/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.schema; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.schema.SchemaResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams; import org.apache.solr.common.util.ContentStream; import org.apache.solr.common.util.ContentStreamBase; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; import org.noggit.CharArr; import org.noggit.JSONWriter; /** * <p>This class offers access to the operations exposed by the Solr Schema API.</p> * <p>Most of the operations of this class offer a very abstract interface avoiding * in this manner eventual changes due to Solr Schema API updates. On the other * hand, the creation of request parameters for creating new fields or field types * can be tedious because it is not strongly typed (the user has to build on his own * a {@link NamedList} argument containing the field/field type properties).</p> * <p>The class does not currently offer explicit support for the Schema API operations exposed * through Managed Resources, but such operations can be built with little effort manually * based on this class within the client applications.</p> * <p>This class is experimental and it is subject to change.</p> * * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Schema+API">Solr Schema API</a> * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Managed+Resources">Solr managed resources</a> * @since solr 5.3 */ public class SchemaRequest extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse> { /** * Default constructor. * It can be used to retrieve the entire schema. * * @see #process(SolrClient) */ public SchemaRequest() { this(null); } public SchemaRequest(SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema", q); } private static NamedList<Object> createAddFieldTypeNamedList(FieldTypeDefinition fieldTypeDefinition) { final NamedList<Object> addFieldTypeNamedList = new NamedList<>(); addFieldTypeNamedList.addAll(fieldTypeDefinition.getAttributes()); AnalyzerDefinition analyzerDefinition = fieldTypeDefinition.getAnalyzer(); if (analyzerDefinition != null) { NamedList<Object> analyzerNamedList = createAnalyzerNamedList(analyzerDefinition); addFieldTypeNamedList.add("analyzer", analyzerNamedList); } AnalyzerDefinition indexAnalyzerDefinition = fieldTypeDefinition.getIndexAnalyzer(); if (indexAnalyzerDefinition != null) { NamedList<Object> indexAnalyzerNamedList = createAnalyzerNamedList(indexAnalyzerDefinition); addFieldTypeNamedList.add("indexAnalyzer", indexAnalyzerNamedList); } AnalyzerDefinition queryAnalyzerDefinition = fieldTypeDefinition.getQueryAnalyzer(); if (queryAnalyzerDefinition != null) { NamedList<Object> queryAnalyzerNamedList = createAnalyzerNamedList(queryAnalyzerDefinition); addFieldTypeNamedList.add("queryAnalyzer", queryAnalyzerNamedList); } AnalyzerDefinition multiTermAnalyzerDefinition = fieldTypeDefinition.getMultiTermAnalyzer(); if (multiTermAnalyzerDefinition != null) { NamedList<Object> multiTermAnalyzerNamedList = createAnalyzerNamedList(multiTermAnalyzerDefinition); addFieldTypeNamedList.add("multiTermAnalyzer", multiTermAnalyzerNamedList); } Map<String, Object> similarityAttributes = fieldTypeDefinition.getSimilarity(); if (similarityAttributes != null && !similarityAttributes.isEmpty()) { addFieldTypeNamedList.add("similarity", new NamedList<>(similarityAttributes)); } return addFieldTypeNamedList; } private static NamedList<Object> createAnalyzerNamedList(AnalyzerDefinition analyzerDefinition) { NamedList<Object> analyzerNamedList = new NamedList<>(); Map<String, Object> analyzerAttributes = analyzerDefinition.getAttributes(); if (analyzerAttributes != null) analyzerNamedList.addAll(analyzerAttributes); List<Map<String, Object>> charFiltersAttributes = analyzerDefinition.getCharFilters(); if (charFiltersAttributes != null) { List<NamedList<Object>> charFiltersList = new LinkedList<>(); for (Map<String, Object> charFilterAttributes : charFiltersAttributes) charFiltersList.add(new NamedList<>(charFilterAttributes)); analyzerNamedList.add("charFilters", charFiltersList); } Map<String, Object> tokenizerAttributes = analyzerDefinition.getTokenizer(); if (tokenizerAttributes != null) { analyzerNamedList.add("tokenizer", new NamedList<>(tokenizerAttributes)); } List<Map<String, Object>> filtersAttributes = analyzerDefinition.getFilters(); if (filtersAttributes != null) { List<NamedList<Object>> filtersList = new LinkedList<>(); for (Map<String, Object> filterAttributes : filtersAttributes) filtersList.add(new NamedList<>(filterAttributes)); analyzerNamedList.add("filters", filtersList); } return analyzerNamedList; } private static NamedList<Object> createAddFieldNamedList(Map<String, Object> fieldAttributes) { final NamedList<Object> addFieldProps = new NamedList<>(); if (fieldAttributes != null) addFieldProps.addAll(fieldAttributes); return addFieldProps; } @Override protected SchemaResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse(); } /** * Schema API request class that can be used to retrieve the name of the schema. */ public static class SchemaName extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.SchemaNameResponse> { public SchemaName() { this(null); } public SchemaName(SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema/name", q); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.SchemaNameResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.SchemaNameResponse(); } } /** * Schema API request that can be used to retrieve the version * of the schema for the specified