package; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EMap; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EOperation; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcoreFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.ui.IObjectActionDelegate; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart; import com.openMap1.mapper.actions.MakeITSMappingsAction; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.EclipseFileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.FileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.GenUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.WorkBenchUtil; import; /** * this class imports an MDHT CDA class model, to create and store a CDA class model * in a form suitable for attaching to a mapping set and doing message simplification * @author Robert * */ public class ImportMDHTModel implements IObjectActionDelegate{ public IWorkbenchPart targetPart; // where this action was invoked from public ISelection selection; protected boolean tracing = true; /* key = package name. Element - package in the MDHT model */ private Hashtable<String,EPackage> mdhtPackages; /* key = superclass 'id' = <package name>|<class name> . * element = a Hashtable with key= MDHT EClass of the subclass, element = "1" */ private Hashtable<String,Hashtable<EClass,String>> mdhtSubClasses; /* key = class name; value = class in cda package of constrained class model; * used to check we do not add two classes with the same name from different MDHT model packages */ private Hashtable<String,EClass> addedClasses; /* top package of the constrained model */ private EPackage topPackage; /* package of the new constrained model in which non-data type classes are all made */ private EPackage constrainedCDAPackage; /* package of the new constrained model in which data type classes are all made */ private EPackage constrainedDatatypesPackage; /* strings used as keys of annotations in unresolved associations, to identify the target class */ private String MDHTCLASS = "mdhtClass"; private String MDHTPACKAGE = "mdhtPackage"; private String UML_GENMODEL_SOURCE = ""; private String MDHT_ANNOTATION_SOURCE = ""; private String EXTENDED_METADATA_SOURCE = "http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData"; // key of an annotation on EReferences, to be used by the wrapper class private String CDA_NAME = "CDA_Name"; // calculated from the set of all MDHT packages, by subtraction of those with no constraints private Vector<String> templatedPackages = new Vector<String>(); // initial value for a count private int oclConstraintNumber = 0; /* file to be read containing extra permissions for templated classes to appear, in the form * [qualified owner class name, XPath, qualified permitted class name] */ private String extraPermissionsFileName = "extraPermissions.csv"; /* file to be written out containing all permissions read in or inferred from OCL constraints, in the form * [qualified owner class name, XPath, qualified permitted class name, OCL constraint names] */ private String allPermissionsFileName = "allPermissions.csv"; /* file to be written out containing all OCL constraints read, and whether they were * successfully parsed */ private String constraintsFileName = "allConstraints.csv"; /* file containing template id combinations of sections to be included in the * mapped class model view, in the form: * [qualified class name, set of template ids, section class name] */ private String sectionFilterFileName = "sectionFilter.csv"; /* file containing names, template ids and superclasses of classes with no permissions */ private String noPermissionsFileName= "classesWithNoPermissions.csv"; /* key = qualified class name of MDHT class. Value = a set of unique String arrays with three elements - * a path, the name of the constrained CDA class it reaches, and a list of constraints.*/ private Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,String[]>> allPermittedPaths = new Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,String[]>>(); /* used to write out a csv file of classes which have no permissions */ private Vector<String[]> classesWithNoPermissions; // header row for the csv file of classes with no permissions private String[] classesWithNoPermissionsHeader = {"Class","TemplateId","SuperClasses"}; // header row for file of all OCL constraints private String[] constraintsFileHeader = {"Class","Constraint","Status","Number","OCL"}; /* used to write out a csv file of template permissions used (read in or inferred from OCL constraints) */ private Vector<String[]> templatePermissions; // header row for the csv file of all template permissions private String[] templatePermissionsHeader = {"Owning_Class","CDA_Path","Permitted_Class","Owning_TemplateId","PermittedTemplateId","OCL_Constraints"}; // trim the full list of ordered packages according to what packages are in scope private String[] packageOrder() { // size the array int size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fullPackageOrder.length; i++) if (mdhtPackages.get(fullPackageOrder[i]) != null) size++; String[] packageOrder = new String[size]; // fill the array size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fullPackageOrder.length; i++) if (mdhtPackages.get(fullPackageOrder[i]) != null) {packageOrder[size] = fullPackageOrder[i];size++;} return packageOrder; } private String[] fullPackageOrder = {"consol","ccd","ihe","hitsp"}; // packages which have no template constraints private String[] nonTemplatedPackages= {"cda","rim","datatypes"}; /** * when this is false, the only classes which can inherit template ids from their superclasses * (and thus have more than one template id) are subclasses of ClinicalDocument. * In CCDA only this node appears to have more than one template id */ private boolean inheritTemplateIds = false; /** * the MDHT consolidated CDA model has a widespread fixed value for 'contextConductionInd' * which is 'implies' . Most example messages I see have the value 'true'. * This constant determines the fixed value - or if null, implies there is no fixed value */ private String fixedContextConductionInd = "true"; /** * if this is true, remove from the model the original CDA associations from which * the templated associations were made. * For open templates (the US norm) leave the original CDA associations in. */ private boolean makeClosedTemplates = false; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main run method //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * */ public void run(IAction action) { try { // Open the MDHT model EPackage mdhtEntryPackage = getECoreModel(); if (mdhtEntryPackage == null) return; URI EcoreURI = mdhtEntryPackage.eResource().getURI(); String absoluteEcoreLocation = FileUtil.removeFilePrefix(EcoreURI.toString()); // remove 'file:/' String resourceECoreLocation = FileUtil.resourceLocation(absoluteEcoreLocation); trace("Entry MDHT Package: " + mdhtEntryPackage.getName()); // find all MDHT packages which this model depends on findAllMDHTPackages(mdhtEntryPackage); EPackage mdhtCDAPackage = mdhtPackages.get("cda"); if (mdhtCDAPackage == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find CDA package"); EPackage mdhtDatatypesPackage = mdhtPackages.get("datatypes"); if (mdhtDatatypesPackage == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find data types package"); trace("\n*** Found " + mdhtPackages.size() + " mdht packages"); // find MDHT subclass relations findMDHTSubclasses(); // summariseMDHTSubclasses(); trace("\n*** Found MDHT subclass relations."); // find all relevant OCL annotations, in all packages that have them Vector<String[]> OCLRows = new Vector<String[]>(); OCLRows.add(constraintsFileHeader); for (Enumeration<String> en = mdhtPackages.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String pName = en.nextElement(); if (!GenUtil.inArray(pName, nonTemplatedPackages)) { trace("*** Reading OCL annotations in package " + pName); EPackage pack = mdhtPackages.get(pName); findOCLAnnotations(pack,OCLRows); } } // write out all the OCL annotations found String OCLFileLocation = getCSVFileLocation(resourceECoreLocation, constraintsFileName); trace("*** writing OCL constraints to " + OCLFileLocation); IFile oclFile = EclipseFileUtil.getFile(OCLFileLocation); EclipseFileUtil.writeCSVFile(OCLRows, oclFile); // extend the OCL permissions, by reading from a file, and by subclass extension trace("\n**** Extending OCL permissions"); extendOCLPermissions(absoluteEcoreLocation,resourceECoreLocation); // make the packages of the constrained CDA model topPackage = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage(); topPackage.setName("constrainedCDAModel"); // ensure this class model will be viewed tree-like, as if it were an RMIM in the class model view ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(topPackage, "RMIM", "true"); constrainedCDAPackage = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage(); constrainedCDAPackage.setName("CDA"); constrainedDatatypesPackage = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage(); constrainedDatatypesPackage.setName("datatypes"); topPackage.getESubpackages().add(constrainedCDAPackage); topPackage.getESubpackages().add(constrainedDatatypesPackage); trace("\n*** Made packages of constrained model."); // for checks that we don't add the same class twice addedClasses = new Hashtable<String,EClass>(); // import all datatype classes, and resolve their associations importDatatypes(mdhtDatatypesPackage); trace("\n*** Imported data type classes."); // import all classes in the CDA package and all their subclasses, with CDA associations importCDAClasses(constrainedCDAPackage); trace("*** Imported CDA classes and subclasses."); // mark the entry class for the model String entryClassName = markEntryClass(mdhtEntryPackage); trace("\n*** Marked entry class '" + entryClassName + "'"); // apply OCL constraints to classes, making associations to their subclasses trace("\n*** Apply OCL constraints."); applyOCLConstraints(); // attach target classes properly to associations resolveAllAssociations(constrainedCDAPackage); trace("\n*** Attached target classes to associations."); // for closed templates, prune CDA associations that now have templated versions if (makeClosedTemplates) // generally should be false for US realm { prune_CDA_Associations(constrainedCDAPackage); trace("\n*** Pruned CDA associations"); } // sort out the strange 'typeId' association from the top ClinicalDocument node sortTypeId(); // move classes to packages based on section templates moveClassesToPackages(entryClassName); // find isolated classes, that have no association to them per se trace("\n*** Finding Isolated classes."); findIsolatedClasses(resourceECoreLocation); // trace("\n*** Listing subclass relations."); // showSubclassRelations(); // filter sections to those manually chosen in a csv file trace("\n*** Filtering sections."); filterSections(absoluteEcoreLocation); // Save the new model String[] modelExts= {}; String modelPath = FileUtil.getFilePathFromUser(targetPart,modelExts,"Select location for Imported Model",true); if (!modelPath.equals("")) { ModelUtil.savePackage(FileUtil.resourceLocation(modelPath), topPackage); WorkBenchUtil.showMessage("Completed", "Saved imported Ecore model " + FileUtil.getFileName(modelPath)); trace("*** Saved constrained model."); } else WorkBenchUtil.showMessage("Cancelled","No Ecore model saved"); } catch (Exception ex) { WorkBenchUtil.showMessage("Error", ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sorting out packages //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * populate the Hashtable of all MDHT packages * @param startPackage */ private void findAllMDHTPackages(EPackage startPackage) throws MapperException { mdhtPackages = new Hashtable<String,EPackage>() ; templatedPackages = new Vector<String>(); addPackages(startPackage); for (Enumeration<String> en = mdhtPackages.