package com.openMap1.mapper.presentation; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorSite; import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput; import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException; import org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IMenuManager; import org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent; import com.openMap1.mapper.actions.RunQuerySaveXMLAction; import com.openMap1.mapper.actions.RunQueryShowSQLAction; import com.openMap1.mapper.actions.RunQueryToFileAction; import com.openMap1.mapper.actions.RunQueryToViewAction; import com.openMap1.mapper.actions.InsertQueryTextAction; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.LabelledEClass; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.WorkBenchUtil; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.DataSourceView; import com.openMap1.mapper.views.ClassModelView; import com.openMap1.mapper.util.ModelUtil; public class QueryEditor extends TextEditor implements ISelectionChangedListener{ private Hashtable<String,LabelledEClass> menuStartClasses = new Hashtable<String,LabelledEClass>(); private RunQueryToViewAction runQueryViewAct; private RunQueryToFileAction runQueryFileAct; private RunQueryShowSQLAction runQueryShowSQLAct; private RunQuerySaveXMLAction runQuerySaveXMLAction; private boolean tracing = false; private int maximumMenuDepth = 2; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Noting classes suitable for query when selected //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * If a class is selected in the class model view, and that class is mapped in all * query sources of the query source view, note that class for use in query * editor menus. */ public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) { trace("selection changed"); ISelection selection = event.getSelection(); DataSourceView dsv = WorkBenchUtil.getDataSourceView(true); if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection && ((IStructuredSelection)selection).size() == 1) { Object object = ((IStructuredSelection)selection).getFirstElement(); LabelledEClass lec = null; if (object instanceof EClass) lec = new LabelledEClass((EClass)object); else if (object instanceof LabelledEClass) lec = (LabelledEClass) object; if ((lec != null) && (dsv != null) && (dsv.classMappedInAllActiveDataSources(lec))) menuStartClasses.put(lec.eClass().getName(), lec); } } /** * if the data source view shows any sources, they must all be mapped to * the same class model. * That class model is used in menus to add fields to this query. * Ensure the correct class model is showing in the class model view, * and make this editor a listener for selections of classes in that view */ private void connectToClassModel() { trace("Connect to class model"); DataSourceView dsv = WorkBenchUtil.getDataSourceView(false); ClassModelView cmv = WorkBenchUtil.getClassModelView(false); if ((dsv != null) && (cmv != null) && (dsv.getClassModelPackage() != null)) {cmv.initiateForQueryEditor(this, dsv.getClassModelPackage(), dsv.getClassModelURIString());} } /** * When this editor gets focus, check the correct class model is showing and connect to it */ public void setFocus() { connectToClassModel(); } /** * When this editor initialises, check the correct class model is showing and connect to it */ public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput input) throws PartInitException { super.init(site,input); connectToClassModel(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creating actions and the cascade menu of fields to insert //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void createActions() { super.createActions(); runQueryViewAct = new RunQueryToViewAction(); setAction("RunQuery",runQueryViewAct); runQueryFileAct = new RunQueryToFileAction(); setAction("SaveQueryResult",runQueryFileAct); runQueryShowSQLAct = new RunQueryShowSQLAction(); setAction("ShowSQL",runQueryShowSQLAct); runQuerySaveXMLAction = new RunQuerySaveXMLAction(); setAction("SaveXML",runQuerySaveXMLAction); } protected void editorContextMenuAboutToShow(IMenuManager menu) { runQueryViewAct.setDataSourceView(WorkBenchUtil.getDataSourceView(true)); runQueryViewAct.setQueryEditor(this); runQueryFileAct.setDataSourceView(WorkBenchUtil.getDataSourceView(true)); runQueryFileAct.setQueryEditor(this); runQueryShowSQLAct.setDataSourceView(WorkBenchUtil.getDataSourceView(true)); runQueryShowSQLAct.setQueryEditor(this); runQuerySaveXMLAction.setDataSourceView(WorkBenchUtil.getDataSourceView(true)); runQuerySaveXMLAction.setQueryEditor(this); try { addAction(menu, "RunQuery"); addAction(menu, "SaveQueryResult"); addAction(menu, "ShowSQL"); addAction(menu, "SaveXML"); addTextInsertActions(menu); super.editorContextMenuAboutToShow(menu); } catch (Exception ex) {System.out.println ("Menu exception: " + ex.getMessage());} } /** * add the cascading sub-menus of classes, properties and associations */ private void addTextInsertActions(IMenuManager menu) { trace("add menu items"); MenuManager insertTextSubMenu = new MenuManager("Insert"); for (Iterator <String> it = menuStartClasses.keySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) { String className =; trace("add " + className); LabelledEClass theClass = menuStartClasses.get(className); MenuManager classSubMenu = new