package com.openMap1.mapper.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.openMap1.mapper.converters.AbstractMapperWrapper; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.XMLException; import com.openMap1.mapper.MappedStructure; /** * static file utilities that require the classes IFile and IPath - which I cannot find * in jar files, so cannot deploy outside Eclipse * @author robert * */ public class EclipseFileUtil { public static String TEMPORARY_XML_FILE = "/eclipseTempFile.xml"; public static String TEMPORARY_TEXT_FILE = "/eclipseTempFile.TXT"; public static String getAbsoluteLocation(IFolder folder) { return folder.getFullPath().toString(); } /** * @param URIString a URI in the workspace, * which may or may not begin with 'platform:/resource/' * @return the IFile or IFile handle at that URI */ public static IFile getFile(String URIString) { String pathString = URIString; if (pathString.startsWith(FileUtil.platformPreface())) pathString = pathString.substring(FileUtil.platformPreface().length()-1); IFile file = FileUtil.getRoot().getFile(new Path(pathString)); return file; } /** * * @param file * @return resource location of an IFile */ public static String getResourceLocation(IFile file) { String start = FileUtil.platformPreface(); // string 'platform:/resource/' start = start.substring(0,start.length()-1); // remove the final '/' return start + file.getFullPath().toString(); } public static EPackage getClassModel(IFile file) throws MapperException { IFolder folder = (IFolder) file.getParent(); // this does not introduce '%20' if filenames have spaces String path = folder.getLocationURI().toString() + "/" + file.getName(); String filePath = FileUtil.removeFilePrefix(path); // remove 'file:' return FileUtil.getClassModel(filePath); } public static Element getRoot(IFile file) throws MapperException { IFolder folder = (IFolder) file.getParent(); // this does not introduce '%20' if filenames have spaces String path = folder.getLocationURI().toString() + "/" + file.getName(); String filePath = FileUtil.removeFilePrefix(path); // remove 'file:' Element root = XMLUtil.getRootElement(filePath); return root; } public static Vector<String> textLines(IFile file) throws MapperException { IFolder folder = (IFolder) file.getParent(); // this does not introduce '%20' if filenames have spaces String path = folder.getLocationURI().toString() + "/" + file.getName(); String filePath = FileUtil.removeFilePrefix(path); // remove 'file:' return FileUtil.textLines(filePath); } /** * * @param file * @return * @throws MapperException */ public static Vector<String[]> csvRows(IFile file) throws MapperException { Vector<String> lines = textLines(file); // count the number of columns from the header row StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(lines.get(0),","); int columns = st.countTokens(); Vector<String[]> rows = new Vector<String[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) rows.add(FileUtil.parseCSVLine(columns, lines.get(i))); return rows; } /** * @param mapperLocation the location of a mapper file * @return the last changed date of the corresponding WProc file, * in milliseconds since Jan 1 1970, if it exists; * or 0 if it does not exist */ public static long wProcFileDate(MappedStructure mappedStructure) { long wpDate = 0; try{ IFile wpFile = proceduresFile(mappedStructure); if (wpFile != null) { boolean exists = wpFile.exists(); // separate line for debugging if (exists) wpDate = wpFile.getLocalTimeStamp(); } } catch(Exception ex) {} return wpDate; } /** * get the procedures file for the current Mapping file * from the standard location in this project. * This is the same sub-folder of the Translators folder as the sub-folder of * the MappingSets folder holding the mapping set; make the folder if necessary * @return */ static public IFile proceduresFile(MappedStructure mappedStructure) throws MapperException { String resourceLocation = mappedStructure.eResource().getURI().toString(); // deal with an initial '//' which occurs on macs if (resourceLocation.startsWith("file://")) resourceLocation = "file:/" + resourceLocation.substring(7); // System.out.println("Mapped structure location: " + resourceLocation); // this line has been removed, as it is always overridden by the next line // if (resourceLocation.startsWith("file:/")) resourceLocation = FileUtil.removeFilePrefix(resourceLocation); if (!resourceLocation.startsWith("platform:/resource")) resourceLocation = FileUtil.resourceLocation(resourceLocation); // find or create the chain of subfolders required IFolder wProcFolder = EclipseFileUtil.makeWProcFolders(resourceLocation); // return the handle to a file (which may not yet exist) in the inner folder IFile proceduresFile = wProcFolder.getFile(EclipseFileUtil.wProcFileName(resourceLocation)); return proceduresFile; } /** * append a line of text, which must not be more than about 1000 characters * (to avoid a thread-jamming issue in this Noddy implementation) * @param text the text to be appended * @param file the file to append it to */ static public void appendLine(String text, IFile file) throws MapperException { try { file.appendContents(textStream(text), true, true, null); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException(ex.getMessage());} } /** * * @param text a text string less than 1000 characters long * @return an InputStream of the text - to create an IFile or append to one * @throws MapperException */ static public InputStream textStream(String text) throws MapperException { PipedInputStream in = new PipedInputStream(); String line = text; if (text.length() > 1000) { System.out.println("Line truncated to 1000 chars: " + text); line = text.substring(0,1000); } try { PipedOutputStream out = new PipedOutputStream(in);, out); out.close(); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException(ex.getMessage());} return