/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.lucene.search; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanClause.Occur; import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase; import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil; import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.generators.RandomPicks; public class TestBoolean2ScorerSupplier extends LuceneTestCase { private static class FakeScorer extends Scorer { private final DocIdSetIterator it; FakeScorer(long cost) { super(null); this.it = DocIdSetIterator.all(Math.toIntExact(cost)); } @Override public int docID() { return it.docID(); } @Override public float score() throws IOException { return 1; } @Override public int freq() throws IOException { return 1; } @Override public DocIdSetIterator iterator() { return it; } @Override public String toString() { return "FakeScorer(cost=" + it.cost() + ")"; } } private static class FakeScorerSupplier extends ScorerSupplier { private final long cost; private final Boolean randomAccess; FakeScorerSupplier(long cost) { this.cost = cost; this.randomAccess = null; } FakeScorerSupplier(long cost, boolean randomAccess) { this.cost = cost; this.randomAccess = randomAccess; } @Override public Scorer get(boolean randomAccess) throws IOException { if (this.randomAccess != null) { assertEquals(this.toString(), this.randomAccess, randomAccess); } return new FakeScorer(cost); } @Override public long cost() { return cost; } @Override public String toString() { return "FakeLazyScorer(cost=" + cost + ",randomAccess=" + randomAccess + ")"; } } public void testConjunctionCost() { Map<Occur, Collection<ScorerSupplier>> subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } subs.get(RandomPicks.randomFrom(random(), Arrays.asList(Occur.FILTER, Occur.MUST))).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42)); assertEquals(42, new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 0).cost()); subs.get(RandomPicks.randomFrom(random(), Arrays.asList(Occur.FILTER, Occur.MUST))).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(12)); assertEquals(12, new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 0).cost()); subs.get(RandomPicks.randomFrom(random(), Arrays.asList(Occur.FILTER, Occur.MUST))).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(20)); assertEquals(12, new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 0).cost()); } public void testDisjunctionCost() throws IOException { Map<Occur, Collection<ScorerSupplier>> subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42)); ScorerSupplier s = new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 0); assertEquals(42, s.cost()); assertEquals(42, s.get(random().nextBoolean()).iterator().cost()); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(12)); s = new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 0); assertEquals(42 + 12, s.cost()); assertEquals(42 + 12, s.get(random().nextBoolean()).iterator().cost()); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(20)); s = new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 0); assertEquals(42 + 12 + 20, s.cost()); assertEquals(42 + 12 + 20, s.get(random().nextBoolean()).iterator().cost()); } public void testDisjunctionWithMinShouldMatchCost() throws IOException { Map<Occur, Collection<ScorerSupplier>> subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(12)); ScorerSupplier s = new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 1); assertEquals(42 + 12, s.cost()); assertEquals(42 + 12, s.get(random().nextBoolean()).iterator().cost()); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(20)); s = new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 1); assertEquals(42 + 12 + 20, s.cost()); assertEquals(42 + 12 + 20, s.get(random().nextBoolean()).iterator().cost()); s = new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 2); assertEquals(12 + 20, s.cost()); assertEquals(12 + 20, s.get(random().nextBoolean()).iterator().cost()); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(30)); s = new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 1); assertEquals(42 + 12 + 20 + 30, s.cost()); assertEquals(42 + 12 + 20 + 30, s.get(random().nextBoolean()).iterator().cost()); s = new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 2); assertEquals(12 + 20 + 30, s.cost()); assertEquals(12 + 20 + 30, s.get(random().nextBoolean()).iterator().cost()); s = new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 3); assertEquals(12 + 20, s.cost()); assertEquals(12 + 20, s.get(random().nextBoolean()).iterator().cost()); } public void testDuelCost() throws Exception { final int iters = atLeast(1000); for (int iter = 0; iter < iters; ++iter) { Map<Occur, Collection<ScorerSupplier>> subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } int numClauses = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1, 10); int numShoulds = 0; int numRequired = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numClauses; ++j) { Occur occur = RandomPicks.randomFrom(random(), Occur.values()); subs.get(occur).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(random().nextInt(100))); if (occur == Occur.SHOULD) { ++numShoulds; } else if (occur == Occur.FILTER || occur == Occur.MUST) { numRequired++; } } boolean needsScores = random().nextBoolean(); if (needsScores == false && numRequired > 0) { numClauses -= numShoulds; numShoulds = 0; subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).clear(); } if (numShoulds + numRequired == 0) { // only negative clauses, invalid continue; } int minShouldMatch = numShoulds == 0 ? 