package com.openMap1.mapper.structures; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; // EObjects in the EMF XSD plugin import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDEnumerationFacet; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDForm; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroupDefinition; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDNamedComponent; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchema; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDTypeDefinition; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDComplexTypeDefinition; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSimpleTypeDefinition; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAnnotation; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDParticle; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroup; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDElementDeclaration; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeUse; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFeature; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFactory; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDWildcard; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeUseCategory; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeGroupDefinition; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDDerivationMethod; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConstraint; import org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDResourceImpl; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.PropertyValueSupplier; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.Xpth; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.namespace; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.NamespaceSet; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.AttributeDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.ElementDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.MapperFactory; import com.openMap1.mapper.MaxMult; import com.openMap1.mapper.MinMult; /** * This class has methods to convert an * XML Schema into a tree representation of allowed XML structures. * * The tree representation is in some places less restrictive than the XML schema - * eg where the schema defines choices - * i.e an XML instance may conform to the tree but not to the schema. * * But any instance which conforms to the schema should conform to the tree. * The tree is used to map nodes to a class model, not to test conformance of * instances. * * @author robert * */ public class XSDStructure implements StructureDefinition, PropertyValueSupplier { /* where types can be extended, allow elements in instances to have an attribute * xsi:type which determines the type of an element as an extension or restriction of its base type */ private static String defaultSchemaInstancePrefix = "xsi"; private String schemaInstancePrefix = defaultSchemaInstancePrefix; private XSDSchema schema; // set this true to send to the console a detailed trace of the schema-to-tree operations boolean tracing = false; private void trace(String trail) {if (tracing) System.out.println(trail);} /* to cut off infinite recursions before they blow the stack * (they should not occur in any case)*/ private int MAX_REPEATS = 3; /** * @param trail * @return true id any ed(name) is repeated more than MAX_REPEATS times */ private boolean tooDeep(String trail) { boolean tooDeep = (maxRepeats(trail) > MAX_REPEATS); if (tooDeep) trace("Cut off recursion at trail " + trail); return tooDeep; } /** * @param trail * @return The maximum number of times any element name repeats in an 'ed(name)' step in a trail */ private int maxRepeats(String trail) { int max = 0; Hashtable<String,Integer> repeats = new Hashtable<String,Integer>(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(trail, "/"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String step = st.nextToken(); if (step.startsWith("ed")) { Integer times = repeats.get(step); if (times == null) times = new Integer(0); int next = times.intValue() + 1; repeats.put(step, new Integer(next)); if (next > max) max = next; } } return max; } /** * extend the trail of operations by adding a new step; * but whenever the step is an 'ed' (element definition) step, * drop the non-ed steps before it. * If tracing, write out the trail. * @param trail * @param nextStep * @return */ private String extendTrail(String trail, String nextStep) { String newTrail = trail + "/" + nextStep; if (nextStep.startsWith("ed")) { newTrail = ""; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(trail,"/"); while(st.hasMoreTokens()) { String step = st.nextToken(); if (step.startsWith("ed")) newTrail = newTrail + step + "/"; } newTrail = newTrail + nextStep + "/"; } trace(newTrail); return newTrail; } private NamespaceSet NSSet; public NamespaceSet NSSet() {return NSSet;} private Hashtable<String,XSDComplexTypeDefinition> allComplexTypes; /** * * @param topSchema * @throws MapperException */ public XSDStructure(XSDSchema topSchema) throws MapperException { this.schema = topSchema; // record whether this schema has any types derived from other types in it recordComplexTypes(); recordDerivedTypes(); if (tracing) writeDerivedTypes(); // set up the namespaces (adding the XML Schema instance namespace only if there are derived types) NSSet = new NamespaceSet(); makeNamespaceSet(schema); } private void recordComplexTypes() { allComplexTypes = new Hashtable<String,XSDComplexTypeDefinition>(); for (Iterator<XSDTypeDefinition> types = schema.getTypeDefinitions().iterator(); types.hasNext();) { XSDTypeDefinition td =; trace("type " + td.getName()); if (td instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) { XSDComplexTypeDefinition ctd = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition)td; allComplexTypes.put(ctd.getName(), ctd); trace("complex type"); } } } /** * @param typeName * @return the XSD complex type, if there is one * This method and the previous one are a workaround for a * strange feature of the EMF XSD package. * When a complex type A extends another complex type B, sometimes * (when, I cannot predict) the method A.getBaseType() returns * an XSDTypeDefinition with the name of type B, but whose class is XSDSimpleTypeDefinition. * Thus I have to note its name, and find a complex type of that name - * which this method does. */ private XSDComplexTypeDefinition getComplexType(String typeName) {return allComplexTypes.get(typeName);} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Setting up the full set of namespaces from all schema documents //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void makeNamespaceSet(XSDSchema topSchema) throws MapperException { NSSet = new NamespaceSet(); /* If the top schema has no namespace, do not allow imported schemas * to use the empty prefix for some actual namespace URI . * remove this namespace when all imported schemas have been done */ if (topSchema.getTargetNamespace() == null) NSSet.addNamespace(new namespace("","no target namespace")); /* XSD recognises a top schema and those it imports or