package com.openMap1.mapper.reader; /** * class to fill out template Word documents saved as XML (and other XML structures) * from an Ecore model instance before editing, * and conversely after editing to populate an Ecore model instance * from the edited Word XML */ import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Text; import com.openMap1.mapper.MappedStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.SystemMessageChannel; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.writer.EMFObjectGetter; import com.openMap1.mapper.writer.XMLWriter; import com.openMap1.mapper.writer.objectGetter; public class TemplateFiller { // template Word document, annotated with symbols beginning with a special character String private Element templateRoot; // distinctive character string at the start of any symbol private String startString; // lookup table from symbols to paths in the Ecore model private Hashtable<String,String> lookupTable; // Ecore class model private EPackage classModel; // entry class of class model (which is an RMIM-like tree of containment associations) private EClass entryClass; // ECore EObject with pre-edit information private EObject preEditObject; // input mapping set, to create pre-edit Ecore model from some XML private MappedStructure inputMappingSet; // true when the XML is MS Word which needs special treatment private boolean isMSWord; // path at which to put any non-XML body private String nonXMLBodyPath = "ClinicalDocument/component/nonXMLBody/text"; static String NO_SYMBOL = "£$No symbol"; static String SYMBOL_PATH_NOT_IN_INSTANCE = "£$symbol path not found"; static String EDIT_PROMPT = "-"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor and initial checks //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param templateRoot * @param lookup * @param inputMappingSet * @param startString * @param isMSWord * @throws MapperException */ public TemplateFiller(Element templateRoot, Vector<String[]> lookup, MappedStructure inputMappingSet, String startString, boolean isMSWord) throws MapperException { this.templateRoot = templateRoot; this.startString = startString; this.inputMappingSet = inputMappingSet; this.isMSWord = isMSWord; preEditObject = null; classModel = inputMappingSet.getClassModelRoot(); // find the entry class of the class model findEntryClass(); // read the lookup csv into a table, and check all paths in the table exist in the class model makeLookupTable(lookup); // check that every symbol in the template Word XML is in the lookup table checkSymbol(this.templateRoot); } /** * * @param templateRoot * @param lookup * @param classModel * @param startString * @throws MapperException */ public TemplateFiller(Element templateRoot,Vector<String[]> lookup, EPackage classModel, String startString) throws MapperException { this.templateRoot = templateRoot; this.startString = startString; this.classModel = classModel; preEditObject = null; inputMappingSet = null; // find the entry class of the class model findEntryClass(); // read the lookup csv into a table, and check all paths in the table exist in the class model makeLookupTable(lookup); // check that every symbol in the Word XML is in the lookup table checkSymbol(this.templateRoot); } /** * find the entry class of the class model * @throws MapperException */ private void findEntryClass() throws MapperException { entryClass = null; for (Iterator<EClass> it = ModelUtil.getAllClasses(classModel).iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClass next =; String entry = ModelUtil.getMIFAnnotation(next, "entry"); if (entry != null) entryClass = next; } if (entryClass == null) throw new MapperException("Class model has no entry class"); } /** * * @param lookup * @throws MapperException */ private void makeLookupTable(Vector<String[]> lookup) throws MapperException { lookupTable = new Hashtable<String,String>(); for (int i = 1; i < lookup.size(); i++) { String[] row = lookup.get(i); if (row.length != 2) throw new MapperException("Lookup table row length should not be " + row.length); if (!(isSyntacticSymbol(row[0]))) throw new MapperException("Symbol '" + row[0] + "' should start with '" + startString + "'"); checkValidPath(row[1]); lookupTable.put(row[0], row[1]); } } /** * check that a path is a valid path in the class model. * Does not yet check conditions on steps. * @param path */ private void checkValidPath(String path) throws MapperException { String[] steps = pathSteps(path); // writeSteps(steps, path); int stepNo = 0; EClass currentClass = entryClass; int nSteps = steps.length; for (int ist = 0; ist < nSteps; ist++) { String step = steps[ist]; if (stepNo == 0) { if (!