package com.openMap1.mapper.fhir; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceFactoryImpl; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.formats.Composer; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.formats.XmlComposer; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.formats.XmlParser; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.AtomFeed; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import com.openMap1.mapper.MappedStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.ClassSet; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.RunIssue; import com.openMap1.mapper.reader.AbstractReaderWriter; import com.openMap1.mapper.reader.EMFInstanceFactory; import com.openMap1.mapper.reader.EMFInstanceFactoryImpl; import com.openMap1.mapper.reader.EObjectRep; import com.openMap1.mapper.reader.GenericEMFInstanceFactoryImpl; import com.openMap1.mapper.reader.XOReader; import com.openMap1.mapper.reader.objectRep; import com.openMap1.mapper.reader.objectToken; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.EclipseFileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.messageChannel; import com.openMap1.mapper.writer.XMLWriter; import com.openMap1.mapper.writer.objectGetter; public class FHIRMapper extends AbstractReaderWriter implements XOReader, objectGetter, XMLWriter{ private EObject fhirInstance; // key = qualified class name; value = vector of all objectTokens for the class private Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>> allObjectTokens; /* key 1 = node in the FHIR instance * key 2 = class of an object with an EReference to it * key 3 = name of the EReference * element = Vector of objectTokens for EObjects in the class with the EReferecne to the first EObject */ private Hashtable<EObject,Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>>>> inverseRelations; private objectToken outerObjectToken; private boolean doCheck = true; private boolean tracing = true; private static String TEMPORARY_READ_FILE = "/eclipseTempReadFile.xml"; private static String TEMPORARY_WRITE_FILE = "/eclipseTempWriteFile.xml"; private EcoreReferenceBridge bridge; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor for XOReader //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * constructor for XOReader and objectGetter uses */ public FHIRMapper(Element XMLFileRoot, MappedStructure ms, EPackage classModel, messageChannel mChan) throws MapperException { super(XMLFileRoot, ms, classModel, mChan); trace("Done superclass constructor"); setRoot(XMLFileRoot); } /** * this method: * (a) converts the root element to an inputStream, by an ugly method * (b) reads the stream into an AtomFeed instance of the Java FHIR reference implementation * (c) converts the reference implementation instance into an EMF model instance */ public void setRoot(Node el) throws MapperException { if (!(el.getLocalName().equals("feed"))) throw new MapperException("Root node is not a 'feed' element"); // write out the DOM in order to read it in as a stream for the AtomParser trace("writing out DOM"); String tempFileLocation = EclipseFileUtil.workspaceRoot() + TEMPORARY_WRITE_FILE; XMLUtil.writeOutput(el.getOwnerDocument(),tempFileLocation,false); trace("written DOM to stream"); try{ FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(tempFileLocation); // parse the input to get an AtomFeed object of the reference implementation trace("Parsing input stream"); XmlParser parser = new XmlParser(); // allow unknown new tag names; but does not work for contained resources (new parser instance) parser.setAllowUnknownContent(true); AtomFeed feed = parser.parseGeneral(fileStream).getFeed(); // delete the temporary file File file = new File(tempFileLocation); file.delete(); // convert the reference model instance to an ECore model instance trace("converting to Ecore model instance"); bridge = new EcoreReferenceBridge(classModel()); fhirInstance = bridge.getEcoreModelInstance(feed); trace("Ecore model instance created"); // testWriteInstance(fhirInstance,classModel); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new MapperException("Failed either to make AtomFeed Instance, or to convert it to an ECore instance: " + ex.getMessage()); } // refresh the object tokens makeAllObjectTokens(); } public void setInputRoot(Node el) throws MapperException {setRoot(el);} /** * make the tables of all ObjectTokens needed for this to function * as an XOReader of objectGetter */ private void makeAllObjectTokens() { allObjectTokens = new Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>>() ; inverseRelations = new Hashtable<EObject,Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>>>>() ; outerObjectToken = makeObjectToken(fhirInstance); writeAllObjectTokens(); } /** * recursive descent of containment relations in the EMF instance, * to make all objectTokens * @param obj */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private objectToken makeObjectToken(EObject obj) { EClass theClass = obj.eClass(); // qualified class names String className = theClass.getEPackage().getName() + "." + theClass.getName(); trace("Making object token for " + className); Vector<objectToken> tokens = allObjectTokens.get(className); if (tokens == null) tokens = new Vector<objectToken>(); objectToken result = new EObjectRep(obj,this); tokens.add(result); allObjectTokens.put(className,tokens); for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feat =; if (feat instanceof EReference) { EReference ref = (EReference)feat; String refName = ref.getName(); Object value = obj.eGet(ref); if (value != null) { if (ref.getUpperBound() == 1) { EObject eValue = (EObject)value; if (ref.isContainment()) makeObjectToken(eValue); addInverseRelation(eValue,className,refName,result); } else if (value instanceof List) { List<Object> lVal = (List<Object>)value; for (Iterator<Object> iu = lVal.iterator(); iu.hasNext();) { EObject eValue = (EObject); if (ref.isContainment()) makeObjectToken(eValue); addInverseRelation(eValue,className,refName,result); } } } } } return result; } /** * * @param eValue EObject whose inverse relations are being recorded * @param className qualified class name for the object at the other end * @param refName name of the relation whose inverse is being stored * @param owner objectToken for the object at the other end of the relation * * e.g. eValue is a Patient resource object; className = feed.AtomFeed; refName = 'patient'; owner = objectToken for the AtomFeed object */ private void addInverseRelation(EObject eValue, String className,String refName, objectToken owner) { Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>>> inverseRelationsForObject = inverseRelations.get(eValue); if (inverseRelationsForObject == null) inverseRelationsForObject = new Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>>>(); Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>> inversesForObjectAndClass = inverseRelationsForObject.get(className); if (inversesForObjectAndClass == null) inversesForObjectAndClass = new Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>>(); Vector<objectToken> inversesForObjectClassRef = inversesForObjectAndClass.get(refName); if (inversesForObjectClassRef == null) inversesForObjectClassRef = new Vector<objectToken>(); inversesForObjectClassRef.add(owner); inversesForObjectAndClass.put(refName, inversesForObjectClassRef); inverseRelationsForObject.put(className,inversesForObjectAndClass); inverseRelations.put(eValue, inverseRelationsForObject); } /** * * @param eValue * @param className * @param refName * @return objectTokens for objects of a named class that have a named EReferecne to this object */ private Vector<objectToken> getInverseRelatedObjects(EObject eValue, String className, String refName) { Vector<objectToken> result = new Vector<objectToken>(); Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>>> inverseRelationsForObject = inverseRelations.get(eValue); if (inverseRelationsForObject != null) { Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>> inversesForObjectAndClass = inverseRelationsForObject.get(className); if (inversesForObjectAndClass != null) { Vector<objectToken> inversesForObjectClassRef = inversesForObjectAndClass.get(refName); if (inversesForObjectClassRef != null) result = inversesForObjectClassRef; } } return result; } /** * Vector of objectTokens for all nodes representing objects * in any subclasses of a given class, in all subsets of those subclasses. * * @param className - the name of the class * @exception MapperException - class not represented in the XML * - you ignored some exception on creating XOReader */ public Vector<objectToken> getAllObjectTokens(String className) throws MapperException { Vector<objectToken> tokens = allObjectTokens.get(className); if (tokens == null) tokens = new Vector<objectToken>(); return tokens; } /** * there cannot be importing or imported FHIR mapping sets (yet) * so 'local' objects are the same as all objects */ public Vector<objectToken> getAllLocalObjectTokens(String className) throws MapperException { return getAllObjectTokens(className); } /** * String value of a property of some represented object * * @param oTok - the objectToken for the object * @param propertyName - the name of the property * **/ public String getPropertyValue(objectToken oTok, String propertyName) throws MapperException { String propVal = null; EObject theObject = ((EObjectRep)oTok).theObject(); EClass theClass = theObject.eClass(); EStructuralFeature feat = theClass.getEStructuralFeature(propertyName); if (feat == null) throw new MapperException("No feature '" + propertyName + "' of class '" + theClass.getName() + "'in FHIR class model"); if (feat instanceof EAttribute) { Object result = theObject.eGet(feat); if (result != null) { if (result instanceof String) propVal = (String)result; else if (result instanceof Boolean) propVal = result.toString(); else if (result instanceof Integer) propVal = result.toString(); else throw new MapperException("Value of property '" + propertyName + "' of class '" + theObject.eClass().getName() + "' is not handled yet in the FHIR objectGetter: " + result.getClass().getName()); } } else throw new MapperException("Feature '" + propertyName + "' is an association in the FHIR class model"); return propVal; } /** * Vector of objectTokens representing objects related to the current object