collection. */ public static class SchemaVersion extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.SchemaVersionResponse> { public SchemaVersion() { this(null); } public SchemaVersion(SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema/version", q); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.SchemaVersionResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.SchemaVersionResponse(); } } /** * Schema API request class that lists the field definitions contained in the schema. */ public static class Fields extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.FieldsResponse> { public Fields() { this(null); } public Fields(SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema/fields", q); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.FieldsResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.FieldsResponse(); } } /** * Schema API request that lists the field definition for the specified field * contained in the schema. */ public static class Field extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.FieldResponse> { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param fieldName the name of the field for which the definition is to be retrieved */ public Field(String fieldName) { this(fieldName, null); } public Field(String fieldName, SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema/fields/" + fieldName, q); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.FieldResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.FieldResponse(); } } /** * Schema API request that lists the dynamic field definitions contained in the schema. */ public static class DynamicFields extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.DynamicFieldsResponse> { public DynamicFields() { this(null); } public DynamicFields(SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema/dynamicfields", q); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.DynamicFieldsResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.DynamicFieldsResponse(); } } /** * Schema API request that lists the dynamic field definition for the specified field * contained in the schema. */ public static class DynamicField extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.DynamicFieldResponse> { /** * Creates a new instance of the class. * * @param dynamicFieldName the name of the dynamic field for which the definition is to be retrieved */ public DynamicField(String dynamicFieldName) { this(dynamicFieldName, null); } public DynamicField(String dynamicFieldName, SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema/dynamicfields/" + dynamicFieldName); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.DynamicFieldResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.DynamicFieldResponse(); } } /** * Schema API request that lists the types definitions contained * in the schema. */ public static class FieldTypes extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.FieldTypesResponse> { public FieldTypes() { this(null); } public FieldTypes(SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema/fieldtypes"); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.FieldTypesResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.FieldTypesResponse(); } } /** * Schema API request that retrieves the type definitions for the specified field * type contained in the schema. */ public static class FieldType extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.FieldTypeResponse> { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param fieldTypeName the name of the field type for which the definition is to be retrieved */ public FieldType(String fieldTypeName) { this(fieldTypeName, null); } public FieldType(String fieldTypeName, SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema/fieldtypes/" + fieldTypeName, q); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.FieldTypeResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.FieldTypeResponse(); } } /** * Schema API request that retrieves the source and destination of * each copy field in the schema. */ public static class CopyFields extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.CopyFieldsResponse> { public CopyFields() { this(null); } public CopyFields(SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema/copyfields", q); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.CopyFieldsResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.CopyFieldsResponse(); } } /** * Schema API request that retrieves the field name that is defined as * the uniqueKey for the index of the specified collection. */ public static class UniqueKey extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.UniqueKeyResponse> { public UniqueKey() { this(null); } public UniqueKey(SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema/uniquekey", q); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.UniqueKeyResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.UniqueKeyResponse(); } } /** * Retrieves the class name of the global similarity defined (if any) in the schema. */ public static class GlobalSimilarity extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.GlobalSimilarityResponse> { public GlobalSimilarity() { this(null); } public GlobalSimilarity(SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.GET, "/schema/similarity", q); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.GlobalSimilarityResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.GlobalSimilarityResponse(); } } /** * Adds a new field