(step.equals(entryClass.getName()))) throw new MapperException("Path '" + path + "' does not start with the root class name '" + entryClass.getName() + "'"); } else if (stepNo > 0) { StringTokenizer bits = new StringTokenizer(step,"[]"); String stem = bits.nextToken(); EStructuralFeature feat = currentClass.getEStructuralFeature(stem); if (feat == null) throw new MapperException("Path '" + path + "' does not match the class model at step '" + stem + "'"); if (feat instanceof EReference) { if (stepNo == nSteps - 1) throw new MapperException("Path '" + path + "' cannot end in an EReference " + stem); EReference ref = (EReference) feat; currentClass = (EClass)ref.getEType(); } else if (feat instanceof EAttribute) { if (stepNo < nSteps - 1) throw new MapperException("Attribute '" + stem + "' is before the end of path '" + path + "'"); } } stepNo++; } } /** * recursive check that all symbols (which satisfy the syntactic criteria for a symbol) are in the lookup table * @param el * @throws MapperException if any symbol is not in the lookup table */ private void checkSymbol(Element el) throws MapperException { String content = removeSurroundingSpaces(getTextOnNode(el)); if ((isSyntacticSymbol(content)) && (lookupTable.get(content) == null)) throw new MapperException("Word XML contains symbol '" + content + "' which is not in the lookup table"); for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.childElements(el).iterator();it.hasNext();) checkSymbol(; } /** * * @param content * @return true if content satisfies the syntactic criteria for a symbol: * - starts with the start string (e.g. '$') * - has some following characters */ private boolean isSyntacticSymbol(String content) { return ((content != null) && (content.startsWith(startString)) && (content.length() > startString.length())); } /** * remove preceding and succeeding spaces from a single-word string, * in case symbols have had spaces added inadvertently * @param sym * @return */ private String removeSurroundingSpaces(String sym) { String s = ""; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(sym," "); if (st.countTokens() == 1) s = st.nextToken(); return s; } /** * * @param el * @return the text under a node, taking account of how MS Word may split up text; * cannot return null */ private String getTextOnNode(Element el) { String paraText = ""; // MS Word may split text under a <w:p> node; need to reassemble it before testing for a symbol if (isMSWord) { paraText = reassembleText(el); } // other XML representations else { paraText = XMLUtil.getText(el); } if (paraText == null) paraText = ""; return paraText; } /** * reassemble text under an MS Word <w:p> element, * which may have been split up e.g. to highlight spelling errors * @param para * @return concatenated text under all <w:r> elements; * or "" if this is not a <w:p> element */ private String reassembleText(Element para) { String paraText = ""; if (para.getLocalName().equals("p")) { Vector<Element> rEls = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(para, "r"); for (int i = 0; i < rEls.size();i++) { Element tEl = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(rEls.get(i), "t"); if (tEl != null) paraText = paraText + XMLUtil.getText(tEl); } } return paraText; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Substituting symbols in a Word XML from a class model instance or XML instance, to make the pre-edit word XML //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * populate the the pre-edit word xml from a mapped XML instance * @param inputRoot * @return * @throws MapperException */ public Element fillFromInputXML(Element inputRoot) throws MapperException { setPreEditEcoreInstance(inputRoot); return fillFromPreEditInstance(); } /** * create the Green model instance preEditObject from an instance of some mapped data source * @param inputRoot * @throws MapperException */ public void setPreEditEcoreInstance(Element inputRoot) throws MapperException { if (inputMappingSet == null) throw new MapperException("No input mapping set for TemplateFiller"); XOReader reader = new MDLXOReader(inputRoot, inputMappingSet, null); Vector<objectToken> topObjectTokens = reader.getAllObjectTokens(ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(entryClass)); if (topObjectTokens.size() != 1) throw new MapperException("Input XML represents " + topObjectTokens.size() + " objects