package com.openMap1.mapper.actions; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcoreFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage; import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.presentation.MapperEditor; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.FileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.GenUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.ClassModelView; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.WorkBenchUtil; public class MergeModelsAction extends Action implements IAction{ private MapperEditor mapperEditor; private ClassModelView classModelView; /** the package which is the root of the model in the class model view */ private EPackage ecoreRoot; boolean tracing = true; private void trace(String s) {if (tracing) System.out.println(s);} // key = package_class_feature private Hashtable<String,String[]> mergeRecord; private int numberOfModels; public MergeModelsAction() { super("Combine Ecore Models"); } public void run() { classModelView = WorkBenchUtil.getClassModelView(false); Vector<EPackage> classModels = new Vector<EPackage>(); Vector<String> messageNames = new Vector<String>(); if (classModelView != null) try { ecoreRoot = classModelView.ecoreRoot(); StringTokenizer xt = new StringTokenizer( ecoreRoot.eResource().getURI().toPlatformString(true),"/"); String projectName = xt.nextToken(); String[] exts = {"*.csv"}; String resultLocation = ""; // user selects a csv file of Ecore models to merge with the model in the class model view String mappingSetURIString = classModelView.mappingSetURI().toString(); mapperEditor = WorkBenchUtil.getMapperEditor(mappingSetURIString); if (mapperEditor != null) { String path = FileUtil.getFilePathFromUser(mapperEditor,exts, "Select csv file of Ecore models to merge, from project " + projectName,false); if (!path.equals("")) { InputStream inputFile = new FileInputStream(path); Vector<String> lines = FileUtil.getLines(inputFile); if (lines.size() > 3) for (int ln = 0; ln < lines.size(); ln++) { int cols = 2; String[] cells = FileUtil.parseCSVLine(cols,lines.get(ln)); // check header if (ln == 0) { String[] header = {"Role","Model File"}; for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) if (!header[col].equals(cells[col])) throw new MapperException ("Column header " + cells[col] + " is not " + header[col]); } // location for result model else if (ln == 1) { if (!cells[0].equals("result")) throw new MapperException("first non-header row must start with 'result' and define the result file"); if (!cells[1].endsWith(".ecore")) throw new MapperException("Result model must be stored in a .ecore file, not in " + cells[1]); resultLocation = FileUtil.platformPreface() + projectName + "/" + "ClassModel/" + cells[1]; } // locations and message names of models to be merged else if (ln < lines.size()) { if (!cells[1].endsWith(".ecore")) throw new MapperException("All models to merge must be stored in a .ecore file, not in " + cells[1]); String modelLocation = FileUtil.platformPreface() + projectName + "/" + "ClassModel/" + cells[1]; EPackage model = FileUtil.getClassModel(FileUtil.absoluteLocation(modelLocation)); classModels.add(model); messageNames.add(ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(model, "messageName")); } } else if (lines.size() < 3) { throw new MapperException ("csv file needs to have at least 4 rows - header, result, 2 inputs."); } } } numberOfModels = classModels.size(); if (numberOfModels > 1) { // check that all models have the same top package name (e.g. 'cda') String topPackageName = commonTopPackage(classModels); // start the new model that will be made by a merge EPackage newModel = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage(); newModel.setName(topPackageName); newModel.setNsPrefix(ecoreRoot.getNsPrefix()); newModel.setNsURI(ecoreRoot.getNsURI()); /* note the CDAWrapperModel annotation on the top package cannot be used;so the merged class model * cannot be attached to a mapping set, but must only be used to generate Java API classes. * Similarly the messageName annotation on the top cda package is arbitrary and will be ignored */ ModelUtil.copyMifAnnotations(ecoreRoot, newModel); // start the csv file which will record all model merging operations. int cols = classModels.size() + 5; String[] header = new String[cols]; header[0] = "Package"; header[1] = "Class"; header[2] = "Feature"; header[3] = "Sources"; header[4] = "Multiplicity"; for (int c = 5; c < cols; c++) header[c] = messageNames.get(c-5); // keys = package,class,feature mergeRecord = new Hashtable<String,String[]>() ; // merge all the models - packages, classes and attributes for (int m = 0; m < classModels.size(); m++) mergeModels(newModel, classModels.get(m), m); // merge all the model associations (they can be done now, as all target classes are now in the merged model) for (int m = 0; m < classModels.size(); m++) mergeAssociations(newModel, classModels.get(m), m); // make any feature optional if it comes from fewer models than its class comes from makeFeaturesOptional(newModel); // save the merged model String savePath = FileUtil.absoluteLocation(resultLocation); String fullPath = "file:/" + savePath; ModelUtil.savePackage(fullPath, newModel); // save the record of the merging process saveMergeRecords(savePath, header); WorkBenchUtil.showMessage("Completed","Refresh folder to see merged model in Eclipse"); } } catch (Exception ex) { WorkBenchUtil.showMessage("Error",ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * merge two ecore models, leaving the result in the new model * @param newTopPackage the new model (top package) * @param sourceTopPackage the source model being merged * @throws MapperException */ private void mergeModels(EPackage newTopPackage,EPackage sourceTopPackage, int modelNumber) throws MapperException { // loop over packages in the model being merged in for (Iterator<EPackage> it = sourceTopPackage.getESubpackages().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EPackage sourcePack =; String packName = sourcePack.getName(); EPackage newPack = getSubPackage(newTopPackage,packName); // if no such package exists in the new model, make one if (newPack == null) { newPack = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage(); newPack.setName(packName); newPack.setNsPrefix(sourcePack.getNsPrefix()); newPack.setNsURI(sourcePack.getNsURI()); copyAnnotations(sourcePack, newPack); newTopPackage.getESubpackages().add(newPack); trace("Making package " + packName); } // record that this package came from this model noteMerge(packName,"_","_","","Y",modelNumber); // merge classes and their attributes from this package mergeClasses(newPack, sourcePack, modelNumber); } } private boolean containsEntryClass(EPackage thePackage) { boolean contains = false; for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = thePackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) if (ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(, "entry") != null) contains = true; return contains; } /** * * @param newPack * @param sourcePack * @param modelNumber * @throws MapperException */ private void mergeClasses(EPackage newPack, EPackage sourcePack, int modelNumber) throws MapperException { for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = sourcePack.getEClassifiers().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { EClass sourceClass = (EClass)next; String className = sourceClass.getName(); EClass newClass = (EClass)newPack.getEClassifier(className); // if the class is not in the merged model, make it with all the annotations of the original if (newClass == null) { newClass = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass(); newClass.setName(className); copyAnnotations(sourceClass,newClass); newPack.getEClassifiers().add(newClass); trace("Making class " + className + " in package " + newPack.getName()); } // otherwise, append to the documentation of the class in the new model else appendDocumentation(newClass,sourceClass); // record that this class came from this model noteMerge(newPack.getName(),className,"_","","Y",modelNumber); // merge attributes of the class mergeAttributes(newClass,sourceClass,modelNumber); } } } /** * copy or check all attributes from a source class to a target class * @param sourceClass * @param targetClass * @throws MapperException */ private void mergeAttributes(EClass newClass,EClass sourceClass, int modelNumber) throws MapperException { String className = sourceClass.getName(); // find all attributes of the source class for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = sourceClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature next =; if (next instanceof EAttribute) { EAttribute sourceAtt = (EAttribute)next; String attName = sourceAtt.getName(); EStructuralFeature newAtt = newClass.getEStructuralFeature(attName); /* if the target class has a feature of the same name, check it is an attribute with type; * and broaden the multiplicity if necessary */ if (newAtt != null) { if (newAtt instanceof EReference) throw new MapperException("EReference of master class '" + className + "' has the same name as attribute '" + attName + "'"); if (!newAtt.getEType().getName().equals(sourceAtt.getEType().getName())) throw new MapperException("Attribute '" + attName + "' of master class '" + className + "' has wrong type "); if (sourceAtt.getLowerBound() == 0) newAtt.setLowerBound(0); // broaden the allowed multiplicity // add to the documentation of the new model attribute appendDocumentation(newAtt,sourceAtt); } // if the target class does not have the attribute, add it. else if (newAtt == null) { newAtt = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAttribute(); newAtt.setName(attName); newAtt.setLowerBound(sourceAtt.getLowerBound()); newAtt.setEType(sourceAtt.getEType()); copyAnnotations(sourceAtt, newAtt); newClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(newAtt); } // record that this attribute came from this model noteMerge(newClass.getEPackage().getName(),newClass.getName(),attName,multString(newAtt),multString(sourceAtt),modelNumber); } } } /** * * @param newTopPackage * @param sourceTopPackage * @param modelNumber * @throws MapperException */ private void mergeAssociations(EPackage newTopPackage,EPackage sourceTopPackage, int modelNumber) throws MapperException { // loop over all packages of the source model for (Iterator<EPackage> it = sourceTopPackage.getESubpackages().