by some association. * * @param oRep - the input object at one end of the association * @param otherClassQualifiedName - class or superclass of the objects to be retrieved * @param otherRole - the role played by the other-end object in the association * */ public Vector<objectToken> getAssociatedObjectTokens(objectToken oTok, String otherClassQualifiedName, String otherRole) throws MapperException { EClass otherClass = ModelUtil.getNamedClass(classModel, otherClassQualifiedName); Vector<objectToken> result = new Vector<objectToken>(); EObject theObject = ((EObjectRep)oTok).theObject(); EClass theClass = theObject.eClass(); EStructuralFeature feat = theClass.getEStructuralFeature(otherRole); if (feat == null) { throw new MapperException("No feature '" + otherRole + "' from class '" + theClass.getName() + "' to class '" + otherClassQualifiedName + "' in FHIR Ecore class model"); } if (feat instanceof EReference) { EReference ref = (EReference)feat; EClassifier otherEnd = ref.getEType(); // may be a superclass of the supplied other class String otherEndName = otherEnd.getEPackage().getName() + "." + otherEnd.getName(); // if the two classes are not the same, check the superclass relation if (!otherClassQualifiedName.equals(otherEndName)) { boolean foundSuper = false; for(Iterator<EClass> ic = otherClass.getESuperTypes().iterator(); ic.hasNext();) if ( foundSuper = true; if (!foundSuper) throw new MapperException("Other end class " + otherClassQualifiedName + " is not " + otherEnd.getName() + " in association role " + otherRole + " from class " + oTok.className()); } Object value = theObject.eGet(feat); // if you find one or more objects at the end of the association, you need to check they are in the right class if (value != null) { if (ref.getUpperBound() == 1) { EObject eVal = (EObject)value; EClass foundClass = eVal.eClass(); String foundClassName = foundClass.getEPackage().getName() + "." + foundClass.getName(); if (foundClassName.equals(otherClassQualifiedName)) result.add(new EObjectRep(eVal,this)); } else if (value instanceof List) { List<Object> lVal = (List<Object>)value; for (Iterator<Object> iu = lVal.iterator(); iu.hasNext();) { Object next =; EObject eVal = (EObject)next; EClass foundClass = eVal.eClass(); String foundClassName = foundClass.getEPackage().getName() + "." + foundClass.getName(); if (foundClassName.equals(otherClassQualifiedName)) result.add(new EObjectRep(eVal,this)); } } } } else throw new MapperException("Feature '" + otherRole + "' is an EAttribute in the FHIR class model"); return result; } /** * From ModelUtil: 'The association name is the role name if the reference has no opposite.' * Sometimes called with thisEnd = 2 when checking association conditions. In these cases, must look up * object related by inverse associations, as these are not present in the Ecore class model */ public Vector<objectToken> getAssociatedObjectTokens(objectToken oTok, String assocName, String otherClass, int thisEnd) throws MapperException { String otherRole = assocName; EObject theObject = ((EObjectRep)oTok).theObject(); if (thisEnd == 2) return getInverseRelatedObjects(theObject, otherClass, assocName); else return getAssociatedObjectTokens(oTok,otherClass,otherRole); } /** * n method required by the abstract superclass but should not be used */ public Vector<objectToken> getTheAssociatedObjectReps(objectToken oTok, String assocName, String otherClass, int thisEnd, String otherRole) throws MapperException { if (doCheck) throw new MapperException("Method getTheAssociatedObjectReps in class FHIRMapper should not be called"); return new Vector<objectToken>(); } /** * If the mapping set of this XOReader it imported by some * other mapping set, the qualified name of the parameter class. * The importing node or some ancestor of it must represent an instance of the * parameter class. * @return * @throws MapperException */ public String parameterClassName() throws MapperException { return "No parameter class"; } /** * */ public boolean representsObject(String qualifiedClassName) { EClass theClass = ModelUtil.getNamedClass(classModel, qualifiedClassName); return (theClass != null); } private String bareClassName(String qualifiedClassName) { String bareName = ""; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(qualifiedClassName,"."); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) bareName = st.nextToken(); return bareName; } /** * */ public boolean representsProperty(String className, String property) { boolean represents = false; EClass theClass = ModelUtil.getNamedClass(classModel, className); if (theClass != null) { represents = theClass.getEStructuralFeature(property) != null; } return represents; } /** * */ public boolean representsProperty(objectRep oRep, String property) { if (doCheck) message("Method representsProperty(objectRep oRep, String property) should not be called"); return false; } /** * */ public boolean representsAssociationRole(String class1, String roleName, String class2) { boolean represents = false; EClass theClass = ModelUtil.getNamedClass(classModel, class1); if (theClass != null) { represents = theClass.getEStructuralFeature(roleName) != null; } return