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String packName = en.nextElement(); trace("MDHT package: " + packName); if (!GenUtil.inArray(packName, nonTemplatedPackages)) templatedPackages.add(packName); } } /** * add all MDHT packages, by recording the package of every class in the initial package, * all of its superclasses, and all the classes they are associated to * @param mdhtPackage */ private void addPackages(EPackage mdhtPackage) throws MapperException { for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = mdhtPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { addPackagesFromSuperClasses((EClass)next); } } } /** * * @param theClass * @throws MapperException */ private void addPackagesFromSuperClasses(EClass theClass) throws MapperException { addPackages(theClass); for (Iterator<EClass> iu = theClass.getESuperTypes().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EClassifier nextSuper =; if (nextSuper.getName() == null) trace("A superclass of " + theClass.getName() + " in package " + theClass.getEPackage().getName() + " is has a null name"); if ((nextSuper != null) && (nextSuper.getName() != null) && (nextSuper instanceof EClass)) addPackagesFromSuperClasses((EClass)nextSuper); } } /** * * @param theClass */ private void addPackages(EClass theClass) throws MapperException { if (theClass == null) throw new MapperException("Null class"); addOwnPackage(theClass); for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> iu = theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feature =; if (feature instanceof EReference) { // trace("Following ref " + feature.getName()); EClass reffedClass = (EClass)((EReference)feature).getEType(); if (reffedClass == null) throw new MapperException("No target class for association " + feature.getName() + " from class " + theClass.getName()); addOwnPackage(reffedClass); } } } private void addOwnPackage(EClass theClass) throws MapperException { EPackage thePackage = theClass.getEPackage(); if (thePackage == null) throw new MapperException("No package for class " + theClass.getName()); if (thePackage.getName() == null) throw new MapperException("No name for package of class " + theClass.getName()); mdhtPackages.put(thePackage.getName(), thePackage); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Recording which MDHT classes are subclasses of other classes //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * record all the proper subclasses of any class */ private void findMDHTSubclasses() { mdhtSubClasses = new Hashtable<String,Hashtable<EClass,String>>(); // loop over all MDHT packages for (Enumeration<String> en = mdhtPackages.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String packageName = en.nextElement(); EPackage thePackage = mdhtPackages.get(packageName); // loop over all classes in the package for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = thePackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { EClass theClass = (EClass)next; // loop over all superclasses of the class for (Iterator<EClass> iu = theClass.getEAllSuperTypes().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EClassifier nextSuper =; if (nextSuper instanceof EClass) { // record the class as a subclass of its superclass EClass superC = (EClass)nextSuper; if ((!theClass.getName().equals(superC.getName())) && (superC.getName() != null)&& (superC.getEPackage() != null)) { String superId = superC.getEPackage().getName() + "|" + superC.getName(); Hashtable<EClass,String> subs = mdhtSubClasses.get(superId); if (subs == null) subs = new Hashtable<EClass,String>(); subs.put(theClass,"1"); mdhtSubClasses.put(superId, subs); } } } } } } } /** * write a summary of how many subclasses there are for each CDA class */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void summariseMDHTSubclasses() { for (Enumeration<String> en = mdhtSubClasses.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String classKey = en.nextElement(); Hashtable<EClass,String> subs = mdhtSubClasses.get(classKey); trace(classKey + ": " + subs.size()); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reading OCL annotations //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param theClass * @return */ private Hashtable<String,String[]> getOCLPermissions(EClass mdhtClass) { Hashtable<String,String[]> constraints = allPermittedPaths.get(ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(mdhtClass)); if (constraints == null) constraints = new Hashtable<String,String[]>(); return constraints; } /** * list relevant OCL annotations, which mention classes in the leaf package (eg ccd) * @param mdhtPackage */ private void findOCLAnnotations(EPackage mdhtPackage,Vector<String[]> OCLRows) throws MapperException { trace("*** finding constraints from OCL annotations in package " + mdhtPackage.getName()); for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = mdhtPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { EClass theClass = (EClass)next; boolean writeConstraints = false; Hashtable<String,String[]> oclPermissions = findOCLPermissions(theClass,writeConstraints, OCLRows); String qualifiedClassName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(theClass); allPermittedPaths.put(qualifiedClassName, oclPermissions); } } } /** * * @param theClass * @throws MapperException */ private Hashtable<String,String[]> findOCLPermissions(EClass theClass, boolean writeConstraint,Vector<String[]> OCLRows) throws MapperException { String packageName = theClass.getEPackage().getName(); String className = theClass.getName(); Hashtable<String,String[]> permittedPaths = new Hashtable<String,String[]>(); for (Iterator<EOperation> iu = theClass.getEOperations().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EOperation op =; String constraintName = op.getName(); EAnnotation ann = op.getEAnnotation(UML_GENMODEL_SOURCE); if (ann != null) { String OCLText = ann.getDetails().get("body"); String[] OCLRow = new String[5]; OCLRow[0] = className; OCLRow[1] = constraintName; OCLRow[2] = "read"; OCLRow[3] = "-"; OCLRow[4] = OCLText; if (OCLText != null) try { OCLExpression expr = new OCLExpression(packageName,className,templatedPackages,OCLText,constraintName,false); if (expr.parseThisOCL()) { oclConstraintNumber++; OCLRow[2] = new Integer(expr.constraintPaths().size()).toString() + " paths"; OCLRow[3] = new Integer(oclConstraintNumber).toString(); OCLRow[4] = expr.OCLText(); resolveConstraintPaths(theClass,expr,permittedPaths); } else OCLRow[2] = "no parse"; } catch (Exception ex) {OCLRow[2] = "Exception: " + ex.getMessage();} OCLRows.add(OCLRow); } } return permittedPaths; } /** * * @param mdhtPackage * @param theClass * @param expr * @throws MapperException */ private void resolveConstraintPaths(EClass theClass,OCLExpression expr,Hashtable<String,String[]> permittedPaths) throws MapperException { for (Iterator<String[]> it = expr.getAllConstraints().iterator();it.hasNext();) { // resolve any ambiguous paths in the constraint, and check that the path can be followed String[] constraint =; String ambiguousPath = constraint[0]; String targetClassPackageName = constraint[1]; EPackage targetClassPackage = mdhtPackages.get(targetClassPackageName); String targetClassName = constraint[2]; String constraintName = constraint[3]; EClass targetClass = (EClass)targetClassPackage.getEClassifier(targetClassName); String truePath = pathToClass(theClass,ambiguousPath,targetClass); if (truePath == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot follow path " + ambiguousPath + " from class " + theClass.getName() + " to class " + targetClass.getName()); // store the constraint without duplicates in the class addPermission(truePath,ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(targetClass),constraintName,permittedPaths); } } /** * resolve an ambiguous path into the actual path that can be followed, sorting out two issues: * (1) the choice between 'entry' and 'entryRelationship' steps depends if the parent class is * a section or an entry * (2) the last step may be the ambiguous 'clinicalStatement', which needs to be resolved to act or procedure etc. * @param parentClass * @param ambiguousPath a path of association names, which may be ambiguous because of a last 'clinicalStatement' step * @param childClass * @return the unambiguous path, or null if it cannot be followed */ private String pathToClass(EClass parentClass, String ambiguousPath, EClass childClass) { EClass currentClass = parentClass; boolean hasPath = true; String path = ""; StringTokenizer steps = new StringTokenizer(ambiguousPath,"."); String step = ""; // as long as you can follow steps, transcribe them to the true path while (steps.hasMoreTokens() && hasPath) { step = steps.nextToken(); // resolve the 'entry or entryRelationship or component' choice if (step.equals("entryOrEntryRelationship")) { if (isSubClass(parentClass,"Section")) step = "entry"; else if (isSubClass(parentClass,"Organizer")) step = "component"; else step = "entryRelationship"; } EStructuralFeature feat = currentClass.getEStructuralFeature(step); if ((feat != null) && (feat instanceof EReference)) { EReference ref = (EReference)feat; currentClass = (EClass)ref.getEType(); path = path + step + "."; } else hasPath = false; } // the last step may be the ambiguous 'clinicalStatement' which cannot be followed; if so, find out what step it really is if (step.equals("clinicalStatement")) { for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = currentClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feat =; if (feat instanceof EReference) { EClass foundTarget = (EClass)((EReference)feat).getEType(); step = feat.getName(); if ((ModelUtil.isSubClass(childClass, foundTarget)) && (GenUtil.inArray(step, OCLExpression.CLINICAL_STATEMENT_VALUES))) return (path + step); } } } // the result of following the path should be a superclass of the target class if ((hasPath) && (ModelUtil.isSubClass(childClass, currentClass))) return path; return null; } /** * * @param theClass * @return true if the class is a subclass of CDA class Section. */ private boolean isSubClass(EClass theClass, String superName) { boolean sectionClone = false; for (Iterator<EClass> it = theClass.getEAllSuperTypes().