package; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.openMap1.mapper.core.MapperException; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.GenUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.XMLUtil; /** * represents a set of CDA templates from one source, eg the CCD templates or * HITP C32 templates. * * @author robert * */ public class TemplateSet { public boolean tracing() {return collection.tracing();} /** * @param templateId a global template id * @return the template with that global id */ public CDATemplate getTemplateByFullId(String templateId) {return templates.get(templateId);} public Hashtable<String,CDATemplate> templates() {return templates;} private Hashtable<String,CDATemplate> templates; /* template patterns have phases like 'errors', 'warning, 'manual', 'note'; * some phases are to be ignored for the purposes of defining the constrained RMIM. */ private String[] phasesRead = {"errors"}; private Element templateSetEl; /** * @return full id of the root template (defined by the 'rootTemplate' attribute of the <templateSet> element) */ public String rootTemplateId() {return rootTemplateId;} private String rootTemplateId; /** * @return the string root * of all non-root ids in the tempate set * (defined by the attribute 'idBase' of the <templateSet> element) */ public String idBase() {return idBase;} private String idBase; public static String[] levelNames = {"CDA","section","entry","subEntry"}; /** * levels of templates */ public static int UNDEFINED = -1; public static int CDA = 0; public static int SECTION = 1; public static int ENTRY = 2; public static int SUB_ENTRY = 3; public String getName() {return templateSetEl.getAttribute("name");} public TemplateCollection collection() {return collection;} private TemplateCollection collection; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @param topTemplatePath file path to the top template file for this template set * @param templateSetEl element describing the template set in the template usage file * */ public TemplateSet(TemplateCollection collection, String topTemplatePath,Element templateSetEl) throws MapperException { String[] setAtts = {"name","schFileName","subFolder","rootTemplate","idBase"}; String[] setChildren = {"templateLevel"}; XMLUtil.checkChildElements(templateSetEl, setChildren); XMLUtil.checkAttributes(templateSetEl, setAtts); this.collection = collection; this.templateSetEl = templateSetEl; idBase = templateSetEl.getAttribute("idBase"); // may be "" if base ids are not used rootTemplateId = templateSetEl.getAttribute("rootTemplate"); if (rootTemplateId.equals("")) rootTemplateId = idBase; templates = new Hashtable<String,CDATemplate>(); // read the template file and store all templates mentioned in the template usage file readTemplateFile(topTemplatePath, false); } /** * @param topTemplatePath file path to the top template file for this template set * read the template file and store all templates mentioned in the template usage file * @param readAllTemplates if true, read all templates even if they are not mentioned * in the template usage file * @throws MapperException */ public void readTemplateFile(String topTemplatePath, boolean readAllTemplates) throws MapperException { trace("Reading template file at " + topTemplatePath); Element rootElement = XMLUtil.getRootElement(topTemplatePath); // templates for which the .sch template file refers to a .ent template Vector<Element> children = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(rootElement, "pattern"); trace("Pattern elements: " + children.size()); for (Iterator<Element> it = children.iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element child =; String patternId = child.getAttribute("id"); String templateFullId = getFullTemplateId(patternId); trace("Template full id " + templateFullId); /* only read templates that are in the template usage file, * unless readAllTemplates is true when making an initial template usage file */ Element usageElement = getTemplateUsageElement(templateFullId); int level = getTemplateLevel(templateFullId); if ((usageElement != null)|(readAllTemplates)) { String phase = getTemplatePhase(patternId); // currently only read rules in the patterns for the 'errors' phase if (GenUtil.inArray(phase, phasesRead)) { CDATemplate template = templates.get(templateFullId); if (template == null) template = new CDATemplate(this,templateFullId,child,usageElement,level); template.recordRules(); templates.put(templateFullId, template); } } } // templates in the template usage file, for which no .ent file exists for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(templateSetEl, "templateLevel").iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element levelEl =; String level = levelEl.getAttribute("level"); int lev = UNDEFINED; for (int i = 0; i < levelNames.length; i++) if (level.equals(levelNames[i])) lev = i; trace("Templates at