represents; } /** * */ public boolean representsAssociationRole(objectRep oRep, String roleName, String class2) { if (doCheck) message("Method representsAssociationRole(objectRep oRep,... should not be called"); return false; } /** * */ public boolean representsAssociation(String class1, String assocName, String class2) { if (doCheck) message("Method representsAssociation(String class1, String assocName,... should not be called"); return false; } /** * */ public Hashtable<String, ClassSet> subsets(String className) { if (doCheck) message("Method subsets(String className) should not be called"); return null; } /** * */ public Vector<String> getQualifiedClassNames(String bareClassName) { Vector<String> qualNames = new Vector<String>(); for (Iterator<EPackage> it = classModel.getESubpackages().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EPackage pack =; if (pack.getEClassifier(bareClassName) != null) qualNames.add(pack.getName() + "." + bareClassName); } return qualNames; } /** * */ public Vector<ClassSet> outerObjectClassSets() { Vector<ClassSet> outers = new Vector<ClassSet>(); outers.add(outerObjectToken.cSet()); return outers; } public XOReader reader() {return this;} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor and methods for XMLWriter interface //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor for use as an XMLWriter * @param oGet * @param ms * @param classModel * @param mChan * @param doRunTracing * @throws MapperException */ public FHIRMapper(objectGetter oGet, MappedStructure ms, EPackage classModel, messageChannel mChan, Boolean doRunTracing) throws MapperException { super(oGet,ms,classModel,mChan, doRunTracing); } @Override public Element makeXMLDOM() throws MapperException { // find the top AtomFeed object represented by the input // ((FHIRMapper)oGet).writeClasses(); // diagnostic Vector<objectToken> atomFeedObjects = oGet.getObjects("feed.AtomFeed"); if (atomFeedObjects.size() != 1) throw new MapperException("There should be just one AtomFeed object represented, not " + atomFeedObjects.size()); objectToken topObjectToken = atomFeedObjects.get(0); // use the objectGetter's reader to make an Ecore model instance EMFInstanceFactory factory = new GenericEMFInstanceFactoryImpl(); Resource modelResource = factory.createModelInstance(oGet.reader(),EMFInstanceFactoryImpl.DO_NOT_SAVE_URI(), topObjectToken); EObject modelInstance = modelResource.getContents().get(0); // convert the Ecore model instance to an instance of the Java Reference Implementation EcoreReferenceBridge bridge = new EcoreReferenceBridge(classModel); AtomFeed feed = bridge.getReferenceModelFeed(modelInstance); // serialize the reference implementation instance String tempFileLocation = EclipseFileUtil.workspaceRoot() + TEMPORARY_READ_FILE; try{ FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(tempFileLocation); Composer composer = new XmlComposer(); composer.compose(stream, feed, false); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException("Failed to serialize reference implementation instance: " + ex.getMessage());} Element root = XMLUtil.getRootElement(tempFileLocation); File file = new File(tempFileLocation); file.delete(); return root; } @Override public Element extendXMLDOM(Element bareElement, objectToken oTok) throws MapperException { if (doCheck) throw new MapperException("FHIRMapper does not support method extendXMLDOM"); return null; } public Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, RunIssue>> allRunIssues() { return new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, RunIssue>>(); } private void writeAllObjectTokens() { trace("\nObjects represented"); for (Enumeration<String> en = this.allObjectTokens.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String className = en.nextElement(); Vector<objectToken> toks = allObjectTokens.get(className); trace(className + ": " + toks.size()); } } // diagnostic private void writeClasses() { message("\nAll classes"); for (Enumeration<String> en = allObjectTokens.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) message(en.nextElement()); } /** * write out an instance of an ECore model for test purposes * @param instance * @param classModel */ private void testWriteInstance(EObject instance,EPackage classModel) throws MapperException { // make a location for the instance, in the same folder as the class model URI modelUri = classModel.eResource().getURI(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(modelUri.toString(),"."); String extension = "mod"; URI instanceUri = URI.createURI(st.nextToken() + "." + extension); message("URI for test instance: " + instanceUri.toString()); // make a resource set etc. ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put(extension, new XMIResourceFactoryImpl()); Resource instanceResource = resourceSet.createResource(instanceUri); instanceResource.getContents().add(instance); // save it try {;} catch (IOException ex) {throw new MapperException("Failed to save EMF model resource: " + ex.getMessage());} message("Wrote test instance"); } private void trace(String s) {if (tracing) System.out.println(s);} private void message(String s) {System.out.println(s);} }