package com.openMap1.mapper.reader; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcoreFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceFactoryImpl; import com.openMap1.mapper.converters.LRAConverter; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.ClassSet; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.PropertyConversionException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.RunIssue; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.notRepresentedException; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.Xpth; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.NamespaceSet; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.Timer; /** * The interface implemented by this class has one method, to make a resource * containing an instance of an EMF model, using an * XML document which represents an instance of the model * and a set of mappings which define how the XML instance * represents the instance of the model * * @author robert worden * */ public abstract class EMFInstanceFactoryImpl implements EMFInstanceFactory{ // if true, trace the steps of creating the EMF instance private boolean tracing = false; // if true, write out the model objects stored before traversing non-containment relations private boolean writeModelObjects = false; // if true, write out timing statistics for making the instance private boolean timing = false; protected Timer timer = null; private XOReader xor; /** * @return The Ecore model for the Factory-generated instance. * Compared to the input Ecore model, this model may have an extra class 'Container' (or 'Container_N') * which has a containment association to every class not otherwise contained. */ public EPackage modelForInstance() {return classModel;} protected EPackage classModel; protected EFactory factory; /** * @return true if the Factory-generated instance has an extra class 'Container' (or 'Container_N') * which has a containment association to every class not otherwise contained. */ public boolean hasAddedContainerClass() {return hasAddedContainerClass;} private boolean hasAddedContainerClass = false; /* for each qualified class name, store a Hashtable from objectToken key to represented EObject */ private Hashtable<String,Hashtable<Object,EObject>> savedModelObjects = new Hashtable<String,Hashtable<Object,EObject>>(); /* record cases where traversal of a non-containment link reaches an object * which has not been found by traversal of containment links. * Outer key = class name; inner key = role traversed; Integer = number of occurrences. */ private Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,Integer>> failedLookups; /** if an extra container class gets added to the class model, this is its name */ private String containerClassName = ""; protected String NSPrefix = "generic"; /** * Set the namespace prefix for the model * @param NSPrefix */ public void setNsPrefix(String NSPrefix) {this.NSPrefix = NSPrefix;} protected String NSUri = ""; /** * Set the namespace URI for the model * @param NSUri */ public void setNsUri(String NSUri) {this.NSUri = NSUri;} public static URI DO_NOT_SAVE_URI() {return URI.createURI("noFile.ecore");} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // code dependent on the specific EMF model //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** use the generated factory to create a model object with the right class name */ abstract public EObject createModelObject(String qualifiedClassName) throws MapperException; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** use the generated factory to convert a property from a String to the right type */ public static Object convertPropertyType(EAttribute att, String val) throws MapperException { String attType = att.getEAttributeType().getName(); if (attType.equals("EString")) return val; else if (attType.equals("EInt")) { Integer i = new Integer(0); try{i = new Integer(val);} catch (Exception ex) {System.out.println("Cannot convert value '" + val + "' to Integer; stored value 0");} return i; } else if (attType.equals("EBoolean")) { Boolean b = new Boolean(false); try{b = new Boolean(val);} catch (Exception ex) {System.out.println("Cannot convert value '" + val + "' to Boolean; stored value 'false'");} return b; } else if (attType.equals("EFloat")) { Float f = new Float(0.0); try{f = new Float(val);} catch (Exception ex) {System.out.println("Cannot convert value '" + val + "' to Float; stored value '0.0'");} return f; } else throw new MapperException("Attribute '" + att.getName() + "' type not recognised: " + attType); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // API called from the Menu command //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void giveTimer(Timer timer) { this.timer = timer; } /** * @param xor the reader which uses mappings to extract EMF model instance information * @param modelInstanceURI the URI at which the new model instance resource is to be stored; * cannot be null as the extension (e.g .ecore) is used to define what kind of model it is. * if you do not wish to save the resource, use a URI like 