in; } static void trace(String s) {System.out.println(s);} /** * derive the name of a Wproc file from a full path to a mapping set file. * The name is the same as the mapping set file name, except for the extension * 'wproc' * @param mapperLocation * @return */ public static String wProcFileName(String mapperLocation) { String fileName = ""; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(FileUtil.wProcLocation(mapperLocation),"/"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) fileName = st.nextToken(); return fileName; } /** * Works only inside Eclipse, where there is a project. * finds and if necessary creates a set of nested folders in the project workspace * as needed to write a wproc file inside the innermost folder * @param mapperLocation the string to the corresponding mapper file * @return the innermost folder */ public static IFolder makeWProcFolders(String mapperLocation) throws MapperException { IProject theProject = FileUtil.getProject(mapperLocation); if ((theProject == null)|((theProject != null) && (!theProject.exists()))) throw new MapperException ("Cannot find project for WProc file at " + mapperLocation); IFolder transFolder = theProject.getFolder("Translators"); if ((transFolder == null)|((transFolder != null) && (!transFolder.exists()))) throw new MapperException ("There is no 'Translators' folder in project " + theProject.getName()); IFolder currentFolder = transFolder; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(mapperLocation,"/"); // start when you have gone beyond the MappingSet folder boolean foundMapperFolder = false; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) try { String folderName = st.nextToken(); // the last token is not a folder; it is the file name if ((foundMapperFolder) && (st.hasMoreTokens())) { // try to find the next folder inside the current folder IFolder nextFolder = currentFolder.getFolder(folderName); // if it does not exist, create it if (!nextFolder.exists()) {nextFolder.create(true,false,null);} // get ready for the next nested folder currentFolder = nextFolder; } if (folderName.equals("MappingSets")) foundMapperFolder = true; } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException("Exception creating folder for wproc file: " + ex.getMessage());} return currentFolder; } /** * write the result of an XMLWriter or wrapper transform to an IFile, * so it will be known to Eclipse * @param output output object - XML Element or String[] array * @param theFile the IFile to be written to * @param fileType constant defined in class AbstractMapperWrapper * @throws MapperException */ public static void writeOutputObject(Object output,IFile theFile, int fileType) throws MapperException { if (fileType == AbstractMapperWrapper.XML_TYPE) { if (!(output instanceof Document)) throw new MapperException("Output is not a Document but is a " + output.getClass().getName()); Document outDoc = (Document)output; writeOutputResource(outDoc, theFile, true); } else if (fileType == AbstractMapperWrapper.TEXT_TYPE) { if (!(output instanceof String[])) throw new MapperException("Output is not a String array is a " + output.getClass().getName()); String[] text = (String[])output; writeOutputText(text, theFile); } } /** * wrtie out a csv file, expressed as a Vector of String arrays * @param csvRows * @param theFile * @throws MapperException */ public static void writeCSVFile(Vector<String[]> csvRows, IFile theFile) throws MapperException { try { // write to a temporary file String root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toString(); String tempFileLocation = root + TEMPORARY_TEXT_FILE; FileUtil.writeCSVFile(tempFileLocation, csvRows); // read the temporary file into the IFile FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(tempFileLocation); // delete any existing IFile before writing this one if (theFile.exists()) theFile.delete(true, null); theFile.create(fileStream, false, null); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException(ex.getMessage());} } /** * * @param text * @param theFile * @throws MapperException */ public static void writeOutputText(String[] text, IFile theFile) throws MapperException { try { // write the text array to a temporary file String root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toString(); String tempFileLocation = root + TEMPORARY_TEXT_FILE; FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(tempFileLocation); for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++)[i],fo); fo.close(); // read the temporary file into the IFile FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(tempFileLocation); if (theFile.exists()) {theFile.appendContents(fileStream, false, false, null);} else {theFile.create(fileStream, false, null);} } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException(ex.getMessage());} } /** * write XML to an IFile. This implementation is a kludge which make a temporary * XML file somewhere outside the workspace, and leaves it there. * * @param outDoc the XML document to be written * @param theFile the IFile, which may exist or may just be a handle. * If it already exists, append the XML to its existing contents * @param isFormatted if true, put in line breaks and indenting * @throws XMLException if anything goes wrong */ public static void writeOutputResource(Document outDoc, IFile theFile, boolean isFormatted) throws MapperException { if (outDoc == null) throw new MapperException("Null Document being written to file " + theFile.getName()); String tempFileLocation = workspaceRoot() + TEMPORARY_XML_FILE; // System.out.println("Temporary file location: " + tempFileLocation); XMLUtil.writeOutput(outDoc,tempFileLocation,isFormatted); try{ FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(tempFileLocation); if (theFile.exists()) {theFile.appendContents(fileStream, false, false, null);} else {theFile.create(fileStream, false, null);} } catch (Exception ex) {throw new XMLException(ex.getMessage());} } /** * * @param outDoc * @param resourceLocation * @param isFormatted * @throws XMLException */ public static void writeOutputResource(Document outDoc, String resourceLocation, boolean isFormatted) throws MapperException { IProject theProject = FileUtil.getProject(resourceLocation); // find the path to the folder within the project String start = "platform:/resource/" + theProject.getName(); String folderPath = FileUtil.getFolder(resourceLocation).substring(start.length() + 1); folderPath = folderPath.substring(0, folderPath.length()-1); // remove final '/' // find the file name String fileName = FileUtil.getFileName(resourceLocation); // make the IFile handle and make sure the file does not already exist IFolder theFolder = theProject.getFolder(folderPath); IFile newFile = theFolder.getFile(fileName); try {if (newFile.exists()) newFile.delete(true, null);} catch (CoreException ex) {throw new MapperException("Failed to detete file: " + ex.getMessage());} // write the XML to the IFile writeOutputResource(outDoc, newFile,isFormatted); } public static String workspaceRoot() { return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toString(); } /** * write XML to an IFile. This implementation is a kludge which make a temporary * XML file somewhere in the workspace, and leaves it there. * * @param outDoc the XML document to be written * @param outputFile the IFile, which may exist or may just be a handle. * If it already exists, append the XM to its existing contents * @param isFormatted if true, put in line breaks and indenting * @throws XMLException if anything goes wrong */ public static void writeTransformedOutputResource(Document outDoc, IFile outputFile, IFile xslFile) throws XMLException { IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot(); String tempFileLocation = root.getLocation().toString() + "/mapperTemporaryFile.xml"; try{ InputStream xslStream = xslFile.getContents(); XMLUtil.writeTransformedOutput(outDoc,tempFileLocation,xslStream); FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(tempFileLocation); if (outputFile.exists()) outputFile.appendContents(fileStream, false, false, null); else outputFile.create(fileStream, false, null); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new XMLException(ex.getMessage());} } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Saving and restoring information about the user or the session // (1) the last selected class in the class model view //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // number of different ECore models whose last selected class can be stored private static int MAX_STACK_SIZE = 5; /** * @return the path to the latest selected class, or null * if none is stored for this model */ public static String getSelectedClassPath(String model) { String path = null; String[][] classStack = readStack(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STACK_SIZE; i++) if (classStack[i][0].equals(model)) path = classStack[i][1]; return path; } /** * save the class path for this model, updating the LRU stack of models and class paths * @param model * @param path */ public static void saveClassPath(String model, String path) throws MapperException { String[][] oldClassStack = readStack(); // previous version of stack String[][] classStack = new String[MAX_STACK_SIZE][2]; // stack to be stored in file for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STACK_SIZE; i++) classStack[i][0] = ""; // put the model and path at the top of the stack to be stored int newStackPos = 0; classStack[newStackPos][0] = model; classStack[newStackPos][1] = path; // update the rest of the stack to be stored for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STACK_SIZE; i++) { // re-store class paths for all models except the one just added or replaced if (!oldClassStack[i][0].equals(model)) { newStackPos++; if (newStackPos < MAX_STACK_SIZE) // never try to exceed stack size { classStack[newStackPos][0] = oldClassStack[i][0]; classStack[newStackPos][1] = oldClassStack[i][1]; } } } writeStack(classStack); } private static String[][] readStack() { String[][] classStack = new String[MAX_STACK_SIZE][2]; for (int i = 0; i <MAX_STACK_SIZE; i++) classStack[i][0] = ""; try { Element classRoot = XMLUtil.getRootElement(getSelectedClassFileLocation()); Vector<Element> classEls = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(classRoot, "class"); for (int i = 0; i < classEls.size(); i++) if (i < MAX_STACK_SIZE) { Element classEl = classEls.get(i); classStack[i][0] = classEl.getAttribute("model"); classStack[i][1] = classEl.getAttribute("path"); } } catch (Exception ex) {} return classStack; } /** * make or replace the local file holding the path to the last selected class * in the class model view */ private static void writeStack(String[][] classStack) throws MapperException { try{ Document classDoc = XMLUtil.makeOutDoc(); Element rootEl = XMLUtil.newElement(classDoc, "SelectedClasses"); classDoc.appendChild(rootEl); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STACK_SIZE; i++) if (!classStack[i][0].equals("")) { Element classEl = XMLUtil.newElement(classDoc,"class"); classEl.setAttribute("model", classStack[i][0]); classEl.setAttribute("path", classStack[i][1]); rootEl.appendChild(classEl); } XMLUtil.writeOutput(classDoc, getSelectedClassFileLocation(), true); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException(ex.getMessage());} } /** * @return the location and name of the file containing the path to the last selected classes */ private static String getSelectedClassFileLocation() { Bundle thisPlugin = Platform.getBundle("com.openMap1.mapper"); IPath path = Platform.getStateLocation(thisPlugin); String location = path.toString() + "/selectedClasses.xml"; return location; } }