package com.openMap1.mapper.actions; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.ui.IObjectActionDelegate; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchema; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.MappableAssociation; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.StructureDefinition; import com.openMap1.mapper.structures.XSDStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.EclipseFileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.FileUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.GenUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.WorkBenchUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.AssocEndMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.AssocMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.AttributeDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.ConditionTest; import com.openMap1.mapper.CrossCondition; import com.openMap1.mapper.ElementDef; import com.openMap1.mapper.GlobalMappingParameters; import com.openMap1.mapper.MappedStructure; import com.openMap1.mapper.MapperFactory; import com.openMap1.mapper.MultiWay; import com.openMap1.mapper.Namespace; import com.openMap1.mapper.NodeMappingSet; import com.openMap1.mapper.ObjMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.PropMapping; import com.openMap1.mapper.ValueCondition; /** * * @author robert * Class to make an XML schema for a persisted instance of the selected ecore model. * It has two subclasses MakeEcoreInstanceSchemaDelegate and MakeAlternativeInstanceSchemaDelegate, * which respectively make the schema for a conventional Ecore instance, and for * an alternative form of persisted Ecore instance which can be mapped more easily. * The two subclasses differ only in the value of isAlternateSchema(); * all the code is here (so far) */ public abstract class MakeInstanceSchemaDelegate extends MapperActionDelegate implements IObjectActionDelegate { /** * @return false if making a schema for a plain ECore model instance; * true if making a schema for the alternate 'mapper-friendly' form of instance, * and then making the mappings onto the Ecore model */ protected abstract boolean isAlternateSchema(); /** * prefix used in schemas for the XML Schema namespace */ private static String xmlSchemaPrefix = "xs"; /** * suffix added to ECore class names to create the corresponding complex type name */ private static String typeSuffix = "_type"; /** * The name used for an id attribute for all instances. Will be modified so * it does not clash with any feature name in the model */ private String idName = ""; /** * maximum number of object mappings for one class, when it contains itself by nesting */ private int maxClassNestingDepth() { return maxClassNestingDepth; } // initial value for no self-nesting private int maxClassNestingDepth = 1; /** * certain classes and all their subclasses are to be excluded from the mappings. * ElementsDefs that represent them are not expanded */ private String[] unMappedClasses = {"EAnnotation","EOperation","EGenericType", "EFactory","EParameter","ETypeParameter","EEnum","EEnumLiteral"}; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main run method //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void run(IAction action) { tracing = true; trace("Making Ecore Instance Schema " + isAlternateSchema()); try{ // (1) find and open the Ecore model if (!(selection instanceof IStructuredSelection)) throw new MapperException("Selection is not structured"); IStructuredSelection structured = (IStructuredSelection)selection; Object object = structured.getFirstElement(); String fileNameRoot = ""; EPackage topPackage = null; URI ecoreURI = null; if (object instanceof IFile) { IFile file = (IFile) object; fileNameRoot = new StringTokenizer(file.getName(),".").nextToken(); ecoreURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(file.getFullPath().toString(), true); EObject root = FileUtil.getEMFModelRoot(ecoreURI); if (root == null)throw new MapperException("Cannot find ecore root"); if (!(root instanceof EPackage)) throw new MapperException("Selected file is not an ecore model"); topPackage = (EPackage)root; trace("Top package name " + topPackage.getName()); } else throw new MapperException("Selection is not a file"); // (2) Offer the user a choice of top class for the instance to be described by the schema EClass topClass = userChooseTopClass(topPackage); if (topClass == null) return; else trace("Chosen class: " + topClass.getName()); // (3) make an IFile for the schema; if a previous one exits, delete it (silently!) IProject project = getSelectedProject(); if (project == null)throw new MapperException("Selected Ecore file is not in a project"); IFolder structureFolder = project.getFolder("Structures"); if (!structureFolder.exists()) throw new MapperException("Selected ecore file is not in a project with a Structures folder"); String schemaFileName = fileNameRoot + ".xsd"; if (isAlternateSchema()) schemaFileName = fileNameRoot + "_alt.xsd"; IFile schemaFile = structureFolder.getFile(schemaFileName); if (schemaFile.exists()) schemaFile.delete(true, null); // (4) write the schema writeSchema(topPackage, topClass, schemaFile); // (5) for the alternate Ecore persistent form, write the mapping sets if (isAlternateSchema()) { EClass selfNested = selfNestedClass(topPackage); // any example self-nested class, if there are any if (selfNested != null) { int depth = userChooseNestingDepth(selfNested); if (depth == -1) return; // user cancels maxClassNestingDepth = depth + 