'noFile.ecore' * @param topobjectToken the objectToken of the instance which is to be the root of the Ecore tree */ public Resource createModelInstance(XOReader xor, URI modelInstanceURI, objectToken topobjectToken) throws MapperException { // start a timer and give a copy to the XOReader if (timer == null) timer = new Timer(""); timer.start(Timer.MAKE_EMF_INSTANCE); xor.giveTimer(timer, false); failedLookups = new Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,Integer>>(); // create the resource that is to be filled with the model instance ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); // register the factory if (modelInstanceURI != null) { String extension = modelInstanceURI.fileExtension(); resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap(). put(extension, new XMIResourceFactoryImpl()); } else throw new MapperException("Null URI not allowed; to not save the Resource, use e.g. NoFile.ecore"); Resource modelResource = resourceSet.createResource(modelInstanceURI); if (modelResource == null) System.out.println("Null model resource"); // restart the list of all runtime issues allRunIssues = new Hashtable<String,RunIssue>(); // find the Ecore model that the new resource is to hold an instance of this.xor = xor; if (xor.classModel() == null) {throw new MapperException("Cannot find class model");} classModel = xor.classModel(); // find or create the EClass which is the container of all the others EClass topClass = ModelUtil.getNamedClass(classModel, topobjectToken.className()); String topClassName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(topClass); EObject rootObject = createModelObject(topClassName); trace("Created top object of class '" + topClassName + "'"); // recursively fill out the attributes and containment relations of the root object // System.out.println("Filling the model"); timer.start(Timer.FILL_OBJECT); fillObject(rootObject,topobjectToken); timer.stop(Timer.FILL_OBJECT); // diagnostic look at the modelObjects stored if (writeModelObjects) writeModelObjects(rootObject); // recursively do all non-containment links for this object and the objects it contains // System.out.println("Non containments"); timer.start(Timer.EMF_NON_CONTAINMENT); doNonContainmentLinks(rootObject,topobjectToken); timer.stop(Timer.EMF_NON_CONTAINMENT); // add the root object to the resource modelResource.getContents().add(rootObject); // one-off test of Ecore models // if (writeModelObjects) eCoreTest(rootObject); // save the resource, unless 'noFile' has been used if ((modelInstanceURI != null) && (!modelInstanceURI.toString().startsWith("noFile"))) try {;} catch (IOException ex) {throw new MapperException("Failed to save EMF model resource: " + ex.getMessage());} /* note where traversing non-containment links led to objects not previously * found by traversing containment links */ writeFailedLookups(); /* overwrite of dynamic Ecore models, putting a native Ecore model to the same location. * This overcomes some strange glitch in Ecore models */ LRAConverter conv = new LRAConverter(); if (topClass.getName().equals("EPackage")) { /* this only does LRA special post-processing, * converting some EReferences to EAttributes, * if the top package name is 'lra' */ conv.saveAsEcore(rootObject,modelInstanceURI); } // report all timings timer.stop(Timer.MAKE_EMF_INSTANCE); if (timing); return modelResource; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // API for translation tests, when there may be an extra container object added at the root //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param xor the reader which uses mappings to extract EMF model instance information * @param modelInstanceURI the URI at which the new model instance resource is to be stored; * or null if it is not to be stored anywhere * @param forceContainer: if forceContainer is true, the Factory will act as if * there is a new root class, * (called 'Container' or 'Container_N' to avoid class name clashes) in the EMF model. * This class has a containment relation 'contains' to any class which is not contained * in some other class. This is done so that all object instances can be shown in the EMF instance * with a single root. * <p> * When forceContainer is false, the Factory will only add a new root class 'Container' * if it is necessary - i.e. if there more than one 'root' class, and so there * is no one class in the Ecore model which has * a containment relation (direct or indirect) to all the other classes. * <p> * In this case, when the Factory does not introduce a new Container class * it may fail and throw a MapperException if there is not * exactly one instance of the top class of the ECore model represented in the XML. * <p> * Whether forceContainer is true or false, the Factory does not alter the stored EMF model; * it uses an in-memory modified copy, and makes that publicly accessible. * */ public Resource createModelInstanceInTranslationTest(XOReader xor, URI modelInstanceURI, boolean forceContainer) throws MapperException { // start a timer and give a copy to the XOReader if (timer == null) timer = new Timer(""); timer.start(Timer.MAKE_EMF_INSTANCE); timer.start(Timer.EMF_PRELIMINARIES); xor.giveTimer(timer, false); failedLookups = new Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,Integer>>(); // create the resource that is to be filled with the model instance ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); // register the factory if (modelInstanceURI != null) { String extension = modelInstanceURI.fileExtension(); resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap(). put(extension, new XMIResourceFactoryImpl()); } Resource modelResource = resourceSet.createResource(modelInstanceURI); if (modelResource == null) System.out.println("Null model resource"); // restart the list of all runtime issues allRunIssues = new Hashtable<String,RunIssue>(); // find the Ecore model that the new resource is to hold an instance of this.xor = xor; if (xor.classModel() == null) {throw new MapperException("Cannot find class model");} classModel = xor.classModel(); // it would be hard work to make a copy without stripping the classes out // find all object mappings for objects not nested inside some other mapped object. Key = classSet name Vector<ClassSet> previousOuters = xor.outerObjectClassSets(); // find or add the new single outer class, and make an instance of it EClass topClass = addContainerClassIfNecessary(classModel,previousOuters,forceContainer); EObject rootObject = createModelObject(ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(topClass)); /* get the objectTokens for all the classes that were outer * before any container class was added. Key = ClassSet name. */ Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>> topobjectTokens = getTopObjects(previousOuters); /* note the top objects in a lookup table modelObjects, * later used for non-containment associations */ recordModelObjects(topobjectTokens); timer.stop(Timer.EMF_PRELIMINARIES); /* fill in the properties of all top instances, and recursively traverse their * containment associations; and if a container class has been added to the class model, * make each top object contained inside it */ for (Enumeration<String> en = topobjectTokens.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String classSetName = en.nextElement(); /* to hold all the objects of this class contained in the Container object * FIXME - case when two classSets have the same class name; ELists should be merged */ EList<EObject> contList = new BasicEList<EObject>(); Vector<objectToken> oReps = topobjectTokens.get(classSetName); if (oReps.size() > 0) { String qualifiedClassName = oReps.get(0).className(); for (Iterator<objectToken> ir = oReps.iterator(); ir.hasNext();) { objectToken oRep =; EObject topObject = savedModelObjects.get(qualifiedClassName).get(oRep.objectKey()); // add this object to a containment list for objects of this class in the top 'Container' object contList.add(topObject); // recursively fill out the attributes and containment relations of this object timer.start(Timer.FILL_OBJECT); fillObject(topObject,oRep); timer.stop(Timer.FILL_OBJECT); // if there is no extra containment class, there should be one real object to be root if (!hasAddedContainerClass) rootObject = topObject; } // store the top objects of this class in the correct feature of the container object if (hasAddedContainerClass) { // find the correct containment association to get to an object of this class boolean containmentFound = false; String className = ModelUtil.getBareClassName(qualifiedClassName); for (Iterator<EReference> iRef = topClass.getEAllReferences().iterator();iRef.hasNext();) { EReference er =; if (er.getEType().getName().equals(className)) { rootObject.eSet(er, contList); containmentFound = true; } } if (!containmentFound) throw new MapperException("Found no containment relation for objects of class '" + qualifiedClassName + "'"); } } } /* fill in all the non-containment associations, after all model objects have been made. */ timer.start(Timer.EMF_NON_CONTAINMENT); for (Enumeration<String> en = topobjectTokens.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String classSetName = en.nextElement(); Vector<objectToken> oReps = topobjectTokens.get(classSetName); if (oReps.size() > 0) { String qualifiedClassName = oReps.get(0).className(); for (Iterator<objectToken> ir = oReps.iterator(); ir.hasNext();) { objectToken oRep =; EObject topObject = savedModelObjects.get(qualifiedClassName).get(oRep.objectKey()); // recursively do all non-containment links for this object and the objects it contains doNonContainmentLinks(topObject,oRep); } } } timer.stop(Timer.EMF_NON_CONTAINMENT); // add the root object to the resource modelResource.getContents().add(rootObject); // save the resource if (modelInstanceURI != null) try {;} catch (IOException ex) {throw new MapperException("Failed to save EMF model resource: " + ex.getMessage());} // clean up afterwards removeContainerClassIfNecessary(classModel); /* note where traversing non-containment links led to objects not previously * found by traversing containment links */ writeFailedLookups(); return modelResource; } /** * diagnostic write of the numbers of stored model objects, by class */ private void writeModelObjects(EObject rootObject) { System.out.println("\n\nModel objects found by class"); for (Enumeration<String> en = savedModelObjects.