package com.openMap1.mapper.converters; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.ENamedElement; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcoreFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceFactoryImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; /** * Class to do post-processing on an EMF Ecore model got * from the LRA class model through mappings. * * The conversion consists of changing any EReference, whose target class * is in the uml kernel package, to an EAttribute of the appropriate type. * * @author Robert * */ public class LRAConverter { private boolean tracing = false; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Convert from a dynamic EObject model to a true ECore model //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * * @param model an Ecore model made generically of DynamicEObjectImpls * @param targetLocation where it is going to be saved * Convert the model to an Ecore model made with the EMF ECore package, and save * it with the same name to the target location - so it overwrites the first model. */ public void saveAsEcore(EObject model,URI modelInstanceURI) throws MapperException { trace("Overwrite of " + modelInstanceURI.toString()); // copy to a true Ecore model EPackage newModel = copyModel(model); // convert the EReferences to kernel datatype classes, to EAttributes - only if the top package is 'lra' String packageName = newModel.getName(); boolean doPostProcess = ((packageName != null) && (packageName.equals("lra"))); if (doPostProcess) postProcess(newModel); trace("Model converted"); // register the Ecore package EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEFactoryInstance(); ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); // register the factory resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap(). put("ecore", new XMIResourceFactoryImpl()); // create and fill the resource Resource resource = resourceSet.createResource(modelInstanceURI); resource.getContents().add(newModel); // save the resource try {; trace("written"); } catch (IOException ex) {throw new MapperException(ex.getMessage());} } /** * * @param model an Ecore model made generically of DynamidEObjectImpls * @return the model converted to the classes of Ecore - which 'knows' it is an instance of the Ecore model */ private EPackage copyModel(EObject model) { // lookup table from old to new objects Hashtable<EObject,EObject> newObjects = new Hashtable<EObject,EObject>(); // recursive copy, doing only attributes and containment relations, and filling the lookup table EPackage newModel = (EPackage)copyTree(model,newObjects); // copy across non-containment EReferences, using the lookup table copyNonContainments(model, newObjects); return newModel; } /** * @param modelObj a subtree of an Ecore model made generically of DynamidEObjectImpls * @param newObjects lookup table from old to new objects, to be filled * @return the subtree copied to proper ECore classes, doing only EAttributes * and non-containment EReferences */ private EObject copyTree(EObject modelObj,Hashtable<EObject,EObject> newObjects) { ENamedElement result = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage(); String className = modelObj.eClass().getName(); // name of the metamodel class int classId = getClassId(className); trace("Copying " + className); // create the appropriate ECore object, and store it in the lookup table if (classId == EPACKAGE) { result = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage(); result.setName((String)getValue(modelObj,"name")); EList<?> subPackages = (EList<?>)getValue(modelObj,"eSubpackages"); for (Iterator<?> ip = subPackages.iterator();ip.hasNext();) (((EPackage)result).getESubpackages()).add((EPackage)copyTree((EObject),newObjects)); EList<?> classes = (EList<?>)getValue(modelObj,"eClassifiers"); for (Iterator<?> ip = classes.iterator();ip.hasNext();) { EObject next = (EObject); String cName = (String)getValue(next,"name"); // name of the class in the model if (!badClass(cName)) (((EPackage)result).getEClassifiers()).add((EClass)copyTree(next,newObjects)); } } if (classId == ECLASS) { result = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass(); result.setName((String)getValue(modelObj,"name")); EList<?> references = (EList<?>)getValue(modelObj,"eStructuralFeatures"); for (Iterator<?> ip = references.iterator();ip.hasNext();) (((EClass)result).getEStructuralFeatures()).add((EReference)copyTree((EObject),newObjects)); } if (classId == EATTRIBUTE) { result = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAttribute(); result.setName((String)getValue(modelObj,"name")); ((EAttribute)result).setLowerBound((Integer)getValue(modelObj,"lowerBound")); } if (classId == EREFERENCE) { result = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference(); result.setName((String)getValue(modelObj,"name")); ((EReference)result).setLowerBound((Integer)getValue(modelObj,"lowerBound")); ((EReference)result).setUpperBound((Integer)getValue(modelObj,"upperBound")); } newObjects.put(modelObj, result); return result; } // spurious classes that can be removed at the first pass (there are no EReferences to them) private boolean badClass(String cName) { boolean badClass = ((cName == null)|| (cName.equals("Text"))|| (cName.startsWith("$diagram"))|| (cName.startsWith("extract"))); return badClass; } /** * * @param obj an EObject in the Ecore model * @param featureName the name of some feature * @return the value of the feature (an EList if it is multi-valued) */ private Object getValue(EObject obj, String featureName) { Object value = null; for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = obj.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feature =; if (feature.getName().equals(featureName)) value = obj.eGet(feature); } return value; } /** * @param model a subtree of an Ecore model made generically of DynamidEObjectImpls * @param newModel the subtree copied to proper Ecore classes, but not yet with non-containment ralations * @param newObjects already-filled lookup table from old to new objects * copy the non-containment relations across from the old to the new EObject, using the lookup table; * and recursively descend via containment relations */ private void copyNonContainments(EObject modelObj, Hashtable<EObject,EObject> newObjects) { EObject newModelObj = newObjects.get(modelObj); if (newModelObj == null) return; int id = getClassId(modelObj); if (id == ECLASS) { EList<?