definition to the schema. * If the field already exists, the method {@link #process(SolrClient, String)} will fail. * Note that the request will be translated to json, so please use concrete values (e.g. : true, 1) * instead of their string representation (e.g. : "true", "1") for the field attributes expecting * boolean or number values. */ public static class AddField extends SingleUpdate { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param fieldAttributes field type attributes that can be used to enrich the field definition. * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Defining+Fields">Defining Solr fields</a> */ public AddField(Map<String, Object> fieldAttributes) { this(fieldAttributes, null); } public AddField(Map<String, Object> fieldAttributes, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(fieldAttributes), q); } private static NamedList<Object> createRequestParameters(Map<String, Object> fieldAttributes) { final NamedList<Object> addFieldParameters = createAddFieldNamedList(fieldAttributes); final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>(); requestParameters.add("add-field", addFieldParameters); return requestParameters; } } /** * Replaces a field's definition. Note that the full definition for a field must be supplied - this command * will not partially modify a field's definition. If the field does not exist in the schema the method call * {@link #process(SolrClient, String)} will fail. * * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Defining+Fields">Defining Solr fields</a> */ public static class ReplaceField extends SingleUpdate { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param fieldAttributes field type attributes that can be used to enrich the field definition. */ public ReplaceField(Map<String, Object> fieldAttributes) { this(fieldAttributes, null); } public ReplaceField(Map<String, Object> fieldAttributes, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(fieldAttributes), q); } private static NamedList<Object> createRequestParameters(Map<String, Object> fieldAttributes) { final NamedList<Object> replaceFieldParameters = createAddFieldNamedList(fieldAttributes); final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>(); requestParameters.add("replace-field", replaceFieldParameters); return requestParameters; } } /** * Removes a field definition from the schema. If the field does not exist in the schema, * or if the field is the source or destination of a copy field rule the method call * {@link #process(SolrClient, String)} will fail. */ public static class DeleteField extends SingleUpdate { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param fieldName the name of the new field to be removed */ public DeleteField(String fieldName) { this(fieldName, null); } public DeleteField(String fieldName, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(fieldName), q); } private static NamedList<Object> createRequestParameters(String fieldName) { final NamedList<Object> deleteFieldParameters = new NamedList<>(); deleteFieldParameters.add("name", fieldName); final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>(); requestParameters.add("delete-field", deleteFieldParameters); return requestParameters; } } /** * Adds a new dynamic field rule to the schema of the specified collection. * * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Defining+Fields">Defining Solr fields</a> * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Dynamic+Fields">Solr dynamic fields</a> */ public static class AddDynamicField extends SingleUpdate { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param fieldAttributes field type attributes that can be used to enrich the field definition. */ public AddDynamicField(Map<String, Object> fieldAttributes) { this(fieldAttributes, null); } public AddDynamicField(Map<String, Object> fieldAttributes, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(fieldAttributes), q); } private static NamedList<Object> createRequestParameters(Map<String, Object> fieldAttributes) { final NamedList<Object> addDynamicFieldParameters = createAddFieldNamedList(fieldAttributes); final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>(); requestParameters.add("add-dynamic-field", addDynamicFieldParameters); return requestParameters; } } /** * Replaces a dynamic field rule in the schema of the specified collection. * Note that the full definition for a dynamic field rule must be supplied - this command * will not partially modify a dynamic field rule's definition. * If the dynamic field rule does not exist in the schema the method call * {@link #process(SolrClient, String)} will fail. */ public static class ReplaceDynamicField extends SingleUpdate { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param dynamicFieldAttributes field type attributes that can be used to enrich the field definition. * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Defining+Fields">Defining Solr fields</a> * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Dynamic+Fields">Solr dynamic fields</a> */ public ReplaceDynamicField(Map<String, Object> dynamicFieldAttributes) { this(dynamicFieldAttributes, null); } public ReplaceDynamicField(Map<String, Object> dynamicFieldAttributes, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(dynamicFieldAttributes), q); } private static NamedList<Object> createRequestParameters( Map<String, Object> dynamicFieldAttributes) { final NamedList<Object> replaceDynamicFieldParameters = createAddFieldNamedList(dynamicFieldAttributes); final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>(); requestParameters.add("replace-dynamic-field", replaceDynamicFieldParameters); return requestParameters; } } /** * Deletes a dynamic field rule from your schema. If the dynamic field rule does not exist in the schema, * or if the schema contains a copy field rule with a target or destination that matches only this * dynamic field rule the method call {@link #process(SolrClient, String)} will fail. */ public static class DeleteDynamicField extends SingleUpdate { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param dynamicFieldName the name of the dynamic field to be removed */ public DeleteDynamicField(String dynamicFieldName) { this(dynamicFieldName, null); } public DeleteDynamicField(String fieldName, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(fieldName), q); } private static NamedList<Object> createRequestParameters(String fieldName) { final NamedList<Object> deleteDynamicFieldParameters = new NamedList<>(); deleteDynamicFieldParameters.add("name", fieldName); final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>(); requestParameters.add("delete-dynamic-field", deleteDynamicFieldParameters); return requestParameters; } } /** * Update request used to add a new field type to the schema. */ public static class AddFieldType extends SingleUpdate { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param fieldTypeDefinition the field type definition * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Solr+Field+Types">Solr field types</a> */ public AddFieldType(FieldTypeDefinition fieldTypeDefinition) { this(fieldTypeDefinition, null); } public AddFieldType(FieldTypeDefinition fieldTypeDefinition, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(fieldTypeDefinition), q); } private static NamedList<Object> createRequestParameters(FieldTypeDefinition fieldTypeDefinition) { final NamedList<Object> addFieldTypeParameters = createAddFieldTypeNamedList(fieldTypeDefinition); final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>(); requestParameters.add("add-field-type", addFieldTypeParameters); return requestParameters; } } /** * Replaces a field type in schema belonging to the schema of the specified collection. * Note that the full definition for a field type must be supplied- this command will not partially modify * a field type's definition. If the field type does not exist in the schema the * method call {@link #process(SolrClient, String)} will fail. */ public static class ReplaceFieldType extends SingleUpdate { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param fieldTypeDefinition the field type definition * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Solr+Field+Types">Solr field types</a> */ public ReplaceFieldType(FieldTypeDefinition fieldTypeDefinition) { this(fieldTypeDefinition, null); } public ReplaceFieldType(FieldTypeDefinition fieldTypeDefinition, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(fieldTypeDefinition), q); } private static NamedList<Object> createRequestParameters(FieldTypeDefinition fieldTypeDefinition) { final NamedList<Object> replaceFieldTypeParameters = createAddFieldTypeNamedList(fieldTypeDefinition); final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>(); requestParameters.add("replace-field-type", replaceFieldTypeParameters); return requestParameters; } } /** * Removes a field type from the schema of the specified collection. * If the field type does not exist in the schema, or if any * field or dynamic field rule in the schema uses the field type, the * method call {@link #process(SolrClient, String)} will fail. */ public static class DeleteFieldType extends SingleUpdate { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param fieldTypeName the name of the field type to be removed */ public DeleteFieldType(String fieldTypeName) { this(fieldTypeName, null); } public DeleteFieldType(String fieldTypeName, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(fieldTypeName), q); } private static NamedList<Object> createRequestParameters(String fieldTypeName) { final NamedList<Object> deleteFieldTypeParameters = new NamedList<>(); deleteFieldTypeParameters.add("name", fieldTypeName); final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>(); requestParameters.add("delete-field-type", deleteFieldTypeParameters); return requestParameters; } } /** * Adds a new copy field rule to the schema of the specified collection. */ public static class AddCopyField extends SingleUpdate { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param source the source field name * @param dest the collection of the destination field names * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Copying+Fields">Copying fields</a> */ public AddCopyField(String source, List<String> dest) { this(source, dest, (SolrParams) null); } /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param source the source field name * @param dest the collection of the destination field names * @param maxChars the number of characters to be copied from the source to the dest. Specifying * 0 as value, means that all the source characters will be copied to the dest. * @see <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Copying+Fields">Copying fields</a> */ public AddCopyField(String source, List<String> dest, Integer maxChars) { this(source, dest, maxChars, null); } public AddCopyField(String source, List<String> dest, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(source, dest, null), q); } public