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String className = en.nextElement(); Hashtable<Object,EObject> forClass = savedModelObjects.get(className); // find which EObjects have no container; or if they do, what their parent class is int noContainer = 0; String parentClassName = "nonexistent"; for (Enumeration<EObject> eo = forClass.elements(); eo.hasMoreElements();) { EObject next = eo.nextElement(); EObject parent = next.eContainer(); if (parent == null) noContainer++; else parentClassName = parent.eClass().getName(); } System.out.println(className + ": " + forClass.size() + "; " + noContainer + " without container; parent class " + parentClassName); } System.out.println("\n\nClass Tree"); writeTree(rootObject, 0); } /* * write out the tree structure of an EMF model */ private void writeTree(EObject obj, int level) { String className = obj.eClass().getName(); System.out.println(level + ": " + className); for (Iterator<EObject> it = obj.eContents().iterator();it.hasNext();) writeTree(,level+1); } /** * @param classModel an Ecore model, headed by an EPackage * @return the EClass which is recommended as top class for Ecore * instances of the model, in an annotation on the top EPackage object; * or null if there is no such annotation */ public static EClass getRecommendedTopClass(EPackage classModel) { EClass recClass = null; String className = ModelUtil.getEAnnotationDetail(classModel, "topClass"); if (className != null) recClass = ModelUtil.getNamedClass(classModel, className); return recClass; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main recursive methods to fill in the Ecore instance //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * fill in all the properties of an EObject that you can get from the * mappings, and fill in its containment associations - * recursively filling in the contained objects. * @param obj * @param oRep */ private void fillObject(EObject obj, objectToken oRep) throws MapperException { String className = obj.eClass().getName(); String task = "Properties of " + className + "(" + oRep.cSet().stringForm() + ")"; trace(task); // find values for all mapped properties of the class for (Iterator<EAttribute> it = obj.eClass().getEAllAttributes().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EAttribute att =; String attName = att.getName(); // if the XML represents the value of this property, set it on the object // temporarily forgive failure to convert properties // the next call is very expensive, so just catch the exception silently in stead boolean representsProp = true; // xor.representsProperty(oRep, attName); if (representsProp) try { String propVal = xor.getPropertyValue(oRep, attName); // assume that "" means nothing more than 'default' which is there already if ((propVal != null) && (!propVal.equals(""))) { obj.eSet(att, convertPropertyType(att,propVal)); trace(attName + ": " + propVal); } } catch (PropertyConversionException ex) { int nature = RunIssue.RUN_XSLT_PROPERTY_CONVERSION; noteRunIssue(nature, ex.getMessage()); } catch (notRepresentedException ex) { /* int nature = RunIssue.RUN_PROPERTY_REPRESENTED; noteRunIssue(nature, ex.getMessage()); */ } } task = "Containments of " + obj.eClass().getName() + "(" + oRep.cSet().stringForm() + ")"; trace(task); // get all objects reached by mapped containment associations, and fill them in for (Iterator<EReference> it = obj.eClass().getEAllReferences().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; EClass childSuperClass = (EClass)ref.getEType(); String roleName = ref.getName(); if (roleName == null) roleName = "null role name"; trace("Role name " + roleName); if (ref.isContainment()) { EList<EObject> cont = new BasicEList<EObject>(); // try all subclasses of the class at the other end of the association List<EClass> scList =; for (Iterator<EClass> iw = scList.iterator(); iw.hasNext();) { EClass childClass =; if (!childClass.isAbstract()) { String childClassName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(childClass); trace("Subclass " + childClassName); /* the call to representsAssociationRole is so expensive that I now just * catch the nonrepresented Exception silently. */ boolean representsAssoc = true; // xor.representsAssociationRole(oRep,roleName, childClassName); if (representsAssoc) try { task = "following " + oRep.cSet().stringForm() + "." + roleName + "." + childClassName; trace(task); Vector<objectToken> childObjects = xor.getAssociatedObjectTokens(oRep, childClassName, roleName); if (childObjects.size() > 0) trace("found " + childObjects.size()); for (Iterator<objectToken> ix = childObjects.iterator();ix.hasNext();) { objectToken cRep =; String childSubClassName = cRep.className(); trace("class of objectToken " + childSubClassName); /* Avoid the same object being found twice through different superclasses in the * association being followed */ if (childSubClassName.equals(childClassName)) { EObject child = createModelObject(childSubClassName); fillObject(child,cRep); cont.add(child); trace("adding class " + childSubClassName); // store lookup for non-containment associations Hashtable<Object,EObject> childObjTable = savedModelObjects.get(childSubClassName); if (childObjTable == null) childObjTable = new Hashtable<Object,EObject>(); childObjTable.put(cRep.objectKey(),child); savedModelObjects.put(childSubClassName, childObjTable); } } } catch (notRepresentedException ex) // now caught silently { /* int nature = RunIssue.RUN_ASSOCIATION_REPRESENTED; String problem = ("Containment association not represented: " + thisCName + "." + roleName + "." + childClassName + " " + ex.getMessage()); noteRunIssue(nature, problem); */ } } } // set the reference feature just once for all subclasses of the association end class if (ref.getUpperBound() == -1) { obj.eSet(ref, cont); trace("setting single-valued " + ref.getName()); } else if (ref.getUpperBound() == 1) { if (cont.size() > 0) obj.eSet(ref, cont.get(0)); trace("setting multi-valued " + ref.getName() + " with " + cont.size() + " values"); } else trace("Failed to store child object"); } } } /** * find all non-containment links of an object which are mapped, * and record them in the EMF model. * Do the same for all contained objects. * @param obj * @param oRep * @throws MapperException */ private void doNonContainmentLinks(EObject obj, objectToken oRep) throws MapperException { trace("Non-containments of " + obj.eClass().getName() + "(" + oRep.className() + ")"); /* look at all links of this object, containment or not */ for (Iterator<EReference> it = obj.eClass().getEAllReferences().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; boolean oppositeOfContainment = ((ref.getEOpposite() != null) && (ref.getEOpposite().isContainment())); // Need we look at the opposite of the containment link which got to this object? I think not. if ((!oppositeOfContainment) && (ref.getEType() != null)) { EClass reffedSuperClass = (EClass)ref.getEType(); String thisCName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(obj.eClass()); String roleName = ref.getName(); // build up a list of referenced objects over all subclasses of the other end object EList<EObject> reffedList = new BasicEList<EObject>(); // try all subclasses of the class at the other end of the association List<EClass> scList =; for (Iterator<EClass> iw = scList.iterator(); iw.hasNext();) { String reffedClassName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(; trace("following " + oRep.className() + "." + roleName + "." + reffedClassName); // Check if this class has been retrieved by a containment association Hashtable<Object,EObject> reffedTable = savedModelObjects.get(reffedClassName); if (reffedTable != null) { // then next check is very expensive, so in stead, catch the exception silently boolean representsAssoc = true; // xor.representsAssociationRole(oRep, roleName, reffedClassName); // look at both containment and non-containment associations, doing different things for each if (representsAssoc) try { Vector<objectToken> linkedObjects = xor.getAssociatedObjectTokens(oRep, reffedClassName, roleName); trace("Found: " + linkedObjects.size()); for (Iterator<objectToken> ix = linkedObjects.iterator();ix.hasNext();) { objectToken cRep =; EObject reffed = reffedTable.get(cRep.objectKey()); if (reffed == null) { trace("Failed to find referenced object in " + reffedTable.size() + " objects of class " + reffedClassName); recordFailedLookup(reffedClassName, (thisCName + "." + roleName)); } else if (reffed != null) { reffedList.add(reffed); /* if this is a containment association, do the non-containment * links of the contained object */ if (ref.isContainment()) doNonContainmentLinks(reffed,cRep); } } } catch (notRepresentedException ex) // now caught silently, as it can happen { /* int nature = RunIssue.RUN_PROPERTY_CONVERSION; String problem = ("non-containment association not represented: " + thisCName + "." + roleName + "." + reffedClassName + " " + ex.getMessage()); noteRunIssue(nature, problem); */ } } } /* if this is not a containment, and its opposite is not a containment * (which will have been dealt with already) store the links on this object */ boolean oppositeIsContainment = ((ref.getEOpposite() != null) && (ref.getEOpposite().isContainment())); if (!oppositeIsContainment && (!ref.isContainment()) && (reffedList.size() > 0)) { trace("Noting " + reffedList.size() + " references " + roleName); if (ref.getUpperBound() == -1) obj.eSet(ref, reffedList); else if (ref.getUpperBound() == 1) obj.eSet(ref, reffedList.get(0)); // checks else System.out.println("Failed to set non-containment " + ref.getName()); Object newValue = obj.eGet(ref); if (newValue == null) System.out.println("Null value non-containment " + ref.getName()); else if (ref.getUpperBound() == -1) { EList<?> oList = (EList<?