package com.openMap1.mapper.actions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionItem; import org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.GenUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.presentation.MapperEditor; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.MappableAssociation; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.StructureDefinition; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.LabelledEClass; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.WorkBenchUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.AssocEndMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.AssocMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.AttributeDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.ElementDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.MappedStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.MapperPackage; import com.openMap1.mapper.MaxMult; import com.openMap1.mapper.NodeDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.ObjMapping; /** * Class to create mapper editor menu actions depending on the model class * selected in the mapped class model view, and possibly on other criteria. * * @author robert * */ public class AddMapperEditorActions { private MapperEditor mapperEditor; private MappedStructure mappedStructure; private List<IAction> actionsForModelObject; public List<IAction> actionsForModelObject() {return actionsForModelObject;} private List<IContributionItem> subMenusForModelObject; public List<IContributionItem> subMenusForModelObject() {return subMenusForModelObject;} public AddMapperEditorActions(MapperEditor mapperEditor) { this.mapperEditor = mapperEditor; Object thing = mapperEditor.getEditingDomain().getResourceSet().getResources().get(0).getContents().get(0); if (thing instanceof MappedStructure) { mappedStructure = (MappedStructure)thing; } else System.out.println("Not editing a mapped structure"); } /** * Create menu actions depending on the model class * selected in the mapped class model view, and possibly on other criteria. * @param domain the mapper editor editing domain * @param object the object selected in the mapper editor */ public void createActionsForModelObject(EditingDomain domain, Object object, Object selectedFromClassModelView) { actionsForModelObject = new ArrayList<IAction>(); subMenusForModelObject = new ArrayList<IContributionItem>(); if (object instanceof ElementDef) { ElementDef el = (ElementDef)object; createActionsForElement(domain, el, selectedFromClassModelView); } else if (object instanceof AttributeDef) { AttributeDef at = (AttributeDef)object; createActionsForAttribute(domain, at, selectedFromClassModelView); } else if (object instanceof ObjMapping) { ObjMapping om = (ObjMapping)object; createActionsForMapping(om); } } /** * Actions when an Element node is selected in the mapped structure tree * @param domain the mapper editor editing domain * @param el the Element node selected * @param fromClassModel the object currently selected in the mapped class model view */ private void createActionsForElement(EditingDomain domain, ElementDef el, Object fromClassModel) { /* for any element of a complex type, * which has not yet been expanded in the tree, add actions to expand it, * or to create a new mapping set, or to link to an existing one. */ if ((el.getType() != null) && (!el.getType().equals("")) && (attachedStructure() != null)) { if (!el.isExpanded()) actionsForModelObject.add(new ExtendElementTreeAction(domain,el,attachedStructure())); actionsForModelObject.add(new CreateNewMappingSetForTypeAction(mapperEditor,domain,el,attachedStructure())); actionsForModelObject.add(new ImportMappingSetForTypeAction(mapperEditor,domain,el)); } /* If the ElementDef has any child ElementDefs of unbounded max multiplicity, * add an option to add an AttributeDef with name ElementDefImpl.ELEMENT_POSITION_ATTRIBUTE * to all its child elements */ if (hasUnboundedChildElements(el)) { actionsForModelObject.add(new AddVirtualPositionAttributeAction(mapperEditor,domain,el)); } EClass selectedClass = extractEClassFrom(fromClassModel); // if a Class has been selected in the Class Model View, add the necessary mapping actions if (selectedClass != null) { // always add an action to map to the class String qualifiedName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(selectedClass); String nextSubset = nextSubset(mappingRoot(el),qualifiedName); actionsForModelObject.add(new MakeObjectMappingAction(domain, el, selectedClass.getName(), selectedClass.getEPackage().getName(),nextSubset,"")); // for V3 Mappings to an RMIM class model, add a chain mapping menu item if (fromClassModel instanceof LabelledEClass) makeChainMappingAction(domain,el,(LabelledEClass)fromClassModel); /* add Property and Association Mapping actions only if there is already an object mapping to the selected class */ addPropertyMappingActions(domain, el, selectedClass, fromClassModel); addAssociationMappingActions(domain, el, selectedClass,fromClassModel); // add