level " + level); for (Iterator<Element> iu = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(levelEl,"template").iterator();iu.hasNext();) { Element useElement =; if (useElement.getAttribute("fromFile").equals("no")) { CDATemplate templ = new CDATemplate(this, useElement, lev); templates.put(templ.fullTemplateId(), templ); trace("Template with no file " + templ.fullTemplateId()); } } } writeTemplateSummary(); } /** * @param patternId value of the 'id' attribute of a <pattern> element, * with values such as 'p-2.16.840.1.113883.' * @return the template id * @throws MapperException */ private String getFullTemplateId(String patternId) throws MapperException { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(patternId,"-"); if (st.countTokens() != 3) throw new MapperException("Unexpected form of pattern id: " + patternId); st.nextToken(); // ignore the initial 'p' return st.nextToken(); } /** * @param patternId value of the 'id' attribute of a <pattern> element * with values such as 'p-2.16.840.1.113883.' * @return the phase of the template - 'errors', 'warning' and so on * @throws MapperException */ private String getTemplatePhase(String patternId) throws MapperException { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(patternId,"-"); if (st.countTokens() != 3) throw new MapperException("Unexpected form of pattern id: " + patternId); st.nextToken();st.nextToken(); // ignore the initial 'p' and the template id return st.nextToken(); } /** * @param fullTemplateId a full template id string * @return the template element in the template usage file; or null if there is none */ private Element getTemplateUsageElement(String fullTemplateId) throws MapperException { Element usageElement = null; for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(templateSetEl, "templateLevel").iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element levelEl =; String[] levelAtts = {"level"}; String[] levelChildren = {"template"}; XMLUtil.checkAttributes(levelEl, levelAtts); XMLUtil.checkChildElements(levelEl, levelChildren); for (Iterator<Element> is = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(levelEl, "template").iterator();is.hasNext();) { Element candidate =; if (candidate.getAttribute("id").equals(getLocalId(fullTemplateId))) usageElement = candidate; } } return usageElement; } /** * @param fullTemplateId a full template id string * @return the static integer 'CDA', 'SECTION' etc describing the level of the template */ private int getTemplateLevel(String fullTemplateId) { String level = ""; for (Iterator<Element> it = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(templateSetEl, "templateLevel").iterator();it.hasNext();) { Element levelEl =; String candLevel = levelEl.getAttribute("level"); for (Iterator<Element> is = XMLUtil.namedChildElements(levelEl, "template").iterator();is.hasNext();) { Element candidate =; if (candidate.getAttribute("id").equals(getLocalId(fullTemplateId))) level = candLevel; } } int lev = UNDEFINED; for (int i = 0; i < levelNames.length; i++) if (level.equals(levelNames[i])) lev = i; return lev; } /** * @param fullTemplateId * @return the local id used for template ids in this set in the template usage file */ private String getLocalId(String fullTemplateId) { String localId = fullTemplateId; // the local id of the root template is 'root' if (fullTemplateId.equals(rootTemplateId)) localId = "root"; // for all other templates, strip off the base and '.' to get the local id (if you can) else if ((!idBase.equals("")) && (fullTemplateId.startsWith(idBase))) localId = fullTemplateId.substring(idBase.length() + 1); return localId; } /** * @param localId a local template id such as '5', as used in the template usage file * for this template set * @return the template with that local id */ public CDATemplate getTemplateByLocalId(String localId) { String fullTemplateId; if (localId.equals("root")) fullTemplateId = rootTemplateId; else { if (idBase.equals("")) fullTemplateId = localId; else fullTemplateId = idBase + "." + localId; } return getTemplateByFullId(fullTemplateId); } private void writeTemplateSummary() throws MapperException { trace(""); trace("Summary of template set '" + getName() + "'"); for (Enumeration<String> en = templates.keys();en.hasMoreElements();) { String fullTemplateId = en.nextElement(); String localId = getLocalId(fullTemplateId); CDATemplate temp = templates.get(fullTemplateId); int defs = temp.definingAssertions().size(); int cons = temp.constrainingAssertions().size(); trace("template " + localId + "(" + fullTemplateId + ") defines: " + defs + "; constrains: " + cons); if ((defs == 0) && (cons > 0)) { for (Iterator<TemplateAssertion> it = temp.definingAssertions().iterator();it.hasNext();) { TemplateAssertion ta =; trace(ta.testNode().stringForm()); } } } trace("End of template summary"); } private void trace(String s) {if (tracing()) System.out.println(s);} }