>)newValue; if (oList.size() != reffedList.size()) System.out.println("Cardinality mismatch of non-containment " + ref.getName() + " " + oList.size() + " " + reffedList.size()); } } } } } /** * record occasions when an object found by traversing a * non-containment association has not been previously found * by traversing a containment relation * @param className class of the object not found in lookup * @param roleName role by which it was found */ private void recordFailedLookup(String className, String roleName) { Hashtable<String,Integer> failuresForClass = failedLookups.get(className); if (failuresForClass == null) failuresForClass = new Hashtable<String,Integer>(); Integer failsForRole = failuresForClass.get(roleName); if (failsForRole == null) failsForRole = new Integer(0); failsForRole = new Integer(failsForRole.intValue() + 1); failuresForClass.put(roleName, failsForRole); failedLookups.put(className, failuresForClass); } private void writeFailedLookups() { for (Enumeration<String> en = failedLookups.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String className = en.nextElement(); Hashtable<String,Integer> failuresForClass = failedLookups.get(className); for (Enumeration<String> ep = failuresForClass.keys();ep.hasMoreElements(); ) { String roleName = ep.nextElement(); Integer count = failuresForClass.get(roleName); System.out.println(count.intValue() + " failed lookups of class " + className + " found by association " + roleName); } } } /** * @param previousOuters all the classes that were outer (which were not at the inner end of any * containment relation) before any outer 'Container' class was added * * @return for every class that was outer in the un-modified class * model, the key is the ClassSet name and the value is a Vector of objectTokens found. * * if hasAddedContainerClass = false, it is expected that there will be only one class * and only one objectToken in that class. */ private Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>> getTopObjects(Vector<ClassSet> previousOuters) throws MapperException { Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>> topObjects = new Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>>(); for (Iterator<ClassSet> io = previousOuters.iterator();io.hasNext();) { ClassSet cs =; String qualifiedClassName = cs.className(); Vector<objectToken> topClassInstances = new Vector<objectToken>(); // get all instances of the class and filter them by subset Vector<objectToken> allTopClassInstances = xor.getAllLocalObjectTokens(qualifiedClassName); for (Iterator<objectToken> it = allTopClassInstances.iterator();it.hasNext();) { objectToken oRep =; if (oRep.subset().equals(cs.subset())) topClassInstances.add(oRep); } topObjects.put(cs.stringForm(), topClassInstances); } return topObjects; } /** * Make a copy of the Ecore class model so you can change it * (by adding new classes and associations) * without changing the original. * * To make it without ripping the classes out of the original, I would * have to make copies of all the classes. It does not seem necessary * to go to this length, as the changed class model is never persisted. * * @param originalModelthe original class model * @return the copy that can be modified */ /* private EPackage copyClassModel(EPackage originalModel) { EPackage newPackage = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage(); newPackage.setName(originalModel.getName()); newPackage.setNsPrefix(originalModel.getNsPrefix()); newPackage.setNsURI(originalModel.getNsURI()); EList<EClassifier> cont = new BasicEList<EClassifier>(); for (Iterator<EClassifier> it = originalModel.getEClassifiers().iterator(); it.hasNext();) cont.add(; newPackage.eSet(EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEPackage_EClassifiers(), cont); return newPackage; } */ /** * if necessary (because there is more than one outer class) * or if forced to do so, add a new class 'Container' with * a containment relation to all classes that were previously outer. * @param classModel the class model * @param forceContainer if true, you must add a new outer class */ private EClass addContainerClassIfNecessary(EPackage classModel, Vector<ClassSet> previousOuters, boolean forceContainer) throws MapperException { if ((previousOuters.size() != 1)|forceContainer) { // create the new container class EClass newClass = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass(); containerClassName = newClassName("Container",classModel); newClass.setName(containerClassName); /* give it a containment relation to all classes that were previously outer classes; * avoid adding any class twice if it has more than one outer mapping */ Hashtable<String,String> classNames = new Hashtable<String,String>(); for (Iterator<ClassSet> io = previousOuters.iterator();io.hasNext();) { ClassSet cs =; if (classNames.get(cs.className()) == null) { classNames.put(cs.className(),"1"); EClass oc = ModelUtil.getNamedClass(classModel, cs.className()); if (oc == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find mapped class '" + cs.className() + "'"); EReference eRef = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEReference(); eRef.setEType(oc); eRef.setName("contains_" + oc.getName()); eRef.setUpperBound(-1); // means