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClass superC =; if (superC.getName().equals(superName)) sectionClone = true; } return sectionClone; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Extending OCL permissions, by reading a file, then making subclass extensions //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void extendOCLPermissions(String EcoreLocation, String resourceECoreLocation) throws MapperException { trace("OCL path permissions before extension: " + totalPermissions()); // read a csv file of extra permissions String extraPermissionFileLocation = getCSVFileLocation(EcoreLocation, extraPermissionsFileName); Vector<String> permissionFileLines = new Vector<String>(); try { permissionFileLines = FileUtil.textLines(extraPermissionFileLocation); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException("Cannot open permissions file at '" + extraPermissionFileLocation + "': " + ex.getMessage());} // extend with permissions from a csv file for (int i = 1; i < permissionFileLines.size(); i++) // miss out the header row { String line = permissionFileLines.get(i); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line,","); if (st.countTokens() == 3) { String masterClassName = st.nextToken(); String path = st.nextToken(); String permittedClassName = st.nextToken(); EClass masterClass = getNamedMDHTClass(masterClassName); if (masterClass == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find MDHT master class " + masterClassName); EClass permittedClass = getNamedMDHTClass(permittedClassName); if (permittedClass == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find MDHT permitted class " + permittedClassName); Hashtable<String,String[]> permissions = getOCLPermissions(masterClass); String origin = "from file row " + new Integer(i).toString(); addPermission(path,permittedClassName,origin,permissions); allPermittedPaths.put(masterClassName, permissions); } else throw new MapperException("Invalid line in permissions csv file: '" + line + "'"); } trace("OCL path permissions after extension from file: " + totalPermissions()); extendPermissionsBySubClasses(); trace("OCL path permissions after extension by subclasses: " + totalPermissions()); showAllPermissions(resourceECoreLocation); } /** * used for all additions to the permissions data; store a string array of dimension 2 with no duplicates * @param path * @param permittedClassName * @param permissions a table of permissions for the owner class. key = <path>_$<permitted class> ; * value array = [path,permitted class,constraints].(If > 1 constraint, separated by ';') */ private void addPermission(String path,String permittedClassName,String constraintName, Hashtable<String,String[]> permissions) { String[] cons = new String[3]; // ensure the path has no final '.' String p = path; if (p.endsWith(".")) p = p.substring(0, p.length()-1); cons[0] = p; cons[1] = permittedClassName; cons[2] = constraintName; String key = cons[0] + "_$" + cons[1]; // if there is an existing permission with this permitted class and path, collect all the constraint names which led to it String[] oldCons = permissions.get(key); if (oldCons != null) cons[2] = oldCons[2] + ";" + constraintName; permissions.put(key, cons); } /** * * @return the permissions csv file is in the top MDHT folder - i.e two folders * above the folder holding the mdht ecore file which was right-clicked */ private String getCSVFileLocation(String EcoreLocation, String fileName) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(EcoreLocation,"/"); int steps = st.countTokens(); // miss out the last two folders and file name, i.e the last 3 steps String path = ""; for (int i = 0; i < steps -3; i++) {path = path + st.nextToken() + "/";} return path + fileName; } /** * count the total number of permission paths and classes * @return */ private int totalPermissions() { int permissions = 0; for(Enumeration<String> en = allPermittedPaths.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String className = en.nextElement(); Hashtable<String,String[]> paths = allPermittedPaths.get(className); permissions = permissions + paths.size(); } return permissions; } /** * * @param EcoreLocation * @throws MapperException */ private void showAllPermissions(String resourceECoreLocation) throws MapperException { // initialise the csv file of inferred template permissions to be written out templatePermissions = new Vector<String[]>(); templatePermissions.add(templatePermissionsHeader); String allPermissionsFileLocation = getCSVFileLocation(resourceECoreLocation, allPermissionsFileName); // work through in package order, writing permissions in each package to the csv file and console for (int i = 0; i < packageOrder().length; i++) writeAllPermissionsInPackage(i); // write out the csv file trace("writing csv file to " + allPermissionsFileLocation); IFile csvFile = EclipseFileUtil.getFile(allPermissionsFileLocation); EclipseFileUtil.writeCSVFile(templatePermissions, csvFile); } /** * write all permissions form classes in a package to a csv file * @param packageNumber */ private void writeAllPermissionsInPackage(int packageNumber) throws MapperException { String packageName = packageOrder()[packageNumber]; // trace("----- All permissions in package " + packageName); for(Enumeration<String> en = allPermittedPaths.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String className = en.nextElement(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(className,"."); if (st.nextToken().equals(packageName)) { String line = "Class " + className + ": "; Hashtable<String,String[]> paths = allPermittedPaths.get(className); // only write lines for classes that have some permissions to contain other classes if (paths.size() > 0) { for (Enumeration<String[]> ep = paths.elements();ep.hasMoreElements();) { // build up the line to be written to the console (several permissions per line) String[] cons = ep.nextElement(); line = line + "[" + cons[0] + "," + cons[1] + "," + cons[2] + "]"; // write a new line to the csv file (one permission per line) String[] csvLine = new String[6]; csvLine[0] = className; // the containing class name csvLine[1] = cons[0]; // the path csvLine[2] = cons[1]; // the permitted class csvLine[3] = getTemplateId(className); // the containing template id csvLine[4] = getTemplateId(cons[1]); // the permitted template id csvLine[5] = cons[2]; // constraint names templatePermissions.add(csvLine); } // trace(line); } } } } /** * * @param mdhtClassName * @return * @throws MapperException */ private String getTemplateId(String mdhtClassName) throws MapperException { String templateId = ""; EClass mdhtClass = getNamedMDHTClass(mdhtClassName); EAnnotation ann = mdhtClass.getEAnnotation(MDHT_ANNOTATION_SOURCE); if (ann != null) { String template = ann.getDetails().get("templateId.root"); if (template != null) templateId = template; } return templateId; } /** * */ private void extendPermissionsBySubClasses() throws MapperException { for (int fromPackageNo = 0; fromPackageNo < packageOrder().length;fromPackageNo++) { EPackage fromPackage = mdhtPackages.get(packageOrder()[fromPackageNo]); for (int toPackageNo = fromPackageNo; toPackageNo < packageOrder().length; toPackageNo++) { EPackage toPackage = mdhtPackages.get(packageOrder()[toPackageNo]); if ((fromPackage != null) && (toPackage != null)) extendPermissionsBySubClasses(fromPackage,toPackage); } } } /** * * @param fromPackage * @param toPackage */ private void extendPermissionsBySubClasses(EPackage fromPackage,EPackage toPackage) throws MapperException { for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = fromPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { EClass fromClass = (EClass)next; Hashtable<String,String[]> permittedPaths = getOCLPermissions(fromClass); if (permittedPaths.size() > 0) { Vector<EClass> ownerSubclasses = getSubclassesInPackage(fromClass,toPackage); extendPermissionsBySubClasses(fromClass,ownerSubclasses,permittedPaths,toPackage); } } } } /** * * @param fromClass * @param ownerSubclasses * @param permittedPaths */ private void extendPermissionsBySubClasses(EClass fromClass, Vector<EClass> ownerSubclasses, Hashtable<String,String[]> permittedPaths, EPackage toPackage) throws MapperException { for (Enumeration<String[]> en = permittedPaths.elements();en.hasMoreElements();) { String[] cons = en.nextElement(); String path = cons[0]; String className = cons[1]; String constraintName = cons[2]; EClass target = getNamedMDHTClass(cons[1]); Vector<EClass> subTargets = getSubclassesInPackage(target,toPackage); // there are no subclasses of the target class; add permissions for subclasses of the owner class, to the one target class if (subTargets.size() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ownerSubclasses.size();i++) { EClass ownerSubclass = ownerSubclasses.get(i); Hashtable<String,String[]> subPaths = getOCLPermissions(ownerSubclass); addPermission(path,className,constraintName,subPaths); allPermittedPaths.put(ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(ownerSubclass), subPaths); } } // if there are target subclasses, add a permission for every owner subclass and every target subclass else if (subTargets.