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EPackage sourcePackage =; EPackage newPackage = getSubPackage(newTopPackage,sourcePackage.getName()); // loop over all classes in this package for (Iterator<EClassifier> iu = sourcePackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { EClass sourceClass = (EClass)next; EClass newClass = (EClass)newPackage.getEClassifier(sourceClass.getName()); // loop over all associations of this class for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> iv = sourceClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator();iv.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feat =; if (feat instanceof EReference) { EReference sourceRef = (EReference)feat; EClass sourceTarget = (EClass)sourceRef.getEType(); String targetClassName = sourceTarget.getName(); String targetPackageName = sourceTarget.getEPackage().getName(); trace("Association to " + targetClassName + " in package " + targetPackageName); EStructuralFeature newFeat = newClass.getEStructuralFeature(sourceRef.getName()); EReference newRef = null; // make a new association if necessary if (newFeat == null) { newRef = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference(); newRef.setName(sourceRef.getName()); newRef.setLowerBound(sourceRef.getLowerBound()); newRef.setUpperBound(sourceRef.getUpperBound()); newRef.setContainment(sourceRef.isContainment()); copyAnnotations(sourceRef,newRef); EPackage newPack = getSubPackage(newTopPackage,targetPackageName); EClass newTarget = (EClass)newPack.getEClassifier(targetClassName); newRef.setEType(newTarget); newClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(newRef); } else if (newFeat instanceof EReference) { newRef = (EReference)newFeat; // checks to make when there is an existing association EClass newTarget = (EClass)newRef.getEType(); if (!newTarget.getName().equals(sourceTarget.getName())) throw new MapperException("Association " + newRef.getName() + " of class " + newClass.getName() + " has target class names " + newTarget.getName() + " and " + sourceTarget.getName()); if (!newTarget.getEPackage().getName().equals(sourceTarget.getEPackage().getName())) throw new MapperException("Association " + newRef.getName() + " of class " + newClass.getName() + " has target package names " + newTarget.getEPackage().getName() + " and " + sourceTarget.getEPackage().getName()); // broaden multiplicities if (sourceRef.getLowerBound() == 0) newRef.setLowerBound(0); if (sourceRef.getUpperBound() == -1) newRef.setUpperBound(-1); // append to the documentation of the merged model association appendDocumentation(newRef,sourceRef); } else if (!(newFeat instanceof EReference)) { WorkBenchUtil.showMessage("Association Error", "Feature " + sourceRef.getName() + " of class " + targetClassName + " is also an attribute."); } // record that this attribute came from this model if (newRef != null) noteMerge(newClass.getEPackage().getName(),newClass.getName(),newRef.getName(),multString(newRef),multString(sourceRef),modelNumber); } } } } } } /** * make any feature optional if it comes from fewer models than its class * @param newModel */ private void makeFeaturesOptional(EPackage newModel) throws MapperException { for (Iterator<EPackage> it = newModel.getESubpackages().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EPackage thePack =; for (Iterator<EClassifier> iu = thePack.getEClassifiers().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EClass theClass = (EClass); String classKey = thePack.getName() + ";" + theClass.getName(); String[] classRec = mergeRecord.get(classKey + ";_"); // should not be null if (classRec == null) throw new MapperException("No merge record for class " + classKey); int classCount = new Integer(classRec[3]).intValue(); for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> iv = theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); iv.