of the entry class " + entryClass.getName()); EMFInstanceFactory factory = new GenericEMFInstanceFactoryImpl(); // create the Ecore instance with the special URI so it is not saved anywhere Resource res = factory.createModelInstance(reader, EMFInstanceFactoryImpl.DO_NOT_SAVE_URI(), topObjectTokens.get(0)); preEditObject = res.getContents().get(0); } /** * populate the pre-edit word xml from an EMF Ecore instance * whenever you find a symbol in the XML document, try to follow the path for the symbol in the * model instance, and if you can, substitute the value. * Otherwise substitute a small editing symbol like '-' * @return root element of modified pre-edit Word XML document * @throws MapperException */ public Element fillFromPreEditInstance() throws MapperException { Document doc = XMLUtil.makeOutDoc(); // import the whole word XML to another document, and word still reads it Element preEditRoot = (Element)doc.importNode(templateRoot, true); doc.appendChild(preEditRoot); // change text values wherever a symbol has a value in the pre-edit instance changeTextFromModel(preEditRoot, preEditObject); return preEditRoot; } /** * recursive descent of the template word xml, creating the pre-edit word xml * @param doc * @param el * @param instance * @return * @throws MapperException */ private void changeTextFromModel(Element el, EObject instance) throws MapperException { String newText = NO_SYMBOL; String symbol = getSymbolOnNode(el); if (symbol != null) newText = findSubstituteString(symbol, instance); // now newText cannot be null // no symbol found - make no change to the element if (newText.equals(NO_SYMBOL)) {} // symbol found, but a value for it is not in the instance - replace it by the edit prompt else if (newText.equals(SYMBOL_PATH_NOT_IN_INSTANCE)) {replaceOneSymbol(el, EDIT_PROMPT);} // symbol found, and a value for it found in the instance; substitute the value else {replaceOneSymbol(el,newText);} // recursion through child elements for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.childElements(el).iterator();it.hasNext();) changeTextFromModel(, instance); } /** * * @param el * @return */ private String getSymbolOnNode(Element el) { String symbol = null; String paraText = removeSurroundingSpaces(getTextOnNode(el)); if (lookupTable.get(paraText) != null) symbol = paraText; return symbol; } /** * * @param el * @param replacement */ private void replaceOneSymbol(Element el, String replacement) throws MapperException { /* For MS Word, this must be a <w:p> element. Remove all its child elements, * and replace them by one <w:r><w:t> nested element pair with the new text */ if (isMSWord) { NodeList nl = el.getChildNodes(); int len = nl.getLength(); // remove nodes in descending order, not re-evaluating the list length for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int j = len - i - 1; el.removeChild(nl.item(j)); } String uri = el.getNamespaceURI(); // these elements are all in the 'w' namespace Document doc = el.getOwnerDocument(); Element rChild = XMLUtil.NSElement(doc, "w", "r", uri); Element tChild = XMLUtil.textNSElement(doc, "w", "t", uri, replacement); rChild.appendChild(tChild); el.appendChild(rChild); } else { throw new MapperException("Non MS Word case not yet supported"); } } /** * substitute the value from an Ecore model instance, if the path for a symbol can be followed; * if not, return the distinctive value SYMBOL_PATH_NOT_IN_INSTANCE. * Never return null. * @param symbol * @param instance * @return */ private String findSubstituteString(String symbol, EObject instance) throws MapperException { // result returned if you fail to follow the path String newText = SYMBOL_PATH_NOT_IN_INSTANCE; String path = lookupTable.get(symbol); // path cannot be null, and must be a valid path String[] steps = pathSteps(path); String firstStep = steps[0]; String instanceClass = instance.eClass().getName(); // this will have been detected earlier if (!firstStep.equals(entryClass.getName())) throw new MapperException("Invalid first step of path"); if (!instanceClass.equals(firstStep)) throw new MapperException("Model instance has entry class " + instanceClass); // follow the path in the instance EObject current = instance; for (int st = 1; st < steps.length; st++) if (current != null) { String step = steps[st]; EStructuralFeature feat = getFeature(current, step); if (feat instanceof EReference) { // set the current object to the next along the path if you can follow it, or null otherwise current = followRef(current, step); } // last link in the path must be an EAttribute to get a value else if (feat instanceof EAttribute) { String attVal = (String)current.eGet(feat); if (attVal != null) newText = attVal; } } return newText; } /** * @param instance * @param step * @return the EAttribute or ERefererence in a step * @throws MapperException */ private EStructuralFeature getFeature(EObject instance, String step) throws MapperException { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(step,"[]"); String stem = st.nextToken(); EStructuralFeature feat = instance.eClass().getEStructuralFeature(stem); if (feat == null) throw new MapperException("Missing feature in step '" + step + "'"); return feat; } /** * Follow an EReference from the current object. * If it delivers an EObject which passes the tests in the step, return that EObject, * Otherwise return null * @param current * @param ref * @param step * @return */ private EObject followRef(EObject current, String step) throws MapperException { EObject res = null; EReference ref = (EReference)getFeature(current, step); if (ref.getUpperBound() == 1) { EObject obj = (EObject)current.eGet(ref); if (testConditions(step,obj,0)) res = obj; } // multiple EReference; if any of the target objects satisfy all the tests, set the result to that; null otherwise else if (ref.getUpperBound() == -1) { Object obj = current.eGet(ref); if (obj instanceof EList<?>) { EList<?> listRef = (EList<?>)obj; int pos = 0; for (Iterator<?> it = listRef.iterator();it.hasNext();) { Object next =; if (next instanceof EObject) { if (testConditions(step,(EObject)next,pos)) res = (EObject)next; } else throw new MapperException("Multiple reference result is not an EList of EObjects"); pos++; } } else throw new MapperException("Multiple reference result is not an EList of anything"); } return res; } /** * test a set of conditions on an EObject * @param step * @param obj * @param pos * @return */ private boolean testConditions(String step, EObject obj, int pos) throws MapperException { boolean result = true; StringTokenizer parts = new StringTokenizer(step,"[]"); parts.nextToken(); // stem has already been dealt with while (parts.hasMoreTokens()) { String cond = parts.nextToken(); result = result && testOneCondition(cond,obj,pos); } return result; } /** * * @param cond * @param obj * @param pos * @return */ private boolean testOneCondition(String cond, EObject obj, int pos) throws MapperException { boolean result = true; StringTokenizer sides = new StringTokenizer(cond,"= "); // no equality condition; can only be an Integer test of the position if (sides.countTokens() == 1) { try { Integer iv = new Integer(cond); result = (iv.intValue() == pos); } catch (Exception ex) {throw new MapperException("Condition value '" + cond + "' is not an Integer position");} } // equality condition; each side can be an attribute value or a constant else if (sides.countTokens() == 2) { String[] values = new String[2]; for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++) { String toEval = sides.nextToken(); // constant in single quotes; strip them off if ((toEval.startsWith("'")) && (toEval.endsWith("'"))) values[side] = toEval.substring(1,toEval.length()-1); else { EStructuralFeature feat = obj.eClass().getEStructuralFeature(toEval); if (feat == null) throw new MapperException("Condition side '" + toEval + "' is not a feature of the owner object"); if (feat instanceof EReference) throw new MapperException("Condition side '" + toEval + "' is an association"); values[side] = (String)obj.eGet(feat); } } result = ((values[0] != null) && (values[1] != null) && (values[0].equals(values[1]))); } else throw new MapperException("Too many '=' in condition '" + cond + "'"); return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Putting values from the post-edit word XML into the model instance or an output XML instance //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param postEditRoot root element of word XML, after editing * @param outputMappingSet * @param nonXMLBody e.g. a base-64 encoded pdf * @return * @throws MapperException */ public Element makeDOMFromPostEditXML(Element postEditRoot, MappedStructure outputMappingSet, String nonXMLBody) throws MapperException { // make an EObject from the post-edit XML EObject result = makeEObjectFromPostEditXML(postEditRoot); // generate output XML from the extended Ecore object objectGetter eOGetter = new EMFObjectGetter(classModel,result); XMLWriter writer = outputMappingSet.getXMLWriter(eOGetter, classModel, new SystemMessageChannel(), false); Element inWrappedResult = writer.makeXMLDOM(); Object outWrappedDoc = outputMappingSet.makeOutputObject(inWrappedResult, null); if (!