0 : TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 0, numShoulds - 1); Boolean2ScorerSupplier supplier = new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, needsScores, minShouldMatch); long cost1 = supplier.cost(); long cost2 = supplier.get(false).iterator().cost(); assertEquals("clauses=" + subs + ", minShouldMatch=" + minShouldMatch, cost1, cost2); } } // test the tester... public void testFakeScorerSupplier() { FakeScorerSupplier randomAccessSupplier = new FakeScorerSupplier(random().nextInt(100), true); expectThrows(AssertionError.class, () -> randomAccessSupplier.get(false)); FakeScorerSupplier sequentialSupplier = new FakeScorerSupplier(random().nextInt(100), false); expectThrows(AssertionError.class, () -> sequentialSupplier.get(true)); } public void testConjunctionRandomAccess() throws IOException { Map<Occur, Collection<ScorerSupplier>> subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } // If sequential access is required, only the least costly clause does not use random-access subs.get(RandomPicks.randomFrom(random(), Arrays.asList(Occur.FILTER, Occur.MUST))).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42, true)); subs.get(RandomPicks.randomFrom(random(), Arrays.asList(Occur.FILTER, Occur.MUST))).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(12, false)); new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 0).get(false); // triggers assertions as a side-effect subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } // If random access is required, then we propagate to sub clauses subs.get(RandomPicks.randomFrom(random(), Arrays.asList(Occur.FILTER, Occur.MUST))).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42, true)); subs.get(RandomPicks.randomFrom(random(), Arrays.asList(Occur.FILTER, Occur.MUST))).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(12, true)); new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 0).get(true); // triggers assertions as a side-effect } public void testDisjunctionRandomAccess() throws IOException { // disjunctions propagate for (boolean randomAccess : new boolean[] {false, true}) { Map<Occur, Collection<ScorerSupplier>> subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42, randomAccess)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(12, randomAccess)); new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 0).get(randomAccess); // triggers assertions as a side-effect } } public void testDisjunctionWithMinShouldMatchRandomAccess() throws IOException { Map<Occur, Collection<ScorerSupplier>> subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } // Only the most costly clause uses random-access in that case: // most of time, we will find agreement between the 2 least costly // clauses and only then check whether the 3rd one matches too subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42, true)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(12, false)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(30, false)); new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 2).get(false); // triggers assertions as a side-effect subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } // When random-access is true, just propagate subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42, true)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(12, true)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(30, true)); new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 2).get(true); // triggers assertions as a side-effect subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42, true)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(12, false)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(30, false)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(20, false)); new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 2).get(false); // triggers assertions as a side-effect subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42, true)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(12, false)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(30, true)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(20, false)); new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 3).get(false); // triggers assertions as a side-effect } public void testProhibitedRandomAccess() throws IOException { for (boolean randomAccess : new boolean[] {false, true}) { Map<Occur, Collection<ScorerSupplier>> subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } // The MUST_NOT clause always uses random-access subs.get(Occur.MUST).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42, randomAccess)); subs.get(Occur.MUST_NOT).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1, 100), true)); new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, random().nextBoolean(), 0).get(randomAccess); // triggers assertions as a side-effect } } public void testMixedRandomAccess() throws IOException { for (boolean randomAccess : new boolean[] {false, true}) { Map<Occur, Collection<ScorerSupplier>> subs = new EnumMap<>(Occur.class); for (Occur occur : Occur.values()) { subs.put(occur, new ArrayList<>()); } // The SHOULD clause always uses random-access if there is a MUST clause subs.get(Occur.MUST).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(42, randomAccess)); subs.get(Occur.SHOULD).add(new FakeScorerSupplier(TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1, 100), true)); new Boolean2ScorerSupplier(null, subs, true, 0).get(randomAccess); // triggers assertions as a side-effect } } }