package com.openMap1.mapper.actions; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction; import org.eclipse.ui.IObjectActionDelegate; import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.SetCommand; import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchema; // a kind of EObject import com.openMap1.mapper.presentation.MapperEditor; import com.openMap1.mapper.presentation.DatabaseConnectWizard; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.SQLParser; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.XSDStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.DBStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.converters.CSV_Wrapper; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.FileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.WorkBenchUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.ElementDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.MappedStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.MapperPackage; import com.openMap1.mapper.StructureType; /** * Action to read in an XML schema or RDBMS schema or csv file and use it as the basis for a mapped structure. * After doing this action, the user needs to choose a complex type or element to be the * root of the mapped structure, setting the attribute of the top Mapped Structure node * @author robert * */ public class AttachDataStructureActionDelegate extends MapperActionDelegate implements IObjectActionDelegate { static String CSV_WRAPPER_CLASSNAME = "com.openMap1.mapper.converters.CSV_Wrapper"; @Override /** * On running this action, do the following: * * (1) Find out what kind of structure definition the MappedStructure uses - XSD or RDBMS or csv * (2) Show a file dialogue for the user to select an XSD or csv file, or a connection dialogue * to make a database connection * (3) Try to open the XSD file and read it into an ecore model, * or open the csv * or to open the database to get its metadata * (4) If the editor is not open, open it * (5) Set the 'data structure location' attribute on the top 'Mapped structure' node * (6) Find the set of allowed values for the top element type * (7) attach the XSDStructure to the root MappedStructure object */ public void run(IAction action) { // (1) find out if the selected mapper file is expecting an XSD structure, or an RDMBS, or a csv file boolean isDatabaseStructure = (mappedStructure().getStructureType().equals(StructureType.RDBMS)); String wrapperClassName = mappedStructure().getMappingParameters().getWrapperClass(); boolean isCSVStructure = ((wrapperClassName != null) && (wrapperClassName.equals(CSV_WRAPPER_CLASSNAME))); try{ if (isDatabaseStructure) runForDatabaseStructure(); else if (isCSVStructure) runForCSVStructure(); // the last else case covers structure types: XSD, V2 else runForXSDStructure(); } catch (MapperException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); showMessage(ex.getMessage()); } } private void runForDatabaseStructure() throws MapperException { // allow the user to open an sql schema file String path = ""; String[] exts = {"*.sql"}; path = FileUtil.getFilePathFromUser(targetPart,exts,"Select SQL schema file",false); // the user opened an SQL file if (!(path.equals(""))) try { FileInputStream sqlStream = new FileInputStream(path); Vector<String> lines = FileUtil.getLines(sqlStream); SQLParser parser = new SQLParser(lines); parser.parse(); // If the editor is not open, open it MapperEditor me = OpenMapperEditor(selection); if (me == null) return; // expand the structure ElementDef newRoot = parser.makeTableStructure(); setTreeStructure(me,newRoot); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {throw new MapperException(ex.getMessage());} /* the user cancelled the opportunity to open an SQL file, so * give the opportunity to open a database connection */ else if (path.equals("")) { // (2) show a dialog for the user to choose a database connection DatabaseConnectWizard wizard = new DatabaseConnectWizard(); wizard.init(PlatformUI.getWorkbench(),(IStructuredSelection)selection); WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog (PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell(),wizard);; path = wizard.dbConnect().connectString(); // (3) get schema information from the database Connection con = wizard.dbConnect().con(); DBStructure dbStructure = new DBStructure(con); // (4) If the editor is not open, open it MapperEditor me = OpenMapperEditor(selection); if (me == null) return; // (5) Set the 'data structure URL' property on the top 'Mapped structure' node setStructureURLProperty(me, path); // (6) find the set of allowed values for the top element type and name me.propertyValueSetProvider().notifyNewValueSupplier ("MappedStructure","Top Element Type", dbStructure); me.propertyValueSetProvider().notifyNewValueSupplier ("MappedStructure","Top Element Name", dbStructure); // (7) attach the database Structure to the root MappedStructure object WorkBenchUtil.mappingRoot(me).setStructureDefinition(dbStructure); } } /** * get a file name for an XML schema and read it * (overridden for the V2 case) * @throws MapperException */ public void runForXSDStructure() throws MapperException { String path = ""; // (2) show a dialog for the user to choose an XSD file String[] exts = {"*.xsd"}; path = FileUtil.getFilePathFromUser(targetPart,exts,"Select Data Structure Definition",false); if (path.equals("")) return; // (3) Try to open the file and read it into an ECore model URI uri = FileUtil.URIFromPath(path); XSDSchema theSchema = XSDStructure.getXSDRoot(uri); if (theSchema == null) {showMessage("Failed to open XML Schema");return;} // (4) If the editor is not open, open it MapperEditor me = OpenMapperEditor(selection); if (me == null) return; // (5) Set the 'data structure URL' property on the top 'Mapped structure' node setStructureURLProperty(me, uri.toString()); // (6) find the set of allowed values for the top element type and name XSDStructure xsd = new XSDStructure(theSchema); me.propertyValueSetProvider().notifyNewValueSupplier ("MappedStructure","Top Element Type", xsd); me.propertyValueSetProvider().notifyNewValueSupplier ("MappedStructure","Top Element Name", xsd); // (7) attach the XSDStructure to the root MappedStructure object mappedStructure().setStructureDefinition(xsd); System.out.println("Final namespaces: " + mappedStructure().getMappingParameters().getNameSpaces().size()); } /** * extract a csv mapping tree structure from an example csv file * @throws MapperException */ private void runForCSVStructure() throws MapperException { String path = ""; // (2) show a dialog for the user to choose a CSV file String[] exts = {"*.csv"}; path = FileUtil.getFilePathFromUser(targetPart,exts,"Select Example of CSV Data Structure",false); if (path.equals("")) return; // (3) Try to open the csv file Object input = null; try { input = new FileInputStream(new File(path)); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException("Cannot open csv file at '" + path + "'");} // (4) If the editor is not open, open it MapperEditor me = OpenMapperEditor(selection); if (me == null) return; // (5) Set the 'data structure URL' property on the top 'Mapped structure' node setStructureURLProperty(me, path); // (6) find the set of allowed values for the top element type and name CSV_Wrapper csvStructure = new CSV_Wrapper(WorkBenchUtil.mappingRoot(me),null); csvStructure.getStructure(input); me.propertyValueSetProvider().notifyNewValueSupplier ("MappedStructure","Top Element Type", csvStructure); me.propertyValueSetProvider().notifyNewValueSupplier ("MappedStructure","Top Element Name", csvStructure); // (7) attach the XSDStructure to the root MappedStructure object mappedStructure().setStructureDefinition(csvStructure); } /** * update the property 'XSDURL' of the top 'MappedStructure' node (but do not save the file) */ public boolean setStructureURLProperty(MapperEditor me, String path) { MappedStructure ms = WorkBenchUtil.mappingRoot(me); if (ms == null) return false; EditingDomain ed = me.editingDomain(); SetCommand sc2 = new SetCommand(ed,ms, MapperPackage.eINSTANCE.getMappedStructure_StructureURL(), path); ed.getCommandStack().execute(sc2); return true; } /** * update the ElementDef tree structure attached to the top 'MappedStructure' node (but do not save the file) */ public boolean setTreeStructure(MapperEditor me, ElementDef newRoot) { MappedStructure ms = WorkBenchUtil.mappingRoot(me); if (ms == null) return false; EditingDomain ed = me.editingDomain(); SetCommand sc2 = new SetCommand(ed,ms, MapperPackage.eINSTANCE.getMappedStructure_RootElement(), newRoot); ed.getCommandStack().execute(sc2); return true; } }