includes, * directly or indirectly, as a single resource set. * Iterate over it , taking namespaces from all of them. */ ResourceSet schemaSet = topSchema.eResource().getResourceSet(); for (Iterator<Resource> resources = schemaSet.getResources().iterator(); resources.hasNext();) { Resource resource =; if (resource instanceof XSDResourceImpl) { XSDResourceImpl xsdResource = (XSDResourceImpl)resource; XSDSchema oneSchemaDoc = xsdResource.getSchema(); addToNamespaceSet(oneSchemaDoc); } } // remove this artificial namespace if it is present - reasons above. NSSet.removeOneNamespace("no target namespace"); /* only add the W3C schema instance namespace if the schema has some derived types, * so that the xsi:type attribute might be used. */ if (schemaHasDerivedTypes()) { namespace instanceNamespace = NSSet.getByURI(XMLUtil.SCHEMAINSTANCEURI); // if there is no schema instance namespace, add one with a non-clashing prefix if (instanceNamespace == null) { schemaInstancePrefix = noClash(defaultSchemaInstancePrefix, NSSet); NSSet.addNamespace(new namespace(schemaInstancePrefix, XMLUtil.SCHEMAINSTANCEURI)); } // if there is a schema instance namespace, find its prefix, to use when adding the type attribute else if (instanceNamespace != null) { schemaInstancePrefix = instanceNamespace.prefix(); } } } /** * Make additions to the Namespace set for one schema document, * in a way that will resolve any namespace prefix clashes between different * schema documents. * * (1) If a namespace URI has been encountered before, do nothing; the * previous prefix will be used for the URI * (2) If a new namespace URI has a prefix that has not been encountered before, * add it * (3) If a new namespace URI has a prefix that has been encountered before, * make up a new prefix which does not clash * (4) the empty String '' is a valid prefix for any namespace * (5) '' is the only valid prefix for 'no target namespace' (which we assume * is encountered first, in the top schema) * If '' is used for 'no target namespace', none of the actual namespaces * can have the same prefix '' * * @param oneSchema * @throws MapperException */ private void addToNamespaceSet(XSDSchema oneSchema) throws MapperException { Map<String,String> namespaces = oneSchema.getQNamePrefixToNamespaceMap(); /* If this schema document has a target namespace, then it should declare * that namespace with a prefix or with the empty prefix */ String targetNamespace = oneSchema.getTargetNamespace(); boolean targetNamespaceNotMatched = false; if (targetNamespace != null) targetNamespaceNotMatched= true; for (Iterator<String> it = namespaces.keySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) { String prefix =; // for a no-prefix namespace, prefix == null; but the get still works String uriString = namespaces.get(prefix); if (prefix == null) prefix = ""; if (targetNamespaceNotMatched) targetNamespaceNotMatched = (!(uriString.equals(targetNamespace))); // if this namespace URI has already been encountered, do nothing else if (NSSet.getByURI(uriString) == null) { // give it a prefix which does not clash with any previous prefix, including '' String actualPrefix = noClash(prefix,NSSet); NSSet.addNamespace(new namespace(actualPrefix,uriString)); } } /* If no namespace prefix has been allocated in this document for its target namespace , * and no prefix has been allocated in any previous document, pick a * non-clashing prefix out of the air and allocate it to the target namespace.*/ if ((targetNamespaceNotMatched) && (NSSet.getByURI(targetNamespace) == null)) { String madeUpPrefix = noClash("madeup",NSSet); /* the prefix 'xml' must be used for the XML default namespace; * but do not add it in any case */ String XMLDefaultNamespace = ""; if (!targetNamespace.equals(XMLDefaultNamespace)) NSSet.addNamespace(new namespace(madeUpPrefix,targetNamespace)); } } /* generate a namespace prefix which does not clash with any previous prefix in the set */ private String noClash(String prefix, NamespaceSet NSSet) { String noClash = prefix; int index = 1; while (NSSet.getByPrefix(noClash) != null) { noClash = prefix + "_" + index; index++; } return noClash; } /** * @param ed an Element declaration or Attribute declaration * @return the element or attribute name, with a namespace prefix as defined from the whole schema * set by XSDStructure.makeNamespaceSet. * This method is used in stead of getQName() because getQName seems to return a prefix as in * the schema holding the declaration, whereas the single prefix I have allocated * may be different. This ensures just one prefix for every namespace, and * resolves prefix clashes between different schema documents. * @throws MapperException if the namespace uri is not recognised as having a prefix */ private String getMappedStructureName(XSDFeature ed) throws MapperException { String name = ed.getName(); String namespaceURI = ed.getTargetNamespace(); /* The element name in instances will have a namespace prefix if the Element is in a * target namespace, and either the scope of the declaration is schema-wide * or the element form is qualified. */ if ((namespaceURI != null) && ((ed.getScope() instanceof XSDSchema)|(ed.getForm() == XSDForm.QUALIFIED_LITERAL))) { namespace ns = NSSet.getByURI(namespaceURI); if (ns == null)throw new MapperException("Cannot find namespace with URI '" + namespaceURI + "'"); if (!(ns.prefix().equals(""))) name = ns.prefix() + ":" + name; } return name; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PropertyValueSupplier interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @param modelClassName * @param modelPropertyName * @return true if this property value supplier supplies values for the * model class and property */ public boolean suppliesPropertyValues(String modelClassName, String modelPropertyName) { if ((modelClassName.equals("MappedStructure")) && (modelPropertyName.equals("Top Element Type"))) return true; if ((modelClassName.equals("MappedStructure")) && (modelPropertyName.equals("Top Element Name"))) return true; return false; } /** * @param modelClassName * @param modelPropertyName * @return the values supplied by this supplier for the model class and property */ public String[] propertyValues(String modelClassName, String modelPropertyName) { String[] vals = {}; try{ if ((modelClassName.equals("MappedStructure")) && (modelPropertyName.equals("Top Element Type"))) return topComplexTypes(); if ((modelClassName.equals("MappedStructure")) && (modelPropertyName.equals("Top Element Name"))) return topElementNames(); } catch (MapperException ex){System.out.println(ex.getMessage());} return vals; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // StructureDefinition interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * * @return an array of the top-level Element names in Element Declarations defined in the schema */ public String[] topElementNames() throws MapperException { ArrayList<String> allTopNames = new ArrayList<String>(); allTopNames.add(""); // the default choice on the menu, before any choice is made, is "" for (Iterator<XSDElementDeclaration> names = schema.getElementDeclarations().iterator(); names.hasNext();) { XSDElementDeclaration ed =; allTopNames.add(getMappedStructureName(ed)); } String[] res = new String[allTopNames.size()]; return allTopNames.toArray(res); } /** * * @param type * @return true if type is one of the top types defined in the schema */ public boolean isTopElementName(String name) { boolean found = false; try{ String[] tn = topElementNames(); for (int i = 1; i < tn.length; i++) // tn[0] = "" does not count as a match if (tn[i].equals(name)) found = true; } catch (MapperException ex){System.out.println(ex.getMessage());} return found; } /** * * @return an array of the top-level complex types defined in the schema */ public String[] topComplexTypes() { ArrayList<String> allTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); allTypes.add(""); // the default choice on the menu, before any choice is made, is "" for (Iterator<XSDTypeDefinition> types = schema.getTypeDefinitions().iterator(); types.hasNext();) { XSDTypeDefinition type =; if (type instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) allTypes.add(type.getName()); } String[] res = new String[allTypes.size()]; return allTypes.toArray(res); } /** * * @param type * @return true if type is one of the top types defined in the schema */ public boolean isTopComplexType(String type) { String[] tt = topComplexTypes(); boolean found = false; for (int i = 1; i < tt.length; i++) // tt[0] = "" does not count as a match if (tt[i].equals(type)) found = true; return found; } /** * find the Element and Attribute structure of some named top element (which may have a named * complex type, or a locally defined anonymous type), stopping at the * next complex type definitions it refers to * @param String name the name of the element * @return Element the EObject subtree (Element and Attribute EObjects) defined by the name */ public ElementDef nameStructure(String name) throws MapperException { trace("Getting structure for element name '" + name + "'"); ElementDef el = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createElementDef(); el.setName(name); if (isTopElementName(name)) { XSDElementDeclaration elDec = null; for (Iterator<XSDElementDeclaration> eds = schema.getElementDeclarations().iterator(); eds.hasNext();) { XSDElementDeclaration ed =; if(getMappedStructureName(ed).equals(name)) elDec = ed; } extendForElementDeclaration(el,elDec,""); } else if (name.equals("")) {} else {trace("Unexpected name '" + name + "'");} return el; } /** * find the Element and Attribute structure of some complex type, stopping at the * next complex type definitions it refers to * @param type the name of the complex type * @return the EObject subtree (Element and Attribute EObjects) defined by the type. * If there are other types which extend or restrict the type, then return the union of * the trees of all those types, and allow an attribute xsi:type on the top element */ public ElementDef typeStructure(String typeName) throws MapperException { trace("\nGetting structure for element type '" + typeName + "' and derived types"); Vector<String> derivedTypes = allDerivedTypes(typeName); if (derivedTypes.size() == 1) { return ownTypeStructure(typeName); } else if (derivedTypes.size() > 1) { Vector<ElementDef> derivedTypeStructures = new Vector<ElementDef>(); for (Iterator<String> it = derivedTypes.iterator();it.hasNext();) derivedTypeStructures.add(ownTypeStructure(; ElementDef union = unionOfTypeStructures(derivedTypeStructures); // because the type has extensions or restrictions, let its top element have an xsi:type attribute AttributeDef xsiType = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAttributeDef(); xsiType.setName(schemaInstancePrefix + ":type"); xsiType.setType("string"); // the xsi:type attribute must be made obligatory; if allowed, it always appears on the element, xsiType.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ONE); union.getAttributeDefs().add(xsiType); return union; } else throw new MapperException("Cannot find type '" + typeName + "'"); } /** * find the Element and Attribute structure of some complex type, stopping at the * next complex type definitions it refers to * @param type the name of the complex type * @return the EObject subtree (Element and Attribute EObjects) defined by the type itself; * if there are other types that extend or restrict the type, the result is unaffected */ public ElementDef ownTypeStructure(String type) throws MapperException { trace("Getting structure for element type '" + type + "'"); ElementDef el = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createElementDef(); if (type == null) return el; el.setType(type); if (isTopComplexType(type)) { XSDComplexTypeDefinition typeDef = null; for (Iterator<XSDTypeDefinition> types = schema.getTypeDefinitions().iterator(); types.hasNext();) { XSDTypeDefinition td =; if(td.getName().equals(type)) typeDef = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition)td; } extendForComplexType(el,typeDef,""); trace("TypeStructure " + type + " " + el.isMixed()); } else if (type.equals("")) {} else if (type.equals("string")) {} else {trace("Unexpected type '" + type + "'");} return el; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Analysing the schema // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Handle an element declaration, which may either invoke a named type * or define the element structure with an anonymous type * @param el the element whose declaration this is * @param ed the XSD element declaration * @param trail String trace of the recursion for finding out what went wrong */ private void extendForElementDeclaration(ElementDef el, XSDElementDeclaration ed, String trail) throws MapperException { if (tooDeep(trail)) return; /* resolve this Element declaration in case it is a ref to another declaration, * and use the resolved declaration from now on */ XSDElementDeclaration resEd = ed.getResolvedElementDeclaration(); if (resEd == null) resEd = ed; // not sure if this is necessary el.setName(getMappedStructureName(resEd)); trail = extendTrail(trail,"ed(" + resEd.getName() + ")"); String typeName = ""; XSDTypeDefinition td = resEd.getTypeDefinition(); if (td != null) { typeName = td.getName(); el.setExpanded(false); } el.setType(typeName); // set the type name to "" if there is no type attribute /* the complex type will only be part of the contents immediately expanded * if it is defined locally inside the element; otherwise it is left for expansion later */ for (Iterator<EObject> it = resEd.eContents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EObject edPart =; if (edPart instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) { XSDComplexTypeDefinition ctd = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition)edPart; typeName = ctd.getName(); // named complex type; do not expect this case to happen if (typeName != null) {System.out.println("Named complex type inside element declaration: '" + typeName + "'");} // anonymous complex type; keep on expanding the tree else if (typeName == null) { el.setExpanded(true); String newTrail = trail; extendForComplexType(el,ctd,newTrail); } } else if (edPart instanceof XSDAnnotation) {} // ignore identity constraints under element definitions else if (edPart instanceof XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition) {} // FIXME: we should really work out what to do with simple type definitions here else if (edPart instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {} else unexpectedChild(resEd,edPart,1,trail); } } /** * Extend the tree of Elements and Attributes for a complex type * @param el * @param typeDef * @param trail String trace of the recursion for finding out what went wrong */ private void extendForComplexType(ElementDef el, XSDComplexTypeDefinition typeDef, String trail) throws MapperException { if (tooDeep(trail)) return; boolean needToRestrict = false; ElementDef newEl = el; // make extensions direct on the tree unless this is a restriction ElementDef restrictEl = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createElementDef(); int method = typeDef.getDerivationMethod().getValue(); trail = extendTrail(trail,"td(" + typeDef.getName() + ":" + XSDDerivationMethod.get(method).getLiteral() + ")"); /* If this complex type extends another, extend the tree structure for that type * first, before adding the extra stuff from this extension. */ if (method == XSDDerivationMethod.EXTENSION) { // WORKAROUND: getBaseType() sometimes turns complex types into simple types XSDComplexTypeDefinition base = getComplexType(typeDef.getBaseType().getName()); if (base != null) { String newTrail = extendTrail(trail, "[" + base.getName() + "]"); extendForComplexType(newEl,base,newTrail); } else if (typeDef.getBaseType() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) { /* FIXME: This treatment of complex types which are extensions of simple types is * probably over-simplified. The Simple type which is being extended is * replaced by an 'empty' complex type. This is OK when the simple type * is 'string' because the mapper editor allows you to map string values to * the text content of any Element, without checking its type. */ XSDSimpleTypeDefinition sBase = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition)typeDef.getBaseType(); // note that sBase now gets completely ignored XSDComplexTypeDefinition newEmpty = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDComplexTypeDefinition(); String newTrail = extendTrail(trail, "[(ignored)" + sBase.getName() + "]"); extendForComplexType(newEl,newEmpty,newTrail); } } /* if this complex type restricts another type (apart from 'anyType'), * first construct a tree representing the type to be restricted, * then construct a tree representing the restriction, and then combine them * on the element being extended in the tree.*/ else if (method == XSDDerivationMethod.RESTRICTION) { XSDComplexTypeDefinition base = null; if (typeDef != null) { if (typeDef.getBaseType() == null) base = null; else if (typeDef.getBaseType() instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) base = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition)typeDef.getBaseType(); else base = getComplexType(typeDef.getBaseType().getName()); } // restriction of 'anyType' means just read this type definition; don't try to restrict anything if ((base!=null) && !(base.getName().equals("anyType"))) { trail = extendTrail(trail,"[" + base.getName() + "]"); String newTrail = trail; needToRestrict = true; extendForComplexType(restrictEl,base,newTrail); // the information about the restriction should not be put directly on the element being extended newEl = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createElementDef(); } } /* make the extensions directly on newEl = el if this type is not a restriction of another type; * or if it is a restriction, define in newEl what the restrictions are . */ for (Iterator<EObject> it = typeDef.eContents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EObject typePart =; String newTrail = trail; if (typePart instanceof XSDParticle) { extendForParticle(newEl, (XSDParticle)typePart,newTrail); } else if (typePart instanceof XSDAttributeUse) { extendForAttributeUse(newEl,(XSDAttributeUse)typePart,newTrail); } else if (typePart instanceof XSDAttributeGroupDefinition) { extendForAttributeGroupDefinition(newEl,(XSDAttributeGroupDefinition)typePart,newTrail); } else if (typePart instanceof XSDWildcard) { trace("Wild card in type '" + typeDef.getName() + "' at trail '" + trail + "'"); } else if (typePart instanceof XSDAnnotation) {} // nothing to do else if (typePart instanceof XSDTypeDefinition) {} // the extension cases dealt with above; nothing to do else unexpectedChild(typeDef,typePart,2,trail); } /* if this type is a restriction of another type, add the type to be restricted, * making the appropriate restrictions */ if (needToRestrict) makeRestriction(el,restrictEl,newEl,trail); /* record the 'mixed' property of the complex type, so that for V3 data types * (where the Ecore class model is derived from the schema structure) * the class derived from a mixed element can be given an extra 'textContent' attribute */ el.setIsMixed(typeDef.isMixed()); trace("type " + typeDef.getName() + "; mixed = " + typeDef.isMixed()); } /** * Extend the tree from element el, using the structure of subtree * restrictEl, except where it is restricted by newEl. * * This uses a simple override by name, at the level of the immediate * children of the element, and reports if it was unable to make any overrides at all. * * @param el the element in the tree being constructed * @param restrictEl the tree structure which needs to be added with restrictions * @param newEl the tree structure which defines the restrictions * @param trail String trace of the recursion for finding out what went wrong */ private void makeRestriction(ElementDef el, ElementDef restrictEl, ElementDef newEl, String trail) { if (tooDeep(trail)) return; /* extend the element by the restricted child attributes, using an intermediate * Vector to avoid corrupting the source EList */ Vector<AttributeDef> ats = new Vector<AttributeDef>(); for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = restrictEl.getAttributeDefs().iterator();it.hasNext();) { AttributeDef mightBeRestricted =; AttributeDef mightRestrict = newEl.getNamedAttribute(mightBeRestricted.getName()); /* If the restricting structure has an attribute of the right name, use * it in stead of the attribute from the structure being restricted. */ if (mightRestrict == null) ats.add(mightBeRestricted); else if (mightRestrict != null) { // if the restricting type prohibits this attribute, do not add it if (!mightRestrict.useIsProhibited()) ats.add(mightRestrict); } } for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = ats.iterator();it.hasNext();) {el.getAttributeDefs().add(;} /* extend the element by the restricted child elements, using an intermediate * Vector to avoid corrupting the source EList */ Vector<ElementDef> els = new Vector<ElementDef>(); for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = restrictEl.getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ElementDef mightBeRestricted =; ElementDef