(outWrappedDoc instanceof Document)) throw new MapperException("Out-wrapped result is not an XML document"); Element rootElement = ((Document)outWrappedDoc).getDocumentElement(); if (nonXMLBody != null) addBody(rootElement,nonXMLBody); return rootElement; } /** * add a non-xml body, as base64 encoded text, at the end of the correct path in the non-coded CDA * @param rootElement * @param nonXMLBody * @throws MapperException */ private void addBody(Element rootElement, String nonXMLBody) throws MapperException { Element current = rootElement; Document doc = rootElement.getOwnerDocument(); String v3NamespaceURI = rootElement.getNamespaceURI(); StringTokenizer steps = new StringTokenizer(nonXMLBodyPath,"/"); // the root element tag name must be the first step of the path to the non XML body String rootTag = steps.nextToken(); if (!rootTag.equals(rootElement.getLocalName())) throw new MapperException("Root element name " + rootElement.getLocalName() + " does not match '" + rootTag + "'"); // follow the path to the non XML body, adding elements if you do not find them while (steps.hasMoreTokens()) { String step = steps.nextToken(); Element next = XMLUtil.firstNamedChild(current, step); if (next == null) { next = XMLUtil.NSElement(doc,"", step, v3NamespaceURI); current.appendChild(next); } current = next; } // add the non-XML body to the last element in the chain Text textContent = doc.createTextNode(nonXMLBody); current.appendChild(textContent); } /** * @param postEditRoot * @return an EObject made from the post-edit XML - * possible merging it with the pre-Edit EObject * (for cases where not all information in the pre-edit Ecore object is put in the pre-edit XML) */ public EObject makeEObjectFromPostEditXML(Element postEditRoot) throws MapperException { // if no pre-edit Ecore object has been made, make the minimal one if (preEditObject == null) preEditObject = createModelObject(entryClass); // clone the pre-edit Ecore object, so you can extend the clone from the post-edit XML EObject result = cloneEObject(preEditObject); // extend or modify the cloned pre-edit object from post-edit XML addFromPostEditXML(postEditRoot,templateRoot, result); return result; } /** * recursive descent of the template XML and the edited XML, * making additions to the result EObject wherever an edit has been made * @param postEditEl * @param templateEl * @param result * @throws MapperException */ private void addFromPostEditXML(Element postEditEl,Element templateEl, EObject result) throws MapperException { // deal with any edit on this node, if this node in the template contains a symbol String symbol = getTextOnNode(templateEl); if (isSyntacticSymbol(symbol)) { String path = lookupTable.get(symbol); String editedValue = getTextOnNode(postEditEl); // if the edit prompt is still present, no edit has been made (not quite reliable, without looking at the pre-edit node!) if (!editedValue.equals(EDIT_PROMPT)) addEditedValue(editedValue,path,result); } // recursive descent of word XML trees; currently makes strong assumptions that they match, or edits may be silently lost Vector<Element> templateEls = XMLUtil.childElements(templateEl); Vector<Element> postEditEls = XMLUtil.childElements(postEditEl); if (templateEls.size() == postEditEls.size()) for (int i = 0; i < templateEls.size(); i++) if (i < postEditEls.size()) { Element templateChild = templateEls.get(i); Element postEditChild = postEditEls.get(i); if (templateChild.getLocalName().equals(postEditChild.getLocalName())) { addFromPostEditXML(postEditChild,templateChild, result); } } } /** * navigate and/or extend the result EObject to add or change an edited value * @param editedValue * @param path * @param result */ private void addEditedValue(String editedValue,String path,EObject result) throws MapperException { String[] steps = pathSteps(path); EObject current = result; for (int ist = 1; ist < steps.length; ist++) { String step = steps[ist]; StringTokenizer parts = new StringTokenizer(step,"[]"); String stem = parts.nextToken(); EStructuralFeature feat = getFeature(current, stem); if (feat == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find feature '" + stem + "' in the class model."); if (feat instanceof EReference) { EObject nextObj = followRef(current, step); // if you cannot find an EObject for this step of