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ownerSubclasses.size();i++) { EClass ownerSubclass = ownerSubclasses.get(i); Hashtable<String,String[]> subPaths = getOCLPermissions(ownerSubclass); for (int j = 0; j < subTargets.size();j++) { EClass subTarget = subTargets.get(j); addPermission(path,ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(subTarget),constraintName,subPaths); } allPermittedPaths.put(ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(ownerSubclass), subPaths); } } } } /** * * @param fromClass * @param toPackage * @return */ private Vector<EClass> getSubclassesInPackage(EClass fromClass,EPackage toPackage) { Vector<EClass> subclasses = new Vector<EClass>(); for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = toPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { EClass subClass = (EClass)next; boolean isSubclass = false; for (Iterator<EClass> iu = subClass.getESuperTypes().iterator();iu.hasNext();) if ( isSubclass = true; if (isSubclass) subclasses.add(subClass); } } return subclasses; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Importing classes from an MDHT package to a constrained model package //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Revised version * @param cdaPackage */ private void importCDAClasses(EPackage cdaPackage) throws MapperException { /* iterate over all packages in the MDHT model, except the RIM or datatypes package(we don't need RIM classes, and 'Act' causes problems) * and the data types package (done already) */ for (Enumeration<String> en = mdhtPackages.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String mdhtPackageName = en.nextElement(); if ((!mdhtPackageName.equals("rim")) && (!mdhtPackageName.equals("datatypes"))) { trace("*** Importing from MDHT package " + mdhtPackageName); EPackage mdhtPackage = mdhtPackages.get(mdhtPackageName); // iterate over all classes in the package, importing every one for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = mdhtPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { EClass theClass = (EClass)next; // trace("Importing class " + theClass.getName()); // import the class in the CDA package @SuppressWarnings("unused") EClass importedClass = addImportedClass(cdaPackage,theClass,false); } } } } } /* If this is true, add the MDHT package name to the class name generated in the ecore model */ private boolean addMDHTPackageName = false; /** * * @param toPackage the package in the constrained model, to which a class may be added * @param fromClass the class in the MDHT model which may be added * @param keepInheritance if false, give the imported class inherited features so it no longer needs to inherit them * @return */ private EClass addImportedClass(EPackage toPackage, EClass fromClass, boolean keepInheritance) throws MapperException { // all imported classes have their original package name in the class name, except data type and cda classes String className = fromClass.getName(); String mdhtPackageName = fromClass.getEPackage().getName(); if ((!mdhtPackageName.equals("datatypes")) && (!mdhtPackageName.equals("cda")) && (addMDHTPackageName)) className = className + "_" + mdhtPackageName; className = newUniqueName(className); // make the bare class, with annotations to say what MDHT class it comes from EClass newClass = addBareClass(toPackage, fromClass, className); // pick up all attributes and associations, including inherited ones if keepInheritance = false EList<EStructuralFeature> features = fromClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures(); if (keepInheritance) features = fromClass.getEStructuralFeatures(); for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = features.iterator();it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feature =; if (feature instanceof EAttribute) addAttribute(newClass, (EAttribute)feature); else if (feature instanceof EReference) addUnresolvedAssociation(newClass, (EReference)feature, (EClass)((EReference)feature).getEType()); } return newClass; } /** * * @param className * @return a new name for the class that has not been used before */ private String newUniqueName(String className) { int index = 0; String newName = className; while (addedClasses.get(newName) != null) { index++; newName = className + "_" + index; } return newName; } /** * * @param toPackage * @param fromClass * @return the new EClass * @throws MapperException if one with that name has already been made */ private EClass addBareClass(EPackage toPackage, EClass fromClass, String className) throws MapperException { EClass newClass = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass(); newClass.setName(className); String rimClassName = rimClassName(fromClass); if (rimClassName != null) ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(newClass, "RIM Class",rimClassName); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(newClass, MDHTCLASS, fromClass.getName()); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(newClass, MDHTPACKAGE, fromClass.getEPackage().getName()); if (toPackage.getEClassifier(className) != null) throw new MapperException("Duplicate class with name " + className); toPackage.getEClassifiers().add(newClass); addedClasses.put(className, newClass); transferAnnotations(fromClass,newClass); return newClass; } /** * * @param fromClass * @param newClass * @throws MapperException */ private void transferAnnotations(EClass fromClass,EClass newClass) throws MapperException { // decide whether template ids are to be inherited from a superclass boolean inheritTemplateIdsHere = inheritTemplateIds; // usually false // the one case where two templatIds appear under one node - the head of the document if (fromClass.getName().equals("GeneralHeaderConstraints")) inheritTemplateIdsHere = true; EAnnotation note = fromClass.getEAnnotation(MDHT_ANNOTATION_SOURCE); if (note != null) { EMap<String,String> details = note.getDetails(); for (Iterator<String> ik = details.keySet().iterator(); ik.hasNext();) { String key =; String value = details.get(key); // special label/keys for template constraints if (key.equals("templateId.root")) { String templateLabel = getNextTemplateLabel(newClass); // 'template' or 'template_1' etc. // only in special cases (ClinicalDocument node) add template_1 etc. annotations if ((templateLabel.equals("template"))||inheritTemplateIdsHere) ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(newClass,templateLabel , value); } // ignore these annotations else if (key.startsWith("constraints")) {} else if (key.equals("contextDependent")) {} else if (fromClass.getName().equals("ProcedureActivity")) {} // strange class in MDHT model // path to a constrained value else { String newKey = "constraint:" + followPath(fromClass,key); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(newClass, newKey, value); } } } // transfer annotations from superclasses in templated packages for (Iterator<EClass> it = fromClass.getESuperTypes().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EClass superFromClass =; if (GenUtil.inVector(superFromClass.getEPackage().getName(),templatedPackages)) transferAnnotations(superFromClass,newClass); } } /** * * @param newClass * @return a new template label that has not been used already for this class, * in the sequence 'template', 'template_1', 'template_2' etc. */ private String getNextTemplateLabel(EClass newClass) { String label = "template"; if (ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(newClass, label) == null) return label; int i = 1; label = "template_" + i; while (ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(newClass, label) != null) { i++; label = "template_" + i; } return label; } /** * * @param fromClass * @param path a path of form step1.step2.step3 * @return a path of form step1/step2/@step3 * @throws MapperException if the path cannot be followed from the class */ private String followPath(EClass fromClass,String path) throws MapperException { String newPath = ""; StringTokenizer steps = new StringTokenizer(path,"."); EClass currentClass = fromClass; while(steps.hasMoreTokens()) { String step = steps.nextToken(); EStructuralFeature feat = currentClass.getEStructuralFeature(step); // all steps except the last are associations if ((steps.hasMoreTokens()) && (feat != null) && (feat instanceof EReference)) { newPath = newPath + step + "/"; currentClass = (EClass)((EReference)feat).getEType(); } // the last step is always an attribute else if ((!steps.hasMoreTokens()) && (feat != null) && (feat instanceof EAttribute)) { newPath = newPath + "@" + step; } // turn off path checking for data type 'ANY; else if (currentClass.getName().equals("ANY")) { newPath = newPath + "@" + step; } else throw new MapperException("Cannot follow annotation path '" + path + "' from class '" + fromClass.getName() + "' at step '" + step + "'"); } return newPath; } /** * * @param el * @return from the annotation on an imported class or feature, get the mdht class it was derived from */ private EClass getMDHTClass(EModelElement el) { EClass mdhtClass = null; String thePackage = ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(el, MDHTPACKAGE); String theClass = ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(el, MDHTCLASS); if ((thePackage != null) && (theClass != null)) { EPackage mdhtPackage = mdhtPackages.get(thePackage); if (mdhtPackage != null) mdhtClass = (EClass)mdhtPackage.getEClassifier(theClass); } return mdhtClass; } /** * * @param mdhtClass * @return */ private EClass getImportedClass(EClass mdhtClass) { EClass result = null; String mdhtClassName = mdhtClass.getName(); // find the right package to look in EPackage packageToSearch = constrainedCDAPackage; if (mdhtClass.getEPackage().getName().equals("datatypes")) packageToSearch = constrainedDatatypesPackage; // check all classes in the package for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = packageToSearch.