an auto-mapping sub-menu addAutoMappingMenu(domain, el, selectedClass,fromClassModel); } } /** * @param el an ElementDef * @return true if it has any child ElementDefs of unbounded max multiplicity, * or if it has more than one child ElementDef */ private boolean hasUnboundedChildElements(ElementDef el) { boolean unbounded = false; int children = 0; for (Iterator<ElementDef> it = el.getChildElements().iterator();it.hasNext();) { ElementDef child =; if (child.getMaxMultiplicity() == MaxMult.UNBOUNDED) unbounded = true; children++; } if (children > 1) unbounded = true; return unbounded; } /** * @param fromClassModel The object selected in the class model view is either an EClass (vanilla class model view) * or a LabelledEClass (RMIM class model view) * @return the EClass extracted from it, in either case */ private EClass extractEClassFrom(Object fromClassModel) { EClass selectedClass = null; if (fromClassModel != null) { if (fromClassModel instanceof EClass) selectedClass = (EClass)fromClassModel; if (fromClassModel instanceof LabelledEClass) selectedClass = ((LabelledEClass)fromClassModel).eClass(); } return selectedClass; } /** * Actions when an Attribute node is selected in the mapped structure tree * @param domain the mapper editor editing domain * @param at the Attribute node selected * @param fromClassModel the object currently selected in the mapped class model view */ private void createActionsForAttribute(EditingDomain domain, AttributeDef at, Object fromClassModel) { EClass selectedClass = extractEClassFrom(fromClassModel); // if a Class has been selected in the Class Model View, add the necessary mapping actions if (selectedClass != null) { /* add Property and Association Mapping actions only if there is already an object mapping to the selected class */ addPropertyMappingActions(domain, at, selectedClass,fromClassModel); addAssociationMappingActions(domain, at, selectedClass,fromClassModel); // add an auto-mapping sub-menu addAutoMappingMenu(domain, at, selectedClass,fromClassModel); } } private MappedStructure mappingRoot(NodeDef nd) { return ModelUtil.getMappedStructure(nd); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Auto-Mapping (advance property mapping) Menu //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void addAutoMappingMenu(EditingDomain domain, NodeDef nd, EClass selectedClass, Object fromClassModel) { MenuManager autoSubMenu = new MenuManager("Pre-map"); subMenusForModelObject.add(autoSubMenu); // add menu items to pre-map any property of the class, or of a superclass Vector<String> allProperties = allPropertyNames(selectedClass,""); for (Iterator<String> it = allProperties.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String classProp =; // of the form 'class:property' autoSubMenu.add(new MakePreMappingAction(domain, nd, classProp,selectedClass,fromClassModel,true)); } // add a menu item to pre-map the class String className = selectedClass.getName(); autoSubMenu.add(new MakePreMappingAction(domain, nd,className,selectedClass,fromClassModel,false)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Property Mapping sub-menu //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * If there are any object mappings to the class selected in the mapped class model view, * make actions to add a property mapping to that class on the selected structure node * @param domain * @param nd * @param selectedClass */ private void addPropertyMappingActions(EditingDomain domain, NodeDef nd, EClass selectedClass, Object fromClassModel) { Vector<String> subsets = getMappedSubsets(mappingRoot(nd), fromClassModel); if (subsets.size() > 0) { MenuManager propSubMenu = new MenuManager("Map Property"); subMenusForModelObject.add(propSubMenu); for (Iterator<String> is = subsets.iterator();is.hasNext();) { String subset =; Vector<String> allProperties = allPropertyNames(selectedClass,subset); addPseudoPropertyNames(selectedClass,nd,allProperties,subset); for (Iterator<String> it = allProperties.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String classProp =; // of the form 'class:property' propSubMenu.add(new MakePropertyMappingAction(domain, nd, classProp,selectedClass,subset,"")); } } } } /** * If there are any object mappings to the class selected in the mapped class model view, * make actions to add any allowed association mapping to that class on the selected structure node * @param domain * @param nd * @param selectedClass */ private void addAssociationMappingActions(EditingDomain domain, NodeDef nd, EClass selectedClass, Object fromClassModel) { Vector<String> subsets = getMappedSubsets(mappingRoot(nd), fromClassModel); if (subsets.size() > 0) { MenuManager assocSubMenu = new MenuManager("Map Association"); subMenusForModelObject.add(assocSubMenu); //find existing object mappings with their subsets Hashtable <String,Vector<String>> theClassMappings = allClassMappings(mappingRoot(nd)); for (Iterator<String> is = subsets.iterator();is.hasNext();) { String thisSubset =; //find