> supers = (EList<?>)getValue(modelObj,"eSuperTypes"); for (Iterator<?> ip = supers.iterator();ip.hasNext();) { EObject oldSuper = (EObject); EObject newSuper = newObjects.get(oldSuper); if (newSuper != null) (((EClass)newModelObj).getESuperTypes()).add((EClass)newSuper); } } else if (id == EREFERENCE) { EReference ref = (EReference)newModelObj; Object oldTarget = getValue(modelObj,"eType"); if (oldTarget != null) { EClass target = (EClass)newObjects.get((EObject)oldTarget); ref.setEType(target); // if the target class is in a sub-package of the datatypes package, make the EReference a containment EPackage pack = target.getEPackage(); if (pack != null) { EPackage superP = pack.getESuperPackage(); if ((superP != null) && (superP.getName().equals("datatypes"))) ref.setContainment(true); } } } // recursively descend the containment tree for (Iterator<EObject> it = modelObj.eContents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) copyNonContainments(,newObjects); } private static int EPACKAGE = 0; private static int ECLASS = 1; private static int EREFERENCE = 2; private static int EATTRIBUTE = 3; /** * @param className the name of an ECore class * @return and integer code for the class */ private int getClassId(String className) { int id = -1; if (className.equals("EPackage")) id = EPACKAGE; else if (className.equals("EClass")) id = ECLASS; else if (className.equals("EReference")) id = EREFERENCE; else if (className.equals("EAttribute")) id = EATTRIBUTE; else System.out.println("Unrecognised ECore class " + className); return id; } private int getClassId(EObject modelObj) { return getClassId(modelObj.eClass().getName()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // After conversion to a true Ecore model, post-processing //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void postProcess(EPackage classModel) { Vector<EClass> allClasses = ModelUtil.getAllClasses(classModel); for (Iterator<EClass> it = allClasses.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EClass theClass =; postProcessLRAClass(theClass); } } private void postProcessLRAClass(EClass theClass) { // remove any '.' from the class name theClass.setName(removeStops(theClass.getName())); // look at EReferences for (Iterator<EReference> ir = theClass.getEReferences().iterator();ir.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; EClass target = (EClass)ref.getEType(); // EReferences with maximum multiplicity 1 and no target class get converted to EAttributes of data type EString if (target == null) { // only add an EAttribute if the max multiplicity is 1 if (ref.getUpperBound() == 1) { // make the EAttribute theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(makeAttribute(ref)); trace("Attribute " + ref.getName() + "; EString"); } // remove the EReference (even if the max multiplicity is -1) theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().remove(ref); } // EReference points to a datatypes kernel or derived class; convert it to an EAttribute of the right data type else if (target != null) { String targetPackageName = target.getEPackage().getName(); if ((targetPackageName.equals("kernel"))|(targetPackageName.equals("derived"))) { // make the EAttribute theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(makeAttribute(ref)); trace("Attribute " + ref.getName() + "; type " + target.getName()); // remove the EReference theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().remove(ref); } } } } /* * replace '.' by underscore in a name */ private String removeStops(String name) { String newName = ""; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(name,"."); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { newName = newName + st.nextToken(); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) newName = newName + "_"; } return newName; } private EAttribute makeAttribute(EReference ref) { EAttribute att = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAttribute(); EClass target = (EClass)ref.getEType(); att.setName(ref.getName()); att.setEType(getDataType(target)); att.setLowerBound(ref.getLowerBound()); return att; } private EDataType getDataType(EClass target) { EDataType theType = EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEString(); // default if no better if (target != null) { String typeName = target.getName(); String superTypeName = getSuperName(target); if (superTypeName.equals("String")) {} // do not let Integer convert up to Real else if (typeName.equals("Integer")) {theType = EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEInt();} else if (superTypeName.equals("Real")) {theType = EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEDouble();} else if (superTypeName.equals("Boolean")) {theType = EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEBoolean();} } return theType; } // name of a class or its highest superclass - which will often turn out to be 'String' private String getSuperName(EClass target) { if (target.getESuperTypes().size() > 0) return getSuperName(target.getESuperTypes().get(0)); return target.getName(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Checks and trivia //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void modelCheck(EObject root) { System.out.println("\nCheck of superclasses"); for (Iterator<EObject> it = root.eAllContents();it.hasNext();) { EObject node =; if (node.eClass().getName().equals("EClass")) { String answer = "Class " + getName(node) + "; superclasses "; boolean noSupers = true; for (Iterator<EReference> ir = node.eClass().getEAllReferences().iterator(); ir.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; if (ref.getName().equals("eSuperTypes")) { EList<?> supers = (EList<?>)node.eGet(ref); for (Iterator<?> ic = supers.iterator(); ic.hasNext();) { EObject next = (EObject); answer = answer + getName(next) + " "; noSupers = false; } } } if (noSupers) System.out.println(answer); } } } private String getName(EObject node) { String className = null; for (Iterator<EAttribute> ia = node.eClass().getEAllAttributes().iterator();ia.hasNext();) { EAttribute att =; if (att.getName().equals("name")) className = (String)node.eGet(att); } return className; } private void trace(String s) {if (tracing) System.out.println(s);} }