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; String nextName = next.getName(); if ((next instanceof EClass) && (nextName.startsWith(mdhtClassName)) // class name may have been altered by adding '_1' etc. && ((nextName.length() - mdhtClassName.length()) < 3) // avoid major templated extensions of MDHT class names && (getMDHTClass(next) != null) && (mdhtClass.equals(getMDHTClass(next)))) result = (EClass) next; } return result; } /** * * @param newClass * @param att * @return */ private EAttribute addAttribute(EClass newClass, EAttribute att) throws MapperException { EAttribute newAtt = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAttribute(); // set the attribute name, type and lower bound newAtt.setName(att.getName()); newAtt.setLowerBound(att.getLowerBound()); newAtt.setEType(EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEString()); // annotate fixed values of the attribute got from its owning MDHT Class String fixedValue = null; EObject container = att.eContainer(); if ((container != null) && (container instanceof EClass)) fixedValue = getOCLFixedValue((EClass)container,att.getName()); /* annotate any fixed value of the attribute, taken from an annotation on the imported class like <details key="constraint:@moodCode" value="EVN"/> */ String annotationKey = "constraint:@" + att.getName(); if (fixedValue == null) fixedValue = ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(newClass, annotationKey); // may want to remove or replace the value 'implies' for contextConductionInd? if ((newAtt.getName().equals("contextConductionInd")) && (fixedValue != null)) fixedValue = fixedContextConductionInd; if (fixedValue != null) ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(newAtt, "fixed value", fixedValue); // attach the attribute newClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(newAtt); return newAtt; } /** * Process an annotation whose details are of the form * <details key="body" value="self.classCode=vocab::ActClinicalDocument::DOCCLIN"/> * @param theClass the EClass with the annotation * @param attName that attribute name, e.g 'classCode' * @return the fixed value, e.g. 'DOCCLIN' */ private String getOCLFixedValue(EClass theClass, String attName) throws MapperException { String fixedValue = null; for (Iterator<EOperation> it = theClass.getEOperations().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EOperation op =; // the EOperation must match the attribute name if (op.getName().equals(attName)) { EAnnotation ann = op.getEAnnotation(UML_GENMODEL_SOURCE); if (ann != null) { String value = ann.getDetails().get("body"); if (value != null) { String errorMessage = "**** Unexpected OCL string '" + value + "' for attribute '" + attName + "' of class " + theClass.getName(); boolean expectedForm = false; StringTokenizer sides = new StringTokenizer(value,"= "); int count = sides.countTokens(); /* expressions like 'self.isMoodCodeDefined() implies self.moodCode=vocab::ActMood::EVN' , possibly with 'not' at the front * Ignore everything up to and including 'implies' */ if (count == 5) sides.nextToken(); // consume any initial 'not' if (count == 4) { sides.nextToken(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") String implies = sides.nextToken(); } // expressions like 'self.moodCode=vocab::ActMood::EVN' if ((count == 2)|(count == 4)|(count == 5)) { String lhs =sides.nextToken(); if (lhs.startsWith("self.")) { if (!lhs.startsWith("self." + attName)) trace("LHS " + lhs + " for attribute " + attName); String rhs = sides.nextToken(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(rhs,":'"); int tokens = st.countTokens(); if (tokens == 1) { fixedValue = st.nextToken(); expectedForm = true; } else if ((tokens == 3) && (st.nextToken().equals("vocab"))) { st.nextToken(); fixedValue = st.nextToken(); expectedForm = true; } } } if (!expectedForm) trace(errorMessage); } } } } return fixedValue; } /** * * @param newClass * @return a new text content attribute, added to the class */ private EAttribute addTextAttribute(EClass newClass) { EAttribute newAtt = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEAttribute(); newAtt.setName("textContent"); newAtt.setLowerBound(0); newAtt.setEType(EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEString()); newClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(newAtt); return newAtt; } /** * An unresolved association is one that does not yet have a target class. * Add an EReference to a class; but do not yet set its type to the target class, * because the target class may not exist in the constrained model. * In stead, annotate the EReference with the MDHT class and package of the target * class, to be resolved later whan all target classes exist in the constrained model * @param theClass * @param ref Reference in the MDHT model that the new EReferenceis based on * @param mdhtTarget * @return the new unresolved EReference */ private EReference addUnresolvedAssociation(EClass theClass, EReference ref, EClass mdhtTarget) throws MapperException { String location = " at EReference " + ref.getName() + " from class " + theClass.getName(); String errorMessage = ""; if (mdhtTarget == null) errorMessage = ("Null MDHT class" + location); if (mdhtTarget.getName() == null) errorMessage = ("No name for MDHT class" + location); if (mdhtTarget.getEPackage() == null) errorMessage = ("No package for MDHT class " + mdhtTarget.getName() + location); EReference newRef = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference(); newRef.setName(ref.getName()); if (errorMessage.equals("")) { newRef.setLowerBound(ref.getLowerBound()); newRef.setUpperBound(ref.getUpperBound()); newRef.setContainment(ref.isContainment()); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(newRef, MDHTCLASS, mdhtTarget.getName()); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(newRef, MDHTPACKAGE, mdhtTarget.getEPackage().getName()); theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(newRef); } else WorkBenchUtil.showMessage("MDHT class error", errorMessage); return newRef; } /** * Add a revolved association, i.e one which has a target class * @param theClass class to add the association to * @param ref association in the MDHT model that this association is based on * @param newName new name for this association - more complex than the MDHT association name * @param cdaName CDA name of the association - to be put in an annotation * @param target taregt class * @return */ private EReference addAssociation(EClass theClass, EReference ref, String newName, String cdaName, EClass target) { EReference newRef = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference(); newRef.setName(newName); newRef.setLowerBound(ref.getLowerBound()); newRef.setUpperBound(ref.getUpperBound()); newRef.setContainment(ref.isContainment()); newRef.setEType(target); if (cdaName != null) ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(newRef, CDA_NAME, cdaName); theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(newRef); return newRef; } /** * @param fromClass * @return the name of the RIM class it is a clone of, or null if it is a datatype class */ private String rimClassName(EClass fromClass) { return packageSuperClassName(fromClass,"rim"); } /** * * @param fromClass * @param packageName * @return the name of the class in the package which this class is a subclass of */ private String packageSuperClassName(EClass fromClass, String packageName) { if (fromClass.getEPackage().getName().equals(packageName)) return fromClass.getName(); for (Iterator<EClass> it = fromClass.getESuperTypes().iterator();it.hasNext(); ) { String pClassName = packageSuperClassName(,packageName); if (pClassName != null) return pClassName; } return null; } /** * mark the entry class for the model - the class derived from an MDHT class * in the specified package, which is the subclass of "ClinicalDocument" * selected by the user * @param mdhtPackage */ private String markEntryClass(EPackage mdhtPackage) throws MapperException { String entryClassName = null; Vector<String> entryClassNames = new Vector<String>(); Vector<EClass> entryClasses = new Vector<EClass>(); // iterate over all classes in the imported Ecore model, derived from any MDHT package for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = constrainedCDAPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EClass theClass = (EClass); EClass mdhtClass = getMDHTClass(theClass); // classes derived from an MDHT class in the originally selected package if ((mdhtClass != null) && (mdhtPackage.getName().equals(mdhtClass.getEPackage().getName()))) { // build up a list of classes derived from an MDHT class which is a subclass of ClinicalDocument for (Iterator<EClass> ix = mdhtClass.getEAllSuperTypes().iterator();ix.hasNext();) { if ("ClinicalDocument")) { entryClassNames.add(mdhtClass.getName()); entryClasses.add(theClass); } } } } // allow the user to choose an entry class int chosen = WorkBenchUtil.chooseOneString("Chooose an entry class", targetPart, entryClassNames); if ((chosen > -1) && (chosen < entryClassNames.size())) { EClass theClass = entryClasses.get(chosen); // rename the entry class so it has no package suffix entryClassName = entryClassNames.get(chosen); theClass.setName(entryClassName); // add annotations to the class, to make it the entry class with the correct wrapper class ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(theClass, "entry", "true"); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(theClass, "wrapperClass", MakeITSMappingsAction.CDAWrapperClass); } else throw new MapperException("Selected no subclass of ClinicalDocument as entry class"); return entryClassName; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Adding association from OCL constraints //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * */ private void applyOCLConstraints() throws MapperException { // loop over all cda classes that have been imported - avoiding concurrent mods, as we will add to the list Vector<EClass> importedClasses = ModelUtil.getAllClasses(constrainedCDAPackage); for (Iterator<EClass> it = importedClasses.iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClass importedClass =; EClass mdhtClass = getMDHTClass(importedClass); // every imported class has an MDHT class at this stage. // find paths defined by OCL permissions on this class Hashtable<String,String[]> permissions = getOCLPermissions(mdhtClass); for (Enumeration<String[]> en = permissions.elements();en.hasMoreElements();) { String[] constraint = en.nextElement(); String path = constraint[0]; String qualifiedMDHTClassName = constraint[1]; EClass permittedMDHTClass = getNamedMDHTClass(qualifiedMDHTClassName); EClass endClass = getImportedClass(permittedMDHTClass); String constraintName = constraint[2]; if (endClass == null) trace("Cannot find constrained class '" + constraint[1] + "'"); else applyOCLConstraint(importedClass,path,endClass,constraintName); } } } /** * * @param qualifiedClassName * @return * @throws MapperException */ EClass getNamedMDHTClass(String qualifiedClassName) throws MapperException { String packageName = ModelUtil.getPackageName(qualifiedClassName); EPackage mdhtPackage = mdhtPackages.get(packageName); if (mdhtPackage == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find MDHT package " + packageName); String className = ModelUtil.getBareClassName(qualifiedClassName); EClass permittedMDHTClass = (EClass)mdhtPackage.getEClassifier(className); return permittedMDHTClass; } /** * * @param importedClass * @param path * @param endClass * @throws MapperException */ private void applyOCLConstraint(EClass importedClass,String path,EClass endClass,String constraintName) throws MapperException { boolean fromFile = (constraintName.startsWith("from")); // trace("From class " + importedClass.getName() + " OCL path " + path + " to class " + endClass.getName()); EClass[] MDHTClass = new EClass[20]; EReference[] MDHTRef = new EReference[20]; MDHTClass[0] = getMDHTClass(importedClass); // every imported class has an MDHT class at this stage. // follow the association path, putting classes and EReferences in arrays int depth = 0; int unalteredAssociations = 0; // number of associations on the path down to the first one you will add StringTokenizer steps = new StringTokenizer(path,"."); while (steps.hasMoreTokens()) { String step = steps.nextToken(); EStructuralFeature feat = MDHTClass[depth].getEStructuralFeature(step); if ((feat != null) && (feat instanceof EReference)) { MDHTRef[depth] = (EReference) feat; MDHTClass[depth + 1] = (EClass)MDHTRef[depth].getEType(); depth++; // final value of depth is path length } else throw new MapperException("Cannot follow OCL path '" + path + "' at step " + step); } if (fromFile) trace("Path check from " + importedClass.getName() + " via path " + path + " to " + endClass.getName() + ": " + MDHTClass[depth].getName()); // case when the last step of the path is from an ActRelationship or Participation if ((depth > 1) && (isActRelationshipOrParticipation(MDHTClass[depth - 1]))) { unalteredAssociations = depth - 2; EClass branchClass = getImportedClass(MDHTClass[depth - 2]); // imported class which the new association is to be added to EReference topAssoc = MDHTRef[depth -2]; String newTopAssocName = topAssoc.getName() + "_" + endClass.getName(); if (fromFile) {trace("Branch class: " + branchClass.getName() + "; New top association: " + newTopAssocName);} /* only add a new association and class to this branch class if it has not been added already, for a different * ancestor class at the beginning of the path. */ if (branchClass.getEStructuralFeature(newTopAssocName) == null) { EClass topModelClass = MDHTClass[depth - 1]; // class which the new class is to be modelled on EReference bottomAssoc = MDHTRef[depth -1]; String newClassName = topModelClass.getName() + "_" + endClass.getName(); // if an ActRelationship or Participation of this name does not exist already, make it and link it to the end class EClass newClass = (EClass)constrainedCDAPackage.getEClassifier(newClassName); if (newClass == null) { // make the new ActRelationship or Participation class newClass = addBareClass(constrainedCDAPackage, topModelClass, newClassName); // pick up its attributes, and associations to data type classes for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = topModelClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feature =; if (feature instanceof EAttribute) addAttribute(newClass, (EAttribute)feature); else if (feature instanceof EReference) { EReference ref = (EReference)feature; EClass target = (EClass)ref.getEType(); if (target.getEPackage().getName().equals("datatypes")) addUnresolvedAssociation(newClass, ref, target); } } // link in the end class by a new association, and annotate the association for use by the CDA wrapper class String bottomAssocName = bottomAssoc.getName() + "_" + endClass.getName(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") EReference newbottomRef = addAssociation(newClass, bottomAssoc, bottomAssocName, bottomAssoc.getName(),endClass); if (fromFile) {trace("New class " + newClassName + "; New bottom association: " + bottomAssocName);} } // link the new or found class to the branch class by an association, and annotate the association for use by the CDA wrapper class @SuppressWarnings("unused") EReference newTopRef = addAssociation(branchClass, topAssoc, newTopAssocName, topAssoc.getName(), newClass); } boolean hasTheAssoc = (branchClass.getEStructuralFeature(newTopAssocName) != null); if (fromFile) trace("Class " + branchClass.getName() + " has association " + newTopAssocName + "? " + hasTheAssoc); } // simple case of linking in the end class by a new association else if (!isActRelationshipOrParticipation(MDHTClass[depth - 1])) { unalteredAssociations = depth - 1; EClass branchClass = getImportedClass(MDHTClass[depth - 1]); // imported class which the new association is to be added to EReference topAssoc = MDHTRef[depth -1]; String topAssocName = topAssoc.getName() + "_" + endClass.getName(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") EReference newTopRef = addAssociation(branchClass, topAssoc, topAssocName, topAssoc.getName(),endClass); } /* if any associations were passed on to the path down to those added, rename them * and annotate with their CDA name for the wrapper class. */ for (int d = 0; d < unalteredAssociations;d++) { EClass impClass = getImportedClass(MDHTClass[d]); EReference ref = (EReference)impClass.getEStructuralFeature(MDHTRef[d].getName()); if ((ref != null) && (ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(ref, CDA_NAME)== null)) { String cdaName = ref.getName(); String newName = cdaName + "_T"; ref.setName(newName); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(ref, CDA_NAME, cdaName); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Attaching target classes to associations //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** attach target classes to associations */ private void resolveAllAssociations(EPackage thePackage) throws MapperException { for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = thePackage.getEClassifiers().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EClass theClass = (EClass); for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> iu = theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); iu.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feature =; if (feature instanceof EReference) { EReference ref = (EReference)feature; // check if the association needs to be resolved; and do so String tClass = ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(ref, MDHTCLASS); String tPackage = ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(ref, MDHTPACKAGE); if ((tClass != null) && (tPackage != null)) { ModelUtil.removeMIFAnnotation(ref, MDHTCLASS); ModelUtil.removeMIFAnnotation(ref, MDHTPACKAGE); EClass targetClass = null; // names of imported classes are not changed in the datatypes package if (tPackage.equals("datatypes")) { targetClass = (EClass)constrainedDatatypesPackage.getEClassifier(tClass); } // haven't yet worked out how to handle this case of target class 'ecore.EStringToStringMapEntry' else if (tPackage.equals("ecore")) {} // in other packages, find the imported class whose name may have changed else { String qualifiedName = tPackage + "." + tClass; EClass mdhtClass = getNamedMDHTClass(qualifiedName); targetClass = getImportedClass(mdhtClass); } if (targetClass == null) trace("Cannot find target class " + tClass + " for association " + ref.getName() + " of class " + theClass.getName()); else ref.setEType(targetClass); } } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Removing CDA Associations that have templated versions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * remove all CDA associations which have had templated associations made from them * @param thePackage * @throws MapperException */ private void prune_CDA_Associations(EPackage thePackage) throws MapperException { for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = thePackage.getEClassifiers().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EClass theClass = (EClass); // names of CDA associations that have been templated Hashtable<String,String> renamedRefs = new Hashtable<String,String>(); // pre-stored list of refs, because we are going to modify it Vector<EStructuralFeature> refs = new Vector<EStructuralFeature>(); // make table of refs to remove, and pre-store list of all refs for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> iu = theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); iu.