1; // maxClassNestingDepth = number of mappings of self-nested classes fileNameRoot = fileNameRoot + "_" + depth; // different names for mapper files of different nesting depth } URI schemaURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI("/" + project.getName() + "/Structures/" + schemaFileName,true); XSDSchema theSchema = XSDStructure.getXSDRoot(schemaURI); XSDStructure altStructure = new XSDStructure(theSchema); makeMappingSets(topPackage,ecoreURI,topClass,altStructure,schemaURI,project,fileNameRoot); } } catch (MapperException ex) {showMessage("Unable to make instance schema",ex.getMessage());if (tracing) ex.printStackTrace();} catch (IOException ex) {showMessage("Unable to make instance schema",ex.getMessage());} catch (CoreException ex) {showMessage("Unable to make instance schema",ex.getMessage());} } /** * @param topPackage the top package of an Ecore class model; show the user the names * of all classes in all packages of this model * (note if two classes in different packages have the same name, they are not yet * disambiguated) * @return the EClass chosen by the user, or null if he cancels */ private EClass userChooseTopClass(EPackage topPackage) { EClass chosenClass = null; Vector<EClass> allClasses = ModelUtil.getAllClasses(topPackage); Vector<String> classNames = new Vector<String>(); for (Iterator<EClass> it = allClasses.iterator();it.hasNext();) classNames.add(; int chosen = WorkBenchUtil.chooseOneString("Choose the root class of the Ecore instance", targetPart, classNames); if (chosen > -1) chosenClass = allClasses.get(chosen); return chosenClass; } /** * @param selfNested a class which has a containment association to itself * Allow the user to choose a depth of self-nesting of such classes, to be supported * in the auto-generated mappings * @return the depth of nesting (0 for no nesting etc.) or -1 if the user cancels */ private int userChooseNestingDepth(EClass selfNested) { int maxDepthOffered = 6; Vector<String> depths = new Vector<String>(); for (int d = 0; d < maxDepthOffered + 1; d++) depths.add(new Integer(d).toString()); int chosen = WorkBenchUtil.chooseOneString("Depth of nesting in the mappings for self-containing classes such as '" + selfNested.getName() + "'", targetPart, depths); return chosen; } /** * if the model has any EClasses linked to themselves by containment * associations, return any one of them * @param topPackage * @return an EClass which has a direct containment association to itself, if there are any */ private EClass selfNestedClass(EPackage topPackage) { EClass selfNested = null; Vector<EClass> allClasses = ModelUtil.getAllClasses(topPackage); for (Iterator<EClass> it = allClasses.iterator();it.hasNext();) { EClass next =; for (Iterator<EReference> ie = next.getEAllReferences().iterator();ie.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; EClassifier ec = ref.getEType(); if ((ref.isContainment()) && (ec instanceof EClass)) { EClass superC = (EClass)ec; if (superC.isSuperTypeOf(next)) selfNested = next; } } } return selfNested; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // making schemas for Ecore instances - conventional and alternate //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param topPackage the top package of the Ecore model whose instance schema is being written * @param topClass the root class of instances whose schema is being written * @param schemaFile the IFile that the schema is to be written to * create the schema and write it to the IFile */ private void writeSchema(EPackage topPackage, EClass topClass, IFile schemaFile) throws MapperException { Document doc = XMLUtil.makeOutDoc(); Element schemaRoot = schemaElement(doc,"schema"); schemaRoot.setAttribute("targetNamespace", topPackage.getNsURI()); schemaRoot.setAttribute("xmlns:" + topPackage.getNsPrefix(), topPackage.getNsURI()); schemaRoot.setAttribute("xmlns:xmi", XMLUtil.XMIURI); schemaRoot.setAttribute("elementFormDefault", "unqualified"); doc.appendChild(schemaRoot); // Import the XMI schema Element xmiImport = schemaElement(doc,"import"); xmiImport.setAttribute("namespace", XMLUtil.XMIURI); xmiImport.setAttribute("schemaLocation", XMLUtil.XMISchemaLocation); schemaRoot.appendChild(xmiImport); // make an element declaration for the instance of the root class Element topClassElementDefinition = schemaElement(doc,"element"); topClassElementDefinition.setAttribute("name", topClass.getName()); topClassElementDefinition.setAttribute("type", topClass.getName() + typeSuffix); schemaRoot.appendChild(topClassElementDefinition); // pick a name for the id attribute, which will not clash with any feature name in the model idName = nonClashIdName(topPackage); // make a type definition for the top class - and recursively, all those it contains Hashtable<String,String> classesWritten = new Hashtable<String,String>(); appendTypeDefinition(doc,schemaRoot,topClass,topClass,classesWritten, true); // write out to the IFile EclipseFileUtil.writeOutputResource(doc, schemaFile, true); } /** * @param doc the schema Document * @param schemaRoot the schema element * @param aClass a class in the class model (reached from the root class by containment relations) * @param classesWritten table of classes for which types have been defined - to avoid repetition * @param isTopClass true if this is the class of the root element of the instance * Make a complex type for the class and attach it to the schema; recursively do all contained classes * @throws MapperException */ private void appendTypeDefinition(Document doc,Element