mightRestrict = newEl.getNamedChildElement(mightBeRestricted.getName()); /* If the restricting structure has an element of the right name, use * it in stead of the element from the structure being restricted. */ if (mightRestrict == null) els.add(mightBeRestricted); else if (mightRestrict != null) { // if the restricting type prohibits this element (maxOccurs = 0), do not add it if (!mightRestrict.useIsProhibited()) els.add(mightRestrict); } } for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = els.iterator();it.hasNext();) {el.getChildElements().add(;} /* System.out.println("Made " + restrictions + " restrictions on " + features + " features in element at trail '" + trail + "'"); */ // pass XML schema 'mixed type' information through a restriction el.setIsMixed(restrictEl.isMixed()); } /** * * @param el * @param attGroup * @param trail String trace of the recursion for finding out what went wrong */ private void extendForAttributeGroupDefinition(ElementDef el, XSDAttributeGroupDefinition attGroup, String trail) throws MapperException { if (tooDeep(trail)) return; // attribute group references need to be resolved XSDAttributeGroupDefinition expandable = attGroup; if (attGroup.isAttributeGroupDefinitionReference()) { trail = extendTrail(trail , "/resolveAG"); trace(trail); expandable = attGroup.getResolvedAttributeGroupDefinition(); } trail = extendTrail(trail,"agr(" + expandable.getName() + ")"); for (Iterator<EObject> it = expandable.eContents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EObject groupPart =; if (groupPart instanceof XSDAttributeUse) { String newTrail = trail; extendForAttributeUse(el, (XSDAttributeUse)groupPart,newTrail); } else if (groupPart instanceof XSDAnnotation) {} // silently ignore annotations else unexpectedChild(attGroup,groupPart,3,trail); } } /** * * @param el * @param attUse * @param trail String trace of the recursion for finding out what went wrong */ private void extendForAttributeUse(ElementDef el, XSDAttributeUse attUse, String trail) throws MapperException { if (tooDeep(trail)) return; // no further recursion so the next statement is not very useful, unless we need traces in this method trail = extendTrail(trail,"au(" + attUse.getUse().getName() + ")"); boolean isRequired = attUse.isRequired(); XSDAttributeDeclaration attDecl = attUse.getAttributeDeclaration(); AttributeDef att = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAttributeDef(); if (attUse.getConstraint()!= null) { //Convert the default or fixed value to a String String stringValue = ""; Object value = attUse.getValue(); if (value == null) {stringValue = "null";} else { if (value instanceof String) {stringValue = (String)value;} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {stringValue = value.toString();} else if (value instanceof Integer) {stringValue = value.toString();} else if (value instanceof java.math.BigDecimal) {stringValue = ((java.math.BigDecimal)value).toString();} else System.out.println("Cannot yet convert attribute value of class " + value.getClass().getName() + " to a String"); } if (attUse.getConstraint().getValue() == XSDConstraint.DEFAULT) att.setDefaultValue(stringValue); if (attUse.getConstraint().getValue() == XSDConstraint.FIXED) att.setFixedValue(stringValue); } att.setName(getMappedStructureName(attDecl)); att.setType(getAttributeType(attDecl)); att.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.get(isRequired)); // record if the attribute is to be prohibited if (attUse.getUse().getValue() == XSDAttributeUseCategory.PROHIBITED) att.setUseIsProhibited(true); el.getAttributeDefs().add(att); } private String getAttributeType(XSDAttributeDeclaration attDecl) { return attDecl.getTypeDefinition().getName(); } /** * Handle XSD particles encountered in schemas. From W3C schema recommendation: * * A particle is a term in the grammar for element content, consisting of either * an element declaration, a wildcard or a model group, * together with occurrence constraints (= minOccurs and maxOccurs) * @param el the Element whose structure is being determined * @param typePart the XSD particle * @param refCount the depth of cross-references that have been followed in model groups; limit to 3 * @param trail String trace of the recursion for finding out what went wrong */ private void extendForParticle(ElementDef el, XSDParticle typePart, String trail) throws MapperException { if (tooDeep(trail)) return; Integer min = new Integer(typePart.getMinOccurs()); // 0 or 1 Integer max = new Integer(typePart.getMaxOccurs()); // 1 or -1 (for unbounded) or 0 (prohibited) // nesting of prohibited nodes is not useful; cut off recursion at any particle inside a maxOccurs = 0 particle if ((trail.contains("pt(0:0"))|((trail.contains("pt(1:0")))) return; trail = extendTrail(trail,"pt(" + min + ":" + max + ")"); int contained = 0; for (Iterator<EObject> iu = typePart.eContents().iterator(); iu.hasNext();) { String newTrail = trail; EObject pChild =; contained++; if ((pChild instanceof XSDModelGroup)|(pChild instanceof XSDModelGroupDefinition)) { XSDModelGroup modelGroup = null; if (pChild instanceof XSDModelGroup) modelGroup = (XSDModelGroup)pChild; else if (pChild instanceof XSDModelGroupDefinition) { XSDModelGroupDefinition mgd = (XSDModelGroupDefinition)pChild; modelGroup = mgd.getModelGroup(); if (modelGroup == null) modelGroup = mgd.getResolvedModelGroupDefinition().getModelGroup(); } if (modelGroup == null) { System.out.println("Null model group at trail " + trail); return; } extendForModelGroup(el, modelGroup,newTrail); // apply the multiplicities to the added elements for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = el.getChildElements().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ElementDef child =; if (min == 0) child.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ZERO); if (max == -1) child.setMaxMultiplicity(MaxMult.UNBOUNDED); } // apply the min multiplicities to the added attributes for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = el.getAttributeDefs().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { AttributeDef at =; if (min == 0) at.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ZERO); } } else if (pChild instanceof XSDElementDeclaration) { XSDElementDeclaration edd = (XSDElementDeclaration)pChild; ElementDef newEl = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createElementDef(); newEl.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.get(min.toString())); // maxOccurs = 0 means use is prohibited if (max == 0) newEl.setUseIsProhibited(true); else newEl.setMaxMultiplicity(MaxMult.get(max.toString())); extendForElementDeclaration(newEl,edd,newTrail); el.getChildElements().add(newEl); } else if (pChild instanceof XSDWildcard) { trace("Wild card in particle at trail '" + trail + "'"); } else unexpectedChild(typePart,pChild,4,trail); } if (!