AddCopyField(String source, List<String> dest, Integer maxChars, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(source, dest, maxChars), q); } private static NamedList<Object> createRequestParameters(String source, List<String> dest, Integer maxchars) { final NamedList<Object> addCopyFieldParameters = new NamedList<>(); addCopyFieldParameters.add("source", source); addCopyFieldParameters.add("dest", dest); if (maxchars != null) { addCopyFieldParameters.add("maxChars", maxchars); } final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>(); requestParameters.add("add-copy-field", addCopyFieldParameters); return requestParameters; } } /** * Deletes a copy field rule from the schema of the specified collection. * If the copy field rule does not exist in the schema then the * method call {@link #process(SolrClient, String)} will fail. */ public static class DeleteCopyField extends SingleUpdate { /** * Creates a new instance of the request. * * @param source the source field name * @param dest the collection of the destination field names */ public DeleteCopyField(String source, List<String> dest) { this(source, dest, null); } public DeleteCopyField(String source, List<String> dest, SolrParams q) { super(createRequestParameters(source, dest), q); } private static NamedList<Object> createRequestParameters(String source, List<String> dest) { final NamedList<Object> addCopyFieldParameters = new NamedList<>(); addCopyFieldParameters.add("source", source); addCopyFieldParameters.add("dest", dest); final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>(); requestParameters.add("delete-copy-field", addCopyFieldParameters); return requestParameters; } } public abstract static class Update extends AbstractSchemaRequest<SchemaResponse.UpdateResponse> { public Update() { this(null); } public Update(SolrParams q) { super(METHOD.POST, "/schema", q); } protected abstract NamedList<Object> getRequestParameters(); @Override public Collection<ContentStream> getContentStreams() throws IOException { CharArr json = new CharArr(); new SchemaRequestJSONWriter(json).write(getRequestParameters()); return Collections.singletonList(new ContentStreamBase.StringStream(json.toString())); } @Override protected SchemaResponse.UpdateResponse createResponse(SolrClient client) { return new SchemaResponse.UpdateResponse(); } } private static abstract class SingleUpdate extends Update { private final NamedList<Object> requestParameters; public SingleUpdate(NamedList<Object> requestParameters) { this(requestParameters, null); } public SingleUpdate(NamedList<Object> requestParameters, SolrParams q) { super(q); this.requestParameters = requestParameters; } @Override protected NamedList<Object> getRequestParameters() { return requestParameters; } } /** * <p>The Schema API offers the possibility to perform one or more add requests in a single command.</p> * <p>The API is transactional and all commands in a single {@link #process(SolrClient, String)} call * either succeed or fail together.</p> */ public static class MultiUpdate extends Update { private List<Update> updateSchemaRequests = new LinkedList<>(); public MultiUpdate(List<Update> updateSchemaRequests) { this(updateSchemaRequests, null); } public MultiUpdate(List<Update> updateSchemaRequests, SolrParams q) { super(q); if (updateSchemaRequests == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("updateSchemaRequests must be non-null"); } for (Update updateSchemaRequest : updateSchemaRequests) { if (updateSchemaRequest == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("updateSchemaRequests elements must be non-null"); } this.updateSchemaRequests.add(updateSchemaRequest); } } @Override protected NamedList<Object> getRequestParameters() { NamedList<Object> multipleRequestsParameters = new NamedList<>(); for (Update updateSchemaRequest : updateSchemaRequests) { multipleRequestsParameters.addAll(updateSchemaRequest.getRequestParameters()); } return multipleRequestsParameters; } } /** * Simple extension of the noggit JSONWriter used to be write objects * of type {@link NamedList}. * Writing of objects of the type {@link NamedList} is done in very much * the same way as for a map. * <p> * This writer is particularly useful when doing multiple update requests. * In update Schema API there can be done multiple add operations of the same * type (e.g. : add-field-type), they are grouped in an associative array, even though * this can't be done normally in JSON. For such a use-case, the {@link NamedList} * objects are particularly useful because they can group key-value mappings * having the same values for the keys (unlike maps). */ private static class SchemaRequestJSONWriter extends JSONWriter { public SchemaRequestJSONWriter(CharArr out, int indentSize) { super(out, indentSize); } public SchemaRequestJSONWriter(CharArr out) { super(out); } public void write(Object o) { if (o instanceof NamedList) { write((NamedList) o); } else super.write(o); } /** * @see #write(Map) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void write(NamedList<?> val) { this.startObject(); int sz = val.size(); boolean first = true; Iterator i$ = val.iterator(); while (i$.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, ?> entry = (Map.Entry<String, ?>) i$.next(); if (first) { first = false; } else { this.writeValueSeparator(); } if (sz > 1) { this.indent(); } this.writeString(entry.getKey()); this.writeNameSeparator(); this.write(entry.getValue()); } this.endObject(); } } }