schemaRoot,EClass topClass,EClass aClass, Hashtable<String,String> classesWritten, boolean isTopClass) throws MapperException { // make the complex type element and append it to the schema Element typeElement = schemaElement(doc,"complexType"); typeElement.setAttribute("name", aClass.getName() + typeSuffix); Element extendElement = typeElement; schemaRoot.appendChild(typeElement); String className = aClass.getName(); classesWritten.put(className,"1"); /* decide if this complex type extends any other. If there are any superclasses, choose the first * direct superclass that appears in the instance tree. * The choice is only made here, so does not have to be reproducible. * The type for the top class should not extend any other type, even if the top class has superclasses. */ EClass mainSuperClass = null; // if (!isTopClass) for (Iterator<EClass> ic = aClass.getESuperTypes().iterator();ic.hasNext();) { EClass superClass =; // pick the first direct superclass which is at the inner end of a containment in the instance if ((typeAppearsInSchema(topClass, superClass)) && (mainSuperClass == null)) { mainSuperClass = superClass; Element content = schemaElement(doc,"complexContent"); typeElement.appendChild(content); Element extension = schemaElement(doc,"extension"); extension.setAttribute("base", mainSuperClass.getName() + typeSuffix); content.appendChild(extension); extendElement = extension; } } /* make a sequence of nested Elements for all containment associations, * and recursively define types for all the target classes. */ Element sequence = schemaElement(doc,"sequence"); boolean sequenceNonEmpty = false; for (Iterator<EReference> ir = aClass.getEAllReferences().iterator();ir.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; String refName = ref.getName(); // don't include anything in the schemas for derived features if ((ref.isContainment()) && (ref.getEType() instanceof EClass) && (!ref.isDerived())) { EClass targetSuperClass = (EClass)ref.getEType(); if (!inheritedFrom(ref,mainSuperClass)) // don't add those associations already inherited { sequenceNonEmpty = true; Element childElement = schemaElement(doc,"element"); childElement.setAttribute("name", refName); childElement.setAttribute("type", targetSuperClass.getName() + typeSuffix); if (ref.getUpperBound() == -1) childElement.setAttribute("maxOccurs", "unbounded"); childElement.setAttribute("minOccurs", new Integer(ref.getLowerBound()).toString()); sequence.appendChild(childElement); } // make type definitions for all subclasses of the target superclass, not repeating any type for (Iterator<EClass> ic = ModelUtil.getAllSubClasses(targetSuperClass).iterator();ic.hasNext();) { EClass targetClass =; if (classesWritten.get(targetClass.getName()) == null) appendTypeDefinition(doc,schemaRoot,topClass,targetClass, classesWritten, false); // false = not the top class } } } if (sequenceNonEmpty) extendElement.appendChild(sequence); /* make attribute declarations for all non-containment associations * which are not the inverses of containment relations. */ for (Iterator<EReference> ir = aClass.getEAllReferences().iterator();ir.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; if ((!inheritedFrom(ref,mainSuperClass)) // don't add those associations already inherited && (!ref.isContainment()) // containment relations have already been done && (ref.getEType() instanceof EClass) // FIXME - what should we do with these? && (!ref.isDerived()) // no derived features - they are not persisted && ((ref.getEOpposite() == null)||(!ref.getEOpposite().isContainment()))) { Element nonConRef = schemaElement(doc,"attribute"); nonConRef.setAttribute("name",ref.getName()); if (ref.getLowerBound() == 1) nonConRef.setAttribute("use", "required"); nonConRef.setAttribute("type", "xs:string"); extendElement.appendChild(nonConRef); } } // make attribute declarations for all properties of the class for (Iterator<EAttribute> ia = aClass.getEAllAttributes().iterator();ia.hasNext();) { EAttribute att =; // don't add those attributes already inherited or derived if ((!inheritedFrom(att,mainSuperClass)) && (!att.isDerived())) { Element attEl = schemaElement(doc,"attribute"); attEl.setAttribute("name",att.getName()); if (att.getLowerBound() == 1) attEl.setAttribute("use", "required"); attEl.setAttribute("type", "xs:string"); extendElement.appendChild(attEl); } } /* for the alternate Ecore serialisation, declare a non-clashing 'id' attribute * for each instance of the class. Only do this for classes which are not subclasses; * subclasses inherit it from them. */ if ((isAlternateSchema()) && (mainSuperClass == null)) { Element attEl = schemaElement(doc,"attribute"); attEl.setAttribute("name",idName); attEl.setAttribute("type", "xs:string"); extendElement.appendChild(attEl); } } /** * * @param rootClass the root class for an instance of the model * @param aClass a class * @return true if instances of the class may appear in the tree below the root class */ private boolean appearsInInstance(EClass rootClass, EClass aClass) { return ((!aClass.isAbstract()) && (typeAppearsInSchema(rootClass, aClass))); } /** * @param rootClass the class of the root of the instance tree * @param aClass any EClass * @return true if there are containment association to the class in the tree underneath * the root class (so that anty non-abstract subclasses of the class may be represented * in the instance) */ private boolean typeAppearsInSchema(EClass rootClass, EClass aClass) { Hashtable<String,String> classesTried = new Hashtable<String,String>(); // initially