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feature =; if (feature instanceof EReference) { refs.add(feature); String cdaName = ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(feature, CDA_NAME); if (cdaName != null) renamedRefs.put(cdaName, "1"); } } // remove refs for (int i = 0; i < refs.size();i++) { EStructuralFeature feat = refs.get(i); if ((feat instanceof EReference) && (renamedRefs.get(feat.getName()) != null)) theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().remove(feat); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Move classes to packages depending on which section template they occur in //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Move all constrained CDA classes to packages, depending on their section template * @param entryClassName */ private void moveClassesToPackages(String entryClassName) throws MapperException { EClass entryClass = (EClass)constrainedCDAPackage.getEClassifier(entryClassName); if (entryClass == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find entry class " + entryClassName); String entryPackageName = "cdaHeader"; moveClassToPackage(entryClass,entryPackageName); moveChildClassesToPackages(entryClass,entryPackageName,entryPackageName); } /** * recursive descent of the class tree, moving classes to new packages * @param theClass * @param packageName * @param entryPackageName passed down the recursion unchanged */ private void moveChildClassesToPackages(EClass theClass,String packageName,String entryPackageName) throws MapperException { String nextPackageName = packageName; for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature next =; if (next instanceof EReference) { EReference ref = (EReference)next; // only allow one change of package name from the top, at a new section (not an observation, etc.) if (packageName.equals(entryPackageName)) { // if the association name is 'component_ProblemSection' make the package name 'problemSection' if ((ref.getName().startsWith("component_")) && (ref.getName().length() > "component_T".length())) nextPackageName = GenUtil.initialLowerCase(ref.getName().substring("component_".length())); // do not make separate packages for these associations if (nextPackageName.endsWith("EntriesOptional")) nextPackageName = nextPackageName.substring(0,nextPackageName.length() - "EntriesOptional".length()); } EClass nextClass = (EClass)ref.getEType(); // stop the recursion if this class has already been moved, or is in the datatypes package if (moveClassToPackage(nextClass,nextPackageName)) moveChildClassesToPackages(nextClass,nextPackageName, entryPackageName); } } } /** * * @param theClass * @param packageName */ private boolean moveClassToPackage(EClass theClass, String packageName) throws MapperException { boolean moved = false; if (theClass == null) throw new MapperException("Moving null class to package " + packageName); if (theClass.getEPackage() == null) throw new MapperException("Class '" + theClass.getName() + "' starts in no package, when moving to to package " + packageName); // only move a class to a new package if it is in the initial CDA package it was made in (and not in the datatypes package) if (theClass.getEPackage().equals(constrainedCDAPackage)) { // put 'Text' class in data types package if (theClass.getName().equals("Text")) packageName="datatypes"; EPackage newPackage = findOrMakePackage(packageName); // adding the class to the new package should remove it from its old package newPackage.getEClassifiers().add(theClass); moved = true; } return moved; } /** * find or make a package with a given name * @param packageName * @return the package */ private EPackage findOrMakePackage(String packageName) { EPackage thePackage = null; for (Iterator<EPackage> it = topPackage.getESubpackages().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EPackage next =; if (next.getName().equals(packageName)) thePackage = next; } if (thePackage == null) { thePackage = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage(); thePackage.setName(packageName); topPackage.getESubpackages().add(thePackage); } return thePackage; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Importing data types //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * */ private void importDatatypes(EPackage mdhtDatatypesPackage) throws MapperException { // first pass; add data type classes with EAttributes, and EReferences not yet resolved for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = mdhtDatatypesPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { EClass dtClass = (EClass) next; // no inheritance in data type classes yet EClass newClass = addImportedClass(constrainedDatatypesPackage,dtClass,false); // if this class has mixed data type, give it a textContent attribute if (isMixedDataType(dtClass)) addTextAttribute(newClass); } } // second pass; resolve target classes of EReferences, now that all data type classes have been imported for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = constrainedDatatypesPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClass next = (EClass); for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> iu = next.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feature =; if (feature instanceof EReference) { EReference ref = (EReference)feature; String targetClassName = ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(ref, MDHTCLASS); EClass targetClass = (EClass)constrainedDatatypesPackage.getEClassifier(targetClassName); ref.setEType(targetClass); } } } // third pass not used ; assert the same inheritance as for MDHT data type classes /* for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = constrainedDatatypesPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClass next = (EClass); EClass mdhtClass = getMDHTClass(next); for (Iterator<EClass> iu = mdhtClass.getESuperTypes().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EClass mdhtSuperClass =; EClass dtSuperClass = getImportedClass(mdhtSuperClass); if (dtSuperClass == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find data type class '" + mdhtSuperClass.getName() + "'"); next.getESuperTypes().add(dtSuperClass); } } */ // finally ensure that the 'ANY' data type class has every EAttribute or EReference that any other data type class has extendANYClass(); } /** * * @param dtClass * @return */ private boolean isMixedDataType(EClass dtClass) { boolean mixed = false; EAnnotation ann = dtClass.getEAnnotation(EXTENDED_METADATA_SOURCE); if ((ann != null) && ("mixed".equals(ann.getDetails().get("kind")))) mixed = true; return mixed; } /** * * @param dtClass * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private boolean inheritsMixedDataType(EClass dtClass) { boolean inherits = false; for (Iterator<EClass> it = dtClass.getEAllSuperTypes().iterator();it.hasNext();) if (isMixedDataType( inherits = true; return inherits; } /** * Ensure the ANY data type class has every attribute and association that any other class has, * except the boring association of AD and EN */ private void extendANYClass() throws MapperException { EClass anyClass = (EClass)constrainedDatatypesPackage.getEClassifier("ANY"); if (anyClass == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find 'ANY' datatype class"); // set up Hashtables to avoid duplicate associations and EReferences Hashtable<String,EAttribute> allAttributes = new Hashtable<String,EAttribute>(); Hashtable<String,EReference> allReferences = new Hashtable<String,EReference>(); // pick up attributes and associations from all data type classes except AD and EN (boring long list, never used) String[] avoidNames = {"ANY","AD","EN"}; for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = constrainedDatatypesPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if ((next instanceof EClass) && (!GenUtil.inArray(next.getName(), avoidNames))) { EClass dtClass = (EClass) next; for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> iu = dtClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feature =; if ((feature instanceof EReference) && (allReferences.get(feature.getName()) == null)) { EReference ref = (EReference)feature; addAssociation(anyClass, ref, ref.getName(), null, (EClass)ref.getEType()); allReferences.put(ref.getName(),ref); } else if ((feature instanceof EAttribute) && (allAttributes.get(feature.getName()) == null)) { EAttribute att = (EAttribute)feature; addAttribute(anyClass, att); allAttributes.put(att.getName(), att); } } } } } /** * The association 'typeId' points to a class 'InfrastructureRootTypeId' (a subclass of II, in MDHT) * which has two strange attributes 'redefinedRoot' and 'redefinedExtension' deriving from the MDHT cda.ecore. * Remove them, but make the fixed value of 'redefinedRoot' be a fixed value of 'root' */ private void sortTypeId() throws MapperException { EClass infraRoot = (EClass)constrainedCDAPackage.getEClassifier("InfrastructureRootTypeId"); if (infraRoot != null) { EStructuralFeature redefined = infraRoot.getEStructuralFeature("redefinedRoot"); EStructuralFeature root = infraRoot.getEStructuralFeature("root"); String fixedRoot = ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(redefined, "fixed value"); ModelUtil.addMIFAnnotation(root, "fixed value", fixedRoot); infraRoot.getEStructuralFeatures().remove(redefined); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Finding classes that have no association pointing to them //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private void findIsolatedClasses(String resourceECoreLocation) throws MapperException { Hashtable<String,EClass> classesPointedTo = new Hashtable<String,EClass>(); Hashtable<String,String> classesInConstraints = new Hashtable<String,String>(); // initialise the data for the csv file to be written out classesWithNoPermissions = new Vector<String[]>(); classesWithNoPermissions.add(classesWithNoPermissionsHeader); String noPermissionsFileLocation = getCSVFileLocation(resourceECoreLocation, noPermissionsFileName); // first pass; find all classes with an association pointing to them for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = constrainedCDAPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClass next = (EClass); EClass mdhtClass = this.getMDHTClass(next); Hashtable<String,String[]> constraints = getOCLPermissions(mdhtClass); for (Enumeration<String[]> en = constraints.elements();en.hasMoreElements();) { String[] constraint = en.nextElement(); classesInConstraints.put(constraint[1], "1"); } for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> iu = next.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); iu.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feature =; if (feature instanceof EReference) { EClassifier target = ((EReference)feature).getEType(); if (target != null) classesPointedTo.put(target.getName(), (EClass)target); } } } // second pass; write out classes without any association pointing to them int totalClasses = 0; int isolatedClasses = 0; for (Enumeration<String> ep = mdhtPackages.keys();ep.hasMoreElements();) { String packName = ep.nextElement(); EPackage mdhtPackage = mdhtPackages.get(packName); if (GenUtil.inVector(packName, templatedPackages)) { // trace(""); // trace("---- Unlinked classes in package " + packName); for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = mdhtPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier nc =; if (nc instanceof EClass) { EClass mdhtClass = (EClass)nc; EClass next = getImportedClass(mdhtClass); totalClasses++; if ((next != null) && (classesPointedTo.get(next.getName()) == null)) { String[] csvRow = new String[3]; String className = mdhtClass.getEPackage().getName() + "." + mdhtClass.getName(); String line = ("Not linked: " + className + " "); csvRow[0] = className; csvRow[1] = getTemplateId(className); String supers = ""; for (Iterator<EClass> iu = mdhtClass.getESuperTypes().