(contained == 1)) trace("XSD Particle with " + contained + " contents at trail " + trail + "; unexpected"); } /** * Handle model groups encountered in schemas. From the W3C recommendation: * * A model group is a constraint in the form of a grammar fragment that * applies to lists of element information items. * It consists of a list of particles, i.e. element declarations, wildcards and model groups. * There are three varieties of model group: * Sequence: <xs:sequence> * Conjunction: <xs:all> * Disjunction: <xs:choice> * @param el the Element whose structure is being determined * @param modelGroup the XSD model group * @param refCount the depth of cross-references that have been followed in model groups; limit to 3 * @param trail String trace of the recursion for finding out what went wrong */ private void extendForModelGroup(ElementDef el, XSDModelGroup modelGroup, String trail) throws MapperException { if (tooDeep(trail)) {trace("trail '" + trail + "' too deep");return;} if (modelGroup.getCompositor() == null) { System.out.println("Null compositor for model group at trail " + trail); return; } String compositor = modelGroup.getCompositor().getName(); trail = extendTrail(trail,"mg(" + compositor + ")"); boolean isChoice = (compositor.equals("choice")); /* for 'sequence' and 'all' model groups, simply add the different subtrees * occurring in the group */ if (!isChoice) for (Iterator<EObject> iv = modelGroup.eContents().iterator(); iv.hasNext();) { String newTrail = trail; EObject part2 =; if (part2 instanceof XSDParticle) { // count2++; extendForParticle(el,(XSDParticle)part2,newTrail); } else unexpectedChild(modelGroup,part2,5,trail); } /* this warning sometimes appeared in the V3 data types schema */ // if (count2 == 0) System.out.println(compositor + " with no contained particles in Element at trail " + trail); /* 'choice' model groups; cannot simply add nodes to the subtree when the same * element name and type appears in more than one choice. Must add nodes without repetition. */ else if (isChoice) { // to store subtrees without duplication Hashtable<String,ElementDef> choiceTrees = new Hashtable<String,ElementDef>(); Hashtable<String,AttributeDef> choiceAtts = new Hashtable<String,AttributeDef>(); for (Iterator<EObject> iv = modelGroup.eContents().iterator(); iv.hasNext();) { ElementDef newEl = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createElementDef(); String newTrail = trail; EObject part =; if (part instanceof XSDParticle) { extendForParticle(newEl,(XSDParticle)part,newTrail); saveSubTreeStructures(newEl, choiceTrees); saveAttributes(newEl, choiceAtts); } else unexpectedChild(modelGroup,part,6,trail); } // add the non-duplicated subtrees to the tree for (Enumeration<ElementDef> en = choiceTrees.elements(); en.hasMoreElements();) el.getChildElements().add(en.nextElement()); for (Enumeration<AttributeDef> en = choiceAtts.elements();en.hasMoreElements();) el.getAttributeDefs().add(en.nextElement()); /* if there is more than one choice with different subtrees, they must have MinMult = 0. * This implementation is a quick fudge. * The proper implementation should look at each top element * and ask if it appears in every choice; only then might it have MinMult = 1. * This just sets MinMult zero anyway ,assuming the choice makes everything optional. */ for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = el.getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();); for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = el.getAttributeDefs().iterator();it.hasNext();); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // other stuff //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * save all the subtrees, merging duplicates with the same name and type * @param newEl element which has all the subtrees for one choice attached * @param choiceTrees Hashtable of subtrees to be built up */ private void saveSubTreeStructures(ElementDef el, Hashtable<String,ElementDef> choiceTrees) { for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = el.getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ElementDef child =; String key = child.getName() + "|" + child.getType(); ElementDef previous = choiceTrees.get(key); child = mergeSubtrees(child, previous); // OK if previous == null choiceTrees.put(key, child); } } /** * merge two subtrees that have been found under one choice node - * assuming that they belong to different branches of the choice. * * Fixed and default values are only carried through if the two choices agree. * * @param el a subtree with given name and type found under the current choice * @param previous the merge of subtrees with this name and type found under previous * choices, or null if none have been found yet. * @return the merge */ private ElementDef mergeSubtrees(ElementDef el, ElementDef previous) { if (previous == null) return el; /* merge the property values of this and the previous element for the choice */ ElementDef newEl = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createElementDef(); newEl.setName(el.getName()); // must be equal to previous newEl.setType(el.getType()); // must be equal to previous newEl.setExpanded(el.isExpanded()|previous.isExpanded()); newEl.setFixedValue(mergeFixedValues(el.getFixedValue(),previous.getFixedValue())); newEl.setDefaultValue(mergeFixedValues(el.getDefaultValue(),previous.getDefaultValue())); // if either el or previous departs from (min,max) = (1,1), the result must depart newEl.setMinMultiplicity(el.getMinMultiplicity()); if (previous.getMinMultiplicity() == MinMult.ZERO) el.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ZERO); newEl.setMaxMultiplicity(el.getMaxMultiplicity()); if (previous.getMaxMultiplicity() == MaxMult.UNBOUNDED) el.setMaxMultiplicity(MaxMult.UNBOUNDED); // merge the child elements; first those from el, which may or may not be matched for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = el.getChildElements().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ElementDef child =; ElementDef previousChild = childWithNameAndType(previous, child.getName(),child.getType()); if (previousChild == null) { // as the child does not occur in one of the choices, it is optional in the tree child.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ZERO); newEl.getChildElements().add(child); } else newEl.getChildElements().add(mergeSubtrees(child,previousChild)); } // then child elements from previous which are not children of el for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = previous.getChildElements().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ElementDef prev =; if (childWithNameAndType(el,prev.getName(),prev.getType()) == null) { // as the child does not occur in one of the choices, it is optional in the tree prev.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ZERO); newEl.getChildElements().add(prev); } } // merge the attributes. First those in el which may or may not be matched in previous for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = el.getAttributeDefs().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { AttributeDef at =; AttributeDef atp = previous.getNamedAttribute(at.getName()); /* if the attribute does not occur in one of the choices, * it is optional and has no fixed or default value */ if (atp == null) { at.setFixedValue(null); // when the attribute does not occur, it cannot have a fixed or default value at.setDefaultValue(null); at.