true if the class appears anywhere in the containment tree under the top class boolean appears = typeAppearsInSchema(rootClass, aClass, classesTried); // but make it false if the class or any of its superclasses is on a list of classes not to map if (GenUtil.inArray(aClass.getName(), unMappedClasses)) appears = false; for (Iterator<EClass> ic = aClass.getEAllSuperTypes().iterator(); ic.hasNext();) if (GenUtil.inArray(, unMappedClasses)) appears = false; return appears; } /** * recursive descent of the containment association tree, not revisiting any class * @param aClass current class in the tree being checked for equality with the test class * @param bClass class being tested for inclusion in the tree * @param classesTried classes in the tree already tested * @return true if bClass is in the tree below aClass */ private boolean typeAppearsInSchema(EClass aClass, EClass bClass, Hashtable<String,String> classesTried) { if (aClass.getName().equals(bClass.getName())) return true; classesTried.put(aClass.getName(), "1"); for (Iterator<EReference> ir = aClass.getEAllReferences().iterator();ir.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; if ((ref.isContainment()) && (ref.getEType() instanceof EClass)) { EClass targetSuperClass = (EClass)ref.getEType(); // try all subclasses of the target superclass for (Iterator<EClass> ic = ModelUtil.getAllSubClasses(targetSuperClass).iterator();ic.hasNext();) { EClass targetClass =; if ((classesTried.get(targetClass.getName()) == null) && (typeAppearsInSchema(targetClass,bClass,classesTried))) return true; } } } return false; } /** * * @param feature an EReference or EAttribute * @param superClass one of the superclasses of the class; or null * @return true if the EReference or EAttribute is inherited from the superclass */ private boolean inheritedFrom(EStructuralFeature feature, EClass superClass) { if (superClass == null) return false; return (superClass.getEStructuralFeature(feature.getName()) != null); } /** * * @param doc the schema document * @param localName local name of an Element * @return the element in the XML Schema namespace * @throws MapperException */ private Element schemaElement(Document doc, String localName) throws MapperException {return XMLUtil.NSElement(doc, xmlSchemaPrefix, localName, XMLUtil.SCHEMAURI);} /** * @param topPackage the top package of an ecore model * @return the name for an object unique identifier 'id' attribute, which does not clash * with the name of any other structural feature of any class in the model */ public static String nonClashIdName(EPackage topPackage) { String idRoot = "alt_id"; String idName = idRoot; Vector<String> featureNames = new Vector<String>(); getFeatureNames(featureNames,topPackage); int index = 1; while (GenUtil.inVector(idName, featureNames)) { idName = idRoot + "_" + index; index++; } return idName; } /** * @param featureNames: to be built up into a list of all features of all classes, * in this package and all its sub-packages. Duplicate feature names are allowed. * @param thePackage */ private static void getFeatureNames(Vector<String> featureNames,EPackage thePackage) { for (Iterator<EClassifier> ic = thePackage.getEClassifiers().iterator();ic.hasNext();) { EClassifier ec =; if (ec instanceof EClass) { EClass aClass = (EClass)ec; for (Iterator<EStructuralFeature> it = aClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures().iterator();it.hasNext();) featureNames.add(; } } for (Iterator<EPackage> ip = thePackage.getESubpackages().iterator();ip.hasNext();) getFeatureNames(featureNames,; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // making mapping sets for the alternate Ecore Serialisation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * key = qualified class name * value = Vector of XPaths to object mappings, with subsets in sequence "", "s1", "s2",..... */ private Hashtable<String,Vector<String>> mappingPaths; /** * usually called _after_ the path for the mapping has been allocated; * but if called before any mappings are made, returns the first subset "". * @param theClass an EClass * @return the subset for the mapping */ private String getLatestSubset(EClass theClass) { String subset = ""; String qualifiedClassName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(theClass); Vector<String> paths = mappingPaths.get(qualifiedClassName); if (paths == null) return subset; int index = paths.size() -1; if (index > 0) subset = "s" + index; // after "", the sequence starts at "s1" return subset; } /** * @param theClass a class which may (or may not) be the parent of the current class * @param path the path to a node where the current class is represented * @return the subset of the parent class as mapped to the parent node, if it is so mapped; * or null if it is not */ private String getParentNodeSubset(EClass theClass,String path) { String innerStep = ""; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path,"/"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) innerStep = st.nextToken(); String parentPath = path.substring(0,path.length() - innerStep.length() - 1); String qualifiedClassName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(theClass); Vector<String> paths = mappingPaths.get(qualifiedClassName); if (paths == null) return null; // no mappings yet to the parent class - obscure case boolean found = false; String subset = ""; // return when i= 0 test below succeeds for (int i = 0; i < paths.size();i++) if (paths.get(i).equals(parentPath)) { found = true; if (i > 0) subset = "s" + i; // after "", the sequence starts at "s1" } if (!found) return null; // 'parent' class has no mapping on the parent node - can occur return subset; } /** * * @param topPackage * @param ecoreURI * @param topClass * @param altStructure * @param schemaURI * @param projectName */ private void makeMappingSets(EPackage topPackage,URI ecoreURI,EClass topClass, StructureDefinition altStructure,URI schemaURI, IProject project, String fileNameRoot) throws MapperException { String fileName = fileNameRoot + "_alt.mapper"; IFolder mappingsFolder = project.getFolder("MappingSets"); if (!mappingsFolder.exists()) throw new MapperException("No MappingSets folder in project"); if ((mappingsFolder.findMember(fileName)!