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EClass superC =; String pName = superC.getEPackage().getName() + "." + superC.getName(); line = line + "[" + pName + "]"; supers = supers + pName; if (iu.hasNext()) supers = supers + "; "; } csvRow[2] = supers; classesWithNoPermissions.add(csvRow); // trace(line); isolatedClasses++; } } } } } // write out the csv file trace("writing csv file to " + noPermissionsFileLocation); IFile csvFile = EclipseFileUtil.getFile(noPermissionsFileLocation); EclipseFileUtil.writeCSVFile(classesWithNoPermissions, csvFile); trace("Total classes: " + totalClasses + "; isolated classes: " + isolatedClasses); trace("Classes in constraints: " + classesInConstraints.size()); trace("Classes linked to: " + classesPointedTo.size()); } /** * */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void showSubclassRelations() { for (Enumeration<String> en = mdhtPackages.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String packageName = en.nextElement(); if (GenUtil.inVector(packageName, templatedPackages)) { trace("----- Classes in package " + packageName); Hashtable<String,String> referencedPackages = new Hashtable<String,String>(); EPackage mdhtPackage = mdhtPackages.get(packageName); for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = mdhtPackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClassifier next =; if (next instanceof EClass) { String line = "Class " + next.getName() + ": "; EClass theClass = (EClass)next; for (Iterator<EClass> iu = theClass.getESuperTypes().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EClass superC =; String pName = superC.getEPackage().getName(); referencedPackages.put(pName, "1"); line = line + "[" + pName + "," + superC.getName() + "]"; } trace(line); } } String packageSummary = "Package " + packageName + " depends on packages "; for (Enumeration<String> eg = referencedPackages.keys();eg.hasMoreElements();) packageSummary = packageSummary + eg.nextElement() + ","; trace(packageSummary); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Filtering of included sections from a csv file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param EcoreLocation */ private void filterSections(String EcoreLocation) { // read a csv file of required sections String sectionFilterFileLocation = ""; Vector<String> sectionFilterFileLines = new Vector<String>(); try { sectionFilterFileLocation = getCSVFileLocation(EcoreLocation, sectionFilterFileName); sectionFilterFileLines = FileUtil.textLines(sectionFilterFileLocation); filterSections(sectionFilterFileLines); } catch (Exception ex) {WorkBenchUtil.showMessage("Warning","Error reading section filter file at " + sectionFilterFileLocation + "': " + ex.getMessage() + "; so all sections are included.");} } /** * * @param sectionFilterFileLines * @throws MapperException */ private void filterSections(Vector<String> sectionFilterFileLines) throws MapperException { Hashtable<String,EClass> owningClasses = getOwningClasses(sectionFilterFileLines); trace("Owning classes: " + owningClasses.size()); for(Enumeration<String> en = owningClasses.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String owningClassName = en.nextElement(); EClass theClass = owningClasses.get(owningClassName); filterClass(owningClassName,theClass,sectionFilterFileLines); } } /** * * @param owningClassName * @param theClass * @param sectionFilterFileLines */ private void filterClass(String owningClassName,EClass theClass,Vector<String> sectionFilterFileLines) throws MapperException { // empty list of EAttributes and EReferences for the class EList<EStructuralFeature> newFeatures = new BasicEList<EStructuralFeature>(); // build up the list, including all EAttributes and only some EReferences for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = theClass.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feature =; if (feature instanceof EAttribute) {newFeatures.add(feature);} else if (feature instanceof EReference) { EReference ref = (EReference)feature; EClass target = (EClass)ref.getEType(); EClass mdhtClass = getMDHTClass(target); /* if there is an equivalent MDHT class, whose name has not been altered on import, do not filter */ if ((mdhtClass != null) && (target.getName().equals(mdhtClass.getName()))) {newFeatures.add(feature);} else { boolean retained = false; /* find child nodes in templated packages; one of these must match in template ids * for the association to be retained. */ for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> iu = target.getEStructuralFeatures().iterator();iu.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature f =; if (f instanceof EReference) { EReference r = (EReference)f; EClass sect = (EClass)r.getEType(); if (matchesTemplates(sect,owningClassName,sectionFilterFileLines)) retained = true; } } if (retained) newFeatures.add(feature); } } } // reset the whole list of EAttributes and EReferences for the class theClass.eSet(EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEClass_EStructuralFeatures(), newFeatures); } /** * * @param sect * @param parentClassName * @param sectionFilterFileLines * @return true if the templates on the class match those in any line of the file, with the correct parent class name */ private boolean matchesTemplates(EClass sect,String parentClassName,Vector<String> sectionFilterFileLines) { boolean matches = false; // try to match the section against any file line with the required class name for (int i = 1; i < sectionFilterFileLines.size();i++) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(sectionFilterFileLines.get(i),","); String cName = st.nextToken(); if (parentClassName.equals(cName)) { String templates = st.nextToken(); if (matchesTemplates(sect,templates)) matches = true; } } // message(parentClassName + "; " + sect.getName() + ": " + matches); return matches; } /** * * @param sect a class in the imported Ecore class model * @param templates String of template ids, separated by ';' and ' ' * @return true if the set of template ids on the annotations of the class exactly matches * the templates in String 'templates' */ private boolean matchesTemplates(EClass sect,String templates) { boolean matches = false; EAnnotation ann = sect.getEAnnotation(ModelUtil.mifNamespaceURI()); // no match if the class has no template annotations if (ann != null) { Hashtable<String,String> sectionTemplates = new Hashtable<String,String>(); // collect all template ids from the class annotations EMap<String,String> details = ann.getDetails(); for (Iterator<String> it = details.keySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) { String key =; // template annotations have keys 'template' , 'template_1', etc if (key.startsWith("template")) { String templateId = details.get(key); sectionTemplates.put(templateId, "1"); } } // can only match if there is a matching number of template ids, separated by ';' and ' ' StringTokenizer ids = new StringTokenizer(templates,"; "); if (ids.countTokens() == sectionTemplates.size()) { matches = true; while (ids.hasMoreTokens()) if (sectionTemplates.get(ids.nextToken()) == null) matches = false; } } return matches; } /** * * @param sectionFilterFileLines * @return a Hashtable of all the classes mentioned in the first column of the csv file * @throws MapperException */ private Hashtable<String,EClass> getOwningClasses(Vector<String> sectionFilterFileLines) throws MapperException { Hashtable<String,EClass> owningClasses = new Hashtable<String,EClass>(); for (int i = 1; i < sectionFilterFileLines.size();i++) { String line = sectionFilterFileLines.get(i); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line,","); if (st.countTokens() != 3) throw new MapperException("Invalid line in csv file: '" + line + "'"); String className = st.nextToken(); EClass mdhtClass = getNamedMDHTClass(className); if (mdhtClass == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find MDHT class: '" + className + "'"); EClass importedClass = this.getImportedClass(mdhtClass); if (importedClass == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find imported class: '" + className + "'"); owningClasses.put(className, importedClass); } return owningClasses; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plumbing and trivia //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param theClass * * @return true if the class is an ActRelationship clone or a Participation clone */ private boolean isActRelationshipOrParticipation(EClass mdhtClass) { boolean isBranch = false; for (Iterator<EClass> it = mdhtClass.getESuperTypes().iterator();it.hasNext();) { String superClassName =; if (superClassName.equals("ActRelationship")) isBranch = true; if (superClassName.equals("Participation")) isBranch = true; } return isBranch; } @Override public void setActivePart(IAction action, IWorkbenchPart targetPart) { this.targetPart = targetPart; } @Override public void selectionChanged(IAction action, ISelection selection) { this.selection = selection; } /** * * @return either the ecore file which was right-clicked, or * if a mapper file was right-clicked, an ecore file chosen by the user * @throws MapperException */ protected EPackage getECoreModel() throws MapperException { String resourceLocation = FileUtil.removeFilePrefix(getFilePath(selection)); // if the user right-clicked an ecore file, return it if (resourceLocation.endsWith(".ecore")) return FileUtil.getClassModel(resourceLocation); // if the user right-clicked a mapper file, ask for the location of an ecore file if (resourceLocation.endsWith(".mapper")) { String[] exts = {"*.ecore"}; String loc = FileUtil.getFilePathFromUser(targetPart, exts, "Select MDHT Ecore model", false); resourceLocation = FileUtil.forwardSlashForm(loc); } if (resourceLocation != null) return FileUtil.getClassModel(resourceLocation); // if the user cancelled return null; } /** * @param selection the object the user right-clicked to get this action * @return the file path to it */ public String getFilePath(ISelection selection) { String path = "not found"; if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) { Object el = ((IStructuredSelection)selection).getFirstElement(); if (el instanceof IFile) { IFile file = (IFile)el; path = file.getLocationURI().toString(); } } return path; } protected void message(String s) { System.out.println(s); } protected void trace(String s) { if (tracing) System.out.println(s); } }