associations from the selected class to these classes Vector<MappableAssociation> mappableAssociations = getMappableAssociations(selectedClass,thisSubset, theClassMappings); for (Iterator<MappableAssociation> it = mappableAssociations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { MappableAssociation am =; assocSubMenu.add(new MakeAssociationMappingAction(domain, nd, am,"")); } } } } /** * @param root root of the MappedStructure * @param fromClassModel a node selected in the class model view; EClass or LabelledEClass * @return the mapped subsets of the class in the mapping. If it s an RMIM view, * these are only those consistent with the position of the class in the RMIM */ private Vector<String> getMappedSubsets(EObject root, Object fromClassModel) { Vector<String> subsets = new Vector<String>(); if (fromClassModel instanceof EClass) subsets = mappedSubsets(root, ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName((EClass)fromClassModel)); if (fromClassModel instanceof LabelledEClass) subsets = restrictedMappedSubsets(root,(LabelledEClass)fromClassModel); return subsets; } /** * @param root the MappedStructure root of a mapping set * @param qualifiedClassName a class name preceded by its package name, if nonempty * @return a Vector of all mapped subsets; an empty Vector if there are no mappings */ public static Vector<String> mappedSubsets(EObject root, String qualifiedClassName) { Vector<String> subsets = new Vector<String>(); if (allClassMappings(root).get(qualifiedClassName) != null) subsets = allClassMappings(root).get(qualifiedClassName); return subsets; } /** * @param root the MappedStructure root of a mapping set * @param qualifiedClassName a class name preceded by its package name, if nonempty * @return the subset name to use for the next object mapping to that class, * avoiding all clashes with subset names already used */ public static String nextSubset(EObject root, String qualifiedClassName) { String subset = ""; Vector<String> subsets = mappedSubsets(root,qualifiedClassName); if (subsets.size() > 0) { boolean clash = true; int index = 1; while (clash) { subset = "s" + index; clash = GenUtil.inVector(subset, subsets); index++; } } return subset; } /** * Find all class mappings in a subtree of the mapped structure tree * @param EObject root of the subtree * @return Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> for each qualified class name, a Vector of its mapped subsets, * or null if there are no mappings */ public static Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> allClassMappings(EObject root) { Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> addClassMappings = new Hashtable<String,Vector<String>>(); addClassMappings(addClassMappings,root); return addClassMappings; } /** * recursive descent of a model tree, finding all mapped subsets * of all classes * @param classMappings * @param node */ public static void addClassMappings(Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> classMappings, EObject node) { if (node instanceof ObjMapping) { ObjMapping om = (ObjMapping)node; String qClassName = om.getQualifiedClassName(); // package name first String subset = om.getSubset(); Vector<String> subsetsMapped = classMappings.get(qClassName); if (subsetsMapped == null) subsetsMapped = new Vector<String>(); subsetsMapped.addElement(subset); classMappings.put(qClassName, subsetsMapped); } for (Iterator<EObject> it = node.eContents().iterator(); it.hasNext();) addClassMappings(classMappings,; } /** * * @param selectedClass an ecore EClass object * @return a Vector of 'className:propertyName' for the Class and all its superclasses */ private Vector<String> allPropertyNames(EClass selectedClass,String subset) { Vector<String> allProps = new Vector<String>(); addPropertyNames(allProps,selectedClass,subset); return allProps; } /** * Add to the Vector allProperties an entry 'className:pseudoPropertyName' for every * pseudo-property of the class (regardless of the mapped subset) * (Pseudo-properties in the mapped structure are converted to properties in the class * model by property conversions) * @param selectedClass * @param nd a Node in the mapped structure * @param allProperties the Vector that is to be extended with the pseudo-properties */ private void addPseudoPropertyNames(EClass selectedClass,NodeDef nd, Vector<String>allProperties, String subset) { String className = subClassName(selectedClass,subset); String qualifiedClassName = qualifiedSubClassName(selectedClass,subset); Hashtable<String,String> pseudoProps = ModelUtil.getPseudoProperties(qualifiedClassName,nd); for (Iterator<String> it = pseudoProps.keySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) {allProperties.add(className + ":" +;} } /** * add 'className:propertyName' for all properties of this class, recursively going * to superclasses , so properties of this class come first on the list * @param allProps * @param c */ private void addPropertyNames(Vector<String> allProps,EClass c,String subset) { for (Iterator<EAttribute> it = c.getEAttributes().iterator();it.hasNext();) {allProps.addElement(subClassName(c,subset) + ":" +;} for (Iterator<EClass> iu = c.getESuperTypes().iterator();iu.hasNext();) {addPropertyNames(allProps,,subset);} } /** * @param ec a class * @param subset a mapped subset * @return the qualfied class name , followed by the subset name in brackets if not empty */ private String qualifiedSubClassName(EClass ec, String subset) { String subName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(ec); if (!subset.equals("")) subName = subName + "(" + subset + ")"; return subName; } /** * @param ec a class * @param subset a mapped subset * @return the unqualified class name , followed by the subset name in brackets if not empty */ private String subClassName(EClass ec, String subset) { String subName = ec.getName(); if (!subset.equals("")) subName = subName + "(" + subset + ")"; return subName; } /** * find all associations from the selected class (or one of its superclasses) * to some other mapped class (or one of its superclasses) * @param EClass the selectedClass * @param Hashtable allClassMappings; the keys to this are the names of mapped classes * @return */ private Vector<MappableAssociation> getMappableAssociations (EClass selectedClass, String thisEndSubset, Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> allClassMappings) { Vector<MappableAssociation> assocs = new Vector<MappableAssociation>(); EClass originalClass = selectedClass; EClass endClass = selectedClass; addMappableAssociations(assocs, originalClass, endClass, thisEndSubset, allClassMappings); return assocs; } /** * recurse up through superclasses finding associations, * but labelling them always with the original class * @param assocs Vector of MappableAssociation objects being built up * @param originalClass the original class selected in the mapped class model view * @param endClass the original class or a superclass -end of the association * @param allClassMappings supplies the names of all classes currently mapped */ private void addMappableAssociations(Vector<MappableAssociation> assocs, EClass originalClass, EClass endClass, String thisEndSubset, Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> allClassMappings) { // check all the associations of this class for (Iterator<EReference> it = endClass.getEReferences().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; /* pick out only those associations whose other end class (or some subclasses of it) * are mapped, and note the actual mapped subclasses */ for (Iterator<EClassSubset> iw = mappedSubClasses(ref, allClassMappings).iterator();iw.hasNext();) { EClassSubset ecs =; MappableAssociation ma = new MappableAssociation(originalClass, thisEndSubset,ecs.eClass,ecs.subset, ref,false); assocs.addElement(ma); } } // repeat the checks for all superclasses of the selected class for (Iterator<EClass> it = endClass.getESuperTypes().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {addMappableAssociations(assocs,originalClass,,thisEndSubset, allClassMappings);} } /** * if the other end class of the EReference (or any of its subclasses) * are mapped classes, return a Vector the mapped classes; * otherwise return an empty Vector * @param am * @param allClassMappings * @return */ private Vector<EClassSubset> mappedSubClasses(EReference am, Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> allClassMappings) { Vector<EClassSubset> result = new Vector<EClassSubset>(); EClass endSuperClass = (EClass)am.getEType(); // find all subclasses of the class at the other end of the association Vector<EClass> endSubClasses = new Vector<EClass>(); try {endSubClasses = mappedStructure.getAllSubClasses(endSuperClass);} catch (Exception ex) {} for (Iterator<EClass> it = endSubClasses.iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClass endSubClass =; String qualifiedClassName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(endSubClass); Vector<String> subsets = allClassMappings.get(qualifiedClassName); // find all mapped subsets of each subclass if (subsets != null) for (Iterator<String> is = subsets.iterator();is.hasNext();) { String subset =; result.add(new EClassSubset(endSubClass,subset)); } } return result; } private class EClassSubset{ EClass eClass; String subset; EClassSubset(EClass eClass,String subset) { this.eClass = eClass; this.subset = subset; } } /** * * @return the Structure definition attached to the current mapping set */ private StructureDefinition attachedStructure() { StructureDefinition res = null; try { res = WorkBenchUtil.mappingRoot(mapperEditor).getStructureDefinition(); } catch (MapperException ex) {} return res; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Chain Mapping Menu Item for V3 RMIM mappings //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void makeChainMappingAction(EditingDomain domain,ElementDef el,LabelledEClass selected) { EObject root = mappingRoot(el); Vector<String> subsets = getMappedSubsets(root, selected); String ancestorMappedClass = null; String ancestorMappedSubset = null; /* You can make chain mappings even if the class is already mapped, because you may * want to make repeated mappings to data type classes like II */ { boolean classIsMapped = false; LabelledEClass current = selected; // Iterate up through parent classes until you find one that is mapped while ((current != null) && (!classIsMapped)) { // find the subset to use when mapping this class String className = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(current.eClass()); String subsetToMap = nextSubset(root,className); current.setSubsetToMap(subsetToMap); // find the next parent class and check if it exists and is mapped current = current.parent(); if (current != null) { subsets = getMappedSubsets(mappingRoot(el), current); if (subsets.size() > 0) // found the first ancestor class already mapped { classIsMapped = true; // record the mapped class and subset, for use in the top association mapping ancestorMappedClass = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(current.eClass()); ancestorMappedSubset = subsets.get(0); } } } // end of iteration over ancestor classes if (ancestorMappedSubset != null) actionsForModelObject.add(new MakeChainMappingAction(domain,el,ancestorMappedClass,ancestorMappedSubset,selected)); } } /** * @param root the MappedStructure root of a mapping set * @param selected a node selected in the RMIM class model view * @return the restricted list of mapped subsets for the selected class, * which are also consistent with its position in the RMIM tree. * * The restricted list is generally expected to have length 1. * * If there is one or more mapped subset, but the selected RMIM class does not have a * chain of association mappings linking it to ancestor classes, then the result is an * empty Vector. (an object mapping on its own does not define which instance of an RMIM * class, eg which instance of a data type class, it refers to) */ private Vector<String> restrictedMappedSubsets(EObject root, LabelledEClass selected) { Vector<String> filteredSubsets = null; // get the long list of mapped subsets, restricted by the qualified class name Vector<String> subsets = mappedSubsets(root,ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(selected.eClass())); // Only try to restrict the list if there is more than one subset if ((subsets != null) && (subsets.size() == 1)) return subsets; if ((subsets != null) && (subsets.size() > 1)) { String assocName = selected.associationName(); LabelledEClass parent = selected.parent(); // The top class of the RMIM has no parent class, so its subsets cannot be filtered if (parent != null) { filteredSubsets = new Vector<String>(); // find the restricted mapped subsets of the parent Vector<String> parentSubsets = restrictedMappedSubsets(root, parent); // and the parent class must have one or more object mappings if ((parentSubsets != null) && (parentSubsets.size() > 0)) { // try out all mapped subsets in the long list for (Iterator<String> is = subsets.iterator();is.hasNext();) { String subset =; // for each subset, try out all mapped subsets of the parent (but there should be only 1) for (Iterator<String> it = parentSubsets.iterator();it.hasNext();) { String pSubset =; // retain the subset only if the association mapping exists if (mappedAssociationExists(root, parent.eClass(),pSubset,selected.eClass(),subset,assocName)) filteredSubsets.add(subset); } } } } } if (filteredSubsets != null) subsets = filteredSubsets; return subsets; } /** * @param root MappedStructure root * @param parent parent class * @param parentSubset mapped subset of parent class * @param selected class selected in the class model view * @param subset a possible subset of the selected class * @param assocName role name to go from the parent class to the selected class * @return true if the association mapping exits with all these parameters */ private boolean mappedAssociationExists(EObject root, EClass parent,String parentSubset, EClass selected,String subset,String assocName) { boolean exists = false; List<EObject> assocMappings = ModelUtil.getEObjectsUnder(root, MapperPackage.eINSTANCE.getAssocMapping()); for (Iterator<EObject> it = assocMappings.iterator();it.hasNext();) { AssocMapping am = (AssocMapping); AssocEndMapping navigable = am.getMappedEnd2(); AssocEndMapping other = am.getMappedEnd1(); if ((navigable.getQualifiedClassName().equals(ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(selected))) && (navigable.getSubset().equals(subset)) && (navigable.getMappedRole().equals(assocName)) && (other.getQualifiedClassName().equals(ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(parent))) && (other.getSubset().equals(parentSubset))) exists = true; } return exists; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expanding the class model tree to show the class of the selected mapping //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void createActionsForMapping(ObjMapping om) { actionsForModelObject.add(new ShowMappedClassAction(om)); } }