= null ) && (mappingsFolder.findMember(fileName).exists())) { boolean confirm = WorkBenchUtil.askConfirm("Mapping set '" + fileName + "' already exists", "Do you want to replace the existing mapping set?"); if (!confirm) return; } String mapperPath = "/" + project.getName() + "/MappingSets/" + fileName; URI uri = URI.createURI(mapperPath); Resource mappingSet = ModelUtil.makeNewMappingSet(uri); MappedStructure mappedStructure = (MappedStructure)mappingSet.getContents().get(0); mappedStructure.setUMLModelURL(ecoreURI.toString()); mappedStructure.setStructureURL(schemaURI.toString()); mappedStructure.setStructureDefinition(altStructure); completePackageNamespaces(topPackage,mappedStructure.getMappingParameters()); String topElementName = topPackage.getNsPrefix() + ":" + topClass.getName(); String topElementType = topClass.getName() + typeSuffix; mappedStructure.setTopElementName(topElementName); mappedStructure.setTopElementType(topElementType); mappedStructure.setRootElement(altStructure.typeStructure(topElementType)); ElementDef rootElement = mappedStructure.getRootElement(); rootElement.setName(topElementName); rootElement.setExpanded(true); // recursive descent of the tree, making mappings mappingPaths = new Hashtable<String,Vector<String>>(); String path = "/" + topElementName; mapClasses(mappedStructure, rootElement, topPackage, topClass, topClass, altStructure, path); // for classes with more than one mapped subset, ensure non-containment associations have all mappings completeAssociationMappings(rootElement); // save the mapping set in the MappingSets folder ModelUtil.saveMappingSet(mappingSet); } /** * @param topPackage the top package of a class model * @param gmp GlobalMappingParameters of a mapping set * Ensure that the namespace set of the mapping parameters contains the namespace * of every package in the model */ private void completePackageNamespaces(EPackage topPackage, GlobalMappingParameters gmp) throws MapperException { Hashtable<String,String> namespaces = new Hashtable<String,String>(); // note the namespaces already in the mapping set for (Iterator<Namespace> in = gmp.getNameSpaces().iterator();in.hasNext();) { Namespace ns =; namespaces.put(ns.getURL(), ns.getPrefix()); } // recursive descent of all packages, adding their namespaces addPackageNamespace(topPackage,namespaces,gmp); } /** * * @param aPackage * @param namespaces * @param gmp * @throws MapperException * recursive descent of all packages, adding their namespaces to the set. */ private void addPackageNamespace(EPackage aPackage, Hashtable<String,String> namespaces, GlobalMappingParameters gmp) throws MapperException { String uri = aPackage.getNsURI(); String prefix = aPackage.getNsPrefix(); if (uri == null) throw new MapperException("Null namespace URI in package '" + aPackage.getName() + "'"); if (prefix == null) throw new MapperException("Null namespace prefix in package '" + aPackage.getName() + "'"); String existingPrefix = namespaces.get(uri); if (existingPrefix == null) { Namespace ns = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createNamespace(); ns.setPrefix(prefix); ns.setURL(uri); gmp.getNameSpaces().add(ns); } else if (existingPrefix != null) { if (!existingPrefix.equals(prefix)) throw new MapperException("Previous prefix '" + existingPrefix + "' clashes with prefix '" + prefix + "' of package '" + aPackage.getName() + "'"); } for (Iterator<EPackage> ip = aPackage.getESubpackages().iterator(); ip.hasNext();) addPackageNamespace(,namespaces,gmp); } /** * @param paths Vector of string paths * @param path a path * @return the number of paths in the Vector that are sub-paths of the other path */ private int subPaths(Vector<String> paths, String path) { int count = 0; for (Iterator<String> it = paths.iterator();it.hasNext();) if (path.startsWith( count++; return count; } /** * * @param mappedStructure * @param mappedElement * @param topPackage * @param mappedClass * @param topClass * @param altStructure * @param path * @throws MapperException */ private void mapClasses(MappedStructure mappedStructure, ElementDef mappedElement, EPackage topPackage, EClass mappedClass, EClass topClass, StructureDefinition altStructure, String path) throws MapperException { /* Count the sub-paths of the current path mapped to this class, * to limit self-nesting depth */ Vector<String> paths = mappingPaths.get(ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(mappedClass)); if ((paths != null) && (subPaths(paths, path) > maxClassNestingDepth() - 1)) return; trace("Map class " + mappedClass.getName() + " at path " + path); // add a NodeMappingSet to hold all the object mappings and containment association mappings NodeMappingSet nodeMappingSet = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createNodeMappingSet(); mappedElement.setNodeMappingSet(nodeMappingSet); /* Add an object mapping to the class and its concrete subclasses; * if it has more than one concrete subclass, make object mappings conditional on the value of xsi:type */ Vector<EClass> subclasses = ModelUtil.getAllConcreteSubClasses(mappedClass); for (Iterator<EClass> it = subclasses.