unbounded eRef.setContainment(true); newClass.getEStructuralFeatures().add(eRef); } } // add the new class to the top package of the new class model, and record it has been done classModel.getEClassifiers().add(newClass); hasAddedContainerClass = true; return newClass; } // when there is a unique top class and you are not forcing a container class... else if ((previousOuters.size() == 1) && (!forceContainer)) { for (Iterator<ClassSet> io = previousOuters.iterator();io.hasNext();) { ClassSet cs =; EClass oc = ModelUtil.getNamedClass(classModel, cs.className()); if (oc == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find unique top mapped class '" + cs.className() + "'"); return oc; } } return null; // for the compiler } /** * set the class model attached to the XOReader back to its original state * @param classModel */ private void removeContainerClassIfNecessary(EPackage classModel) { if (!(containerClassName).equals("")) { EClassifier ec = classModel.getEClassifier(containerClassName); classModel.getEClassifiers().remove(ec); } } /** * If necessary ,put some suffix onto a class name to stop * it clashing with any existing class name in the model * @param className the proposed name * @param classModel the class model * @return the non-clashing name */ private String newClassName(String className,EPackage classModel) { String cName = className; boolean clashes = true; int index = 0; while (clashes) { index++; clashes = false; for (Iterator<EClass> it = ModelUtil.getAllClasses(classModel).iterator();it.hasNext();) if ( clashes = true; if (clashes) cName = className + "_" + index; } return cName; } /** * Used only in translation test. * build up the Hashtable (key - objectToken key; value = empty EObject) * for all objects in the classes that were outer in the Ecore * model before an outer Container class was added * @param topobjectTokens */ private void recordModelObjects(Hashtable<String,Vector<objectToken>> topobjectTokens) throws MapperException { // iterate over all the classes that were previously outer for (Enumeration<String> en = topobjectTokens.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String classSetName = en.nextElement(); Hashtable<Object,EObject> topObjects = new Hashtable<Object,EObject>(); Vector<objectToken> reps = topobjectTokens.get(classSetName); String qualifiedClassName = null; for (Iterator<objectToken> it = reps.iterator();it.hasNext();) { objectToken oRep =; qualifiedClassName = oRep.className(); EObject topObject = createModelObject(qualifiedClassName); topObjects.put(oRep.objectKey(), topObject); } // if more than one subset of a top class is represented, collect all objectTokens if (qualifiedClassName != null) { Hashtable<Object,EObject> previousTopObjects = savedModelObjects.get(qualifiedClassName); if (previousTopObjects != null) for (Enumeration<Object> eo = previousTopObjects.keys(); eo.hasMoreElements();) { Object key = eo.nextElement(); topObjects.put(key, previousTopObjects.get(key)); } savedModelObjects.put(qualifiedClassName,topObjects); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // recording runtime issues //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @return a summary of any exceptions thrown or reader problems encountered * when making the instance, with duplicates removed. * The RunIssues do not contain the XPaths in the source where the exception occurred. */ public List<RunIssue> runIssues() { Vector<RunIssue> issues = new Vector<RunIssue>(); for (Enumeration<RunIssue> en = allRunIssues.elements();en.hasMoreElements();) issues.add(en.nextElement()); return issues; } protected Hashtable<String,RunIssue> allRunIssues; /** * note a runtime issue, with no XPath information, * counting occurrences of duplicates * @param nature constant defining the broad nature of the issue - see class RunIssue * @param problem text description of the problem */ private void noteRunIssue(int nature, String problem) { RunIssue ri = new RunIssue(nature,"","",problem,new Xpth(new NamespaceSet()),0); RunIssue existingIssue = allRunIssues.get(ri.key()); if (existingIssue != null) existingIssue.addOccurrence(); else allRunIssues.put(ri.key(),ri); trace("Run issue " + nature + ": " + problem); } /** * test of Ecore models; test that the subclass relationship is not circular * */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void eCoreTest(EObject rootObject) { System.out.println("\nTest the subclass relation is not circular"); if (rootObject instanceof EPackage) { for (Iterator<EClass>it = ModelUtil.getAllClasses((EPackage)rootObject).iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClass ec =; System.out.println("\nClass " + ec.getName()); String supers = "Immediate superclasses: "; for (Iterator<EClass> is = ec.getESuperTypes().iterator();is.hasNext();) supers = supers + + " "; System.out.println(supers); supers = "All superclasses: "; for (Iterator<EClass> is = ec.getEAllSuperTypes().iterator();is.hasNext();) supers = supers + + " "; System.out.println(supers); } } } private void trace (String s) {if (tracing) System.out.println(s);} }