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feat =; String featureKey = classKey + ";" + feat.getName(); String[] featRec = mergeRecord.get(featureKey); // should not be null if (featRec == null) throw new MapperException("No merge record for feature " + featureKey); int featCount = new Integer(featRec[3]).intValue(); if (featCount < classCount) { feat.setLowerBound(0); noteMerge(thePack.getName(), theClass.getName(), feat.getName(), multString(feat), "", -1); } } } } } /** * * @param topPackage * @param packageName * @return */ private EPackage getSubPackage(EPackage topPackage, String packageName) { EPackage newPackage = null; for (Iterator<EPackage> ix = topPackage.getESubpackages().iterator();ix.hasNext();) { EPackage pack =; if (pack.getName().equals(packageName)) newPackage = pack; } return newPackage; } /** * * @param from * @param to */ private void copyAnnotations(EModelElement from, EModelElement to) { ModelUtil.copySomeAnnotations(from, to, ModelUtil.genModelURI()); ModelUtil.copySomeAnnotations(from, to, ModelUtil.mifNamespaceURI()); } /** * keep appending to the documentation of the first model element * @param firstEl * @param secondEl */ private void appendDocumentation(EModelElement firstEl,EModelElement secondEl) { EAnnotation firstAnn = firstEl.getEAnnotation(ModelUtil.genModelURI()); String firstDoc = null; if (firstAnn != null) firstDoc = firstAnn.getDetails().get("documentation"); EAnnotation secondAnn = secondEl.getEAnnotation(ModelUtil.genModelURI()); String secondDoc = null; if (secondAnn != null) secondDoc = secondAnn.getDetails().get("documentation"); // append documentation strings if they are both non-null String fullDoc = null; if (firstDoc == null) fullDoc = secondDoc; if (secondDoc == null) fullDoc = firstDoc; if ((firstDoc != null) && (secondDoc != null)) fullDoc = firstDoc + secondDoc; if (fullDoc != null) firstEl.getEAnnotation(ModelUtil.genModelURI()).getDetails().put("documentation",fullDoc); } /** * * @param feat * @return */ private String multString(EStructuralFeature feat) { String mult = new Integer(feat.getLowerBound()).toString(); if (feat instanceof EReference) mult = mult + ".." + new Integer(((EReference)feat).getUpperBound()).toString(); else mult = "min" + mult; // to make all values align right in Excel return mult; } /** * create a new row for the csv record of merge operations if necessary, and update the row * @param packageName the package in the merged model being created or updated * @param className the class in the merged model being created or updated * @param featureName the feature (attribute or association) in the merged model being created or updated * @param mergedMult the new merged multiplicity or existence flag (eg '0' or '1' for an attribute; '0..*' for an association; 'Y' for a class or package) * @param modelMult the multiplicity or existence flag from this model * @param model integer index of the model being merged in */ private void noteMerge(String packageName, String className, String featureName, String mergedMult, String modelMult, int model) { String key = packageName + ";" + className + ";" + featureName; String[] row = mergeRecord.get(key); // make a new row if necessary; every cell must be populated and so non-null if (row == null) { row = new String[numberOfModels + 5]; row[0] = packageName; row[1] = className; row[2] = featureName; row[3] = "0"; // row[4] will be written below for (int m = 0; m < numberOfModels; m++) row[5 + m] = ""; // empty all model columns } // updates to make, whether or not the row existed before row[4] = mergedMult; // changed by makeFeaturesOptional, as well as other calls if (model > -1) // only makeFeaturesOptional uses model = -1, because it is not adding a model { row[3] = new Integer(new Integer(row[3]).intValue() + 1).toString(); row[5 + model] = modelMult; } mergeRecord.put(key, row); } /** * check that all class models have the same top package name, and return it. * @param classModels * @return * @throws MapperException */ private String commonTopPackage(Vector<EPackage> classModels) throws MapperException { String packageName = classModels.get(0).getName(); for (int i = 1; i < classModels.size(); i++) { String name = classModels.get(i).getName(); if (!name.equals(packageName)) throw new MapperException("Class models have differing top package names: " + packageName + " and " + name); } return packageName; } private String extractFileRoot(String path) { String fileName = ""; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path,"/\\"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) fileName = st.nextToken(); StringTokenizer su = new StringTokenizer(fileName,"."); String root = su.nextToken(); return root; } /** * save the csv file recording the merge operations (unordered; need to sort in Excel) * @param savePath * @param header * @throws MapperException */ private void saveMergeRecords(String savePath, String[] header) throws MapperException { Vector<String[]> rows = new Vector<String[]>(); rows.add(header); for (Enumeration<String[]> en = mergeRecord.elements();en.hasMoreElements();) rows.add(en.nextElement()); String csvPath = savePath.substring(0, savePath.length() - ".ecore".length()) + ".csv"; FileUtil.writeCSVFile(csvPath, rows); } }