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EClass subClass =; String sqName = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(subClass); Vector<String> sPaths = mappingPaths.get(sqName); if (sPaths == null) sPaths = new Vector<String>(); sPaths.add(path); mappingPaths.put(sqName,sPaths); String subClassSubset = getLatestSubset(subClass); String subClassName = subClass.getName(); String subClassPackageName = subClass.getEPackage().getName(); String subClassPackagePrefix = subClass.getEPackage().getNsPrefix(); if (subClassPackageName == null) subClassPackageName= ""; ObjMapping om = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createObjMapping(); om.setMappedClass(subClassName); om.setMappedPackage(subClassPackageName); om.setSubset(subClassSubset); // add mapping conditions if necessary if (subclasses.size() > 1) { ValueCondition vc = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createValueCondition(); vc.setLeftPath("@xsi:type"); vc.setRightValue(subClassName); if (subClassPackageName.length() > 0) vc.setRightValue(subClassPackagePrefix + ":" + subClassName); om.getMappingConditions().add(vc); } nodeMappingSet.getObjectMappings().add(om); // add property mappings for all properties of each subclass for (Iterator<EAttribute> ia = subClass.getEAllAttributes().iterator();ia.hasNext();) { EAttribute att =; if (!att.isDerived()) { String attName = att.getName(); AttributeDef attDef = mappedElement.getNamedAttribute(attName); if (attDef == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find AttributeDef for property '" + attName + "' of class '" + subClass.getName() + "' at path " + path); // add the node mapping set only once to each AttributeDef NodeMappingSet nms = attDef.getNodeMappingSet(); if (nms == null) { nms = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createNodeMappingSet(); attDef.setNodeMappingSet(nms); } PropMapping pm = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createPropMapping(); pm.setMappedClass(subClassName); pm.setMappedPackage(subClassPackageName); pm.setMappedProperty(attName); pm.setSubset(subClassSubset); nms.getPropertyMappings().add(pm); } // end of if !derived section } // end of iteration over attributes /* Iterate over all associations of each subclass */ for (Iterator<EReference> ir = subClass.getEAllReferences().iterator();ir.hasNext();) { EReference ref =; String refName = ref.getName(); EClassifier target = ref.getEType(); if (!ref.isDerived()) { if (target instanceof EClass) { EClass targetClass = (EClass)target; // containment relations; take the recursive step to the child elements trace("EReference " + subClassName + "." + refName + "." + targetClass.getName()); if (ref.isContainment()) { ElementDef child = mappedElement.getNamedChildElement(refName); if (child == null) System.out.println("Cannot find child element '" + refName + "' of element '" + mappedElement.getName() + "' at path " + path); // a child element which has already been encountered in another subclass will have been expanded else if ((!child.isExpanded()) && (typeAppearsInSchema(topClass,targetClass))) { expandNode(child,altStructure); String newPath = path + "/" + child.getName(); // recursive step; depth check for classes that contain themselves is inside the call mapClasses(mappedStructure, child, topPackage, targetClass, topClass, altStructure, newPath); } } // end of isContainment section // non-containment relations; need to treat all target subclasses separately else if (!ref.isContainment()) { for (Iterator<EClass> is = ModelUtil.getAllSubClasses(targetClass).iterator();is.hasNext();) { EClass targetSubClass =; // only include associations if the target class is in the instance if (appearsInInstance(topClass, targetSubClass)) { /* common association mapping code, for relations that are non- containments at both ends and * for relations whose EOpposite is a containment */ AssocMapping am = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssocMapping(); // the root node does not have a mapped containment association of the top class, or any other associations StringTokenizer steps = new StringTokenizer(path,"/"); boolean addAssociationMapping = (steps.countTokens() > 1); // reset false in some cases // end from the other end class to the current class AssocEndMapping end1 = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssocEndMapping(); end1.setMappedClass(subClassName); end1.setMappedPackage(subClassPackageName); end1.setSubset(subClassSubset); String roleName = MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME; if (ref.getEOpposite() != null) roleName = ref.getEOpposite().getName(); end1.setMappedRole(roleName); // end from the current class to the other end class AssocEndMapping end2 = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssocEndMapping(); end2.setMappedClass(targetSubClass.getName()); String targetPackage = targetSubClass.getEPackage().getName(); if (targetPackage == null) targetPackage = ""; end2.setMappedPackage(targetPackage); end2.setSubset(getLatestSubset(targetSubClass)); // wrong for self-containment; corrected below String inverseRole = refName; if (refName == null) inverseRole = MappableAssociation.NON_NAVIGABLE_ROLE_NAME; end2.setMappedRole(inverseRole); trace("made