package; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.GenUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; public class TrifoliaConstraint { /** * @return the path from the template node or outer constraint node, to the node this constraint applies to */ public String context() {return context;} private String context; /** * @return the deep context, including a path through outer constraints from the template */ public String deepContext() {return deepContext;} private String deepContext; private String cardinality; private String[] allowedCardinalities = {"0..0","1..1","0..1","0..*","1..*",""}; public boolean hasCardinalities() {return hasCardinalities;} private boolean hasCardinalities = false; /** * @return min cardinality, 0 or 1 */ public int minCardinality() {return minCardinality;} private int minCardinality; /** * @return max cardnality, 1 or -1 (= *) */ public int maxCardinality() {return maxCardinality;} private int maxCardinality; private String conformance; private String[] allowedConformance = {"SHALL","SHOULD","MAY",""}; public boolean hasConformance() {return hasConformance;} private boolean hasConformance = false; static int SHALL = 0; static int SHOULD = 1; static int MAY = 2; /** * @return int constant for SHALL, SHOULD, or MAY */ public int conformance() { if (conformance.equals("SHALL")) return SHALL; if (conformance.equals("SHOULD")) return SHOULD; if (conformance.equals("MAY")) return MAY; return -1; } /** * @return constraint number as in the IG */ public int number() {return number;} private int number; /** * @return true if this constraint defines a single value for the node */ public boolean hasSingleValue() {return hasSingleValue;} private boolean hasSingleValue = false; /** * @return the code for a single value defined by this constraint */ public String singleValueCode() {return singleValueCode;} private String singleValueCode = null; /** * @return the display name for a single value defined by this constraint */ public String singleValueDisplayName() {return singleValueDisplayName;} private String singleValueDisplayName = null; /** * @return the oid of a template required by this constraint */ public String containedTemplateOid() {return containedTemplateOid;} private String containedTemplateOid; /** * @return List of immediately nested constraints */ public List<TrifoliaConstraint> nestedConstraints() {return nestedConstraints;} private Vector<TrifoliaConstraint> nestedConstraints = new Vector<TrifoliaConstraint>(); /** * @return depth of nesting of this constraint - from 0 upwards */ public int depth() {return depth;} private int depth; public TrifoliaConstraint(Element constraintEl, int depth, String outerContext) throws MapperException { try { this.depth = depth; context = constraintEl.getAttribute("context"); deepContext = context; if (!(outerContext.equals(""))) deepContext = outerContext + "/" + context; containedTemplateOid = constraintEl.getAttribute("containedTemplateOid"); cardinality = constraintEl.getAttribute("cardinality"); if (!(cardinality.equals(""))) hasCardinalities = true; if (!GenUtil.inArray(cardinality, allowedCardinalities)) throw new MapperException("Disallowed cardinality: " + cardinality); minCardinality = 0; maxCardinality = -1; if (cardinality.startsWith("1")) minCardinality = 1; if (cardinality.endsWith("1")) maxCardinality = 1; if (cardinality.endsWith("0")) maxCardinality = 0; number = new Integer(constraintEl.getAttribute("number")).intValue(); conformance = constraintEl.getAttribute("conformance"); if (!(conformance.equals(""))) hasConformance = true; if (!GenUtil.inArray(conformance, allowedConformance)) throw new MapperException("Disallowed conformance: " + conformance); // single value constraints Element valueEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(constraintEl, "SingleValueCode"); if (valueEl != null) { hasSingleValue = true; singleValueCode = valueEl.getAttribute("code"); singleValueDisplayName = valueEl.getAttribute("displayName"); } // nested constraints Vector<Element> nestedEls = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(constraintEl, "Constraint"); for (int i = 0; i < nestedEls.size();i++) nestedConstraints.add(new TrifoliaConstraint(nestedEls.get(i),depth + 1,deepContext)); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException("Cannot make Trifolia Constraint: " + ex.getMessage());} } /** * if a constraint requires some nested template, then that constraint has a nested constraint * giving the required template oid as its 'containedTemplateOid' attribute * @return the required template oid; or null if none is specified */ public String requiredTemplateOid() { String oid = null; // there may be several nested constraints, only one of which is a contained template oid if (nestedConstraints.size() > 1) for (int c = 0; c < nestedConstraints.size(); c++) { String possibleOid = nestedConstraints.get(c).containedTemplateOid(); if (!(possibleOid.equals(""))) oid = possibleOid; } return oid; } /** * add to a table of fixed value constraints, for this template and its nested templates * @param fvConstraints */ public void addFixedValueConstraints(Hashtable<String,String> fvConstraints) { if (hasSingleValue) { String path = deepContext; // the attribute 'code' can stand for some other attribute, if the context is that attribute if (!(singleValueCode.equals(""))) { if (!context.startsWith("@")) path = path + "/@code"; fvConstraints.put(path, singleValueCode); } // 'displayName' is ignored if the context is an attribute if ((!(singleValueDisplayName.equals(""))) && (!context.startsWith("@"))) fvConstraints.put(path + "/@displayName", singleValueDisplayName); } for (Iterator<TrifoliaConstraint> it = nestedConstraints.iterator();it.hasNext();); } // private String[] csvHeader = {"Template_Name","Template_id","XPath","Constraint_id","Card.","Value","Comment","Response"}; /** * add rows to the csv file for this constraint and all its nested constraints * @param csvOfConstraints */ public void addToCSVFile(String templateName, String templateId, Vector<String[]> csvOfConstraints) { String[] row = new String[8]; row[0] = templateName; row[1] = templateId; row[2] = deepContext(); row[3] = new Integer(number).toString(); row[4] = ""; if (cardinality != null) row[4] = cardinality; row[5] = ""; if (singleValueCode() != null) row[5] = singleValueCode(); row[6] = ""; row[7] = ""; csvOfConstraints.add(row); for (Iterator<TrifoliaConstraint> it = nestedConstraints().iterator();it.hasNext();), templateId, csvOfConstraints); } private void message(String s) {System.out.println(s);} }