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ZERO); } else { // store fixed and default values only if the two choices are equal at.setFixedValue(mergeFixedValues(at.getFixedValue(),atp.getFixedValue())); at.setDefaultValue(mergeFixedValues(at.getDefaultValue(),atp.getDefaultValue())); if (atp.getMinMultiplicity() == MinMult.ZERO) at.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ZERO); } newEl.getAttributeDefs().add(at); } // next the attributes in previous which are not matched in el for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = previous.getAttributeDefs().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { AttributeDef atp =; AttributeDef at = el.getNamedAttribute(atp.getName()); if (at == null) { atp.setFixedValue(null); // when the attribute does not occur, it cannot have a fixed or default value atp.setDefaultValue(null); // if the attribute does not occur in one of the choices, it is optional atp.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ZERO); newEl.getAttributeDefs().add(atp); } } return el; } /** * Merge fixed or default values arising from two different choices, in the same attribute * in different choices. * If either choice has no fixed value, the structure tree has no fixed value (null). * If the choices provide different fixed values, there is no fixed value. * Only if both choices define the same value should the tree record a fixed value. * @param value1 * @param value2 * @return */ private String mergeFixedValues(String value1, String value2) { String res = null; if (value1 == null) return res; if (value2 == null) return res; if (value1.equals(value2)) res = value1; return res; } private ElementDef childWithNameAndType(ElementDef el,String name, String type) { ElementDef child = el.getNamedChildElement(type); if ((child != null) && (child.getType().equals(type))) return child; return null; } /** * save all the attributes by name alone - more than one attribute of the same * name but different types is not allowed (?) * @param newEl * @param choiceTrees */ private void saveAttributes(ElementDef el, Hashtable<String,AttributeDef> choiceAtts) { for (Iterator<AttributeDef> it = el.getAttributeDefs().iterator();it.hasNext();) { AttributeDef at =; AttributeDef atp = choiceAtts.get(at.getName()); // if the attribute is new, add it if (atp == null) choiceAtts.put(at.getName(), at); // if it exists already with MinMult zero, keep MinMult zero else if (atp != null) { if (atp.getMinMultiplicity() == MinMult.ZERO) at.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ZERO); choiceAtts.put(at.getName(), at); } } } /** * message if some child class is unexpected in the XSD package; * write out the classes (and names if possible) of the whole subtree * @param parent * @param child */ private void unexpectedChild(EObject parent, EObject child, int type, String trail) { System.out.println("New subtree under " + description(parent) + " at call " + type + " with trail '" + trail + "'"); showDescendants(child,0); } // basic description of an EObject - class name, and 'getName()' if defined private String description(EObject eo) { String cName = null; StringTokenizer cst = new StringTokenizer(eo.getClass().getName(),"."); while (cst.hasMoreTokens()) {cName = cst.nextToken();} if (eo instanceof XSDNamedComponent) {cName = cName + " '" + ((XSDNamedComponent)eo).getName() + "'";} return cName; } /** * write out a basic description of the subtree of an EObject * @param eo the EObject * @param level keeps track of the depth in the tree; truncate */ private void showDescendants(EObject eo, int level) { if (level > 1) return; System.out.println(level + ": " + description(eo)); for (Iterator<EObject> it = eo.eContents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {showDescendants(,level + 1);} } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Static method to return a top XSDSchema object //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Open a file as a XSD model * @param uri the URI of the XSD model file * @return the XSDSchema (EObject subclass) root of the model; or null if failed to open */ public static XSDSchema getXSDRoot(URI uri) { XSDSchema theSchema = null; ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); // load the main schema file into the resourceSet. //XSDResourceImpl xsdRes = resourceSet.getResource(uri, true); // getResources() returns an iterator over all the resources, therefore, the main resource // and those that have been included, imported, or redefined. for (Iterator<Resource> resources = resourceSet.getResources().iterator(); resources.hasNext(); /* no-op */) { // Return the first schema object found, which is the main schema // loaded from the provided schemaURL Resource resource =; if ((resource instanceof XSDResourceImpl) && (theSchema == null)) { XSDResourceImpl xsdResource = (XSDResourceImpl)resource; theSchema = xsdResource.getSchema(); } } return theSchema; } /** key = string form of a non-definite path; * value = the shortest compatible definite path */ Hashtable<String, Xpth> shortestPaths = new Hashtable<String, Xpth>(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Dealing with xsi:type; extended types //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* If the schema has complex types that are extensions or restrictions on other types, * then instances may use xsi:type on elements to say what types the elements are. * In this case the tree of allowed structure is the union of the structure trees * of the base type and all its extensions */ /** * key = a type name; * value = names of all the types derived directly from it, by extension or restriction */ private Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> directDerivedTypes = new Hashtable<String,Vector<String>>(); /** * @return true if this schema has any complex types derived from others by extension or restriction */ public boolean schemaHasDerivedTypes() {return (directDerivedTypes.size() > 0);} /** * set up the Hashtable directDerivedTypes, recording which types are derived directly * from others. * Note the workaround below for a strange feature of the XSD package */ private void recordDerivedTypes() { for (Iterator<XSDTypeDefinition> types = schema.getTypeDefinitions().iterator(); types.hasNext();) { XSDTypeDefinition td =; if (td instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) { XSDComplexTypeDefinition ctd = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition)td; String derivedName = ctd.getName(); int method = ctd.getDerivationMethod().getValue(); if ((method == XSDDerivationMethod.EXTENSION)|(method == XSDDerivationMethod.RESTRICTION)) { String baseName = ctd.getBaseType().getName(); // WORKAROUND; getBaseType() sometimes wrongly returns an XSDSimpleType with the name of the XSDComplexType XSDComplexTypeDefinition base = getComplexType(baseName); if (base != null) { Vector<String> derivedNames = directDerivedTypes.get(baseName); if (derivedNames == null) derivedNames = new Vector<String>(); derivedNames.add(derivedName); directDerivedTypes.put(baseName,derivedNames); } } } } } /** * basic diagnostic write of derived types */ private void writeDerivedTypes() { for (Enumeration<String> en = directDerivedTypes.