ends"); /* every subclass should have at least one EReference whose opposite is a containment; one * of these should be a containment in the next outer class. * this has a simple association mapping on the Element*/ if ( (steps.countTokens() > 1) && // not on outer node (ref.getEOpposite() != null) && // EOpposite exists (ref.getEOpposite().isContainment())) // EOpposite is containment { end1.setRequiredForObject(true); /* set the paths between parent and child nodes explicitly, so for that for * self-nesting associations the default shortest path '.' is not allowed */ end2.setObjectToAssociationPath(mappedElement.getName()); end2.setAssociationToObjectPath("parent::" + parentNodeName(path)); // correct a subset made before, which might be wrong for a self-containment association String correctSubset = getParentNodeSubset(targetSubClass,path); if (correctSubset != null) { end2.setSubset(correctSubset); trace("made containment"); } // a containment in a higher ancestor, not the parent(may occur for nested subsets); add no association mapping if (correctSubset == null) { addAssociationMapping = false; trace("found no parent mapping to " + targetSubClass.getName()); } } /* for associations that are not containments in either direction, initially make one association * mapping for each subclass, with a cross-condition. Later make one for each subset of each subclass. */ else if (steps.countTokens() > 1) { if (ref.getEOpposite() != null) am.setMultiWay(MultiWay.REDUNDANT); // these associations are represented twice AttributeDef attDef = mappedElement.getNamedAttribute(refName); if (attDef == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find AttributeDef for association '" + refName + "' at path " + path); /* long cross-paths to pick up all possible nodes * are set up in a second pass, when all the object mappings exist; * the default cross-path might be shorter */ // add the cross-condition on end 2 CrossCondition cc = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createCrossCondition(); cc.setLeftPath("@" + refName); // XPath to the reference attribute cc.setRightPath("@" + idName); // object identifier attribute if (ref.getUpperBound() == -1) cc.setTest(ConditionTest.CONTAINSASWORD); // the left value contains the right value end2.getMappingConditions().add(cc); trace("made long-range"); } // end of 'EOpposite is is non-containment' section addEnds(am,end1,end2); if (addAssociationMapping) nodeMappingSet.getAssociationMappings().add(am); } // end of 'target class is in instance' section }// end of iteration over target subclasses } // end of 'not containment' section } // end of 'target is EClass' section } // end of ' not derived' section } // end of iteration over EReferences } // end of iteration over concrete subclasses } // end of method /** * @param path path to this node * @return name of the parent of this node */ private String parentNodeName(String path) { String parent = "node()"; // default if you cannot fix it StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path,"/"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String step = st.nextToken(); if (st.hasMoreTokens()) parent = step; } return parent; } /** * * @param am an association mapping * @param end1 one of its association end mappings * @param end2 the other association end mapping * Attach the two end mappings in the correct way, * depending on the lexical order of the two role names */ private void addEnds(AssocMapping am, AssocEndMapping end1, AssocEndMapping end2) { String role1 = end1.getMappedRole(); String role2 = end2.getMappedRole(); if (role1.equals(ModelUtil.end1Role(role1, role2))) { am.setMappedEnd1(end1); am.setMappedEnd2(end2); } else { am.setMappedEnd1(end2); am.setMappedEnd2(end1); } } /** * * @param child an ElementDef which has not yet been expanded * @param altStructure a tree structure definition * Expand the ElementDef by adding child nodes from the appropriate type * @throws MapperException */ private void expandNode(ElementDef child,StructureDefinition altStructure) throws MapperException { child.setExpanded(true); ElementDef toCopy = altStructure.typeStructure(child.getType()); if (toCopy == null) throw new MapperException("Cannot find type '" + child.getType() + "'"); // two-stage copy to stop EMF blowing up Vector<ElementDef> elDefs = new Vector<ElementDef>(); for (Iterator<ElementDef> ie = toCopy.getChildElements().iterator();ie.hasNext();) elDefs.add(; for (Iterator<ElementDef> ie= elDefs.iterator(); ie.hasNext();) child.getChildElements().add(; Vector<AttributeDef> aDefs = new Vector<AttributeDef>(); for (Iterator<AttributeDef> ia = toCopy.getAttributeDefs().iterator();ia.hasNext();) aDefs.add(; for (Iterator<AttributeDef> ia = aDefs.iterator();ia.hasNext();) child.getAttributeDefs().add(; } /** * When the association mappings were made in the first pass over the * mapped structure, they were only made to one subset of each target class. * For mappings of non-containment associations, if there is more than one subset * of the 'long-range' class picked out by the cross-condition, then there has to be * one association mapping for every subset of that class. * * This method also puts in the long-range paths for associations with cross-conditions, * even for mappings with only one subset. * * @param anElement the element whose mappings are to be completed;and by recursive * descent, all its descendant elements */ private void completeAssociationMappings(ElementDef anElement) throws MapperException { NodeMappingSet