MenuManager(className); insertTextSubMenu.add(classSubMenu); // add menu items for the properties of this class trace("adding properties" ); addPropertyMenuItems(classSubMenu,theClass,className); // add sub-menus for associations from this class Hashtable <String,EClass> visitedClasses = new Hashtable <String,EClass>(); visitedClasses.put(className, theClass.eClass()); addAssociationMenuItems(classSubMenu,theClass, visitedClasses, className,maximumMenuDepth); } // the 'Insert' sub-menu will only get shown if there are some class sub-menus below it menu.add(insertTextSubMenu); } /** * Add menu items and Actions to put text into the query for the properties * of a class * @param classSubMenu sub-menu for the class reached by the menu trail * @param ec EClass the class reached by the menu trail * @param trailName text to be put into the query, up to an including the current class name */ private void addPropertyMenuItems(MenuManager classSubMenu, LabelledEClass lec, String trailName) { DataSourceView qsv = WorkBenchUtil.getDataSourceView(true); if (qsv == null) return; for (Iterator <EAttribute> it = lec.eClass().getEAllAttributes().iterator();it.hasNext();) { String propName =; // only add a property if it has property mappings in all active query sources if (qsv.propertyMappedInAllActiveDataSources(lec,propName)) { String fieldName = trailName + "." + propName + " "; classSubMenu.add(new InsertQueryTextAction(this, propName, fieldName)); } } } /** * Add sub-menus for the associations of a class, leading to menu items and actions * for the properties of classes reached by those associations * @param classSubMenu sub-menu for the class reached by the menu trail * @param ec EClass the class reached by the menu trail * @param visitedClasses Vector of classes visited already in the trail * of associations, not to be visited again * @param trailName text to be put into the query, up to an including the current class name */ private void addAssociationMenuItems(MenuManager classSubMenu, LabelledEClass lec, Hashtable <String,EClass> visitedClasses, String trailName,int menuDepth) { trace("Adding associations " + trailName); DataSourceView qsv = WorkBenchUtil.getDataSourceView(true); if (qsv == null) return; for (Iterator<EReference> it = lec.eClass().getEAllReferences().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EReference er =; String roleName = er.getName(); EClass otherSuper = er.getEReferenceType(); // iterate over all subclasses at the other end which inherit the association for (Iterator<EClass> is = ModelUtil.getAllSubClasses(otherSuper).iterator();is.hasNext();) { EClass other =; LabelledEClass lother = new LabelledEClass(other); // do not include any association which would get back to a class visited already if (visitedClasses.get(other.getName()) == null) { /* only add a sub-menu for an association if it has mappings in all * active query sources */ if (qsv.associationMappedInAllActiveDataSources(lec,roleName,other)) { // menu item names are '(role)class' String subMenuName = "(" + roleName + ")" + other.getName(); String newTrailName = trailName + "." + subMenuName; MenuManager linkSubMenu = new MenuManager(subMenuName); classSubMenu.add(linkSubMenu); // add menu items for the properties of the class reached by the link addPropertyMenuItems(linkSubMenu,lother,newTrailName); /* add sub-menus for the further associations of the class reached by the link, * to a maximum depth. */ if (menuDepth > 0) addAssociationMenuItems(linkSubMenu,lother, newVisitedClasses(visitedClasses,other), newTrailName, menuDepth -1); } } } } } /** * @return a Hashtable of classes visited so far, extended by one more class * - without altering the original */ private Hashtable <String,EClass> newVisitedClasses (Hashtable <String,EClass> visitedClasses, EClass nextClass) { Hashtable <String,EClass> newVisitedClasses = new Hashtable <String,EClass>(); newVisitedClasses.put(nextClass.getName(), nextClass); for (Iterator<String> ix = visitedClasses.keySet().iterator(); ix.hasNext();) { String cName =; newVisitedClasses.put(cName, visitedClasses.get(cName)); } return newVisitedClasses; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inserting text after menu selections //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * insert a string of new text at the cursor * @param text */ public void insertTextAtCursor(String text) { String currentQueryText = getDocumentProvider().getDocument(getEditorInput()).get(); String cursor = getCursorPosition(); System.out.println(cursor); // do not allow text inserts in or before the initial 'Select' if (insertPosition(cursor) > 5) { String newQueryText = insertAtCursor(currentQueryText,text,insertPosition(cursor)); getDocumentProvider().getDocument(getEditorInput()).set(newQueryText); } } /** * number of characters of existing text before the new text insert * @param cursor * @return */ private int insertPosition(String cursor) { int pos = -1; // strip off the initial '1 : ', convert to int and subtract 1 if ((cursor != null) && (cursor.startsWith("1 : "))) pos = new Integer(cursor.substring(4)).intValue() -1; return pos; } private String insertAtCursor(String prevText,String insertText,int insertPos) { return (prevText.substring(0,insertPos) + insertText + prevText.substring(insertPos)); } private void trace(String s) {if (tracing) System.out.println(s);} }