewer viewer, SortableView sortView) { this.viewer = viewer; this.sortView = sortView; /* Need to keep track of selection adapters on columns throughout * all queries in the lifetime of the Query Result view - * do not re-initialise this for each new query result. */ selectionAdapters = new Hashtable<Integer,SelectionAdapter>(); } /** * Create selection listeners for all sortable columns, so that mouse clicks on those columns * wil define a sort order * @param columns * @param comparators */ public void initialiseForResult(Vector<TableColumn> columns, Vector<Comparator<String>> comparators) { previousColumnSelected = -1; infos = new Vector<SortInfo>(); selectedSorters = new Vector<SortInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { SortInfo si = new SortInfo(i,comparators.elementAt(i)); infos.add(si); createSelectionListener(columns.elementAt(i),si); } } /* keep track of the SelectionAdapter given to each TableColumn, * so you can remove it before giving the column another one */ protected void createSelectionListener(final TableColumn column, final SortInfo info) { SelectionAdapter sa = new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {sortUsing(info);} }; SelectionAdapter oldSa = selectionAdapters.get(new Integer(info.columnIndex())); if (oldSa != null) column.removeSelectionListener(oldSa); column.addSelectionListener(sa); selectionAdapters.put(new Integer(info.columnIndex()),sa); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // comparing rows //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Work through the columns defined in selectedSorters, comparing on * each column until you get a decision */ public int compare(Viewer viewer, Object r1, Object r2) { int result = 0; Vector<?> row1 = new Vector<Object>(); Vector<?> row2 = new Vector<Object>(); if ((r1 instanceof Vector<?>) && (r2 instanceof Vector<?>)) { row1 = (Vector<?>)r1; row2 = (Vector<?>)r2; } else if ((r1 instanceof SortableRow) && (r2 instanceof SortableRow)) { row1 = ((SortableRow)r1).rowVector(); row2 = ((SortableRow)r2).rowVector(); } else {System.out.println("Rows of sorted table do not implement SortableRow");} if ((row1.size() == row2.size()) && (selectedSorters != null)) { // break off looking at further columns as soon as any column gives a decision for (int i = 0; i < selectedSorters.size(); i++) if (result == 0) { SortInfo si = selectedSorters.get(i); int col = si.columnIndex(); if ((col > -1) && (col < row1.size())) { Object obj1 = row1.get(col); Object obj2 = row2.get(col); result = compareCell(obj1,obj2,si); } } } return result; } // compare the String contents of two cells, according to the comparator used for the column private int compareCell(Object obj1, Object obj2, SortInfo si) { int compare = 0; if ((obj1 instanceof CellContent) && (obj2 instanceof CellContent)) { CellContent cell1 = (CellContent)obj1; CellContent cell2 = (CellContent)obj2; compare = si.comparator().compare(cell1.getText(), cell2.getText()); } else if ((obj1 instanceof String) && (obj2 instanceof String)) { compare = si.comparator().compare((String)obj1, (String)obj2); } if (si.descending()) compare = -compare; return compare; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // telling the sorter how to compare rows //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // maintain the Vector selectedSorters to do the sort implied by the sequence of column selections protected void sortUsing(SortInfo info) { /* if this column was the previous column selected, * the new selection only reverses the ascending/descending choice of the main sort */ if (previousColumnSelected == info.columnIndex()) selectedSorters.get(0).reverse(); /* otherwise make the selected column head of the selected sorters, and * remove it from any lower position to ensure it is not duplicated. */ else { selectedSorters.insertElementAt(info, 0); for (int s = 1; s < selectedSorters.size();s++) { SortInfo sr = selectedSorters.elementAt(s); if (sr.columnIndex() == info.columnIndex()) selectedSorters.remove(s); } } // remember that this column has just been selected, so its sort can be reversed on the next selection previousColumnSelected = info.columnIndex(); // do the sort viewer.refresh(); sortView.showResultAgain(); } /** * for testing purposes, restore the selection of sort columns from * a saved query result view * @param sortEl the <Sort> element of a saved query result view */ public void restoreSortColumns(Element sortEl) { selectedSorters = new Vector<SortInfo>(); for (Iterator<Element> sc = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(sortEl,"Column").iterator();sc.hasNext();) try { Element column =; int index = new Integer(column.getAttribute("index")).intValue(); SortInfo colSort = infos.get(index); if (column.getAttribute("descending").equals("true")) colSort.reverse(); selectedSorters.add(colSort); } catch (Exception ex) {GenUtil.surprise(ex,"RowSorter.restoreSortColumns");} } }