nms = anElement.getNodeMappingSet(); if (nms != null) { // collect the list of mappings before you start to modify it Vector<AssocMapping> startMappings = new Vector<AssocMapping>(); for (Iterator<AssocMapping> ia = nms.getAssociationMappings().iterator();ia.hasNext();) startMappings.add(; for (Iterator<AssocMapping> ia = startMappings.iterator();ia.hasNext();) { AssocMapping am =; String longRangeClassName = getLongRangeClassName(am); if (longRangeClassName != null) { Vector<String> paths = mappingPaths.get(longRangeClassName); if (paths == null) throw new MapperException("No mapping paths for class '" + longRangeClassName + "'"); // you need to put in long-range paths, even if the long-range class only one mapped subset for (int p = 0; p < paths.size(); p++) { String subset = ""; if (p > 0) subset = "s" + p; cloneAssociationMapping(nms,subset,am); } } } } for (Iterator<ElementDef> ie = anElement.getChildElements().iterator(); ie.hasNext();) completeAssociationMappings(; } /** * * @param am an association mapping * @return if onde end of this association mapping has a cross condition, * return the qualified name of the class picked out by that condition; * otherwise return null * @throws MapperException */ private String getLongRangeClassName(AssocMapping am) throws MapperException { String longRange = null; // find the end with a cross-condition , if there is one for (int e = 0; e< 2; e++) { AssocEndMapping end = am.getMappedEnd(e); if (end.getCrossConditions().size() > 0) longRange = ModelUtil.getQualifiedClassName(end.getMappedClass(), end.getMappedPackage()); } return longRange; } /** * * @param nms a NodeMappingSet * @param subset a subset string of a class mapping * @param am and AssocMapping * make a clone of the association mapping, which may differ only in the subset of * the long-range class (picked out by a cross-condition). * If this subset differs from the original ,add the mapping to the set. * @throws MapperException */ private void cloneAssociationMapping(NodeMappingSet nms,String subset,AssocMapping am) throws MapperException { boolean differentSubset = false; AssocMapping clone = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssocMapping(); clone.setMultiWay(MultiWay.REDUNDANT); for (int e = 0; e < 2; e++) { AssocEndMapping end = am.getMappedEnd(e); AssocEndMapping cloneEnd = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssocEndMapping(); cloneEnd.setMappedClass(end.getMappedClass()); cloneEnd.setMappedPackage(end.getMappedPackage()); cloneEnd.setMappedRole(end.getMappedRole()); cloneEnd.setSubset(end.getSubset()); // may be reset below if (end.getCrossConditions().size() > 0) { differentSubset = (!end.getSubset().equals(subset)); CrossCondition cc = end.getCrossConditions().get(0); cloneEnd.setSubset(subset); CrossCondition cloneCC = MapperFactory.eINSTANCE.createCrossCondition(); cloneCC.setLeftPath(cc.getLeftPath()); cloneCC.setRightPath(cc.getRightPath()); cloneCC.setTest(cc.getTest()); cloneEnd.getMappingConditions().add(cloneCC); /* the long cross paths must be set using the correct subsets for each mapping, * even for existing mappings if no new mapping is being added */ AssocEndMapping otherEnd = am.getMappedEnd(1-e); if (!differentSubset) setLongPaths(end, otherEnd.getQualifiedClassName(),otherEnd.getSubset()); else setLongPaths(cloneEnd, otherEnd.getQualifiedClassName(),otherEnd.getSubset()); } if (e == 0) clone.setMappedEnd1(cloneEnd); else if (e == 1)clone.setMappedEnd2(cloneEnd); } // only add this association mapping if it has a target subset different from the original if (differentSubset) nms.getAssociationMappings().add(clone); } /** * @param aem an association end mapping, for the 'long' end that has a cross-condition * @param qualifiedClassName the class name of the object whose object mapping is on the same node * as this association (end)mapping * @param subset the subset of the object whose object mapping is on the same node * as this association (end)mapping * Set up the cross-paths of the association end mapping to go up to the root and down * to the appropriate node, so that if the default cross-path is too short, it is not taken */ private void setLongPaths(AssocEndMapping aem, String qualifiedClassName, String subset) throws MapperException { /* object to association path; the down section of the path leads to the node * of the object mapping which is the same node as this association mapping is on */ aem.setObjectToAssociationPath(makeCrossPath(qualifiedClassName, subset)); // association to object path; leads to the object mapping of the target class aem.setAssociationToObjectPath(makeCrossPath(aem.getQualifiedClassName(), aem.getSubset())); } /** * @param qualifiedClassName * @param subset * @return a cross path which goes up to the root and down to the set of * nodes containing object mappings to this class and subset */ private String makeCrossPath(String qualifiedClassName, String subset) throws MapperException { String downPath = ""; try{ Vector<String> paths = mappingPaths.get(qualifiedClassName); // the path to subset "" is first in the Vector; then subsets "s1", "s2", etc. if (subset.equals("")) downPath = paths.get(0); else downPath = paths.get(new Integer(subset.substring(1)).intValue()); } catch(Exception ex) {throw new MapperException("Failed to calculate cross path for class'" + qualifiedClassName + " ', subset '" + subset + "'; " + ex.getMessage());} // strip off the first '/' of the path and add 'ancestor::' in stead return ("ancestor::" + downPath.substring(1)); } }