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String typeLine = en.nextElement(); Vector<String> derived = directDerivedTypes.get(typeLine); typeLine = typeLine + "\t"; for (Iterator<String> it = derived.iterator();it.hasNext();) { typeLine = typeLine + + ","; } System.out.println(typeLine); } } /** * @param typeName the name of a complex type * @return a Vector starting with that type, and containing the names of all types * derived from it, directly or indirectly, such that any type always precedes * the types derived from it. */ private Vector<String> allDerivedTypes(String typeName) { Vector<String> types = new Vector<String>(); types.add(typeName); addDerivedTypes(types, typeName,0); return types; } /** * @param types a Vector of type names * @param typeName a type name * Add to the Vector all types derived directly from the type, * and recursively add those derived indirectly */ private void addDerivedTypes(Vector<String> types,String typeName, int depth) { int MAXDEPTH = 20; // some silly schemas self-recurse if (typeName != null) { Vector<String> directDerived = directDerivedTypes.get(typeName); if (directDerived != null) for (Iterator<String> it = directDerived.iterator();it.hasNext();) { String dType =; types.add(dType); // add a type derived directly from the type if (depth < MAXDEPTH) // has been known to blow up addDerivedTypes(types,dType,depth + 1); // recursively add those derived from the derived type } } } /** * @param derivedTypeStructures Vector of ElementDefs for a type, and all types * derived from it by extension or restriction. Any type comes before the types * derived from it. * @return the union of the ElementDef trees, preserving order of descendant elements, * and putting elements from extended types after elements from their base types */ private ElementDef unionOfTypeStructures(Vector<ElementDef>derivedTypeStructures) { Hashtable<String,String> usedChildElementNames = new Hashtable<String,String>(); Hashtable<String,String> usedAttributeNames = new Hashtable<String,String>(); // copy properties of any element from the base type that introduces it ElementDef el = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createElementDef(); ElementDef first = derivedTypeStructures.get(0); el.setType(first.getType()); el.setName(first.getName()); el.setMinMultiplicity(first.getMinMultiplicity()); el.setMaxMultiplicity(first.getMaxMultiplicity()); el.setDefaultValue(first.getDefaultValue()); el.setFixedValue(first.getFixedValue()); /* iterate over all derived types and all their child Elements, * addressing each child element name only once */ boolean isBaseType = true; // remains true only for the first (base) structure for (Iterator<ElementDef> ip = derivedTypeStructures.iterator();ip.hasNext();) { ElementDef parent =; // if any extended type allows unbounded max multiplicity,allow it for the union if (parent.getMaxMultiplicity() == MaxMult.UNBOUNDED) el.setMaxMultiplicity(MaxMult.UNBOUNDED); for (Iterator <ElementDef> ic = parent.getChildElements().iterator();ic.hasNext();) { String cName =; if (usedChildElementNames.get(cName) == null) // first encounter of this element name { usedChildElementNames.put(cName, "1"); // pick up child elements of this name from all parents, and put them in a Vector Vector<ElementDef> namedChildren = new Vector<ElementDef>(); for (Iterator<ElementDef> ipp = derivedTypeStructures.iterator();ipp.hasNext();) { ElementDef par =; for (Iterator <ElementDef> icc = par.getChildElements().iterator();icc.hasNext();) { ElementDef ch =; if (ch.getName().equals(cName)) namedChildren.add(ch); } } // make the union of type structures for all child elements with a given name ElementDef childStruct = unionOfTypeStructures(namedChildren); // if the name does not come from the base type, make the ElementDef optional if (!isBaseType) childStruct.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ZERO); el.getChildElements().add(childStruct); } // end of first encounter with a child element name } // end of loop over child elements of derived type structures for (Iterator<AttributeDef> ia = parent.getAttributeDefs().iterator();ia.hasNext();) { AttributeDef ad =; String attName = ad.getName(); /* if this is the first encounter with this attribute name, don't bother * to find all later occurrences of the attribute name in all derived types; * take the properties from the first occurrence. Incorrect? */ if (usedAttributeNames.get(attName) == null) { usedAttributeNames.put(attName,"1"); AttributeDef at = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAttributeDef(); at.setName(attName); at.setType(ad.getType()); at.setMinMultiplicity(ad.getMinMultiplicity()); /* if an attribute does not appear in the base type, make it optional * (restricted types cannot make an obligatory attribute optional) */ if (!isBaseType) at.setMinMultiplicity(MinMult.ZERO); at.setDefaultValue(ad.getDefaultValue()); at.setFixedValue(ad.getFixedValue()); el.getAttributeDefs().add(at); } // end of first encounter with an attribute of given name } // end of loop over attributes of derived type ElementDefs // so that elements and attributes first encountered in non-base types can min multiplicity = 0 isBaseType = false; } // end of loop over derived type structures return el; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Getting Enumeration values of simple types //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @param simpleTypeName the name of a simple type * @return a list of its enumerated values, if it has any; otherwise an empty list * @throws MapperException if there is no such simple type */ public Vector<String> getSimpleTypeEnumeratedValues(String simpleTypeName) throws MapperException { Vector<String> values = new Vector<String>(); XSDSimpleTypeDefinition theType = null; EList<XSDTypeDefinition> types = schema.getTypeDefinitions(); for (Iterator<XSDTypeDefinition> it = types.iterator();it.hasNext();) { XSDTypeDefinition next =; if (theType == null) { if ((next instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) && (next.getName().equals(simpleTypeName))) theType = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition)next; if ((theType != null) && (theType.getEnumerationFacets() != null)) { int size = theType.getEnumerationFacets().size(); if (size > 0) { for (Iterator<XSDEnumerationFacet> iu = theType.getEnumerationFacets().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { XSDEnumerationFacet facet =; EList<Object> valueSet = facet.getValue(); if ((valueSet != null) && (valueSet.size() == 1)) { Object value = valueSet.get(0); if (value instanceof String) values.add((String)value); } } } } } } if (theType == null) throw new MapperException("Simple type '" + simpleTypeName + "' not found."); return values; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Bits and bobs //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected void message(String s) {System.out.println(s);} }