the path, make one and add it to the current object feature if (nextObj == null) { EClass nextClass = (EClass)((EReference)feat).getEType(); nextObj = createModelObject(nextClass); addEObject(current,nextObj,(EReference)feat); } current = nextObj; } else if (feat instanceof EAttribute) { current.eSet(feat, editedValue); } } } /** * * @param theClass * @return */ private EObject createModelObject(EClass theClass) { EPackage thePackage = theClass.getEPackage(); return thePackage.getEFactoryInstance().create(theClass); } /** * add an EObject as a child on a feature of a parent * @param parent * @param child * @param ref */ private void addEObject(EObject parent, EObject child, EReference ref) { if (ref.getUpperBound() == 1) { parent.eSet(ref, child); } else if (ref.getUpperBound() == -1) { EList<EObject> objs = (EList<EObject>)parent.eGet(ref); if (objs == null) objs = new BasicEList<EObject>(); objs.add(child); parent.eSet(ref, objs); } } /** * clone an EObject * @param start * @return */ private EObject cloneEObject(EObject start) throws MapperException { EObject root = createModelObject(entryClass); extendClonedObject(root, start); return root; } /** * recursive cloning of an EObject - extend an empty EObject to have the same sub-structure as the start object * @param resultObj an empty EObject * @param startObj */ private void extendClonedObject(EObject resultObj, EObject startObj) throws MapperException { EClass resultClass = resultObj.eClass(); for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = resultClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures().iterator();it.hasNext();) { EStructuralFeature feat =; if (feat instanceof EAttribute) { if (startObj.eGet(feat) != null) resultObj.eSet(feat, startObj.eGet(feat)); } if (feat instanceof EReference) { EReference ref = (EReference)feat; if (ref.getUpperBound() == 1) { EObject target = (EObject)startObj.eGet(ref); if (target != null) { EObject resultTarget = createModelObject(target.eClass()); extendClonedObject(resultTarget,target); resultObj.eSet(feat, resultTarget); } } else if (ref.getUpperBound() == -1) { Object res = startObj.eGet(ref); if (res instanceof EList<?>) { BasicEList<EObject> build = new BasicEList<EObject>(); EList<?> resList = (EList<?>)res; for (Iterator<?> iu = resList.iterator(); iu.hasNext();) { Object nextObj =; if (nextObj instanceof EObject) { EObject target = (EObject)nextObj; EObject resultTarget = createModelObject(target.eClass()); extendClonedObject(resultTarget,target); build.add(resultTarget); } else throw new MapperException("Another boring issue - not a list of EObjects"); } if (build.size() > 0) resultObj.eSet(feat, build); } else throw new MapperException("Boring issue - ref result is not a list"); } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Utilities //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * a path consists of steps separated by '.', * but each step may have conditions in [], which may also contain '.'. * Split the path into an array of steps * @param path * @return */ static String[] pathSteps(String path) { // substitute a key for each condition, remembering the condition StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path,"[]",true); Hashtable<String,String> conditions = new Hashtable<String,String>(); int c = 0; String subs = ""; boolean inCond = false; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String next = st.nextToken(); if (next.equals("]")) inCond = false; if (!inCond) subs = subs + next; else if (inCond) { String key = "k" + c; conditions.put(key, next); subs = subs + key; c++; } if (next.equals("[")) inCond = true; } // split the string into steps, and reinsert the conditions StringTokenizer su = new StringTokenizer(subs,"."); int steps = su.countTokens(); String[] result = new String[steps]; int stepNo = 0; while (su.hasMoreTokens()) { String nStep = su.nextToken(); StringTokenizer sv = new StringTokenizer(nStep,"[]",true); String step = ""; inCond = false; while (sv.hasMoreTokens()) { String part = sv.nextToken(); if (part.equals("]")) inCond = false; if (!inCond) step = step + part; else if (inCond) step = step + conditions.get(part); if (part.equals("[")) inCond = true; } result[stepNo] = step; stepNo++; } return result; } private void writeSteps(String[] steps, String path) { message("writing steps of path " + path); for (int i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) message("Step: " + steps[i]); } private void message(String s) {System.out.println(s);} }